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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

"Astaroth, thanks for assisting her," he said. "I have a feeling we'll be seeing him again soon, I want you to go down to the circle of Violence and recruit some demons for me, their target is Mihkail, Raiven's cousin, he's found guilty for domestic violence, rape, and child abuse, he will be sentenced to two death sentences, one will be by mauling, the other will be by soul rupturing." He looks over to Raiven and hugged her. "Looks like Reno helped you out of this one by giving you his armor. Anyway, we got something to show you that may...eh hem, shock you, and bring Arcus, something tells me he needs to be around for this."

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

Einta gently smirks and says" Oh yeah speaking of the boy sorry but he's caught the attention of my boss and unlike me that is fairly forgiving my boss is not i kinda feel sorry for the boy had he not screwed up so much my boss may of let him left him alone, so with that said i will come for him when his life close to an end which is roughly three months to do my duty". " During that time i hope you can clean up as of of  mess as possible and please for your own sake don't pull a bloody hero stick because he will impale you with his grieve of the fley king and trust me it hurts like hell and takes a long time to heal even with special ability's or spells because it cuts of the ki/mana greatly". " i've got people to drag to dragon to the land of many paths for their tests sometimes i really hate this job i sure as hell don't get paid enough of the crap i have to endure".
"I see...I figured there was something going on with him," he said. "Reno's a tough fighter, he's not one to surrender so easily. I think he'll make things rather fun for your boss."

"Oh, Reno's going to get his ass kicked by it's boss? Sounds like something I'd watch," said Xena as she watches from a distance. With a snap of a finger, she removes the curse from Reno, since there was no point in having it active on him now that the rules have changed. "No point in wasting a curse on someone who's going to die anyway. Might as well wait until that happens and then send a live mental feed of the fight to everyone."

@Leo Radomir
Alex cradled his sister close "Come on, little bird" He stood her up and gently brushed her outfit down "Let's go back to the academy, Mikhail won't hurt you now" He kept his voice soft and quiet as he kept an arm wrapped around her. He guided her over to Darius, removing her phone from her pocket 

"Hey Arcus, can you meet us in the cafeteria, Darius has found out something about Raiven and I, she's acting weird"

@Anyone Online

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"I see...I figured there was something going on with him," he said. "Reno's a tough fighter, he's not one to surrender so easily. I think he'll make things rather fun for your boss."

"Oh, Reno's going to get his ass kicked by it's boss? Sounds like something I'd watch," said Xena as she watches from a distance. With a snap of a finger, she removes the curse from Reno, since there was no point in having it active on him now that the rules have changed. "No point in wasting a curse on someone who's going to die anyway. Might as well wait until that happens and then send a live mental feed of the fight to everyone."

@Leo Radomir

Eninta flicks his hand and a clone of him appears and destroys the area around her and says" my boss wouldn't waste his time on small fry so i get left with the dirty work how of dealing with that, speaking of dealings that little girl who you're working with shouldn't of peed off a shark i would say i pity the girl but she made her bed and at some point she'll be sleeping in it". " I don't agree with the way you do things but as a rule keeper i do understand why you hate him and like so many others are on thin ice i would be very careful how you go about things". " Well i'm off but i do hope i have time to watch the show watching your hero and villain fools is what keeps food on my table in a way i should thank you". He then vanishes into thin and a returns to his boss who's currently enjoying being the stuffing out of a hero and a villain at the same time. 
Arcus ported to the cafeteria to see what was wrong with Raiven. He was afraid that he let her get hurt again. "Damn it I let her get hurt again." Arcus balled up his fists and electricity started sparking off of him. Even a few metal objects started to swirl around him. Arcus tried to stay calm, and wait for Raiven to get here.
Alec gently escorted Raiven into the cafeteria, arm wrapped around her to keep her steady as he whispered to her in Russian. Approaching Arcus, he gave a wave, keeping one hand on Raiven to reassure her

"She met her cousin, I think he goaded her, brought up some old memories. I shall hunt him down" He tried to pry her hands from his shirt, only to have Raiven get upset.

@Anyone Online
Magnus had some time to kill while he waited for Darius so he decided he would go and check on the thunder god boy. While he searched he found the boy standing near he cafeteria doors "Well young Knight. I would like to speak to you and maybe help you get your powers under control. To help you learn more about the god inside you if you will" he said explaining his opinion and offering his assistance "I see you feel guilty for not saving the Darktower girl. I understand your feelings well. I'm offering to help you become strong enough that it doesn't happen again" he held out his hand as a gesture to his offer. Magnus knew that the general was going to call the other two soon and he would rather have the god Uranus on his side rather than against them "What do you say? Shall we make you nearly unstoppable?" He asked with an enthusiastic grin.

