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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

11 hours ago, Anyone Online said:

Arcus just wrapped his arms around Raiven. "My Queen why don't we just go off by ourselves??" Arcus asked with a pleading look in his eyes. His eyes said she really didn't have a choice in the matter. Arcus took hold of Raiven, and flashed them to her room. "Now that we are alone I can do this." Arcus said as he kissed Raiven's lipps and pulled her close to his body.


"I miss him so much, I didn't know this level of pain was real" Raiven rested her head against his chest, listening to his heart beat "My mother's threatening to take me out of the academy" Raiveen pulled herself closer, feeling the warmth of his body as she kissed him.

10 hours ago, Zeldafangirl said:

Hazel just snuggled against her girlfriend as she was smiling as she was watching the movie with her girlfriend as she held her girl hand as she smiled as she just giggled' what is your mother is like i mean nevermind' she signed as she lay back down in her heart she felt loniness she felt bad she missed her mom tears came rolling down her face but she hid it she was being a bit shy around her girlfriend she just was looking at the subtitles as she forgot to give luka the necklace that she bought' i miss my mom so much i can't beilive she's gone all i have is raiven and her dad and luka and my other friends' she thought as she just yawned a bit rubbing her eyes @Eternal Dragonchild


Luka smiled, hugging Hazel "Love you" she signed" as she wiped away Hazel's tears "Don't cry, you'll make me cry" Luka kept close to Hazel, providing body heat
Arcus just numbly nodded. "I will not let that happened. I know the pain you're feeling I treat your dad like my father too." Arcus said as he responded to the kiss and held Raiven close. "If she even tries to take you I will fight her. I promise." Arcus said as he lightly kissed Raiven's forehead. He held her close, and rubbed her back in a soothing gesture.
Raiven smiled softly, looking towards her bed "He got me that bear, just before I started this year at the academy" A lone tear made its way down her face "I have so much to do now, I gotta call his work and inform them, gotta tell my mother, gotta tell Hazel and Fern, gotta bury him"

She let Arcus rub her back, feeling protected in his arms

@Anyone Online
Baby I will help you with these things. It's partially my fault too." Arcus said as a few tears fell from his eyes. "But I was serious when I will take your last name, and help you run hell." Joseph said as he thumbed away Raiven's tear, and kissed her fore head. He then wrapped his arms around Raiven again, and held her so she could hear his heartbeat and fall asleep.
Darius feeling no signs of the demons and angels, texted Raiven first, hoping to provide a ray of light. 'Raiven, Thought I'd text you about something I found out. Apparently a demon who goes by Utrengi the Pact Maker told me something that may be a bit shocking. The only way we can figure out why he's angry with Arlane and the other rulers of hell are to find ten books, each one should help explain the situation so we can quell his anger. Meet me outside of the school, I got a little surprised for you, and tell the other Elites. Oh, and if that bitch of a mother tries to do anything, well, once she finds out about Arlane's demise...well, your choice, use Osiris's powers and sap their life force, have me rupture their souls, or have Reno and I rip them a new one...for the fifteenth time in a row?'

@Eternal Dragonchild
"Reno is all about finding his soul, I can't find it myself. If his own daughter can't, what makes him think he'll be able to? It was ripped into shreds. He told me so himself before he passed" Raiven nuzzled closer, finding her favourite spot to sleep in with ease "It's impossible. What made my father who he was is gone. Reno's chasing an echo" Her phone buzzed and she swore. Pulling it up, she text Darius back "I just wanna sleep, let me sleep. I'm all cuddleds up now and no, i'm not getting up, i need the rest and the comfort of being with my boyfriend" 

@Anyone Online

Darius texted Raiven again, this time telling her an old secret. 'Fine, fine, though I am a bit surprised Arlane's soul's been destroyed since I couldn't sense it...damn, that's the fourth one today...woops, probably shouldn't have told you that.' 

@Eternal Dragonchild
Arcus let Raiven climb all over him to get comfortable. When Raiven got into usual position, Arcus wrapped his arms around her. He started singing the lullaby he sang to her when she is sad. Arcus started to sing it, as he held Raiven close, and started to rock a little bit. His voice going deeper, and higher with each note of the song. As Arcus finished the song, he realized how much it reminded him of Arlane, and cried a little bit.
21 minutes ago, Anyone Online said:

Arcus let Raiven climb all over him to get comfortable. When Raiven got into usual position, Arcus wrapped his arms around her. He started singing the lullaby he sang to her when she is sad. Arcus started to sing it, as he held Raiven close, and started to rock a little bit. His voice going deeper, and higher with each note of the song. As Arcus finished the song, he realized how much it reminded him of Arlane, and cried a little bit.


