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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Luna lutus 


Luna just looked at him" don't" she say" its me and the ghost have a connection don't take away my power i can control it" she say as she just looked at her boyfriend" he doing this for my test so i can learn how to control it i can do it" she say as she looked at him serious as she just was trying to control her emotions" it be better if you leave so i can chanel my emotions just go" she say as she just looked at him" please i need to do this" she say to him as she just smiled looking around looking at the ghost" what do i need to do to control my lighting magic sir" she say as she just smiled looking at her familar she can hear him in her head when he is inside her she just smiled she finally stoood up as she just closed her eyes as she was challaging her magicas she was feeling numb in her body she just fall down on the floor she just coughed a bit passing out@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
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Ray sees this and says" luna please stop your pushing your body to fast to soon the mana backlash could put your life in serious danger there's even been cases of sudden death every some often", Ray starts to drain away some of her power getting some what hurt as he does but healing as he gets hit and ignores the pain and continues to drain away her power not wanting her to get the mana backlash.

@Daniel reaving Isaac gently sighs and then walks over to sam and looks at her to say sorry then another to say she's not my girl and rubs his head and thinks to himself' i'm glad she's not the violent type that could of gone seriously wrong i'll take sam to the office then when that is sorted then i'll go back and calm down fern i swear some women are so hard to deal with i'm not used to being this popular'.

jak take the teddy bear and laugh "oh it was really cute after all ahahahhahah!" he said as he hold the teddy bear and walk around the school "hmmm... what to do in this place" he said with a wide grin "there should be interesting to do" he mumble with a laugh as he walk around the place and got inside an office "hello ahahahahahha!"

Zenith looks up and sighs and then says" There's a library observatory and training ground and much more, i don't mean to be mean but if your hear just to bug me please don't your sister was in here and she almost started a fight with a fellow student".

Ruby gets up and twitches with annoyance and says" If it's not a idealistic old man then it's something else i wanted to talk about important but that will have to wait now won't it and let magus and flame turd deal with clair i'm off duty for clean up service". @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331 @Astaroth Suzumiya*


"I-it's alright." She said to him shyly as she stood there watching him. She couldn't tell if he was lying or telling the truth about her not being his girlfriend but she didn't ask and waited for him to lead the way
Reno was glad that her mother didn't find the artifact yet, but was a bit concerned for Luna's safety now that she's escaped. What's even more soul shattering is that Luna's father and Ruby's mother teamed up to find it, which in turn spells doom for the both of them. "Well, I got two things to say about this," he says. "A. We can't tell Luna about your mother escaping from hell and that she's teamed up with her father. It'll really break her heart...and spirit. B. We need to know where that artifact is before they do, we'll figure out what to do with it when we managed to obtain it. Of course it's not going to be easy since we don't have the slightest idea where to begin."

"Nice job kid, you managed to control your powers," said Metatron. "But that doesn't mean you should keep your emotions bottled up. It's very unhealthy if you do. I know you want to be stronger, but having emotions is normal, and it shows that you're not some killing machine that doesn't give a rat's ass about someone dying." Metatron appears out of her tattoo and accidentally runs into Ray. "Hey buddy, how are you doing?"

@Leo Radomir




Luna was just pased out as she just smiled as she felt someone pick her up from the ground she just held onto whoever that was carrying her she didn't understand why she was in so much pain she couldn't move her legs' ugh who is carrying me' she thought as she just yawned a bit as she was dreaming about her mom she wanted her real mom alive she had tears coming down from her face as she just held onto the person who was carrying she didn't know where they were heading to she just mumble in her sleep" mommy i miss you" she mumble as she just wanted to be in a bed sleeping she just hold to the shirt holding to her she just coughed as she was very weak she just started to scream as she was in so much pain she couldn't feel her legs all  @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331

