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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Luna lotus                                                                  

Luna just looked at him as she nodded as she yawned " okay just come back safe i be okay here if not ill call your mother i will be okay do what you need to do" she say smiling as she looked ar him as she kissed pushing him back on the bed kissing him she was going to miss him so much she just mess up his hair as she stopped her sister and her foster mom will kill her if they knew she did it" sorry love i have to wait i don't want to die my sister will kill me and my foster mom will kill me if i did it" she say laying on her boyfriend she loved him" when do you leave i'll miss you ray" she say snuggle with her boyfriend @Leo Radomir
"I'm a living teddy bear" Raiven yawned, nuzzling his back "Teddy bear cuddles" she murmured to herself in broken Russian, some English slipping through. "I want teddy bear cuddles" She wrapped her arms tighter when he squeezed her thighs, letting out a small gasp of surprise 

Arcus took this as a sign and just ported to the room. He instantly started taking off of this and putting the bear costume on. He then walked out of the room, and looked at Raiven. He saw how shy she was being, and how she was cuddling into his hoodie. Arcus went over and tapped Raiven on the shoulder. "Momma bear I'm here.


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Liliana just stared at the creature that was next to Incus. She couldn't put her finger on what it is or what it's suppose to be, but it wasn't the only thing that confused her. The creature mentioned something about Ruby and Ray wanting Reno to stay alive, but for what reason? She knows that Ruby loves him, and that she needs him to not throw his life away so quickly, and that Ray wouldn't just let him die that easily, so what do they need him for? Is there a plan or a goal that those two are trying to complete that requires his survival? Curious about all of it, she asks Incus and the creature, "Um, who and what are you, and what do you mean they need him alive? I mean I get that Ruby loves him enough to worry about his wellbeing, but now I fell like there's another reason for them wanting to be alive."

Reno wanted to get everything in order first, so he went back into his dorm and put some clothes inside is book-bag. He figures that he'll need to stop the degradation before Magnus returns, and knowing him, he'll most likely get himself into another situation that he's probably get himself out of without breaking a sweat. He grabs his book-bag and walks out of the front door of the school. When he steps outside...he felt something powerful. He never felt this kind of aura or mana before, and already it's making him feel uneasy, like death was looming over him somehow. 'Why do I get the feeling I may end up dead before I even graduate? I better find Mizmo and get this degradation over and done with, and fast.' 

@Leo Radomir

The spirit grins widely and says" I can't tell you the plan or who i'm after all i want to spoil the party but i can say i'm looking forward to seeing how he copes with real fear considering their boss has taken an interest in him and i got to admit i find it ironic you that  holds secrets from nearly everyone yet you want to know as for ruby as long as your two keep deining her pain you bond will break more and more and possibly shatter forever and she's no longer in love with him thanks to all three". " They say you don't realize what you had before it's gone". " I bet you blame them for how reno is but the truth is far more complex than that and only those that have died at least once can start to understand what's behind the door that connects gates of souls, that's all i'm willing to tell you for now please keep this fun for me i really do hate being bored to". 

Incus smiles softly and says" you really don't remember my main roll do you, well i guess it can't be helped it has been a very long time since i was here and i wasn't in the inner circle back then but you know i've learned a lot from back then when i wiped out a lab in germany they probably don't even know how even today how it happened and i can't help but get a sense of joy when i picture them with their bewildered faces" " Well i'm off got clowns to kill in other countries and when that's done then i can start my real goal".


Luna lotus                                                                  

Luna just looked at him as she nodded as she yawned " okay just come back safe i be okay here if not ill call your mother i will be okay do what you need to do" she say smiling as she looked at him as she kissed pushing him back on the bed kissing him she was going to miss him so much she just mess up his hair as she stopped her sister and her foster mom will kill her if they knew she did it" sorry love i have to wait i don't want to die my sister will kill me and my foster mom will kill me if i did it" she say laying on her boyfriend she loved him" when do you leave i'll miss you ray" she say snuggle with her boyfriend.