@Anyone Online
What's the catch." Arcus spat out angrily. "When someone offers power they always have a catch. I only want enough power to protect my loved ones. I don't wanna be some powerhouse you guys call up to do your dirty work. If you agree to these terms I will let you work with me." Arcus said as his powers fluctuated more and more. His crown adorning his head as he finished.

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Alec gently escorted Raiven into the cafeteria, arm wrapped around her to keep her steady as he whispered to her in Russian. Approaching Arcus, he gave a wave, keeping one hand on Raiven to reassure her
"She met her cousin, I think he goaded her, brought up some old memories. I shall hunt him down" He tried to pry her hands from his shirt, only to have Raiven get upset.
@Anyone Online
"Arcus Knight you are speaking to a man who knows nothing about working for payment. I only offer my help to those who really need it and ask nothing in return. If you have doubts just ask my nephew because he and I have worked together to help him gain power and he owes me nothing" he said before sighing "If I had more power, the power to protect, I wouldn't have lost my family the way I did. I'm here to offer you a chance to gain something new like Homura, Raiven, and Reno had over last couple weeks" he gave his pitch before taking out his watch. He looked at the time and then realized he didn't have a schedule "i want to help you become the man you wish to become" he smiled again but this time with a more sympathetic version of the one earlier. "If we are in agreement we should start soon and I know just where we can do this" he knew his secret labs training room would be perfect for this particular type of training.

@Anyone Online
Reno couldn't sleep, he felt like something was up, like something was about to burst in through that door and kill him. He knows that Kio didn't want him to try and patch things up with Ruby, for it only seems to help her distance herself from him even more. He's still thinking about what he should do to mend the bond, and quickly, but as time went by, he still has no plan of action. He always has a plan of action, he just keeps it to himself and hopes the others figure it out...which he knows he shouldn't do now that he found a few kinks in that armor. Reno grabs his phone and checks the time, 11:00 PM. He puts the phone back on his nightstand and continues to think of a game plan. He knows he's strong, he's been training every day for twelve years, he should be strong enough to take on anybody. Having had enough, he starts chanting a spell, which alerted Lux out of his body. "I know what you're thinking Reno, and that's suicide," said Lux. "If you break that rune, your powers will increase seven fold, but it'll accelerate the degradation process as well. At least wait until Mizmo and Eldorius helps you stop it before you do something reckless." Reno growled in frustration and sighs. He's right, as much as he wanted to show everyone that he's not as weak as they claim him to be, he doesn't want to die in the process. "I know you want to protect your friends and loved ones Reno," he continues. "But your thirst for power is what got you in this situation, your selfish quest to get stronger not only worries us, but your friends, your father....and Ruby too." Reno got up and got himself dressed, feeling like a quick walk around the school should help clear his mind. When he reached the doors of the cafeteria, he heard Magnus talking to Arcus about wanting to protect everyone. "If you want to train with Magnus, go ahead. Just make sure you enter the spirit realm to get some rest, as time moves slower there. You may think it's been days, when really, it's only been hours...funny how that place works." He walks over to Magnus, a look of conviction in his eyes. "Magnus, if it's alright with you, I want to train along side Arcus," he said. "I know that my powers will kill me one day due to me being half demon thanks to the experiments, given my condition, but...that doesn't mean I can't help people out in my own way. I may be a lone wolf, and I may be going a separate path from my friends, but we still stand as a team."

Darius, upon hearing Reno's speech, claps his hands. "There's the Reno that became an Elite," he said. "You see Magnus, even lone wolves know they belong to a pack. We all have our own ways of doing things, even if some of them aren't accepted by many. I think instead of Ruby and Ray being volunteers of the 'Gifted' program, why not have Arcus, Raiven, Homura and Reno be volunteers in their place? Oh and Arcus, Mihkail's here at the school, but after what happened, I kinda feel sorry for him. Of course after Raiven punched him in the throat, I don't think he'll be talking as much, HAHAHA!!!"


