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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Mikhail appeared next to Miyuki, still hacking and coughing from the punch that Raiven delivered to his throat. He was bent double from the pain. When he recovered from the winding he straightened up "Fuck, that bitch can hit hard, just wait until I get my hands around her throat, squeezing the life out of her" It was plain that Mikhail was beyond furious.

He turned to Xena "Can you get inside her head, I want to deliver a message 'Come out and play Raelyn' I'd love to see your brother deal with the hell it unleashes. Might take care of two problems"

Alexander leant against the door of Arcus's room, watching his sister snuggle in and fall asleep "I have a few questions for you, as her brother and twin. I know her better than anyone else alive so you can ask me what you want about her" He opened up his hip flask, taking a swig of the brandy inside "Want some? She'll have a sip when she wakes from the nightmare" Almost on cue, Raiven sat bolt upright in bed, breathing heavily. Alec simply smiled with a 'told you so' look before giving his twin a sip of the brandy, enough to settle her back to sleep in Arcus's arms.

@Anyone Online


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Xena smirked and figured now was a good time as any. "Sad to say...but, I'm not going to do that," she said. "I know what she's capable of, and saying that will put all of us in harm's way...besides, you've proven to be useless, but don't worry, we'll find a replacement for you." Xena uses her lightning powers to heat the iron in Mihkail's blood. "One thing I do not tolerate is incompetence, you've failed to do your jobs, and you always laze about while us girls do the dirty work." Xena increases the intensity as Mihkail's body continues to disintegrate until he's nothing but bone. She takes a jar and captures his soul inside it, placing a seal on it to prevent it from escaping. "Sorry to kill your sex toy Myuki, but I'm sure you'll find another one. Right now, I got a gift to give to a certain lightning girl." Xena makes a portal leading to where Raiven is and drops the jar on her. "Sorry love, but your cousin is about as useful as a pile of dust. If you want to rupture his soul, fine by me, or, you know, make him your own little sex slave, eye for an eye as they say." Xena closes the portal and walks out to find where Ruby and Luna went off too. "You know, if you wanted your brother, why not just ask him, I'm sure Clair wouldn't mind sharing." She proceeds to walk out and to begin her search, though she knows it won't be an easy task to handle.

@Eternal Dragonchild

Myuki sighed but didn't stop the disintegration of her toy. When it was done she picked up the sun core and bonded it to her soul "There now I can't be ruptured by anything. Anyway he had grabbed me an interesting object before doing something stupid" she said picking up a book from the ashes "You're lucky you didn't destroy this album no with him. If you had I would have had to do something wasteful with you" she said with a devious smile. She opened the book and read its contents "This don't the one I need but it's apart of the set the demons and angels want to badly. Anyway Xena, we should find that girl and quickly. If we don't want that geezer breathing down our necks we need to turn her in soon" she said referring to the girl that they had been hired to capture and return "And no I'm not into my brother quite like that. I love him yes but I wanted to kill the imposters running around in his body. Now that he's back to normal....sort of I just want to get back into his life. First I need the book over time manipulation and memory destroying to destroy his bad memories of me and undo the damage I've dont to him over the years and then I'll be happy" she wanted to be with her brother but not in the way she had lead people to believe but it didn't really matter. "Shall we see exactly what the new visitor is here for? Maybe we can use them as Mhiks replacement" she gave her comment and then dragged Xena off to where the helicopter was heading.


Luna Lotus 


Luna just looked around as she just yawned a little bit as she was smiling a bit as she was looking around she was scared that xena will come back for her she was scared for her life since she was a target for her dad' i just want to be free from my dad and being a target' she thought as she just was watching the nature with the birds and everything she was at the beach as she smiled hearing the waves she just needed to go out' it's so peacful here i like it' she htought to herself as she listen to ray as she just yawned a bit she just wanted to be free lily was her foster mother but she understood as she just looked around trying to feel her hands again she lift her hand up as she just smiled" thanks ray" she say" for taking me here i feel relaxed her" she say as she felt a sharp pain as she felt her hand shaking as she fell out the wheelchair she was in a lot of pain" it hurts" she say as she just close her eyes as she was gasping" pain killers please ray it hurts" she say crying now  @ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
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Elsword Lofty Wanderer.png

