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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Jinx loook at her sister and giggle "oh ive gotta to for a sec" she said as she ran out and Jak look at her "hey lil sis u shoudnt run off like that i was just playing ahahahha" he said iwht a grin and walk beside her "ive really wanna see my little sister u know here is my real gifts for you" he said as he how here some fantacy and combat boojks "there ahahahahaah so you woudnt get hurt anymore ahahahhahahah"


Jinx ran to the teacher she saw earlier holding some lunch she bought by the canteen.she look by the door and listen inside *oh he must be talking to someone* she thought a sshe stand up by the door and giggle "alright ill just wait" she said standing up straight but a bit of moment she sat down in the floor "aww this is getting me bored" she said as she stomph her foot gently and sat down in the floor and close her eyes gently while waiting

@Leo Radomir 
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"Clair even if you were a monster I'm much worse. I don't quite remember everything but what I do remember should make me shudder inside and out but I don't feel anything. The only thing I feel is the love that was left behind by the other me" he said trying to make her feel better "Renos right you can't be a monster or you wouldn't regret everything that's happened" he hated having used his magic on her but started to understand something about his father than he never did before now. He helped her up and then turned to face Reno "I don't deserve to be part of the Elites or the Gifted. I'm just going to be plain old Homura. I can always help you guys out when you need me. When I feel like I've payed for what I did I'll join you guys in that program. Save me a spot" he said smiling before turning back to Clair. "Clair please I'll help you with any work you have to take care of and when it he calls for a job we face him together. I promise I won't leave you again" he grabbed her hand gently and held it in his "I'll never let him hurt you again and I promise he will pay" he still held her hand but this time he brought it up and kissed the back of it.

@Mr Swiftshots @ShadowSaber331
"Hey, he ruined my life by making me become a demon/human hybrid," said Reno. "My armor may provide me with demonic strength and healing, but that doesn't mean I can't die. In fact I'm not expected to live past 40, so I got about...eehhh, 22 years. Besides, the Gifted program's for anyone to join, I don't think it's restricted to how many elementals can join...now that I think about it, maybe it's about time the humans get the spotlight as well." Reno pulls out his phone and sends a text to his father, as he was texting, he hears a voice from Eldorius. "We must go to the spirit realm, Draven's shrine will be there, guarded by someone in the Darktower family." Reno finished his text and opens a portal to the spirit realm, luckily, time moves slower in that area, so he'll be able to get the job done and still get some rest for tomorrow. "Clair, this may be the one chance you get to experience love. Don't throw it away." Reno walks through the portal and into the spirit realm. Eldorius exits his body so that he could guide him to the shrine. "We need to find him, he's has the one thing I need to make sure your body doesn't degrade from our union," he tells him. "Of course, I should warn you, there will be some....side-effects, once it's complete."

Darius receives a text from Reno, asking him if he could get Magnus to make something for humans as well. He figured that his son would ask him about it, seeing as he's been making a few human friends. "Hey Magnus," he shouts. "You think it could be possible to make a program specifically for humans? You know, something that will help Sakura Academy become a more fairer school that houses both humans and elementals?"


@Mr Swiftshots
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Magnus looked over at Darius after he finished his work "Darius get over here I can finally finish explaining what I mentioned earlier" he yelled over to his friend before turning back to his console "So these books and Asahi are very connected. Not directly but his unexplainable magic makes him much more important to the general or I guess made him important. Anyway as it turns out Asahi had been traveling in and out of time since he discovered what he could do. He literally did everything you could think of when he traveled but he always came back to us. So the general found out about his and then went to take Asahi. Instead though he got his son with both the Kagutsuchi family brand fire magic and Asahi's family time magic which made for a more dangerous weapon than even Clair was" he paused there before opening a chart that showed the era the books seemed to have come from. He also pulled up some power calculations and a scale of growth that he had theorized on he spot "Since the general couldn't get the books legitimately he decided to first try for Asahi's time magic to get back to the era the books had originally been together in one place before being scattered but that fell through after the two Homura's figured it out and changed controls to the other when needed. They made it impossible to improve upon their time power because they both had different potential levels. That's why he is now using angels, pact makers to be more precise, as his new search force to find the books or at least that's what i suspect anyway" he said with a huge grin on his face. He loved when he could work on such complex problems and calculations like these. He always felt at his best when he was workin but he felt differently about this one. He knew that what would happen next would be amazingly difficult and he just got more excited "Think you could tell me where all those books are and I'll try and find them. With the white flames I can fight off anything I encounter and personally I have always wanted to experiment on angels and demons. I'm jealous of miss midnight she had so much fun before losing to us" he said ex static with tone of enthusiasm emanating from him. If he wasn't a naturally composed person he would have looked like a fat kid drooling over a cake hunt.

