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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

"Well, so doesn't Reno, and we didn't need his convincing." "Look, he's a good person, he's just not as used to socializing as many people because he was isolated from a lot of his peers." "Well, that's usually what happens when you've been alone for five years." "As much as we'd love to tell you, I think Magnus has a file on him somewhere." "Oh how would you know, were you spying on him?" "I've been sneaking around while he was reviewing the Elites, and boy oh boy, is Reno's file one hell of a thrill ride."

Darius, seeing as the seal was fixed, told his two kids to keep it stable before teleporting back to Magnus. "There, that should help  weaken her powers until she snaps out of her trance," he said as he sat down in exhaustion. "By the way, I've been meaning to ask. You mentioned something about her alias, the only way she could have known was if she was going through the general's files...hey, do you have something on my son Reno in one of those files?"

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

Ruby saw sr flame turd and then smirked as he blinks out and says to the others" I've been thinking things over and i'm not happy with the old system they set up so i'm resetting the rankings based on what people learn from each situation and how they act over the next two months, i'm up for ideas if they are sensible and will help the team but the teams will be mixed so people get used to working with others so please keep that in mind when earning a higher rank".  She then opens a portal and jumps in and says" your welcome to hate me for it i'm sick of putting people in the ground and i need people to learn and adapt as much as possible before they come back because when they do their bound to have a few surprises with them". Ruby felt something vanish and rubs her neck she wasn't sure what. 

Ray sighs and says" i know that was very blunt and she could of done that better but having that annoying bimbo screw with her hasn't helped things but she's cool off soon enough in the meantime when you can catch a break please use it mana backlash is killer in some cases and like her i'd prefer not have to bury any of the team if possible, now with that said it's time to start our training in the spirit realm and i'll help where i can as long as what your asking isn't absurdly stupid or your just being difficult with me  

O-oh ok." She said to him shyly. The thought that a guy was willing to actually learn from her was confusing. Every other guy had always just dismissed her as a poser or didn't know what she was really doing so to hear him have some confidence in her skills maser her smile inwardly to her self as she followed him 

isaac knocks on the door and says" Sir sam's waiting for her schedule and what not from you so as soon as you can, then says to sam" my dad drilled it into my that only fool do things half cocked so i want to learn as much as i can while i'm here and because i know i may not get the chance once we all grow up".

"O-oh." She said shyly to him as she stood close to him a little scared of what the headmaster would be like. Slowly slipping a tiny bit behind him she gently grabbed onto his left shoulder as she peered around it at the door they were waiting in front of.

@Leo Radomir
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Victoria A. Glamis (Shadow Elemental) 

(Shadow creatures with Victoria: Steve, Zozo)

Victoria’s hazy eyes exuded a wandersome stare, comfortably placing herself onto a lonesome beanbag across from the thaumaturge lady who was continuously producing a chimera-esque creature out from the miscellaneous material that composed the office floor. Whomever this alchemist was, Victoria was a bit perturbed from how she was leisurely going about tearing up pieces of the counselor’s floor in order to fabricate some sort of graven image. “Er, isn’t that vandalism?” She questioned, pondering at the absence of concern being provided on the alchemist’s part especially since there was a student adviser that was only a few metres across from the girl, although something was telling Victoria that she didn’t care either way. “Artistry out of desecration, i’d call it. Such a peerless example of creativity.” Steve’s fascination for creation out of destruction knew no bounds, seeing such a feat presented by another person was considered to be a performance on his part, a rendition of beauty being obliterated and then reconstructed into a masterpiece once more. The contemptible creature outwardly huffed at the question she had presented around the mind-boggling phenomenon, a modern Schrodinger’s cat! Who is a good boy? One must discover the meaning behind being labeled as ‘good’ as it is completely subjective, perhaps he himself is what is known as a ‘good boy’?

