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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Raiven sighed slightly when Ruby touched her back before turning to look at her "Hello Captain, I was just trying to figure out how to rupture someone's soul for personal reasons" She turned back, hair falling neatly into place "I also need to visit the spirit realm to speak to my grandfather Montgomery Darktower who's training there"

Taking a deep breath Raiven once again focused on the storm in front of her, she'd shaped it into a beautiful flower.

"Can I talk to you alone after?"

@Leo Radomir

Hanako was busy checking and double checking her calculations after noticing that someone had spilled water over her latest page. Sighing, she tucked the book back into the drawer alongside her new one before standing up.

A walk would do her good right about now.

@Anyone who's free


"Yea, not yet anyway..." Sam responded simply to disagree. She inspected the room and it's furnishings, leaning towards them, squinting at them and picking one up. It was a little, metal figurine of what she hadn't noticed, at least not before she started molding it in her hand using her Alchemy. She waltzed over to the woman who'd addressed her and plopped down on the floor across from her, levitating the now fluid-like piece of metal in her right hand. There was a somber expression on her face.

"I'm lost. I'm bored.........help me"



"Yea, not yet anyway..." Sam responded simply to disagree. She inspected the room and it's furnishings, leaning towards them, squinting at them and picking one up. It was a little, metal figurine of what she hadn't noticed, at least not before she started molding it in her hand using her Alchemy. She waltzed over to the woman who'd addressed her and plopped down on the floor across from her, levitating the now fluid-like piece of metal in her right hand. There was a somber expression on her face.

"I'm lost. I'm bored.........help me"


The new girl melted her harry potter hippogriph statue. She sighed. "That was my favorite." She complained.
Raiven sighed slightly when Ruby touched her back before turning to look at her "Hello Captain, I was just trying to figure out how to rupture someone's soul for personal reasons" She turned back, hair falling neatly into place "I also need to visit the spirit realm to speak to my grandfather Montgomery Darktower who's training there"

Taking a deep breath Raiven once again focused on the storm in front of her, she'd shaped it into a beautiful flower.

"Can I talk to you alone after?"

@Leo Radomir

Hanako was busy checking and double checking her calculations after noticing that someone had spilled water over her latest page. Sighing, she tucked the book back into the drawer alongside her new one before standing up.

A walk would do her good right about now.

@Anyone who's free

Ruby grins and says" Ah that sure i can help but first i want to deal with a bug so i don't have to worry about the hassle later the question is how should i do this, ah yes having a new slave sounds most fun that's what i want but before that i have to train the new slave to teach her whos boss after there's only room for one bitch and that's me". Ruby shifts her hands a huge ward starts to fill the area blocking of low and medium level helpers and then moves forward her skin goes a nasty black and white and silver and the same with her hair and a bloodlust fills the air unlike hers before hand and says" and now that's done i get enjoy pound on you like a human punch bag i almost pity you for picking a fight with me had you had more brains you would of know it's unwise to pick a fight with someone that kills for a living". A crocked dark smile forms on her lips after saying this ruby then unleashes several waves of spiritual energy towards her and watches to see what she'll do now.

@Daniel reaving Isaac gently grabs her hand and takes her to the office and says" I don't mind helping you through this if your worried fern can wait i don't like being played for a fool so people can get their way".
Ruby grins and says" Ah that sure i can help but first i want to deal with a bug so i don't have to worry about the hassle later the question is how should i do this, ah yes having a new slave sounds most fun that's what i want but before that i have to train the new slave to teach her whos boss after there's only room for one bitch and that's me". Ruby shifts her hands a huge ward starts to fill the area blocking of low and medium level helpers and then moves forward her skin goes a nasty black and white and silver and the same with her hair and a bloodlust fills the air unlike hers before hand and says" and now that's done i get enjoy pound on you like a human punch bag i almost pity you for picking a fight with me had you had more brains you would of know it's unwise to pick a fight with someone that kills for a living". A crocked dark smile forms on her lips after saying this ruby then unleashes several waves of spiritual energy towards her and watches to see what she'll do now.

@Daniel reaving Isaac gently grabs her hand and takes her to the office and says" I don't mind helping you through this if your worried fern can wait i don't like being played for a fool so people can get their way".

