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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Arcus was confused as to why Raiven started to cry. When she said why Arcus ran forward and held her close to his chest. "Raiven when I find out who did this I will zap them so hard I will burn away there electrons." Arcus started rubbing her back, and saying soothing words. "Shhh Raiven, I'm here I will find who did this. Shhhh Raiven it will be okay." Arcus said trying to comfort her.

Raiven Darktower

Raiven picked up her trombone case. Raiven gently set in on a table to open it. When she looked inside she started to scream and cry. Her beloved instrument was in pieces. She hadn't left it like that. Her legs gave way as she hit the floor, tears rolling down her face 

"M-m-my beloved instrument" she choked out, her shirt beginning to soak with the tears "Who did this?"

Fern Vinison

Fern smiled "Thank you very much, I have skill with poisons and I want to learn more" She looked at his book with an expression of mild curiosity "Whatcha reading about" she asked in her usual cheerful tone "I'm only here to pass the time until my cousin's back from the fair"

Fern Vinison

Fern smiled "Thank you very much, I have skill with poisons and I want to learn more" She looked at his book with an expression of mild curiosity "Whatcha reading about" she asked in her usual cheerful tone "I'm only here to pass the time until my cousin's back from the fair"


Isaac is a little annoyed that she keeps disturbing his study and it can be felt but he says" It's expert alchemy i need to learn the formula's give my work and i'm glad you have some one here my dumbass roommates have gone somewhere well not that it's my concern their old enough to make their own choices".
Darius looks over at Ruby and notices blood coming out of her mouth. He runs over and carries her to the entrance of the cave. "Ray, do you have something to help heal her wounds?" As he looked around her body for anything that be deemed fatal, he saw a curse mark that looks like it was in the process of forming. "Oh great, another curse mark?" Darius looks over as the master hunter and asks him, "Gelzin, do you know which mark this is? I've never seen it before in any of the books I've read."

@Leo Radomir

Raiven Darktower

"How can I play in the band now?" She was still crying as she snuggled Arcus. Her face resembled a tomato from the amount of tears pouring down her face. 

Her instrument was sacred to her. She removed her smart shirt to reveal her sports top beneath it. SHe looked into the case again and cried more "D-din]t you say Aubrey might try s-something
@Anyone Online
Yeah, but I am gonna take care of it. Just let me comfort you." Arcus leaned forward and gently wiped away the tears. He then placed his lips gently onto Raiven's and pulled he onto his lap. Arcus slowly moved his lips against Raiven's, and licked her lips asking for entrance.

Raiven Darktower

Raiven parted her lips, granting him the chance to give her the comfort needed. She melted into him, letting him take her weight "Don't hurt her too bad, save some for me. I'll ask daddy for a new instrument to be sent here. I have two spares at home."

A fellow band student had returned her phone to her room so she pulled it out of her bag 

"Hey daddy, can you send me one of my spare trombones? My one got broken by some twit"

She hit send, cuddling up against Arcus's form.

"I was going to play 'This is Gospel'"

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Luna just looked at her sister" RUBY" she yelled as she ran after her sister as she remember the mark" i know that mark" she say as she had a dark look on her face" thats how my mother died my real mother i mean" she say as she just freaked out a bit as she looked at her sister' i can't lose my sister she's all i have she's my only family left" mr Darius please help my sister" she say as she walked up to her" you'll be okay your gonna make it just don't die on me don't die on me like mom did" she say as she just hiccup she was holding back her tears she just knew what she had to do" i couldn't save mom but i can save you i can make indrediats to save you big sister just stay with me" she say @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
"WHAT!?" shouted Darius. 'That's the same mark that killed her!? The only other person I know that can do that was...no, no, it can't be that much of a coinsidence.'  "I know of a few charms that can help slow down the process, but I don't think it'll fully lift it." Darius started chanting a spell and a  halo of light appeared above Ruby. The light was able to hit the curse mark, it didn't stop it, but it did slow down the process. "There, that should give her a few hours until we can find a way to lift this curse."

Inside the Academy, a young women walks along the halls, taking in the new school smell. Her skin was a light shade of tan, her hair was silver and her eyes were crimson. Her outfit comprised of a black short sleeved shirt, black jeans and grey ankle boots. As she was looking around, she heard someone crying, she walked over to what appears to be some sort of music room, and calls out to two other students. "Hello there," she shouted. "Do you know where the headmaster's office is, I was told I was to meet with him to get everything set up. Oh, I should introduce myself, I'm your new teacher in this school, Xena Artorias. So, what's up?"

