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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Emilie's eyebrows rose. If she were drinking a coffee she might have choked. "Not unless they're forced. People usually don't like to lean on people for emotional support.. And if they want advice, they'll usually go to who ever they're closest to for it."

"Really? I thought they'd come here..." She said as she kept petting the kitten.

Hey where you guys at i'm free for now) @Enmyira @Clair Seiker

Emilie's office))
Emilie rolled her eyes. "If that were the case, I wouldnt have had to work in several places that house the insane." She laughed. It was meant to be kind of a joke. She hoped.

Ebalon just stared at her. She didn't know if Emilie was fucking around or she was serious...
Ebalon just stared at her. She didn't know if Emilie was fucking around or she was serious...

Annnd nope. She lost the kid. "Right.." She cleared her throat and glanced around. Oops. "oh, would you care for some coffee? or uh.. tea? or.. maybe I can convince one of the TAs to get soda?.." She tried to offer. So much for being a good counselor. None of the staff had bothered to say any 'hellos'. The only interactions she's had all day has been students. Her inner kid was creeping out. So much for the adult life!
Annnd nope. She lost the kid. "Right.." She cleared her throat and glanced around. Oops. "oh, would you care for some coffee? or uh.. tea? or.. maybe I can convince one of the TAs to get soda?.." She tried to offer. So much for being a good counselor. None of the staff had bothered to say any 'hellos'. The only interactions she's had all day has been students. Her inner kid was creeping out. So much for the adult life!

"I think... I'll have tea please..." She said as she continued to pet the kitten.

Briar Rose 



Briar rose was had her hood on since she was cold she just walked in the building as she didn't know where to go 'um i think i don't know where to go i'm new here' she thought as she just saw a concerler office she knocked on the door as she was nervous as she just smiled looked around it was her first day here she just come from america to be here with her big sister her father was in jail she try to hide her scars she always wears a jacket to hide her scars @Enmyira @Clair Seiker
"I think... I'll have tea please..." She said as she continued to pet the kitten.

Briar Rose 



Briar rose was had her hood on since she was cold she just walked in the building as she didn't know where to go 'um i think i don't know where to go i'm new here' she thought as she just saw a concerler office she knocked on the door as she was nervous as she just smiled looked around it was her first day here she just come from america to be here with her big sister her father was in jail she try to hide her scars she always wears a jacket to hide her scars @Enmyira @Clair Seiker

Emilie smiled and went to put water in a kettle. She heard the door open. Huh, maybe- finally hopefully- it was a staff member. Then she felt the emotions. The feelings of anxiousness.. wonder.. apprehension..  Someone was lost. Not a staff member. "Come on in-- would you care for something to drink?" She called out. After setting the kettle on a hot plate she proceeded to fill a one-cup-coffee pot. 
Emilie smiled and went to put water in a kettle. She heard the door open. Huh, maybe- finally hopefully- it was a staff member. Then she felt the emotions. The feelings of anxiousness.. wonder.. apprehension..  Someone was lost. Not a staff member. "Come on in-- would you care for something to drink?" She called out. After setting the kettle on a hot plate she proceeded to fill a one-cup-coffee pot. 

Briar Rose 



Briar rose was had her hood on since she was cold she just walked in the building as she didn't know where to go 'um i think i don't know where to go i'm new here' she thought as she just saw a concerler office she knocked on the door as she was nervous as she just smiled looked around it was her first day here she just come from america to be here with her big sister her father was in jail she try to hide her scars she always wears a jacket to hide her scars @Enmyira @Clair Seiker

Ebalon soon looked at the door wondering who it was.

Briar rose


Briar Rose just looked at the lady" yes please miss" she say as she just came in she was somewhat nervous about metting her sister for the first time" i uh i'm lost" she say as she was messing with her necklace she didn't know who were the people were" um i'm Briar Rose" she say as she just blushed a bit" my big sister calls me bree though i haven't meet her we just text" she say as she just sit on the chair as one of her scars was shown from her dad smoking and berned her hand as she just tried to push down her jacked as she looked around" whats yours names" she say as she looked at them @Enmyira @Clair Seiker
Arcus turned around only to see a electrified punching bag coming at him.  Arcus's body flickered to pure lightning.  He nullified the electricity and did a sweeping high kick that sent a splash of electricity at the bag.  The bag fell in two pieces and sand fell on their ground. Arcus could only see a girl in short a sport bra aid sneakers.  Her fist was crackling with electricity. "That's a nice punch you got there. Maybe we can spot sometime." Arcus said as he picked up his sport towel and threw it to the girl.  Arcus then scratched his lightning tattoo. And the words "The Crowned King," started to glow.  This showed another lightning user was close and that Arcus had a connection to them.  