Ray smiles and steals a kiss from luna and playfully slides her hands over her back and sides and then says" i won't be far from you in fact i want you to visit from time to time as for ruby she'll come for you should anything happen but for the next couple of days please rest when you can when you got mana backlash from pushing your self to hard i was really worried so promise me you'll never do that again". Ray's hand gently pressed against luna's back you can feel his warmth even though the rooms a little cold. 
Liliana smiles at what the creature has said and tells it, "You make it sound like she told us her pain. She doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve, she expects people to figure it out. Reno doesn't know what she's been through, and she doesn't even want to come forward with it. Ruby still loves him, her mind says she doesn't but her heart and soul says that she does...she may be living in darkness, but I know my son will bring her back into the light, even if her good for nothing brother doesn't want do it himself."

@Leo Radomir
Arcus took this as a sign and just ported to the room. He instantly started taking off of this and putting the bear costume on. He then walked out of the room, and looked at Raiven. He saw how shy she was being, and how she was cuddling into his hoodie. Arcus went over and tapped Raiven on the shoulder. "Momma bear I'm here.




Raiven giggles, cuddling into him "Life goal achieved, have a hug from a teddy" She held out her arms for a cuddle "I wanna have my nap" she whispered in Russian "I sleepy now" She tried to push the hood out of her face, only to have it fall in her eyes again
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Luna lotus 

Luna just looked at him as she smiled" yeah ruby is the best a little strict but i love my sister and i promise my familiar did that but i'm okay i really don't trust xena at all" she told him as she smiled looking in is eyes" i might have to see lily for training later potion training its going to be tough i have no idea what to call her she is my foster mom" she say holding to him as she was getting a bit weak as she yawned she didn't want him to leave she thought she was in danger @Leo Radomir
Arcus crawled into bed. "So you like my best costume Baby girl??" Arcus asked as he smile and blushed shyly. He didn't know if Raiven like him wearing this. When  Arcus saw the good fall back he mumbled, "Raiven is so cute." 
Liliana smiles at what the creature has said and tells it, "You make it sound like she told us her pain. She doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve, she expects people to figure it out. Reno doesn't know what she's been through, and she doesn't even want to come forward with it. Ruby still loves him, her mind says she doesn't but her heart and soul says that she does...she may be living in darkness, but I know my son will bring her back into the light, even if her good for nothing brother doesn't want do it himself."

@Leo Radomir

The spirit bursts out laughing and after a few minutes wipes his tears and says" yeah granted there's some truth in that but how can he save her if he can't save himself, humans and good natured beings love to fill people with thoughts like that, I know let's make a bet then should he live and she falls back in love with him, i'll give you a formula that will help restore others of their messed up dna should you lose you must find a wife for incus and work for him without ever telling the others when you do try and tell them a very complex spell will hurt you". " i'd say you're getting the better end of the deal here but i do understand if you're scared after all idiot hero and honestly types don't know nearly as much as they claim to know" 

Luna lotus 

Luna just looked at him as she smiled" yeah ruby is the best a little strict but i love my sister and i promise my familiar did that but i'm okay i really don't trust xena at all" she told him as she smiled looking in is eyes" i might have to see lily for training later potion training its going to be tough i have no idea what to call her she is my foster mom" she say holding to him as she was getting a bit weak as she yawned she didn't want him to leave she thought she was in danger 

Meanwhile while reno is faffing around and a man with huge hands grabs him by the head and starts to carry him to the car and says" from what i've heard of you i'd say she's wasting her time helping but for some reason she's cutting you a break should you kill yourself after this won't be her problem and i don't ask questions and for your own good you best not tell anyone if you do you'll be in the violation of the hybrid council". After a few minutes or so they get to the car and he opens the door with his feel hand and throws reno in like a rag doll then closes the door and puts up and anti mana/ki barrier and then gets in the other side and mizmo is in front and can't help but kind of laugh at how things have turned out.

Ray smiles then leans down bites her neck and injects a secret tracker into her then licks the wound to close it and says" Sorry about that but your neck was calling me and i want to keep touching you, i'll stay for tonight but i must head off in the morning". 
"I'm sorry to say, but I'll have to refuse," said Liliana. "Reno's a capable young man, that I can admit, but if death will help him learn, then so be it. His body will decay, but that doesn't mean he can't seek outside help. Besides, from what I could gather, you want him to fail so that I can work with someone of your choosing, am I right?"

Reno groaned from the impact and got up onto a seat inside the car. He looks around and finds a man with large hands as well as Mizmo. "Okay, did you just throw me inside this car? That's a bit excessive if you ask me," he shouts. "I mean, I get that you want this done ASAP, but dear lord, you could have killed me like that!"