Darius was surprised by why they wanted the books in the first place, but then he thought back to a few instances where he met them. "What I'm curious about is why these pact makers killed Arlane and is helping Allison out," he commented. "If they're trying to look for all ten books...what are they planning, and why does the general need them?" Darius thought about the files and proceeded to look through them. "Huh, Raiven and Alec, they were a part of some program where twins act as a singular unit, one knowing what the other is thinking and emotionally feeling. Way to make the concept of 'Twins having a psychic link' and crank it up to eleven. Makes me wonder how Alec felt when Raiven was abused by her mother and Mihkail all those years ago."

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She didn't dare answer him as she just sat there embarrassed at his kind geasture before looking to the principal and waiting quietly

(my reply never sent XD)

Ruby slightly smiles and says" sounds like your missed already i wonder how luna is doing right now i'll have to make it up to her at some point but this comes first, as for my story that's the nice side of it what happens in the underbelly isn't nearly as romantic or fun to hear". 



@Eternal Dragonchild
Ruby slightly smiles and says" sounds like your missed already i wonder how luna is doing right now i'll have to make it up to her at some point but this comes first, as for my story that's the nice side of it what happens in the underbelly isn't nearly as romantic or fun to hear". 



@Eternal Dragonchild


"Yeah, he's a lovely guy. I'm lucky to have him" Raiven smiled, thoughts whirling around her head "If you're looking for a guy, my twins available although he has his eye on that Aubrey girl" She giggled before jumping off Feiron and running over to her grandfather, immediately beginning to converse with him. After a while, she turns and waves Ruby over. "Come meet my granfather"
"Yeah, he's a lovely guy. I'm lucky to have him" Raiven smiled, thoughts whirling around her head "If you're looking for a guy, my twins available although he has his eye on that Aubrey girl" She giggled before jumping off Feiron and running over to her grandfather, immediately beginning to converse with him. After a while, she turns and waves Ruby over. "Come meet my granfather"

Ruby comes over and greets him with a gentle smile and says" nice to meet you sir i'm going to do my best to assist with helping ravine learn the soul rupture, normally you would need more ki refining over years but sadly don't have time for that ". 

Zenith gently smiles and gets her stuff and says" good luck young lady and i hope you two have fun he's a really nice guy oh and before i forget you should hurry before supper ends".

Ray gently smiles and leans in and steals a kiss on luna's neck and says" What ever you wish my dearest have you ever had mexican food before" 

Zenith then goes out side and gently taps jinx and squats down so he can help her up when she comes round and notices she brought supper for him and smiles gently and thinks' didn't have to do that but it's sweet if you it's almost like i have a wife in training i know that's so old fashioned'   ' the other me wants to kiss and use her as a human pillow and so much more but i have to wait till the others have gone for that'.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*


@Daniel reaving
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Ruby comes over and greets him with a gentle smile and says" nice to meet you sir i'm going to do my best to assist with helping ravine learn the soul rupture, normally you would need more ki refining over years but sadly don't have time for that and sorry for cutting in bad habit from being a kinda lone wolf". 

Zenith gently smiles and gets her stuff and says" good luck young lady and i hope you two have fun he's a really nice guy oh and before i forget you should hurry before supper ends".

Ray gently smiles and leans in and steals a kiss on luna's neck and says" What ever you wish my dearest have you ever had mexican food before" 

Zenith then goes out side and gently taps jinx and squats down so he can help her up when she comes round and notices she brought supper for him and smiles gently and thinks' didn't have to do that but it's sweet if you it's almost like i have a wife in training i know that's so old fashioned'   ' the other me wants to kiss and use her as a human pillow and so much more but i have to wait till the others have gone for that'.


