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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

((Someone is sitting on someone? Oops. I didn't notice that? Lol..))

Emile looked up at some.. new arrivals. Ah. This must be her 10am appointment. Some parents were nice enough to apparetly have their kids meet the school counselor. 

She offered an apologetic smile and said, "are you my 10am?"

I decided for Ebalon to go away. Seems you have way too much company as it is lol))
"So you finally saw the fruits of your labor,eh," Metatron asked in e sarcastic tone. "If you've gotten this strong after training, who knows how strong you'd be if you didn't skip class...moron!!!"

Reno, noticing her stepmother distracted, switched to using his soul imprison technique. When it became fully charged, he punches her in the abdomen, rendering her powerless and weak. "Seriously, you decide to fight back," Reno asked. "I guess you finally saw how powerful you was after training. See what happens when you don't let fear stop you from living?"

"So you finally saw the fruits of your labor,eh," Metatron asked in e sarcastic tone. "If you've gotten this strong after training, who knows how strong you'd be if you didn't skip class...moron!!!"

Reno, noticing her stepmother distracted, switched to using his soul imprison technique. When it became fully charged, he punches her in the abdomen, rendering her powerless and weak. "Seriously, you decide to fight back," Reno asked. "I guess you finally saw how powerful you was after training. See what happens when you don't let fear stop you from living?"


The demon that helped her scapes shows up and channels some of his energy into the prison and it shatters like a glass and says" Stop pissing around allison i didn't give you some of my power so you could be beat down by a boy and little girl", He then unleashes this mix of weird physic and light energy at them both even if your able to do this would still hurt a ton.

Allison shakes off the blows then sighed and quickly moves her hands and clones of her energy quickly start form and get ready to attack him and she saysIf you live though this boy you won't be the same i hope you've enjoyed the free hits you got on me because now i'm going to hit back".The demon rips back allisons powers gives them back to her then and says" Oh i forgot to tell you boy i'm also a pact maker and that move doesn't work on me us pact makers have become a lot smarter since back in the day and have learned all kinds of interesting ability's"

jax laugh "oh i see! ill take care of my sister when i see her AHAHAHHAHAAHHAAHHAAHHAAHHA im really bored thoe isnt there ssssssooommmmeeething u could do for meeeeeeee!" he said with a laugh as he walk inside and take out his book and take out the rules and regulations "also im a little confuse here. why cant we use magic at the ummmm? ...." he scratch the back of his head and hit it "i cant understand ahahhahahahahaahha!"

Ruby sighs and says" Getting overly frustrated isn't going to help and fighting a pact maker is a extremely bad idea with out a least one class three master to assist in battle stupid reno, we'd best retreat for now and get kio sama's aid i didn't want to have to ask him but this is dire take me back to reno please".

Zenith sighs and says" Are you for real kid, it's so we don't have people hurting and killing each other left right and center and other things cause me a giant headache and i just told you what there is seriously open your flipping ears". " As for your sister i take care of all my students i did come here to help people after all".

isaac lets go and says" Sorry about that i wasn't thinking but from the sounds of it zenith will be done, not now but i'd like to learn more about cars and i can teach you about alchemy if you like"

"Damn pact makers, I knew they're too weak to handle things by themselves," he said with a smirk. "Lemme guess...Allison, is it? You made a deal with him after a demon sent you down to hell for domestic violence, murder, and possibly conspiracy..."  Before he could finish his statement, he was attacked by a few clones. He was able to take a few of them down but some them overpowered him. He felt like he was done for until Darius showed up and took out the rest. "Reno, go with Ruby, I'll take it from here." Reno did as his father told him and left the area, hoping to get his training started ASAP. Darius saw the demon attack him and managed to avoid it's attacks before he sliced off one of it's arms with his katana. "So Allison, I take it you broke out of prison...with the help of a pact maker," he said, smirking at the fact that he injured a pact maker. "Now then, since you've gotten a taste of my own anti-magic powers, I got some questions to ask...why are you here?"

