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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)





Victoria A. Glamis (Shadow Elemental) 

(Shadow creatures with Victoria: Steve, Zozo, Mr.Fluffers)

Something was definitely strange about this Sam woman as she had just been fondling a piece of Steve that she basically tore off of him without exactly caring about the hazardous precautions of possibly irritating a potential sinister creature as well as not thinking if the material she was messing with would be life-threatening to her health, luckily for her it wasn’t and Steve wasn’t all too concerned as he was too intrigued with what she was doing to even care what was going on around him. Watching inventively he patiently waited for whatever the woman was about create, only thinking about what kind of construct she’d make out of his own living tissue that she had nonchalantly snagged off of his lanky body. “Well think of it as a part of the realm that i’ve mentioned i’m kind of composed of it, this void that I speak of his full sentient but is only given different personalities once exposed to this world, fascinating isn’t it? That organism you contain within your very hands can recreate me a thousand times if left out long enough and who wouldn’t enjoy that?” Steve replied in a overjoyed tone with Zozo in the background laughing at the thought of who’d want to clone that buzzkill of a darkling, Zozo’s crazy behavior ended when the boredom began to set in even further, she didn’t have any idea what to do so she just approached both Steve and Sam and sat beside them with a face that gave the expression of weariness and disconcern for what’s happening. “So are you just gonna mess with Steve’s junk because there is always a time and a place for that, but i’d like to carry on with today and cause some havoc so i’m not dying from boredom.” She complained to Sam, hoping that she’d hurry up so she wouldn’t have to complain some more and let out continuous sighs in order to get her attention.

“Bergerdorkk?” Steve couldn’t help but scratch the side of his giant eye at the odd new nickname he was given, Victoria on the other hand growing a bit annoyed at Sam and Steve completely ignoring her and continuing to carry on with their own conversation as if she was entirely invisible to the eye. “Well, i’ve never done anything related to alchemy before so your guess is probably better than mine and as I said before it’s a part of the void, i’d suggest sticking that material back onto me unless you want the doppelgangers to start multiplying into all sorts of fangdangled creatures.” Suddenly it was too late, the substance begun violently contorting and bubbling from its outer layer eventually growing in size each second before taking a shape of a distorted feline creature that making unnerving gurgling sounds, only making a low-pitched meow as it gave shape of a kitty cat with an eldritch creature stretching out from its mouth. “Oh, how cute it’s Mr.Fluffers. Nice to see you again buddy!”


Zozo commented as she scratched behind the creature’s right ear. Why was victoria not surprised that another one of these abominations had showed up, by the time that she’s done with the first day of  class she’ll have the whole school flooded with these things. “Elvira? Who the hell is that? More importantly why is that thing here?” Victoria exclaimed, wondering why another darkling had just showed up. Zozo only made a sarcastic gasp in response as she held the cat-creature closer to her chest, almost nuzzling against it while looking back at Victoria “Oh she didn’t mean it Fluffers, you know she’s just being grumpy today.” She poked the feline’s wet nose as it erupted another malformed meow which slithered its way out from its lips.

Shadow creatures w/Victoria.







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Myuki had left the others to their jobs but she still needed to find the thing in the forest that had been evading her "Where could you be" she said outloud while she floated above the school "If I where a big overgrown lump of primordial energy where would I hide?" She tried to focus and feel around for it's energy and still found nothing of the sort. While she looked and searched she found all manner of other fire based creatures and killed them as easily as he could break a pencil "Where the hell are you?!" She started getting mad but calmed herself before continuing her search.

Homura had collapsed not long after he had helped Clair. It wasnt unexpected or at least he thought he had some time left before he passed out. The last think he remembered before everything went black was Clair nodding at his last statement and then scream his name as his gaze got lower and lower. Homura knew something had to be done about the general but he would save that for another day. For now he just wanted to enjoy a nice long nap. While he slept he dreamt except that this time he wasn't having good images, he was being shown highlights of his time with the general and it gave him a pit in his stomach. He tried his hardest to yell "STOOOOOOP!!!" but the other him wouldn't stop and actually laughed as people burned alive and while villages and towns ran away in terror from him and Clair. He knew that he didn't want to be this person but also that that person was apart of who he is. He tried to shake off what he had seen but it still horrified him. There were even elementals that stood to face them. Some were from their class at Sakura but still the black haired Homura burned them to ash without a second thought. "What the hell! What the hell are you trying to tell me?!" He yelled to no avail. As he stood and watched with tears in his eyes another version of Himself appeared behind him "Fear not boy. You are not to blame for this. Your morals even back then were morphed for that mans goals. If you are going to blame anyone blame him for forcing you into that situation. I Ifrit give you access to my flames. All my power is yours to command if you wish but you will have to learn what that means. The dragons power is also with you and will clash with mine own. Be careful about what you do next" with that the vision was engulfed in fire and Homura braced for cover but then awoke rapidly to Clair crying over what was, until just then, his motionless body.

