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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Homura chased Clair out to the courtyard which was more pressing than delivering his uncles notice to leave. He rushed over as fast as he could to see that she had already taken care of it or at least it was taken care of until the boy darted forward with great speed "Volt I need you!" He unleashed his lightning dragon magic and bolted inbetween Clair and the charging boy "Lightning dragons breakdown fist!!" He yelled as he punched and a fist made of lightning burst forth at the boy who had charged at Clair. He stood between Clair and the angry looking human boy "Didn't anyone ever tell you to mind your manners? Seriously that's not how you greet someone!" He said annoyed at the demonic looking kid he attacks "My name is Homura Hiyashi. If you want to fight an Elite fight me, she's off limits!" He said determined and also still slightly angered by the aftermath of the boys earlier conflict "You can't just come to Sakura and hurt people. I don't care who started it but this much damage wasn't necessary" he lectured as he stood strong.

@Clair Seiker

Isaac watched him flap his mouth and coldly smirked and stands near waiting to see what would happen, ' your no better than him so i don't know why your running your mouth and you only have that title because the way things have been set up, if i'm wrong i sure as hell would like to see why i'm wrong this is why i understand the boys rage but at the same time picking on the weak and this level of damage is not cool'. 

Reno started eating his food while thinking about what Ruby just said, and after some time, he realized she was right. As much as he does enjoy being in the front lines, it made him almost as numb or as cold as Ruby. Reno started thinking about another thing she said, about how she just started giving people a chance. "That I can believe since you and Raiven became close friends. Though I can understand why you and Clair are on opposite ends of the spectrum, she acts like she can solve the school's problems when she can't even solve her own, and doesn't even know the first thing about being human. If anything, she's just another drone trying to fit into a society she's never been a part of for most of her life." Reno finished his food and puts the dishes in the sink. He starts leisurely walking around the cabin before asking, "So, if we're going to be spending...until the femme fatales get bored, who's sleeping where?"

Ruby gently smiles and says" you're on the sofa bed ray doesn't need a bed he's used to sleeping on the ground and luna will share my bed, as for what you said before there's a difference between killing when under control of some one or rage and knowing it's wrong and doing it because it's your job i'm in no place to judge clair given i'm". if anything how it was allowed to get to this point in the first place and i will advise her when i get back that trying to force fix things won't work, you were right you will never be me or feel the level of darkness i deal with but there's no need for you to". " you can the hero to others with in reason and if it comes to down to it and you're going to be killed i'll be the one to do it because that's my right as someone that has been with you for this long". Ruby finishes her food then gently smiles and hands reno her plate and says" On a more light hearted note remember even if i don't ever fall back in love with you i will always be watching your and wish your the best so lets see how this goes and go from there".

jinx look up at him as her cheeks risen up and she pause for a moment. she just stared him for long and smile "Zenith... your such a weird teacher" she said with a giggle as she turn and wrap her arms around him and smile. she brush his hair gently and bit her lips "is it a sin to kiss someone whom u just met?" she ask as she look up at him and smile as she gently lean on him "your so tempting Zenith" she said as she lean even more closer while their lips are inches apart as she look deeply into his eyes and she flutter them close gently.

she made a wide grin and laugh "but u gotta try harder than that!" Jinx said with a laugh as she hug him tight  "aaaaaahhhhh~~~ Zenith~"

Zenith grins then turns to steam and then reappears and behind her jinx and turns back to his normal form and grabs her hips and leans down and whispers" Says the one that was making all the moves on me before and yes i'm a little weird wouldn't last very long in a job like this if i wasn't would my sexy thunder user, now what should i do with you". He gets a bit of a look then looks away and pretends it never happened then then moves back to his desk and gets his glasses repairing tools out just incase some one came by.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*
Alec laughed, pressing a kiss to his sister's forehead "Her feelings for you? She loves you so much, it's incredible the happiness that you give her. She would only sleep with Russi before. You've managed to replace Russi which is something." Raiven snuffled in her sleep, burying into Arcus as she woke, gazing deep into his eyes before deliberately licking his neck, unaware of her twin behind her. Alec laughed again "This is your area of expertise" 

Hanako thought for a moment "Zenith Sensei can help. I'll take you to him" She gave a bright joyful smile as she held her hands out for a bag "Want me to carry one for you?" She asked before giving a bow "You can put them in my room for now if you want, My roommate isn't here, she left the academy so I have it to myself currently"


@Anyone Online
Kira looked at the girl and she jumped up and she picked up her bag that she keep her clothes in " Here can you carry this one its not that heavy " she said holding it out to her and she smiled at her " Aww so your all alone in your Dorm...i wonder if i'll get a dorm...i kind of did ask for one " she said and she smiled at her " so who's Zenith Sensei?" she asked.