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Anyone Online

@Leo Radomir

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Raiven Darktower

Raiven looked up, wiping her eyes "Someone broke my trombone because they're jealous of me being in a relationship with someone they love" She gestured to the deep purple case that lay on the table "Raiven Darktower, Band President and Trombone player"

She rested herself against Arcus, observing the new teacher from a safe distance.

Luna just looked at him as she sighed" what can i do to help she's my sister after all i can make potions with my plants stuff like that i need to help her" she say looking at him as she just sighed" i do anything to save my sister even if i have to go face my father" she say as she just sighed" when i lost my mother i lost everything i lost my friend now i can't lose my sister she's the only family i have left i have no one else beside your family" she say as she looked at him as she just looked at her sister as she was worried she will lose her like she lost her mother she just was trying to calm down she looked at him" let me help my sister please" she say to him as she was getting angry @ShadowSaber331
"WHAT!?" shouted Darius. 'That's the same mark that killed her!? The only other person I know that can do that was...no, no, it can't be that much of a coinsidence.'  "I know of a few charms that can help slow down the process, but I don't think it'll fully lift it." Darius started chanting a spell and a  halo of light appeared above Ruby. The light was able to hit the curse mark, it didn't stop it, but it did slow down the process. "There, that should give her a few hours until we can find a way to lift this curse."

Inside the Academy, a young women walks along the halls, taking in the new school smell. Her skin was a light shade of tan, her hair was silver and her eyes were crimson. Her outfit comprised of a black short sleeved shirt, black jeans and grey ankle boots. As she was looking around, she heard someone crying, she walked over to what appears to be some sort of music room, and calls out to two other students. "Hello there," she shouted. "Do you know where the headmaster's office is, I was told I was to meet with him to get everything set up. Oh, I should introduce myself, I'm your new teacher in this school, Xena Artorias. So, what's up?"

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Anyone Online

@Leo Radomir


Ahunt/ruby's eyes went purple and the curse mark still pulses fairly fast and ahunt/ruby's mana starts to go nuts and attack randomly some of it hitting stuff some completely missing or partly missing and the joint darkness with their memory's and other selves them both says" i remember part of it now it's because of them filthy backstabbing fallen angels and demons humans only saving their own useless behinds why should we keep suffering through the ages we don't ask a lot but this time we deserve some justice for the suffering we've endured". Spirit form good ruby is making her way into ahunt's deepest world attacking and defending as she pushes forward forcing her mana to produce quicker she hated doing this because it's the kind of crap fools do but right now she's desperate.

Ray see this happening and shouts" Luna quickly get back in your current condition if you get hit you might end up in a coma for years their darkest emotions are coming out after years of slowly pushing through we need a very strong barrier this is going to get a lot more ugly before it gets better and there's no telling what will happen in this form of there's i haven't even seen this form before"  

Hanako Miakori

Hanako cursed her stupidity, she should have never accepted this project. What sort of fool played with the barrier between the real and spirit worlds. Hanako did, and she was now regretting it.

"Daremo orosu hi ga kuru yo (The day has come to take everyone down)"  Hanako exclaimed as she sent another one of the creatures flying with a well-placed hammer blow. She stood in the plain with a giant hammer, taking the creatures out as they approached. As a wave of them approached her she abandoned the hammer, absorbing the light back into her body, reforming it instantly into a katana.

Luna just looked at him as she frowned she was still hurt but had to listen to her boyfriend she went to him" do you think she'll be okay i can't lose my sister she my only family i have left" she say as she just hold his hand" okay ray" she say as she just smiled looking around as she just sit far away from her sister she was so worried about her sister than anything she just sighed looking up she just lay on the ground her bandage was bleeding she was putting too much stress on her injury she just sighed she had to save her sister some how she just lay on the ground she was getting stressed @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331

