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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Reno felt a huge surge of power from the runes on his body. He knelt down from the aftermath of the surge, but he was still alive and is breathing normally. "Ugh, sudden power surge, not what I was expecting," he said, trying to get his footing. "Looks like you're gonna have to train me on how these work Ray." Darius was surprised to see that his son accepted some sort of contract, but his thoughts switched over to when Raiven was complaining. "Well, now your new priority is to keep your Elite title, but since you need more time, I'll give you all two months," Darius said. "Now, I expect you all to try and keep that title...that is if you actually care about it." His attention was then focused onto Raphael, who was just sitting down with a bowl of popcorn. "You know, for someone who isolates himself from the crowd, why are you interested in our affairs?"

@Leo Radomir


@Eternal Dragonchild
Raiven fixed him with an icy glare, the sort Osiris might give "You dare ask if this young one cares about her title, she is the hardest worker and most supportive person in her families line for at least a hundred years, Arlane is close but her dedication to the band and protecting and guarding others is extraordinary."

 Raiven took a couple of steps forwards "She met a new student today and immediately took them under her wing, to the point of giving them something special of hers to cover the marks made by that student's parents" 

With a yawn Raiven sat down on the floor, wearing a confused expression.


@Anyone Online

@Leo Radomir

Reno felt a huge surge of power from the runes on his body. He knelt down from the aftermath of the surge, but he was still alive and is breathing normally. "Ugh, sudden power surge, not what I was expecting," he said, trying to get his footing. "Looks like you're gonna have to train me on how these work Ray." Darius was surprised to see that his son accepted some sort of contract, but his thoughts switched over to when Raiven was complaining. "Well, now your new priority is to keep your Elite title, but since you need more time, I'll give you all two months," Darius said. "Now, I expect you all to try and keep that title...that is if you actually care about it." His attention was then focused onto Raphael, who was just sitting down with a bowl of popcorn. "You know, for someone who isolates himself from the crowd, why are you interested in our affairs?"

@Leo Radomir


@Eternal Dragonchild

Ray grins and says" it's far from over and you wont have my power long enough to need to master them and long term transfers are very deadly and frankly even though you're too soft i don't hate you enough to want to do that unless i have no choice but it will last a couple of weeks so your free to ask them any questions during that time". The runes start to join up and very old writing in sanskrit and a guardian different from rays and ruby's quickly starts to form and it says" So your my temp master a elemental master in training interesting it's been a while since i had any kind of master i look forward to seeing if you can show me something new".  

Raphael Moreau


"Your memory seems to be failing, it seems. Old age does that I'm afraid," I'd take a sigh. "Have you forgotten about the Revolution? I still am planning on it. As they say, knowing is half of the battle," I'd assert myself. I would take a few bites of popcorn, as I would the continue, "After all, even though I have been opening myself to points of weakness, by them I mean the Elites, they have been... a bit disappointing, not for my loss, but for their... incapabilities," I'd notion towards Arcus and Raiven. "I for one do not like to cause fights, but with such lackluster quality and tactics, I must point this out," I'd say. "...So, as a recap as a response, I am interested in this reevaluation to check out what kind of quality of Elites I shall be facing in the future," I'd explain.
Darius was in shock from what he just heard. "Well then, that scared the hell out of me," he said. "Though it seems like Osiris has been keeping an eye on Raiven's progress. I guess underneath all that innocent, childish nature is power that could rival Ruby's." "Wow, and it took you this long to figure that out dad?" Reno knew for a long time how Raiven was a hard worker despite what everyone thinks. "I've been with Raiven for a long time, she can be annoying, childish, and an immature brat, but she does take her work seriously. It's because of that she was able to become an Elite, in fact, she's one of those few students that had to earn the title and not have it handed to them on a silver platter, me, and Homura included." Darius was awestruck when Reno told him all of that. "Huh, I didn't know those two were determined to be something greater, they really are deserving of the Elite title, but they'll have to prove it in the reevaluation as well." Reno saw the runes merge and a guardian appears out of nowhere. It showed a bit of enthusiasm in wanting to see something new from him. "I look forward to working with you...even though it's temporary." Darius heard Raphael speak and made a mental note to keep an eye on him. "The reevaluation will take place in a few months, you are to return here and take it by then, no exceptions," he said in a serious tone. "For if you fail to arrive for it, you'll forfeit your Elite title."