Akira Fenriart +

~ The Cursed One has Goals ~

A wandering human enters the school hoping to fulfill his goals. Or was it another's goals? He stands at the school gates examining the school under his hood. He had his left hand in his pocket and his right hand was holding his hood down. He soon began walking closer to the school looking at the other students. He looked like a complete stranger there. That was what it's supposed to be. His foot steps were quiet as all his movements were. He navigated through students with great agility that didn't seem too extreme. It was like a ghost moving pass without disrupting its surroundings. But many can feel a demon source draw near. And the source of the demonic source is from this human, Akira Fenriart. And its source was uncontrolled. Chaotic. Seemingly quite powerful. Just waiting to come out. As other students looked at him, they could never see his eyes. He was covering his eyes with his hood. He also had an bandage wrapped around his left eye. Now he wondered what would happen next with the demon source drawing attention towards him...
Mikhail appeared next to Miyuki, still hacking and coughing from the punch that Raiven delivered to his throat. He was bent double from the pain. When he recovered from the winding he straightened up "Fuck, that bitch can hit hard, just wait until I get my hands around her throat, squeezing the life out of her" It was plain that Mikhail was beyond furious.

He turned to Xena "Can you get inside her head, I want to deliver a message 'Come out and play Raelyn' I'd love to see your brother deal with the hell it unleashes. Might take care of two problems"

Alexander leant against the door of Arcus's room, watching his sister snuggle in and fall asleep "I have a few questions for you, as her brother and twin. I know her better than anyone else alive so you can ask me what you want about her" He opened up his hip flask, taking a swig of the brandy inside "Want some? She'll have a sip when she wakes from the nightmare" Almost on cue, Raiven sat bolt upright in bed, breathing heavily. Alec simply smiled with a 'told you so' look before giving his twin a sip of the brandy, enough to settle her back to sleep in Arcus's arms.

@Anyone Online



I don't really want to know anything. I just want the power to protect her, and know she is safe when I am around." Arcus wrapped his arms protectively around her and lightly sang the lullaby to calm her down. Arcus blushed slightly as Raiven started to lightly kiss his neck. He just leaned more into it. "Though Alexander I was wondering do you know about Raiven's feelings for me??" Arcus asked quizzically. 

@Eternal Dragonchild

Luna Lotus 


Luna just looked around as she just yawned a little bit as she was smiling a bit as she was looking around she was scared that xena will come back for her she was scared for her life since she was a target for her dad' i just want to be free from my dad and being a target' she thought as she just was watching the nature with the birds and everything she was at the beach as she smiled hearing the waves she just needed to go out' it's so peacful here i like it' she htought to herself as she listen to ray as she just yawned a bit she just wanted to be free lily was her foster mother but she understood as she just looked around trying to feel her hands again she lift her hand up as she just smiled" thanks ray" she say" for taking me here i feel relaxed her" she say as she felt a sharp pain as she felt her hand shaking as she fell out the wheelchair she was in a lot of pain" it hurts" she say as she just close her eyes as she was gasping" pain killers please ray it hurts" she say crying now  @ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir

Ray almost panics then takes out some pain killers and slips a couple in her mouth and then sticks his hand in a hole and then grabs some waters and gently puts it her lips and says" There's no point in stressing your self over it i know it's scary but we can only handle things one thing at a time and i know you miss a lot of your friends and your bond will lilly is different to mine so i won't expect you to feel the same way, but i would be advise not to be think on the things she says and then go from there". " As for ruby she's not going to kill xena no she has something far worst than death you don't step on the toes of ruby like that and expect to get off the hook so easy, as for reno i don't hate him but at this stage i feel uneasy around him and don't really trust him but at the same time he did help save you and ruby so i have to be fair". 