@Leo Radomir
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"Damn pact makers, I knew they're too weak to handle things by themselves," he said with a smirk. "Lemme guess...Allison, is it? You made a deal with him after a demon sent you down to hell for domestic violence, murder, and possibly conspiracy..."  Before he could finish his statement, he was attacked by a few clones. He was able to take a few of them down but some them overpowered him. He felt like he was done for until Darius showed up and took out the rest. "Reno, go with Ruby, I'll take it from here." Reno did as his father told him and left the area, hoping to get his training started ASAP. Darius saw the demon attack him and managed to avoid it's attacks before he sliced off one of it's arms with his katana. "So Allison, I take it you broke out of prison...with the help of a pact maker," he said, smirking at the fact that he injured a pact maker. "Now then, since you've gotten a taste of my own anti-magic powers, I got some questions to ask...why are you here?"

@Leo Radomir

The demon smirks after bleeding a little and then  his arm turned to liquid then places a talisman on his arm then anti magic fades and his arm regrows and says" were not inclined to answer you or the other rulers the times of being subtenant are over now it's time to have some fun at their expense".  A hand quickly starts to form and after a minute or so then launches at his leg from the ground. Allison laughs and says" why ask what a stupid question take a good look at how many of you are towards others and then you have the nerve to judge me I know i'm rotten but I know why i'm rotten". " When you remember why I hate you all so much during the next time we meet then you'll understand why I don't give a crap about this world".

" As for your son that cocky little whelp is only alive because you saved his ass but he won't always be so lucky one day as you probly know that will come back to bit him in the ass and I hope i'm around to see the light fade from his eyes".
The demon that helped her scapes shows up and channels some of his energy into the prison and it shatters like a glass and says" Stop pissing around allison i didn't give you some of my power so you could be beat down by a boy and little girl", He then unleashes this mix of weird physic and light energy at them both even if your able to do this would still hurt a ton.

Allison shakes off the blows then sighed and quickly moves her hands and clones of her energy quickly start form and get ready to attack him and she saysIf you live though this boy you won't be the same i hope you've enjoyed the free hits you got on me because now i'm going to hit back".The demon rips back allisons powers gives them back to her then and says" Oh i forgot to tell you boy i'm also a pact maker and that move doesn't work on me us pact makers have become a lot smarter since back in the day and have learned all kinds of interesting ability's"

jax laugh "oh i see! ill take care of my sister when i see her AHAHAHHAHAAHHAAHHAAHHAAHHA im really bored thoe isnt there ssssssooommmmeeething u could do for meeeeeeee!" he said with a laugh as he walk inside and take out his book and take out the rules and regulations "also im a little confuse here. why cant we use magic at the ummmm? ...." he scratch the back of his head and hit it "i cant understand ahahhahahahahaahha!"

Ruby sighs and says" Getting overly frustrated isn't going to help and fighting a pact maker is a extremely bad idea with out a least one class three master to assist in battle stupid reno, we'd best retreat for now and get kio sama's aid i didn't want to have to ask him but this is dire take me back to reno please".

Zenith sighs and says" Are you for real kid, it's so we don't have people hurting and killing each other left right and center and other things cause me a giant headache and i just told you what there is seriously open your flipping ears". " As for your sister i take care of all my students i did come here to help people after all".

isaac lets go and says" Sorry about that i wasn't thinking but from the sounds of it zenith will be done, not now but i'd like to learn more about cars and i can teach you about alchemy if you like"


"O-oh ok." She said to him shyly. The thought that a guy was willing to actually learn from her was confusing. Every other guy had always just dismissed her as a posser or didn't know what she was really doing so to hear him have some confidence in her skills maser her smile inwardly to her self as she followed him 
Darius smirks and jumps over the demon. He makes his katana dissappear and straightens out his trench coat. "Sounds to me like you're trying to start a war against the world," he said. "I should warn you, anger and hate was why a lot of people fall from grace. It will eventually cause more harm to the being instead of the people they're targeting, remember that. For now, let's go our separate ways, we'll have our fight sometime in the future." Darius walks away from them without giving them a glance. He makes his way down to the garden, where everyone else is waiting. 'Don't worry Allison, I've seen what he's capable of. Once his training ends, he'll be the bane of all pact makers.'  "What happened, where's Allison?" Reno shouts when he saw his father returning. "I let them go, they're nothing more than distractions from our real goals anyway." Darius placed a hand on Reno's shoulder, smiling all the while. "You didn't plan on fighting them, you was stalling to provide Luna time to escape, were you?" "Of course, I'm not ready to fight a pact maker yet. So, buying someone time was my only option." Darius laughs for a bit and sternly told him, "They'll be back soon, and I'll need you to be ready when that time comes. I'm proud of you son, you always know what to do in situations like these." Darius looks over towards Ruby, who looked frustrated by what Reno was doing. He walks over to her and playfully pokes her forehead. "I understand that you're worried about my son, but you got to give him credit, he's trained hard enough to take about six or seven nukes at one time," he said in a proud tone. "He has a knack for giving his allies a heart attack, but he's one smart cookie. Let me tell you how I can tell when he's really going to fight someone, or if he's just gauging their abilities: Always check his aura. If his aura is calm, then he's only playing around, learning his opponents moves, techniques, everything. When he aura starts going erratic, that's when he's ready to fight someone, remember that. okay?"

