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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Reno's eyes burst open from the sound of someone's voice. He shot up from his bed and looked at the door, to find Alec. "Alec!?" he shouted. "Why the hell are you here? If Raiven finds out you're here, she'll destroy you." He gets up and pulls him inside the room and slams the door shut. He sighs and turns to face him with an annoyed look on his face. "You are so lucky I don't have time for this," he said in his normal tone of voice. "So what bring you here, giving a message to Raiven from your sorry bitch of a mother?"

Xena, having felt her phone buzz, pulls out her phone and texts back Myuki. 'Okay, I've already got a lock on your mana, and hopefully you got Mihkail to get his ass up. I swear, he's lazy when it comes to getting everything ready, but when he hears Raiven's name, he's suddenly full of energy. Maybe I should castrate him for being so damn useless, it'll actually give me some respect points to Raiven as well. They still don't know that I'm working with you, so as long as I've gained their trust, we'll have to meet in secret from now on.'  She sends the text and turns to meet their gazes. "On second thought, you can tell me later," she said in her usual tone. "I'm gonna get a bite to eat. You can introduce me to her later, okay?" Xena teleports into the cafeteria and sits down next to Myuki. "I take it Mihkail has found a replacement for his cousin," she asks. "Good. I swear, he's obsessed with that kid, and not in a healthy way either. Why can't we just kill him and find someone less...incest happy, like Ray?"

@Eternal Dragonchild


@Leo Radomir

Ray smirks coldly and says" that was a bit weird i better warn ruby that something might be up with her, i got admit i'm looking forward to her crushing that cow but in the mean time we can play along like we don't know somethings up". Mizina smiles and says" Luna i don't care if you don't like secrets if you screw this up for us i'll shove you in the space plan with no powers, and i know my son wouldn't be happy with me but we need to get to the bottom of this otherwise it could spell more trouble".

Now zenith has explained it to jacx he gently pushes him out of the room and says" I'm sorry for the wait please come in so i can help you i'm a teacher after all". 

Ruby thinks over what was said then after a minute or so says" That works for some people but i'm not sure how well that would work here given how many are but at some point it will need to be talked about", the place i was talking about is south west from here and if were lucky we'll find a spirit eagle to take us there". " I haven't told any one in the school but i wasn't always he i was in south africa for a fair bit before luna joined the family and went to school there they to had a system like yours in russia". " I learned many things there but the biggest lesson i learned was i wasn't the strongest by far, and even though i did love reno i'm not going to be the girlfriend that picks up the broken pieces or puts another body in the ground and so on done far to much of that already". 

@Daniel reaving

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"I see," he said, understanding the situation. "Did you explain it to Raiven. If she doesn't know about how your mother used you, things will get dicey." Reno has heard of a few possible ways of controlling someone. One would be regular hypnosis, but that usually takes a lot of time and patience to perfect it. Another way was Mind Swaping, a technique used by shadow users to swap between a person's consciousness, but it's draw back is that if you don't know anything about the person in question, you're caught. The final way is through Mana Control, where the user can manipulate the mind and body to do whatever they want. It was possible since it also make the user's mana untraceable. "Let's find Raiven, see if we can clear this up."

@Eternal Dragonchild
Ray smirks coldly and says" that was a bit weird i better warn ruby that something might be up with her, i got admit i'm looking forward to her crushing that cow but in the mean time we can play along like we don't know somethings up". Mizina smiles and says" Luna i don't care if you don't like secrets if you screw this up for us i'll shove you in the space plan with no powers, and i know my son wouldn't be happy with me but we need to get to the bottom of this otherwise it could spell more trouble".

Now zenith has explained it to jacx he gently pushes him out of the room and says" I'm sorry for the wait please come in so i can help you i'm a teacher after all". 

Ruby thinks over what was said then after a minute or so says" That works for some people but i'm not sure how well that would work here given how many are but at some point it will need to be talked about", the place i was talking about is south west from here and if were lucky we'll find a spirit eagle to take us there". " I haven't told any one in the school but i wasn't always he i was in south africa for a fair bit before luna joined the family and went to school there they to had a system like yours in russia". " I learned many things there but the biggest lesson i learned was i wasn't the strongest by far, and even though i did love reno i'm not going to be the girlfriend that picks up the broken pieces or puts another body in the ground and so on done far to much of that already". 










