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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Arcus got the text from Aubrey. He flashed in the cafeteria with a mad look on his face. "Aubrey why did you do that to Ravien's trombone." Arcus said as he got close to Aubrey where his lips almost touching hers. His chest was touching hers and Arcus knew Aubrey could feel his breath.
Aubrey Dark

"Simple I wanted you two apart" She leant forwards and kissed him "Plus she's rubbish at playing trombone. You need someone talented, beautiful and sexy. Not that chimp" 

She draped herself over Arcus, pressing up against his chest. 

@Anyone Online
Arcus didn't stop the kiss when Aubrey kissed him. When she pressed herself against him, Arcus lost it. He pinned Aubrey on the table with a predatory look in his eyes. Arcus then let out a growl and kissed Aubrey. His tongue pushed through her lips and started exploring her mouth. His hand started rubbing her thigh.
(Lol whut)

Raiven flashed to the cafeteria, trying to get the sound of a flute out of her ears. She stumbled into Arcus, draping herself over him. She leant over him, kissing his neck until she saw Aubrey.

She turned and walked over to the rest of the band, picking up a glass of pop and sitting with them, making it obvious that she was annoyed.

Aubrey smirked when Raiven left "And my plan's worked. It's your fault. She saw this" She pulled Arus closer, unbuttoning her shirt

@Anyone Online
Arcus couldn't help it. His animal instincts told him to continue but he knew he shouldn't. He trailed kisses down to Aubrey's neck and started biting and sucking her pulse. His hand still rubbing her thigh.
Raiven barged into Arcus, knocking him clear off Aubrey. She grabbed hold of Arcus and kissed him, sliding her arms around him. She sat astride his chest, glaring into his eyes "I thought you loved me, but you were doing that with her"

@Anyone Online
Arcus flipped over and pinned Raiven to the floor. He light bit her ear, before he moved to her lips and pushed his tongue through her lips ravishing her mouth. He then moved to her neck and sucked and not her pulse like a life line.
2 hours ago, Anyone Online said:

Arcus flipped over and pinned Raiven to the floor. He light bit her ear, before he moved to her lips and pushed his tongue through her lips ravishing her mouth. He then moved to her neck and sucked and not her pulse like a life line.



"A bit -public, is it not" Raiven asked, resting her head against his, watching Aubrey with careful eyes "She's cute, I'll give her that" Aubrey got up from the table

"Perhaps I can help" She stated, forming a metal dome over the three of them "Privacy secured"
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"Both of us. I guess this can work"  Raiven giggled as Aubrey nodded in agreement (fade 2 black)
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Arcus kissed Raiven one more time, and Aubrey one more time too. He looked at the two girls and smiled. The animalistic look still in his eyes, but he can control it now.
Raiven locked eyes with Aubrey "Screw with my trombone again and I'll kill you. Then, I 'll reincarnate you and kill you again" she gave a sweet smile before leaning into Aubrey for a quick kiss. She smiled, breaking the kiss gently

Aubrey smiled, buttoning Raiven's shirt for her "I understand, I'm sorry"

Both girls looked at Arcus with a smile, linking fingers. Raiven was the first to look away "Could you two help me carry the buffet food up to the music rooms"

@Anyone Online
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"Hmm,Those three have proven to be quiet a team, don't you agr...huh?" Lux noticed that Ruby and Hanako were gone while the battle to determine the school's fate was still going. "Wow, you let two girls out of your sight," asked Tenebris. "Goes to show how much of a great dad you'll be...well, if you ever get kids I mean." Lux and Tenebris fused together and traced Ruby and Hanako's mana. When he managed to get a lock on them, he teleports to their current location. "Eh hem, I don't know if you two noticed, but there is still a battle going on outside!!!" Lux separated from his brother and chimed in as well. "The least you could do is give them your support."

Liliana looked over to Luna. Her expression showed that she was worried about something very important. Sighing, she puts the book and tells her, "If it's something important Luna, go. The potion making can wait for now."


@Eternal Dragonchild
"We can be, if my instrument is left alone" Raiven lifted several trays of sandwiches, placing them in Arcus's arms "Music room 4 with these." She and Aubrey picked up the rest of the trays, transporting them to the appropriate room.

@Anyone Online

Hanako frowned, a piece ofDango between her lips as she was prepared to take a bite. "First of all, get out. Second of all knock, third and finally, it's a sacred match" She set the Dango down on the plate before erecting a screen of light in between the two groups. It solidified into a pane of pure energy, unbreakable.

