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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Hazel just tilted her head as she was confused" jail?" she say" but the last time i saw him he not in jail" she say as she looked up at her as she was holding onto her she just looked around" dad in jail" she say tears coming down her face she was clinging to her" i'm happy he is in jail no more bad daddy" she say as she just looked up at her as she was waiting for the girl to come out of her dormrooom" what you mean have common pass" she say as just tilt her head in confusion shse just looked around @Eternal Dragonchild
(I very well could... Thanks)

Joseph looked at his phone, seeing an unread message. He opened it, and saw it was from Raiven, something about band. He responded to the text. 'Never one for traditional, but I'll give it a shot. Time?' He sent the message, then started singing along with Raised by Wolves.
Darius figured something was up with Ruby, and now it was time to get some answers. "I've been told by Arlane and Magnus that Raiven and Homura have been helping out humans for some time," he explains. "Which was why I used them as an example. Those two, including my son, are what the Elites stand for, being there for both elementals and humans...plus I've seen them take out armies. They have what it takes to change the world for the better, I just want to know if they can still do it." Just then, Reno comes out from out of nowhere and chimes in. "He's right Jewels," he said. "Raiven and Homura can be childish at times, but they do mean well. Why do you think I hang out with them sometimes, I focus more on what's on the inside, not the surface." Reno walks forward with his hands behind his back.  "You could be my best friend or the biggest asshole around, but if you can show me that you can watch my back and be a caring soul, then you've earned my respect. That's why I became an Elite." Darius realized now what Reno meant by him wanting to be a positive role model for the Elites. "Sometimes, you gotta look past the surface to find something more inside someone," Reno continues. "Like Luna looked past your rough exterior and found someone she can count on."

@Leo Radomir

Ruby  eye changed and for the first time to a purple star and white gold and black rings her mana crackled some what loudly and voice in between hers and ahunts surfaced" helping humans hell in  i've been doing that what of it, i've done that for years and childish doesn't even remotely cover it, lucky for us it was just one foe at the time or we might be dead and even with all the bad and  things i'm not proud that done i've never once tried to use somebody out of my own selfish means". " Meaning well is fine to a point but even for me there's a huge difference been that at doing the tasks right, yeah i'm an an asshole but you know what if i wasn't i'd be walked all over and i would never get the chance to be here for my own little bit of freedom and luna's"

" i'm not saying he's had an easy run but he has always had friends even among other spirit users i was hated and to my family i'm just a possition and more times than not i couldn't do anything back home and got thrown in the dungeon and beaten with in inches of my life now i'm stronger they don't do it nearly as much but they now they they have luna to beat on and i've taken some for her but it's still not enough and i don't have time like you and the others", ruby bit her lip and orange blood came out and she wiped it. ruby flash steps in and whispers in reno's ear"  everyone has their sins but when you've done what i have an can still sleep like a baby i often feel closer to demon than humans and one day i won't be able to hold this urge back and i will kill my parents how many people would want to be friends with a person that thinks like that".
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Ifrit was starting to get irritated by all of Homura's attacks but could do nothing when he was also being fought from within. 'Did you really think I was done fighting? I'm not going to let you have even one bit of my power. I have one special move up my sleeve!' Said Dark Homura in Ifrits thoughts "Hey kid....get to the portal....only then can we beat hi....gah" said Dark Homura through his own body with great difficulty. "What are you planning?! I will end you both!" Ifrit spoke with such anger that he released a very large amount of heat in the form of a great wave of pressure.

Homura made his way to he portal just in time to be blasted backward with the wave throwing him closer to the portal. "What the hell was that Homura do you seriously think you wouldn't piss him off doing that!" He yelled toward his original before rising to his feet and blasting Ifrit with a large stream of fire. He tried to make the flames burn as intensely as possible that the flames almost looked blue. "Come on what ever you're going to do, do it now!" He yelled hoping to spark Dark Homura's consciousness.

Moments after Homura spoke Dark Homura sprung forth and moved quick toward his faker self "Sorry kid I have to do this to prevent him from taking us both. Live free and happy with her you hear? Don't worry everything won't be like before. You won't see me again not until death. But please don't make that time come to soon" he spoke with a smile before grabbing Homura and throwing him into the portal.