@Mr Swiftshots
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Raiven stood up from where she was knelt, having finished her training. She jumped back through the portal to see Xena walking away "HEY" she picked up a rock from the floor by her feet "Do you know where my useless bastard of a cousin is? I got words I want to have with him" She let the pebble fly, aiming it towards her head. 

"And what do you mean you're using mana manipulation on Reno"

Xena stood there and took the pebble that hit her head. She turns around and smiles deviously while telling her, "Well, since you asked, I'll go ahead and humor you. I've been using Mana Manipulation to make his rep as the 'most respected Elite' come crashing down. Those moments where he was about to dive into danger, me, those times he's been making fun of you and abandoning his teammates, me, I've been making him my puppet for the longest time. Though I'll have to give him credit though, he did resist it a few times, a few....rare times, one of them being where he went into Homura's subconscious, I can't really reach him there." Xena walks along the school's campus, thinking of other things she's done to him aside from her mana manipulation. "Reno may have a cool, calm, and collected demeanor, and he may seem emotionless, but when his friends are in danger, he's willing to risk his own life. I've seen him train for years, he's not one to let his limits become his crutch, hell, he could take on a dozen pact makers and still come out victorious when he's going all out, but he's always trying to please his childhood friend by 'not being reckless,' even if he could take out armies of demons, fallen angels, pact makers, hell, he has enough power to destroy dimensions...until I cursed him during his freshman year. Funny how the one person you find as an annoyance, ended up being someone that literally couldn't control himself." Xena turns around to face Raiven, a look of pure amusement in her face. "As for your deadbeat cousin...why are you concerned about him? If you really want to sleep with him, just ask him...though he did demote you to 'quick fix' now that Myuki's able to satisfy him." Xena started cackling like a witch. Using her lightning powers, she blinks out of the campus and into what appears to be an abandoned cabin in the woods, which she knows was her and her comrade's base of operations. She walks inside and texts Myuki. 'Hey Myuki, I'm going to lay low for a bit, Ray and Raiven probably know about my intentions, so I'm at the usual spot. Contact me if you need something done...and my offer still stands on killing Mihkail.'


@Eternal Dragonchild
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If Raiven could spit fire, she probably would have "I don't want to sleep with that pile of filth, I want to truly eradicate him, I'll eradicate you for good measure too" A dark cloud shot past her, forming into her cousin 

"Zdravstvuyte cousin" He spoke in a soft voice "You called? Needing a quick fix, so-" The next words out of his mouth were stopped dead by the punch Raiven delivered to his throat

"My brother is here, you know what he promised to do to you, should he find out you still live"

Mikhails eyes widened "Oh no, not the swirlies" Raiven facepalmed " slaboumnyy" she muttered under her breath "Not that, he promised to turn you inside out. Reno, can you make sure no one interferes" 


(Idiot, mentally deficient) 

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Reno fired a mana sphere at Raiven, which became absorbed into her body. "I'll let you borrow my armor," he said with a smirk. 'Make sure you land a few for me. He still kinda owes me for trying to possess me. Also, I sense something on his soul...my guess Myuki put that there as a way to prevent it from being rupture. Destroy the body, and it should be lifted, and knowing Xena, she probably wanted him dead for being a lazy, deadbeat, sex happy nuisance." Reno chants a spell and an anti-magic field surrounded them, preventing both their mana signatures from being detectable. "Good luck Raiven, you got this...you're an Elite after all." Reno goes back through the portal and closes it before confronting Kio-sama and Ruby. "Power to destroy dimensions, I don't now if Xena was exaggerating it or not, but that doesn't mean I can't stop training," he said with conviction in his eyes. "If it's alright with you Kio-sama, I would like you to train me."

