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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Luka swung her bat, back and forth, breaking a few noses. She kicked and scratched her way through the bullies as one fell to the ground clutching their crotch.

Raiven had heard the commotion and came charging back into the hallway. She sent several bullies straight down to Hell before picking Hazel up, the other bullies either incapacitated by Luka or running away in fear
Homura was once again just left alone thanks to Reno leaving all of a sudden 'I miss when we all had just one element' he thought to himself as he walked back to his dorm. He knew something was a little strange when Reno mentioned there being two People inside his body. Homura only remembered himself being in his body and that was it. He didn't know about any other version of himself sitting around in his subconscious 'Ifrit, you know what he was talking about?' He asked the god in his body to see what he had to say 'As if I knew any such information. I honestly can't say but I know this, you are the only Homura here' said the god in response. That set Homura a but at ease but at the same time he felt off about everything. He decided he would go and find his uncle and see what he had to say.

Magnus had been watching Clairs training while tinkering around with a new tool and working on his computer all at the same time. "Clair keep going. That collar isn't putting a severe limit on what you can use like the one the general gave you and will instead shock you if you start to show sociopathic tendencies" he said redescribing the band around her neck "This one here is faulty and could have gotten you killed so I changed it. You can thank me later" he said holding the old collar before putting it in his pocket and the going back to his multitasking. He started seeing some interesting information in the files that Arlane had that the general had sent in from various reports. "So this is what you were working on. Now I know why Homura was acting so differently from before. You will have some explaining to do you sly bastard" he mumbled to himself as he scrolled through all of he files he copied. He found that some weren't accessible and were heavily encrypted "Well this will take a while but maybe I can use that finally" he said thinking about his new decryption tech he had been saving. "Clair you can take a break. Actually I want you to find Homura and bring him here. It's important. I have found information that concerns the both of you and also bring Arcus as well" he said calling out to Clair before going back to his computer work.

@Mr Swiftshots

Clair was feeling a lot more confidant with the new collar installed, honestly it was a god send, With this handy little devise Clair could be at ease when thoughts of accidentally hurting her friends came to mind. Not only that but anyone! With this collar restraining her powers she was ironically free, Quite comical really. None the less Magnus tasked her with a job and Clair was more than willing to complete it for him. Heck why wouldn't she want to see Homura ? Things between her and him were going very well in her opinion and well Clair was hopeful that that would continue into something spectacular in the near future.

Even thinking about it made her blush.

Clair quickly came to a stand and waved to Magnus as she left to hunt down Homura. Now hunting people down within the school compound was one of Clair's specialties. You see the school was her domain. Nothing could move or be done within the school without Clair's knowledge and Clair could warp to any destination within the school without any hassle. So Knowing exactly where Homura was made things pretty easy.Clair simply warped to him and began to speak after announcing herself politely "Homura Your uncle want's to see us , it sounded urgent. Hey are you okay ? You seem a bit down."



Hazel valrie

Hazel just screamed in pain as the lighting was still hurting her body as she felt someone pick her up as she open her eyes" it...... hurts......rav....." she say as the lighting was stilll surging through her body as she was getting carried she just looked at luka hurting the bullies the lighting was crackling around her body as she just hold onto raiven as tears was pouring down her face' i hate bullies' she thought as she looked at raiven she was trying not to cry in front of her but she did' why did they have to come and hurt me i was enjoying my date with luka' she thought as she start to feel weak she passed out again as she was dreaming about luka she was always happy with her she start to grin her teeth as she was in so much pain she felt raiven was carrying her" big brother" she mumbles in her sleep still crying while she slept @Eternal Dragonchild
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Ray looked over at his mother, who asked him about the limiter. "No, I feel like I can control my powers now after a long time, and considering that we're at war with demons and angels right now, I'll need my full strength." Ray enters the training area and finds Reno, Ruby , Xena, and Luna, all discussing their training program. "Hey, I got someone you might want to meet," he shouts. Reno and Xena look over to find Ray with someone a lot younger looking. "So, who's that woman next to you?" "This is...or was...my deceased mother." "Wait, deceased, as in not alive? As in should have been filled to the brim with maggots?" Ray nodded and pulls out an empty bottle. "Since Arlane couldn't be saved, I still had this on my person," he explains. "So I went back to my mother's grave, dug her up, and poured it all over her. She's back to how she looks before she died." "Wow, that's amazing," said Reno as he shifts his focus to Ray's mother. "So, un, if you don't mind me asking. What is your name?"