Hazel Valire 


Hazel just heard her big sister as she was reading a japensse book since she was half japensse she just smiled she jusst smiled" uh yeah i'm hazel valire and ssssssssh it's a library and don't scream i still can hear you uh your my big sister i think don't forget i'm deaf so don't yell like that" she say as she just smiled" i saw big brother earlier today" she say as she just looked at her as she poked her cheek" are you sure your real" she say" i'm not going to stay with you guys i mean i have a friend that gave me a home i'm sorry since mom died she gave me a reason to live so don't hurt my friend" she say as she went back to the tablke as she put the book on the table reading the book as she smiled it was one of the kind it was her mom's" hey let's go to my dorm i want to show you something sissy" she say smiling @Astaroth Suzumiya*
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Raiven whined, nuzzling into Arcus "We have a blanket on. Unless you just want to go to sleep" She let him make the decision, waiting patiently in his arms 

@Anyone Online (If they do go ahead, fade to black)
Arcus nudged Raiven telling her to wake up. "Raiven honey we need to go wake the kids up for school." Arcus said playing around with Raiven. "Come hun its your turn to do it." Arcus smiled to himself and pulled the covers back, and wrapped himself in a cocoon. 
Homura kept his advance until he made it just outside the first barrier. He began to see the cracks and decided he needed to get in there and stop her soon "I'm coming in!" He yelled out to Clair as he tried to pry open one of the cracks. When he tartedpulling them apart he felt unimaginable pain and emotion. He felt everything she had been dealing with over the last few days and how she had been trying to cope with it all. He felt all her suffering because of the loss of her parents and he was halfway to giving up and crying himself. He willed himself to keep going "I won't give up on you Clair! I won't give up because you and I are the same. You and I both lost our parents at young ages and you and I both have things in our pasts we would rather have buried and gone. I won't give up because I know that no matter how messy my life gets, you're always there and I promise I will always be there for you!" He yelled before focusing all of his strength on the cracks. He started to feel his arms burn up from the heat like they were being burned away from the inside. He felt more power than he had ever felt in a long time and even though he couldn't see it, his hair and eyes inverted the colours from red with black bangs to black with red bangs. His eyes went from the deep red with the small black circles to black with glowing red circles. "This is it I'm not going to let anyone else get hurt. I'm the Flame Lord and I will not let that bastard do what he wants with her or me anymore!" He yelled as he put all of his strength into his prying action and finally pulled open a hole big enough for him to jump through. When he passed through, the pain only got worse. He almost fell to the ground but he caught himself and put on a thicker heat layer to burn away more magic. It made the weight more bearable but it still slowed hims down. He was still a couple more meters away from Clair before he remembered something. It was a memory from what looked like the break after the last school year. It was him and Clair but he had black hair with no hint of red in sight. The other version of himself walked over to Clair and began to speak "I promise you I'll find you. Even if you forget everything that happened I will find you and make you remember. The general can't control how I feel about you as much as he controls your memories" after he finished speaking he kissed a crying Clair before he flashed back to reality. Homura now filled with more resolve made flames behind him rushing out at top force, pushing him forward. "Clair I made a promise and I'm damn well going to keep it! I will make you remember those nights we shared" he said as he got closer. He only had one more meter left. 

@Mr Swiftshots
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"Game on" Raiven whispered before focusing hard. A small ball of water appeared in her hand. She then reached inside the cocoon and dropped the ball onto Arcus, listening to the wet splash.

"It's the weekend hun"

@Anyone Online
Hey." Arcus let out a fake glare and growled.  He jumped up and started tickling her sides. "it's still your turn to wake the kids." Arcus said as he continued to tickle her.  
"But it's too early" She pouted. Hopefully one day she'd actually have a child, she had to finish her education first "And I wanna eat candy" She stretched her lips into a massive pout before looking away from Arcus with a giggle as he tickled her.

@Anyone Online
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+ Solace and Ebalon Hernia +

~ Training Conflict ~

Solace was at the school gym punching and kicking away at a punching bag. She was practicing her rapid punches so when she punches rapidly, she can still deliver a punch which could be as strong to the punches she has to charge up. She usually just had to pull back her fist quickly and throw it as hard straight after. As for her kicks, she wants to improve her one-legged kick. This is where she balances herself on one leg as she kicks with the other leg, hitting critical points in the body. But since she was kicking a punching bag, she just kicked it up the side and down it. She was just wearing some gloves, a sports bra, shorts, and of course sneakers.

