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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

"So far so good," Xena said with a proud look on her face. "Though something tells me my facade's not going to last long. I have a feeling someone's onto me. It'll be a matter of time before my shadow magic goes away and I stop becoming this school's teacher. Oh well." She takes a sip of her soda and thought about what her brother must be up too. "Though, I'm sure Reno's bound to give up and drown in his own grief by now. That curse I placed on him is going to...wait, books? My father mentioned something about those. If anything, try shaking him down for information on them."

Darius, meanwhile, was still a bit distraught about the downside of his son's demonic half, but he knew things weren't going to be as perfect as he wanted it to be. He looks over to his friend Magnus, still concerned about why he wanted to shut down the Elite program after all these years. "I guess it's about time we ended the Elite program," he said. "Though I'm surprised you wanted it to happen after all these years. But seeing what it did to the students...I can understand why. Reno, Arcus, Raiven, Homura, Clair, hell, even us...speaking of which, please tell me you have something on us."

Reno nodded in agreement to Mizno. "Alright, in the mean time, I'll see if I can figure out Xena's next move," he said. "To be honest...I thought I was gonna be surprised by this, but I guess I've been so used to being hated that I knew this was coming eventually."

@Leo Radomir


Ray coldly smirks and says" for once play dead if you don't your screw things up for me and others, it will badly set back something which is going to be fun for us to watch at least if this pans out right, i know this is hard for you but seriously please don't force my hand the ghouls cage heavily suppress powers and ki so you would be doing your self more harm than good by trying to break the seal and cage".
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"So in other words...I have three weeks to get used to being human?" Reno asks. "Also...she said she modified it somehow. Oh, and by the way, I started coughing up some blood, so odds are it's because of this modified curse...or because of my very short time frame." Reno didn't want to worry others about his condition that he just recently found out about, but considering what's going on, he'll need all the help he can get. "Oh yeah, Magnus told me of two things: A. Due to the fusion between my elemental half and my demonic half, I won't be alive very long, and B. Magnus wants to shut down the Elite Program, probably because of the very nasty things the general did to us that he finds...inexcusable." Reno had some conflicting feelings about it, he was glad that it was being shut down due to what he just saw with Arcus, Homura and Clair, but at the same time, he wished he didn't have to lose his rank. He took a deep breath and says, "I guess it's for the best. To be honest, the system was a total disaster. Experimenting on elementals to create perfect soldiers, doing all they can to rip away any chance of a life we get. I've lost a lot of friends and potential crushes thank to that heartless bastard."

@Leo Radomir
"So in other words...I have three weeks to get used to being human?" Reno asks. "Also...she said she modified it somehow. Oh, and by the way, I started coughing up some blood, so odds are it's because of this modified curse...or because of my very short time frame." Reno didn't want to worry others about his condition that he just recently found out about, but considering what's going on, he'll need all the help he can get. "Oh yeah, Magnus told me of two things: A. Due to the fusion between my elemental half and my demonic half, I won't be alive very long, and B. Magnus wants to shut down the Elite Program, probably because of the very nasty things the general did to us that he finds...inexcusable." Reno had some conflicting feelings about it, he was glad that it was being shut down due to what he just saw with Arcus, Homura and Clair, but at the same time, he wished he didn't have to lose his rank. He took a deep breath and says, "I guess it's for the best. To be honest, the system was a total disaster. Experimenting on elementals to create perfect soldiers, doing all they can to rip away any chance of a life we get. I've lost a lot of friends and potential crushes thank to that heartless bastard."

@Leo Radomir

Mizmo sighs and says" no what were saying is a women like her expects you to break down, the treatment will give you a couple of months at best because your dna is so messed up, and yes that's right most elementals can't handle the strain for very long and it starts to destroy their bodies". " I got to admit that ruby girl has an odd body and mind not in a haha freakshow way but she managed to merge with two demons one demon in most cases would destroy a elementals mind and sometimes the body, i hate to think what they could do with some with such special dna so in a way joining the hunters even though it made her numb saved her from being found out and abducted". Mizmo pauses again for a minute or two then says" Yes you're right in some aspects but in others your not even close, i can't tell your future but what i can tell you is one road at that time will be back home and another off a cliff i just hope when that time comes your don't pick the wrong path". " we're asking you above all else to pretend you know nothing that will allow me to meet with your dad with out her letting on".
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Luna looked at mizmo as she was talking about her big sister she just sighed' why does she talk to her like that my sister is awesome' she thought as she just looked at ray" ray ray can we go out i'm bored plus i want to go out you know like a date" she say blushing as she looked at her phone she didn't want to upset mizmo she had to keep the secret she looked at her phone' big sister where are you' she thought as she was pouting a bit she missed her sister' i don't want you to die your the only one i have i don't care for xena i want ruby she's my favorite sister yeah she mean at times but i still love her' she thought as she was messing with her bracet that was given to her when she first moved in with her she just sighed" big sister" she say as she looked a bit sad @Leo Radomir