The darkling shuddered with sheer excitement at the idea, being lead astray into self-joy before setting back into reality after having a chunk of its own body removed by the woman’s hand. “Huehu, that tickled a bit.. At least take me out on a fancy date first before doing something like that.” The creature winked with its colossal eye in a sarcastically seductive fashion to Sam’s sudden snagging of its own body. “Funkhauser? Oh him… Think of it like an imaginary friend, from what he told me, I kind’ve created him into existence by unconsciously thinking of him when I was a child or so. Something about having a gift where I can transport these beings from a different dimension or banish them back if i so chose, but that’s only with these thin-”. Victoria’s long-winded speech was interrupted by a loud obnoxious sigh coming from a girl who apparently snuck into the room, oddly enough she was staring at the corner for a prolonged period of time. “Boooring! Yadayada this yadada that, who cares? I showed up here because someone was offering a splendiforous amount of food! So what are we having? Vension? Beef? Oooh, ooh! How about Human?!” She turned her head, revealing a terrifying expression on her face while exposing that she was also a ‘darkling’.


“Oh not her again.” Victoria sighed, clasping her forehead while inclining herself forward.

(Shadow creatures w/appearances) 



"Well, so doesn't Reno, and we didn't need his convincing." "Look, he's a good person, he's just not as used to socializing as many people because he was isolated from a lot of his peers." "Well, that's usually what happens when you've been alone for five years." "As much as we'd love to tell you, I think Magnus has a file on him somewhere." "Oh how would you know, were you spying on him?" "I've been sneaking around while he was reviewing the Elites, and boy oh boy, is Reno's file one hell of a thrill ride."

Darius, seeing as the seal was fixed, told his two kids to keep it stable before teleporting back to Magnus. "There, that should help  weaken her powers until she snaps out of her trance," he said as he sat down in exhaustion. "By the way, I've been meaning to ask. You mentioned something about her alias, the only way she could have known was if she was going through the general's files...hey, do you have something on my son Reno in one of those files?"

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild


Ruby grins and then says" i've said and done many things wrong and i might even go to hell when this is over but i won't be blamed for things that were out of my control or not wanting to die in a fight i couldn't win" " whatever the reasons are for heros do you really think for one minute that with out groups like the hunters in the shadows helping they would still be around to produce more"? " Deem me as unfit as you like i'm done caring for people that only listen when it suits them, lets see how well the new leader can fill the shoes i've had to fill over all these years". Ruby unpins the badge and tosses it to the ground and then says" You know reno but you sure as heck don't know me i'll continue to fight but i don't need you or the circus i have my own connections". " have a lovely day and don't choke on your own words when things go to hell in a handbasket, Ruby then turns to ravien and says" the offer still stands to help you after all it's the least i can do i wasn't entirely fair to you".
Raiven nods "Shall we go away from these two goons, I can teach you Russian in return if you like" She had a soft smile on her face "Thank you for doing this" She reached into her coat pocket and pulled out two lollipops, handing one to Ruby as she did so "Enjoy, if you want it" 

She unwrapped a third lollipop and stuck it in her mouth.

@Leo Radomir
The two brothers fused to form Equinox, and he slams his staff onto the ground, creating a circular wall of anti-magic. "Do you have any idea how serious this is," Equinox shouts in anger. He sighs and deeply takes a breather. "Look, I'm sorry, I know Reno can be a bad apple at times. The real reason I came here is because I need you two to save him from himself."  The brothers than split again, and Lux became the first to speak. "Reno has been keeping this a secret for a long time, but he has been cursed for almost all his life." "You see, that curse has been said to sap the..." "Not...another...word." Lux and Tenebris turned to find Reno and Xena behind them, and they were surprised to see him back so soon. "How are you back? I thought you was helping your sister fix the seal." "The seal's been fixed. and Xena placed a rune on it so that the seal doesn't break prematurely." "Homura and Clair should be able to survive the ordeal, though with some nasty injuries but nothing too fatal." Reno walks over to his familiars while he dons his armor. "Listen up," he said in a demonic voice. "I don't give you permission to go and tell everyone about my secret, nor did I give you the right to judge someone for their choices. If they want to do things their way, then let them, you can't change everyone's thought process, nor can you change their attitudes or behaviors. They are who they are, and if I hear that you two were doing this again behind my back, I will give you a grand tour of my frozen hell!!!" Lux and Tenebris felt fear for the first time, and with all that said, they returned to his tattoo. Reno removes his armor and faces both Raiven and Ruby. "Forget you heard any of that, there are some things I don't want people to get involved in," he said in a cold tone of voice. Reno walks past them, and after about twenty or thirty yards, he sits on a large rock. Xena comes from behind and tells the two girls, "Wow, I've never seen him this angry before. He's usually cool, calm, and collected. Anyway, we should give him some time to cool off, and then go see Kio-sama."