@Leo Radomir
"Oh hey prez, what's up? Does the student council need me for something" he asked as the student council president Clair O'reily teleported over to him "Oh don't worry, i was just deep in bought about something earlier" he said remembering what had been the topic between him and Reno earlier. "Do I seem two faced to you? Like do you think I come across as a different person sometimes?" He asked as he continued to try and figure out an answer to his questions. He started to turn red when he finally realized what she meant "Oh no Clair I'm just.....thinking about what had happened today. I awoke in a strange cave and the first thing I see after being asleep for so long was demons attacking the school. I still have some vague memories about being her over the last few years but like I said they are all vague. You're in some of them." He started blushing some more "We kissed in one of them" he said hesitantly. "Well anyway what do you need me for? I'm free right now anyways" he said smiling a little easier with the situation.

@Mr Swiftshots (So Homura is having memory issues but it's only temporary. Just in case you were wondering)
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Ray's mother speaks up and says" I'm zillmo and i'm going to place the limiter on you till you get use to your new powers, and please tell that annoying angel to shut up if he starts again last thing luna needs is a nat to distract her during training".  She then places the limiter around luna's neck and gives a look to say follow me as she then turns and starts to walk away. Ruby watches her sister and says" I'll help you when you learn to keep your powers more stable and i didn't not teach you out of spit i did it because like reno you often have been far to impulsive and since your talking about joining the fight sometime you'll need to learn not to leave your self wide open".
"Hey, I'm not that impulsive, you don't see me Storm Fisting someone out of anger," he shouted. Reno walks around for a bit to calm himself down. Xena, however, still found that funny. "You're just upset you got your ass kicked by a girl." "Am not! I've gotten used to it thanks to Ruby, be it in the battlefield or in bed, she sure as hell can take the punishment." Xena stopped an froze when she heard Reno mention that. "Wait...did you two...seriously?" "Yeah...we did it, twice." She was speechless, her own little brother got laid by the one girl no guy could touch with a 10 mile pole, but at least he got the girl...or at least she hoped she did. "So Ruby, how was he? Did he leave you numb down there?" she asked with a smirk.

@Leo Radomir
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"Hey, I'm not that impulsive, you don't see me Storm Fisting someone out of anger," he shouted. Reno walks around for a bit to calm himself down. Xena, however, still found that funny. "You're just upset you got your ass kicked by a girl." "Am not! I've gotten used to it thanks to Ruby, be it in the battlefield or in bed, she sure as hell can take the punishment." Xena stopped an froze when she heard Reno mention that. "Wait...did you two...seriously?" "Yeah...we did it, twice." She was speechless, her own little brother got laid by the one girl no guy could touch with a 10 mile pole, but at least he got the girl...or at least she hoped she did. "So Ruby, how was he? Did he leave you numb down there?" she asked with a smirk.

@Leo Radomir

Ruby smirked and says" He was ok but i was holding back after all if i break him i can't have my fun later and no i'm not as he said i'm used to pain but there will be no more fun to for a while till he gets himself fully together after all why should i accept a man that is all over the shop" " I will give him some credit for learning some new ability's though say i was thinking you should hook up with zenith he's pretty good looking for a guy and he's full of surprises". . 
"I'll keep that in mind, though I don't really blame you for having standards. Reno can be a bit emo at times, but he still has a cool, calm, collected mind...well, until one of his friends gets either wounded or kill, then he's all about revenge." Xena knew that much before she left to travel the world. "That was a long ass time ago Xena," he shouted. "Besides, I care about my friends, of course I want to get my revenge." "What if the guy you're looking for is stronger than you? You'll be dead in zero seconds flat, then your vengeance will be for nothing." That struck a chord, as Reno suddenly realized. "I understand that you care about them, but rushing in to get yourself killed is a very poor way to honor their memory." Reno was awestruck by how Xena had put it. He didn't want to admit it, but she was right, it sounded selfish to trying and avenge someone only to get killed in the process, the better option would be to live for them. "Get what I'm saying...actually, what everyone is saying, 'cause I'm sure I'm not the only one." "I got it...I didn't want to accept it, but I got it." "Good, now then, let's get training. Ruby, you train with Reno, he needs the firm voice and an occasional foot up his ass, and I can't give that to him, he's too used to mine. I'll train Luna, may not know how to control plants, but I can control lightning, deal?" "HEY, not cool sis!!!"