Victoria A. Glamis (Shadow Elemental) 

(Shadow creatures with Victoria: Steve, Zozo)

Zozo’s unannounced arrival brought Victoria’s levels of annoyance skyrocketing, soaring way above any level of comprehension that she had, not only did she have to deal with one darkling being huddled around her throughout the new school day but now she had two? This couldn’t get any worse, Victoria thought as she sunk further back into the beanbag chair in hopes that the material would eventually swallow her entire body whole to avoid the entire day that she has to look ‘forward’ to, “Hey Victoria, you know what? You’re in luck! Since good ol’ Mister One-eye over here is preoccupied with Alchemist girl that means we get an entire day to bond with one another! Mischief, carnage, and absolute destruction! Mwahaha!”

Zozo uttered, concluding her sentence with a hysterical laugh whilst ascending her arms upward excitedly in an overjoyed gesture. Correction,this day is going to be a million times worse, Victoria’s disbelief grew only interrupted by an angel in disguise to distract her from the stressful idea of a ruined introduction to a brand new school. “Wait, you’re willing to give me a tour? Well, i suppose it wouldn’t hurt.” She replied to Emilie, trying her ‘darndest’ to ignore Zozo’s presence and get a feel for this new environment. “You can’t disregard my lovely existence foreeever.” Zozo whistled in a cheerful tune before abruptly landing onto one of the counselor’s office chairs all the while scarfing her face with a bunch of hard-candy that she found in a bowl conveniently placed on the front of Emilie’s desk, making loud ‘noming’ noises in the process.

(Shadow creatures w/appearances) 





@Enmyira (Good Ol' Steve is with you so, just throwing that out there! @Pumpkin Spice Cyanide)
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Magnus sighed at his friends question "The reason I'm shutting down the Elites is because I'm setting up a more effective system. I call it Gifted. It would generally have all the in school privileges that the Elites have but Gifted wouldn't extend to over ruling punishment and grade fixing. They would be able to do what ever they please like normal but the students wouldn't be able to overrule the faculty decisions. They would still have to face the same treatment that everyone else receives" he said giving his grand explanation "Oh and the best part is ranking would all be something that the students give themselves. There wouldn't be an official ranking system. The strongest who is at a lower rank right now because of the currenct system can  ow act freely of their own accord rather than having to follow the top ranks orders. I first though need volunteers and knowing how your two favourite prodigies having become the two top ranked Elites after harbouring such a distaste for them won't want the program being shut down. Good job by the way" Magnus decided he should let that part of the conversation go. He decided the next question was an easier topic to handle "The general would have only been a major when we joined the Elites so he didn't have the authority like he does now so no we weren't part of his experiments. Do you remember Calico Midnight, the shadow elemental that led a large group of joined-together Mage gangs against Sakura in an attempt to capture Asahi and use him to make some of the strongest elemental offspring there ever would be? She was actually revealed to me later when we graduated as the late UK military general and director of the countries experimental defence forces. She was also the youngest person in history to make it to a high military ranking behind myself of coarse" he said with a cocky grin on his face "The only thing the general has in terms of files related to us are files on Asahi and his DNA. He knows Homura is Asahi's son and he knows that Homura can use all of Asahi's abilities, or at least he had that potential" he says realizing he reason the general took Homura to work with Clair. He started running calculations in his head and then began working on it thoroughly on his computer. "OF COURSE! That's what he was trying to do. I wish I could thank those two for what they did. The two Homura's are the reason that they are still able to come to school" he said not giving any clear explanation of the revelation he just had.