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild
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"Darius you know where my lab is, just meet me there in an hour" he said to his friend before taking off to go and check on Homura and Clair. When he arrived he found Homura and Clair collapsed and unconscious but to his surprise they were holding hands 'Wow nephew, just like your father...' he thought to himself before teleporting them back into Homura's room in a big flash of flame. 'Ifrit I'm still your original contractor so I want you to help me with something. We are going to for now keep everything that has happened in the last few days a secret' he sent his thoughts to the god hoping he received it 'Of coarse. He is not yet ready to gain the knowledge of the Kagutsuchi family head' said the god before going silent. Magnus left the two holding each other on Homura's bed. He looked around the room and thought how kuch of a shame it was that the other students who had been in this dorm had left only a little while after the school year started. He thought about how Homura would need his friends more than ever and then came up with a brilliant idea "That might just work!" He said slightly stunned by his own idea "But will it work..." he decided he would go back to his lab and do some more calculations. He sent a text to Darius while he was on his way out to his labs secret entrance just outside the school wall *Darius I think I just had an amazing idea but I need you to come to my lab and bring Reno. I'll explain his 'file' to you as well* he hit send and then continued until his path through the trees hit a stone wall. The base foundation of the school just outside the wall. He went over and touched a spot on the wall and a hole opened up like a sliding door. He walked through and the door closed behind him.

The two brothers fused to form Equinox, and he slams his staff onto the ground, creating a circular wall of anti-magic. "Do you have any idea how serious this is," Equinox shouts in anger. He sighs and deeply takes a breather. "Look, I'm sorry, I know Reno can be a bad apple at times. The real reason I came here is because I need you two to save him from himself."  The brothers than split again, and Lux became the first to speak. "Reno has been keeping this a secret for a long time, but he has been cursed for almost all his life." "You see, that curse has been said to sap the..." "Not...another...word." Lux and Tenebris turned to find Reno and Xena behind them, and they were surprised to see him back so soon. "How are you back? I thought you was helping your sister fix the seal." "The seal's been fixed. and Xena placed a rune on it so that the seal doesn't break prematurely." "Homura and Clair should be able to survive the ordeal, though with some nasty injuries but nothing too fatal." Reno walks over to his familiars while he dons his armor. "Listen up," he said in a demonic voice. "I don't give you permission to go and tell everyone about my secret, nor did I give you the right to judge someone for their choices. If they want to do things their way, then let them, you can't change everyone's thought process, nor can you change their attitudes or behaviors. They are who they are, and if I hear that you two were doing this again behind my back, I will give you a grand tour of my frozen hell!!!" Lux and Tenebris felt fear for the first time, and with all that said, they returned to his tattoo. Reno removes his armor and faces both Raiven and Ruby. "Forget you heard any of that, there are some things I don't want people to get involved in," he said in a cold tone of voice. Reno walks past them, and after about nine or ten yards, he sits on a large rock. Xen comes from behind and tells the two girls, "Wow, I've never seen him this angry before. He's usually cool, calm, and collected. Anyway, where's this Kio-sama guy again?"