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Leo Radomir
Raiven nodded "Now cousin, about that new body of yours, You are even uglier than before, I mean look at you, your face.... it looks like a dead fish" When it was just them she chose to speak in her native Russian.

She donned Reno's demonic armour as an added layer of protection against her cousin. Closing her eyes she focused her mind.

My brother is close to me, I can feel his strengths in my body. 

Opening them, she charged at her cousin, fist outstretched. 

Raphael Moreau


Y'know. Just watching this stuff happening seems a bit saddening. From the antihero/side antagonist and being reduced to just a side character. Someone who existed. However, watching is fun though. Perhaps I should make my presense known again? The answer to the question I do not know. But perhaps I should let... them decide. Naturally, because of plot convience, I was there. However as soon as Reno cast that anti-magic field, I myself could feel some form of force tugging on my spell. I mean, I could maintain my invisibility spell, but however I would love to play along with this game. So I decided to give off my aura signature, and bait Reno into discovering me.


(Long time no see everybody! I hope my entrance isn't too... convienent. I had to finish some stuff IRL. I'd explain, but no one would care. :P)
Darius, in turn, was a bit surprised by how the twins were made, but he can't seem to figure out the puzzle. 'Damn, most of this stuff is in russian. I can't even read it for the life of me...wait, Alec, he's been living with his mother for a long time, maybe he could help.' Darius takes out his phone and texts his godson, thanks to Arlane writing down his number, hoping that he could help shed some light in this whole situation. 'Alec, this is Darius, I want you to meet me in the gates of the school, I got something I need you to help me wit...and I also got some shocking news to tell you.'

@Eternal Dragonchild
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Reno fired a mana sphere at Raiven, which became absorbed into her body. "I'll let you borrow my armor," he said with a smirk. 'Make sure you land a few for me. He still kinda owes me for trying to possess me. Also, I sense something on his soul...my guess Myuki put that there as a way to prevent it from being rupture. Destroy the body, and it should be lifted, and knowing Xena, she probably wanted him dead for being a lazy, deadbeat, sex happy nuisance." Reno chants a spell and an anti-magic field surrounded them, preventing both their mana signatures from being detectable. "Good luck Raiven, you got this...you're an Elite after all." Reno goes back through the portal and closes it before confronting Kio-sama and Ruby. "Power to destroy dimensions, I don't now if Xena was exaggerating it or not, but that doesn't mean I can't stop training," he said with conviction in his eyes. "If it's alright with you Kio-sama, I would like you to train me."

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Leo Radomir

Kio smirked and flat out says"  No because as you are now you'll extremely lightly to die with my training with your body as is, before you get the chance to get new cells and i don't want an idiot's blood on my hands"." As for ruby the more you try and get closer to her now the more she'll hate you then you can defo kiss any chances of making her change her mind good bye women like her once badly hurt will not forgive for a fair bit but don't get me wrong your dad also played his part in screwing this up for you".

" What he should of done is not water it down like it was some b class comedy show, when you have gone through the treatment for how ever long it takes and your cells and ki and mana aren't all over the shop heros grow without running away sometimes even i've had to run away at times as shameful and frustrating as it's". Kio sama pauses for a minute then says" i won't stop you from killing yourself but at the same time i can tell if you do you won't be forgiven by any that may forgive you in time once everything has settle down because that boy is a greater sin many even understand it to be". He opens a portal then waits to see if what he had said sinks into the thick head of renos his eyes cold and deep so much so that it might feel like some one is piercing your soul.

The dragon breaks part of the barrier to get through and is a really bad mood and says" Another hot headed fool what is wrong with the last two generations make this fairly quick if your going to rupture him i want this is be sorted so i can get back because i get screamed at by amri sama what a pain in the ass this i could be sealed for helping your stupid ass out".  He then quickly starts to set up traps to make it hard for people to interfere. 

Ruby is back on campus takes her phone of and dials lillian and waits for her to pick up so she can tell her the news and she's distancing her self for a while to clear her head, i know it's a little cruel but i'm sick of their weak ass excuse or reasons for being so selfish and such.

Isaac gently walks outside the door and says" Zenith can be an odd guy but he's a great teacher i've learned a lot from him in the last year by reading over his books but enough about that lets get something to eat and drink before you fall down you can use me as crutch if need be".