@Eternal Dragonchild
Homura chased Clair out to the courtyard which was more pressing than delivering his uncles notice to leave. He rushed over as fast as he could to see that she had already taken care of it or at least it was taken care of until the boy darted forward with great speed "Volt I need you!" He unleashed his lightning dragon magic and bolted inbetween Clair and the charging boy "Lightning dragons breakdown fist!!" He yelled as he punched and a fist made of lightning burst forth at the boy who had charged at Clair. He stood between Clair and the angry looking human boy "Didn't anyone ever tell you to mind your manners? Seriously that's not how you greet someone!" He said annoyed at the demonic looking kid he attacks "My name is Homura Hiyashi. If you want to fight an Elite fight me, she's off limits!" He said determined and also still slightly angered by the aftermath of the boys earlier conflict "You can't just come to Sakura and hurt people. I don't care who started it but this much damage wasn't necessary" he lectured as he stood strong.

@Clair Seiker

Akira was already close to Clair before someone got in his way. He nearly dodged the fist and as he tumbled a few meters behind Clair and the boy who interfered. It made Akira stab his spear into the ground and on all fours. Like that of a fox. Akira blankly stared at Homura as he spoke and introduced himself. Is it really a thing to just say people's full names out of the blue in this academy? The more Homura spoke, Akira and the demon itself was finding him a bit of a nuisance. The demon even wonders if this Homura was even aware of him? Soon, Akira began to stand up straight growing tired of Homura's little lecture as the demon eye squinted before it whispered to Akira. After the demon had whispered to Akira, 2 small cubes with the demon's markings were thrown at him and Akira caught them. Akira seemed to frown before he looked at Homura. "I see that you lost your family as well. But the death of those were caused by your own brother. How tragic." Akira said before he revealed the cubes to Homura as his frown turned into a light grin. "Training day after day in preparation until your brother arrives so you can avenge. How about we meet your brother. Right. Now?" He said before throwing the cubes on the ground as they shattered and the pieces of the cubes made a manifestation of Homura's brother. The manifestation looked real. Almost as if his brother was really there. And soon, the entire courtyard began to become engulfed in flames the only people there were Homura and his brother. However, Homura is the only one who could see his brother and a courtyard engulfed with flames. It was an illusion for only Homura. In reality, there were only shattered pieces of the cube on the ground as Homura's eyes were blinded by a black sclera with blue irises as he was in the trance of an illusion. So much for big talk from an Elite. Akira scoffed before focusing his attention back to Clair. "Now that he's taken care of... Let's get back to... us.The demon said before Akira manifested a blade in his right hand which again had the color of a black emerald. Then, he began walking towards Clair casually, the tip of the blade scraping the ground as it left a trail of darkness. 


@Mr Swiftshots
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Homura was almost shocked to see his black haired self standing in front of him and when the boy spoke he noticed moments of pause when the eye over his shoulder twitched "So that's how he does it!" He walked forward to his other self and the illusion smiled "Get going already. Beat that brat!" Said his dark sides distorted voice before burning up and disappearing. Ddraig and the dragon kings began to speak in his mind 'That is a demon bonded to the human. If you don't stop it it will continue this path of destruction and no one will be safe' said Ddraig before Volt started speaking 'We need to use caution when fighting and we will assist you if needed' 'You have our strength with you as well as your own' said Solaris afterward. Zero was the only one hesitating 'Don't do anything rash and think about every move you make. When everything is said and done and he still isn't wavering you just hit him as hard and as fast as you can. Just as Solaris said we are with you. Four kings stand with you now prove to use you are worthy of that honourbjust as your other half had' afterword Homura was awake and the tattoos on his arm and back were glowing a mix of deep blue electricity, bright yellow sun light, light blue frost and a glaring red flame "Hey kid I'm just going to tell you now, that thing over your shoulder only knows half the story. Sure I lost my family but I don't have a brother, I have a twin sister!" He burst forth to intercept the kid and pinned him to the ground "Now can you calm down before someone gets hurt" he said asking politely.