@Leo Radomir
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A thunder hit the ground as a crack can be seen in the ground. Jinx and Jak can be seen holding their luggage and bags "well this is a nice school to start" Jinx said with a psychotic giggle as she skip walking infront of the school door eagerly as she scream towards every student "HELLO!" or "NICE TO MEET CHA!" witch a wave that can almost reach the air 'i like this place i wonder what else i can do here, scaring students,pranking" she thought as she walk around the halls with a wide grin in her face "THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!" she said as she laugh and almost falling in the ground and giggle as she walk by a classroom

@Leo Radomir @everyone

Jak look at Jinx as he place his hand over his forehead and laugh "jinx will be jinx" he said with a laugh and look at the students with his demonic stare as he take a step inside the school "i wonder what i can do here" he mumble as  he stop by the nursing as he stop when he notice something familiar. he look at the girl in the bed and he just stare at here for like thernity 'she looks somehow familiar' he thought as he walk inside and place his bag down the floor "hey you, state your name now" he said with a grin "honestly. you look familiar... maybe childhood?" he ask with a chuckle

A thunder hit the ground as a crack can be seen in the ground. Jinx and Jak can be seen holding their luggage and bags "well this is a nice school to start" Jinx said with a psychotic giggle as she skip walking infront of the school door eagerly as she scream towards every student "HELLO!" or "NICE TO MEET CHA!" witch a wave that can almost reach the air 'i like this place i wonder what else i can do here, scaring students,pranking" she thought as she walk around the halls with a wide grin in her face "THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!" she said as she laugh and almost falling in the ground and giggle as she walk by a classroom

@Leo Radomir @everyone

Jak look at Jinx as he place his hand over his forehead and laugh "jinx will be jinx" he said with a laugh and look at the students with his demonic stare as he take a step inside the school "i wonder what i can do here" he mumble as  he stop by the nursing as he stop when he notice something familiar. he look at the girl in the bed and he just stare at here for like thernity 'she looks somehow familiar' he thought as he walk inside and place his bag down the floor "hey you, state your name now" he said with a grin "honestly. you look familiar... maybe childhood?" he ask with a chuckle


Zenith comes out of the class room and says" I get your excited but can please keep it down so others can learn also are you the only student here"? He looks and hears a male voice then turns his attention back to the girl and waits for her to speak. 

anyone near by


Hazel Valarie

Hazel just woken up as she just yawned as she rubbed her eyes as she looked at the boy talking" hazel val....valrie" is the name i don't know you sorry i grew up with my mother and i don't remember you" she say as she looked at raiven as she hold onto her hand" rav can we go to your apartment i don't want to sleep in our dormroom please" she say in releaty she was scared to go back to the dorm scared that the bullies will come back she showed fear in her eyes she just sighed looking around she had bandage on her body and bandaids she just sat up as she just tried to walk to the boy but she fell" ack" she say as she just stand up went back to the bed she just wanted to leave the nurse office she just lay her head on raiven lap she was so scared she was just laying on raiven lap her body was still hurting from the electricty she endured" where luka is she mad that our date didn't go as plan" she say feeling a bit pain but didn't show it she just felt weak" i'm weak i can't fight my own fights i hate bullies why do they pick on deaf people like me and luka" she asked tears coming down her face @Eternal Dragonchild @Astaroth Suzumiya*


Luna Lotus

Luna just looked at her sister" yes ma'am i understand" she say as she nodded her big sister was a bit strict but she still loved her" i'm going to train with xena and ray's mother so see ya" she say as she went to catch up with the dead lady as she just smiled she felt weird with the limit color on her as she just smiled" thank you miss" she say" i just need to learn how to use my new powers and yeah the fimlair is pretty annoying i can hear him in my head" she say as she just smiled" i was going to die so he kinda saved me from dying" she say rubbing her head" i had a curse" she say as she was ready to train she looked at xena" come on xena hurry yp" she whined a bit @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
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Hazel Valarie

Hazel just woken up as she just yawned as she rubbed her eyes as she looked at the boy talking" hazel val....valrie" is the name i don't know you sorry i grew up with my mother and i don't remember you" she say as she looked at raiven as she hold onto her hand" rav can we go to your apartment i don't want to sleep in our dormroom please" she say in releaty she was scared to go back to the dorm scared that the bullies will come back she showed fear in her eyes she just sighed looking around she had bandage on her body and bandaids she just sat up as she just tried to walk to the boy but she fell" ack" she say as she just stand up went back to the bed she just wanted to leave the nurse office she just lay her head on raiven lap she was so scared the nurse came up to hazel and raiven as she looked worried" you have a fever dear you need a lot of rest okay" she say hazel just nodded as she was still laying on raiven lap" who are you please just tell me" she say as she didn't have her implant on she signed a little" where is luka" she asked raiven @Eternal Dragonchild @Astaroth Suzumiya*