Xena, having gotten tired of waiting, decided to make the replicas disappear. She figured that Ruby must have her phone off if it didn't reach her, so she figured it was the best time to find the real Luna and kidnap her. She creates a portal and reaches through it to grab Luna. She notices Ray and says, "Hey cutie, I hope you don't mind, but I got a trap to set for someone and I plan on using her as bait. I suggest you stay out of this, otherwise, things will get pretty nasty for all involved." With a slight chuckle, she closes the portal and tosses Luna against one of the cave's walls. With a snap of her fingers, a set of chains come out and bind her against it. She then proceeds to place anti-magic wards and traps around the cave's entrance and along where Luna is. "There we go, all set," she said with a smile. She stood near Luna with her hands on her hips and turns to face her. "Here's what's gonna happen, you'll stay here with me and wait for either your bratty sister or my idiotic brother to show up and watch as either one of them dies...or both, which I think is even better."

@Leo Radomir


Luna lotus 

Luna just was scared" screw you i hate you please you don't do this they are my only family left please don't kill them i be a orphan if you kill them her chains on her legs was a bit loose as she smiled kicking her in the face she was a fighter she won't give up " why kidnap me do you really want to hurt me ruby is going to be pissed when she finds me she stronger than you stupid she just screamed as she was scared' hey i can't use my powers why' she asked the voice in her head she was scared of getting hurt by xena " tell me why your doing rhis" she asked as her phone dropped  on the ground from her pocket ' oh no' she thought @ShadowSaber331
"I'm doing this for plenty of reasons," she said with a smile as she picked up Luna's phone. "I never did like those two. Ruby for being such a bratty bitch, who basically doesn't even give a rat's ass about how one feels, and Reno because he's always being reckless, always trying to be the hero...well, I'm going to show them the cost of their actions, Ruby for always being away when you need her, and Reno wanting to be the hero, not knowing the price of victory." She punches Luna with a right hook and jabs her abdomen, right below the diaphragm. "That's for kicking me in the face. Though, points for effort. Those chains I bound you in happen to be made of anti-magic...meaning, you can't use your powers." She tightens the chains on her arms and legs, making sure that she doesn't move in them. "Also, this anti-magic barrier I made makes it so even your wittle boy toy can't track us. Don't worry though, I don't plan on killing you...I may come back with some food and something to drink to keep you alive, because what's the point in baiting someone with something that's already dead, right?"


Luna lotus 

Luna just  groan as she got punched as looked at her" let me go ug i hate you so much and that not true about  ruby she loves me and she loves reno hurt me all you like starve me i don't care my sister will save me my sister is more awesome than you your a bully go away" she say as she was trying to move but it was too tight she just put her head so she don't have to look at her her hair cover her face" ruby where are you"she say as she wanted her sister" my boyfriend ain't a toy he's my love" she not looking at her as she was scared of xena she was feeling drained out from not being able to use her powers" how can you use your magic if it's anti-magic" she asked weakly @ShadowSaber331
"I'm sorry to say, but I'll have to refuse," said Liliana. "Reno's a capable young man, that I can admit, but if death will help him learn, then so be it. His body will decay, but that doesn't mean he can't seek outside help. Besides, from what I could gather, you want him to fail so that I can work with someone of your choosing, am I right?"

Reno groaned from the impact and got up onto a seat inside the car. He looks around and finds a man with large hands as well as Mizmo. "Okay, did you just throw me inside this car? That's a bit excessive if you ask me," he shouts. "I mean, I get that you want this done ASAP, but dear lord, you could have killed me like that!"

Xena, having gotten tired of waiting, decided to make the replicas disappear. She figured that Ruby must have her phone off if it didn't reach her, so she figured it was the best time to find the real Luna and kidnap her. She creates a portal and reaches through it to grab Luna. She notices Ray and says, "Hey cutie, I hope you don't mind, but I got a trap to set for someone and I plan on using her as bait. I suggest you stay out of this, otherwise, things will get pretty nasty for all involved." With a slight chuckle, she closes the portal and tosses Luna against one of the cave's walls. With a snap of her fingers, a set of chains come out and bind her against it. She then proceeds to place anti-magic wards and traps around the cave's entrance and along where Luna is. "There we go, all set," she said with a smile. She stood near Luna with her hands on her hips and turns to face her. "Here's what's gonna happen, you'll stay here with me and wait for either your bratty sister or my idiotic brother to show up and watch as either one of them dies...or both, which I think is even better."