@Daniel reaving

Annabel immediately turned blood red at the notion of him being a nice guy. "O-o-ok." She said to him as she glanced at the guy next to him wth a shy and embarrassed look
As Reno was following Eldorius, he starts to wonder what it is that he thinks could help him stop the degradation. He doesn't know whether or not he should trust him, since he wasn't around for a long time, and now he wakes up and says he's going to help which sounds fishy. After what seemed like hours of walking, they made it to the shrine. "So, this is is place huh, alright, let's see if I can..." Reno stopped talking when he heard the sound of Ruby and Raiven arriving. 'Damn, I forgot that Raiven was coming here to learn how to use the Soul Rupture technique.' "Ahunt, she's near," said Eldorius. He leaves Reno's body and goes to confront Ruby. "Ah, so you're Ahunt and Densa's vessel. I can see why he's so infatuated with you....and you smell as though you two already, GAAHHH!!!" Reno was able to shock Eldorius with his ice whip that he empowered with lightning. "Okay Eldorius, you've had your fun, now back off." Eldorius complied and went behind him. "Sorry about that, I'm still getting used to him being a part of my soul. Anyway, this is Eldorius, the master of elements...and the source of my demonic powers somehow. It's a long story, so to keep it short, I've recently discovered that I'm half demon, shocker, and that my body's degrading because of the forced union between his soul and mine. I came here looking for Draven's shrine because he holds something that'll help stop the degradation process." "Why are you telling them that? This is our problem." "Well sorry for not trusting the one demon that decides to wake the hell up to actually help me!" Eldorius was about to say something, but clammed up when he realized that Reno has a point. "Oh, in case you guys didn't get the message, dad sent me this recording about Magnus's 'Gifted' idea." He pulls out his phone and plays the recording yet again, and when it was finished, he puts it back into his pocket and says, "To be honest, I think it's a good idea, plus, it'll give the other elementals a shot. Any person that's been classified as 'Elite' now has to try out for 'Gifted,' and there's no buying into the rank, or at least I hope there isn't. The only changes are that only hard working elementals can become 'Gifted' and that they're still subjected to normal student life, meaning no more rule breaking, no more getting away with murder, figuratively speaking, basically, no more 'get out of jail free' cards. Homura, however, opted out because he feels he's not yet ready, can't blame him considering that Magnus pulled out every secret file about the Elite program. I'm a bit jealous of you Ruby, you at least didn't have to go through hundred of experiements only to have your memories, freedom, and sense of self taken away from you."

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Leo Radomir
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Luna just smiled" sure that be nice" she say pushing up her glasses she wore her glasses once in a while she usually wear her glasses she just smiled as she just kissed him she loved him so much" when i get better lets continue the training okay" she say as she smiled looking at him she just hold onto his hand" do you think your mother likes me she seems nice" she say as she just blushed a bit as she was smiling she really liked him a lot him she felt special when she was around him" i want to surprise ruby on her birthday sometime" she say as she just yawned a bit she was skipping to the mexican place as she was really happy to have a boyfriend like him that he cares for her @Leo Radomir
Ruby comes over and greets him with a gentle smile and says" nice to meet you sir i'm going to do my best to assist with helping ravine learn the soul rupture, normally you would need more ki refining over years but sadly don't have time for that ". 

Zenith gently smiles and gets her stuff and says" good luck young lady and i hope you two have fun he's a really nice guy oh and before i forget you should hurry before supper ends".

Ray gently smiles and leans in and steals a kiss on luna's neck and says" What ever you wish my dearest have you ever had mexican food before" 

Zenith then goes out side and gently taps jinx and squats down so he can help her up when she comes round and notices she brought supper for him and smiles gently and thinks' didn't have to do that but it's sweet if you it's almost like i have a wife in training i know that's so old fashioned'   ' the other me wants to kiss and use her as a human pillow and so much more but i have to wait till the others have gone for that'.