Arcus followed the checking them both out along the way. He blushed at the thought of both of the girls kissing, and holding him. Arcus shook his head to get those thoughts out of it. When he got to the room, he sat the sandwiches down, and sat on one of the open chairs. He zoned out not paying attention to surrounding area.

"We can be, if my instrument is left alone" Raiven lifted several trays of sandwiches, placing them in Arcus's arms "Music room 4 with these." She and Aubrey picked up the rest of the trays, transporting them to the appropriate room.

@Anyone Online

Hanako frowned, a piece ofDango between her lips as she was prepared to take a bite. "First of all, get out. Second of all knock, third and finally, it's a sacred match" She set the Dango down on the plate before erecting a screen of light in between the two groups. It solidified into a pane of pure energy, unbreakable.


Ruby is eating a dango as well and then says" I twas till captain selfish butted in besides this is a good way to teach them both they have a long way to go ray has been in wars for years in very harsh places with me reno is a pillar for many and that's good to a point but even though ray is younger he has a greater understanding of creatures from the outside realms and many other things so he's better to rise as the leader of the elites one day". " Should ray go down then i'll help but I have no intention of breaking the rules of a dual otherwise this is why i'm glad they don't work in the kind of work I do".

Kika takes the damage from the first attacks but the ward protects him from the second barrage and he quickly unlashes a nasty rupture spell spreading over half of the field doing a fair bit of damage with in it's range and he smiles widely even though he's bleeding a bit more than he would like.

Ray manages to finally unleash the spells and the lusty witch chains his legs down but he's breathing fairly heaving from the damage from attack even though it wasn't a direct hit.
Luna just looked at her as she just smiled a bit" no it's okay its not important plus i think i already missed it i'll stay here with you don't worry um do you think big sister is okay i mean i haven't seen her yet i'm a little worried" i mean last time i saw big sister she was mad at me for trying to scarfice myself so can we go see her if she not that busy" she say as she just looked down bitting her lip as she just smiled a bit she was watching her as she was really wrried that her sisteer would be mad she didn't if she was going to forgive her for wanting to sarcfice herself to saver them she just sighed she just looked around" i want to telll her about what i decided to do" she say as she just messing with her fingers as her scar from her stepmother was showing a bit she hatted her scars she was emberresd for them she didn't like rembering what her step mother idd to her @ShadowSaber331
Lux phased through the light screen and laughed. "I control light, your powers have no effect on me." His demeanor then turned serious. "It may be a sacred match, but that doesn't mean you can't cheer them on," he stated. "Reno, Ray, and Homura need all the morale support they can get." Tenebris chimes in as well, though with something he knows might help. "Besides, I've been poking around in Reno's memories, he's hellbent on proving that he's strong enough to protect you Ruby." Tenebris sits down on one of the beds and continues his statement. "Though, I'm just gonna be honest here. Reno may be reckless, but he really does mean well, just like how you mean well even though you can be a total bitch at times." "Eh hem, point is, he loves you as much as you love him, and he's willing to go to great lengths to prove he's stronger than the world. It may be stupid, in a way, but love can make people do crazy things."

Reno was able to avoid taking full damage due to his defensive ward, though it left him fatigued a bit. 'Damn, that was his soul rupture attack...I hope everyone else didn't take full damage from that. It's said to be lethal enough to take out entire armies.' Reno noticed some chains wrapping around Nika's legs and figured it was time to attack. Making sure to keep his distance, he chants a spell that summons five spiritual swords, each of them hitting the ground that surrounds him. The swords started to glow, and the energy converged onto the center where Nika is in. It glowed even brighter, and a barrier was made around him. "Well, this is it, one of my many trump cards," he says with a smirk. "I call it the Soul Pentagram, enjoy the ride you sly bastard." With a snap of his fingers, a large column of light burst from the center, then, in ten seconds, it explodes. Reno watches carefully as the smoke clears to see if it did the trick, all while keeping his guard up in case of a surprise attack.

Liliana smiles and tells her, "Okay dear, go and tell her about your decision. Besides, I'm getting kinda hungry, I wonder if this school serves to old Alumni students."