@Clair Seiker

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i4oelVlDJZc(this is playing in my head when he breaks the illusion)
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Reno was surprised by what Ruby just told him. He was so used to her being a cruel cow that seeing her kinder side was a new experience for him. "Well, I don't know what's more shocking, my sister wanting to kill us, or you showing your nicer side." Reno started washing the other dishes as well as his own, all while thinking of what Ruby said next. She still wishes him the best even if she doesn't fall back in love with him, he hopes that she does, but he doesn't want to make her choices for her. When he finished washing the dishes, he says to her, "The only thing I care about is our bond being mended...though having you as my girlfriend would be a nice bonus. I'm not saying we should get back together, like you said we still gotta see how this goes, just know that even if you don't fall back in love with me...I'll still love you." Reno walks over to the sofa and removes the pillows off of it. He finds a handle, and unfolds the bed out from it, though with some issues as it was almost rusted. He finds a few blankets and places them on the bed before climbing in it. "Tomorrow, we should probably get some more food," he stated. " Mainly because if we're going to be here a while, we'll need to be stocked up and ready for when hell decides to knock on the door...literally."

Liliana gets up from off the floor, heavily breathing from what had just happened. She remembers Isaac giving her the antidote and saying that it was his only one...but passed out before she could thank him due to the pain being so excruciating. As she steadies herself on one of the counters, Liliana recalls what Isaac called the creature: a Poison Guardian. 'A Poison Guardian. It's a new creature to me, yet I haven't seen it in any known archive. Maybe it's because anyone that has encountered it didn't live to keep in on record. I'll have to tread lightly if I am to survive another encounter with the beast.'

@Leo Radomir
Alec laughed, pressing a kiss to his sister's forehead "Her feelings for you? She loves you so much, it's incredible the happiness that you give her. She would only sleep with Russi before. You've managed to replace Russi which is something." Raiven snuffled in her sleep, burying into Arcus as she woke, gazing deep into his eyes before deliberately licking his neck, unaware of her twin behind her. Alec laughed again "This is your area of expertise" 

Hanako thought for a moment "Zenith Sensei can help. I'll take you to him" She gave a bright joyful smile as she held her hands out for a bag "Want me to carry one for you?" She asked before giving a bow "You can put them in my room for now if you want, My roommate isn't here, she left the academy so I have it to myself currently"


@Anyone Online

Mhhmmmmm. Raiven wait Alexander is still hear." Arcus moaned out as he blushed, He gave Raiven a cute blush, and innocent smile, while he was wearing a bear suit. The blush and smiled tied the whole costume together. He tried to hide his growing boner, but he couldn't with Raiven only wearing a shirt and his hoodie. "Ma....mama bear please."

@Eternal Dragonchild
Homura was almost shocked to see his black haired self standing in front of him and when the boy spoke he noticed moments of pause when the eye over his shoulder twitched "So that's how he does it!" He walked forward to his other self and the illusion smiled "Get going already. Beat that brat!" Said his dark sides distorted voice before burning up and disappearing. Ddraig and the dragon kings began to speak in his mind 'That is a demon bonded to the human. If you don't stop it it will continue this path of destruction and no one will be safe' said Ddraig before Volt started speaking 'We need to use caution when fighting and we will assist you if needed' 'You have our strength with you as well as your own' said Solaris afterward. Zero was the only one hesitating 'Don't do anything rash and think about every move you make. When everything is said and done and he still isn't wavering you just hit him as hard and as fast as you can. Just as Solaris said we are with you. Four kings stand with you now prove to use you are worthy of that honourbjust as your other half had' afterword Homura was awake and the tattoos on his arm and back were glowing a mix of deep blue electricity, bright yellow sun light, light blue frost and a glaring red flame "Hey kid I'm just going to tell you now, that thing over your shoulder only knows half the story. Sure I lost my family but I don't have a brother, I have a twin sister!" He burst forth to intercept the kid and pinned him to the ground "Now can you calm down before someone gets hurt" he said asking politely.