@Leo Radomir


Ray grins widely and says" Enjoy while you can i'm going to make you into my toy and who says either have to come ruby's not a fool she'll have a plan and if anyone is lame it's you".

The man smirked and says" aww i'm sorry princess and seems your hard head saved you though , but yes this should be done within a few days tops". Mizmo gently sighs as she starts the car and says" now now kingston i get you hate most men but he does have point we do need him alive for this, speaking of alive how's the angry soon to be spinster of a sister, they say people get frustrated when they can't get any if ray was to give her some maybe she'd be less frustrated" Mizmo laughs at the thought then they go into a tunnel and then it vanishes like it was never there to start with. 

"I'm sorry to say, but I'll have to refuse," said Liliana. "Reno's a capable young man, that I can admit, but if death will help him learn, then so be it. His body will decay, but that doesn't mean he can't seek outside help. Besides, from what I could gather, you want him to fail so that I can work with someone of your choosing, am I right?"

The spirit grins and says" shame and what you say to point is true but it's unlikely enough they will take him to the zintary plain where it's a hell of a not harder to get back and of course why would i have my partner work with some ass clown that has more ego than common sense".

Mean while ruby picks up on the location due to the secret track and goes there but is caught in a few traps and takes some damage but shakes it off and starts to heal some of the injuries, when she's healed them to a good enough point she uses a special kind of artifact she made and it starts eating the wards and anti magic fields after several minutes of this she makes her way forward getting hit by some more traps and healing along the way. 

The dragon has a minion steal her book then blows up her house and then destroying the barrier and traps round the cave sneaks in behind her and says" Aww some is very angry oh i had my servant take something on yours and blow up your house, also why not be honest you haven't had any action ages and your jelly because luna has ray i bet you want him for your self, can't blame you he's a good looking guy and has more brains than reno". 
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"Actually, small flaw with that logic. You say I'm full of ego than common sense, yet here you are acting as though you know how I think. Reno is my son, yes, and I do want him to be alive so that he'll provide grandchildren for me, but even he knows that he has his limits. Reality has inspired fantasy, and vice versa, we may not all be heroes, but we can at least be a ray of hope for everyone." Liliana then pierces the creature with an anti-magic blade, which then detaches from the hilt and spawns chains to hold it. "Take it from someone who's escaped the zintary plain hundreds of times before."

Reno smirks from Mizmo's comment and says, "A bit late now that Ray has Luna. If she wants to be alone, then who am I to stop her? But I'm starting to wonder, if Ruby doesn't love me anymore, why does she need me alive still. She normally views people who are 'dead weight' so to speak as expendable. That's basically why I wanted to test her resolve, becuase I know I'm a part of some bigger scheme to her...though I just don't know what it is she has planned for me."

@Leo Radomir
"You good like that"  She murmured, holding herself close to her teddy "No move, me sleepy" she grumbled slightly from under the hood as she buried her nose in his bear suit "Lets sleep" As she said that, she wriggled out of her jeans and boots "Do i look cute"

@Anyone Online
"Actually, small flaw with that logic. You say I'm full of ego than common sense, yet here you are acting as though you know how I think. Reno is my son, yes, and I do want him to be alive so that he'll provide grandchildren for me, but even he knows that he has his limits. Reality has inspired fantasy, and vice versa, we may not all be heroes, but we can at least be a ray of hope for everyone." Liliana then pierces the creature with an anti-magic blade, which then detaches from the hilt and spawns chains to hold it. "Take it from someone who's escaped the zintary plain hundreds of times before."

Reno smirks from Mizmo's comment and says, "A bit late now that Ray has Luna. If she wants to be alone, then who am I to stop her? But I'm starting to wonder, if Ruby doesn't love me anymore, why does she need me alive still. She normally views people who are 'dead weight' so to speak as expendable. That's basically why I wanted to test her resolve, becuase I know I'm a part of some bigger scheme to her...though I just don't know what it is she has planned for me."