@Leo Radomir
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Victoria A. Glamis (Shadow Elemental)
(Shadow creatures with Victoria: Steve)

Victoria was completely thrown off by the deplorable creature’s perversion, this wasn’t the exact way she wanted to introduce herself to these newfound classmates. Suddenly one of the ‘so-called students’ happened to be a faculty member who had asked Victoria if she had already booked an appointment for 10:00 P.M., She was absolutely astonished, not by the questioned but by her unblemished appearance which gave the impression of being indifferent from the rest of the undergraduates. “You’re Emilie?’ She replied, still trying to wrap her head around the concept of this woman’s visual youth while struggling to pinpoint exactly where she had left the school’s pamphlet, eventually gliding the pinnacle of her fingers across the papery-substance and pulling it out from the relatively cluttered bag of miscellaneous goodies. “Oh, huh. You are, well that’s honestly a surprise.” Victoria was unmistakably needled, just from her tone alone she didn’t realize that she’d be set up with this type of consultant, one that is strictly dealing with the ‘mental’ occupants, insulting.

All the while the grotesque ‘cyclops’ creature was hunched over from the slightly compact room, directing a forbidding glare at one particular woman in the room who had almost immediately recognized his sinister presence, commencing in a prolonged stare down between the two that managed to give off an unnerving atmosphere before the shadowy homunculi released a bone-chilling snicker that flooded the room from Stregheria’s ‘flattering’ remark. “Haha, Gothica?! She really got you good Victoria!” The creature’s ongoing hysterical fit of laughter was interrupted by Victoria’s worsening aggravation displayed in the intensity of her eyes causing the figure to uncomfortably rub the back of its head with an apologetic look in its solitary eye before transitioning its unyielding gaze over back at the energetic woman who was now attempting to transmute a mythical creature. “As for cyclops, not exactly. I’m guess i’m what you’d label as a ‘mystery’? I come from something called the void or at-least that’s what the humans call it! Also i do have a name just to let you know. Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff or you could just call me Steve.” He announced in a buoyant tone, while eagerly watching the girl attempt to create a sentient life form out of the floor.

@Pumpkin Spice Cyanide @Enmyira (Sorry about the delay, I passed out.) 

Myuki wanted to kill Mhikail but if she did she wouldn't be a step ahead of Darius and her uncle "Fine, but if you do anything like this again I'll kill you and this time I won't go down there to retrieve you" she said before kissing him. She didn't care for Mhikail but if there was one thing he was good for, it was sex. She decided to give him what he wanted while also making sure she didn't get a Mhikail with any draw backs. After a while she noticed a small curse mark on his back "Let me take care of that" she said before kissing his back while also burning the spot with the curse. She focused all her flames into the curse and burned away the magic with general ease. "Now shall we continue? But we do need to be a little more quiet, I'm sure the other students will hear us if we aren't careful" she said before taking the lead.(Fade to black here)

@Eternal Dragonchild

Magnus figured his nephew had everything taken care of in the arena and decided he would go and bring Darius a little present seeing the convenience of them all being there at he same time. He decided to teleport in a flash of fire straight to Darius "Ah you and I need to have a chat" he said to his friend before gripping his shoulder and flashing them both to another location in a big burst of fire. The place they were in looked like a lab. To be precise it was actually his secret lab he had been working on since he started school at Sakura. He finally had a use for it as a sort of headquarters but then Darius built one himself so it's been dormant. He flipped a switch and everything buzzed to life. He turned to his friend before leadin him to what looked like a safe "This is for you" he went over to the key pad and punched in a code "So I'm not sure you need this but I figured you might want it since it's got info dealing with you celestial types" he opened the safe to reveal a rarely old book with some magic runes on the cover and spine of it. The book looked ancient and was probably worth a small fortune but he also felt some great magic from it "I'm not sure what it's for just yet but it had been quite useful as a training tool. How do you think I learned how to use the white flames? And can you believe I have had this thing since sophomore year?" He began to tell his friend about the book as he waited for a reaction.