Samantha couldn't help but let out a small yelp and blush madly when he took her hand. Silently following him till he spoke to her she did her best to reply without dying of embarrassment. "C-could you please h-help me?" She asked softly 
"Well you're all no fun. But now I can definitely say you're all worse than I ever was" her grin got bigger and her eyes glowed brighter "Now who's going to explain how an apartment full of people suddenly exploded. I'm pretty sure the casualties are in the hundreds at least" she started laughing louder and louder before stopping suddenly. Her hair suddenly gained a black streak down the side of it "Seriously guys who would have thought that you wouldn't check the building first" she gave one last affirmative smirk before addressing Ruby "And you bitch are going to have the pleasure of being my next blackmail victim. When I got in here I might have started a big fire and I'm also pretty sure that there were still students here. Even if the day is almost out they would still wander the grounds, maybe even come to the garden. Oh and the doors didn't seem to be working right either. They looked melted shut. A student official should do something or else this could get ugly" she said innocently as she remembered when she teleported in and starting a big fire on the other side of the dome. She looked behind her and pointed out the smoke -and could feel the smoke quickly making its way around the garden "So Darius what is it going to be? Are you going to try and stop me here and now and show no remorse for killing hundreds of innocent people who were just at home minding their own business before you blew them up? Or can I please just borrow your son to help me retrieve my slave and then I'll be on my? I promise he will be returned with almost no scratches on him" she said giving her terms. She didn't want to kill all those people in the apartment and luckily she wasn't ge one who did. That honour now goes to a bonafide sinner calling himself the king of hell "Please I'm aware you could see the future but even I know you can't see that far ahead" she said as she waited for her response. She felt the ward in place and saw streams of energy flying toward her and just elegantly moved out of the way with a simple twirl before bringing up a small blue flame with a little black center and began playing with it "Sorry, it was a good play but I'm still just a tad stronger than my brother. This might have worked on him but I know how to burn magic around me. A little trick Magnus taught me when I was little after my uncle did such horrible things to me" she gave a mocking sad look when she spoke "Magnus taught me how to defend myself. After that I went and torched my uncle to the point just before death and then healed him a little more and then did it again. I repeated that process about 40 times before my uncle mentally checked out permanently and then it just got boring. The screams just weren't filled with fear. They were just painful screams and it bored me so then I killed him leaving nothing left" she said as she tilted her head to the side and went back and forth with it. She stopped and glared at the group while the fire grew bigger and louder and she could hear kids scream "Tic tock everyone I need someone to help me retrieve the real Mhikail and not a fake like you all seem so keen on planting everywhere it seems and I'll put out the fire as soon as I'm gone" she said giving more to her bargain as she smirked.

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
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Raiven picked up the flower with one hand. She tossed it towards Ruby with a battle cry. Midway through the air, the rose exploded into a crackling net of electricity that surrounded Ruby.

She stepped forwards and called up two columns of spinning water to defend herself 

"My father's knowledge has given me an advantage that I didn't have before, know to acknowledge it and learn to use it"

She dug deep within her knowledge to create a fine dagger in her right hand. She danced around Ruby gently.

The wind blew the scent of smoke towards her, with a flick of her free wrist she sent the two twirling water tornadoes to help douse the flames.

@Leo Radomir
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"Yeah...about that. The civilians were evacuated in time before the explosion Myuki...of course, if you want the ashes." Darius pulls out a jar that's filled with Mihkail's ashes. "They're right here, now I have a counter proposal. You reverse the damage you've caused here, and I'll give you the ashes...or don't, and I'll just dump it into the pond here." He opens up the jar and moves his arm over it, tipping it ever so slightly. "I've been trained by the fates on how to see the future. I'm able to see what one person will do in the sapn of fifty years and counter it." "Now then, why do you want Mihkail back? I'm curious." He noticed Raiven and Ruby and shouts at them. He rushes over and neutralizes the electric net and punches Raiven hard in the face. "Raiven, are you that stupid?" he shouts. "I don't think Ruby was going to attack you, she's targeting Myuki for using Hanako as a bargaining chip!"


@Eternal Dragonchild
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Myuki was seriously annoyed at how goodie goodie Darius was "Youball know how to ruin my fun don't you. Oh well I'll be taking that!" She said before willing the wind to whisk the jar out of Darius's hands "If it isn't what I'm looking for I'll make sure i punish you for it. With that she disappeared in a flash of fire. She reappeared in her dorm room since using another magic was draining on her magic energy. "You're so very pathetic you know that! If you ever make me do this for you I'll kill you you understand? And this time I'll make sure your soul is destroyed properly" she said before putting the jar on the ground in front of her and going off to grab the sun core. She looked at the sun core and then looked back at Mhikails ashes "Such a waste really but I guess good slaves are really hard to come by" she put the core in the jar and then brought out a green flame. She smirked before bending over and touching the jar with her fire "Now this should do the trick" she said as she watched the jar burst open and the ashes from back into a very full and attractive Mhikail "Now that you're back get your hot ass off my floor and get to work. I need you to start retrieving an assorted set of books that all the divine and demonic want. And while you're at it you can go after your little thunder slut Raiven. That core will prevent your soul from being destroyed until your new body actually kicks the bucket" she said before turning and undressing. She got completely undressed before sliding into some new underwear and some cleaner clothes "Go now! Seriously I don't have time to explain anything to you right now and I'm sure you want revenge on that bitch who tried to destroy you" she yelled at him before sending him off on his mission.

@ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild
jax laugh "oh i see! ill take care of my sister when i see her AHAHAHHAHAAHHAAHHAAHHAAHHA im really bored thoe isnt there ssssssooommmmeeething u could do for meeeeeeee!" he said with a laugh as he walk inside and take out his book and take out the rules and regulations "also im a little confuse here. why cant we use magic at the ummmm? ...." he scratch the back of his head and hit it "i cant understand ahahhahahahahaahha!"

@Leo Radomir

Jinx look at her sister and laugh "really your gonna show me something? ahahhahahahaahah! sure i lllooovvvveee surprises ahahahahaha!" she said clapping her hands eagerly as she follow her little sister and holding her hands "sisters... ahahahhaah!" she said with a giggle as she look at her and smile "this will be the best day ever!" she said as she skip her step while following him

Mikhail licked his lips "She has my uncle's powers" His lips curled upwards into a smirk as he traced a hand across Miyuki's back "You, however, can withstand me unlike that bitch. I wonder if you taste as good as she did"
He placed a hand on the wall behind Miyuki "Say, shall we explore?"

He gazed deep into her eyes, red meeting violet.

"I will seek the books, in return for earthly pleasures

"Hmm...I guess I should have mentioned that I placed a curse on the ashes," he said with a smirk. Before Darius willingly gave up Mihkail's ashes, he placed a little curse on it. If he even gets close to a lightning elemental, Raiven included, his body will deteriorate. The process will accelerate the closer he is to said person and it multiplies with each lightning elemental within the vicinity. Reno, having saw all of this, walked over to his father. "You just gave Myuki his soul! Why did you do that?" "I knew she would want it, so I added a few curses to it. The curse will be lifted once Mihkail dies in his new body, by any means really." "And what curse would that be?" "Oh, just a simple disintegration curse. I made it so if he even comes within a mile of Raiven...he'll start turning to dust." Reno, knowing that they'll need to go ASAP, texts Hanako again. 'Hanako, stop whatever it is you're doing and hurry the hell up! Everyone's here waiting for you.' Reno turns to Raiven and Ruby and shouts, "Alright, I'm ready to go, get a portal ready and let's go before Mihkail comes back...though knowing him, he'll probably be after Myuki than Raiven now anyway. Hah, probably got bored of her now!" Ruby sighs, letting go of her frustration and says, "Alright, I'll get the portal ready. But Reno, remember what I told you, Kio sama does not like most men, especially if they're arrogant, pompous jackasses. We'll have to wait for Hanako first, so make sure you have everything ready."

@Eternal Dragonchild
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The new girl melted her harry potter hippogriph statue. She sighed. "That was my favorite." She complained.

Sam just shrugged at the woman's comment. "Can't imagine why, (it) was kinda a piece of shit..."

Sam stared at her hand as she ran the free floating metal between her fingers. It snaked around for a bit before she shut her fist around it. 

"Griffins are a lot cooler." Sam announced turning just her eyes towards the woman. As she did she unclenched her fist, revealing an animated Griffin figurine now made of a much shinier alloy. 

Sam moved it freely around the room and towards Emilie, landing on her lap. 

"Where's the food at? I'm starving" She asked, leaning back on her hands.