Hazel just was at the house as she grabbed her bag as she sighed' great now i have to walk to school and i'll be late' she thought at luka grabbing for her phone' raiven can you tell the teachers i'll be late with luka cause we gotta walk to school and ray is busy something going on so we are walking to schoo so see you in few hours' she texted her friend' You ready luka i don't really want to walk to school but i have aditions today' she signed as she just sighed she don't like walking to school like this it was pretty far for her to walk she just stretched a bit as she was looking around @Eternal Dragonchild
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"I sense a disturbance in the material plain. A massive surge of energy that's about to destroy everything." Reno felt it as well, and recognizes it was Ruby's, he creates a portal and was about to enter it until Equinox stops him. "Let me go, I have to help them," he shouted. "You still have one more trial to complete, I will go and help your friend." Reno looked at him with a quizzical look. How could someone like him help his friends and still train him? it was then he got his answer, when Equinox split himself into two different entities. "I'll be back Tenebris. Make sure he completes his two other trials." "Of course Lux, be careful out there." Lux goes through the portal and closes it behind him, there he sees someone trying to fight back the power. "Stand back," he shouted. Lux creates a barrier to keep the energy inside, hoping to contain it before it becomes too unstable.

"Tenebris and Lux...latin for dark and light respectively," Reno commented. "Yes, we are brothers Lux and I. By ourselves we're two different entities, but together, we become Equinox, the guardian of balance." Tenebris tapped the ground with his scythe, and a gate appears. "Now, are you ready to take the trial of the soul?" Reno nodded in response, but he felt a little weak. He collapses from exhaustion and is out cold. "I'll take that as a no, ah well, well continues this tomorrow."

@Leo Radomir

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Raphael Moreau


Once more, these are those times where I black out. I have no control over when or why it happens, it just does. Once I regain my composure, I had realized I had been abandoned. I would then teleport back into my room. Once more, I dispersed myself, I made myself weak again. As my eyes and ears, entities of "me," left to scour the continent for information I need. In times like these, it is music that calms me, occupies my mind. 

I teleported to the band room, naturally thinking there is a piano there. I would then see Raiven, Arcus, and some teaching talking amongst each other. However, I had lost interest as the pull of the piano had brought me to it. I'd remove the cover and elevate the 2nd cover to make the sound to be amplified. Solemnly, I'd put my hands on the keys. I would then play Hungarian Rhapsody No 2. - Franz Liszt, as I would start off slowly. As the melody would be mournful, such a concentration on my music even made me shed a tear to how beautiful the sound was. I didn't even pay attention to what was happening outside, as if I was automated, no expression, just the movement of hands. As the piece transition out of the sad, mournful part, it moved, slowly, towards a more joyous melodic tone. Soon, the piece got faster, and faster, and faster! With the tempo moving along, my expression changed. However, it was a long piece, so perhaps I must leave room for a reaction.

@Anyone Online

@Eternal Dragonchild
"Someone trashed your Trombone? Don't worry, I got this." Xena uses her abilities to mend the Trombone back to what it originally was before it was destroyed. "There we go," she said with a bright smile. "Perks of having the ability to control metal." Xena later heard the sound of a piano playing at a steady pace and noticed a young boy on it. The sound of the melody was enticing, on point, and it impressed her by how he was able to keep the pacing of it without even screwing up once. When the performance was over, she started to clap. "Wow, that was amazing," said Xena. "I've never seen someone play Hungarian Rhapsody with such precision, such concentration." Xena returned to her usual composure and introduced herself. "Anyway, my name is Xena Artorias, I'm the new teacher here in this school. By the way, does any of you know where the headmaster's office is? I gotta meet with him so that I can go through orientation and become a part of the faculty." She really needed to get to the headmaster's office ASAP, but seeing as the school was large enough to rival that of the labyrinth, it was going to be a while. She hopes that one of the students present might point her in the right direction.

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Anyone Online

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Luna just looked around as she had to get to school she just smiled as she telported to the school as she had auditions she just smiled she went to the music room but bumped into someone she dropped her books she didn't know how to help her sister since she was poweless until she is healed the only thing she could do is telport she just looked at lady" i'm sorry i didn't see you there" she say as she looked at her' why do i feel like i know her from somewhere" excuse me but do i know you" she say as she just looked at the woman as she just smiled she had a feeling she knew her she just pick up her books up" i'm Luna lotus nice to meet ya" she say as she smiled @ShadowSaber331

Raiven Darktower

"Thank you so very much" She smiled at Xena "You've saved our line-up for the marching band contest" She picked up her trombone and rested it on her shoulder. "Hey, Raphael. Please don't play, I gave you the chance to play yours, it's only fair"

She saw Luna and smiled "Perfect timing, You can find the violins in the instrument room. String Instruments, near the front "

She took a deep breath and played 'This is Gospel.' She'd promised Arcus she'd play it.