@ShadowSaber331 (Darius)
Sam was nowhere near skilled enough in contrivance to create life and instead opted for the easy way out of building what was, essentially, a big sculpture. She was halfway down the shoulder of the piece when her concentration was broken by the shadow thing. She halted her work and turned back toward the two (relatively) newcomers, blowing a rogue strand of hair out of her face.

"A mystery? You mean like the Black Knight Satellite or who's a good boy?", she said sarcastically to the one eyed creature. She moved away from her project and walked towards it, getting close up enough where she was arching her head back to make eye contact with it.  "What the hell's the void?" she asked. Not waiting for an answer she reached out and tried to grab the beast. "Ewww...." She mumbled with fascination, feeling the strange shape of the creature. 

"Hey, where exactly did you find Funkhauser here?" Sam asked Victoria, turning her head towards her. 



Briar rose 



Briar Rose just smiled as she looked at the conclour" see you around i'm going to see my big sister so see ya" she say as she went out the door bringing her bag as she smiled going toward the garden as she looked at her picture she never met her sister as she sighed trying to bring the nerve to say something to her sister" um excuse" she say as she was nervous" your fern correct we texted a couple times i just never meet you before um my dad is in jail so our mom have custody over me now um my name is Brair Rose i was told i'm your half sister" she say all nervous as she looked at her" its a pleasure to meet you" she say bowing her head she was acting nervous as she was drinking her coffee she was very tired from the train ride she just yawned a bit @Eternal Dragonchild
Darius smirks and jumps over the demon. He makes his katana dissappear and straightens out his trench coat. "Sounds to me like you're trying to start a war against the world," he said. "I should warn you, anger and hate was why a lot of people fall from grace. It will eventually cause more harm to the being instead of the people they're targeting, remember that. For now, let's go our separate ways, we'll have our fight sometime in the future." Darius walks away from them without giving them a glance. He makes his way down to the garden, where everyone else is waiting. 'Don't worry Allison, I've seen what he's capable of. Once his training ends, he'll be the bane of all pact makers.'  "What happened, where's Allison?" Reno shouts when he saw his father returning. "I let them go, they're nothing more than distractions from our real goals anyway." Darius placed a hand on Reno's shoulder, smiling all the while. "You didn't plan on fighting them, you was stalling to provide Luna time to escape, were you?" "Of course, I'm not ready to fight a pact maker yet. So, buying someone time was my only option." Darius laughs for a bit and sternly told him, "They'll be back soon, and I'll need you to be ready when that time comes. I'm proud of you son, you always know what to do in situations like these." Darius looks over towards Ruby, who looked frustrated by what Reno was doing. He walks over to her and playfully pokes her forehead. "I understand that you're worried about my son, but you got to give him credit, he's trained hard enough to take about six or seven nukes at one time," he said in a proud tone. "He has a knack for giving his allies a heart attack, but he's one smart cookie. Let me tell you how I can tell when he's really going to fight someone, or if he's just gauging their abilities: Always check his aura. If his aura is calm, then he's only playing around, learning his opponents moves, techniques, everything. When he aura starts going erratic, that's when he's ready to fight someone, remember that. okay?"

@Leo Radomir

Ruby saw sr flame turd and then smirked as he blinks out and says to the others" I've been thinking things over and i'm not happy with the old system they set up so i'm resetting the rankings based on what people learn from each situation and how they act over the next two months, i'm up for ideas if they are sensible and will help the team but the teams will be mixed so people get used to working with others so please keep that in mind when earning a higher rank".  She then opens a portal and jumps in and says" your welcome to hate me for it i'm sick of putting people in the ground and i need people to learn and adapt as much as possible before they come back because when they do their bound to have a few surprises with them". Ruby felt something vanish and rubs her neck she wasn't sure what. 