@Leo Radomir

The doesn't even flitch spirit breaks the chains just in time and a purple blood blade pieces lilly through a nerve ending and says" Really countless have pull the same crap and i've killed them all, even if you have before things are different so now the old boss of them was incompetent the new boss on the other hand is something". " your proving my point right now of why a lot of people hate heroes even though your still on that dreamers talk and not everyone needs a hero and if he had learned why does he carry on the way he does". " Oh by the way the blades poisoned it won't kill you with that small amount but it will feel like a truck hit you soon enough",he pulls the blade out with his own ki then snaps it in two and then laughs in her face before vanishing.

Reno smirks from Mizmo's comment and says, "A bit late now that Ray has Luna. If she wants to be alone, then who am I to stop her? But I'm starting to wonder, if Ruby doesn't love me anymore, why does she need me alive still. She normally views people who are 'dead weight' so to speak as expendable. That's basically why I wanted to test her resolve, because I know I'm a part of some bigger scheme to her...though I just don't know what it is she has planned for me."

Mizmo gently laughs and says"  ray would most likely use her as a toy after hurting luna and ruby, as for what you said about ruby that's only half true, women like her have their own way of testing people, think of it this way even before this she could've let you die ages ago or killed you yes to some extent she might be using as an outlet but it could be draw someone one out". " You fell in love with her because you could see a little of her kinder and sweet nature which she doesn't show often i'm wrong in saying that". "  Words and actions aren't always enough to break some one from the darkness more so in her case when she's been swimming in it for more than most have, don't get me wrong you have as well and it's frustrating my husbands been dead for years and i can't even call his spirit anymore because that's gone as well". " There's a number of reasons why she could distance herself, do you remember the last things that happened that might of caused her to break from all of you"? "Also as a sister to luna she doesn't know how to always interact with her so she bonds with others hoping they can help her work it out". 

Luna lotus  

Luna just looked up as she saw her big sister she was weak the chains was hurting her  as she looked at ruby she thought she was imaging it " ug so hungry why do you want to hurt i'm sorta your Foster sister" she looking at her as she was weak from the chains" please let me go" she say yawning as she was weak " why do i feel so weak from the chains" she asked as she was trying to be strong everything hurts she wanted her sister she just spit in xena face" your the worst sister ever ruby won't have done this she loves me you don't you hurt me ruby is the best sister ever "  she say she screamed in pain @ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
Liliana sees the creature vanish and smirks, dissolving into dust in the process. The real Liliana walks out in front of the dust pile and says, "Sometimes, arrogance begets doom." Liliana paces around and thinks about why the creature showed up next to Incus, and why it claims to be it's guardian. "I see a lot of people don't like heroes...fortunately, they don't know the number one rule: heroes are made, not born." The clone that Liliana made was when she needed to find more ingredients for her potions, but at the same time she didn't want to leave the room vacant in case a student came by looking for help. When she got back after about four hours, she heard her clone having a conversation with something she's never felt before, as well as Incus. She heard the conversation and saw Incus leave while she remained hidden, and she even heard the sounds of them stabbing each other with something. When the creature left, she waited a few seconds before going back into the room. She was safe from harm, but she wonders now about why it has a peculiar interest in her son.

"The one thing I got from all of that is the fact that she hates to see friends and loved ones lose their lives..." Reno realized what he just said and thought back to the dozens of times he tried to risk his life to end wars before they get worse. It really hurts Ruby to hear that the one person she loves doesn't care about his own life, which could explain why she wouldn't just let him die right off the bat, or so he thinks. Figuring that he needs to test his theory, he speaks out again, "If you know the answer, than just tell me. It's a lot easier than just letting me rack my brain over something like this...and trust me, when I get frustrated, death happens that will make Ruby's kill count look like she barely scratched the surface."

Xena, not really caring about the books or what the dragon has to say, turns around and says, "Sorry to be the barer of bad news, but Ray's not on my list of guys to date. You're gonna have to do better than that to upset me. Besides, thanks for taking those books away, a bunch of pact makers have been trying to kill me for them, which is a pain in the ass if you ask me. Also, that place...yeah, it was Allison's old place when she moved out, speaking of which, I haven't seen her in ages, I wonder how she's doing." She turns around to face Luna only to be spat at. She wipes off her face with a rag and stabs Luna in the chest with her anti-magic sword, missing her heart. "You're only making things worse for yourself. Long story short, I've been paid by your father to keep you here until he arrives. So be a good girl and don't try anything stupid, he'll cut my pay in half if I give you to him dead."