@Clair Seiker

Briar Rose


Briar rose was looking at her" soooooo cold um um i like coffee miss i don't do tea" she say as she looked at her she was shivering" sorry i just got here anyways" do you mind if i make some coffee" she say shivering as she looked at her as she just was stretching she was tired" sorry i'm kinda tired from the long train ride" she yawned" heck i don't have a dorm yet" she say as she looked at her as she was yawning she wanted something warm she got her phone out as she texts her big sister 'hey ferny i'm here at school at the consolur office no dorm yet train was long from staying with daddy in the USA ' she yawned dozing of @Eternal Dragonchild @Enmyira
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She kept her smile and handed over her coffee. "Here have mine, I'll make another." 

She prepared the tea for the other girl and stirred in some sugar, and even a little milk she kept in a mini-fridge. After handing that over, she quickly finished her own and sat back in her chair. 

"Well. It seems everyone has had a quite eventful first day."


@Clair Seiker
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"I know my father's not here anymore. Upper Hell is now ruled by me." She stood up, casting her cloak back over her head "I'm going to speak to my grandfather... you three better watch your attitude and souls after I learn how to Soul Rupture" She opened the door and stepped outside. Creating another portal she stepped through and into the street outside her grandfather's house.

She knocked on the door with three urgent knocks. Her grandmother opened the door and opened her arms for a hug from her granddaughter before leading Raiven inside.

Ten minutes later, Raiven was sat at the kitchen table with a cup of hot chocolate and a plate of cookies as she told the story of what happened to her father.

She finished the story by handing over the details of the funeral 

"I'm sorry, I have to go see a friend who can take me to meet grandfather" Raiven finished the last of her hot chocolate and stood up to create another portal, this time to a peaceful field where she could relax. 

Appearing in the field Raiven sat down on a rock, taking a deep breath she closed her eyes and focused on balancing her powers.


@Leo Radomir (Maybe Ruby can come by)

@Anyone who wants to interact

Ruby smiles gently and then gets her stuff and then goes over to luna's room and see her tucked in with ray and goes over to her and uses a little of her energy to take away a bit of the pain and then sits in the chair and says" I'm happy the mana back lash didn't do more but i do wish you'd be more careful and i'm sorry for being more mean than normal as you know i'm not always good with the whole warm and fuzzy thing but it did make me kinda happy when you said i was the best sister ever and i'm glad your not a hunter now i'm thinking about it at least one of us needs to be the light otherwise i might forget that i still have some humanity left in me". " As for reno he seems to of changed but i still need to make sure it's not just a case of saying it and maybe this time i can fully step off the side lines".  Ruby sits in the chair for about an hour in the chair then goes over and gently rubs luna's and rays head before exiting the room and heading towards the bleachers feeling a little less tense than she was. ' i'm sorry reno this is something he needs to deal with himself some lessons can't be taught if you always have people to bail you out when it gets hot in the kitchen, if worst case i'll bring his soul back and reform his body as well'  Ruby then walks over to the bleachers and flicks reno and the back of the head then senses raven near by and open a portal and just through and then pokes her book just for fun and then grins widely not caring if she got mad or not.

Ray was awake the whole time and heard it all and smiles gently and then kisses luna gently so that she's engulfed in his warmness and plays with her hair gently enjoying he feeling and then closes his eyes again.

Reno, having felt Ruby flick his head, turns to face her and rubs it. "Hey, not cool," he playfully tells her. "Ah well, nice of you to join me. By the way, I felt Luna's aura fluctuating a while ago. Did something happen to her?" "Mana backlash happened to her." Reno turns to find his father, this time wearing his normal clothing. "Anyway, I came here to tell you something important." "Does it involve you want to apologize to Ruby for being an insensitive asslick?" Darius glared at his son, who didn't seem to be fazed by it. "No, I found the book the demon spoke of in a temple. I was hoping that with the others I've yet to collect that I could crack the case." "I don't think that's important right now," Reno sternly tells his father. "You owe Ruby an apology for what you texted her. She crushed her phone so I thought that was the case." Darius sighs and nods in agreement. He made be head of the Hunters, but he doesn't want to lose his best huntress. "Yes...I guess I do owe you an apology Ruby." "For..." "For pushing my expectations onto you." "And..." "For wanting you to change your attitude into something less bratty." Darius felt a strong punch to the jaw and stumbles away from it. He looks over to Reno who held his fist out. "Sorry, muscle spasms. What were you saying?" Darius cleared his throat and rephrased himself. "For wanting you to change....period." "There we go, so Jewels, we good?"