Homura was slightly shocked at Clairs reaction but he didn't have any time to give it any mind. He noticed the purple energy crawling up her veins "Clair don't worry everything is going to be okay. I'm here don't worry" he said as he jogged over to her and knelt down in front of her. He started running calculations in his head a lot like his uncle would do. He started thinking about everything that he could do and he knew what he had to do next. He started his green flame "This can help you it will repair every barrier and make them brand new. This can even repair your memories if you allow it to. Please Clair I don't want to live without you" he said endearingly as he held her cheek in his hand.

@Mr Swiftshots
Unknown to Magnus, Darius was recording his entire idea of the Gifted system, which he thinks is very effective compared to the Elite system. He sends the recording via text message and sends it to Ruby, Ray, and Reno. He also heard about how the general was a major at the time and didn't subject them to various experimentation, but he was also confused as to why Homura was to be in Sakura. "Okay, the Gifted system is the best idea I've heard in...ever," he said. "But I'm confused, what did Homura do so that they can attend Sakura Academy?"

"I know, in fact I've been told before by a lot of people," he explained. "Though I didn't know Ruby was infused with two demons, the only one I know of was Eldorius, the 'Master of Elements,' and that demon lives within me, and Ahunt...the second demon, well, not sure if I've seen it." Reno heard about Ruby's reason for joining the hunters and how it helped her in a way. "Besides, I'm usually more secretive myself," he continues. "But who would have guess that we're on the same boat? I only got until I'm 40 before it kills me, hopefully you can make it compatible with my own DNA." Reno suddenly received a text from his father, asking him to listen to something. When he opened the file, he heard Magnus's voice about something called the "Gifted system," which is similar to the Elite system but it doesn't give them special privileges. Reno smiles and tells Ray, "Thing is, I had to work my ass off to become an Elite, I didn't start becoming one until junior year. But I'm glad that it's been reworked instead of it being completely shut down, at least it'll mean my hard work wasn't for nothing. Though that also means you and Ruby get to be volunteers for the new system."

@Leo Radomir

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Unknown to Magnus, Darius was recording his entire idea of the Gifted system, which he thinks is very effective compared to the Elite system. He sends the recording via text message and sends it to Ruby, Ray, and Reno. He also heard about how the general was a major at the time and didn't subject them to various experimentation, but he was also confused as to why Homura was to be in Sakura. "Okay, the Gifted system is the best idea I've heard in...ever," he said. "But I'm confused, what did Homura do so that they can attend Sakura Academy?"

"I know, in fact I've been told before by a lot of people," he explained. "Though I didn't know Ruby was infused with two demons, the only one I know of was Eldorius, the 'Master of Elements,' and that demon lives within me." Reno heard about Ruby's reason for joining the hunters and how it helped her in a way. "Besides, I'm usually more secretive myself," he continues. "But who would have guess that we're on the same boat? I only got until I'm 40 before it kills me, hopefully you can make it compatible with my own DNA." Reno suddenly received a text from his father, asking him to listen to something. When he opened the file, he heard Magnus's voice about something called the "Gifted system," which is similar to the Elite system but it doesn't give them special privileges. Reno smiles and tells Ray, "Thing is, I had to work my ass off to become an Elite, I didn't start becoming one until junior year. But I'm glad that it's been reworked instead of it being completely shut down, at least it'll mean my hard work wasn't for nothing. Though that also means you and Ruby get to be volunteers for the new system."

@Leo Radomir


Mizmo smirks and says"  You probably did i don't know because i'm not you but you're only half right about ruby, it's not as simple as just forced fusion for someone like her that's why she's both special and cursed in her own way and no your not the same but that is for her to tell you when the times comes one i've already told you more than i should of and remember this your secrets may not be as secret as you'd like to think they are". " Also i don't think ruby or ray will want to work under magus and co for many reasons". " As for my connection to this place lets just say i was like a guardian but due to complications back home i was forced to leave leaving many of my friends and comrades behind it's to long ass story to get into now but how knows i might tell you another time". " As for your dna we already told you were can't fix it at the stage but we can help slow it down you dying by two months tops, i'm sorry but even a genius like me can't pull a rabbit out of her ass and unlike many i don't pretend i can".

