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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

"Really, because from what you told me, you're no saint yourself," she said in a stern tone. "In fact, it's because of you that Ruby's like this, I loved her when she would come home with a bright smile on her face, I miss the old Ruby..." Liliana walks over to her desk and pulls out her phone with a video feed of Reno during his experiments. "This is Reno, before I placed a rune on him. This is how powerful he truly is." She shows Incus a video of a twelve-year-old Reno and what looks to be a pact maker of the highest tier possible. When the fight began, the pact maker started having a hard time trying to hit him, while taking a few himself. in this one, Reno was just toying with him, making him frustrated enough for her son to punch it so hard, it exploded into a million pieces. The video ends with the scientists stating the results, with a very high tier pact maker going all out while Reno only used 20% of his power. Liliana plays the next video, this time with Reno fighting against an army of archdemons. All that could be heard was the sound of the demons screaming and dying in Reno's hands, this time, he used 30% of his power. The last one was a shocker even for her, Reno was in a one-inch-punch stance, and stuck at the air. It was powerful enough to shatter the fabric of reality and create a dimensional rift between worlds. The scientists stated in fear that his powers will be uncontrollable, and that he'll be Armageddon Incarnate if this keeps up. The video then cuts to the scientists stating that he's now half demon thanks to the experiments, but that the downside was that his body will degrade overtime even when his powers aren't in use. The general looked unfazed and stated that nobody stays alive long, and orders for his memories to be wiped. The video ends, and Liliana puts her phone back into her pocket. "Yes, he's that powerful, that's why I put a Rune on him, so that he'll be able to control it and not have it kill anyone, including himself. But like they said, he'll die either way. Now you know why it's important that he doesn't try to break that rune. His lust for power is due to people like you thinking that he's too weak to do anything...so in a way, you, Ray, and Ruby are feeding his flames of lust."

Darius looked at Ruby and sensed that Alex was right, the barrier keeping her from going insane is degrading. "It's her lust for revenge on Mihkail," he deduced. "She'll do whatever it takes to see to his destruction. Let's keep an eye on her and find something that signifies her being close to activating." Darius looks up and notices Luna in a blanket. Figuring that she's afraid of something, he walks over to her and places a hand on her shoulder. "Let me guess, your father's here and you're afraid all your training is not going to be enough?"

Xena, having narrowly escaped from the blast, was not fazed by the dragon's threat. "Heh, I've fought and killed worse...speaking of worse, let's see how I can have some fun with Ruby." Xena, wanting to have a bit of fun, uses her powers to create a replica of Luna out of her lightning, and teleports to a nearby cave. The replica she made looked like it endured years of physical abuse, using that to her advantage, she creates a chair using her shadow abilities and sat it down on it, she takes out some rope and ties her in it. Thinking that she should add insult to injury, she makes another replica of her little brother, this time with a few large holes on it's body, and lays it down a few yards away from the Hanako replica she made as well.. Xena started thinking about what to do next, and when she realized how close she is to Luna as well, she makes a  Xena pulls out her phone and takes a few pictures of the replicas and sends it to Ruby, with a text that says, 'Hey Ruby, sorry that Reno ended up becoming a bad choice of a boyfriend...nah, I'm not, I love it when he's miserable, but it made things easier for me to kill him while he was asleep. Tricking Hanako was a breeze when she saw that I have him, only to end up tied up and badly beaten by me...congratulations, you wanting to distance yourself from everything made it the perfect chance to kill everyone you love...better come over here before Luna suffers the same fate, unless you really are heartless, soulless, and emotionless to let even your sister die as well.' Xena sits back and waits for Ruby to take the bait, knowing how fun it'll be to show her that even immortals can die.

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

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Luna lotus


Luna looked up at him as she was holding onto her blanket" yes sir i'm scared of him what if he takes my soul away from me" she say as she just hug her blanket" i don't know what to do my magic isn't enough to defet him everything i trained for is all for nothing i'm not strong enough to defeat my dad" she say as she looked at him" i don't know what to do he'll find me again i'm free from stepmother but i'm not free from him that bastard wants me dead" she say as she looked at him" my magic is getting there but it's not enough my lighting magic isn't enough yet" she say as she just looked at him as she just burried her face in his shirt" sorry you see me as weak right now no one knows how i feel about my dad who's always after me i feel a burden i don't want to die he'll kill me or take my soul" she say to him tears in her eyes @ShadowSaber331
Alexander nodded, approaching the files "Here's something on what we can expect if she should become activated, it's not pretty reading" He passed Darius the sheet "Mass electrical storms, tidal waves.... this reads like some natural disaster. Unless that's what they planned, using her and others to lay waste to continents by the power of nature" He looked over to his sister "Wait, what's this, Mikhail was part of a similar experiment. The results from that led to the ones done on Raiven and I. That explains the firestorms, the power levels were too much for one mind to process, most people from that one are dead, driven insane by it"