As she played she closed her eyes, spark slowly beginning to fly off her, gaining in number as she reached the end of the song. As she played the final note her lightning powers were almost back to normal.

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"You're welcome Raiven, anything to help a family friend." Xena was a bit surprised to here that the school band was still around after all this time. "Wait, the band still plays," she asked. "Man, it's been a long time since I was a part of it during my Elite years. Damn I feel old." Xena suddenly felt someone bump into her and turned around to find Luna behind her. "Luna, long time no see," she said as she gave her a tight hug. "It's me, Xena, Reno's older sister...though with how my mother looks, probably not that believable." Xena took a seat and listened to Raiven play on her Trombone as lightning filled the room increasing as she kept playing. When Raiven stopped, Xena was awestruck. "Wow, like father like daughter I suppose," she commented. "Dad used to tell Reno and I about how your father used to be the leader of the band years ago, and trust me when I say...he really talks a lot for someone his age."


@Eternal Dragonchild
"Homura you two will have to take a rain check on dinner. You both need to train, especially you. Your powers are far from where they were if you can only launch three attacks before passing out" he said sternly to his nephew. He knew the only way to get his nephew back to being himself again was to reconnect his two halves and get his magic origin back "Go see the wise one in the cave off campus. I can assume you know where that old lizard is" he said mentioning the ancient red dragon living under the academy "He is necessary if you wish to learn how to fight using dragon magic" he said before pulling out a tablet and typing more calculations in. "Clair it's time you and I started your straining as well. Control won't be easy and I won't be going easy on you either" he said before grabbing Clair by the shoulders and leading her out of the room. 

@Mr Swiftshots 

Homura decided he would get some fresh air but he needed a bath first. After taking his shower he got dressed in his usual outfit and went out to see the band rooms practice since his friends were apart of it. Or at least Raiven was. When he arrived he felt a presence he was sure he'd felt before but then it felt immediately foreign "Hey guys how's it going. What did I miss. Everyone here looks like a mess" he said gesturing to everyone's generally tired looking expressions "Oh hello I don't think we've met before. I'm Homura Hiyashi. It's a pleasure to meet a new face" he said holding his hand out for a handshake with the strange new woman standing with his friends.

@ShadowSaber331 @Anyone Online @Eternal Dragonchild @Zeldafangirl
Ruby on the roof singing" Walk the path of the twilight feel the surfaces as you stumble as long as you stay strong you will continue to pull through the darkness that is ahead, sway with the waves of destiny we will be your wings when you feel you have no wings to call your own, we want you to be the princess of the spirit realm you were meant to be neither overly overly nor a tyrant dancing to the moonlight enchant friend and foe alike turn the ugly into something beautiful" " and we the servants of the spirit princess dance with you and spread that happiness the world  so clearly needs from now picture us as always by your side because you're loved more than you and were sorry for your pain and suffering but now you've met the white which all should start to fall into place and remember no matter how far you fall we know of all people you have what it takes backup".  A couple of minutes after the song ended mana starts to spread over the whole school and give life back to sick and dying creatures and for the first time in ages ruby cry's some tears of happiness and relief she's also sweating a fair bit from the new ability being used for the first time but she didn't care some of the animals even came up to her. ' i wonder how haniko after the mess with the land between i still don't know how she got their but out of all of the women she's become the most important outside of luna and lillianna' ' i'm starting to understand why ahunt has so much hatred for the fallen angels and even so humans who wouldn't after that but what i don't get is how did i go so ugly so fast their world almost seemed like a place all could enjoy but then again even as wise as i'm i sometimes miss the small things' '  I still can't forgive them both just yet but after all being in that world i can understand to a point why some people are that way and even there's things i don't like acting bratty about won't change things'

"Hi Homura, I'm Xena Artorias, your new teacher," she said in an annoyed voice while shaking Homura's hand. "Or at least I will be if someone told me where the headmaster's office is. I've asked around, but nobody has given me an answer. Hell, I've asked these students here and they haven't given me an answer." Electricity started to surge out of her body as her anger started to get worse. She started to breath deeply to calm herself down, trying not to accidentally kill the students due to her fury. "Sorry about that, I tend to go bat shit insane whenever I get angry," she explains. "I guess I got that from my mom...speaking of family, has any of you seen my little brother, Reno?"