"To academies that gave everyone a chance" She raised her hand in a mock toast "May they prosper for a long time" She smiled and whistled softly, Feiron appearing beside her. 

"We can ride him, he's strong enough." Feiron,

to be fair was the size of a massive wolf standing at with his head at shoulder height for Raiven, who was roughly 6"00 tall. He wagged his tail, drooling on the floor

"I see," he said, understanding the situation. "Did you explain it to Raiven. If she doesn't know about how your mother used you, things will get dicey." Reno has heard of a few possible ways of controlling someone. One would be regular hypnosis, but that usually takes a lot of time and patience to perfect it. Another way was Mind Swaping, a technique used by shadow users to swap between a person's consciousness, but it's draw back is that if you don't know anything about the person in question, you're caught. The final way is through Mana Control, where the user can manipulate the mind and body to do whatever they want. It was possible since it also make the user's mana untraceable. "Let's find Raiven, see if we can clear this up."

@Eternal Dragonchild






"She my twin, she understand, I explain over video to her. Is she tall like me?" Alexander asked Reno, excited to see his sister for the first time in roughly four years "Here I show you baby picture" He reached into his bag, removing a framed photo of him and Raiven asleep in a beanbag when they were about two "We close then. Me and twin were inseperable people back home in Moscow" 

 (Basically this pose)
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Reno looks at the picture and noticed the name "Vorononok." It sounded funny to him, but he tries to hold back his laughter out of respect. "Vorononok...that's, heh, that's her real name!?" Reno started bursting into laughter from the name. He hasn't laughed that hard since seeing Adrian getting the wind knocked out of him, figuratively speaking, by a weak kick to the sack. "Oh my god," he said, trying to get the words to come out. "That name, it s like the idea came up after hearing someone throw-up." It took him about twenty more seconds before he finally calms himself down. He clears his throat and says, "Sorry, but that name though...Oh my god, Raiven's gonna be pissed when she finds out that I know about it."

@Eternal Dragonchild
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"It's not name, It pet name. It means little crow" Alec was trying not to laugh at Reno's stupidity "Her actual name on birth certificate is Raelyn. It's beautiful" He smiled at the the thought of his sister 

"She change it for her move here"

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"Ah, okay, though it does make sense," he said. "I think deep down she still loves you as a brother, as Ravens and Crows tend to be related somehow. I don't know, I'm just spit balling." Reno get up from off the floor and sits on his bed. He starts coughing again and covers his mouth. When he finished, he saw more blood on it. Not wanting to cause a panic, he rushes passed Alec and wipes it on a red towel. "Sorry about that, don't worry, it's my towel," he said, trying hard not to worry him. "Anyway, what is it do you need help with?"

@Eternal Dragonchild
"This schedule" He frowns at it "I cannot read it. I was hoping Raelyn translate it for me as she use Russian but I may try explain to the headmaster I cannot read it" He sighs, a pout that was identical to Raiven's one on hs face

"Please give help"

"Hang on, I think I can help with the schedule problem." Reno snaps his fingers and the english writing turned into russian. "There we go, that should help," he said as he handed Alec the sheet of paper. "To you and I, it'll be like it was written in russian, to others, it's plain old english. It's an old trick I read back in freshman year."

@Eternal Dragonchild



Hazel was limping on her foot as she sighed' stupid me why did i had to fall over w walk i'm fine though' she thought as she wasled back to the school as she was sneezing' soooooo cold' she thought some mean people took her shoes she got her phone out' big brother where are you i miss you' she texted him as she was limping she kept on sneezing she wimper a little she was feeling a little light headed a bit she texted reno big sister as she fall on the ground' help me i don't know where i am' she coughed she just was in the snow she held onto the bag her mom stuff she saw the house was destroyed her home was destroyed she just close her eyes her face was pretty read she didn't want to bug her big sister raiven she had enough things to worry about she didn't want to worry her she just felt her face in the snow  @ShadowSaber331
Reno felt his phone buzz and read the text from Hazel. He made a portal based on the closest area he thought she's in and jumped through it. When he arrived he saw a house in tatters. "YO, what the hell happened?" he shouted. He looked around and found Hazel trying to keep warm. He rushes over to her and picks her up, and using his free hand, moves the portal closer to him. "Hang on Hazel, I got you," he told her as he walked through the portal to his room. "Hey, where's Luka? She's normally with you."