Ruby twitched with annoyance and then says" Some that keeps so many secrets shouldn't be blabbing other peoples conversation and i'm going to chew her out when i next see her, but yes the half you do know about me is true i've gone though a lot to get to where i'm now, so even though i'm not in love with you i forgive you to a greater point for not pulling your normal shit, as for your cow of sister no i'm not going to kill her what i have in mind makes some of hell's punishments look nice have your ever heard of the geanti prison plane"?  Ruby goes over to the kitchen and starts to get some ingredients ready for supper and smirks as the continues to look around to see what they have in the end she decided on chicken and vegtable soup.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

Posted 21 hours ago (edited) · Report post

Jinx look up at him and giggle "is that so~" she said as she look up at him and smile "why dont you do a favor for me and." she pause as she place her hand over to his cheeks as she lean closer to his ears as she whisper "entertain me" she said with a giggle as she pick up her lunch box for him and feed him gently a leaving him a gentle kiss in the cheeks

Zenith eats and gulps it down and then draws some heat from the heater with his eyes and then little fire spirits start to dance around jink one almost fall in the pit of flesh and then flys back up and says" i would of got lost in there and long time no see so this is your new girlfriend a bit young but they say it's all about the chemistry so i'm cool with her as long as she turns out not to be a pain in the bum".
"Yeah, I've heard of it," he answered. "Though my dad only told me about it through description. I don't even know how the process works, though I am curious now that you brought it up." Reno walks into the kitchen and sits down on one of the chairs. "Though from what I can guess...and knowing you, it would have been merciful to just beat the ever living crap out of her." Reno starts drumming on the table for a few minutes before getting up and walked towards Ruby. "So, is there anything you need me to do while you're making the food?"

@Leo Radomir
"who are u saying a pain in the bum hu?" she said with a wide grin and gently touch the fire spirits and giggle "they all look so adorable... what are they Zenith?" she ask as she watch them dance aroung and turning to her calm state. a gently smile and her soft eye flutter around as she watch every fire dance around and almost as if she wasnt even crazy at all 

@Leo Radomir
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Luna just looked at her boyfrirend as she smiled" sorry i worry you" she say as she just looked at him" come lets go eat big sister is cooking she cooks good" she say as she just took the pills" sorry you have to see me like you when i heal you guys have to teach me how to walk again i don't know how to exactly yet i kinda like being in this chair it's kinda comfortable" she say as she just smiled at him she haven't smiled in a while she just hold his hand" i love you your the one for me i love you so much" she say" and lily just my forster mom i'm not that close to her she just teaches me about potion stuff thats it" she say as she just looked at him" and i won't tell them it's our secret" she say @Leo Radomir
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Y'know what... Time I'd just start some trouble...)

Akira Fenriart +

~ Unchained ~

It didn't take long until Akira found himself in the courtyard. It had people in small groups. Groups of friends or rivals. Or newly made friends or newly made rivals. These groups were scattered everywhere. Akira thought that there was too many people. But it is a courtyard so it should be occupied most of the time. Everyone was looking at him cautiously. Mainly because of the demon source coming from his direction. They were all murmuring to themselves, but Akira didn't really care. After a few minutes, a group of seven elementals who were looking at him with a grin. One of them was at the front with a grin shaking his head as he approached Akira. But one of the elementals looked off and a little cautious feeling a demon source from Akira and tried to convince the others that it wasn't the worth. However, it wasn't worth it. Soon, the elemental in the front of the group began to speak to him. He looked like a pretty high elemental. "Hey look, new guy's a human. Y'know, this isn't a place for someone that's easily broken. Maybe you should run back home from where you came from." Akira just stood there not doing anything as he just stood there staring at the elemental. Soon, the elemental got a little angry. "Hey. I told you to get out of her and scram! Do i-- ...What is that...?"  At this moment, they could see a demon eye right behind Akira staring at them. It seemed to be floating as well with a demonic aura coming out of it. As well as the atmosphere in the courtyard changing as soon, everyone went silent and stared at the eye.  Akira then lost himself in his rage with the intention of fighting back against this elemental. The demon began having intentions that meant danger. Their intentions merged. He then crossed his arms in a sort of X figure and spoke before he released an attack by extending his arms as if to rip something apart. It made the demon source surge throughout the school as a gust of wind blew away from Akira. This also made a small rumble within  the school's campus. "Run?" Akira laughed, his lips curling into a sadistic smile. "Shouldn't I be telling you that?" He then brought both of his open hands up to the sky and spoke before bringing them down quickly to the ground, releasing a row of demonic spikes from the ground wildly which impaled the elemental who spoke to him first in the shoulder as he cried out in pain and fear. Akira looked up to see the elemental cry which made his smile grow even more sadistic. After a brief moment, give elemental groups of threes and fours began surrounded him at a distance as they prepared their magic. The other groups ran away. Akira chuckled as he watched them. "What is it? Is it because a human like me injured an elemental? Or you discovered how powerful I really am? No matter, perhaps I will display this power to you all..." The eye grew larger as a ghastly sound was heard from it as the demon's source grew.