@Leo Radomir

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Luna lotus 

Luna just looking at her as she was bleeding as she groan in pain" no no no you can't give me to him he'll toture me is that why you became a teacher to watch me to give to him" she afraid the blood was dripping down as the blade was still in her stomach she didn't want her father to come and get her she couldn't fight me' lily reno ray magnu ruby save me from daddy darkness ' she thought as she was trying to get free before her dad comes but it was useless she jusr gave up she felt darkness around she was panicing as she looked at xena" you know stepmother but how your were never around when she hurt me and ruby" she say as she smiled weakly @ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
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Myuki decided to end her solo hunt and rejoin back where the commotion seemed to be. On her way she noticed quite a few individuals confronting each other over something "Xena what are you getting yourself into" she landed right next to her ally and faced the white haired boy Reno "How did I know his friends would be involved. Where is my brother by the way, why isn't he with you?" She asked angrily as she walked closer to him. She turned back for a moment to see he other girl behind Xena "Is she the target. The one he's paying us for? She better be kept alive. And also tell Mhikail to get his burnt butt over here, it would be better if he saw us all turn in the target rather than us all seperate" she said before turning back to Reno. She eyed him up and down "Well you sure are cute aren't you. How about it sweety, want to come join us? I'll show you a good time if you want" she said seductively as she walked just a little closer.

Xena groaned and hit Myuki on the head, "Get your eyes checked, it's Ruby. She's trying to rescue her sister. Though...I guess I'll let it slide. Reno I can understand putting himself in harms way to help someone, but YOU, of ALL people!?" Xena started to laugh hysterically at the thought of having both Ruby and Luna as hostages. "I swear, this is both poetic and ironic in a sense. The very person who dislikes heroes, comes over to become one herself. Well, since you decided to join us..." Xena punched Ruby hard in the abdomen, causing anti-magic chains to bound her soul, making her unable to use her powers temporarily. "Soul Imprison, nifty little trick if I do say so myself." As she was about to land the finishing blow, a blinding flash of light appears out of nowhere. The flash causes her to lose concentration on the chains, forcing them loose "GAH, DAMN IT, MY EYES!!!" When the flash ended, she saw that both Luna and Ruby are gone. She was angry at first, but when she calms herself down, she says, "No matter, we still got plenty of time to kill two birds with one stone...in the mean time, I think Mihkail has shown his uselessness. We need a better minion."

Reno, having heard an explosion nearby, decided to track it down to the source, but not before saying, "Sorry Mizmo, but curiosity's got the best of me." He creates a portal inside the car and falls through it, which lead to the location in question, and notices that there were some anti magic explosions everywhere, signifying that someone tried to enter here. He felt both Ruby's and Luna's mana...as well as Myuki's and Xena's. Feeling like he should do something, he creates a portal, and uses his light abilities to create a blinding flash. Using what little time he has, he was able to grab and pull Luna through a portal before making another one and pulling Ruby through it. Wanting to escape the situation, he makes a third one that leads into a remote area, for it's all he could do with little time in terms of retreating from the area. Reno places and anti magic field around them and says, "Well, that was close. You two okay?" Reno uses his abilities to free Ruby's soul from the imprisonment technique and pulls the blade out of Luna. "Ruby, do you know of any spells that can help heal her wounds faster?"

@Leo Radomir

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jinx look up at him and giggle "oh~" she gave him a wink and move her hair gently as she gently move her uniform that shows some of her clevage as she look up at him and bit her lower lip. she then let out cute laugh "ah cmon lets eat~" she said with a giggle 'i dont know but i think im gonna have a good time today~' 