@Eternal Dragonchild

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Hazel just looked at him tears in her eyes" why does my world keep crashing down my mom is dead my house is gone everything hurts when i'm with luka it calms me but when i'm alone i feel so alone" she say as she just looked at him" and luka we still dating i just didn't tell her i was going to see my mum i miss her so much" she say as she just lay on his bed" is raiven okay i don't want her to feel loiness like i do" she say as she was just sniffing she just hugged her mother jacket" why do i suffer from this trama" she say as she just was hiccup from her crying so much she wipe her tears from her face" it hurts so much reno it hurts" she say hugging her moms jacket @ShadowSaber331
"I'm sorry to hear, don't worry, I'm here for you," he said. "As for Raiven, she's in the spirit realm looking for her deceased grandfather. Long story short, she's trying to learn Soul Rupture from him." Reno looks over and sees that Alec is still around. "Anyway, this is Alec, Raiven's twin brother, Alec, this is Hazel, a dear friend of hers." He gets up from his bed and walks over to the dining section of his dorm. "I'm gonna make you some hot chocolate, anyway, Alec, what made you want to move out of your mother's home?"

@Eternal Dragonchild

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Hazel just grabbed for a notebook as she wrote in it she didn't like using her voice around new people' nice to meet you i'm hazel valire nice to meet you i'm raiven friend she took care of me ever since mum died' she wrote as she just hold on her notbook' please don't judge me i'm deaf i have a cochlea implant but it's hard to speak sometimes i don't like being judged' she wrote on the notbook as she gave him the notebook" i... ve..... mooo" she say as she was still strugging to speak she had thearpy for her voice later she just frowned she didn't want to go to her therpy she was getting frustrated with her therepist' i don't want to go see my therpiest for my voice since i not good speaking like you and raiven are' she signed to reno @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331
"This schedule" He frowns at it "I cannot read it. I was hoping Raelyn translate it for me as she use Russian but I may try explain to the headmaster I cannot read it" He sighs, a pout that was identical to Raiven's one on hs face

"Please give help"


Ruby smiles then gets on and says" I see that makes sense i wonder how i would of done in a place like that, i'd definately a lot of foes after all i'm a royal bitch more than i should but enough about that i don't know much about russia but i hear it's pretty cold in some parts and the poor eat a lot of root vegetables i'm i wrong about that? Ruby then goes silent for a minute and looks around to make sure that nothing is coming from the bushes and what not to ambush them.
Ray smirks coldly and says" that was a bit weird i better warn ruby that something might be up with her, i got admit i'm looking forward to her crushing that cow but in the mean time we can play along like we don't know somethings up". Mizina smiles and says" Luna i don't care if you don't like secrets if you screw this up for us i'll shove you in the space plan with no powers, and i know my son wouldn't be happy with me but we need to get to the bottom of this otherwise it could spell more trouble".

Now zenith has explained it to jacx he gently pushes him out of the room and says" I'm sorry for the wait please come in so i can help you i'm a teacher after all". 

Ruby thinks over what was said then after a minute or so says" That works for some people but i'm not sure how well that would work here given how many are but at some point it will need to be talked about", the place i was talking about is south west from here and if were lucky we'll find a spirit eagle to take us there". " I haven't told any one in the school but i wasn't always he i was in south africa for a fair bit before luna joined the family and went to school there they to had a system like yours in russia". " I learned many things there but the biggest lesson i learned was i wasn't the strongest by far, and even though i did love reno i'm not going to be the girlfriend that picks up the broken pieces or puts another body in the ground and so on done far to much of that already". 