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

10 minutes ago, Leo Radomir said:

Ruby is eating a dango as well and then says" I twas till captain selfish butted in besides this is a good way to teach them both they have a long way to go ray has been in wars for years in very harsh places with me reno is a pillar for many and that's good to a point but even though ray is younger he has a greater understanding of creatures from the outside realms and many other things so he's better to rise as the leader of the elites one day". " Should ray go down then i'll help but I have no intention of breaking the rules of a dual otherwise this is why i'm glad they don't work in the kind of work I do".


17 minutes ago, Anyone Online said:

Arcus followed the checking them both out along the way. He blushed at the thought of both of the girls kissing, and holding him. Arcus shook his head to get those thoughts out of it. When he got to the room, he sat the sandwiches down, and sat on one of the open chairs. He zoned out not paying attention to surrounding area.


Hanako smiled, leaning her head against Ruby's "I have some Sake, if you want to try some. I can also make terriyaki for us" She smiled, lifting her Dango towards Ruby "i have sweet chilli, it's nice. Try it". Hanako had a pure smile on her face as she looked in Ruby's eyes. She hadn't been this happy since she got her award back home. Suddenly she was washed over with memories from the academy, tears rolled down her cheeks as she was lost to the memories.

Raiven walked into the band room where everyone else was gathered "Food is now avaliable in practice room for everyone, auditions will resume afterwards."  Picking up her phone she text Luna "come by at 4 pm. I'll give you a 1-2-1 audition, we both had things get in the way" 



Luna just looked at her phone as she just smiled' i'm sorry i didn't meant to miss it dad trying to kill me and i'm trying to learn how to make potions i want to become a potion master" she say as she waent to the band room to get something to eat' maybe big sister is there i don't know ' wait i have two big sisters now' she thought as she giggled' guess i have to tell them both' she thought as she walked to the band room as she just got out her phone as she text her big sis ruby and her other big sister' hey can you meet me later on i got to tell you guys something it's nothing bad just come meet me in my dorm room or to get some coffee i like to talk to you guys about something okay i'm joining the band hopefully wish me luck' she texted them as she just smiled a bit @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
Lux phased through the light screen and laughed. "I control light, your powers have no effect on me." His demeanor then turned serious. "It may be a sacred match, but that doesn't mean you can't cheer them on," he stated. "Reno, Ray, and Homura need all the morale support they can get." Tenebris chimes in as well, though with something he knows might help. "Besides, I've been poking around in Reno's memories, he's hellbent on proving that he's strong enough to protect you Ruby." Tenebris sits down on one of the beds and continues his statement. "Though, I'm just gonna be honest here. Reno may be reckless, but he really does mean well, just like how you mean well even though you can be a total bitch at times." "Eh hem, point is, he loves you as much as you love him, and he's willing to go to great lengths to prove he's stronger than the world. It may be stupid, in a way, but love can make people do crazy things."

Reno was able to avoid taking full damage due to his defensive ward, though it left him fatigued a bit. 'Damn, that was his soul rupture attack...I hope everyone else didn't take full damage from that. It's said to be lethal enough to take out entire armies.' Reno noticed some chains wrapping around Nika's legs and figured it was time to attack. Making sure to keep his distance, he chants a spell that summons five spiritual swords, each of them hitting the ground that surrounds him. The swords started to glow, and the energy converged onto the center where Nika is in. It glowed even brighter, and a barrier was made around him. "Well, this is it, one of my many trump cards," he says with a smirk. "I call it the Soul Pentagram, enjoy the ride you sly bastard." With a snap of his fingers, a large column of light burst from the center, then, in ten seconds, it explodes. Reno watches carefully as the smoke clears to see if it did the trick, all while keeping his guard up in case of a surprise attack.

Liliana smiles and tells her, "Okay dear, go and tell her about your decision. Besides, I'm getting kinda hungry, I wonder if this school serves to old Alumni students."

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild


Ruby gently caresses haniko and turns then says" Love you say interesting sure a part of me did love him but that's before he almost got himself killed in his usual selfishness now you suddenly to just fall completely in love with him and yes i'm a total bitch at times but if I wasn't i'd probably be dead a long time ago, I respected his right to not want to talk about his past but yet he was always probing me or ahunt i'm a bloody hunter I protect people from the shadows i'm killed countless some innocents as well and the list of sins goes on". " showing luna the devotion with out being a cow at times is very hard because she frustrates me to no end". " i'm trying to understand my emotions and be fair but I've hardly ever been one to wear my heart on my sleeve so it's going to take me a while". " now quit being a lecturing aswipe and make sure your contracter doesn't die like mine would let me that is your job". 