Fern picked up Briar's glasses "Let's go to Zenith, he may be able to help" SHe lifted her sister up by the arm, a beanstalk growing out of the ground to carry them back over the walls. On the other side, Fern sat down exhausted "Let me just catch my breath first"

Luka nodded "I'd love some pocky"

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Darius was shocked to hear what the different experiments did to them. The governments weren't treating elementals as humans, they've been trying to weaponize them for their own purposes. He needs to put an end to these programs before more lives will be either lost or ruined, and right now, Sakura Academy might as well be a safe haven for everyone. "We need to show these to Raiven...but like I said, cover up the codewords in case reading them activates her," he said. "In the mean time, I'll see if I can turn this academy into something of a safe haven for elementals and humans. If I'm correct, then almost every elemental around the world is being weaponized...including my son. This is bad, this is really bad." He looks over to Luna, who was scared about her father coming for her. "Don't worry Luna, you have friends here that can protect you...even if your sister's not around you still have Ray, Reno, and all of your friends to depend on to keep you safe...at least until you're confident enough to fight back."

@Eternal Dragonchild





Briar just looked at her sister as she looked at her blury she couldn't see" i can walk big sis don't worry" she say holding onto her sister arm as all she saw was her sister and tree she didn't see the buildings as she just smiled" thanks Fern" she say as she was humming a bit as she held onto her arm" youll okay right" she say " your powers are cool you know thatS" she say as she just sat down next to her sister' ack my head hurts without my glasses they help me even with my powers' she thought as she was sensing the spirits around her she just sighed  @Eternal Dragonchild
Arcus held her close and thumbed her years away. "It's okay baby girl I'm here for you." Arcus rubbed her back and started to lightly sing the lullabye he used to sing to her.
Raiven hugged him closer "Are you going away?" she asked, keeping her head buried in him

"Please don't go away. I feel like I'm losing it"

@Anyone Online

Alec shook his head "Reading it could force her into a worse situation, I won't do that to her" He pushed the files away, putting himself between her and Darius "Plus I run the risk of activation"

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Raiven I don't plan to leave you, but I may have to go to train with my powers." Arcus said as he held Raiven closer. He continued to rub her back soothingly. "Baby Girl you just need to take deep breaths okay. I want you to look at me in the eyes. You're gonna be okay. I will be here for you, if I'm not I will give you a way to contact me. Raiven I am so sorry that I have failed you." Arcus said looking seriously into Raiven's eyes.
Raiven I don't plan to leave you, but I may have to go to train with my powers." Arcus said as he held Raiven closer. He continued to rub her back soothingly. "Baby Girl you just need to take deep breaths okay. I want you to look at me in the eyes. You're gonna be okay. I will be here for you, if I'm not I will give you a way to contact me. Raiven I am so sorry that I have failed you." Arcus said looking seriously into Raiven's eyes.


"But I'm scared. Take me with you" By this point Raiven's face was blotchy from crying too much "B-but you haven't failed me so it's all ok, but I can feel somthing bad is gonna happen if I''m alone" She looked up into his eyes, gazing at them with fear
Raiven Honey. I don't know if you can come with me." Arcus said as he sighed and looked down. "Plus I have failed you. I haven't been there to protect you every single time you have gotten hurt." At this point Arcus crackled with power, and turned away from Raiven. He didn't want her to see his tears falling from his eyes. Arcus turned away and hung his head from how he felt.
Alexander decided that this would be a good time to step in "Raiven, calm yourself, is this the sister I know? The one who would never let anything get in her way?" He positioned himself so that she could see him over Arcus's shoulder "You are strong, you are my sister, Smile for me and for your boyfriend" He spoke to his twin in Russian, hoping that it would break through to her.