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

Ruby not remotely fazed by this then very calmly says" I won't help even though i could because i'm not one to meddle and i'm not about to become a hypocrite and so far nearly every time i've gone out of my way to help he's gone and done it again yet i'm meant to be ok with that". " With your skill level i'm sure you'll work something out, and i wish you the best with that as for kio sama i'm sorry but most of them aren't ready for him you can't work with someone that's going to drop everything at the drop of a hat". " He's in the spirit realm after all he is one of the gods there, i don't know if this counts for anything but even though you come from a different world to me i can't say i hate who knows we may even end up friends one day" " As for luna's she's welcome to stay with you and lilly and darius but this time i must go my own way". " I'm happy to help with school stuff you may want to teach others but that's as far as it goes". Ruby takes the loli and puts it her mouth then opens a portal and jumps in not caring what Xen thinks and waits on the other side for ravien.
Raiven follows after Ruby, taking the lollipop out of her mouth briefly to speak "I'm sorry for losing my temper like that. I only speak Russian when I'm pushed beyond my limit"  She tucked her hair behind her ears before stepping forwards into the spirit world "My grandfather's name is Montgomery Darktower" She looked around, trying to work out where he would be "He specialises as a ghost hunter now" 

She replaced her lollipop in her mouth, sucking on it with great vigor.

@Leo Radomir
"I wouldn't worry too much about Reno," says Xena. "True he can be a hand full, but he's proven to have a plan of action when things get sticky." Reno having cooled down, walks over to the portal and tells Ruby, "I guess some things never change when you want them too, huh? As I told my familiars, we are who we are, whether we want to accept it, or not." "He's right, it's all part of human nature. We may be of different worlds, but don't forget: before all of this, you were once human yourself." Xena walks out of the portal she made back into the garden, but Reno stayed. He reaches over and gives Ruby a kiss on the lips, after a good ten seconds, he breaks away and tells her one more piece of advice. "We both have different ways of doing things, but our intentions have always been good. Ray and I will take care of Luna, you make sure Raiven has perfected the Soul Rupture technique...oh, and place a ward on her as well, something to make sure Mihkail doesn't do anything funny when nobody's around, okay?" Darius received a text and and watches as Xena and Reno walks out of a portal and walks over to them. "Nice to see you two are okay after that debacle," he said. "Reno, Magnus needs us to meet him at his lab. Follow me." Reno nods and follows his father through another portal, this time leading to the lab. "Magnus, I brought Reno, what is this idea you have?"

@Leo Radomir

Magnus was almost to interested in his work that he almost didn't turn to greet Darius. He reluctantly turned to face the two "Welcome to my well kept secret. Anyway I'll start with Renos file. The general was checking to see just what certain elementals can do in different situations and with Homura and Clair he really went and screwed with them a lot. But with you Reno it seems that someone before him tried working with you or at least that's what it says" he says turning around to the computer while bringing up a file on the screen "This one says that Reno was actually a test subject in trying to fuse angel or demon with elemental tissues. This would in theory give that elemental incredible innate powers but the draw back would be the backlash it has on their bodies. They were trying to create a successful fusion with all the innate power but no draw back and I think they succeeded. The only thing now is that Reno has a timer on him. His powers will literally kill him if he's not careful. Well even if he was careful he wouldn't live past 40 at this rate" he said giving his friend the horrible news. He turned to Reno "The only reason you probably don't remember is because you were subject to the same mental rewrite Clair had received before school started" he gave his heart bt he was still bothered by something else he found and decided he would leave that one for later. He then lifted up the ancient book Darius left in place of the other book. He had been reading it and trying to figure out what this one holds "Interesting stuff. I'm not one for spiritualistic base element magic but this soul fire stuff peaks my interest" he said holding the open book in one hand while he faced Darius "So anyway I'll get to the point here. We need to shut down the Elites program" he said with a serious face and tone.