Moments later Homura awoke with Hanako crying beside him "Hey flashlight, why the long face?" He said with a weak smile "I'm alive aren't I? Wait don't tell me it's already day light" he said sitting up looking out the window.

@Eternal Dragonchild
"Well it's not like I really have a choice on the evaluation do I? What ever do what you want. Right now my focus is on Homura and Clair" he said giving up on the matter if the Elites re-evaluation "So Clair I still need your answer. How do you feel about Homura? This answer may determine if he wakes up at all" he said with a grim expression. He loved his family but for some reason he felt like this would be one of his greatest experiments of all time. He wanted to know if a person could still hear the outside world when trapped in their subconscious or in a comatose state. "Anyway everyone I would say one month would be a better time period. It would give them enough time to take care of any other things that need to be dealt with and would still leave time for training" he suggested before dragging Clair off toward Homura.

@Mr Swiftshots @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild

"Well no time like the....actually I don't know what time it is right now" Homura said to himself before launching himself out from his hiding spot and throwing a ball of fire at Ifrit. Just like with the stream of fire the fire ball bounced off but Homura made sure to detonate it. The explosion was similar in size to that of 1000 dynamite sticks tied together and condensed to half their size. The explosion was big. Homura knew that he god couldn't stop all of it and decided this would be his trump card. He waited for the dust to settle before moving again but when it cleared the flame god had disappeared. In seconds Homura was flipped on his back facing upward toward his originals face. He knew it was Ifrit but he also knew hat if t really were himself, the other wouldn't give up so easily. "Hey Homura get your dumb ass out here. Are you seriously going to give up your life to some god. That's not the person I thought you were" he screamed in the gods face with no regret.

Clair was deep I thought when her phone went off to inform her of bad practice. The sudden tone of the phone made her jump a bit but Clair quickly came back to her senses and forwarded the list onwards to the faculty. Once that was done , which took no time at all really , Clair turned her attention back to Magnus. The man had promised her quite a lot and although still sceptical Clair was willing to trust in his promise for now , if only for Homura's sake. So when the man asked her if she would respond to the former question she responded with a smile "Sure I'll take part in your little experiment but you must leave me time for work."

It was almost immediately after that when Magnus pulled her along and if it weren't for his guidance her legs would have been like jelly. Once Clair was sure the two were moving alone she continued with her reply "Homura means a lot to me , he's always been my friend and always supported me. So it's only fair I do the same now". Clair spoke as though the answer was the truth but her body language gave off all to well that their was more to it than that.

@GreyGremory @Eternal Dragonchild
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Reno just grinned at this and said in a cocky tone. "You know Ahunt, I've done far worse than Ruby has in the past." He jabs his hand into her, using various elements to insight pain throughout her body. "I've been protecting humans for a while myself, but I didn't do it for the glory, or the reputation, I did it because I had to," he explains. "I've gotten a lot of friends, both human and elemental, and I'm still one of the best Elites in this school, and the most respected as well for both my skill and my compassionate heart." Reno's sclera turned black and the iris turned purple. A massive surge  went toward his hand, increasing it's power beyond normal limits. An evil smile grew on Reno's face as his power kept increasing. "Now Ahunt," he spoke softly. "Are you going to go back and hide inside my friend, or are you going to leave the vessel and fight me?"

@Leo Radomir
Reno just grinned at this and said in a cocky tone. "You know Ahunt, I've done far worse than Ruby has in the past." He jabs his hand into her, using various elements to insight pain throughout her body. "I've been protecting humans for a while myself, but I didn't do it for the glory, or the reputation, I did it because I had to," he explains. "I've gotten a lot of friends, both human and elemental, and I'm still one of the best Elites in this school, and the most respected as well for both my skill and my compassionate heart." Reno's sclera turned black and the iris turned purple. A massive surge  went toward his hand, increasing it's power beyond normal limits. An evil smile grew on Reno's face as his power kept increasing. "Now Ahunt," he spoke softly. "Are you going to go back and hide inside my friend, or are you going to leave the vessel and fight me?"