Darius was shocked to see what had happened and wanted to check on Ruby. He turns to Lux and gives him his thanks before he disappears. As Darius looks around, he notices that Luna's not around, he thought about the worst, but realized her twenty-four hour head start didn't end yet. He looks over to Ray and tells him, "Ray, I need you to take Hazel and Luka back to the school, and find Luna. Odds are she has returned there as well."

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Anyone Online



@Leo Radomir
"Hi Homura, I'm Xena Artorias, your new teacher," she said in an annoyed voice while shaking Homura's hand. "Or at least I will be if someone told me where the headmaster's office is. I've asked around, but nobody has given me an answer. Hell, I've asked these students here and they haven't given me an answer." Electricity started to surge out of her body as her anger started to get worse. She started to breath deeply to calm herself down, trying not to accidentally kill the students due to her fury. "Sorry about that, I tend to go bat shit insane whenever I get angry," she explains. "I guess I got that from my mom...speaking of family, has any of you seen my little brother, Reno?"

Darius was shocked to see what had happened and wanted to check on Ruby. He turns to Lux and gives him his thanks before he disappears. As Darius looks around, he notices that Luna's not around, he thought about the worst, but realized her twenty-four hour head start didn't end yet. He looks over to Ray and tells him, "Ray, I need you to take Hazel and Luka back to the school, and find Luna. Odds are she has returned there as well."

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Anyone Online



@Leo Radomir

Ray grins and says" sure i'll take them back and why don't you come as for luna a bit stupid and careless but i got her to listen so she's probably back at school like you said, this war is far from over though and i hope your idiot son has finally learned his lesson when he comes back". Ray quickly rip open a portal and waits for the others to come so he can take them back to school.

Isaac in his lab at the back of the school working on the new forula he just finished learning and smiles widely his shop nice and clean and organized his weapons and shields and other things in the best condition they can be in, steam coming from the chimney as the wood burns gently and travels across campus.

Xix breaks into the spirit realm and quickly tracks haniko scent but some creatures try and ambush her she cuts them down but much bigger and faster creatures not far behind after ten minutes or so of running she finds haniko and says" No time to chat were going the big nasty's have come out to play and your weapons aren't going to cut it for many of them". She rips open a portal and jumps in and hopes that haniko isn't far behind her.
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Homura got mental alerts after Xenas outburst and his body went into almost immediate battle mode. He calmed down before anyone noticed by he only knew one other person who did that before and that was Raivens cousin Mhikail. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Artorias. I can take you there if you like Im not really on the band so I don't have much to do" he said smiling half heartedly. He didn't know who she was but he didn't want to take any chances "So I'm just curious by the way. Are you related to Reno Artorius by chance" he asked while he took out his phone and texted Reno *Someone with your last name just showed up at the school. She says her name is Xena. Thought I'd let you know* he hit send quickly and stuck his phone in his pocket. He quickly gestured in the direction out of the band hall for Xena and began to lead her out "Righht this way ms Artorias. It will only take us maybe 10 minutes to get there" he said thinking of ways to confirm who she was.

@ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild @Anyone Online @Zeldafangirl
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Xena facepalmed at Homura's question. "I just asked if someone saw him, and I thought he was hardheaded," she said. "Anyway, thanks for taking me over there. I swear this place makes the labyrinth look like an easy maze to figure out." As she walked with Homura to the headmaster's office, she wondered if Homura had any relatives here. "Anyway, in case you, or anyone else, didn't get the obvious hints, yes, I'm related to Reno. He's my little brother." Xena noticed Darius from afar and shouted at him. "Dad!" Darius looked to see who called him "Dad" and saw his oldest child. "Xena, how are you? What are you doing here?" Xena ran over to Darius and gave him a tight hug. She lets go of him and meets his gaze. "I'm the new teacher here in this school. Isn't it great, I get to keep an eye on my little bro during his last year here...speaking of which, where is he?" Darius took a deep breath and told her what happened, from how he revoked his own Elite title, and left for the spirit realm to train. "Classic Reno, always feeling like he doesn't deserve something until he's earned it." "Indeed, anyway, I'm here to meet up with Ray, but it looks like he isn't back with the other students yet. Anyway, Homura, how's Clair and Magnus doing?"

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