@Daniel reaving


"True, a situation has forced our hand, she should have the knowledge unless my son failed to pass it on" Montgomery walked in a circle around his granddaughter "He died before he could disclose the technique" Raiven answered in  short sentences "Please teach me, grandfather" She asked. Raiven glanced to Ruby, looking for help 
As Reno was following Eldorius, he starts to wonder what it is that he thinks could help him stop the degradation. He doesn't know whether or not he should trust him, since he wasn't around for a long time, and now he wakes up and says he's going to help which sounds fishy. After what seemed like hours of walking, they made it to the shrine. "So, this is is place huh, alright, let's see if I can..." Reno stopped talking when he heard the sound of Ruby and Raiven arriving. 'Damn, I forgot that Raiven was coming here to learn how to use the Soul Rupture technique.' "Ahunt, she's near," said Eldorius. He leaves Reno's body and goes to confront Ruby. "Ah, so you're Ahunt and Densa's vessel. I can see why he's so infatuated with you....and you smell as though you two already, GAAHHH!!!" Reno was able to shock Eldorius with his ice whip that he empowered with lightning. "Okay Eldorius, you've had your fun, now back off." Eldorius complied and went behind him. "Sorry about that, I'm still getting used to him being a part of my soul. Anyway, this is Eldorius, the master of elements...and the source of my demonic powers somehow. It's a long story, so to keep it short, I've recently discovered that I'm half demon, shocker, and that my body's degrading because of the forced union between his soul and mine. I came here looking for Draven's shrine because he holds something that'll help stop the degradation process." "Why are you telling them that? This is our problem." "Well sorry for not trusting the one demon that decides to wake the hell up to actually help me!" Eldorius was about to say something, but clammed up when he realized that Reno has a point. "Oh, in case you guys didn't get the message, dad sent me this recording about Magnus's 'Gifted' idea." He pulls out his phone and plays the recording yet again, and when it was finished, he puts it back into his pocket and says, "To be honest, I think it's a good idea, plus, it'll give the other elementals a shot. Any person that's been classified as 'Elite' now has to try out for 'Gifted,' and there's no buying into the rank, or at least I hope there isn't. The only changes are that only hard working elementals can become 'Gifted' and that they're still subjected to normal student life, meaning no more rule breaking, no more getting away with murder, figuratively speaking, basically, no more 'get out of jail free' cards. Homura, however, opted out because he feels he's not yet ready, can't blame him considering that Magnus pulled out every secret file about the Elite program. I'm a bit jealous of you Ruby, you at least didn't have to go through hundred of experiements only to have your memories, freedom, and sense of self taken away from you."

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Leo Radomir

"True, a situation has forced our hand, she should have the knowledge unless my son failed to pass it on" Montgomery walked in a circle around his granddaughter "He died before he could disclose the technique" Raiven answered in  short sentences "Please teach me, grandfather" She asked. Raiven glanced to Ruby, looking for help 

Ruby nodded and them calmly says" I don't have time to get into this now but your wrong about me i suffered in my own way, you wouldn't of lasted long in either of the jobs i had to do because you fly off the handle at a moments notice and then turn around and try and play the cool and understanding guy". "  As for the program i'll talk about that more later with darius and lily so thanks for the info",  I'm sorry but you told me not to meddle so i won't and i have to help with her training so when he gets the chance i'm sure he'll talk to you". Ruby then turned around and walks next to ravine and mouths so where do we go for the training, ' it's a horrible thing that happened to them but that has nothing to do with my roles and i know i was horrible but hearing him talk like i haven't suffered pisses me off having the jobs have to do being in the middle chain is a pain in my ass and sometimes i feel sick when i have to go and do it' ' i can't take back the things i said and done no time spell can fix that and as i said before i'm probably going to hell and i'm going to out live many of the people i care about like i've not been kicked enough when i'm down'.
"Well, I wouldn't know, you never was one to tell people what you've been up to," he told her. "You're usually one to keep secrets about what you've been doing. I don't know what's been happening with you and the hunters, but that doesn't mean you have to shut everyone out." Reno turns his back towards her and somberly continues his statement. "I know I shouldn't be one to talk, but sometimes you can't carry the weight of the world alone, even if you feel like you're alone, you're not. You got Luna, Ray, mom, dad, and now Raiven with you...to be honest, I don't even know what my friends think of me." Xena's text still haunts him about how he's going to die alone and being remembered by how extremely hated he was. Just then, Reno was hit with enough electricity to stun him. He falls onto his back and screams in pain from being impaled on his arms and legs by metal rods. "You know little bro...I've been thinking," says Xena. "Three weeks for the curse to kick in is too long, I think I'm gonna have some fun torturing you." Xena looks up to Ruby with a devious smile on her face. "Maybe I should give your little girlfriend here that chance, I can always end your suffering when she, and a few of your 'friends', make you feel their pain, their hate, their frustrations from having to be around you." "Why...why are you doing this?" Xena, feeling annoyed with Reno's voice, stomps on his chest. It was hard enough to hurt him, but not as much to break his ribs. "I swear, I feel my brain cells commit suicide everytime you open your mouth," she replies. "Besides, I told you why in that text I sent you, but I guess you never was as perceptive, or as intelligent, as you claim to be." 