Raiven rested against him, closing her eyes as she fell asleep in his arms. She had one arm draped across his side, the other tucked up against her chest. She was snoring softly as she slept, legs wrapped around his to hold herself close. When he finished singing the song, she smiled involuntarily. It always made her happy
Arcus gave a small smile. He too succumbed to the peaceful thought of sleep. Arcus let out a few shaky breaths from his tears, and finally shut his eyes. Arcus fell into a deep sleep, and only had dreams of what he wanted to do with Raiven. His body relaxed letting all of his pent up emotions into his dreamless sleep. Arcus could only hope that he could be there for Raiven.


Luna Lotos 

Luna just looked at her big sister" really you'll train me sweet i'll train my hardest all i want to do is protect my family my friends i do anything to protect them" she say as she just looked at her sister as she just looked at her" my friends are important to me and my family and you" she say as she just looked at her sister" i really want to learn how use my magic i'm the only one in this school that don't know how to use magic" she say as she just looked at her" i do what you say i understand" she say as she looked up at her big sister as she hugged her as she smiled her hugs were like her mother as she just close her eyes a bit as she was enjoying it" i don't want to be lonely anymore i don't feel like it anymore i found my happiness" she say as she smiled @ShadowSaber331
"Wait, you don't know how to use magic...even though you've been in this school that's made to teach you how to use magic?" Xena asks. Xena figured that it was going to be a pain to train Luna, especially since she now knows that she hasn't gotten the basics down. "Look, your aura is that of nature right? That means you can control plants and summon animals," Xena explains. "Hell, you can create anything with that power. How is it you don't even know how to use magic, what was stopping you?"

Raiven woke with a start, zapping the hell out of Malzahn who growled in warning at her and Arcus.

"Sorry, buddy. Didn't mean to zap you" She stood up and walked to her wardrobe. From inside she pulled a pure white blouse, long black coat and a pair of black trousers. Once she was dressed she walked outside to look for Darius.

When she found him she stopped a few paces behind him and cleared her throat gently.


@Anyone Online

{Reference for the outfit}
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Darius looks behind him and finds Raiven. "Ah, Raiven, lovely as ever," he said. "Anyway, I wanted to wait until Reno's graduation, but now is as good a time as any, given the fact that this school has been attacked." Darius held onto Raiven and blinked about a hundred miles away from the school, in a remote area. Using his shadow abilities, he uncloaks what appears to be a average looking shack. "The shack is just a cover, come inside, the real surprise is inside."

@Eternal Dragonchild


Luna Lotus 

Luna just felt emberressed by it as she sighed" i been skipping class i was afraid i thought stepmother would come back for me my fear over took me i know i shouldn't have come here" she say as she looked down" even big sister don't know i skipped class i'm afraidto go i know stepmother is in jail but still i have a feeling that she break out thats what stopping me from learning magaic" she say as she just smiled looking at her" i know it wasn't right for me to skip class but i was really scared what if she come back and hurt me like she did to me when i was a kid" she say showing her the scars on her arms as she sighed she just looking around" you don't need to understand just help me" she say as she just tried to hold her tears @ShadowSaber331
Raiven stepped inside, followed closely by her father's slightly annoyed hellhound, Malzahn "He's a bit annoyed. I woke up in a fright and electrocuted him. He'll forgive me soon enough" She reached down to his level and ruffled his fur with one hand "Who's a good Hellhound, I know you miss him too but this attitude isn't helping either of us" She scolded the grumpy hound who tucked his tail between his legs and whined his complaints. Turning back to Darius, she straightened her coat out "What do you want to show me"

Darius opened the door, and behind it was an elevator, on the control box was a jar, that contained a soul. "This elevator leads to the Elite's base of operations, everything run by demons disguised as humans...except for living quarters, and this jar..." Darius waited a few seconds for curiosity to kick in before speaking again. "It contains a backup soul...guess who's?"

"Of course it's bad, you could have used that kind of magic to defend yourself," Xena shouted. "Plus, I'm sure Ruby knows about it by now." "Damn right I know about it now!" Ruby walks out from around the corner. "Okay, where did you come from?" "That's for me to know and for you to find out. Luna why did you hide this from me? I could have done something about it, I could have nipped that issue in the bud. Don't you even trust me!?"