@Daniel reaving



Samanths looked up to the boy leading her around clearly waiting for him to enter first 
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View attachment 249059

Samanths looked up to the boy leading her around clearly waiting for him to enter first 

Isaac walks in then gives a look to say i was always taught lady's first then goes over to a chair and sits down and leans back in the chair with his hand down just in case she wanted to grab it because she's nervous. Zenith smiles softly to show that he understands her awkwardness  and then sits down in his chair waits for her to come and this way he also seem less scary which hopely would also contribute to calming her nerves.
Isaac walks in then gives a look to say i was always taught lady's first then goes over to a chair and sits down and leans back in the chair with his hand down just in case she wanted to grab it because she's nervous. Zenith smiles softly to show that he understands her awkwardness  and then sits down in his chair waits for her to come and this way he also seem less scary which hopely would also contribute to calming her nerves.

Shyly Samantha walked into the room. Looking about nervously as she went to her chair and sat down. She noticed issacs hand out and wanted to grab it but felt that was to far. If they were a couple she probably would already have his hand in hers but all he was was a stranger right now
Fern was getting annoyed "Isaaaac where are yous" She text her friend "I wanna be around you :( ! I really like you"  She turned to Briar "Want to help me pick nettles! I can make us nettle tea. There's a huge field of them just outside the academy walls, let's go" She wrapped the ivy in a piece of fabric before putting it in her bag "Let me get you a glove"

Fern said, passing a thick gardening glove to Briar.

@Leo Radomir


Ruby smiles then gets on and says" I see that makes sense i wonder how i would of done in a place like that, i'd definately a lot of foes after all i'm a royal bitch more than i should but enough about that i don't know much about russia but i hear it's pretty cold in some parts and the poor eat a lot of root vegetables i'm i wrong about that? Ruby then goes silent for a minute and looks around to make sure that nothing is coming from the bushes and what not to ambush them.





"Yeah Russia can be pretty cold, Samara was usually in the negatives all year round, Root vegetables are common, we ate a lot of root vegetable stew at the academy. It was delicious" She smiled before taking out her phone, flicking through the photo albums.

"Here's a picture of the B-rank students at Samara's Elemental Academy" She showed Ruby the photograph of her classmates "I'm just in front of the really tall guy, I'm wearing the yellow ribbon" The picture detailed a class of roughly 20, Raiven was sat in the second row, her hair longer than how she currently wore it, held up by a lemon yellow hair ribbon.


Similar to this but brown hair and her blue eyes

"I'm sorry to hear, don't worry, I'm here for you," he said. "As for Raiven, she's in the spirit realm looking for her deceased grandfather. Long story short, she's trying to learn Soul Rupture from him." Reno looks over and sees that Alec is still around. "Anyway, this is Alec, Raiven's twin brother, Alec, this is Hazel, a dear friend of hers." He gets up from his bed and walks over to the dining section of his dorm. "I'm gonna make you some hot chocolate, anyway, Alec, what made you want to move out of your mother's home?"

@Eternal Dragonchild








Hazel just grabbed for a notebook as she wrote in it she didn't like using her voice around new people' nice to meet you i'm hazel valire nice to meet you i'm raiven friend she took care of me ever since mum died' she wrote as she just hold on her notbook' please don't judge me i'm deaf i have a cochlea implant but it's hard to speak sometimes i don't like being judged' she wrote on the notbook as she gave him the notebook" i... ve..... mooo" she say as she was still strugging to speak she had thearpy for her voice later she just frowned she didn't want to go to her therpy she was getting frustrated with her therepist' i don't want to go see my therpiest for my voice since i not good speaking like you and raiven are' she signed to reno @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331






"I barely speak English anyhows so you won't be judged" He smiled "I give you hug like big Siberian bear" Alec was built like a tree, solid as hell. He turned to look at his schedule with interest in his eyes "I thank you for this friend" Alec had the typical, deep booming Russian voice

"I move because I miss my sister, she friendly and lovely. Mother manipulate me"
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Briar Rose 


Brair just looked at her as she smiled as she put on the gloves" thanks so do you have any friends here" she say she was acting a little shy around her big sister she just try to calm down hoping she won't notice at all" and who your cousin" she ask as she just looked around she used to be lonely she liked having a big sister" anyways uh........." she say" um nevermind" she say as she looked down she didn't want her sister to worry about her she didn't want her to know about the scars just yet she just wore her jacket as she smiled @Eternal Dragonchild