Briar Rose



Briar just lay her head on her kness as she just sighed' why did i had to move here i mean my dad used to hit me but still i don't know my mom or sister i only seen her in pictures' she thought aas she felt tears coming down her face she start to hiccup" i'm sorry" she say as she wipe her tears from her shirt she just looked around looking at the other girl she could feel the spirits around her she just close her eyes' go away spirtits please not right now' she thought as she just looked at everyone' no one knows how i feel about the spirits i see and about me getting abused by my daddy i always feel alone i have no one to talk to about it' she thought as she was crying a bit she couldn't stop it she start to hiccup @Enmyira @Clair Seiker @Pumpkin Spice Cyanide
Despite what could have been happening all around the rest of the school Homura was still in quite the bind. He inched further and further but had also been pushed back quite far. He had been blown back 4 feet away and needed to try harder to get closer to Clair. The pain grew more and more intense with each step "Clair! I'm coming, you don't have to be afraid!" He yelled to her to try and get her to snap out of t "Please you can stop this! You don't have to let your powers control you" he kept talking and walking as hthe pain continued. He felt like he was about to pass out but he willed himself to keep going "Clair I love you! Please I promised you I would make you remember and I will. I will make you remember me I will help you remember us!" He had finally made it back to the one meter mark he had been atvbefire getting blown backward. He continued his stride and even intensified his flames pushing it 'Dig deep! Don't give up!' He heard the voice in his head but he was in disbelief 'Go you have to keep going! We can only help one last time. After this though we really are gone so let's make the most of this' both of the voices were his but each had a slightly different tone to them. "Fine what ever you two say! Let's go!" Homura pulled out every ounce of power he could muster and finally got close enough to grab Clair and pull her close and embraced her.

@Mr Swiftshots



Luna was woken up by someone shocking her she saw her mother as she fell off the bed as she rubbed her head" mom what you doing here i thought you were in jail leave me alone get out of here ruby would be coming for you" she say as she got grabbed by her shirt she was scared as she secretly texted her sister' COME HERE NOW MOM IS HERE HELP I CAN"T USE MY POWERS I"M DEFENSLESS" she texted both xena and ruby she was scared' ugh did i had to have a blacklash i can't do anything and ray is asleep' she thought as she just looked at her as her mother hit her head against the wall books falling on her" stop please mom please i be good" she cried as she saw burns on her hand she didn't from where' it be good time if my familar come out here' @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
Reno walked back to his dorm to grab some change of clothes before heading out, but he suddenly heard the sound of Luna screaming. Knowing that she might be in trouble, he teleports inside her room to find her mother attacking her. He uses his lightning abilities to create a whip and lashed it at her, after electrocuting her, he pulls her off of Luna and into a wall. "Well well well, look what the cat dragged in," he said with a smirk. Reno creates a portal and shoves Luna through it, before he closes it, he tell her, "Go get Ruby, I'll try to buy you some time." He closes the portal and gets into his fighting stance. "You know...you're by far the worst parent ever," he said as he prepares his own Soul Rupture technique.

"Wow, way to show how powerful you really are," said Metatron. "Even with all that training, you're still not even a fighter. You're too scared to even face your own demonic stepmother. Grow a back bone for christ sake, because it'll be all your fault if Reno dies by her hands. What are you going to do once your mana backlash wears off? Are you going to run and hide and make your promise to get stronger to protect everyone a broken one? Disgraceful!!!"

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Luna Lotus


Luna just sighed as she just looked up" i don't know why i'm so scared of her oh wait it's the freaking abuse she gave me reno won't die" she say" give me a break i had a bad blacklash i can't use my powers right now" she say as she just sighed" RUBY" she yelled for her sister as she ran to where she was at the garden as she rubbed her head" RUBY" she yelled again as she found her" ruby" she say panting" stepmother is here she's in my dormroom she tried to hurt me" she say as she dragged her to the room" i not going to be scared of her anymore i'm sick of tired of her coming back" she say as she punched the wall as it left a dent in the wall' wow am i that strong after training in all' she thought when she got back to the room she looked at her stepmother as she steppted in" I'm not weak i tired of you coming in and ruining my life get out of here just leave" she say shocking her stepmother as she heard her stepmother screaming' heh great she enjoying this' she thought as she looked at reno luna was really pissed  @Leo Radomir
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Arcus just caught the towel. "So what if your not an elemental I can still teach yourself more ways to use your "power"." Arcus said as he smiled,  and wrote down his number. "Here take this I gotta go but if you train just shoot me a text." Arcus said as he flashed away looking for Raiven. 
Arcus just caught the towel. "So what if your not an elemental I can still teach yourself more ways to use your "power"." Arcus said as he smiled,  and wrote down his number. "Here take this I gotta go but if you train just shoot me a text." Arcus said as he flashed away looking for Raiven. 

Solace blinked before she looked at the number. That was... Odd. She put the number into her pocket before she got out of the gym to go back to her dorm. But she wondered. Was that a flirt or... What the hell was that?