Both Reno and Darius were shocked by what Magnus told him, Reno mostly. He knew his demonic abilities were from something, but he didn't think it was from a test, not only that, he has a time limit on him. "Well...there's a way to increase my life expectancy? Right?" Reno asked, hoping there would be a ray of light somewhere. Darius was also in disarray from the news, since he was about to lose his only son due to an experiment. He was also surprised that Magnus wanted to shut down the Elite program, which was very unexpected. "Magnus, when did you come to that decision," he asked. "The Elite program was your project, your legacy, why do you want to shut it down?"


Briar Rose



Briar just sighed a bit as she just looked at her sister" i'm Briar Rose i think your my big sister if not i'm sorry i just moved here from America this is my first day here actually" she say scratching" i don't expect you to remember me i'm no one my powers are spirit resures" she say as she just smiled' man she don't remember me i mean we were kids when my dad won custody over me' she thought as she just sighed looking around she just scratched her head' where is my dorm room again' she thought as she just smiled she just looked at her scheadule looking for where was her dorm @Eternal Dragonchild
Raiven follows after Ruby, taking the lollipop out of her mouth briefly to speak "I'm sorry for losing my temper like that. I only speak Russian when I'm pushed beyond my limit"  She tucked her hair behind her ears before stepping forwards into the spirit world "My grandfather's name is Montgomery Darktower" She looked around, trying to work out where he would be "He specialises as a ghost hunter now" 

She replaced her lollipop in her mouth, sucking on it with great vigor.

@Leo Radomir

Ruby ignored reno's trying to be cool if anything she wasn't in the mood for it and says" It's no problem just make sure battery doesn't go down the same road as reno biting off more than he can chew, as for his curse it's i said i wouldn't but that doesn't mean ray's mum will give a rats as of course he's probably lose his demonic powers but that's not a problem if he forms a contract with the blue star witch". "but back to focus many of the friendly demons live by the wind meadow maybe he's there and it goes without saying i'll make sure you learn it". " Also the way your sucking on that loli pop looks naughty and i might push you on the ground and make out with you because i need a stress relief"
"Something's annoying me about the Elite System here in Sakura. Back home in Russia, when I attended Samara Elemental akademiya, meaning Samara Elemental Academy. We had a similar system except the top ranks weren't fixed, they changed monthly. We had ranks U, G, F, E, D, C, B, A, A*, AA, AA* and S. Every month our performances across all subjects, behaviour, attitude and our abilities were analysed and we'd be given a new placement. The highest I reached was B4, Ranked fourth amongst the B rank" She sighed slightly 

"Sometimes I think it would benefit Sakura. I miss the uniform we had there, we were never cold" Raiven grinned, returning to her previous mission of destroying her lollipop 

@Leo Radomir
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Xena was bored since Reno and her father went off somewhere, so she returned to her classroom to finish putting things in place. She felt her phone buzz after six minutes and read the message from her father, telling her that the Elite program's been shut down, and that her brother has a short life span due to his demonic half. After reading it over, she smiles at the news, seeing it as the perfect time to do away with her annoying brat of a brother. 'So, little brother Reno's dying...I think I can help accelerate the process.'  She mentally chants a spell and walks out of the classroom, having finished setting it up. 'Curse has been cast, you have three weeks to last. See if you can lift it, but make it fast.'  As she was walking, she resends the text to all the other Elites, including Ruby, and sends a different message to Reno. When she reached the garden, she notices Ray, along with someone who looks a bit younger than he is. "Ray, wait up," she shouts as she runs up to him. When she's caught up with him, she says, "Nice to see you again. By the way, who is she?"