Luna Lotus

Luna just looked at her sister" yes ma'am i understand" she say as she nodded her big sister was a bit strict but she still loved her" i'm going to train with xena and ray's mother so see ya" she say as she went to catch up with the dead lady as she just smiled she felt weird with the limit color on her as she just smiled" thank you miss" she say" i just need to learn how to use my new powers and yeah the fimlair is pretty annoying i can hear him in my head" she say as she just smiled" i was going to die so he kinda saved me from dying" she say rubbing her head" i had a curse" she say as she was ready to train she looked at xena" come on xena hurry yp" she whined a bit @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331

Ruby sighed and says" you can't control your magic properly yet you want to lighting training ask yourself this if the bolt backfires off the wall and hits you in a painful area etc i'm not saying don't aim to be stronger but sometimes re going over the basics is far more effective more so since we haven't spared in ages". " As for reno for now he should rest he'll need for who i'm taking him to see after all he's not fond of most men and more so of the arrogant ones, I almost forgot to tell you before i became a hunter i went through a few years of ki and mana training it's a bore but after a couple of weeks or so you'll start to get used to it".
"Plus, it takes even more training to take what you've learned from ki and mana training and apply it to elemental powers." Xena chimed in. She looks over to Ruby and feels almost a sense of respect towards her. "You know, I'm glad you're with him," she tells her. "It's good to know my little bro has someone to take care of him...and maybe keep him out of trouble. He may have a very high IQ, and has be through a lot of training, but the sooner he accepts the fact that he's not immortal, the better. Easier said than done, I know." "I'M STILL HERE YOU KNOW!!!" shouted Reno as he was within earshot of Xena's entire exposition. "I know, you was suppose to hear it." Reno groaned and walked over to both his sister and his girlfriend(?). "Anyway, who exactly are you taking me to Jewels?" he askes. "I mean, I do want to train more, but I at least want to know if he's someone I should trust...or she, either way, I need to know if my supposed teacher's trustworthy."


@Leo Radomir
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Luna Lotus

Luna just looked at her as she nodded" okay i start doing the basics first i do what you say and can i go through what you went through ki and mana training i want to be strong i really want to protect the people that is important" she say as she just looked at her sister yeah i don't want to be a hunter but i can't just sit in the sidelines and watch see my friends and family get killed so i do need this training i want propally know how to use my magic" she say as she looked at her big sister" you been there for me when i need it i know your strict and all but you do it cause you love me and i want to protect my big sister from harm even though you don't really need it your the awesomest sister ever" she say hugging her big sister" lets start this training please i'm getting bored of not getting trained" she say as she looked at xena" okay i put 100 % on my training i'm just booooooored of waiting" she say as she was starting to get annoyed @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331


Hazel just grabbed her phone she was supposed to be texting as she sighed" Big broooooooooother i need you bullies being meanies again i'm at the nurse office with raiven i don't know where is luka right now i want you to stop by i haven't seen you for a while i mis my big broooooooother' she text as she was staring at her phone waiting for her brother to text back as she just hide her phone from the nurse as she smiled she looked around as she was bored' please everything hurts i got elictruced' she text spelling it wrong as she lay back down on raiven as she just yawned rubbing her eyes she didn't like being in the nurse office she just wanted to go to raiven apartment @ShadowSaber331
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Luna Lotus

Luna just looked at her as she nodded" okay i start doing the basics first i do what you say and can i go through what you went through ki and mana training i want to be strong i really want to protect the people that is important" she say as she just looked at her sister yeah i don't want to be a hunter but i can't just sit in the sidelines and watch see my friends and family get killed so i do need this training i want propally know how to use my magic" she say as she looked at her big sister" you been there for me when i need it i know your strict and all but you do it cause you love me and i want to protect my big sister from harm even though you don't really need it your the awesomest sister ever" she say hugging her big sister" lets start this training please i'm getting bored of not getting trained" she say as she looked at xena" okay i put 100 % on my training i'm just booooooored of waiting" she say as she was starting to get annoyed 

ruby gently laughs and zilmo open then dragging her towards a portal and says" I'm glad your thinking things through renos older sister can come as well it's always good to have a second older women to help i hope you don't mind if it's a little cold the space realm helps with ones energy's". Ruby grins and says" Don't worry pretty boy as long as you don't get on his bad side he's a pretty cool man but he is strict even i had trouble learning from him when i first became his contractor make the most out of your rest time i'll be back in three hours to take you to see him and han chan is coming with me i need her help with stuff in the realm" " we'll be around to how your training goes after a few hours that's how long the task i have in mind should take".