@Leo Radomir
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Hazel just looked at her girlfriend as she was excited as she brought her in' i met him actually he's pretty nice' she signed to her as she lay down on her bed' i'm trying to avoid my speech therpiest she's mean i don't like it that much' she signed to her girlfriend she was still in her uniform' um what do you wanna do i want to make you happy' she signed as she smiled looking at her as she just stretched she was blushing she really liked her girlfriend' what is your mother like is there a chance i can meet her someday i mean does she know about me since we been dating' she signed to her girlfriend as she was laying down she just was looking around her room' i miss karoline i wonder how she is doing i miss her sweets' she signed @Eternal Dragonchild


Brair Rose


Brair just smiled" you do that and i climb the fence" she say as she just climb the fense as she was smiling she loved climbing things" i don't like getting dirty in the first place " just tell me what i'm looking for ferny" she say as she smiled jumping down from the fence she haven't relazed the jump was  that high she just hurt herself" owie" she say as she just stood up" fern i'm across the fense tell me what i'm looking for" she say as she smiled she just looked around as she was seeing the spirtis" no not now please not now" she say to herself @Eternal Dragonchild






@Eternal Dragonchild
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Jinx looks normal the way she sleep. she was having a dream when she was a little girl at the park, playing with flowers and petting her cat when all turn dark when she felt someone nudge him "c-can i still sleep for 5 more mints?" she said as she yawn and gently rub her eyes. she open them and look at Zenith as she gasp happily and pause as she recal everything and look over at the time "oh yes! lunch!... Zenith!" she look up at him and gave him a wide smile "i got bored waiting so i fell asleep" she said as she stand up and fix her cloths "here i bought you some lunch if your hungry ehehehehhe" she said with a giggle and she move close to him as  she tiptoe and she kiss him in the cheeks and giggle psychoticly  'i like this... waking up and seeing him... i hope i can see him everytime i wake up now that would be amazing'

@Leo Radomir
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Victoria A. Glamis (Shadow Elemental) 

(Shadow creatures with Victoria: Steve, Zozo)

Uncertainty was blossoming its way throughout Victoria as she continued to leer at the seemingly frozen in solid place counselor, almost giving the impression of a mannequin that’s showing ‘the thousand yard stare’. Upon viewing this unnerving situation she began cautiously approaching the woman, waving her delicate hand in-front of the faculty member’s face in a desperate attempt to get her attention whilst she was still in a trance-like condition.. Zozo whom was still spiraling around in the office chair mowing down over abundances of hard candy stopped for a moment to leisurely situate the palm of her hand back underneath her chin as she observed the peculiar situation that left even herself in a state of awe before she erupted in a series of “Oooh!” noises that resonated throughout the room as if she had just discovered some architectural breakthrough that would change the world. “You’re a mime! No,no,no! A Statue, yes you’re a statue!” Zozo slid her hands across the arm-rest, awkwardly positioning herself before leaping out of the chair and back onto her feet in excitement, only to commence vigorously flexing as after the action. “Zozo, Mastermind extraordinaire and undefeated charades champion!” Victoria’s eyes rolled at the darkling’s quirky display, she couldn’t help but feel saddened by the lack of initiative and blatant lie when it came to showering her around the school although she wasn’t too concerned but the idea of traversing around the hallways with someone who just labeled her as “Gothica” wasn’t a very pleasant thought either, didn’t looks like she had much of a  choice in the matter anyway.