@Clair Seiker

When Akira saw that the illusion didn't work, he was surprised. Even the demon was surprised he got the story wrong. But how?! No matter, when Akira was pinned down, he did little action to resist. When he was told to calm down before someone gets hurt, he smirked. "Then what did you think my intention was? After all, someone already did." He said before looking at the elemental that was recently impaled by a spike as his wound was still open. Yet for the time that has been taken, two other elementals were around him to heal him. But it was taking time for the wound to heal. Eventually, Akira turned his head back to Homura and chuckled a little. "And I thought you were into beautiful women. Or perhaps, I look too much like a girl to you? But I'm pretty sure I'm not beautiful." Akira joked as the eye started to fade away. The reason why he joked is because Homura is pinning him down. Surprised he wasn't holding anything deadly to his head. He wasn't going to act anymore since he's been pinned. Nothing he can really do at this point. However Akira found Homura interesting. Akira had his demon, Homura has the dragon kings. And there happened to be four of them? And if he didn't have a brother, then what exactly was the cause of his family's death? Was it just... Homura's poor control over his flames? Or was it something else. But he still poked at the thought. The way Homura put it, Clair seemed special. Saying she's off limits. And his determination. Something special must be going on between the two. And the demon would like to find out. 'So many secrets to discover... This is going to be fun...' The demon thought before the eye reappeared between Akira and Homura and pushed Homura with great force, enough to push Homura off of Akira and making him fall back a few meters. Akira slowly got up before he looked at the wounded Elemental he impaled earlier and began to walk towards him. The healers eventually saw him before running away as the elemental cowered. Akira only placed his corrupted hand on the wound as the Elemental cried in pain. It sounded as if Akira was burning the wound and making the Elemental suffer. But Akira was actually healing the Elemental by removing the demon's corruption on the wound. After the wound was healed, the elemental stopped his crying and Akira put his left hand back in his pocket before giving off a nice but some sort of dark smile. "No hard feelings..." He said before he walked up towards the barrier and stood there facing the outside. He then turned over to his shoulder to look at Clair and Homura and spoke. "Is this the part where you take me somewhere that I must face punishment?" Akira asked assuming that he would face punishment. He didn't exactly care. But he knew the demon was quite interested in this place for it held many secrets to him. This might be a chance to improve their bond and make Akira stronger. He didn't care that it would further corrupt his body. He already knew the consequences when accepting the demon.


@Mr Swiftshots
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jinx look at him and giggle "oh i see..." she said as she hold her lunch box and sat over the table as she feed him some rise and meat "your so smart arent cha! i coudnt doubt anything from you" she said with a giggle and look over to his table and sign "awwww is it work time now?" she ask with a frown

@Leo Radomir
Reno was surprised by what Ruby just told him. He was so used to her being a cruel cow that seeing her kinder side was a new experience for him. "Well, I don't know what's more shocking, my sister wanting to kill us, or you showing your nicer side." Reno started washing the other dishes as well as his own, all while thinking of what Ruby said next. She still wishes him the best even if she doesn't fall back in love with him, he hopes that she does, but he doesn't want to make her choices for her. When he finished washing the dishes, he says to her, "The only thing I care about is our bond being mended...though having you as my girlfriend would be a nice bonus. I'm not saying we should get back together, like you said we still gotta see how this goes, just know that even if you don't fall back in love with me...I'll still love you." Reno walks over to the sofa and removes the pillows off of it. He finds a handle, and unfolds the bed out from it, though with some issues as it was almost rusted. He finds a few blankets and places them on the bed before climbing in it. "Tomorrow, we should probably get some more food," he stated. " Mainly because if we're going to be here a while, we'll need to be stocked up and ready for when hell decides to knock on the door...literally."

Liliana gets up from off the floor, heavily breathing from what had just happened. She remembers Isaac giving her the antidote and saying that it was his only one...but passed out before she could thank him due to the pain being so excruciating. As she steadies herself on one of the counters, Liliana recalls what Isaac called the creature: a Poison Guardian. 'A Poison Guardian. It's a new creature to me, yet I haven't seen it in any known archive. Maybe it's because anyone that has encountered it didn't live to keep in on record. I'll have to tread lightly if I am to survive another encounter with the beast.'

@Leo Radomir

Ruby glances at the couch and says" I guess it's unusual for me but in my defence a lot of you don't take a hint or listen more times than not, also with how things are i don't want people's moral to down the drain and i've had enough conflict and issues for a while even i get tired and feed up you know". " A few days sleep and i'll be fun as for fakezilla good luck to her i placed some nasty illioustions with in a five mile radius, i have to laugh when i think about it if ray can tell how fake your sister is then it's no wonder older men with experience think the plague in human form".