@Eternal Dragonchild 
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Luna just looked at her as she just smiled" wait ruby your leaving" she say as she just looked at her sister" yes ma'am" she say as she ha her hoddie on as she just nodded" i don't mind the cold at all i'm used to it" she say as she just smiled looking at her boyfriend mother she just was ready to train as she just yawned a bit" yeah i finally thinking things through i have a family so i want to protect " she say as she just was ready she was kinda sad her big sister was leaving but she knew she had stuff to do @Leo Radomir
"Kinda sucks, but after the fallen angel and demon invasion that happened almost in unison, three hours of rest is something I can't argue with." Xena was glad to see Reno was seeing the other side of the spectrum. "Of course, when that time comes, just...be yourself." "The old me may be calculative and calm, but he's also blunt, and that tends to rub people the wrong way." "True, but I'm sure Ruby and I prefer a living, calculative asshole, than a dead, reckless hero. Right Ruby?" Reno felt his phone buzz and saw a text from Hazel, who said she was at the nurses office with Raiven. "Okay okay, anyway, I gotta meet someone at the nurses office. I'll be back a hell of a lot earlier than three hours." 

Reno opens a portal to the entrance to the nurses office and walks through it, when he arrived he closes the portal and opens the door. After asking a nurse where Hazel was, he walks over to the room she was told about and opens the door to it. He sticks his head out and says, "Hey Hazel, hey Raiven, how are you doing?" He walks in an closes the door behind him before continuing. "Sorry I didn't show up, I was caught up with a few things. Xena wanted me to train Luna, Luna's familiar was being a total douchebag, Luna started to channel out her newly obtained lightning abilities and using them to punch me, it was weak by the way but it still hurts due to me being primarily a water elemental...but enough about me, how are you two after what happened?"

@Leo Radomir


@Eternal Dragonchild
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Jinx turn around as she pause "... .... ... woah" she look up at teacher and take a step forward while she stare "you! who are you!" she said as she poke his face "are you real?!" she said as she keep poking his face and blush deeply. she feel her heart beating fast 'hes cute' she thought as she made a wide smile and she leap up onto his wrapping her arms around him "AAAAAHHHHH YOUR REAL!!! AND CUTE TOO!!!!" she said as she laugh psychotically "BE MINE!!!!" she said as she snuggle close to him and laugh

@Leo Radomir

Jak look at her "you really look familliar" he said as he laugh and sat in the table and look at her and grab his bag and walk "maybe wrong person" he thought as he take his luggage and walk out "silly silly silly! " he called himself as he hit his head 'i better be careful next time!' he thought as he continue walk int he halls  

@annyone @zeldafangirl

Hazel Valrie 


Hazel just smiled looking at her brother as she just lay on raiven" hey i'm okay i think" she say as she just looked at him" i'm okay big brother i was shocked by some meanies bullies i hate bullies raiven saved me and luka" she say as she was speaking to him using her voice she usually signs to him she just sighed" i just can't walk just yet" she say as she looked at the other boy who almost walked out" wait do you have a sister named jinx my mom told me that i have a sister and brother are you my real brother" she asked before he walked out" i'm scared reno i don't want bullies to attack me again they shocked me like crazy i couldn't do anything luka and raiven saved me it was so painful" she say as she smiled laying down" i want to get out of here i'm scared i feel like dropping this academy cause of the bully i still suffer from the lost of my mommy" she say" why do i always get attacked me and luka always get attacked by the same bullies don't anyone like us because we are deaf" she asked crying on raiven" raiven" she say crying as she was hiccuping" i need time away from the academy i'm leaving for now @Eternal Dragonchild @Astaroth Suzumiya*@ShadowSaber331
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Myuki was starting to get infuriated with everything and everyone around her. She had taken out some of her anger on the demons and angels that had been around the school but it still didn't satisfy her enough to calm her down. She was about to destroy even some of the students until she saw a wonderous sight. Her brother the way she used to be had returned. After the battle she wanted to go to him and hug him rather than kill him but she decided she would have to deal with the headache that had been going on for the last little bit. She decided she would give Mhikail a call since she had sent him back to hell to retrieve a certain object *Hey jerk, get back here soon! We need to figure out what they se angels and demons are planning and then use it to our advantage. Our plan must not get disrupted! Bye for now* she sent her message with a series of émigrés and then decided she needed to try and use that sun core from earlier.