Reno was still a bit shocked from the news of his impending death. He turns to face his father and says, "Sorry, I'm gonna need some alone time." "Okay Reno, stay safe out there," said Darius, for even he was upset over it. Reno exits the lab and teleports himself into his dorm. He walks over to his bed and starts to rest his back on it. This was a lot to take in, but he knew he had to find some way to make up for everything now. After about ten minutes, he started coughing, he puts his hand over his mouth to avoid spreading whatever he was coughing out, when he look at it, he noticed that it was his own blood. 'What the hell!? Great, first I get news of me dying at age 40, now this? I really HATE my life!!!' He pulls out his phone after it starts buzzing and reads the message: 'Hey little bro, I heard that you was dying so I figured I'd help accelerate the process. To be honest, I never did like how you always acted like you're invincible, or better than everyone just because you're an Elite...but hey, look at the bright side, you've always wanted to be alone, and this is the perfect chance to be alone...for all eternity. Congratulations on being the most hated Elite by your peers, at least I can say I did them a favor.'  Learning of your impending doom, getting cursed and finding out that it was your own sister that placed it, and knowing that your friends hate your guts? Yeah, he really hates his life now.

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Anyone Online

Myuki after having spent some much needed stress relief with Mhikail she sent a message to the one contact she didn't have a name on. *Xina, I'm on my way just got Mhikail back in order. Let's go and find some ancient artifacts* she hit send and smirked before getting it of bed and heading to the shower. She felt refreshed but also wanted to undo everything the had just done in the last few hours 'He's so gross but he's at least good at following orders. Well better get ready to screw with my uncle and brother a little' she thought to herself before getting dressed and then flipping Mhikail off her bed "Loser get going! I gave you your stupid request now go! Find me those books" with that she left her room and made her way to the cafeteria to grab some lunch before setting out on their journey.

@Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331
Mikhail hit the floor with a groan, followed by a series of Russian swearwords. He stood up, brushing himself off with a mock hurt face "Miyu, why are you so cruel Kukla?" He asked as he dressed. He turned to leave slinging his signature jacket over one shoulder
"Now I have you moya vozlyublennaya, I do not need my cousin as much. Her body is only a quick fix for me" He waved to her as he left to search for the book


(doll,  my sweetheart) 

Fern looked back at Briar "Bibi?" she asked with a smile on her face "Remember that I could never say your name.... My daddy will be so happy to have us both back. My cousin's also here. You look more like her than I do" She giggled before hugging Briar close "You can camp out in my room until it's sorted" 

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Brair just smiled as she looked at her big sister" i glad we are back together and thanks ferny" she say as she looked at her" i'm glad my daddy is in jail i'm glad i'm here now the past is the past" she smiled at her nickname" i remember i was 3 at the time i believe i missed you so much thanks for letting me stay with you for a while i can't wait to see your daddy i guess he's my stepdad" she say as she smiled" i can't wait to see mama" she say as she just smiled at her sister as she looked back at her sister enjoying the hug" um big sister do you think you can show me around i mean it's my first day here" she say blushing a bit  @Eternal Dragonchild
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Solace and Ebalon Hernia +

~ An Interest ~

Solace and Ebalon had made it to their dorm. Ebalon had sneaked out of Emilie's office. With the cat. Though she kinda felt bad she left like that. She decided that she would take a shower first before she did anything else. She placed the cat next to Solace on the bed as it went to sleep quickly. Solace had already taken a shower and she left the number on the nightstand. She was asleep until she felt something on her arm. It was a cat. When Ebalon finished, Solace spoke. "Ebalon, where'd you get the cat?" "It was... a counselor's cat. Emilie." "Oh you met her too huh..." She said before Solace closed her eyes as the kitten just napped on her arm. Ebalon opened up a holographic panel that opened a map. She remembered where Emilie's office was and pin pointed it as it soon showed a trail like a GPS. She soon pressed a small tab called Save. Seems she was going to come back. Solace was still awake and couldn't go back to sleep since she was wondering. Why would that guy give his number to her? Maybe it was just for training. But why would an elemental waste their time on training a human? Was it another pro-human elemental?