The witch came out and starts to drain some of his energy but kinka is now bleeding a fair bit pretty pevved and starts unleashes a wave of none elemental energy and some of the chains are starting to break from the sheer magical force of his energy.
2 minutes ago, Leo Radomir said:

Ruby gently caresses haniko and turns then says" Love you say interesting sure a part of me did love him but that's before he almost got himself killed in his usual selfishness now you suddenly to just fall completely in love with him and yes i'm a total bitch at times but if I wasn't i'd probably be dead a long time ago, I respected his right to not want to talk about his past but yet he was always probing me or ahunt i'm a bloody hunter I protect people from the shadows i'm killed countless some innocents as well and the list of sins goes on". " showing luna the devotion with out being a cow at times is very hard because she frustrates me to no end". " i'm trying to understand my emotions and be fair but I've hardly ever been one to wear my heart on my sleeve so it's going to take me a while". " now quit being a lecturing aswipe and make sure your contracter doesn't die like mine would let me that is your job". 

The witch came out and starts to drain some of his energy but kinka is now bleeding a fair bit pretty pevved and starts unleashes a wave of none elemental energy and some of the chains are starting to break from the sheer magical force of his energy.


Hanako leant in and let her head rest against Ruby "I miss the smells of Morishogo academy. It smelt of cherry blossoms and fresh pine. I miss the dorms there, the tatami floors, the beds that you couldn't fall out of. The kotatsu in each room. We used to put our uniforms underneath to warm in the winter." 

She interlocked her fingers "All i have now is a photo album and a collection of videos" Raising a hand she wiped her eyes "I still keep my uniform, the school was managed by the local Shinto shrine so we used to wear the same as the priestesses, men wore pants instead of the skirts. Yes we wore traditional sandals and carried a bamboo pole, we used to hang lanterns from it"

"Look, as much as I want too, he's capable of handling himself," Tenebris said with a smirk. "Plus, I did some digging into his thought, he's constantly pushing people away because of his past. One that involves him oh...I don't know, killing all of his friends and loved-ones by accident." Lux turns around to face his brother with a look of distain. "Why are you mentioning this now!? He didn't want to talk about that for a reason!" "Not like it matters 'Oh no, Reno's a merciless killer, everybody run,' I swear, he views himself as a curse because where ever he goes, misfortune seems to follow." "Oh come on Tenebris, it can't be that bad." Tenebris laughed so hard he fell off the bed and was rolling around on the floor. He gets up and sits back down on it and looks at his brother with an entertained look on his face. "You're joking, right? We both saw his memories and we seen some nasty proof. Hazel and Luna getting shot, Raiven getting shot, and raped, Homura putting himself in a coma and losing his powers, the constant near death experiences he's went through. Yeah, it's pretty damn bad bro, he has a history of having death and destruction plague everybody and everything around him, I'm surprised history didn't repeat itself with you two...correction, one of you, might as well chalk 'Ruby losing interest to Reno' as one of them."

Reno noticed that the chains were breaking and retreated to gather his strength again. Placing an anti-magic field around him, he pulls out a potion he made back in sophomore year that he said could "allow a wizard to regain his stamina and mana during a battle." Feeling like it was his last resort, he drinks it, and later passes out, possibly from the side-effect of the potion.

Xena went back inside knowing that the others were inside as well and pulls out her phone. As she was looking through her messages, a new one from Luna shows up, telling her that she was joining the band and that she had something else to tell her. 'Okay Luna, I'll meet you in the cafeteria, I'm getting pretty hungry after that long trip. You should probably eat too, you'll need the nutrients for your wounds to heal properly.'

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

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Luna just looked at her phone as she just smiled as she just put her phone in her pocked as she just smiled she just walked to to the cafteria as she was humming a bit she just wanted to tell her big sister about her desion as she just was twirling with her hair she was nervous about telling them about her desion of becoming a potion master as she just looked at the food as she wasn't sure what to eat she just looked around for food as she just stretched looking around as she just smiled' i wonder what big sisster wil say' she thought as she just sit at a table as she was just waiting as her stomach growled as she looked at her stomach' it's okay Ms lilana gave me some tiype of potion to heal me i'm fine' she text her big sister as she was waiting for her to come to cafteria @ShadowSaber331

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