Ray grins and says" I'll see you around reno and remember what i told you about laying low and letting us handle this and be ready by nine am it's a long drive of about four to five hours from here can't go into detail why and make sure your not followed or magus a tracker on you and such otherwise we'll have to shock it out of you with angel magic and that will hurt a hell of a lot". Ray playfully hugs luna's side then tugs to say lets get moving shall we, holy crap that bracelet is from way back then it's when she used to make them in the after school project which was given to one of the really poor family and now a bizness'

Reno looks at his phone and sees that it was 7:00 PM. "Okay Mizmo, I'll see you at nine tomorrow. In the mean time, I'm gonna get some rest for when that day comes, odds are I might have a plus one with me." He teleports into his dorm, where he finds two empty mugs. He puts the mugs into the sink and climbs into his bed, but before going to sleep, he sets his alarm for 8:30 AM. 'There has to be a way for me to make sure I don't die from all of this.' 'Oh, there is.Reno got up and looked around his room. It was just him in there, which was weird unless Arcus slept with Raiven or Isaac was on some sort of business trip. Thinking that it was just his imagination, he went back to sleep. 'Reno, I think it's time we got acquainted.' A demon shows up inside Reno's subconscious, though this one's different. Unlike the others he's faced, this one's more...human, though the ram horns and his black wings give him a slight distinction. "What are you, some sort of Fallen Angel!?" "Ha, don't make me laugh. My name is Eldorius, a.k.a. the 'Master of Elements.' I'm the demon that's been infused with you...though by force." Reno couldn't believe it, Eldorius decided to wake up inside him, but for what reason. "Listen, I know I am to blame for your...current situation. But without me, you wouldn't be in touch with your demonic side. Now, since you're going to be going with Ray and Mizmo soon, I'll just keep quiet and let you sleep." "Good, 'cause for some reason, I don't want people to know about this." Eldorius left his subconscious and went into hibernation, giving Reno some time to rest. As he slept, he thought about how he should get used to having a demon inside him without it destroying his body from the inside out. It was going to be one hell of a thrill ride tomorrow, but he knows he's not going to enjoy it. 

@Leo Radomir
Ruby gently smiles and saysI see it's very different to where i grew n south africa but the schools are the same ranking wise now i'm thing back on it, the school is called"  Omumethe izithenbiso translating from zule (full of promise). I was lucky to be middle class so i didn't have to eat wheat based porridges and such every other day, i wasn't always this cold and bitchy either i used to share my lunches with the poor kids and help with their home work when i could it might seem strange hearing that as people more times than not see me now and i can't blame them". 

Ruby pulls out a picture of her and her class and her favorite teacher as a kid and smiles gently and almost starts crying but holds them back and then says" I probably would of got to a plus if i stayed another years but being the goodie two shoes just didn't feel right and now that i think about it i just learned to put on a mask because so many looked up to me as the vise president". " At times i didn't mind helping with their problems but then they started to use me as a crutch and that's part of the reason i started to become jaded".

@Eternal Dragonchild



"Your school sounds so much fun, ours always had scientists visiting. They took a weird interest in me and my twin brother, he's the one who looks like he could fight a Siberian bear in a fist fight and come out on top" She pauses for a moment in her speech to scratch Feiron's ears "I wonder why they took such an interest in us, maybe because we're twins" Raiven had a happy smile on her face as she recalled the memories of her twin brother when they were both younger.

"He's transferring to Sakura too"

Luka picked up her phone from the desk she was sat at, she'd been using one of the school computers to do her geography work.
"I'll be straight over, I need to hand in my work first. Did you see that absolutely massive guy, he was built like an oak" She hit send, anxious to share her discovery of Raiven's twin with her girlfriend.

Signing off the computer she picked up her book and passed it to the teacher.

Within a few minutes, she was at Hazel's door with an expectant knock.

Fern smiled "Now how do we get over the fence?" She asked Briar, realising the major flaw in her brilliant plan to make nettle tea. With a sheepish grin, Fern held up a tiny gardening trowel "We can dig our way out I guess"


Alexander was walking through the corridors, unaware of his comparison to a tree. He eventually happened upon Arcus "Excuse me, have you seen my twin. She look like me but with bob cut and much more female and small" He dug into his pocke to pull out a photo of Raiven "This her, you seen her?"