Zenith teasingly but discreetly rubs jinxs sides and gives a look to say i like thick women and i want to enjoy but you have to keep being good for just a little longer my dear, he smiles slightly devilishly enjoying playing with jinx, i know it's kinda wrong but she's fun to tease and as long as i can keep her mostly calm we can both enjoy ourselves'.

@Daniel reaving @Astaroth Suzumiya @Zeldafangirl



Hazel just smiled as she was kissed she was blushing a lot' i from japen my father was american but i'm japanesse so i can sorta know japanesse i only know how to write in it" she say as she looked at her girlfriend as she was laying with her she loved her girlfriend" i like being with you your my sunshine my happiness" she say as she signed she just hold onto her as she just snuggle with her happily as she poked her cheeks as she giggled" your red" she say as she giggled she looked happy' oh i got pocky' she thought as she just got her bag and got out some pocky' want some pocky' she signed to her girlfriend @Eternal Dragonchild





Luna just looked at the menu as she was still feeling a bit lonely she missed her big sister she was still in her uniform she had a bad feeling' will my dad come back' she thought as she just looked at ray as she was worried" i not really hungry right now" she say as she just looked at ray" so i just get a soda and a cake i'm not that hungry" she say as she looked at the waitest as she smiled a little she was too worried to eat anything she just pulled down her jacked as she didn't really wanted to be here she could feel when her father fallen angels was close she felt it as she felt scared" i feel them my dad fallen angel is here somewhere" she say to him @Leo Radomir


Briar Rose 



Brair heard a crunch' crap' she thought as she stepped on her glassed" crap my glasses" she say as she looked undr her sister foot' ug i can't see' she thought as she just looked at him she picked them as she looked at him" i have to buy new glasses now" she say as she just bump into a tree' owie' she thought as she just looked at her as she rubbed her face' mom is going to kill me when she find out i'm back and broke my glasses' she thought as she sighed" mom is going to kill me" she say" i don't think mom know i'm here yet i mean i never told her i was coming the social worker sent me her to be with my family" she say @Eternal Dragonchild
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"I see, if she needs to distance herself to collect her thoughts, then okay," said Reno. "Besides, I got something I need to do elsewhere. Mizmo's going to help keep my body from degrading, and I'm sure by now, Eldorius was able to get something from Draven to help keep it from happening." Eldorius returns afterwards with a soul, most likely Draven's. He absorbs the soul's energy and enters Reno's body. "He and I are one now, I have more than enough energy to provide you with the antibodies needed to prevent your body from rejecting it's demonic half." Reno nods in acknowledgement and walks through the portal Kio made. He then teleports himself into his room and pulls out his phone. He sets the alarm to 8:00 AM, this time checking it to see if it's correct, and places it on the nightstand next to him. The clock on his phone read 8:45 PM, so he got time to sleep the rest of the day away.

Liliana picks up her phone and hears Ruby on the other end, telling her that she's distancing herself from everyone, when she hears the reason why, she sighs and says, "I understand you want to clear your head, but I do want to tell you something, you remind me of Darius, always wanting to be alone for the same reasons you have now. He doesn't really believe much in heroes because he's so used to people dying around him, when in actuality, he blames himself for not doing anything to help. He's just too proud to admit that he could have been there with his friends to at least assist them, in fact, there have been times where I see him wish that he had the ability to turn back time and rescue Asahi from his fate. So here's my question for you...what's really important, you sacrificing yourself to save the people you love, or sacrificing the people you love for you own survival?"

@Leo Radomir
"I see, if she needs to distance herself to collect her thoughts, then okay," said Reno. "Besides, I got something I need to do elsewhere. Mizmo's going to help keep my body from degrading, and I'm sure by now, Eldorius was able to get something from Draven to help keep it from happening." Eldorius returns afterwards with a soul, most likely Draven's. He absorbs the soul's energy and enters Reno's body. "He and I are one now, I have more than enough energy to provide you with the antibodies needed to prevent your body from rejecting it's demonic half." Reno nods in acknowledgement and walks through the portal Kio made. He then teleports himself into his room and pulls out his phone. He sets the alarm to 8:00 AM, this time checking it to see if it's correct, and places it on the nightstand next to him. The clock on his phone read 8:45 PM, so he got time to sleep the rest of the day away.