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Anyone Online
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5 minutes ago, XxCharColexX said:

Raphael Moreau


"Your memory seems to be failing, it seems. Old age does that I'm afraid," I'd take a sigh. "Have you forgotten about the Revolution? I still am planning on it. As they say, knowing is half of the battle," I'd assert myself. I would take a few bites of popcorn, as I would the continue, "After all, even though I have been opening myself to points of weakness, by them I mean the Elites, they have been... a bit disappointing, not for my loss, but for their... incapabilities," I'd notion towards Arcus and Raiven. "I for one do not like to cause fights, but with such lackluster quality and tactics, I must point this out," I'd say. "...So, as a recap as a response, I am interested in this reevaluation to check out what kind of quality of Elites I shall be facing in the future," I'd explain.


Raiven turned to face Raphael "Sure, she may be incapable or unwilling to take a human life, although you fail to fall into that category, do not assume that I am identical." With that, Raiven smacked Raphael across the face sending him flying "Do not forget for a second, that she is me. Who am I? Osiris, god of death" Raiven touched Raphael's cheek gently before stepping away. She repeated the same gesture to Ray "Here's ten years from that frenchman's life, for helping me connect with her"

@Leo Radomir
"Well it's not like I really have a choice on the evaluation do I? What ever do what you want. Right now my focus is on Homura and Clair" he said giving up on the matter if the Elites re-evaluation "So Clair I still need your answer. How do you feel about Homura? This answer may determine if he wakes up at all" he said with a grim expression. He loved his family but for some reason he felt like this would be one of his greatest experiments of all time. He wanted to know if a person could still hear the outside world when trapped in their subconscious or in a comatose state. "Anyway everyone I would say one month would be a better time period. It would give them enough time to take care of any other things that need to be dealt with and would still leave time for training" he suggested before dragging Clair off toward Homura.

@Mr Swiftshots @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild

"Well no time like the....actually I don't know what time it is right now" Homura said to himself before launching himself out from his hiding spot and throwing a ball of fire at Ifrit. Just like with the stream of fire the fire ball bounced off but Homura made sure to detonate it. The explosion was similar in size to that of 1000 dynamite sticks tied together and condensed to half their size. The explosion was big. Homura knew that he god couldn't stop all of it and decided this would be his trump card. He waited for the dust to settle before moving again but when it cleared the flame god had disappeared. In seconds Homura was flipped on his back facing upward toward his originals face. He knew it was Ifrit but he also knew hat if t really were himself, the other wouldn't give up so easily. "Hey Homura get your dumb ass out here. Are you seriously going to give up your life to some god. That's not the person I thought you were" he screamed in the gods face with no regret.
Darius was in shock from what he just heard. "Well then, that scared the hell out of me," he said. "Though it seems like Osiris has been keeping an eye on Raiven's progress. I guess underneath all that innocent, childish nature is power that could rival Ruby's." "Wow, and it took you this long to figure that out dad?" Reno knew for a long time how Raiven was a hard worker despite what everyone thinks. "I've been with Raiven for a long time, she can be annoying, childish, and an immature brat, but she does take her work seriously. It's because of that she was able to become an Elite, in fact, she's one of those few students that had to earn the title and not have it handed to them on a silver platter, me, and Homura included." Darius was awestruck when Reno told him all of that. "Huh, I didn't know those two were determined to be something greater, they really are deserving of the Elite title, but they'll have to prove it in the reevaluation as well." Reno saw the runes merge and a guardian appears out of nowhere. It showed a bit of enthusiasm in wanting to see something new from him. "I look forward to working with you...even though it's temporary." Darius heard Raphael speak and made a mental note to keep an eye on him. "The reevaluation will take place in a few months, you are to return here and take it by then, no exceptions," he said in a serious tone. "For if you fail to arrive for it, you'll forfeit your Elite title."