Ray sighs and says" i know that was very blunt and she could of done that better but having that annoying bimbo screw with her hasn't helped things but she's cool off soon enough in the meantime when you can catch a break please use it mana backlash is killer in some cases and like her i'd prefer not have to bury any of the team if possible, now with that said it's time to start our training in the spirit realm and i'll help where i can as long as what your asking isn't absurdly stupid or your just being difficult with me  

O-oh ok." She said to him shyly. The thought that a guy was willing to actually learn from her was confusing. Every other guy had always just dismissed her as a poser or didn't know what she was really doing so to hear him have some confidence in her skills maser her smile inwardly to her self as she followed him 

isaac knocks on the door and says" Sir sam's waiting for her schedule and what not from you so as soon as you can, then says to sam" my dad drilled it into my that only fool do things half cocked so i want to learn as much as i can while i'm here and because i know i may not get the chance once we all grow up".
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Darius looked at the book in awe. "That's it, that's the second book," he softly said. "You see, I've been trying to figure out why the pact makers have been attacking Arlane, and one of them mentioned something about ten books. I obtained the first one but the second one eluded me for some time. Thank you Magnus." He didn't take the book from the safe, but he teleports where he hid the first one and takes it. He returns to the lab and swaps the two. "This will be the key to finding the third book...also, Allison's back, and she has a pact maker with her. We'll need to keep an eye out for her." Darius puts the book in his trench coat and takes a seat on one of the chairs. "So, how's training? Did Clair learn something new?" @GreyGremory

Reno smiled a bit and nods in agreement. "Fair enough," he says and jumps in the portal with her. "Let's not forget though, you still gotta take me to this 'Kio sama' character. If I'm going to be powerful enough to take on the pact makers, I'll need to learn all I can." Reno notices Ruby rubbing the back of her neck. "Is something wrong?" he asks. Reno doesn't know what was going on with her, but he didn't want to pry into it, for it's Ruby's choice to give him a straight answer or not.  @Leo Radomir
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Magnus sighed in annoyance "Actually just like Asahi always ended up alone in some of the worst situation, his son is facing a very similar problem with Clair. I guess her alias that the general had given her was her trigger word for her full powers to be unleashed. Luckily I gave her a new limiter that is holding it back just enough for him to get close" he said explaining Homura's and Clairs current situation "Your son and daughter are worse than you when it comes to back up. When ever we needed you you left but at least came back with help. Your children just went off to deal with I'm guessing literally anything else. It's all due to those two children you decided to make the leaders. They are so determined to undermine everything that makes the Elites who they are that they don't understand that they will never get stronger by following just orders. They need to also follow their hearts. If Homura doesn't make it out of this alive I will hold you, your family and those two children you seem to trust more than me and Arlane, responsible for it!" He gave Darius a stern look and resisted punching him. He walked toward the console and began typing until a security camera image from the academy showed up on screen. The scene showed what had been happening at the arena with Homura and Clair and how the others all left him behind. "See he is all alone out there trying to not just save the girl but also save the school. You know very well what happened when someone with her powers showed that mug potential. They destroyed a small portion of Africa. She is much stronger and much deadlier since the general had his hands on her. Now my nephew is trying to live up to his fathers legacy. The only difference between him and Asahi is hat he is always left alone because someone always says to leave him behind! We never operated like that when we were Elites so why are these Elites operating like that now?" He brought up his point and yelled it across to Darius. He didn't want his nephew to die and he didn't want his nephew to survive only to lose the girl he loves. If no one arrived to help him they would both end up in a worse position and it wouldn't be pretty no matter who survived "If she blows up and my nephew is able to contain it, you better hope they both go with it. If even one of them is left alive if it happens trust me when I say that the damage done won't even compare to the psychological damage that will occur" he didn't want an bad blood between him and Darius but he didn't know what else to do for his family.