Ruby paused for a minute then says" On second thought ray should go with luna i just remembered there's a spare bed on the second floor, also your right we only have half a weeks food left and remember if we are to be unless han chan finds another guy etc then you have to look after us both do you have the energy for that". Ruby grins slyly then laughs it off and waves and then heads upstairs and smiles gently and she continues, ray nods and then waves to reno before taking luna to the spare room and gently taking her out of the chair and tucking her in then joining her. 

jinx look at him and giggle "oh i see..." she said as she hold her lunch box and sat over the table as she feed him some rise and meat "your so smart arent cha! i coudnt doubt anything from you" she said with a giggle and look over to his table and sign "awwww is it work time now?" she ask with a frown

Zenith eats the sandwhich and then gulps it down then gently pulls her down and steals a kiss from her then moves back and slides his hand under the desk and gets a book of spritis and sprits and puts it to the side so she can read it and says" Call the kiss an advanced reward for baring with me i know it's not much fun but i have to do both jobs before i can play with you more, as for me being so smart it took a long time and to be honest sometimes it's not worth it".

Luna lotus 


Luna just looked at her boyfriend as she smiled a little she was a little sad that she wasn't staying with her sister but she cheered up a bit as she just looked at him" thank you" she say as she blushed she didn't like him to see her like this all weak and fragil she just sighed' why can't i just move my body she just was scared to sleep she just start to close her eyes as she smiled looking around as she just smiled feeling relaxed she wasn't thinking about what happen to her she just yawned a little she haven't been sleeping lately she just fell asleep @Leo Radomir


Briar Rose 


Brair just looked at him as she hold her head" um i think his name is zeith that what big sister told me i'm new too i just transfered here" she say as she heard what he say as she just try to get away from him she was scared" hey now you don't have to hurt me" she say as she just looked at him as she backed up to a wall there was no way for her to go she was shaking too much" what are you going to do with me" she say as she just was shaking' big sister' she thought as she just trying to find a way to escape but she couldn't see a thing @Astaroth Suzumiya*
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Myuki watched as the helicopter landed in the roof before a man in a military uniform walked out with a female walking behind him. "What do the military need at Sakura?" She asked herself aloud before feeling the massive amounts of energy being used over in a nearby courtyard "A demon and some dragons? How unlikely unless it's my brother" she said as she made her way over to the courtyard and found her brother being tossed back "You little punk! How dare he? Alright Xena hold on I have to go and make him regret living" she flashed in a burst of fire and reappeared behind Homura with a vicious glare in her eyes. She walks closer to the boy with her blue flames roaring in her hands "You think that any punishment she could give you will be anymore horrifying than what I can inflict? I don't care if you have a demon with you, I will show you true hell for hurting my brother!" She growled before throwing a blue fire ball at the ground in front of the boy.

@Clair Seiker
jinx look at him as she touch her lips gently and she shiver up shightly  and tear flow out of her eyes to her fear on being kissed. to the past she have gone through, she was afraid. she look at him and manage to make a smile "Z-Zenith" she take a deep breath and try not to show him her true emotion. she gave him a wide smile and giggle "yes i know. u can play me more once your done" she said as she place her hand over to the table "and once your done u should better leave me a call or a message" she said as she take out a paper and place it over his hand "there... call me okey and i would like to know more about you Zenith" she said as she skip and soop up with  a yawn "well i have to go Zenith see you~" she said as she gave him a wink and a flying kiss and she walk out to the office as tears go down in her eyes as she walk up on some random room with no one inside and tears go down her eyes remembering her past again. she place her hand over her lips and wipe her tears "i was suppose to be happy, but why am i still afraid" she said silently as she wipe her tears

@Leo Radomir

"were taking u to Zeith right" he said with a smile "so we are gonna go there right now" he said with a chuckle as he walk around the rooms and ask some turdents "we will find your teacher somehow... is it really seith or zenith?" he ask her as they walk around the school and notice her fear 'even the blind once fear me' he thought with a chuckle as he patted her head "dont worry rabbit im not going to hurt you" he said with a smile as they walk 