@Leo Radomir
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Ruby gently sighed and says" it's a good way to continue getting back on track but there are still many things i need to go over lilly with at some point, my brother once said sometimes when you're the center of something you start to lose sight of the problems that are staring you in the face our real changed because of that but i'm sure somewhere he feels just as awkward or as bad as me so i'm not angry with him". Ruby held her hands behind her back and smiles just a little then after a minute or so says" i can't fully move forward right now and i still have a lot of things that worry me even though i don't show it often but for the first time in a long time i decided for my self i have to move forward because though i age much slower than most around me if i don't try it will be ever more painful for many reasons". " As for my father i know i'll have to face him at some point but i need rest and a lot more training at some point, speaking of training i hope your ready reno and where's han chan and your sister"?
She kept her smile and handed over her coffee. "Here have mine, I'll make another." 

She prepared the tea for the other girl and stirred in some sugar, and even a little milk she kept in a mini-fridge. After handing that over, she quickly finished her own and sat back in her chair. 

"Well. It seems everyone has had a quite eventful first day."


@Clair Seiker

Briar Rose


Briar rose was looking at her" soooooo cold um um i like coffee miss i don't do tea" she say as she looked at her she was shivering" sorry i just got here anyways" do you mind if i make some coffee" she say shivering as she looked at her as she just was stretching she was tired" sorry i'm kinda tired from the long train ride" she yawned" heck i don't have a dorm yet" she say as she looked at her as she was yawning she wanted something warm @Enmyira

Learning that Briar was cold, Ebalon took off her jacket and gave it to Briar. "Here." It's not cold for me so, just wear that." Ebalon said as she was not in just a formal button-up shirt.
"Xena's probably in her classroom by now, getting things ready for her first day running a classroom," Reno explains. "As for Hanako...I thought she was with you. Hang on, lemme text them." Reno pulls out his phone to text both his sister and Hanako. 'Hey, it's Reno, Ruby and I are waiting for you two inside the campus garden. We're ready to train, so come on.'  Reno puts his phone back in his pocket and stands around with his arms crossed. He counted up to ten seconds before shouting, "Hey sis, are you trying to sneak up on me?" "God damn it, how did you know?" "You always show up after about ten seconds and try to scare me. It's gotten so old that it makes me wonder if your first Christmas was THE first Christmas." Xena started to pout at her brother remark. "Oh, you're no fun." Reno puts his hand on his forehead and slowly shakes it out of frustration. "So, is your friend coming Ruby?" "I already texted her, she should be coming here any minute now...of course I still found her reaction to Raiven knocking over something glass funny. I can tell she's not used to unexpected moments...I'm so gonna give her a heart attack once Halloween comes around the corner again."

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

Stregheria Antonietta Mercuro (S.A.M)

Sam hadn't arrived an hour ago and she had already become hopelessly lost. Though she was hardly ever in the most sober states of mind, she was exceptionally out of the conscious loop today. She already come across many a sight and similarly numbered people, though none of them interesting enough to hold her attention for more than a few moments. Looking but not finding, she wished she could get a birds eye view, literally, and cursed herself for not having cared enough to pay attention to the transformation sections of transmutation to change forms. After a few failed attempts to figure it out on the spot and a few rogue feathers popping up on her head, she gave up on it with a "Fuck it. Too hard."

Eventually, she decided she'd be better off just finding "-Dumbledore, or whoever the fuck runs this place." and made her way to the closest, most official looking building. Walking up to it, Sam felt a strong desire to antagonize, or in the very least annoy, the persons on the otherside of the door. The feeling manifested as her kicking the door open and saying the first thing that came to her mind. 




@Clair Seiker

(tbh I have no idea wtf is going on, partially because I'm new partially because I'm lazy. so if this post is completely left field....sorry)

Stregheria Antonietta Mercuro (S.A.M)

Sam hadn't arrived an hour ago and she had already become hopelessly lost. Though she was hardly ever in the most sober states of mind, she was exceptionally out of the conscious loop today. She already come across many a sight and similarly numbered people, though none of them interesting enough to hold her attention for more than a few moments. Looking but not finding, she wished she could get a birds eye view, literally, and cursed herself for not having cared enough to pay attention to the transformation sections of transmutation to change forms. After a few failed attempts to figure it out on the spot and a few rogue feathers popping up on her head, she gave up on it with a "Fuck it. Too hard."