Reno, feeling guilty for leaving behind Homura, figured that he should do something to help. "On second thought Ruby," he said. "Training will have to wait., I gotta help out a fellow Elite. Hate me all you want, but I'd rather listen to my heart than be an emotionless drone." He jumps through the portal again back to the garden and turns to meet Xena's gaze. "We gotta help Homura, he'll die if we don't do something." Xena smiles and says, "Alright little bro, lead the way." Reno and Xena started to run towards the arena, where he felt a surge of mana coming from inside. When he opens the door, he finds Homura embracing Clair. "Sis, we need to at least weaken this power, know any spells that can do that?" "I know of a few, but this one's the most powerful. Follow my lead." Xena puts her arms out and chants a spell in an ancient dialect. Her mana starts flowing out and connects with Clair as it tries to fix the seal. Reno does the same, and his mana does exactly the same thing as Xena. 

Darius looks over at the monitors and smiles. "You're right," he said. "I should be following my heart than just orders...and my heart says that I should help my kids out." He gets up from off the chair and places the book on a nearby table. "Let's go Magnus," he continues. "They'll need some help to fix that seal, since it's the only thing keeping her powers in check...it's what my best friend would have done." He walks over to Magnus and puts a hand on his shoulder. "As for what they were doing, they had to help their friends from Allison and Myuki," he continues. "Now they're helping Homura by making sure the seal doesn't become destroyed...and for someone who's blaming me for not helping Homura, why are you here instead of there anyway?" Darius laughed and teleported to the arena. When he noticed his two kids chanting the spell, he does the same thing, adding his mana to help repair the seal.

@Leo Radomir

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Fern turns around to face Briar "And you are? Sorry I'm not very good with names" She gave the girl a soft smile "Fern's the name and poisons my game" A little giggle left her throat after she'd finished speaking. She'd changed into a gardening apron and sunhat recently. Turning her back to Briar, she proceeded to collect some more ivy from the wall nearby.


Raiven sat down on the rock, legs tucked underneath her as a demon knelt nearby. The demon was sitting guard for her as she meditated. After a while, Raiven stretched and stood up, brushing off her dress as she did so. The demon raised it's head as she passed by before standing up to follow her.

Together they walked backwards towards Ruby. When they reached Ray, the demon was dismissed with a flick of her hand

"So, captain. What is the plan of action?" Her hands were linked behind her back as she stood there. 

@Leo Radomir
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Fern turns around to face Briar "And you are? Sorry I'm not very good with names" She gave the girl a soft smile "Fern's the name and poisons my game" A little giggle left her throat after she'd finished speaking. She'd changed into a gardening apron and sunhat recently. Turning her back to Briar, she proceeded to collect some more ivy from the wall nearby.


Raiven sat down on the rock, legs tucked underneath her as a demon knelt nearby. The demon was sitting guard for her as she meditated. After a while, Raiven stretched and stood up, brushing off her dress as she did so. The demon raised it's head as she passed by before standing up to follow her.

Together they walked backwards towards Ruby. When they reached Ray, the demon was dismissed with a flick of her hand

"So, captain. What is the plan of action?" Her hands were linked behind her back as she stood there. 

Fern turns around to face Briar "And you are? Sorry I'm not very good with names" She gave the girl a soft smile "Fern's the name and poisons my game" A little giggle left her throat after she'd finished speaking. She'd changed into a gardening apron and sunhat recently. Turning her back to Briar, she proceeded to collect some more ivy from the wall nearby.


Raiven sat down on the rock, legs tucked underneath her as a demon knelt nearby. The demon was sitting guard for her as she meditated. After a while, Raiven stretched and stood up, brushing off her dress as she did so. The demon raised it's head as she passed by before standing up to follow her.

Together they walked backwards towards Ruby. When they reached Ray, the demon was dismissed with a flick of her hand

"So, captain. What is the plan of action?" Her hands were linked behind her back as she stood there. 