Myuki watched as the helicopter landed in the roof before a man in a military uniform walked out with a female walking behind him. "What do the military need at Sakura?" She asked herself aloud before feeling the massive amounts of energy being used over in a nearby courtyard "A demon and some dragons? How unlikely unless it's my brother" she said as she made her way over to the courtyard and found her brother being tossed back "You little punk! How dare he? Alright Xena hold on I have to go and make him regret living" she flashed in a burst of fire and reappeared behind Homura with a vicious glare in her eyes. She walks closer to the boy with her blue flames roaring in her hands "You think that any punishment she could give you will be anymore horrifying than what I can inflict? I don't care if you have a demon with you, I will show you true hell for hurting my brother!" She growled before throwing a blue fire ball at the ground in front of the boy.

@Clair Seiker

Akira had his back faced Myuki when she reappeared behind him. He sighed as the fire ball made impact. It didn't take long for the demon to find interest yet again. Soon, demonic eyes appeared around Akira and Myuki as they all seemed to whisper as they stared at Myuki. She soon began to feel a slight dizziness from their constant whispering echoing in her head. Her vision soon became blurred and with the whispers echoing in her mind, disrupting her concentration to continue her flame as the flames in her hands died away. Then Myuki felt something sharp touch her neck. The whispering stopped, her vision clearing up to see Akira holding a knife to her neck. The tip of the blade just pushing on Myuki's smooth delicate flesh and then Akira kicked her in the stomach sending her flying and crashing next to her brother. "You're different from your brother..." Akira said with a blank stare, his voice sounding like the demon's. The demon tried to use soothing words as he spoke to Myuki. "But I see how you are different. You were the one who caused that fire. Your brother is an Elite, and you're just a school idol, Miss Hiyashi. Or must I say, Akari-chan. I do not wish to ruin your beauty. You're face is too delicate for me to ruin." Akira then flicked the knife up before catching the blade and making it vanish. "But out of all due respect, you are overreacting to the situation. The fight is already over. And trust me. I haven't hurt your brother as badly as I did with others. It was only a push. Maybe you should be grateful I decided to not impale him like I did with the first person who decided to confront me." He said before turning his back again. But stopped half way. Must he mention the odd hobby to kill someone in private and leave a rose signature next to their bodies?  Akira smirked before turning to Myuki again and spoke. "But if you so wish a fight, I wouldn't hold back." Akira then extended his right hand arm up and made his arm parallel to the ground before a dark emerald katana manifested in the air. And as it just finished manifesting, Akira swiped at the handle swing around a bit revealing that the slashes left a trail of darkness. "But before we start, I thought you disliked your brother. Why are you protecting him... Now?Akira questioned as the demon was ever so curious as to why.

@Mr Swiftshots
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As Reno laid in the sofa bed, he began thinking of the possibility of a love triangle, and with how Ruby said it, she made it sound like she didn't mind sharing either him or Hanako. On one hand, he did like the idea of a love triangle, but on the other hand, it may end badly for all involved. Before Ruby disappears into her room, he shouts, "Don't worry, if I can handle you, I can handle Hanako." Feeling like it was a challenge that he'll gladly accept and beat, he drifts off into slumber. He dreamed of the day where Ruby could finally be free of the darkness in her heart, to finally be happy, instead of it being forced. True she did show signs of her showing her human side, but he wonders, how long until that darkness returns, how far will she fall inside it. His worries and his concerns all were filling his mind, but in the end, he knows that he has faith in the bond he and Ruby share. He sleeps in peace, determined to set things right, and hopefully for the days to come.

@Leo Radomir
Mhhmmmmm. Raiven wait Alexander is still hear." Arcus moaned out as he blushed, He gave Raiven a cute blush, and innocent smile, while he was wearing a bear suit. The blush and smiled tied the whole costume together. He tried to hide his growing boner, but he couldn't with Raiven only wearing a shirt and his hoodie. "Ma....mama bear please."

@Eternal Dragonchild


Alec laughed "I take it this is when I leave you two alone, don't break him sister"He waved as he left the room, shutting the door behind him. When he was gone Raiven gave a sly smile before kissing Arcus's neck
Alec laughed "I take it this is when I leave you two alone, don't break him sister"He waved as he left the room, shutting the door behind him. When he was gone Raiven gave a sly smile before kissing Arcus's neck

M..Mama bear." Arcus moaned out. He tried to get closer to Raiven, but he couldn't move. "P....please.", Arcus said as he tried to get closer. He has never felt like this before, and he didn't know what to do. Arcus felt so innocent, and naive that he just blushed, and had an innocent look in his eyes the whole time.