@Anyone Online
Oh that's Raiven. N... No I haven't seen her, but I am looking for her too."  Arcus said as he silently cooed at the picture of Raiven. "How about we look together to find your sister. I have been trying to find her all day." Arcus said as he blushed, and looked at Raiven's twin in the eyes. Little did her know, but Arcus was subconsciously started to gather her power. 
"You blush....You like Raiven" Alexander straightened up taller "You be good to her or I break you like a Siberian bear break twig" One thing for sure, Alexander was protective of his twin sister "If you good, I hug you like Siberian Bear" 

Alexander chuckled before clapping Arcus on the back with a hand "I'm Alexander"

@Anyone Online
I'm Arcus Knight." He said as he smiled at how Alexander was like him. He knew that he and Alexander would be good friends. "By the way Alexander do you know what Raiven would really like as a gift??" Arcus asked because he was trying to do something really nice for Raiven. God forbid if Raiven never did something nice for Arcus. She was always loving him, and asking if he ever wanted anything.
"She like teddy bears, candy and cuddles" Alexander then proceeded to list all of Raiven's favourite candies in order to help Arcus out "She like lollipops the best, gummies, chocolate, cake pops, fruit laces, truffles, She also enjoy Russian food" 

@Anyone Online
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Okay then all i have to get her is a teddy bear." Arcus said as he smiled, and hit Alexander in the arm. "Thanks Alexander, for telling me that." Arcus then grabbed his phone and texted Raiven. "Hey I'm with your brother, and I am gonna get you a teddy bear. Where should we meet you after??" Arcus texted Raiven, Arcus was gonna get a male bear costume. It was gonna have ears and everything.



Hazel just looked at her girlfriend as she was excited as she brought her in' i met him actually he's pretty nice' she signed to her as she lay down on her bed' i'm trying to avoid my speech therpiest she's mean i don't like it that much' she signed to her girlfriend she was still in her uniform' um what do you wanna do i want to make you happy' she signed as she smiled looking at her as she just stretched she was blushing she really liked her girlfriend' what is your mother like is there a chance i can meet her someday i mean does she know about me since we been dating' she signed to her girlfriend as she was laying down she just was looking around her room' i miss karoline i wonder how she is doing i miss her sweets' she signed @Eternal Dragonchild


Brair Rose


Brair just smiled" you do that and i climb the fence" she say as she just climb the fense as she was smiling she loved climbing things" i don't like getting dirty in the first place " just tell me what i'm looking for ferny" she say as she smiled jumping down from the fence she haven't relazed the jump was  that high she just hurt herself" owie" she say as she just stood up" fern i'm across the fense tell me what i'm looking for" she say as she smiled she just looked around as she was seeing the spirtis" no not now please not now" she say to herself @Eternal Dragonchild




Luna just smiled" thanks" she say as she just hold his hand" i miss my big sister i mean she's the only person i have lift in my family i don't want to lose her she's the best big sister" she say as she just looked at him" um where we going" she asked as she was looking around holding onto him" i have to find my sister later i will go back to the spirit realm and find her if i have to" she say as she just was walking with him she just was skipping" big sister made me this braclet it means a lot to me she's the best sister ever and i have a great boyfriend because of her" she say as she just hold onto him" your mom is nice and cool" she say as she was trying hard not to think of ruby but she couldn't help it she was too worried about her sister @Leo Radomir


Okay then all i have to get her is a teddy bear." Arcus said as he smiled, and hit Alexander in the arm. "Thanks Alexander, for telling me that." Arcus then grabbed his phone and texted Raiven. "Hey I'm with your brother, and I am gonna get you a teddy bear. Where should we meet you after??" Arcus texted Raiven, Arcus was gonna get a male bear costume. It was gonna have ears and everything.


Raiven, having finally got cell reception through careful manipulation of her powers sent a reply "How about behind the sports field, by the creek. Say hi to Alec for me" She hit send and tucked it back in her pocket. She was beginning to get tired of riding Feiron until she saw her grandfather up ahead.

@Leo Radomir

Alec nodded "She strong Russian woman, take it easy" He waved his hand, heading off towards the gym to weightlift. He was proud of his lifting record and hoped to break it this year.