Raiven nodded, snuggling tighter into Arcus "Is it okay, if I stay like this until you have to go?" She asked him, wiping her tears away as Alec kept a hand on her shoulder and another on Arcus's 

"Now kiss and make up you two... not make out sister.... Geez you're a pervert" The last sentence was uttered in Russian to the two of them 

@Anyone Online
Arcus just nodded, and took off his hoodie, and put it on Raiven. "Yeah we can stay like this until I have too. You can even have my hoodie so I am still with you. I mean since you can't sleep in my room." Arcus said as he said with a frown. He was still upset he let Raiven get hurt again. Arcus was gonna train so much he could tak the electrons out of anything with a simple click of his finger.
Alec chuckled, seeing his sister swamped by Arcus's hoodie "She looks cute like that" he whispered to Arcus as Raiven tried to roll the sleeves up to uncover her hands. When she manages, she pushed the hood out of her face

"Whyyyyyy can't I. Alec can make sure I don't be naughty" She asked him before pulling him in for another hug, the dead fish look back in her eyes

@Anyone Online
Arcus just sat down with Raiven in his lap. "Well you can't because its my room. Though what do you mean by be naughty in my room??" He asked as he put bear ears on Raiven. Arcus took her off of his lap, and then took a picture with his phone of Raiven, in his hoodie with bear ears, and big doe eyes." Arcus blushed as he saved the picture and made it his lock screen.
Arcus just sat down with Raiven in his lap. "Well you can't because its my room. Though what do you mean by be naughty in my room??" He asked as he put bear ears on Raiven. Arcus took her off of his lap, and then took a picture with his phone of Raiven, in his hoodie with bear ears, and big doe eyes." Arcus blushed as he saved the picture and made it his lock screen.


Alec laughed at Raiven with her bear ears "Oh my god that's adorable" In response to her brother's teasing, Raiven took off her shoe and threw it at him, accompanied by a string of Russian curses.

Once she was finished cursing her brother out she cuddled back on his lap "I don't know what I meant. I'm sleepy" she grumbled, leaning into him. 
We can go take a nap if you want??" Arcus asked as he leaned close to Raiven's ear. "Plus I have something I want to show you." He said as he let her snuggle into him. Arcus purposely left his neck open for Raiven to snuggle, and maybe bite and suck on it as she did. He was hopeful she would. "I have a teen male bear costume I can put on for you if you want. It leaves a lot to the imagination." Arcus said as he bit Raiven's ear lightly. 
Raiven cuddled into him, breathing softly into his neck "Teddy bear" she giggled softly "I always wanted to be hugged by a bear" She giggled some more, shy now Alexander was about "Can you carry me so we can have a nap" She leant forwards to give his neck a kiss.

@Anyone Online
Arcus let out a little moan. "Yeah I can carry you so we can take a nap." Arcus said as he stood up, but before he did he pulled the hoodie sleeves down, and the hood up. He made little slots in the hood so Raiven can still wear the bear ears. "Raiven, You look so cute. I wish you would always wear bear ears. So Alexander is it cool if I carry Raiven so we can go take a nap??" Arcus asked as he put Raiven on his back.

@Eternal Dragonchild
"She'll electrocute me if I say no, so I'll have to say yes" Alec laughed, putting Raiven's shoe back on her foot before opening the door for Arcus "Just don't knock my sister up.....at least until you're adults" He smiled as his sister cuddled in closer to Arcus, the hood slipping over her face "Too cute" he chuckled. 

Raiven, having had enough of him, aimed a half-hearted swat towards him "Shut up poophead" she muttered as she looped her arms around Arcus

@Anyone Online
Incus felt a darkness come over and then odd looking spirit comes and leans on his shoulder and says" Comparing you three that have given your lives for what to constantly help selfish and hot headed fools alive, sure you're not a saint but i wouldn't of formed a contract with you if you hadn't earned it, and i can understand why you don't want to train him after all anyone that already lost someone wouldn't want that feeling let alone someone they can't stand yet you're meant to drop all your suffering and help someone that is walking corpse". "This is the problem with hero families more times than not i've only ever met a few i liked one in particular she was called Timina and she was special in a number of ways and above all had a good head on her shoulder and didn't just rush off without thinking through all the details sadly was killed in a way that no one can bring her back don't get me wrong i don't have a problem with you the fact you've given up all chance of love and kids to raise ruby is something i wouldn't even want my self".