@ShadowSaber331@Leo Radomir@Astaroth Suzumiya*@Anyone Online@GreyGremory@Zeldafangirl@Eternal Dragonchild@Tsutarji@Daniel reaving@Mr Swiftshots
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Luna just looked at her boyfrirend as she smiled" sorry i worry you" she say as she just looked at him" come lets go eat big sister is cooking she cooks good" she say as she just took the pills" sorry you have to see me like you when i heal you guys have to teach me how to walk again i don't know how to exactly yet i kinda like being in this chair it's kinda comfortable" she say as she just smiled at him she haven't smiled in a while she just hold his hand" i love you your the one for me i love you so much" she say" and lily just my forster mom i'm not that close to her she just teaches me about potion stuff thats it" she say as she just looked at him" and i won't tell them it's our secret" she say @Leo Radomir

"Yeah, I've heard of it," he answered. "Though my dad only told me about it through description. I don't even know how the process works, though I am curious now that you brought it up." Reno walks into the kitchen and sits down on one of the chairs. "Though from what I can guess...and knowing you, it would have been merciful to just beat the ever living crap out of her." Reno starts drumming on the table for a few minutes before getting up and walked towards Ruby. "So, is there anything you need me to do while you're making the food?"

Ray gently smiles then slips his hand away goes behind and starts to push the chair towards the door and says" i'm yeah know you love me lots sweetie and i'm hungry as well and yeah i get yeah sometimes it takes a while to adjust to things to things, but mostly thanks for promising to keep my secret and when this mess is a over i want a real date with some you in a nice dress after all you have a great figure and i want to boys to be jelly of me". Ray takes the sound barrier and then opens the door and then goes back to the chair and pushes luna in and when they get to the lounge he holds her hand again and says" Knowing ruby she'll make the chicken and cream vegtable soup which is really yummy". 

As on que ruby points to the chicken and then the blades and then starts to make the base for the soup and after a few minutes or so preparing everything is done and she puts the vegetables and in the soup broth for extra flavour and then says" Well there are places besides hell can be used and it's like like some twisted spirit so no powers well at least if your not a spirit or a contractor like me which gives you a fighting chance, and just beating her up wouldn't will my need for her long overdue life lesson and if anyone asks we can say she tried to seal us away and we put our differences aside to survive". " If she gets eaten by some of the beasts there well life's a bitch and then you die in

her case, now with that said less talking more chopping luna and ray haven't eaten in roughly a day now".    

"who are u saying a pain in the bum hu?" she said with a wide grin and gently touch the fire spirits and giggle "they all look so adorable... what are they Zenith?" she ask as she watch them dance aroung and turning to her calm state. a gently smile and her soft eye flutter around as she watch every fire dance around and almost as if she wasnt even crazy at all 

Zenith gently smiles and says" Surely you've heard of fire sprits they help our world and natures in a number of ways and yes they are but don't keep touching them especially the dark red on their wings your asking to have a burnt finger". "i'm glad that you like them i would should more but this parlor trick will have to do for now because i don't want to burn down my office". @ShadowSaber331 @Astaroth Suzumiya*

Zenith gen



Luna just smiled as she was looking around as she was happy to be eating since she got here she haven't been eating lately she just happy" yay food" she say as she look at him she didn't care she was in a wheelchair she was the same person" i kinda like being in the wheel chair i don't feel diffrent i'm still me yeah i can't use my legs for now but i'm glad i have you as a boyfriend wait a dress yeah that won't work cause i don't do dresses" she say as she never seen her sister in a dress before she hated wearing dresses unless she could wear her converse" i wear a dress if i can wear my conveerse i don't do heals i'm not that girly like those preeps" she say @Leo Radomir