As for Ebalon, it seems that she has gotten into some trouble. She ran into a group of elementals that weren't so friendly with humans. So they decided to attack her using ice shards and fire balls. She dodged their attacks barely, an ice shard just grazing her cheek. She was cut. She soon sighed before she let out her drones to fight. "Well... Guess I have no choice." 

She soon began to fight back, unleashing the fury of plasma and electric bolts fired by the drones upon her opponents. She was really a one-man army. To her opponents, it felt like fighting against a firing squad. The opponents tried to leave the area quickly. But it was futile. They were already injured. But after they were injured, she didn't target them anymore. After all her opponents were down and injured, she called medical staff over using the school nurse's phone. Before medical staff could get there, Ebalon left and kept at a distance, hiding within the crowds of people who were trying to figure out what happened then. "So I could take down 3 on my own too. I'm just like my sister."

@Daniel reaving@Mr Swiftshots@GreyGremory@Enmyira@Eternal Dragonchild@InnovativeClique@Zeldafangirl@ShadowSaber331@Leo Radomir@Anyone Online
"Raiven, we need to talk," said Cassie through telepathy. "For some unknown reason, we felt someone's soul come back." "I take it you didn't rupture it so that he wouldn't exist?" shouted Cleo out of rage. "Figured, that was the point of having him killed off. Destroying the soul is one thing, but that would mean that he still exists. For someone who's supposed to be the queen of hell, you sure are a disgrace to his name for not even rupturing your cousin's soul!!!" "But there is a silver lining," chimed Sandy. "He doesn't have a compatible vessel, so he'll stay as a soul until you either properly rupture it, or reincarnate him into something less...incest happy." "But if you fail again, your punishment will be that you'll spend some quality time with Mihkail...for all eternity!" "And we can tell when he still exists or not, we have his book, if it dissapears, then he's wiped off of existence, so we'll be keeping an eye on it to see if you've done your side of the bargain...and I'd do it quickly, since you probably angered the same demon that killed your father, he's good at punishing people who doesn't hold their end of the bargain."

@Eternal Dragonchild
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Arcus just let go of Raiven.  "Hey babe I'm gonna go train. I just feel like I need to." Arcus said as he got if of bed and threw in some shorts. And a pair of bike free runs.  He then grabbed a sports towel. And a water bottle.  "I'll see you in a little bit." Arcus kissed her cheek and flashed his stuff to the gym.  Arcus then started a timer on his phone and started running towards the gym.  As he ran he saw other groups of students and just ran past them leaving a wind.  The gym was on the other side of the school grounds and the way Arcus took there was a lot if jumping and rolls.  When he got to the gym he saw a new girl there. But he didn't want to interrupt her.  She seemed really into her work out.  Arcus went to the High speed treadmill.  Arcus let out a smooth breath as he started to make his body react faster by pulsing lightning through it.  Arcus started running and then machine matched his speed. Arcus's goal was to break the sound barrier. 

@Clair Seiker
Arcus just let go of Raiven.  "Hey babe I'm gonna go train. I just feel like I need to." Arcus said as he got if of bed and threw in some shorts. And a pair of bike free runs.  He then grabbed a sports towel. And a water bottle.  "I'll see you in a little bit." Arcus kissed her cheek and flashed his stuff to the gym.  Arcus then started a timer on his phone and started running towards the gym.  As he ran he saw other groups of students and just ran past them leaving a wind.  The gym was on the other side of the school grounds and the way Arcus took there was a lot if jumping and rolls.  When he got to the gym he saw a new girl there. But he didn't want to interrupt her.  She seemed really into her work out.  Arcus went to the High speed treadmill.  Arcus let out a smooth breath as he started to make his body react faster by pulsing lightning through it.  Arcus started running and then machine matched his speed. Arcus's goal was to break the sound barrier. 