“Alchemy is such a wondrous feat of magic, to think how much self-control goes behind concentrating on configuring an effigy with only the materials around you.” Steve placed both of his hands over his knees, hunched down over the Alchemist as he eagerly watched the transmutation occur, Some of Victoria’s darklings have never had a chance to witness other forms of magic aside from their own, making them easily enchanted by other feats of magic. “Sooo.. Not sure if you told me your name or that I forgot somehow but anyway, name’s not Gothica but I appreciate the.” Victoria stopped to shutter at the overly exaggerated compliment she was about to give classmate. “Compassionate nickname that you thought of for me but i’d rather prefer to be called Victoria, since the counselor is having a vietnam flashback we should probably go and see about going to class so we don’t arrive late and somehow get lectured on our first day.” She replied, hoping that it would get her attention.

( @Pumpkin Spice Cyanide There ya go :P )

(Shadow creatures w/appearances) 





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"True, a situation has forced our hand, she should have the knowledge unless my son failed to pass it on" Montgomery walked in a circle around his granddaughter "He died before he could disclose the technique" Raiven answered in  short sentences "Please teach me, grandfather" She asked. Raiven glanced to Ruby, looking for help 

Ruby nodded and them calmly says" I don't have time to get into this now but your wrong about me i suffered in my own way, you wouldn't of lasted long in either of the jobs i had to do because you fly off the handle at a moments notice and then turn around and try and play the cool and understanding guy". "  As for the program i'll talk about that more later with darius and lily so thanks for the info",  I'm sorry but you told me not to meddle so i won't and i have to help with her training so when he gets the chance i'm sure he'll talk to you". Ruby then turned around and walks next to ravine and mouths so where do we go for the training, ' it's a horrible thing that happened to them but that has nothing to do with my roles and i know i was horrible but hearing him talk like i haven't suffered pisses me off having the jobs have to do being in the middle chain is a pain in my ass and sometimes i feel sick when i have to go and do it' ' i can't take back the things i said and done no time spell can fix that and as i said before i'm probably going to hell and i'm going to out live many of the people i care about like i've not been kicked enough when i'm down'.


Raiven turns to Ruby "In the nearby meadow, let's go" She took off running toward the meadow "You can't catch me"

Luka looked at Hazel with doe eyes "I wish I could speak too, you're lucky you can" She signed wishfully "Keep going with it" She gave Hazel a quick kiss on the lips and leant back, falling onto the bed with a laugh "I'm from a rural village so I have to use post, I don't know if it's got there yet." She smiled as she led down on the bed 

Fern jumped neatly over the fence, assisted in her ascent by some small vines. Upon reaching the top she jumped down, a bed of clovers rising up to cushion her fall. She sat up and ran over to Briar, giving her sister a hug "Let's collect the nettles and have some tea"
Raiven turns to Ruby "In the nearby meadow, let's go" She took off running toward the meadow "You can't catch me"

Luka looked at Hazel with doe eyes "I wish I could speak too, you're lucky you can" She signed wishfully "Keep going with it" She gave Hazel a quick kiss on the lips and leant back, falling onto the bed with a laugh "I'm from a rural village so I have to use post, I don't know if it's got there yet." She smiled as she led down on the bed 

Fern jumped neatly over the fence, assisted in her ascent by some small vines. Upon reaching the top she jumped down, a bed of clovers rising up to cushion her fall. She sat up and ran over to Briar, giving her sister a hug "Let's collect the nettles and have some tea"

Ruby sighs and looks at her watch and then a platinum haired man comes through a portal and drags reno away as her foot comes down healing him just enough for him to stand and says" what a troublesome child i can see why my beloved contractor and student fell out of love with him, i don't know what your beef is with the boy but out of the fact she was close to him once i can't let him die". " Such a stupid boy you come here knowing you can be tracked when you should of done what you were told and laid low after i open a portal go back as you are now your useless here if you refuse i'll knock you out and throw you back through portal my self".  He then puts a long arch wall around them and waits to see what the women will do meanwhile ruby says" i know that and ray probably told what he feels about you as for me i'm done with you and your dad and his idiot friends i'm sick of being left behind to pick up the pieces of others, i'll considering taking you seriously you stop going from hot to cold that is where we stand and tell your friend to get some vas and uses it he's annoying in another way".   Ruby then uses a portal and jumps in and quickly hopes out the other side to catch ravine, when out of sight of them all clenches her hand in anger and thinks, i know that was really cold but this time if he does come back i need him to learn for real and long term and flicking my head like everything can just be made light hearted pissed me off, he was the first guy i truly loved god i have horrible taste in men'. 