" Not to mention having to play mediator to many sides that hate each other's guts and having to be play the bad guy so less people have to swim in the sea of blood and chaos". " I would want to kill the boy just to see her face twist in pain but there's point in killing a walking corpse unless given no choice, from what i remember ruby's and ray didn't have to help him in any shape or form on any of the attacks or misshapes so why shouldn't they be unhappy or and angry he's so bloody selfish then turns around and tries to be the understanding one". " On top of that she has never once forced him to talk about his past because she understands how painful it can be moving forward and she's done her best with luna even though she's not always good at showing it, as for ray i like that kid a lot he'll make a fine leader one day so i don't see the need for him to join these lot, as for the part about looking down on reno they never did if anything they wanted him to stay alive".
"But Raiven you look so cute, and adorable as a Bear. For my birthday coming up you have to wear a bear costume all day." Arcus said as he blushed and carried her towards his room. "By the way do you want me to show you the bear costume I have??" He asked as he lightly squeezed her thighs to tease her a little. Arcus loved teasing Raiven even if it meant she smacked him.

@Eternal Dragonchild

Luna lotus 


Luna just nodded" well i feel better i'm going to my room if you need me text me" she say as she just looked at him as she just took her phone as she left as she smiled she just was feeling something dangrus she didn't understand what she just ignored it she loked around as she was hiccuping she just went to her room as she was on her bed as she was bored she wander if her big sister was alright as she felt a sleeping spell was in her room she just fell asleep as she was smiling wearing her big sister jacket she just hold onto her jacket as she was dreaming about her family she felt someone she didn't know what was going on as she smiled looking around as she was worried @Leo Radomir
"But Raiven you look so cute, and adorable as a Bear. For my birthday coming up you have to wear a bear costume all day." Arcus said as he blushed and carried her towards his room. "By the way do you want me to show you the bear costume I have??" He asked as he lightly squeezed her thighs to tease her a little. Arcus loved teasing Raiven even if it meant she smacked him.

@Eternal Dragonchild


"I'm a living teddy bear" Raiven yawned, nuzzling his back "Teddy bear cuddles" she murmured to herself in broken Russian, some English slipping through. "I want teddy bear cuddles" She wrapped her arms tighter when he squeezed her thighs, letting out a small gasp of surprise 

Luna lotus 


Luna just nodded" well i feel better i'm going to my room if you need me text me" she say as she just looked at him as she just took her phone as she left as she smiled she just was feeling something dangrus she didn't understand what she just ignored it she loked around as she was hiccuping she just went to her room as she was on her bed as she was bored she wander if her big sister was alright as she felt a sleeping spell was in her room she just fell asleep as she was smiling wearing her big sister jacket she just hold onto her jacket as she was dreaming about her family she felt someone she didn't know what was going on as she smiled looking around as she was worried @Leo Radomir

Ray comes through a portal and sits on luna's bed and says" It was incuses guardian that was giving off that deadly vibe, from what little i do know about that spirit he's one of timina clan making the contracter very resistant to time and space like effects and mind like ability's on top of all else". " what i worry the most about is how much more will both of them put up with reno and co selfishness, i'm harsh on reno but at the end of the day even if ruby didn't say it his power lust and ego will likely break the bonds he has for ever". " I get why he feels uneasy but who ever trains him will have to deal with the possible fact he'll end up killing himself and that is why me and incus will have no part in it". " I'm also thinking of going to the heading back to the other hq because right now i might end up falling out with them and i don't want to put you in that place because that would make me a bad boyfriend". 
Liliana just stared at the creature that was next to Incus. She couldn't put her finger on what it is or what it's suppose to be, but it wasn't the only thing that confused her. The creature mentioned something about Ruby and Ray wanting Reno to stay alive, but for what reason? She knows that Ruby loves him, and that she needs him to not throw his life away so quickly, and that Ray wouldn't just let him die that easily, so what do they need him for? Is there a plan or a goal that those two are trying to complete that requires his survival? Curious about all of it, she asks Incus and the creature, "Um, who and what are you, and what do you mean they need him alive? I mean I get that Ruby loves him enough to worry about his wellbeing, but now I fell like there's another reason for them wanting him alive."

Reno wanted to get everything in order first, so he went back into his dorm and put some clothes inside is book-bag. He figures that he'll need to stop the degradation before Magnus returns, and knowing him, he'll most likely get himself into another situation that he's probably get himself out of without breaking a sweat. He grabs his book-bag and walks out of the front door of the school. When he steps outside...he felt something powerful. He never felt this kind of aura or mana before, and already it's making him feel uneasy, like death was looming over him somehow. 'Why do I get the feeling I may end up dead before I even graduate? I better find Mizmo and get this degradation over and done with, and fast.' 

@Leo Radomir
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