@Leo Radomir

Aunt cringes in some pain drops to her keen coughs up some blood wobbles as she bares the pain for a little then an odd ward suddenly appears and breaks the magics and starts pushing his hand back then says" too cocky to soon as normal and still acting like you know what she's done i was right in saying your even more annoying then him and  i've understood most of mine forever and always working on it i hear you got your ass beat by a human that's funny and for the longest time till up till then  played the hero so don't lecture me like you've been wise this whole time". She then slowly starts to rise after she quickly starts to recover and pure demonic shock waves start to spread through the area and ripping bits of buildings to pieces, the she says" At first is was selfish of me to dive into her but now i want give my power to her so she can work towards her dreams and you use your power from the past but you haven't found his corpse yet i bet". " you want to know everything and you base your little knowledge around that but the story goes far deeper than that" " my magic is ready now and i'll give you what you want a fight that is", The ground starts to break apart and evil spirits start to come out and then another silver and dark red quickly starts to form on her left hand". 
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3 hours ago, GreyGremory said:

Ifrit was starting to get irritated by all of Homura's attacks but could do nothing when he was also being fought from within. 'Did you really think I was done fighting? I'm not going to let you have even one bit of my power. I have one special move up my sleeve!' Said Dark Homura in Ifrits thoughts "Hey kid....get to the portal....only then can we beat hi....gah" said Dark Homura through his own body with great difficulty. "What are you planning?! I will end you both!" Ifrit spoke with such anger that he released a very large amount of heat in the form of a great wave of pressure.

Homura made his way to he portal just in time to be blasted backward with the wave throwing him closer to the portal. "What the hell was that Homura do you seriously think you wouldn't piss him off doing that!" He yelled toward his original before rising to his feet and blasting Ifrit with a large stream of fire. He tried to make the flames burn as intensely as possible that the flames almost looked blue. "Come on what ever you're going to do, do it now!" He yelled hoping to spark Dark Homura's consciousness.

Moments after Homura spoke Dark Homura sprung forth and moved quick toward his faker self "Sorry kid I have to do this to prevent him from taking us both. Live free and happy with her you hear? Don't worry everything won't be like before. You won't see me again not until death. But please don't make that time come to soon" he spoke with a smile before grabbing Homura and throwing him into the portal.

Moments later Homura awoke with Hanako crying beside him "Hey flashlight, why the long face?" He said with a weak smile "I'm alive aren't I? Wait don't tell me it's already day light" he said sitting up looking out the window.

@Eternal Dragonchild


Hanako gave her friend a hug "thought you were dead. Don't scare me like that" The girl stuck her bottom lip out in a display of fake annoyance "Next time i'll have to beat your ass for pulling a stunt like this"
Homura smiled at his friend then stood up. He went and walked toward his room and grabbed some fresher clothing and his red letter jacket "So you changed it for me huh" he said to himself as he read that the embroidery on his jacket read Myuki where it had once read Makoto just like it had been in his mind. He turned to Hanako "So what did I miss" he said feigning a good mood. 

@Eternal Dragonchild

Deep down homura couldnt feel anything thing left of his old powers and for the first time since he was a child he felt the sting of cold air 'What did you do?' He asked himself when he thought about what his original did to get him out. He decided he would go and find some of his friends *Hey guys im awake for the most part and am on my way to the arena to practice....sort of. I explain when I get there but get back to me as soon as possible* he hit send on his text and grabbed one of the spare devices his uncle Magnus had given him to replace the original should it get damaged. He put it back before exiting his dorm and catching his uncle and Clair walking toward him "Well isn't this a pleasant surprise. What up?" He said before walking past his uncle. Homura was hesitant before but this time he walked right over to Clair and gently grabbed her cheek with his hand "Sorry about last night. It would seem I owe you one hell of a dinner" he said with a genuine smile on his face.