Liliana picks up her phone and hears Ruby on the other end, telling her that she's distancing herself from everyone, when she hears the reason why, she sighs and says, "I understand you want to clear your head, but I do want to tell you something, you remind me of Darius, always wanting to be alone for the same reasons you have now. He doesn't really believe much in heroes because he's so used to people dying around him, when in actuality, he blames himself for not doing anything to help. He's just too proud to admit that he could have been there with his friends to at least assist them, in fact, there have been times where I see him wish that he had the ability to turn back time and rescue Asahi from his fate. So here's my question for you...what's really important, you sacrificing yourself to save the people you love, or sacrificing the people you love for you own survival?"

@Leo Radomir

Ruby sighs and says" Yes he played his part by being to prideful but hero's die for all kinds of reasons and worst case they cause others to lose dear ones like my brother lost a beloved distant cousin because of a half assed plan so if your going to be a hero bloody well do it right and with people you can count on". " As for time even if he could there are rules and a price to pay just like my price is i will out live most of the people i care about so yes i'm pissed they water it down so b-grade comedy or reno trying be cool and with lame lines and stealing a kiss from me but that's not the kicker for me i could of let reno let reno die time and time again yet he hasn't learned a good dam thing".

" I'm leaving luna in your hands along with ray and i'm truly but as i'm now i'd probably want to kill him myself so letting him stew in his own mess is far kinder than most would do for him, you were right about one thing about me i did love him once but with him being the way he is there's a high chance i would left behind yet again to me that's worst than being dead, i've got to do some things for luna but i don't want you telling him what i told you entin the book keeper will come at some point i just hope that reno has sorted himself out because when he's angry reno will know it". " I wanted to thank you for all the help over the years i may be a bitch but i'm not ungrateful and just like i said before your were closest thing i had to a real mother, i'll be back to play my part when the time comes but right now i'm a mess so i'll leave ray with my duties i plan to leave for a month". 
"I know you care about him, but he can take care of himself you know," she said in a proud voice. "I'm not sure if I've told you this, but I've seen him perform feats that nobody thougt was possible. True, he's half demon, but he was able to take on a pact maker at age 15 and won against it, and he was at full strength to...the pact maker, not Reno." Liliana's mood shifted from that of pride to that of concern, for she held something from Ruby for a long time now. "Reno's powerful, but thanks to his demon half, he's too powerful. True, he can take on armies of anything, demons, fallen angels, pact makers, but that power is also killing him, even if he's not using it, so I scretly  placed a rune on him to limit his abilities, and hopefully slow down the process. He knows he can take on anything, but he's afraid that if he somehow breaks that rune, he could kill the people he cares about as well. In fact, I don't think Reno knows that his power is killing him, or that he's half demon, but it's returning slowly but surely, which speeds up the process of his degradation, soon, Reno will die at an early age...please do everything you can to help him." Liliana started to cry a bit, having found out about her son's condition back when she worked for the general. She made sure to lock the files about the Elites away, but she feels as though it was a matter of time before everyone found out. All she did was keep the files hidden away under a locked password, and was ordered not to view them, but curiosity got the best of her and she found her son's file first and was shocked by what the end results were, and what they did to him. She kept this a secret for a long time now...but she regrets not telling anybody and letting the Elite program slide by.

@Leo Radomir
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Luna just looked at her phone as she just smiled' hey lily do you think we can train later on i have a bad feeling that daddy will be coming back i need to train'  she text as she just drink her soda' i feel daddy around her around somewhere i don't know where don't tell big sister yet i have to tell her myself i just need to train after my date' she thought as she just put her phone down as she looked around' i can't have daddy come get me i can't i need to find my sister now' she thought as she grabbed her pohone' hey big sis i need to see you after my date i have to find you'  she stext her sister as she sighed she didn't know about her sister leaving @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
"I know you care about him, but he can take care of himself you know," she said in a proud voice. "I'm not sure if I've told you this, but I've seen him perform feats that nobody thougt was possible. True, he's half demon, but he was able to take on a pact maker at age 15 and won against it, and he was at full strength to...the pact maker, not Reno." Liliana's mood shifted from that of pride to that of concern, for she held something from Ruby for a long time now. "Reno's powerful, but thanks to his demon half, he's too powerful. True, he can take on armies of anything, demons, fallen angels, pact makers, but that power is also killing him, even if he's not using it, so I scretly  placed a rune on him to limit his abilities, and hopefully slow down the process. He knows he can take on anything, but he's afraid that if he somehow breaks that rune, he could kill the people he cares about as well. In fact, I don't think Reno knows that his power is killing him, or that he's half demon, but it's returning slowly but surely, which speeds up the process of his degradation, soon, Reno will die at an early age...please do everything you can to help him." Liliana started to cry a bit, having found out about her son's condition back when she worked for the general. She made sure to lock the files about the Elites away, but she feels as though it was a matter of time before everyone found out. All she did was keep the files hidden away under a locked password, and was ordered not to view them, but curiosity got the best of her and she found her son's file first and was shocked by what the end results were, and what they did to him. She kept this a secret for a long time now...but she regrets not telling anybody and letting the Elite program slide by.