Jinx look at him and shook her head with a wide grin "no i haven't heard of them before so i guest im an alien" she said with a laugh and look at him with surprise "then that would be awesome!. we could even do a fire dance while your office is burning too!" she said with a giggle as she look at the fire spirits and smile and she stood up from him as she dance along with the fire spirits "come Zenith!" she said pulling him while she dance and spin around with a giggle 'this is much fun than i thought~' jinx thought as she look at Zenight and gave him a wide smile and a giggle 

@Leo Radomir
Jinx look at him and shook her head with a wide grin "no i haven't heard of them before so i guest im an alien" she said with a laugh and look at him with surprise "then that would be awesome!. we could even do a fire dance while your office is burning too!" she said with a giggle as she look at the fire spirits and smile and she stood up from him as she dance along with the fire spirits "come Zenith!" she said pulling him while she dance and spin around with a giggle 'this is much fun than i thought~' jinx thought as she look at Zenight and gave him a wide smile and a giggle 

@Leo Radomir

Zenith half plays along with it while she's distracted pulls her in holder her firmly but not in a roughly and whispers" If you want to dance i'll take you to the studios on campus for the normal students but were not turning my office into a bonfire, also i want to kiss you more so there we won't restrict space wise but i do like this cute side of you so please don't lose that, now tell me how much do you enjoy being in my arms". The sprits vanish and zenith looks deep into her eyes making it even harder for her to make excuses.
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Reno gets up and walks over to where Ruby wants him. He grabs the blade and starts cutting the chicken. As he he was cutting, he says, "Knowing how things are right now, I'm sure they'll believe my sister trying to seal us more than both of us setting aside our differences since we practically are at each other's throats almost all the time." Reno needed to find the right words to get Ruby to love him as much as he does her. When he thinks he found the right words, he says, "I guess I've been so used to proving to other people that I'm strong enough to handle anything that I let my lust for power get the best of me. I wanted to be as powerful as you are so that I could protect you, in fact, you're basically the reason why I am who I am today...well, except for the 'being half demon' part. In fact, that was one of the reasons why I joined the Elite program in the first place...I wanted to do the protecting, not be protected. I guess you can say that I could literally throw my life away for you to live another day...wow, worst rhyming attempted ever." Reno finished cutting the chicken into cubes and grabbed a bowl from one of the cabinets to put them in. He walks over with a blade in hand and washes it before drying it off and placing it back in the rack. He walks away from Ruby and back to his spot, resting an elbow on the table to prop his head up. Reno hears the door open and Luna shouting something. He stands up, walks over to her, and pats her on the shoulder. "Food's not ready for a couple of minutes. So, what have you two been up to?"

Back in the infirmary, Liliana was on the floor, writhing with pain, like a firing squad came over and shot her until she was ground beef. "So...much...pain...how did this happen!?" What she didn't know was that clone that turned to dust still had some traces of that creature's poison. When she absorbed the dust into her body, so did the poison. It went on for twenty minutes now, and she feared that the pain might kill her if she didn't do something about it, if she could do something about it.

@Leo Radomir




Luna just looked at him as she just sighed a bit" we doing okay we were just talking about going on a date after i'm all healed i'm okay though i'm trying to be tough" she say as she just smiled" but i miss my friends i miss raiven" she say as she just looked down" i know big sister don't like her but she is my friend" she say as she was messing with ribbion she had a bit of strenth from ray but she didn't know how to use her hands to text or do anything really she just sighed a bit" i wonder how's rave is doing i don't like being away from friends" she say as she just looked over to her sister as her stomach growled a bit" wow thhe food smeells good" she say wrong @ShadowSaber331
Reno gets up and walks over to where Ruby wants him. He grabs the blade and starts cutting the chicken. As he he was cutting, he says, "Knowing how things are right now, I'm sure they'll believe my sister trying to seal us more than both of us setting aside our differences since we practically are at each other's throats almost all the time." Reno needed to find the right words to get Ruby to love him as much as he does her. When he thinks he found the right words, he says, "I guess I've been so used to proving to other people that I'm strong enough to handle anything that I let my lust for power get the best of me. I wanted to be as powerful as you are so that I could protect you, in fact, you're basically the reason why I am who I am today...well, except for the 'being half demon' part. In fact, that was one of the reasons why I joined the Elite program in the first place...I wanted to do the protecting, not be protected. I guess you can say that I could literally throw my life away for you to live another day...wow, worst rhyming attempted ever." Reno finished cutting the chicken into cubes and grabbed a bowl from one of the cabinets to put them in. He walks over with a blade in hand and washes it before drying it off and placing it back in the rack. He walks away from Ruby and back to his spot, resting an elbow on the table to prop his head up. Reno hears the door open and Luna shouting something. He stands up, walks over to her, and pats her on the shoulder. "Food's not ready for a couple of minutes. So, what have you two been up to?"