@Anyone Online
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Kio smirked and flat out says"  No because as you are now you'll extremely lightly to die with my training with your body as is, before you get the chance to get new cells and i don't want an idiot's blood on my hands"." As for ruby the more you try and get closer to her now the more she'll hate you then you can defo kiss any chances of making her change her mind good bye women like her once badly hurt will not forgive for a fair bit but don't get me wrong your dad also played his part in screwing this up for you".

" What he should of done is not water it down like it was some b class comedy show, when you have gone through the treatment for how ever long it takes and your cells and ki and mana aren't all over the shop heros grow without running away sometimes even i've had to run away at times as shameful and frustrating as it's". Kio sama pauses for a minute then says" i won't stop you from killing yourself but at the same time i can tell if you do you won't be forgiven by any that may forgive you in time once everything has settle down because that boy is a greater sin many even understand it to be". He opens a portal then waits to see if what he had said sinks into the thick head of renos his eyes cold and deep so much so that it might feel like some one is piercing your soul.

The dragon breaks part of the barrier to get through and is a really bad mood and says" Another hot headed fool what is wrong with the last two generations make this fairly quick if your going to rupture him i want this is be sorted so i can get back because i get screamed at by amri sama what a pain in the ass this i could be sealed for helping your stupid ass out".  He then quickly starts to set up traps to make it hard for people to interfere. 

Ruby is back on campus takes her phone of and dials lillian and waits for her to pick up so she can tell her the news and she's distancing her self for a while to clear her head, i know it's a little cruel but i'm sick of their weak ass excuse or reasons for being so selfish and such.

Isaac gently walks outside the door and says" Zenith can be an odd guy but he's a great teacher i've learned a lot from him in the last year by reading over his books but enough about that lets get something to eat and drink before you fall down you can use me as crutch if need be".

Zenith teasingly but discreetly rubs jinxs sides and gives a look to say i like thick women and i want to enjoy but you have to keep being good for just a little longer my dear, he smiles slightly devilishly enjoying playing with jinx, i know it's kinda wrong but she's fun to tease and as long as i can keep her mostly calm we can both enjoy ourselves'.

@Daniel reaving @Astaroth Suzumiya @Zeldafangirl

"Wh-wh-why would I fall down hehe." She said shyly as she walked with him her eyes focused on the ground so she wouldn't end up staring at him. Walking with her hands wrapped around her books and hugging them to her chest
"Wh-wh-why would I fall down hehe." She said shyly as she walked with him her eyes focused on the ground so she wouldn't end up staring at him. Walking with her hands wrapped around her books and hugging them to her chest

Uhm, Daniel, just saying uh you owe me a post back at FHS...)




Luna just got up from the table as she sighed" i got to go i have something to do" she say as she left ray there she wasn't in the mood for talking to him' your leaving again big sister alright just come home safe take as long you need okay' she text she didn't like that fact that her sister was leaving but she knew she had to accept the fact she was leaving she just went back to the campus as she was sighing she went to find lily as she wanted to be trained she wasn't in the mood all she wanted to do was punch something she was closing her eyes as she was scared to be left alone she just was in the nurse office where lily was uasually at she didn't want her sister to leave she had tears in her eyes she just turned off her phone she was wet from being in the rain as she was looking around @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
Liliana turned around to find Luna, drenched and upset. "I know why you are here, and I think it's best if we give her some space to regain her composure," she said. "In the mean time, I have something I need to tell you...your foster brother, Reno...he's dying." Liliana sat down on one of the chairs in the room, and started to breathe deeply. "Ruby and Reno are special in their own way, and both of them have experienced things that's not for the faint of heart. Ruby's still an elemental, but she's been possessed by two demons, which I think is special considering that possessions normally lead to madness, but because of this, she became immortal, but it's also a burden to bare since that also means seeing her friends and loved ones die of natural causes. That much I'm sure you knew already, but Reno...he's not possessed by a demon, because he's half demon. His DNAl was combined with Eldorius's, who's known as the 'master of elements' during his time. The experiment was to create elementals that have demon or angel properties as well, and it was a success...but it comes with a down side. The demon's DNA was being rejected by his elemental DNA, and unless it's been treated...he'll die. Of course, his powers will accelerate the process, but even then it won't matter. He has enough power to destroy armies, so I placed a Rune on him so that it can be limited, if that rune breaks...even Ruby will have a hard time fighting him." Liliana sensed that the rune was fracture already, which signified that he's beginning to break. She fears that her son will be too powerful for anyone to stop, and that his powers will accelerate the degradation. "He'll do whatever it takes to become powerful, so I fear his lust for it will turn him into a monster. So I need you and Ray to keep an eye on him, and make sure that rune doesn't break...do you understand?"