@Eternal Dragonchild
Hanako hugged Ruby again, wrapping herself around the girl "And what do you need me for in the spirit realm?" Hanako had a look of bright curiosity in her eyes that detailed her excitement at this rare opportunity "I can carry out some research whilst I'm there, see if it's possible to use the spirit realm as a prison" Hanako clapped her hands excitedly. 

She wanted to go to the spirit world for another reason, she'd dropped her notebook there, although the research was probably safe, she wanted to be sure.

@Leo Radomir

Raiven frowned at Hazel "You're not leaving. My father and his allies in the government fought for equal education for both Elementals and Humans. Do his memory a service and stay in the Academy, if you want to leave, I'll have lost a good friend" Raiven stood up, crossing to where Reno stood with a frown on her face "Don't forget, I can shock you worse than those bullies have ever had should you disrespect the memory of my father in such a way again"


( @GreyGremory Mikhail was destroyd when RAiven obliterated his soul, Miyuki doesn't know yet. We can work something out though?)
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Hazel just sighed as she just was thinking" i'll stay big sister raiven i'll stay" she say as she looked at raiven confused" i'm sorry i won't leave i don't know what came across of me" she say as she just sat on the bed as she calmed down a bit" i don't want to disrespect your father he showed me kindness an you showed it to me" she say as she sat up" i don't want to lose you a friend you showed me what it is like to have a sister" she say as she smiled standing up wiping her htears as she just looked at her" i will not leave i just going to learn how to fight somehow" she say" wait your father is dead" she say as she looked down bitting her lip" i'll stay i don't want you to shock me i'll be good i'll stay" she say as she just looked at her friend leaning against the bed" i'm sorry i wasn't thinking forgive me rav" she say as she just looked at her as she looked at her" can we go to our dorm" she say @Eternal Dragonchild
Jinx turn around as she pause "... .... ... woah" she look up at teacher and take a step forward while she stare "you! who are you!" she said as she poke his face "are you real?!" she said as she keep poking his face and blush deeply. she feel her heart beating fast 'hes cute' she thought as she made a wide smile and she leap up onto his wrapping her arms around him "AAAAAHHHHH YOUR REAL!!! AND CUTE TOO!!!!" she said as she laugh psychotically "BE MINE!!!!" she said as she snuggle close to him and laugh

@Leo Radomir

Jak look at her "you really look familliar" he said as he laugh and sat in the table and look at her and grab his bag and walk "maybe wrong person" he thought as he take his luggage and walk out "silly silly silly! " he called himself as he hit his head 'i better be careful next time!' he thought as he continue walk int he halls  

@annyone @zeldafangirl

Ruby grins and says" Your right i would prefer it if her was alive and kicking then dead from something stupid i just hope he took my advise and is now resting if not then your going to have to look after him after this is over because kio sama hates most men and more so the overly cocky one, oh before i forget don't blab who i'm taking him to see he needs to learn to deal with things on the spot life is full of the unexpected after all". Ruby pauses for a minute or so then says to han chan" One can get rare medicine metals and other useful things for science or alchemy and so on but we do have to be careful anything past the waterfalls of stars which is part of kio sama domain is open for a possible attack i've explored about sixty percent of kio's domain".

Mizmo sighs and says" Call me mizmo after you are going to marry my son one day but that aside i want you to go over to that platform and sit down and practice stabilizing your ki based on how well you do will determine if i teach you how to do a quick mana recharge".   Ray watches silently he knows better than to but in when mother is training a new elemental and smiles softly and waits to see how luna will do with the first stage of her training.

Zenith blinks and says" I don't mean to be rude but i don't even know your name and i'm a teacher her so i can't be just dating students no matter how attractive they may be, and please get off and we can talk in my office and do this properly". ' she's got a great body and if i wasn't a teacher i'd probably be all over it but she's also a few slices short of a loaf so i'm not sure i should even go down that road to start with'.

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