Hazel was surprised by him as she just smiled she was waiting for the hot chocolate" she like  big sister to me she family" she say as she was happy that she wasn't going to be judged" she save me and luka from meanie bullies" she say as she was laying on the bed" she my best friend she makes me whole i lost myself for the past few months i been here since mum died but she make me happy again" she say as she was struggling with the words she really didn't want to go to speach therpy she just looked at him" rav is awsome" she say wrong as she giggled a bit" i know a bit of russian but i only can write in it i can't speak it since my language deaf" she say as she start write in russian a bit @ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild


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Arcus sat in Raiven's room and thought if something he could do for her.  He instantly jumped up from an idea.  Arcus flashed to his room and put on a Butler uniform.  He got a bunch of Raiven's favorite sweets. He started to run a bath for her,  and put the sweets on a tray.  Arcus sat the tray next to the tub. Arcus then lit candles to make the room smell good. Arcus then flashed around campus until he found Raiven.  

@Eternal Dragonchild
Reno was listening to the whole thing and was glad to hear those two getting along. When he heard the kettle whistle, he turned off the stove and pour some water into two different mugs. "It's ready," he said in a sing-song tone. He brings the mugs over to the table along with a bag of marshmallows, the small ones, for the large ones will cause the hot chocolate to overflow. "If didn't know if any of you would want marshmallows, so I brought the bag here," he explains. "Hopefully it'll warm you up after that. Anyway, I'll be back guys, I'm heading out for a few, if you need anything, text me." Reno creates a portal to the garden, which was his normal spot whenever he needed some peace and quiet. He finds a nearby bench near the pond and sits down on it, contemplating on how to lift the curse his sister put on him. The text he sent her haunted him, was he really going to die alone? What does his friends really think of him? He shook the thoughts out of his head, of course he won't due alone, and he knows Hazel and Luka will miss him. Reno suddenly heard Ray's voice along with...someone elses? He turns to the source and finds him with another woman, who looks a lot younger than Ray. He gets up and walks over to them, hoping that Ray and this mystery woman could help with his dilemma. "Ray, I need your help," he said. "I don't know why, but I've been curse by my s... by my si..." 'Sorry little bro, don't want you spoiling the surprise.' Xena told him via telepathy in a sing-song tone. 'Besides, even if Ray does have the power to lift curses, this one's been modified so that it can't be lifted by regular means. Of course, only I know how it can be broken, but I'm not going to give it up willingly.' Reno mentally cursed her older sister for doing that, but he does admit that this is something he can't figure out by himself. He'll need his friends to help break the curse.

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Leo Radomir





Hazel just drink the hot chocolate as she smiled when she was done she just got up" i see you alec i gotta go to my dorm i has homework see yoo again" she say as she smiled looking at him she put the cup back as she walked to her dorm her and raiven and ruby dorm she just smiled' alright i have to finish my homework' she thought as she digged in her pocket as she saw the door was already open' huh strange i thought i locked it oh well' she thought as she walked in her room smelling something nice she just picked up her books as she was taking a russian class she just was trying to speak it she just looked at her books as she was doing her homework' i hate homework she took off her implant as she put on the case as she just smiled' i wonder what raiven and luka is doing' she thought as she was laying on her bed' hey luka wanna come over i'm bored of doing homework' she texted her girlfriend  @Eternal Dragonchild
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Shyly Samantha walked into the room. Looking about nervously as she went to her chair and sat down. She noticed issacs hand out and wanted to grab it but felt that was to far. If they were a couple she probably would already have his hand in hers but all he was was a stranger right now

Isaac pulled his hand away and said" Sorry didn't mean to make you feel odd just thought i might help you calm down, so you can talk to zenith with out what ever questions you have fort him". He then feels his phone buzz to he takes it out then reads the texts the puts it back in his pocket and then leans back in the chair.