Luna just smiled" sure that be nice" she say pushing up her glasses she wore her glasses once in a while she usually wear her glasses she just smiled as she just kissed him she loved him so much" when i get better lets continue the training okay" she say as she smiled looking at him she just hold onto his hand" do you think your mother likes me she seems nice" she say as she just blushed a bit as she was smiling she really liked him a lot him she felt special when she was around him" i want to surprise ruby on her birthday sometime" she say as she just yawned a bit she was skipping to the mexican place as she was really happy to have a boyfriend like him that he cares for her 

Ray blinked in surprise and playfully pinches luna's bum then says" yeah see does and sure we can do that". @Zeldafangirl

Jinx looks normal the way she sleep. she was having a dream when she was a little girl at the park, playing with flowers and petting her cat when all turn dark when she felt someone nudge him "c-can i still sleep for 5 more mints?" she said as she yawn and gently rub her eyes. she open them and look at Zenith as she gasp happily and pause as she recal everything and look over at the time "oh yes! lunch!... Zenith!" she look up at him and gave him a wide smile "i got bored waiting so i fell asleep" she said as she stand up and fix her cloths "here i bought you some lunch if your hungry ehehehehhe" she said with a giggle and she move close to him as  she tiptoe and she kiss him in the cheeks and giggle psychoticly  'i like this... waking up and seeing him... i hope i can see him everytime i wake up now that would be amazing'

Zenith gently smiles and then playfully flicks her head and gives a look to say please keep in down he then gently takes then lunch and waits for her to calm down. @Astaroth Suzumiya

Isaac smiles gently and teasingly says" come on beetroot if we don't hurt supper time will be over", but all that aside you really should have faith in your self after all there aren't many women that have your skill set" @Daniel reaving  

Stregheria Antonietta Mercuro


Sam had been messing with the piece of Steve she'd essentially stolen without so much as a second thought. She stood entranced by the strangness of the material. Material, yet strangly immaterial. She choppily moved it around her hands and trying at transmuting it into something else, though having a hard time doing much more than manipulating it. She couldn't even accurately tell what it was let alone deduce how to change or recreate it, safely. 
As impetuous as she was, Sam was very bright and knowledgeable in the ways of 
math and science. This was characteristic of an Alchemist but uncharacteristic of her as person. 
"What the hell is this shit?" She mumbled to herself while fiddling with the substance. 
It took her a few brief moments to process the fact Steve was talking to her and the fact he'd crouched down to be more at her level,
"I'm sorry did you say self-control?" She asked with a giggle and a feigned snort. 
"Ha! Ok, buddy." She said sarcastically. 
Sam spun the shadow stuff on her palm for a second before reaching out and grabbing more off of Steve. 
"This stuff is cool as hell, Bergerdorkk." She commented to Steve over Victoria's proposal to attempt to go to class. 
"Do you know how to do anything with it? What is it?", she continued, ignoring the Victoria. 
Finally as Victoria finished talking Sam gave her a small and almost intentionally condescending acknowledgement, not looking away from the substance or Steve.
"Yeah sure, whatever, Elvira. We'll do that in a minute." 

Ruby sighs and looks at her watch and then a platinum haired man comes through a portal and drags reno away as her foot comes down healing him just enough for him to stand and says" what a troublesome child i can see why my beloved contractor and student fell out of love with him, i don't know what your beef is with the boy but out of the fact she was close to him once i can't let him die". " Such a stupid boy you come here knowing you can be tracked when you should of done what you were told and laid low after i open a portal go back as you are now your useless here if you refuse i'll knock you out and throw you back through portal my self".  He then puts a long arch wall around them and waits to see what the women will do meanwhile ruby says" i know that and ray probably told what he feels about you as for me i'm done with you and your dad and his idiot friends i'm sick of being left behind to pick up the pieces of others, i'll considering taking you seriously you stop going from hot to cold that is where we stand and tell your friend to get some vas and uses it he's annoying in another way".   Ruby then uses a portal and jumps in and quickly hopes out the other side to catch ravine, when out of sight of them all clenches her hand in anger and thinks, i know that was really cold but this time if he does come back i need him to learn for real and long term and flicking my head like everything can just be made light hearted pissed me off, he was the first guy i truly loved god i have horrible taste in men'. 