@Leo Radomir

Luna Lotus 


Luna was screaming as she was in pain as she saw the blood she saw the blood" it hurts i tried to fight her i kicked her and she stabbed me she said she getting payed from daddy to take me to him" she say as she just was feeling weak she start to get weak" my body hurts" she say " what took you so long it been a few hours since i been there" she say weakly as she coughed up some blood" xena working for my father" she say as she passed out" lily reno" she say falling asleep as she was in so much pain she was moaning in pain' someone kill my dad for me so i don't have to indure this pain again' she thought as she was hurting all over she couldn't walk yet she was too weak from not having to use her magic her stomach everything hurts @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
Xena groaned and hit Myuki on the head, "Get your eyes checked, it's Ruby. She's trying to rescue her sister. Though...I guess I'll let it slide. Reno I can understand putting himself in harms way to help someone, but YOU, of ALL people!?" Xena started to laugh hysterically at the thought of having both Ruby and Luna as hostages. "I swear, this is both poetic and ironic in a sense. The very person who dislikes heroes, comes over to become one herself. Well, since you decided to join us..." Xena punched Ruby hard in the abdomen, causing anti-magic chains to bound her soul, making her unable to use her powers temporarily. "Soul Imprison, nifty little trick if I do say so myself." As she was about to land the finishing blow, a blinding flash of light appears out of nowhere. The flash causes her to lose concentration on the chains, forcing them loose "GAH, DAMN IT, MY EYES!!!" When the flash ended, she saw that both Luna and Ruby are gone. She was angry at first, but when she calms herself down, she says, "No matter, we still got plenty of time to kill two birds with one stone...in the mean time, I think Mihkail has shown his uselessness. We need a better minion."

Reno, having heard an explosion nearby, decided to track it down to the source, but not before saying, "Sorry Mizmo, but curiosity's got the best of me." He creates a portal inside the car and falls through it, which lead to the location in question, and notices that there were some anti magic explosions everywhere, signifying that someone tried to enter here. He felt both Ruby's and Luna's mana...as well as Myuki's and Xena's. Feeling like he should do something, he creates a portal, and uses his light abilities to create a blinding flash. Using what little time he has, he was able to grab pull Luna and Ruby through the portal before making another one and retreating from the area. Reno places and anti magic field around them and says, "Well, that was close. You two okay?" Reno uses his abilities to free Ruby's soul from the imprisonment technique and pulls the blade out of Luna. "Ruby, do you know of any spells that can help heal her wounds faster?"

@Leo Radomir

(Sorry for the delay @Daniel reaving)

Ruby nods then uses a special ki ward  and starts to heal her and luna's wounds and says" I'm still pissed with you lot but i'm not totally ungrateful so thanks i wouldn't of been able to do much with luna as a hostage, she called me a hero i guess indirectly i'm wow i've did the one thing i hate and was trying my hardest not to be, but even a killer like me wants to try and keep a least a little of her humanity and indirectly if luna hadn't shown up i'd still be killing from the shadows and not even bat an eye i guess when i think about it i hate both sides of the coin and just like a bad coin toss i landed right in the middle of the crack". " there's something that i still don't get to this day about what happened to me back then when i get the chance i'll ask kio sama about it".

" As for puke chan and whinny cow i'm going to pound them into the ground next time, as for me leaving i thought if i cleared my head i might understand something but i've still got many questions about my past and even some of my ability's and now i'm not part of the hunters i owe luna some long over due bonding time". " I can't take back that often work or i've run away at times and i won't even pretend and do or say something cool i don't have the right to, i know it's not much but for now at least i'm trying to do somethings other than killing or training". "The healing should be done in a few minutes after that i'll take her back to my spare house since they don't know where that is, you should get some rest your ki is still all over the shop".

jinx look up at him and giggle "oh~" she gave him a wink and move her hair gently as she gently move her uniform that shows some of her cleavage as she look up at him and bit her lower lip. she then let out cute laugh "ah cmon lets eat~" she said with a giggle 'i dont know but i think im gonna have a good time today~' 

Zenith enjoys the view and grins and cuts the sandwich in half and feeds her then starts to eat his half and in between he says" that we are they look like great but what i like most is your soft lips, and have you always been like this if so i'm supprised you haven't a couple of bf's before you interest in me or is it that you've always liked older men"

Issac gently smiles and says" this side of you is pretty cute and innocent could it be that i'm your first love interest"?
"I'm going with you, at least so I can act as a second pair of eyes, there are two things I should tell you before we go though," he said. "A. Once we get to your spare house, we'll contact Ray and have him meet us there. He should act as a bodyguard while werest. B. STAY AWAY FROM XENA, she was able to take you on and was about to kill you without breaking a sweat if I didn't show up in time. I know you want to take them down for kidnapping Luna, but just because you don't age doesn't mean you can't die." Reno paused for a short moment and thought about the situation. Normally, it would be him wanting to get into a fight while Ruby tries to talk him out of it, now the roles have been reversed. Figuring that it should be brought up, tells her, "Wow, the roles have been reversed. Isn't that poetic?"

@Leo Radomir
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