@Clair Seiker

After awhile, Solace had tired herself out. Seems she still needs to improve her stamina. She soon noticed the boy on the treadmill. What was this guy trying to do? She soon noticed something else. The electricity that was pulsing through his body. And the treadmill matching his speed. She scoffed disappointed before going back to her training. "It's not a real work out if you use magic with it. You're just cheating yourself." She thought to herself as she continued her training. She soon got a bit mischievous. She went to a spot of the punching bag where she couldn't see the treadmill because the punching bag blocking the view. She soon began punching at it normally. After awhile, she charged up an electric punch which would make the bag go flying as the chain broke from the ceiling and into Arcus. "Oh... Shit..." She thought to herself. She was aiming for the treadmill. Not the boy.
"First of all guys not so loud, second and in my defence I don't even know how to rupture a soul, totally new to the business" Raiven sighed softly "You three forget I only inherited my powers a few hours ago and my father just died" She kept a civil tone in her voice "You know what, I'm coming for a visit, perhaps you can teach me"

She stood up, dressing in her earlier outfit before pulling a black cloak over her.

She remembered creating her father creating his portals. Using that knowledge she made one of her own to visit the sisters. She appeared near the door to their shack and knocked on the door with one hand "Sandy, Cleo, Cassie. I'm here"

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+ Solace and Ebalon Hernia +

~ Training Conflict ~

Solace was at the school gym punching and kicking away at a punching bag. She was practicing her rapid punches so when she punches rapidly, she can still deliver a punch which could be as strong to the punches she has to charge up. She usually just had to pull back her fist quickly and throw it as hard straight after. As for her kicks, she wants to improve her one-legged kick. This is where she balances herself on one leg as she kicks with the other leg, hitting critical points in the body. But since she was kicking a punching bag, she just kicked it up the side and down it. She was just wearing some gloves, a sports bra, shorts, and of course sneakers.

As for Ebalon, it seems that she has gotten into some trouble. She ran into a group of elementals that weren't so friendly with humans. So they decided to attack her using ice shards and fire balls. She dodged their attacks barely, an ice shard just grazing her cheek. She was cut. She soon sighed before she let out her drones to fight. "Well... Guess I have no choice." 

She soon began to fight back, unleashing the fury of plasma and electric bolts fired by the drones upon her opponents. She was really a one-man army. To her opponents, it felt like fighting against a firing squad. The opponents tried to leave the area quickly. But it was futile. They were already injured. But after they were injured, she didn't target them anymore. After all her opponents were down and injured, she called medical staff over using the school nurse's phone. Before medical staff could get there, Ebalon left and kept at a distance, hiding within the crowds of people who were trying to figure out what happened then. "So I could take down 3 on my own too. I'm just like my sister."

@Daniel reaving@Mr Swiftshots@GreyGremory@Enmyira@Eternal Dragonchild@InnovativeClique@Zeldafangirl@ShadowSaber331@Leo Radomir@Anyone Online

Emilie was still slowly walking along when she saw a few students running.. then more. Anddd a few more. Her interest was peaked. She made her way to follow them, like any member of the staff would. She was quite amused to find a group of students surrounding some injured elementals. She could feel the energies of the crowd. This wasn't an attack per say.. more of a fight. Part of her wanted to join in on the speculation of who attacked who and where the second-party had gone.. but her adult side knew she had to be Staff.

"Okay everyone, break it up.. Go back to your dorms and classes and pretend no one is placing bets." She called out. Some of the students snickered while others kind of laughed at her light-hearted attempt to keep it friendly.  While the crowds were dieing down she started to use a little more of her magic to try and find the allusive second party. Her head tilted when she found a small bit of adrenaline.. and pain. The kid was hurt. She scanned the lingering students until her eyes settled on one.
"You mean to tell me, that you inherited his powers...EVEN HIS DAMN SOUL RUPTURING ABILITY, and you have little to no knowledge how to use IT!?" Cleo was steaming now, but Cassie was able to help restrain her until she calmed down. "Surely your father must have taught you how to use it, since you were next in line for the throne," Sandy stated. "If not then he really doesn't know how to prepare people for when that day comes." "I told you two it was a waste of time," shouted Cleo. "If her father didn't teach her, then at least we can say he deserves it for not preparing her ahead of time." "But we are going to teach her, right? She's the new queen of hell." "Unfortunately, she's not. It's a requirement to learn how to use Soul Rupture from her father. If he didn't teach her, or if she doesn't remember, she'll have that title revoked in three days." "Serves the dumbass right for not preparing things in advance."