One of Arlane's secretaries approached Darius with a boxful of files  "He marked theses as a priority for you. There's some in Russian in there. Apparently, they're from the Kaushik Twin experiments in Leningrad almost 14 years ago. He marked those as ones you should look at immediately. He also included an English transcript for you." She set the box on the nearest table with a thud

"I have some paperwork as you're the legal guardian of the Darktower twins now, yes both were under his care" 

"I see, thank you," said Darius as he received the documents. "I'll take good care of them as if they were my own." 'First Luna, now Raiven and Alex. I know I want a big family, but yikes. Ah well, I'll be honoring my friend's wishes by making sure those two are safe and sound.' He looks at the box of documents as well as the guardianship poperwork and looks over to Magnus. "Well Magnus, looks like we get to learn more about Raiven and her twin brother Alexander, and it's 'Dine-at-desk' night for us." he shouts.  "Want me to get the food this time or do you want to get it?"

Reno heard his phone buzz and woke up. He gets up and puts on his clothes, which consisted of his white T-shirt with a black hoodie over it, a grey pair of Khakis, and a black pair of sneakers. He puts on his makeshift necklace, which held his ring that Homura gave him months prior, and pulls out his phone. The clock read 8:40 PM, he cursed himself for setting it wrong, but figured that dinner should be ready by now. "I see you trust him," said Eldorius. "Good, he's been around Ahunt for years." "How do you two know each other?" "Ahunt and I were lovers before you and everyone else were even born. She has a sister as well, Densa was her name, though she fell in love with my old friend Draven. Things happened and all four of us were separated, after your little get together is done and I help keep your body from degrading, you and I will search for him." As he was packing some things up for the long trip, he started contemplating about why Eldorius wants him to find Draven, and why it's so important to him. Shaking the thought out of his head, he heads down to the cafeteria for something to eat. Thinking about how Isaac's doing, as he's still wasn't in his room, he sends him a text. 'Isaac, where are you? I know you're a busy person, but even you need some rest.'

@Leo Radomir

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Isaac pulled his hand away and said" Sorry didn't mean to make you feel odd just thought i might help you calm down, so you can talk to zenith with out what ever questions you have fort him". He then feels his phone buzz to he takes it out then reads the texts the puts it back in his pocket and then leans back in the chair.

 Reno creates a portal to the garden, which was his normal spot whenever he needed some peace and quiet. He finds a nearby bench near the pond and sits down on it, contemplating on how to lift the curse his sister put on him. The text he sent her haunted him, was he really going to die alone? What does his friends really think of him? He shook the thoughts out of his head, of course he won't due alone, and he knows Hazel and Luka will miss him. Reno suddenly heard Ray's voice along with...someone elses? He turns to the source and finds him with another woman, who looks a lot younger than Ray. He gets up and walks over to them, hoping that Ray and this mystery woman could help with his dilemma. "Ray, I need your help," he said. "I don't know why, but I've been curse by my s... by 

Ray smiles softly and says" by your sister ruby wouldn't do that to you even though you've screwed up yet again, yes my blood does work on normal curses but were not dealing with a normal curse are we"? I've been thinking a lot and i've come to understand your to thick to hate". "  but i don't like you enough to give the answers but i will tell you a couple of other things at some point he will come back for you and yes my cells and what not can slow it down but not cure you and it's a ton stronger than my energy and blood combined so you will be weak for a few days because it connects directly to your ki and cells at the same time". 

Mizmo then gently rubs rays head like a mother would then speaks up and says" Also can lead to other side effects like puking and headaches and such so you should think it over very carefully because this is my specialty i'm mizmo the  dna witch queen now with that said if there is nothing else come back tomorrow and let ray know i'll have a car waiting if he contacts me".

Ruby gently smiles and saysI see it's very different to where i grew n south africa but the schools are the same ranking wise now i'm thing back on it, the school is called"  Omumethe izithenbiso translating from zule (full of promise). I was lucky to be middle class so i didn't have to eat wheat based porridges and such every other day, i wasn't always this cold and bitchy either i used to share my lunches with the poor kids and help with their home work when i could it might seem strange hearing that as people more times than not see me now and i can't blame them". 

Ruby pulls out a picture of her and her class and her favorite teacher as a kid and smiles gently and almost starts crying but holds them back and then says" I probably would of got to a plus if i stayed another years but being the goodie two shoes just didn't feel right and now that i think about it i just learned to put on a mask because so many looked up to me as the vise president". " At times i didn't mind helping with their problems but then they started to use me as a crutch and that's part of the reason i started to become jaded".