Luna lotus 


Luna was just hiccuping" wait foster brother but i'm not adopted yet and i'll try Miss Lily" she say as she try to stop her from crying" i'll try i know big sister is going away but everytime she does it i always feel lonely she's the only family i have i'm afraid i will lose her someday i don't have anyone left except you guys" she say as she just wipe her tears as she looked at her" i'll watch him" she say" listen if i lose my soul someday can you free me from my body i don't know when but  i'm afraid my father will take me to hell" she say as she just looked at her with her eyes" you will save me right" she asked as she looked around as she was scared as she felt her father around somewhere she just didn't tell lily about her father being around here she just close her eyes as she sat down on the bed as she was scared" you might have to kill me though" she say as she didn't want to lose herself @ShadowSaber331

Luna lotus 


Luna was just hiccuping" wait foster brother but i'm not adopted yet and i'll try Miss Lily" she say as she try to stop her from crying" i'll try i know big sister is going away but everytime she does it i always feel lonely she's the only family i have i'm afraid i will lose her someday i don't have anyone left except you guys" she say as she just wipe her tears as she looked at her" i'll watch him" she say" listen if i lose my soul someday can you free me from my body i don't know when but  i'm afraid my father will take me to hell" she say as she just looked at her with her eyes" you will save me right" she asked as she looked around as she was scared as she felt her father around somewhere she just didn't tell lily about her father being around here she just close her eyes as she sat down on the bed as she was scared" you might have to kill me though" she say as she didn't want to lose herself @ShadowSaber331

Incus comes in and says" Didn't ruby already get mad at you for thinking like that, and yes she will have a hard time and yes he's beaten her sometimes but she has a way of pulling a rabbit out of the hat so she'll be ok as for reno even if he does live trough that it's far from over for him we both know that no matter what you say about his power". Incus pauses for a minute then says" I have to admit my part in her emotional state i knew there wouldn't be many hunters like her so i wanted to make her the best i could and by time i realized what i'd done our real had changed to much".  So i'm sure you get where this is going and that's exactly why if you must run from a battle do so because as the saying goes runaway live to fight another day" " Also i know it's not much at this stage of the game and i'm not going to give you i'm sorry i should've done better as the brother but what i can say is i want to try harder to there for you because i failed as a brother to ruby" " You may not think much it now but the skills you do have even outside the battlefield are useful so it your willing to give me a second chance this time i won't fail". Incus walks over to luna with a towel and dries the appropriate areas then smiles softly, ' i get she's very proud and i can't blame her to a point i said ruby would be ok but a fight like that might put be put into a coma which is close to death but i hope unlike last time she doesn't die'.
Magnus was stunned by this request but he also knew that if the other Elites were going to be able to survive it would be through training and gaining another power other than that if the ones available to them. He thought about the most effective training regimen for hen and got a huge inspiration "Alright I'll train you both. I'll train you both at the same time. I have an arena in a very special place gat I know one of you has already seen. When we get there I'll be able to train you both and get you all up to another level, maybe not my level but a higher level none the less" he looked at his phone after hearing it buzz. His grin got much bigger "Boys prepare and then meet me at the front gate. I just got word of some objects that will be very important later" he said before rushing off. "So that thing was a pointer to the books. We just needed the right map layout. Alright now let's see which books I'm collecting" he disappeared in a burst of fire and reappeared near a cave in an area that looked like an outer region of Africa. He ventured into the cave only to be greeted by an elegant figure with black wings "So you made it! Well it seems we will both have to work together from this point on. The door requires two to open it so you understand the position we're in" said the woman before turning to Magnus. Magnus only smirked "It's a pleasure to see you to Calico. Once we find the book I'm going to make sure to finish you off properly this time" he said before walking up to the door. He stood beside the woman and brought out a fire and lit the torch in front of him. Calico did the same and the doors began to open "Shall we then" she said seductively before leading through ahead of Magnus.

@ShadowSaber331 @Anyone Online
"I know Incus," said Liliana. "Thing is though, he'll do anything to get stronger, even at the cost of his life. I fear that his lust for such power will cause him to risk everything he's been trying to protect. Incus, I'll need you to teach him so that he doesn't make that mistake, for there is a reason why lust is one of the seven deadly sins." 