@Mr Swiftshots @ShadowSaber331 @Anyone Online @JayEmperor7 @eero-prince @Eternal Dragonchild

@VenomSlayer @TheQueenofHearts
Reno got into his battle stance and gets ready for a fight. "You say that and yet you don't tell me the full story," he said. "So who's fault is it really for hiding the details?" Darius snapped his fingers and restrained both "Ahunt" and Reno. "ENOUGH," he shouted. "I don't know what the hell is going on here, but I'm not letting you two destroy the whole school over something trivial. Even I don't know who this 'Ahunt' character really is, and I've been reading the books myself." With another snap of the fingers, he makes it look like the entire ordeal never happened. "Simple time spell. Know the old saying 'What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas?' Well with me it's 'What happens in Vegas, never happened at all.' Took me decades of training to get that spell to work right." Darius walks over to "Ahunt" and stares into her eyes. "Now then, why don't you help us solve this puzzle and tell us your side of the story?"

@Leo Radomir
In the midst of the grass, the silver cellphone vibrated. Nathaniel checked the message and saw it was from Homura. It asked for him to meet Homura in the arena. Then, Nathaniel got up from the grass and went back in the school to the arena, to meet up with him.

(Sorry for the short reply, I am sending this right before going to school.)


Raphael Moreau


After examining the list I ever so desire to pay attention too, I would then teleport back into my room. I would put the ever-important list on my bed, and I would open my backpack. I would stick my hand in to find a scroll. As I took it out, I would then move towards my desk. I would then unravel the parchment, to reveal a map. It was a familiar one, as it depicted the world. However, there would be pulsating black spots all over the map. They were each doing so in different rhythms, and there would be a percentile next to each one. The most noticeable one would be in Paris, where it would say "55%" for some reason. These spots and numbers show where the parts of... well, "me" are. I would then focus on England, as there would indicate where I am. I would then look at the tiny number, as it read, "0.1%." However, this can be justified as there were around 19 more spots around England, scouting. I would just study the map until perhaps someone were to come in. After all, I must pay attention to visitors.
Reno got into his battle stance and gets ready for a fight. "You say that and yet you don't tell me the full story," he said. "So who's fault is it really for hiding the details?" Darius snapped his fingers and restrained both "Ahunt" and Reno. "ENOUGH," he shouted. "I don't know what the hell is going on here, but I'm not letting you two destroy the whole school over something trivial. Even I don't know who this 'Ahunt' character really is, and I've been reading the books myself." With another snap of the fingers, he makes it look like the entire ordeal never happened. "Simple time spell. Know the old saying 'What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas?' Well with me it's 'What happens in Vegas, never happened at all.' Took me decades of training to get that spell to work right." Darius walks over to "Ahunt" and stares into her eyes. "Now then, why don't you help us solve this puzzle and tell us your side of the story?"

@Leo Radomir

Ahunt stares coldly back and says" I was going to tell a little of more it to lillianna first then you later but frankly i'm pissed off first you compare my dear partner to that sniveling boy who tried to use her for his own pity party and suicide plan, then to get compared girl has just awoken to her powers and makes it seems like of my partners hard work almost amounts to nothing, We all have to give something up or make time but you extended it for ravien for two months three weeks i would of been ok with but seriously how often has ruby been able to have more time when she has needed it from what i remember none yet she completes her work with out fail". " you said before compassion and hard work and friendly are part of what makes a good elite then i would gladly of recommended isaac or ray over homura as things are now both are reliable not selfish and can think outside the box and so much more, i will give credit for one thing though having the balls to go through with the program". With that she vanishes and then reappears back in the garden of hq and returns ruby to her normal form and then she holds the tree and starts to cry her eyes out for the first time in ages and starts to feels very sick after a while and collapses on the ground.