Luna just smiled" sure that be nice" she say pushing up her glasses she wore her glasses once in a while she usually wear her glasses she just smiled as she just kissed him she loved him so much" when i get better lets continue the training okay" she say as she smiled looking at him she just hold onto his hand" do you think your mother likes me she seems nice" she say as she just blushed a bit as she was smiling she really liked him a lot him she felt special when she was around him" i want to surprise ruby on her birthday sometime" she say as she just yawned a bit she was skipping to the mexican place as she was really happy to have a boyfriend like him that he cares for her 

Ray blinked in surprise and playfully pinches luna's bum then says" yeah see does and sure we can do that". @Zeldafangirl

Jinx looks normal the way she sleep. she was having a dream when she was a little girl at the park, playing with flowers and petting her cat when all turn dark when she felt someone nudge him "c-can i still sleep for 5 more mints?" she said as she yawn and gently rub her eyes. she open them and look at Zenith as she gasp happily and pause as she recal everything and look over at the time "oh yes! lunch!... Zenith!" she look up at him and gave him a wide smile "i got bored waiting so i fell asleep" she said as she stand up and fix her cloths "here i bought you some lunch if your hungry ehehehehhe" she said with a giggle and she move close to him as  she tiptoe and she kiss him in the cheeks and giggle psychoticly  'i like this... waking up and seeing him... i hope i can see him everytime i wake up now that would be amazing'

Zenith gently smiles and then playfully flicks her head and gives a look to say please keep in down he then gently takes then lunch and waits for her to calm down. @Astaroth Suzumiya

Isaac smiles gently and teasingly says" come on beetroot if we don't hurt supper time will be over", but all that aside you really should have faith in your self after all there aren't many women that have your skill set" @Daniel reaving  

She blushed blood red and nodded. "A-a-alright." She mumbled shyly as she started to get up and turn to leave but tripped on her chair and ended in isaacs lap 
She blushed blood red and nodded. "A-a-alright." She mumbled shyly as she started to get up and turn to leave but tripped on her chair and ended in isaacs lap 

He gently smiles and helps her up gently and then gently pulls her to her feet and gives a look to say are you going to be ok
"Hate to break it to you, but my 'beef' with my brother is practically a collection of everyone's thoughts on him," Xena said. "He came here looking for a way to stop his degradation, and I've tracked him down here. I just wanted to see him suffer the pain he's brought on everyone, an eye for an eye, if you will, Kio-sama." Xena walks beside the perimeter of the wall and tells him, "Of course, the curse is still on him, but this time I deducted it from three weeks, to about...one week. Not my fault he's the most hated being in both the spirit realm and the material plain...oh, yeah, it is. Thanks to a little trick called 'Mana Manipulation.' Meaning I could practically make anyone my puppet, especially someone who has messed with our plans!" Reno, upon hearing this, screams to the heavens and dons his armor. Xena was unfazed by it, for she's seen this before during her brother's experiments. "You bitch, you've been controlling my every action this entire time!? WHY!?" "Simple, we wanted you out of the way since you became a huge inconvenience. Always helping out people, always being the hero, you always end up interrupting our plans!" "Who are you working for?" "I'll give you a hint: I'm working with both a sister of one, and a cousin of another." Reno thought about it for a second and realized who she meant. Xena laughed at how quickly he figured it out and left the realm. He growled in frustration and his armor disappeared. "No point in chasing her down, she'll just go back to Myuki and Mihkail. A 3 on 1 fight is something I'm not up for...still, using mana manipulation to ruin my life, does she really want me to lose everything. and what are their plans?" Reno turns around to the platinum haired man and bows in respect. "You must be Kio-sama, as you did mention your beloved contractor. I'm sorry you had to come out of...wherever you came from, to help me...I guess I'm not even strong enough to resist mana manipulation's unbreakable grip."

@Leo Radomir
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jinx look at him and pouted cutely as she rub her head and gave a wide smile "awww okey okey i will ehehehehehehe" she said as she stand up and fix her uniform and look up at him "cmon im hungry" she said rubbing her stomach and blush as it made a rumbling noise and making her laugh

@Leo Radomir

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