Hazel Valirie 


Hazel just was skipping to her room as she made it to her dorm room as she smiled as she got out a ring" this is from mom here" she say giving her a bracelet she just sat on her bed as she just remembered it was her mothers birthday today" sorry i have to go i see you later" she say as she just ran as she forgot her shoes at her dormroom as she just looked at her mom grave as she just missed her mom she felt tears coming down her face her kness was hurting a lot since she been there for a hour she was getting cold she text raiven' um raiven i'm going to pick some stuff up from my old home do you want anything' she cried as she was just sitting there at the graveyard at her mother grave' i'm at mom's grave it still hurts' she texted crying trying to keep a smile on her face' so cooooold' she thought to herself@Eternal Dragonchild
Sam just shrugged at the woman's comment. "Can't imagine why, (it) was kinda a piece of shit..."

Sam stared at her hand as she ran the free floating metal between her fingers. It snaked around for a bit before she shut her fist around it. 

"Griffins are a lot cooler." Sam announced turning just her eyes towards the woman. As she did she unclenched her fist, revealing an animated Griffin figurine now made of a much shinier alloy. 

Sam moved it freely around the room and towards Emilie, landing on her lap. 

"Where's the food at? I'm starving" She asked, leaning back on her hands.

Briar Rose



Briar just lay her head on her kness as she just sighed' why did i had to move here i mean my dad used to hit me but still i don't know my mom or sister i only seen her in pictures' she thought aas she felt tears coming down her face she start to hiccup" i'm sorry" she say as she wipe her tears from her shirt she just looked around looking at the other girl she could feel the spirits around her she just close her eyes' go away spirtits please not right now' she thought as she just looked at everyone' no one knows how i feel about the spirits i see and about me getting abused by my daddy i always feel alone i have no one to talk to about it' she thought as she was crying a bit she couldn't stop it she start to hiccup @Enmyira @Clair Seiker @Pumpkin Spice Cyanide

Emilie moved the metal to sit on her desk. Her eyes moved from the metal girl and rested on the. Now crying girl. "You moved here of your own will. You're safe. Go find your sister. Tell her everything about you and encourage her to do the same. Once you do.. you'll feel alot better."

((Uh. Yea... didn't know how to reply.. kinda hard to understando your post @Zeldafangirl))

@Clair Seiker @Zeldafangirl @Pumpkin Spice Cyanide


Victoria A. Glamis (Shadow Elemental)
How calamitous, a respective quantity of hours had already drifted along throughout the bustling evening and Victoria had been late! Preoccupied with smothering the side of her smooth cheek against the fluffed pillow while unconsciously dreading the notion of becoming acquainted with the student body, well the irritable ones anyone, you know? The ones who don’t mind their own business and have a strong tendency to publicly boast about themselves so that everyone in the direct vicinity of them can ‘comprehend’ how ‘inferior’ they are in comparison to them. Unfortunately for her, Victoria had been awoken by the infuriated cackling of the outlandishly shaped alarm clock that had resembled the outline of a rooster, as if it were a natural reaction she swiftly slapped the palm of her mitts onto pillow, bending each end of the feathery-cased sheet over her head before releasing a muffled groan. “Ugh, i’m up! Shut that damn thing up will you?” She grumbled, hesitantly arching forward while witnessing a darkened contour of a hand cast itself upon the antique clock, promptly squeezing it and making the ‘coo-ing’ noises become low-pitched additionally causing it to be inaudible once it shatters into cogs and gears. “Aren’t we just a grumplestiltskin today?”


An eerie voice sarcastically echoed from the corner of the room, the creature’s appearance was more than ghastly not to mention its bloodshot eye which was something that nightmares were made of, its lanky appendage meandered away from the demolished clock as its hand was gently placed onto the polished wall of Victoria’s room. “Let’s just go before my parents wonder why i’m not there.” Victoria brushed her fingers through the ruffled bangs of her hair while still trying to contemplate what Sakura Academy would be like, reading the brochure will be nothing like setting a lone foot in there, this was going to be her new life from now on and it looks like she was going to have to adapt to it. “Only if you say pretty please!” The abomination announced, which Victoria added a less than polite middle finger gesture in response to the shadow being’s offer. “Rude.” The creature huffed before a cloud of darkness completely engulfed them both, eventually transporting them to the prestigious Sakura Academy where it seems as if they had interrupted an ongoing conversation between a couple of female students, one of them mentioning about when they’d have the opportunity to consume some delectable food and the other one had brought about the attention of the menacing creature, she had been lost in thought about their abusive father, sad and awkward. “Uh, sorry about that, I um-” Victoria was swiftly caught off from her sentence by the less than appealing eyeball creature that had been uncomfortable staring at the students for a prolonged period of time. Especially when it came to that one girl who was sitting on the other one’s lap. “Ah, well that’s kinky.” The abomination said, chuckling at both of their posture.