Ray comes over and says" that was really awkward and reno you did say you would give her time and i know you mean well but some of your words are badly chosen, i'm not saying because she saved me from my own darkness but even when i look past the surface as you said before i still can't bring myself to trust or want to work with him in two to three months sure i'm willing to forgive him". " I admit we could of handled things a little better but frankly even after ruby tried to cut him a break of sorts he was still an ass why would you want to be nice to someone like that i wouldn't ruby wouldn't". "  As much as i would be more than happy to see him benched and with out powers on the other hand one does have to do this fairly so with that said" should i end work with him but should he get in my way or mess with the team chances of getting it done i will leave him behind without a second thought". 
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"Which is why I'm having the Elites be re-evaluated Ray. They do have potential, and they have what it takes to be real leaders," Darius explains. "But some of them have a few problems they need to work out by themselves, which is why I gave them more time to train. That, and some of them have things they need to take care of first before they start training."  "Plus, he said that he'll also be grading them based on how they handle the situation as well," Reno added. "So in short, if they can't use their heads, they can't be Elites." He paces around as is starting to feel worried about Ruby, but Ray's right, she does need some time to collect her thoughts. "Okay okay, I see your point...well, both of your points," he said. "I have got to think more about the consequences of my own actions."  "Took you long enough, in fact if was because of your actions that almost destroyed the school," shouted Darius. "Which is one of the reasons why you're being re-evaluated. You may be my son, but I'm not going to give you special treatment because of that." Darius walks back to the arena, but not before telling Reno one more thing. "Sometimes, meaning well doesn't mean you know what's best for someone, remember that."

Liliana walks out into the garden for some fresh air, which was nice since it doesn't come with some added work. 'I haven't been in this garden since my friend passed away. I hope she finds peace in all of this.' She pulls out a book and walked toward the tree she used as a resting area. When she arrived she saw Ruby on the ground, out cold but still alive. "Oh god, Ruby," she shouted. "Ruby, Ruby, are you okay?" Liliana felt Ruby's mana become sporadic, so she picks her up and carries her inside for treatment. She places her down on the bed and prepares a serum that can help stabilize it. 'I hope my time studying how to make potions works.' She takes a syringe, fills it with the potion, and administers it into Ruby. After about twenty seconds, she felt her mana return to normal. She heavily sighed out of relief, for this was something she didn't think would work. She stays beside her until she wakes up so she can ask her what had happened.

@Leo Radomir
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Homura looked to his uncle after having looked at Clair for what seemed like an eternity "So do you have my personal device ready and operational? It appears I'm going to need it" he said with regret in his voice. "Anyway guys I think we should take this back to the arena. I'm getting a really bad feeling. It's been with me ever since Ray and Ruby were down in my subconscious with me and Reno" he wanted to see exactly why he was worried. He couldn't explain it but since he lost his abilities he felt on constant alert.

"I see. I'll have it ready and operational at a moments notice" Magnus said with some sadness in his voice "So it happened huh?" He asked himself as though he was trying to talk to someone not there. "You might be referring to that Ruby girl and her tag along Ray convincing Darius to go behind the backs of the current Elites and have them subject to reevaluation to be re-admitted back into the program" he said to his nephew with a regretful tone similar to his nephews "You will have to show why you were worthy to receive the title in the first place" he said with a make shift stern tone. Magnus had a feeling something wasn't right with those two but he also needed to worry about the two standing with him more.

@Mr Swiftshots
"Which is why I'm having the Elites be re-evaluated Ray. They do have potential, and they have what it takes to be real leaders," Darius explains. "But some of them have a few problems they need to work out by themselves, which is why I gave them more time to train. That, and some of them have things they need to take care of first before they start training."  "Plus, he said that he'll also be grading them based on how they handle the situation as well," Reno added. "So in short, if they can't use their heads, they can't be Elites." He paces around as is starting to feel worried about Ruby, but Ray's right, she does need some time to collect her thoughts. "Okay okay, I see your point...well, both of your points," he said. "I have got to think more about the consequences of my own actions."  "Took you long enough, in fact if was because of your actions that almost destroyed the school," shouted Darius. "Which is one of the reasons why you're being re-evaluated. You may be my son, but I'm not going to give you special treatment because of that." Darius walks back to the arena, but not before telling Reno one more thing. "Sometimes, meaning well doesn't mean you know what's best for someone, remember that."