@Leo Radomir

Ruby gently sighed and then says" I'm sorry but regardless of what you want from me i will not interfere and yes i know it's killing him on top the curse which kio sama returned to three weeks, just because he beat one before does not mean they are the same now and besides their are four tires of pact makers now and they have a guardian form now and other nasty ability's, this is hard for you to hear but if allison can crush him in her weakened state and his dad had to save him and a pact maker was strong enough to kill adrian and that's a scary thought".

" entina will be coming for reno at some point i wasn't joking when i said the book keepers have their own way of delivering justice should you try and interfere there's no telling what they will do so for once don't try and save him if he works out the answer in time then it's a win win for all parties". " In the meantime something has been arranged for him i can't go into details because i know you will try and meddle, the age of lone or idiotic heroes is coming to an end if we are to win this things need to change and i'm done caring for him i will not be picked up and left being like some glorified nanny".

" Your welcome to think i'm running away or what ever else might come to your mind but will help when the time comes and nothing you say can can change my mind". " Last of all i will especially hate you if you try and use luna to get me to change my mind and i'm sure ray won't take kindly to it either, i understands you have regrets and i sure have mine, there's something i've often wonder how did i come back from the dead, and by many cases i shouldn't of get a second chance where others didn't but i can't change but let's just say how things look and how they are in the underbelly are very different". Ruby then hangs up and texts luna on another phone and writes' you just had mana burn right you should rest for a couple more days i'm on campus i don't want to ambush so i'll tell you straight up ray and others will look after you even if your not at liliana's there's another hq besides the one i told you about i'll give you the details by secret paper remember it well because it dissolves after have read it also there's no point in them trying to use your code there's a special kind of magic and system set up for people that are invited'. 
Alexander wiped the sweat off his brow as he walked towards the gate "On my way," He walks out into the courtyard and heads towards the school gates. It's been ages since I laid eyes on my sister, we were 15 last time we talked. He rounded  the corner and waved to Darius "So what do you need?"

Mikhail took the opportunity that the dragon presented in distracting Raiven to escape from the field. On his way out, he hit several of the traps in his panic to get away, injuring himself in the process.  "So long cousin, I'll visit you soon enough" Raiven growled and turned to the dragon "In a way, thank you. I do not wish to become a killer, but also....I finally had him at my mercy, to make him pay for what happened"  She stared out at her cousin's rapidly disappearing form "Do you think, you could take me back to the academy. I want to rest for a while"

@Leo Radomir

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"Good, you're here," said Darius, who was holding a box full of russian documents. He sets the box down onto the campus grounds, for they were a bit heavy to carry for something containing paperwork. "Well, I got two things to tell you, first, why I got this box. Arlane was killed by a pact maker, but his soul is still with Raiven until he has everything in order, but before he died, he mae sure that I was to take care of both you and Raiven." When he got his stamina back, he picks up the box again as he continues to speak. "Which brings me to to the second thing, I need your help in translating these notes. From what Arlane's secretary told me, these happen to be about the Kaushik Twin experiments, the ones you and Raiven were a part of. So, want to lend a hand?"

@Eternal Dragonchild
"Experiments? I do not recall any but I can try to help you. Let us get to work" He stood near to Darius "How's Raiven taking the news that you're our guardian. She was close to father" The family resemblence was clear between Arlane, Raiven and Alec as he stood there, waiting to get on with work

"Well, she went through the five stages of grief, but eventually decided to grow up and take her father's place as the new ruler of hell," said Darius as he made a portal to the cafeteria and placed the box on one of the nearby tables. "Of course, at first she didn't like the idea, but I think it's growing on her. I'll be taking her on a tour of upper hell soon, that area was where Arlane ruled, I rule lower hell, so if I die, Reno will take my place."