@Pumpkin Spice Cyanide @Zeldafangirl @Enmyira (Sorry about how long this is and how I jumped in. Probably gonna branch off with someone if it gets too hectic and hard to follow.)
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Victoria A. Glamis
How calamitous, a respective quantity of hours had already drifted along throughout the bustling evening and Victoria had been late! Preoccupied with smothering the side of her smooth cheek against the fluffed pillow while unconsciously dreading the notion of becoming acquainted with the student body, well the irritable ones anyone, you know? The ones who don’t mind their own business and have a strong tendency to publicly boast about themselves so that everyone in the direct vicinity of them can ‘comprehend’ how ‘inferior’ they are in comparison to them. Unfortunately for her, Victoria had been awoken by the infuriated cackling of the outlandishly shaped alarm clock that had resembled the outline of a rooster, as if it were a natural reaction she swiftly slapped the palm of her mitts onto pillow, bending each end of the feathery-cased sheet over her head before releasing a muffled groan. “Ugh, i’m up! Shut that damn thing up will you?” She grumbled, hesitantly arching forward while witnessing a darkened contour of a hand cast itself upon the antique clock, promptly squeezing it and making the ‘coo-ing’ noises become low-pitched additionally causing it to be inaudible once it shatters into cogs and gears. “Aren’t we just a grumplestiltskin today?”


An eerie voice sarcastically echoed from the corner of the room, the creature’s appearance was more than ghastly not to mention its bloodshot eye which was something that nightmares were made of, its lanky appendage meandered away from the demolished clock as its hand was gently placed onto the polished wall of Victoria’s room. “Let’s just go before my parents wonder why i’m not there.” Victoria brushed her fingers through the ruffled bangs of her hair while still trying to contemplate what Sakura Academy would be like, reading the brochure will be nothing like setting a lone foot in there, this was going to be her new life from now on and it looks like she was going to have to adapt to it. “Only if you say pretty please!” The abomination announced, which Victoria added a less than polite middle finger gesture in response to the shadow being’s offer. “Rude.” The creature huffed before a cloud of darkness completely engulfed them both, eventually transporting them to the prestigious Sakura Academy where it seems as if they had interrupted an ongoing conversation between a couple of female students, one of them mentioning about when they’d have the opportunity to consume some delectable food and the other one speaking about their abusive father, awkward. “Uh, sorry about that, I um-” Victoria was swiftly caught off from her sentence by the less than appealing eyeball creature that had been uncomfortable staring at the students for a prolonged period of time. Especially when it came to that one girl who was sitting on the other one’s lap. “Ah, well that’s kinky.” The abomination said, chuckling at both of their posture.

@Pumpkin Spice Cyanide @Zeldafangirl @Enmyira (Sorry about how long this is and how I jumped in. Probably gonna branch off with someone if it gets too hectic and hard to follow.)

((Someone is sitting on someone? Oops. I didn't notice that? Lol..))

Emile looked up at some.. new arrivals. Ah. This must be her 10am appointment. Some parents were nice enough to apparetly have their kids meet the school counselor. 

She offered an apologetic smile and said, "are you my 10am?"
Sam was a little peeved at the fact Emilie had completely ignored her question, though she figured she may have been equally annoyed by her ruining her Hippogryph statuette. She puffed up her cheeks in discontent as she rocked back, handspringing onto her feet. As she was about to address the counselor again, she noticed a particularly dejected girl crying and looking about sporadically, perhaps seeing something she didn't. Sam looked about the room in attempts to find whatever it was that was putting her in such a state of distress but couldn't seem to find anything especially unsettling...except maybe the counselor's boring decor. 

"What are you on?-", was all she was able to comment before again being distracted. Now, by a gloomy looking girl with a hideous shadow creature. Sam recoiled slightly at their presence. "What in the fuuuuck....", she said under breath as she tilted her head to one side in vexation. 

Her distraught mien was quickly replaced with one of intrigue as she got a bearing on her surroundings again.

"Woah. That's a cool cyclops thing you have there, Gothica." Sam smiled as she shot Victoria the smug but friendly remark 

"I didn't know we were allowed to have pets here!" She exclaimed towards Emilie. At this mistaken revelation, she began to try and transmute a Griffin (it being the beast freshest in her mind) out of a piece of the floor. 




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