Liliana walks out into the garden for some fresh air, which was nice since it doesn't come with some added work. 'I haven't been in this garden since my friend passed away. I hope she finds peace in all of this.' She pulls out a book and walked toward the tree she used as a resting area. When she arrived she saw Ruby on the ground, out cold but still alive. "Oh god, Ruby," she shouted. "Ruby, Ruby, are you okay?" Liliana felt Ruby's mana become sporadic, so she picks her up and carries her inside for treatment. She places her down on the bed and prepares a serum that can help stabilize it. 'I hope my time studying how to make potions works.' She takes a syringe, fills it with the potion, and administers it into Ruby. After about twenty seconds, she felt her mana return to normal. She heavily sighed out of relief, for this was something she didn't think would work. She stays beside her until she wakes up so she can ask her what had happened.

@Leo Radomir

ahunt pops out and answers"  there's many reasons for her collapse is she wonders more than ever what was all her training for if people that just awaken soon be on the same level and with recent events with reno and homura and some of the other heads of houses treating her like a common maid didn't help things and some it's my fault as well my emotions have been on and off overdrive lately and that puts a strain on her body and mind i would help her if i could but i'd probably do more harm than good and i know this may seem strange coming from me a demon but i don't want her to suffer more than she has to but as you know some things in the past are very hard to fully bring to light even more so to the people you hold dear". " many misunderstand my intentions at first she was the perfect host for me but she's starting to remind me what it was like when i lived among humans but who's going to take the word of demon right".

Ray quickly follows catches up and then says" your right about a lot of things and i showed a little bite of a distasteful side to me and i'll make, you know now i'm thinking about it i didn't have a choice it was either adapt or die so i choose to follow her and her brother and live to the fullest, i may be wild and uncaring to a greater point but this time round i want to make her come true and take the weight of people like you because i don't like most people but when i comes to being fair out of all of them your the fairness and even if ruby hadn't of said it i would of". " Many may see this and sneaking around however i'm logical guy and don't see the point of talking to people that aren't willing to hear me out and with that said i need some rest and thanks for being patient it's going to be a long road but it should be interesting that much is for sure". Ray smiles calmly and then opens a gate and starts to step through and in his mind' i'm glad darius can see things the way me and ruby do and even though magus may of meant well  he failed to see all of the flaws in his program that aside i really want to see luna it's been ages and i feel bad about leaving her alone for so long i hope she's not to mad'.   
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17 hours ago, LoneSniper87 said:

(I very well could... Thanks)

Joseph looked at his phone, seeing an unread message. He opened it, and saw it was from Raiven, something about band. He responded to the text. 'Never one for traditional, but I'll give it a shot. Time?' He sent the message, then started singing along with Raised by Wolves.


Raiven sent a quick reply to Joseph "What instrument are you gonna be playing?" before she turned to Hazel to explain herself " All three of us have been abused in some way"

Hazel just looked down as she just clinged to her" i don't like talking about it though i only talk to about to my close friends" she say pouting a bit as she just looked at her sister" do i really have to talk about to the girl big sis" she say as she just looked at her as she was kinda afraid she just held onto her" why do i have to talk about it" she asked" i mean i just it hurts me when i talk about it i only talked to you about it cause you my sister and my friend" she say" after you gadurate do you think i still can live with you i can work if you want" she say as she just smiled a bit messing with her hair" you going to tell your dad about my daddy what he did to me i want to be happy i want him to go to jail" she say hiccuping a bit @Eternal Dragonchild
Joseph glanced at the message. He thought about his options, then settled on his response. 'What is open?' He sent the message.
Liliana was surprised to hear what Ahunt had to say about all of it. "I guess you have a point," she said. "You were more in tune with your destructive side for a long time, nobody can expect someone to change all of a sudden." She knew Ahunt was still on the road to redemption after what had happened throughout her life. "The road to redemption is long Ahunt," she continued. "If you really want people to know your story, you should confront them on equal grounds. Tell them your intentions and maybe they'll understand. Besides, I know my son, he's one of those few people that can understand the trials and tribulations of a lot of people, but that's because they were open about it."

Reno figured it was time to check back with Raiven and tell her what his father told him. When he arrived, he also found Hazel next to her, who looked like she was on the verge of crying. "Hey girls," he shouted. "What's going on here, and why does Hazel look like she just told someone something that was best left forgotten? Been there before, so I would know."