Eventually, she decided she'd be better off just finding "-Dumbledore, or whoever the fuck runs this place." and made her way to the closest, most official looking building. Walking up to it, Sam felt a strong desire to antagonize, or in the very least annoy, the persons on the otherside of the door. The feeling manifested as her kicking the door open and saying the first thing that came to her mind. 




@Clair Seiker

(tbh I have no idea wtf is going on, partially because I'm new partially because I'm lazy. so if this post is completely left field....sorry)

Emilie was mid sip when the door flew open. She had to swallow or risk choking. "Please be nice to my door. It hasn't done anything to you." She told the new comer with a smile. "Everyone seems to be finding my office." She hums and sits her mug down. 
Myuki had found where Mhikails ashes were left and also found the little surprise that was left there for her. She didn't like having to waste another black mail target but now she knew she couldn't trust anyone other than her brother and herself. She decided she would pop in and pay the trap creators son a visit and teleported through her flames back to the school campus and felt around for Renos magic energy. When she found it she teleported into what looked like a garden, setting multiple plants on fire "Oops! Hahaha" she couldn't help but laugh even a little. She walked around to where his presence was the strongest "Ah so that's where you were. Well then silver mullet I need you to come with me and make it snappy or else I'll make sure that Hanako, bless her soul, doesn't see the light of day ever again or any other light for that matter" she said giving her threat "And before you think of attacking me just know that I can go super nova before you get even a meter from my perfectly manicured fingers" she said while her hair glowed the bright blue light similar to her flames and her eyes glowed a bright red like normal fire. She even had a big maniacal grin on her face while she faced them "Tic tock dust flake, time is of the essence and you're not going to like what will happen if you keep me waiting. You're going to help me get what I want unless you want poor sweet Hanako to have to specialize in shadow rather than light" she started giggling to herself before taking out her phone and tossing it to Reno and Ruby with a video showing Hanako tied up with another person standing over her "Now are we going?" She asked with a smirk across her face.

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
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Arcus turned around only to see a electrified punching bag coming at him.  Arcus's body flickered to pure lightning.  He nullified the electricity and did a sweeping high kick that sent a slash of electricity at the bag.  The bag fell in two pieces and sand fell on the ground. Arcus could only see a girl in shorts, sport bra,  and sneakers.  Her fist was crackling with electricity. "That's a nice punch you got there. Maybe we can spar sometime." Arcus said as he picked up his sport towel and threw it to the girl.  Arcus then scratched his lightning tattoo. And the words "The Crowned King," started to glow.  This showed another lightning user was close and that Arcus had a connection to them.  

@Clair Seiker
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"Hmm...interesting," Reno said with a smirk. "What I find hilarious is that you say you're powerful than me and yet you're blackmailing me to help you...something tells me you know you're not capable enough to handle things yourself." "As for Hanako...well, I knew you'd try something, so I made a fake version of her, which should explode right about....now." The sound of explosions could be heard from Myuki's phone until it suddenly cuts off. "Too bad...so sad, so here's OUR counter proposal. You tell us why you want my son to find something for you, and depending on how important it is, we'll help you." "I'm curious, how did you know that Hanako was about to be used for blackmailing me?" Darius leans in and whispers in Reno's ear, "Arlane's not the only one who can see visions of the future." Darius gave out a hearty laugh. Being one of the rulers of hell did have it's perks, one of them being the ability to see into the future in a similar fashion as the fates, though it kinda happens frequently for him instead of it being an occasional thing.

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Arcus turned around only to see a electrified punching bag coming at him.  Arcus's body flickered to pure lightning.  He nullified the electricity and did a sweeping high kick that sent a slash of electricity at the bag.  The bag fell in two pieces and sand fell on the ground. Arcus could only see a girl in shorts, sport bra,  and sneakers.  Her fist was crackling with electricity. "That's a nice punch you got there. Maybe we can spar sometime." Arcus said as he picked up his sport towel and threw it to the girl.  Arcus then scratched his lightning tattoo. And the words "The Crowned King," started to glow.  This showed another lightning user was close and that Arcus had a connection to them.  

@Clair Seiker

Solace looked at the towel before looking at Arcus as she tilted her head. Also, the tattoo soon stopped glowing. Sure it showed that another lightning user was close, but Solace was a human with just devices around her. She doesn't use magic, more like science as she sort of has an electrical resistance and powerhouse. "But uh... I'm not an Elemental like you." She said before she gave it back to Arcus. "I uh... Don't need it really."

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