 Reno creates a portal to the garden, which was his normal spot whenever he needed some peace and quiet. He finds a nearby bench near the pond and sits down on it, contemplating on how to lift the curse his sister put on him. The text he sent her haunted him, was he really going to die alone? What does his friends really think of him? He shook the thoughts out of his head, of course he won't due alone, and he knows Hazel and Luka will miss him. Reno suddenly heard Ray's voice along with...someone elses? He turns to the source and finds him with another woman, who looks a lot younger than Ray. He gets up and walks over to them, hoping that Ray and this mystery woman could help with his dilemma. "Ray, I need your help," he said. "I don't know why, but I've been curse by my s... by 

Ray smiles softly and says" by your sister ruby wouldn't do that to you even though you've screwed up yet again, yes my blood does work on normal curses but were not dealing with a normal curse are we"? I've been thinking a lot and i've come to understand your to thick to hate". "  but i don't like you enough to give the answers but i will tell you a couple of other things at some point he will come back for you and yes my cells and what not can slow it down but not cure you and it's a ton stronger than my energy and blood combined so you will be weak for a few days because it connects directly to your ki and cells at the same time". 

Mizmo then gently rubs rays head like a mother would then speaks up and says" Also can lead to other side effects like puking and headaches and such so you should think it over very carefully because this is my specialty i'm mizmo the  dna witch queen now with that said if there is nothing else come back tomorrow and let ray know i'll have a car waiting if he contacts me".

Ruby gently smiles and saysI see it's very different to where i grew n south africa but the schools are the same ranking wise now i'm thing back on it, the school is called"  Omumethe izithenbiso translating from zule (full of promise). I was lucky to be middle class so i didn't have to eat wheat based porridges and such every other day, i wasn't always this cold and bitchy either i used to share my lunches with the poor kids and help with their home work when i could it might seem strange hearing that as people more times than not see me now and i can't blame them". 

Ruby pulls out a picture of her and her class and her favorite teacher as a kid and smiles gently and almost starts crying but holds them back and then says" I probably would of got to a plus if i stayed another years but being the goodie two shoes just didn't feel right and now that i think about it i just learned to put on a mask because so many looked up to me as the vise president". " At times i didn't mind helping with their problems but then they started to use me as a crutch and that's part of the reason i started to become jaded".

Zenith starts to boil a kettle and takes out some snack from the fridge and puts in the middle of the table where the coasters are and then gets some herbal and normal and some sugar and milk from different place and then last but not least three small plats and tea spoons.  

@Eternal Dragonchild


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Myuki looked at Xina when she sat down "If by someone you mean me, yes he found someone new. I didn't like it but if it keeps him obedient it's fine" she said to Xina before taking a bite out of her bagel "So what's up did you manage to get anymore information on those books. I need one in particular for my plans to work" she said as she took a sip from her coffee. She ignored Xinas remark about

finding someone less incest happy. The woman forgets that Myuki is very much into her twin brother. Myuki just shrugs it off and continues "So how is playing nice with the locals? Learn anything interesting? Actually hold hat I have to make sure he's doing what I asked instead of blowing me off" she took out her phone and opened the text thread for Mhikail *I swear if you aren't doing what I asked I will personally make this new life I have you a living hell* she hit send and then waited for Xinas response.

@ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild
"So far so good," Xena said with a proud look on her face. "Though something tells me my facade's not going to last long. I have a feeling someone's onto me. It'll be a matter of time before my shadow magic goes away and I stop becoming this school's teacher. Oh well." She takes a sip of her soda and thought about what her brother must be up too. "Though, I'm sure Reno's bound to give up and drown in his own grief by now. That curse I placed on him is going to...wait, books? My father mentioned something about those. If anything, try shaking him down for information on them."

Darius, meanwhile, was still a bit distraught about the downside of his son's demonic half, but he knew things weren't going to be as perfect as he wanted it to be. He looks over to his friend Magnus, still concerned about why he wanted to shut down the Elite program after all these years. "I guess it's about time we ended the Elite program," he said. "Though I'm surprised you wanted it to happen after all these years. But seeing what it did to the students...I can understand why. Reno, Arcus, Raiven, Homura, Clair, hell, even us...speaking of which, please tell me you have something on us."

Reno nodded in agreement to Mizno. "Alright, in the mean time, I'll see if I can figure out Xena's next move," he said. "To be honest...I thought I was gonna be surprised by this, but I guess I've been so used to being hated that I knew this was coming eventually."

@Leo Radomir


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