Zenith starts to boil a kettle and takes out some snack from the fridge and puts in the middle of the table where the coasters are and then gets some herbal and normal and some sugar and milk from different place and then last but not least three small plats and tea spoons.  

@Eternal Dragonchild



She didn't dare answer him as she just sat there embarrassed at his kind geasture before looking to the principal and waiting quietly

(my reply never sent XD)
She didn't dare answer him as she just sat there embarrassed at his kind geasture before looking to the principal and waiting quietly

(my reply never sent XD)

Zenith gently laughs at her reaction and says" I'm not the principal but i'm a teacher here, truth be told i don't know where he is right now he's often very busy like isaac and ruby who is the vise president you can't mistake her in many ways but enough about that for now how can i help you young lady" 

Isaac felt his phone buzz and took it out and replys' helping a new student called sam, oh btw it seems i have two potential love interests this is new territory for me they both have aspects about women i like. Oh and i'll get some rest tomorrow one last push i'm all caught up with my work oh and i got a new assistant but she's a little pushy but there's ways round that so not the end of the world. could this be a bromance nah i'm just messing with ya i know your as straight as a stick in certain ways so that's good and bad'

Ray gently smiles and says" I get your worried about her the spirit realm is vast and you can barely control your powers and your some what weak now so it's not a good idea, i'm sure she'll be back soon enough and yeah she is a great women otherwise i would of gone my own way a long time ago now with that said what do you fancy to eat honey"?

Ruby slightly smiles and says" sounds like your missed already i wonder how luna is doing right now i'll have to make it up to her at some point but this comes first, as for my story that's the nice side of it what happens in the underbelly isn't nearly as romantic or fun to hear". 



@Eternal Dragonchild
Zenith gently laughs at her reaction and says" I'm not the principal but i'm a teacher here, truth be told i don't know where he is right now he's often very busy like isaac and ruby who is the vise president you can't mistake her in many ways but enough about that for now how can i help you young lady" 

Isaac felt his phone buzz and took it out and replys' helping a new student called sam, oh btw it seems i have two potential love interests this is new territory for me they both have aspects about women i like. Oh and i'll get some rest tomorrow one last push i'm all caught up with my work oh and i got a new assistant but she's a little pushy but there's ways round that so not the end of the world. could this be a bromance nah i'm just messing with ya i know your as straight as a stick in certain ways so that's good and bad'

Ray gently smiles and says" I get your worried about her the spirit realm is vast and you can barely control your powers and your some what weak now so it's not a good idea, i'm sure she'll be back soon enough and yeah she is a great women otherwise i would of gone my own way a long time ago now with that said what do you fancy to eat honey"?

Ruby slightly smiles and says" sounds like your missed already i wonder how luna is doing right now i'll have to make it up to her at some point but this comes first, as for my story that's the nice side of it what happens in the underbelly isn't nearly as romantic or fun to hear". 



@Eternal Dragonchild

"I I need my classes and all that stuff." She said to the guy softly as she sat there waiting for a reply
Arcus just smirked at Alexander. "Yeah I know, but she is still my strong Russian girl." Arcus said this as he ran towards town going at the speed of light. He easily broke the sound barrier. When he got to town, he ran to the nearest costume store. He got a bear costume, and ended up getting two matching teddy bears. He got the bigger one, stitched with the name Arcus, and the smaller one stitched with Raiven. Arcus then ported next to the creek, and he remembered to get electric
Magnus sighed at his friends question "The reason I'm shutting down the Elites is because I'm setting up a more effective system. I call it Gifted. It would generally have all the in school privileges that the Elites have but Gifted wouldn't extend to over ruling punishment and grade fixing. They would be able to do what ever they please like normal but the students wouldn't be able to overrule the faculty decisions. They would still have to face the same treatment that everyone else receives" he said giving his grand explanation "Oh and the best part is ranking would all be something that the students give themselves. There wouldn't be an official ranking system. The strongest who is at a lower rank right now because of the currenct system can  ow act freely of their own accord rather than having to follow the top ranks orders. I first though need volunteers and knowing how your two favourite prodigies having become the two top ranked Elites after harbouring such a distaste for them won't want the program being shut down. Good job by the way" Magnus decided he should let that part of the conversation go. He decided the next question was an easier topic to handle "The general would have only been a major when we joined the Elites so he didn't have the authority like he does now so no we weren't part of his experiments. Do you remember Calico Midnight, the shadow elemental that led a large group of joined-together Mage gangs against Sakura in an attempt to capture Asahi and use him to make some of the strongest elemental offspring there ever would be? She was actually revealed to me later when we graduated as the late UK military general and director of the countries experimental defence forces. She was also the youngest person in history to make it to a high military ranking behind myself of coarse" he said with a cocky grin on his face "The only thing the general has in terms of files related to us are files on Asahi and his DNA. He knows Homura is Asahi's son and he knows that Homura can use all of Asahi's abilities, or at least he had that potential" he says realizing he reason the general took Homura to work with Clair. He started running calculations in his head and then began working on it thoroughly on his computer. "OF COURSE! That's what he was trying to do. I wish I could thank those two for what they did. The two Homura's are the reason that they are still able to come to school" he said not giving any clear explanation of the revelation he just had.