Back in the infirmary, Liliana was on the floor, writhing with pain, like a firing squad came over and shot her until she was ground beef. "So...much...pain...how did this happen!?" What she didn't know was that clone that turned to dust still had some traces of that creature's poison. When she absorbed the dust into her body, so did the poison. It went on for twenty minutes now, and she feared that the pain might kill her if she didn't do something about it, if she could do something about it.

@Leo Radomir


Luna just smiled as she was looking around as she was happy to be eating since she got here she haven't been eating lately she just happy" yay food" she say as she look at him she didn't care she was in a wheelchair she was the same person" i kinda like being in the wheel chair i don't feel different i'm still me yeah i can't use my legs for now but i'm glad i have you as a boyfriend wait a dress yeah that won't work cause i don't do dresses" she say as she never seen her sister in a dress before she hated wearing dresses unless she could wear her converse" i wear a dress if i can wear my converse i don't do heals i'm not that girly like those preeps"



Luna just looked at him as she just sighed a bit" we doing okay we were just talking about going on a date after i'm all healed i'm okay though i'm trying to be tough" she say as she just smiled" but i miss my friends i miss raiven" she say as she just looked down" i know big sister don't like her but she is my friend" she say as she was messing with ribbion she had a bit of strenth from ray but she didn't know how to use her hands to text or do anything really she just sighed a bit" i wonder how's rave is doing i don't like being away from friends" she say as she just looked over to her sister as her stomach growled a bit" wow thhe food smeells good" she say wrong @ShadowSaber331


Isaac dad came along and puts some dark blue liquid in lillys mouth and says" wow he got you good the antidote should kick in ten minutes, i can't believe you picked a fight with that one in particular me and some other alchemist had a fight with them a while back and they are real pain when they get serious it's a good job he didn't get more than once because you might be dead right now because they slow down the ki and mana of foes greatly and decrease one's normal pain threshold ", that was my last one they take a while to prepare so please don't do it again also from what i remember that creatures nick name is timonfu piosona meaning poison guardian". 

Ruby finishes up the soup then gently giggles and says" well i guess i can't completely blame you after that kind of stuff was rammed into you, but you know you don't have to be at the front lines all the time to be strong if anything it makes you numb or and cold after a while if your not careful that's what happened to me and i started to just see who could help and was just dead weight and wasn't worth saving but only recently have i started to give people a chance".

" i know this may seem strange but sometimes a women like me needs both the help of the team someone at her side and peaceful place to call theirs because we are constantly drifting between sane and insane and such the difference between me and claire is my pact is cohesive now where as her dna try's to take over her and is very unstable so often as you know".

" I wonder if it's a case of no other girls but grump cow that's got a log stuck up her ass, i remember the ball and god if she could of been more fake and repulsive i could of puked yet she thinks all kinds of nasty things about me". " i'm used to wearing a mask but i will never pretend i'm a saint that is why a cow like her has no place telling me about my bad ways". 

Ruby gets the soups ready and then brings them to the table with some bread and then says" I forgot to tell you there's no cell towers near here so cells don't work there is a old fashioned phone here though but till the plan is ready please hold on calling people".  
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Luna just looked at her big sister" thank you Ruby for taking care of for everything your done you took me in when i was little so thank you" she say as she grabbed the spoon as she just sighed as she didn't have enough energy to do it on her own she just sighed' why did this have to hapen to me' she thought as she try again to pick up the spoon she just looked at her sister" i can do it" she say as she wanted to do it on her own she just sighed" fine i can't do it yet i still need more rest" she say as she was a bit emberssed she looked at ray as she just felt her hand shaking as she just looked at everyone eating but her she felt useless @ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir

Brair Rose 


Brair just looked at her big sister as she smiled" well i'm going to find the teacher so see ya later i'll text you big sister" she say bumping into a tree since she broke her glasses' ow ow ow' she thought as she just walked into the building everything was so blury she couldn't see anything she just sighed' i don't know where i'm heading too' she thought as she bumped into someone' gah' she fell down on the floor as she saw a boy but she couldn't see his face" i'm sorry i didn't see you i'm looking for zeith he can fix my glasses i can't see right now everything is so blury" she say as she try to look at his face it was so blury' ow ow ow' she thought looking around  she blurshed a litle @Astaroth Suzumiya*

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Clair held Horuma close and looked to the security camera she had no doubt Magnus was operating. With a wicked look in her eye she napped out loud "Magnus ! I'm done playing games, I have a school to run and powers to suppress. I won't be a pawn in this sick game your playing with the general ! And your as insane as the reports say if you think I'll let Horuma fall into your grasps as well !" 

With that said Clair brought herself to a stand and warped both her and Horuma to her office where she lay him down gently upon the carpet floor. Once she had ensured he was unharmed she brushed the dirt from her uniform, corrected it and took a big sigh. And as she did she was hit by a sudden surge of power , demonic power at that. With a softer sigh Clair turned to look out her window "This is what happens when I leave my workload to grow to much..... What's happened to me ? I'm sighing all the time , weeping all the time, hurting my friends and ignoring my responsibilities. This isn't who I am, my parents taught me better etiquette and so did the general...... It's time I got my grip back on reality" 

With that said Clair took a page from her desk and quickly signed her name beside the principals before passing it to Horuma "Give this notice to your uncle, he's to pack his stuff and leave by the weeks end. I have a dysfunctional school to work back into shape."

With that said Clair warped to the scene of the battle between the newbie and the elementals. With her old persona back in place and her posture corrected Clair began walking towards the new student. The elementals that were fighting before had immediately began to back off with signs of anxiety and worry starting to show. Once face to face with the Akira, Clair spoke sternly and properly "Akira Fenriart, Human , sixteen years of age , height five foot ten inches, approximate time on campus.... fifteen minutes. Now Akira, do you mind telling me exactly what happened here ?" With that said a bubble formed around the entire courtyard preventing anyone from escaping. "Please do hurry I have quite a lot of work to do and so I'd like to get this little sparse dealt with as quickly as possible"

@GreyGremory @Clair Seiker 
jinx look up at him as her cheeks risen up and she pause for a moment. she just stared him for long and smile "Zenith... your such a weird teacher" she said with a giggle as she turn and wrap her arms around him and smile. she brush his hair gently and bit her lips "is it a sin to kiss someone whom u just met?" she ask as she look up at him and smile as she gently lean on him "your so tempting Zenith" she said as she lean even more closer while their lips are inches apart as she look deeply into his eyes and she flutter them close gently.

she made a wide grin and laugh "but u gotta try harder than that!" Jinx said with a laugh as she hug him tight  "aaaaaahhhhh~~~ Zenith~"

@Leo Radomir

jak look down and look over to a girl "hmmm?" he thought as he look down and notice the he have step onto her glasses and a wide grin spread along his face as he sat to his level "such a nice prey~" he mumble as he hold her hand "lets get u up" he said as he hold her glasses "also bad luck my flower im just new in this school. it might take long before we can go to that teacher of yours... who was he again?" he ask her as he hold her hand and look onto her eyes 'she's beautiful' he thought

Reno started eating his food while thinking about what Ruby just said, and after some time, he realized she was right. As much as he does enjoy being in the front lines, it made him almost as numb or as cold as Ruby. Reno started thinking about another thing she said, about how she just started giving people a chance. "That I can believe since you and Raiven became close friends. Though I can understand why you and Clair are on opposite ends of the spectrum, she acts like she can solve the school's problems when she can't even solve her own, and doesn't even know the first thing about being human. If anything, she's just another drone trying to fit into a society she's never been a part of for most of her life." Reno finished his food and puts the dishes in the sink. He starts leisurely walking around the cabin before asking, "So, if we're going to be spending...until the femme fatales get bored, who's sleeping where?"