@Eternal Dragonchild
M..Mama bear." Arcus moaned out. He tried to get closer to Raiven, but he couldn't move. "P....please.", Arcus said as he tried to get closer. He has never felt like this before, and he didn't know what to do. Arcus felt so innocent, and naive that he just blushed, and had an innocent look in his eyes the whole time.

@Eternal Dragonchild



"Eh?" she asked, blue eyes gazing at him before she removed the hoodie, curling up on him, pressing herself as close as she could "What do you mean"

Hanako smiled "Yeah you'll get a dorm room, it's part of being a student here" She took the bag before leading Kira to her dorm to deposit her bag 

"Feel free to leave your bags by my bed." She smiled and picked up some candy, holding it out in her hand "Want some?"

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"Eh?" she asked, blue eyes gazing at him before she removed the hoodie, curling up on him, pressing herself as close as she could "What do you mean"

I...I don't know." Arcus said as he readjusted the bear ears on Raiven. "Hey why don't we go walk around campus. I'll wear the bear costume if you want me too. We can even go on a date, and I'll wear it." He said this as he wrapped both of his arms around Raiven, and snuggled his face into the crook of her neck. 

@Eternal Dragonchild
"But I can feel something against my legs" She pouted, gazing at him with the ears in place "I want to know what it is, can you show me" Raiven loved playing it cute and childish
I...I don't know. Maybe later I can show you want it is." Arcus said blushing and smiling innocently. He knew if Raiven played cute and childish, so can Arcus. "Can we please go on a date, I'll be a good bear, and we can even get honey." Arcus winked at Raiven, before he stood up. He picked up Raiven as he stood up, but the top part of the costume fell off. Arcus stood then in pants and bear ears. "I think I'll just walk out of the room with both of us like this." Arcus made sure to give Raiven a challenging look.
I...I don't know. Maybe later I can show you want it is." Arcus said blushing and smiling innocently. He knew if Raiven played cute and childish, so can Arcus. "Can we please go on a date, I'll be a good bear, and we can even get honey." Arcus winked at Raiven, before he stood up. He picked up Raiven as he stood up, but the top part of the costume fell off. Arcus stood then in pants and bear ears. "I think I'll just walk out of the room with both of us like this." Arcus made sure to give Raiven a challenging look.


"Well together we make one complete outfit" Raiven smiled softly "But I don't think my twin wants to see me like this, could we go to the pool. It should be totally empty, I wanna learn how to swim" She smiled, wrapping her legs around him, letting her assets do the hard work for her.
Arcus let out a light moan. "Yeah we can go to the pool. I will teach you how to swim." Arcus started running as fast as he could. He almost broke the sound barrier, but he skidded to a stop next to the pool before he did. Arcus put Raiven down, and got a really good look at her. He knew it was pointless to hid his friend, so he just stood by the shallow end, and waited for raiven.
Arcus let out a light moan. "Yeah we can go to the pool. I will teach you how to swim." Arcus started running as fast as he could. He almost broke the sound barrier, but he skidded to a stop next to the pool before he did. Arcus put Raiven down, and got a really good look at her. He knew it was pointless to hid his friend, so he just stood by the shallow end, and waited for raiven.


Raiven smiled before removing her shirt. "I don't have a costume, I have been terrified of water since Mikhail tried to drown me" She sat down at the shallow end of the pool, her legs dipping in the water

"I'm ready as I'll ever be, teacher" She gazed up at him, putting emphasis on the word teacher. 
"Eh?" she asked, blue eyes gazing at him before she removed the hoodie, curling up on him, pressing herself as close as she could "What do you mean"

Hanako smiled "Yeah you'll get a dorm room, it's part of being a student here" She took the bag before leading Kira to her dorm to deposit her bag 

"Feel free to leave your bags by my bed." She smiled and picked up some candy, holding it out in her hand "Want some?"


Kira smiled at her and she put her bags down and she sighed with happiness " this pretty fun" she whispered and she looked at her new friend "so wanna be friends ...hmm i didn't catch you name miss" she said and she smiled at her " and can we get going to meet Sensei " she asked and she chuckled a little.

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