@Eternal Dragonchild


Hazel Valarie 

Hazel just looked at her as she just smiled looking at he" sorry i just miss her you know my mother but i'm okay i have you as long i have you i'm okay" she signed as she just hugged her as she was being a bit shy she just don't know about raiven dad died her friends were her family she just poked her girlfrind as she snuggled with her as she just smiled looking at her she just kissed her as she want to cuddling with her' your are mine' she signed' i like you a lot' she  signed @Eternal Dragonchild 
"My fathers I guess" Malzahn walked over to Darius to sniff at the jar and sat on the floor whining, looking beseechingly at Raiven for help 

"I know Mal, i know you want your master back but he's gone. Come here" She scooped Malzahn up, bundling the hellhouns close as she smelt his fur... He smelt of fire, sulphur and brimstone

"We shouldn't keep him there, we should let him go so he's at peace. Even though I want him back, it wouldn't be right"

Luna looked at her sisters as she had her hide her face away" i do trust you i was just afraid i don't even know how to get through this you been kinda busy so i didn't say anything at all" she say as she just looked down she hated being yelled at as she was going through trama over her stepmother" i'm sorry" she say as she just sighed" am i in trouble am i grounded for skipping classes" she say as she just looked down she was messing with her hands" i suffored through stepmother hurting me that it affected me so i'm still trying to heal from that i'm just afraid that she come back i do trust you ruby more than anyone you took care of me gave me stuff" she say as she smiled she just tried to cover her ears she didn't like when her sisters pull her ears  @ShadowSaber331
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"Of course, but not yet, he has something to tell you." Darius opens the jar and the soul contained inside it comes out. As it slowly descends to the floor, it starts to take the shape of Arlane, before his apparent demise. "Well, technically it's a duplicate of Arlane's soul. It was an ancient skill that was said to counter the effects of having one's soul ruptured. Before he came to me with one of his visions, I visited the sisters and asked him how he will die, which they answered with 'soul rupture.' Though it wasn't easy, if you get even the slightest parameter wrong, the soul will be like a clean slate." He looks over at Arlane and tells both him and Raiven, "Now may be a good time to get your affairs in order, then I'll have to send him down to his throne room in hell to announce the new heir, for they don't know about it as well."

Ruby looked at Luna for a bit before sighing. "Look, I'm not mad, I just feel betrayed, and even if mother comes back, I'll just kill her." "A bit extreme, isn't it?" "I've been wanting to kill her for the longest time for what she's been doing to us. If she comes back for Luna, I'll show no mercy."


@Eternal Dragonchild
"What are you talking about? None of this is making any sense to me" he said getting up off the ground to look at his friend "And I'm sorry but you mentioned a coma? How and when was I in a coma? Plus i don't even remember you entering my mind. If you are talking about Ifrit yea he's in here but he isn't trying to take control" he satiated as he tried to understand everything that was being said. Homura knew he awoke in that cave and he vaguely knew he was already in his graduation year at Sakura but being in a coma and the mention of another him in his mind was starting to give him a headache "Sorry but this is all to much right now. And Makoto was my uncle Magnus' and my moms youngest brother. Don't ever bring him up again or I will kill you regardless of who you are. We don't talk about him and neither should you!" He snapped at Reno. He remembered what his uncle Makoto had done to his sister when she was still young and when he tried to help her he almost died because of his uncles magic. He came back to reality "Sorry man...didn't mean to do that. He just gets me on edge" he said apologizing to Reno "Anyway man how can I help. I here we are looking for someone's soul but who ever it is can't be that hard to find right?" He said trying to sound cheerier.

Luna just looked at her sisters as she just sighed" i'm sorry okay" she say as she start to cry as she just hug her sisters" so i'm not grounded for skipping class" she say as she was hiccup as she just looked at ruby" i just thought you didn't have time for me anymore since your the president and your always with reno or with someone i wanted to tell you i did but i couldn't find you anywhere it was that or your always at the hq you know i can't make portal i tried texting you but you never text me back do you know how lonely i felt the only one who was always with me was ray" she say as she was just frustrated for a bit she just felt tears kept coming down her face she just was jusg hugging her sister she didn't feel like letting to go she just sighed looking around stepmother is a meanie" she say as she just looked at her" i wouldn't mind if she dies" she say" she derserve it" she told her sniffing @ShadowSaber331
"No biggie, as for who I'm looking for...to be honest, I don't even know myself." Reno stopped his search when Homura mentioned what his uncle did to Myuki a long time ago. "Well, now you got me curious. What did he do to your sister?" he asked. He was about to wait for his answer, but he figure that since it might be painful, he added, "Look, if you don't want to answer, then okay. But sometimes, you gotta get things like that out of your chest...who knows, it may help us for when we confront her in the future."

Raiven dropped Malzahn to the floor earning a snarl from the hound. Rushing over she tried desperately to hug her father "Father, what is it you wanted to tell me?" She asked, wiping tears from her eyes "I'll handle your affairs, you can finally be at peace. Thank you for the life you've given me"

She smiled at him with big round eyes full of happy memories.


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