"So, we heard you've learned how to use Soul Rupture." "And you did it before the deadline too." "That means you've secured your place as the new ruler of Upper Hell!" The sisters of fate informed Raiven through telepathy, and was excited about it. "We also heard that Astaroth came by and ruined the fun, but all is not lost." "Cleo's right, you can learn how to use that ability without even touching someone, and it can be amplified so that it can rupture any soul that's been protected by any known  wards." "Small problem though, all records of how it was amplified were erased because of how powerful it can be in the wrong hands, and only one person was able to do that and is still alive to this day. That one that knows and remembers how to use it...is also someone Arlane made to be your guardian: Darius."

@Eternal Dragonchild
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"I see, she was always stronger than I was" Alexander takes one of the files from the box and begins to translate it. Halfway down the page, he stops "So that's why neither of us remember." He continues to read before jabbing his pencil into the table "We have to find my sister. She's a walking weapon. If Mikhail or someone from the project finds her, they could seriously hurt people" A look of panic crossed his face "This phrase here, come out to play Raelyn is the codewords, lets go find my twin"

Raiven smiles "Thank you for your support, I'm honoured to be the next ruler. I'm gonna be spending the night with my boyfriend seeing as Mikhail found me"

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Solace and Ebalon Hernia +

~ Profession Discovery ~

Ebalon went to the new counselor's office seeking any club advice. She wanted to join a club or if there is any. She wanted to do something more different than just studying around improving her tech. She went up to the door and exhaled before she knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. @Enmyira

Solace was at the music store and out of curiosity, decided to listen to some of the tracks there. She put on the headphones that were wired to a musics panel and listened to the samples. She stumbled upon the dubstep, trance, EDM and electrical digital sound section. It was amazing as it took her to another world. After a good while of listening to the tracks, she went back to school and went to the library to listen on a certain track she picked up on. Upon going onto YouTube, she plugged in her headphones into the computer and put it on. She wanted to listen to the music more. And wished she could make her own. Before the video even started, a video advertisement popped up. Which made Solace groan a little. "Ugh... Ads are so annoy--" She cut herself off as the advertisement featured an EDM producer mentioning a class on how to make these types of music. At this point, she hit the jackpot. She went to the advertisement's webpage and signed up. Upon signing up, she had to pay for these lessons. Great, now she has to find a part-time job too. But luckily, she got a 4 months free trial. She accepted the trial and wanted to obtain everything she can learn before she buys it to obtain even more knowledge or leave the program because she has all the knowledge she could work with.
Darius was worried now that Alex had told him about it, and he needed to find Raiven, fast. "We need to show her this," he said. "But first...mind covering up the codewords? It's just in case reading it activates her." Darius felt Mihkail's mana arrive and dissappear, and felt Raiven's mana, but hers was combined with Reno's somehow, then, it was gone. He looks outside to find Mihkail at Raiven's mercy, and Raiven wearing Reno's armor. He saw how it played out, ending with Mihkail getting hit with a few traps and returning from where he came from. "Looks like Mihkail's more afraid of Raiven now than the other way around," he said. "He's here in the school if you want to finish what she started."

@Eternal Dragonchild
"Darius, I think we're ok. She hasn't changed" Alexander had ran over to his sister, grabbing her close to him. He protectively wrapped his arms around Raiven, holding her in safety "Dorogaya sestra, ty v bezopasnosti" He whispered in her ea, feeling the rage whipping through her body "pust' vash gnev idti" Soon enough, Raiven relaxed in his arms, sobbing quietly as he held her. He sat down on the floor gently cradling her as he eyed the dragon up "What were you doing to her?"

(Darling sister, you are safe/Let go of your rage)


@Leo Radomir
"Astaroth, thanks for assisting her," he said as he dashed towards Alex. "I have a feeling we'll be seeing him again soon, I want you to go down to the circle of Violence and recruit some demons for me, their target is Mihkail, Raiven's cousin, he's found guilty for domestic violence, rape, and child abuse, he will be sentenced to two death sentences, one will be by mauling, the other will be by soul rupturing." He looks over to Raiven and hugged her. "Looks like Reno helped you out of this one by giving you his armor. Anyway, we got something to show you that may...eh hem, shock you, and bring Arcus, something tells me he needs to be around for this."

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild
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