Meanwhile, Darius walked back to the arena and found Homura there as well. "Homura," he called. "I'm glad you're out of that situation, but something feels off about you." He closed his eyes and didn't feel anything off him. It was like he... "What happened to your powers?"


@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

Joseph glanced at the message. He thought about his options, then settled on his response. 'What is open?' He sent the message.

"We have the whole strings section open, some percussion, a few trumpet spots and a saxophone and oboe spot" Raiven hit send before looking at Hazel "You don't have to talk to her about it, I was just explaining why we would all be good friends. We'd understand each other having nightmares." Raiven hugged her friend "Mikhail's still out there. I need to be stronger than he is, wanna help me practice my aim?"

She sighed, rubbing her neck "He hurt me real bad earlier, i don't want to be that vulnerable again"

'Pen me in for Saxophone then.' He replied, sending it without thinking. He could care less, Saxophone he had a bit of experience with.
Liliana was surprised to hear what Ahunt had to say about all of it. "I guess you have a point," she said. "You were more in tune with your destructive side for a long time, nobody can expect someone to change all of a sudden." She knew Ahunt was still on the road to redemption after what had happened throughout her life. "The road to redemption is long Ahunt," she continued. "If you really want people to know your story, you should confront them on equal grounds. Tell them your intentions and maybe they'll understand. Besides, I know my son, he's one of those few people that can understand the trials and tribulations of a lot of people, but that's because they were open about it."

Reno figured it was time to check back with Raiven and tell her what his father told him. When he arrived, he also found Hazel next to her, who looked like she was on the verge of crying. "Hey girls," he shouted. "What's going on here, and why does Hazel look like she just told someone something that was best left forgotten? Been there before, so I would know."

Meanwhile, Darius walked back to the arena and found Homura there as well. "Homura," he called. "I'm glad you're out of that situation, but something feels off about you." He closed his eyes and didn't feel anything off him. It was like he... "What happened to your powers?"


@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild


Ahunt burst out laughing and says" now now queen of the hidden sages yes i know about you as well and you've had many an experience in younger days and to a point he understands but some parts of one's past aren't something i'm at ease talking about and reno as much as he means well still has a lot of room to grow, as found as my partner is of him in recent events he's pushed her away from from wanting to be closer to him but hopefully it will sink in a little more this time". Ahunt grins playfully and says" if he wasn't so cocky he and impulsive he can become even greater that aside though you've known for a while he's had a thing for ruby and i got admit it's fun to watch maybe in the future i'll teach her a few things to make him completely melt in her hands". " jokes and naughtiness aside even with her bad traits and what people say about her it will be interesting if she does join this family of course many of the other heads may not like it but that wouldn't sway you would it"?

Ray texts luna and it says Really sorry about not getting back to you sooner due to homura being an incompetent twit i had my hands full for a while, i'm not sure where ruby is but after the events she'll need a rest tell you what why don't we go to that new fun fair and then after i'll find us a spot in the park so we can have a picnic together, please let me know if there's anything you can't eat and i know it's may seem odd timing but i've never forgotten that picture the camera took on special mood and i'll make you a copy". @Zeldafangirl

isaac shows up and says" So it's true you did lose them well not the end of the world there's many way round it i can't take you back to hq but i can do some training with in school grounds but i can't force you but just remember this the longer you don't try and adapt the harder it will be to do so many tasks i'll be in the training hall for a few hours if you want to come"
38 minutes ago, ShadowSaber331 said:

Reno figured it was time to check back with Raiven and tell her what his father told him. When he arrived, he also found Hazel next to her, who looked like she was on the verge of crying. "Hey girls," he shouted. "What's going on here, and why does Hazel look like she just told someone something that was best left forgotten? Been there before, so I would know."


@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild



"She just told me about something, something which I can fix for her. Speaking of fixing, have you seen my dad? After i've spoken to him, I'm gonna go and train. I need a training partner" She smirked at Reno "You game for it? I would beat up Raphael but he's boring"

She saw Joseph's text "9:30 in the new music hall, I won't be judging you, one of the other Saxophone players will be"

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