After awhile, they both got dressed to go out. Ebalon wanted to go see Emilie again so she used her GPS thing. Solace however, went out to go buy some food. It was gonna be snacks or just something they could eat. She saved Arcus' number on her phone. But labled him as Treadmill guy. Mainly because she didn't catch his name and just referred him to his latest activity before leaving.

Alexander walked through the dorm area, bags trailing behind him from one hand, schedule in the other. A frown was plastered across his face as he tried to read the English on his schedule. Eventually, he came across an open room and knocked on it with three sharp knocks before calling out

"Hello, Is anyone in room? I ask you to help".... yeah Alec's English  wasn't fantastic, especially compared to his twin's.

Clair was struggling to keep her powers at bay, of course the collar was limiting the effects it had on her but that didn't make the psychological effects any easier to cope with. In fact the constant shocking of the collar made it seem as though her own power was torturing her both inside and out, it was not a fun time ! It was as if she was being crushed between to steel walls and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't break free.... It was torture every passing second felt like an age and every passing minute felt like a lifetime of pure unfiltered pain. 

Everything was silent and dark from her perspective, it was as though she was enveloped by the deep space she called her element. Not Even Homura's voice could pierce the dark veil she was enveloped in. Clair was isolated and alone, cold and tired and tortured by pain. The collar wouldn't allow her to pass out which without would have happened a long time ago. 

However the darkness was soon pierced by a burning light, a warm and caring light. A light created by a flame, a flame she had felt numerous times before. It was Homura's and it was burning away her pain. It was burning the steel walls the held her tight and replaced them with two arms. Homura's arms. With a soft smile Clair thanked Homura and as she did the barrier formed again and all the energy that had previously been emitted came rushing back and imploded. This left behind a purple haze and also managed to crack the collar around her neck somewhat.

all this was well ad good until Clair realised properly what had happened, Homura was hugging her and that meant she was breaking PDA ! This was unacceptable and cause a sharp scream from Clair who was now a blushing mess "w.w.w.What do you think your doing ! This is school ground ! No PDA!!!!"

And with that said Clair teleported to the opposite side of the arena leaving Homura to fall on his face. "Where did Magnus go ? I need him to fix my collar".

Little did Clair know but a purple shade was slowly starting to spread throughout her veins starting now at the centre of her back.

Reno's eyes burst open from the sound of someone's voice. He shot up from his bed and looked at the door, to find Alec. "Alec!?" he shouted. "Why the hell are you here? If Raiven finds out you're here, she'll destroy you." He gets up and pulls him inside the room and slams the door shut. He sighs and turns to face him with an annoyed look on his face. "You are so lucky I don't have time for this," he said in his normal tone of voice. "So what bring you here, giving a message to Raiven from your sorry bitch of a mother?"

Xena, having felt her phone buzz, pulls out her phone and texts back Myuki. 'Okay, I've already got a lock on your mana, and hopefully you got Mihkail to get his ass up. I swear, he's lazy when it comes to getting everything ready, but when he hears Raiven's name, he's suddenly full of energy. Maybe I should castrate him for being so damn useless, it'll actually give me some respect points to Raiven as well. They still don't know that I'm working with you, so as long as I've gained their trust, we'll have to meet in secret from now on.'  She sends the text and turns to meet their gazes. "On second thought, you can tell me later," she said in her usual tone. "I'm gonna get a bite to eat. You can introduce me to her later, okay?" Xena teleports into the cafeteria and sits down next to Myuki. "I take it Mihkail has found a replacement for his cousin," she asks. "Good. I swear, he's obsessed with that kid, and not in a healthy way either. Why can't we just kill him and find someone less...incest happy, like Ray?"

@Eternal Dragonchild


@Leo Radomir
"I transfer here to learn. Where is my twin" He asked, slightly stunned at Reno's rough treatment "She say she meet me at the station but she not turn up" He looked positively wounded at Reno's words.

Sighing he offered the best explanation he could "After father die, I remember our early time. When she and I were happy, Mother make me and her hate each other"


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