Homura was slightly shocked at Clairs reaction but he didn't have any time to give it any mind. He noticed the purple energy crawling up her veins "Clair don't worry everything is going to be okay. I'm here don't worry" he said as he jogged over to her and knelt down in front of her. He started running calculations in his head a lot like his uncle would do. He started thinking about everything that he could do and he knew what he had to do next. He started his green flame "This can help you it will repair every barrier and make them brand new. This can even repair your memories if you allow it to. Please Clair I don't want to live without you" he said endearingly as he held her cheek in his hand.

@Mr Swiftshots

Clair let out a sigh and after a brief moment allowed Homura to cup her cheek and as he did her powers began to recede and her barriers began to form up again. It was only momentarily after that when her memories began to flow back. And well she wished they hadn't. Clair's memories were horrid and vile, the things she had done were unforgivable and the things she had planned to do were even worse ! The general she trusted and adored before was now nothing to her but a hollow misleading shell. A shell that would be shattered by Clair alone. However amongst these memories were good ones, fond memories of Homura and her parents. Memories that were so unbelievable , well she couldn't believe them.

With all her emotions surfacing Clair began to cry " I'm a monster , I've killed so many people. Wiped out whole villages and cities with just a wave of my hand. Why ? Because I was told to ! There was no moral reason at all just a command ! I'm nothing more than a monster in every sense"

Reno read the text and was able to finish his food before going back to his dorm, but before he left he sent one to Isaac. 'Dude, I'd be careful, I know you have two possible choices in terms of women, but you gotta choose one or the other...or, you know, sleep with both of them. Hell, Arcus did it, so why can't you?'  When he reached the arena, he heard Clair shouting inside, how she calls herself a monster. He knew what it felt like, having been infused with demon DNA. He opens the door and walks over to Clair and Homura, as he started approaching them, he shouts, "You are not a monster Clair! Monsters feel no emotion, monsters feel no remorse, and monsters are not given choices. The general took away our memories, our freedom, he wanted us to be mindless, emotionless drones to be at HIS beck and call." His voice started lowering in volume as he got closer to them. When he did, he hugged her, for he knew what being a monster was like. "It's thanks to Magnus that we know the truth about the Elite program...in fact, dad sent me this." He played a recording of Magnus's idea of the "Gifted Program" via speaker, the audio loud for them to hear. When the recording stops, Reno says, "Well, I think this is a good idea. It means that everyone does whatever and not have to follow certain guidelines, plus it'll also knock the 'Elite immunity' BS out of the park. I sure as hell feel sorry for the idiots that had to buy their way into the system."

@Mr Swiftshots


@Leo Radomir
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Luna just looked at her boyfriend as she smiled" yeah i guess i still need to heal" i know big sister is strong i believe she would come back she owes me to take me out to the mall so i can get something cute like a stuffed rabbit" she say as she just smiled she was wearing ponytails as she smiled" um how about you surprise me take me somewhere nice" she say as she just looked" can you take me to the mall too" she say as she had some money from her allowance from her big sister she just was smiling she was happy' i know big sister is okay but something worries me i don't know what but for now i'll just heal and go on a date with my boyfriend' she was happy as she just hold his hand @Leo Radomir

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