Ruby grins and says" i'm not helping at least i'm sick and tired of being taken for granted and dealing with the hot and cold flushes they have, yes i may seem heartless but because i've used my brain instead of letting my emotions rule i've kept that fool and others alive from the shadows". " I get that for some bound are training are key but i'm not really cut out to play follow your heart and all that sentimental stuff i have a hard time as is most times, and there's no point me being leader if people are just going to rush of every time a friend is in danger that is part of the reason i'm happy lunas training to become stronger but i don't worry she's trying to hard it seems like history is repeating it's self like me and my brother". "if you want to help them it's up to you but even if i'm not part of the team i will not follow others to a needless death, if you want to train i'll gladly help you and thanks for not rushing off like a hot head and to think i used to hate you irronic how things work"

Magnus looked over at Darius "This isn't our fight. Our generation had its day. These kids won't grow if they are relying on us. Especially Homura and Clair. They need to have the most confidence in their abilities considering their pasts and the things they've gone through or else they won't be able to act at the right moments" he said sounding philosophical as he spoke. He had heard the same words from his father when he was a child but he didn't fully understand them until recently "They need his to really grow as both a person and as a Mage. If we get in the way all the time they can't really move forward" he said continuing to look at the screen hopin. His nephew made it through this ordeal. He contemplated bringing Homura back home to learn the secret Kagutsuchi family techniques but he decided to wait until he knew he was absolutely ready "Let's let them handle this his time. I think they will show us something amazing" he smiled as he watched the screen. The image showed Homuras body emanating with power "It looks like he's finally fired up" he said to Darius turning his head to look at him with a huge crazy grin on his face.

@ShadowSaber331 (Fairytails dragon force song starts playing at the start of the last sentence in his paragraph)
"Irony strikes in unexpected ways, there were times I would dash off. But now I know my powers would not be much help, so I am going to conserve them for a time when they will be. Who knows when we'll need to use a thunderstorm" She shifted her weight slightly, to get it off her bad leg. 

"I would like to learn how to rupture someone's soul, my father attempted to tell me before he passed" 

A small breeze stirred her hair briefly, causing her to sigh.

"Most of my friends don't know this. I was born in Russia, lived there until I was thirteen, learned English at my academy there. I try my best to hide my accent as I hate it" She sighed before looking directly at Ruby "If I had to choose a word to describe you, it would be pokrovitel, It's Russian for protector or angel. It came to my mind seeing you look after Luna the way you do." Raiven's Russian accent was a lot more noticeable when she spoke to tell Ruby the word to describe her 

@Leo Radomir
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"Hello two you," said Lux. "So, you two decided to stick around while Reno, Xena, and Darius are trying to help Homura? Wow, what a couple of pansies." Lux gave his brother a menacing glare before turning to the girls. "To be honest, I think Reno fits that description miss Darktower," he said. "He's willing to risk his life to rescue his friends, even at the cost of his life." "Plus, unlike you two, this is of his own accord. Also, Ruby, a guardian, as if, where was Ruby when you and that girl was shot? Where was Ruby when Clair almost destroyed the school trying to kill your boyfriend? Where was Ruby when you was raped and carved open by your cousin? More importantly, where was Ruby when Luna was constantly getting beaten and tortured? She doesn't give a rat's ass about anybody but herself, and that's not what I call 'guardian material.' " Lux clears his throat and continues where Tenebris...diverted from. "Our point is, you can't call someone who's always in the sidelines a guardian." "That's like calling a bench warmer MVP of the year." "To be honest, I think Ruby's more of a coward than what her facade says she is." "Especially since she's holding onto a lot of baggage that she has no intentions of letting go."

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild
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"Yesli chestno, Reno podkhodit pod kategoriyu dosadlivosti namnogo luchshe, chem opekuna. On vsegda buduchi neveroyatno nedobrymi po otnosheniyu k tem, kogo on opredelyayet slabyy. Konechno Rubi mozhet byt' nedobrym, no u neye yest' khorosheye serdtse." Raiven had a habit of speaking in Russian when she was well and truely annoyed or around her Russian relatives. This was also the time that her fiery Russian spirit showed through at it's best .

"Delo v tom, chto on nikogda ne byl tam. Dlya menya, kogda moy dvoyurodnyy brat oskorbil menya, Luna ili Rubi, kogda ona byla izbita. Vy sluzhite, kto pretenduyet byt' chistym, no on chernyy, kak chernila" She smiled back at Ruby "Sorry I tend to go full on pissed off Russian when I get too mad"

(To be honest, Reno fits the annoyance category so much better than guardian. He's always being incredibly unkind towards those he determines weak. Sure Ruby may have been unkind but she has a good heart.)

(Thing is, he was never there either. For me when my cousin abused me, Luna or Ruby when she was beaten. You serve someone who claims to be pure, yet he is black as ink)

@Leo Radomir


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