@Leo Radomir

Clair held Horuma close and looked to the security camera she had no doubt Magnus was operating. With a wicked look in her eye she napped out loud "Magnus ! I'm done playing games, I have a school to run and powers to suppress. I won't be a pawn in this sick game your playing with the general ! And your as insane as the reports say if you think I'll let Horuma fall into your grasps as well !" 

With that said Clair brought herself to a stand and warped both her and Horuma to her office where she lay him down gently upon the carpet floor. Once she had ensured he was unharmed she brushed the dirt from her uniform, corrected it and took a big sigh. And as she did she was hit by a sudden surge of power , demonic power at that. With a softer sigh Clair turned to look out her window "This is what happens when I leave my workload to grow to much..... What's happened to me ? I'm sighing all the time , weeping all the time, hurting my friends and ignoring my responsibilities. This isn't who I am, my parents taught me better etiquette and so did the general...... It's time I got my grip back on reality" 

With that said Clair took a page from her desk and quickly signed her name beside the principals before passing it to Horuma "Give this notice to your uncle, he's to pack his stuff and leave by the weeks end. I have a dysfunctional school to work back into shape."

With that said Clair warped to the scene of the battle between the newbie and the elementals. With her old persona back in place and her posture corrected Clair began walking towards the new student. The elementals that were fighting before had immediately began to back off with signs of anxiety and worry starting to show. Once face to face with the Akira, Clair spoke sternly and properly "Akira Fenriart, Human , sixteen years of age , height five foot ten inches, approximate time on campus.... fifteen minutes. Now Akira, do you mind telling me exactly what happened here ?" With that said a bubble formed around the entire courtyard preventing anyone from escaping. "Please do hurry I have quite a lot of work to do and so I'd like to get this little sparse dealt with as quickly as possible"

@GreyGremory @Clair Seiker 

As Akira watched the impaled elemental cry, he heard a feminine voice and turned towards its direction to see it was a girl. After Akira averted his attention from the impaled elemental to the girl, the spikes disappeared and the elemental dropped to the ground wailing in pain as blood oozed from his wound. As Akira looked at the girl, his eyes were obviously filled with hate and rage. "Why must you think you elementals are superior than us? You think you're pro-human? I doubt it. You all are just the same." Akira soon held out his left hand, the hand with an unusual color and odd markings, as a demonic spear manifested from it. It didn't look like a normal spear. It looked like a rod with a floating spear head. And none of its material looked like it came from earth. It was black with a slight dark emerald tint. "If you're here to just confront me like that poor thing, wailing on the ground begging for its life, the same thing might happen to you." Akira spoke as he smiled sadistically at her. The demon eye that floated let out a ghastly sound again, as if whispering to Akira. You couldn't understand what it was saying but Akira did. The demon was saying that this girl's name was Clair and that she was a member of the elite as well as student council president. Akira was told every bit of juicy information about her. Which made him grin. "Clair O'Reilly..." He said before chuckling a little. "The voidwalker huh? That must be very prestigious of you to have such a power. It only sucks your parents are not here anymore to see you all grown up~" He continued and then laughed to himself. "Oho... The Student Council President and Elite. You must really be something ah?" He said before he began to laugh loudly and after a while he inhaled his breath, his body bending down a little. He soon looked at Clair with his one eye before he spoke. But this time, his voice seemed different as well as his attitude. He now had a blank stare on his face. His words were like the words of a demon. "Allow me to guide you to your parents..." And with that he charged at her with great speed planning to impale her.
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Homura chased Clair out to the courtyard which was more pressing than delivering his uncles notice to leave. He rushed over as fast as he could to see that she had already taken care of it or at least it was taken care of until the boy darted forward with great speed "Volt I need you!" He unleashed his lightning dragon magic and bolted inbetween Clair and the charging boy "Lightning dragons breakdown fist!!" He yelled as he punched and a fist made of lightning burst forth at the boy who had charged at Clair. He stood between Clair and the angry looking human boy "Didn't anyone ever tell you to mind your manners? Seriously that's not how you greet someone!" He said annoyed at the demonic looking kid he attacks "My name is Homura Hiyashi. If you want to fight an Elite fight me, she's off limits!" He said determined and also still slightly angered by the aftermath of the boys earlier conflict "You can't just come to Sakura and hurt people. I don't care who started it but this much damage wasn't necessary" he lectured as he stood strong.

@Clair Seiker

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