@Eternal Dragonchild
"He died suddenly thanks to that bastard. I will avenge him one day. He tried to tell me how to use it but he died too quickly" She approached Cleo and dealt a slap across the woman's face "Do not talk about my father like that ever again" She took her hood down to reveal her face, tears already forming in her eyes "He never taught me as he didn't think I inherited even the basic spiritual abilities, he had good reason, now are you going to help me" Her legs gave way and she flopped to the floor crying into her hands. 

Emilie was still slowly walking along when she saw a few students running.. then more. Anddd a few more. Her interest was peaked. She made her way to follow them, like any member of the staff would. She was quite amused to find a group of students surrounding some injured elementals. She could feel the energies of the crowd. This wasn't an attack per say.. more of a fight. Part of her wanted to join in on the speculation of who attacked who and where the second-party had gone.. but her adult side knew she had to be Staff.

"Okay everyone, break it up.. Go back to your dorms and classes and pretend no one is placing bets." She called out. Some of the students snickered while others kind of laughed at her light-hearted attempt to keep it friendly.  While the crowds were dieing down she started to use a little more of her magic to try and find the allusive second party. Her head tilted when she found a small bit of adrenaline.. and pain. The kid was hurt. She scanned the lingering students until her eyes settled on one.

Ebalon was quietly walking away. She was sort of acting as if she was thinking as well as she walked, an arm across her body and her other arm propped up to keep her palm on top of her small grazed cut on her cheek. It almost seemed like she was innocent. She was good at acting. Does she still have it?
Ebalon was quietly walking away. She was sort of acting as if she was thinking as well as she walked, an arm across her body and her other arm propped up to keep her palm on top of her small grazed cut on her cheek. It almost seemed like she was innocent. She was good at acting. Does she still have it?

Emilie smirked. Smart Kid. Too bad. She quickly walked up to her and put an arm around her shoulders. She kept pace and nodded.

"Well. Some fight huh?" She casually chatted, hoping to make the kid feel slightly better, but still like they hadn't gotten off the hook yet.
Emilie smirked. Smart Kid. Too bad. She quickly walked up to her and put an arm around her shoulders. She kept pace and nodded.

"Well. Some fight huh?" She casually chatted, hoping to make the kid feel slightly better, but still like they hadn't gotten off the hook yet.

Ebalon tensed up a little but kept walking. She's been caught. She lowered her arms and put them in her pockets. She had a sort of guilty expression on her face. She sighed before she spoke. "They started it..."
Ebalon tensed up a little but kept walking. She's been caught. She lowered her arms and put them in her pockets. She had a sort of guilty expression on her face. She sighed before she spoke. "They started it..."

Emilie nodded and sighed. "Some fights cant be avoided as easy as we like. Come on.. lets go to my office. I have a first aid kit in there." She smiled and started to steer the girl twoards a route that would lead to there.

"No sense in walking allll the way to the infirmary for this." She added in a chipper tone. She was also doing it so the girl wouldn't have to face her alleged attackers or anyone else who might ridicule for fighting back. "Though next time, even if it seems silly, try using some words. The staff isn't here just to teach."
Emilie nodded and sighed. "Some fights cant be avoided as easy as we like. Come on.. lets go to my office. I have a first aid kit in there." She smiled and started to steer the girl twoards a route that would lead to there.

"No sense in walking allll the way to the infirmary for this." She added in a chipper tone. She was also doing it so the girl wouldn't have to face her alleged attackers or anyone else who might ridicule for fighting back. "Though next time, even if it seems silly, try using some words. The staff isn't here just to teach."

"They started hurling fire balls and ice shards at me. My words and help wouldn't make it in time." She added as she was nervously walking to Emilie's office. Not sure if she is in trouble or not. To be honest, she was a bit scared.
"They started hurling fire balls and ice shards at me. My words and help wouldn't make it in time." She added as she was nervously walking to Emilie's office. Not sure if she is in trouble or not. To be honest, she was a bit scared.

"Nah. You'll be surprised what a few words can do." She smiled and then pushed open the door to the building. "Come on, we'll take the elevator."
"Nah. You'll be surprised what a few words can do." She smiled and then pushed open the door to the building. "Come on, we'll take the elevator."

"A-Alright..." She would totally make a break for it right about now. But it would just cause a bigger commotion. She was so scared that she nearly tripped over her own foot.

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