Reno and Darius looked at how Magnus was shocked to hear them say that. After Magnus told his speech and disappeared to whereever, Reno looked over to Arcus and tells him, "Both of us will get stronger to protect the people we love. I'll get a few things ready for when he comes back, in the mean time, I think Raiven may need some comfort." "I'll text Ray and Incus, they'll need to oversee the training." Darius pulls out his phone and texts the two boys. 'Ray, Incus, Reno and Arcus are going to train with Magnus. I'll need you two to oversee the training process. Knowing Reno, he'll probably place a stamina rune on himself, found that trick out while he was getting ready to train so that he never gets tired or feel out of breath...cleaver little kid if I do say so myself.'

@Leo Radomir

@Anyone Online

Luna lotus



Luna just looked at her big brother as she just hug him" i'm sorry big brothr i'm sorry it just hurts so much when i see her leave i'm always scared daddy will come and take me away and take my soul" she say as she was holding onto him as she start to calm down as she just looked at him" big brother what you doing here anyways" she asked as she sat in a chair" i'm okay i just feel lonely don't tell big sister about this i'm fine though" no more stepmother she faw away from here" she say to him as she was messing with her hands" what if daddy come back for me i'm scared if he comes back i don't want to lose myself" she say to him" i can feel him i can feel that he is somewhere here i can't lose my soul to him" she say @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
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Arcus wAlked into the cafeteria and straight to Raiven. "Raiven I'm here. Come here." Arcus Argus said as he walked closer and opened her arms for Raiven to come cuddle. He was still upset he couldn't protect her, but he was still here for Raiven.
Arcus wAlked into the cafeteria and straight to Raiven. "Raiven I'm here. Come here." Arcus Argus said as he walked closer and opened her arms for Raiven to come cuddle. He was still upset he couldn't protect her, but he was still here for Raiven.


Alexander gave Raiven a little push, having finally detached her from his side. Seeing Arcus, she cuddled into him, burying her head into him as she sobbed quietly "Don't go 'way" she whispered "Don't go 'way. Alec needs to look for my cousin" She held on tightly to him with big round doe eyes as tears ran down her face. 

Alexander stood nearby, keeping a careful eye on his 'little' sister. He always called her his little sister because of the difference in size, despite the fact she was born first. 

"Honestly she was only 4 last time i saw her like this...." A look of sudden clarity crossed his face "The time the experiments started" He crossed to Darius and whispered in his ear

"I think we're seeing the degradation of the barrier that the scientists put in place. Last time this happened  and the barrier dissolved, she went crazy, nearly killing the scientist testing her" 


Luna lotus



Luna just looked at her big brother as she just hug him" i'm sorry big brothr i'm sorry it just hurts so much when i see her leave i'm always scared daddy will come and take me away and take my soul" she say as she was holding onto him as she start to calm down as she just looked at him" big brother what you doing here anyways" she asked as she sat in a chair" i'm okay i just feel lonely don't tell big sister about this i'm fine though" no more stepmother she faw away from here" she say to him as she was messing with her hands" what if daddy come back for me i'm scared if he comes back i don't want to lose myself" she say to him" i can feel him i can feel that he is somewhere here i can't lose my soul to him" she say @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331

Incus gently plays with luna's hair in a brotherly way and says" it's ok to be scared it's what makes part of us and i'll do my best to make sure that doesn't happen, as for why i'm here let's just say i came to finish something i started a long time ago". " As for reno i have no interest in taking part in any of his training because one you said it yourself he'll just go looking for more power and second of his body is a mess and third i despise people that think they can always have their cake and eat it and forth  he badly hurt ruby". " fifth is  he doesn't take him long to go back into stupid mode and fly off the deep end",  should the boy live and change at least some of his ways then i'll help him" " i spoke to ray and he said he doesn't hate him but doesn't like him either so you  where he stands with reno".

Luna lotus


Luna just looked at him as she sighed as she looked at her phone" i gotta go i'm hungry so i going to the cafteria" she say as she knew something will happen to me she just walked out the cafeteria as she heard the thunder as she was scared' daddy do what you most i know your here your here to kill me' she thought to her father as she went to the cafteria as she was so scared she didn't know what to do she saw raiven and a boy she haven't met before she just sighed looking around she didn't have anyone to tell what was going with her she felt lonley her hands was shaking so much as she was trying to control it she had a blanket around her as she was covering her ears hearing the thunder @Eternal Dragonchild or anyone in cafteria 

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