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Anyone Online

Ruby's face almost twisted with rage being compared to bratty ravin and that selfish sack of flesh and her hand secretly twitched and see sensed she needed to get away and then leans in and whispered in dardus ear" i need go and take care of something please give me a couple of hours then i will be back". ahunt's voice in ruby's head I don't blame your for being very frustrated you've worked very hard and i'm sorry for the trouble i've caused you this time i'll willing lead you my power show them the other form the hybrid of both my first form and your hidden form". 

The spirit grins and says" i'm named gezika meaning the drifting mage and shouldn't you get going to save your friend he might be dead soon if this keep up". 

Raphael Moreau


As "I" flew towards the wall, it would seem as if I was in pain. "I" would then disintegrate into a black matter. A voice from afar would speak out, "Your might blinds you, or perhaps it is because I never let my real self inexplicably in the open." As I then walked forward making my presence known. "...I do not cower to any God, save for my own," I'd continue to assert myself. "I am the master of my own life, and like the shadows, my powers are based from, I shall forever be around. Only until the sun sets shall I disappear and being in a country whose corpse of an empire whose sun shall never set, my presence won't be shortened unless I cut it off entirely," I'd say towards Osiris. As I would extend my hand out, recollecting my essence that disintegrated earlier, uniting it with me.

I would then divert my attention towards Darius. "...Indeed, I will be grateful to be working with you," I'd say in response to his last words. "...I shall enforce a white peace between my revolution, which is growing I must say, and the Elites. After all, even though it may be a good moment to strike, I do not like to take down those who would fail the reevaluation and be stripped of their title. As attacking innocents is against my morals, surprising to you that I have them."
"Hey, Osiris," Reno shouted. "How did you end up inside Raiven? Were the hieroglyphics some sort of seal or something?" Reno was a bit curious as to how Osiris i was able to be inside of his friend. Reno noticed the real Raphael walk out and impales him with a rapier he threw at his chest hitting it's mark. The Rapier itself has a mind of it's own and shares the same qualities as the Mind's Eye, meaning it will not stop until it kills the real target in question. "You say you don't cower to any god, and yet you hide behind your clones," he said. "But I guess the saying is true, there IS more honor among thieves than diplomats." The Rapier still glows, ready to hunt down every possible clone until the real Raphael is dead.

Meanwhile, Darius managed to catch up to Ruby and said, "Something tells me you don't like being compared to Raiven," he said with a smirk. "But if you're going to be an Elite, you'll have to learn to work with them and not let your own personal vendetta get the better of you. In fact, you're becoming more of a spoiled brat than anyone here, so tell me again why you deserve the Elite title!?"

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

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1 minute ago, ShadowSaber331 said:

"Hey, Osiris," Reno shouted. "How did you end up inside Raiven? Were the hieroglyphics some sort of seal or something?" Reno was a bit curious as to how Osiris i was able to be inside of his friend. Reno noticed the real Raphael walk out and impales him with a rapier he threw at his chest hitting it's mark. The Rapier itself has a mind of it's own and shares the same qualities as the Mind's Eye, meaning it will not stop until it kills the real target in question. "You say you don't cower to any god, and yet you hide behind your clones," he said. "But I guess the saying is true, there IS more honor among thieves than diplomats." The Rapier still glows, ready to hunt down every possible clone until the real Raphael is dead.

Meanwhile, Darius managed to catch up to Ruby and said, "Something tells me you don't like being compared to Raiven," he said with a smirk. "But if you're going to be an Elite, you'll have to learn to work with them and not let your own personal vendetta get the better of you. In fact, you're becoming more of a spoiled brat than anyone here, so tell me again why you deserve the Elite title!?"

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild



"She is me" Osiris answered simply before turning to Raphael "And you're nothing but a ghost." Pitch black storm clouds formed above Raiven and Raphael "Let's see how you handle the full extent of her power" With that a solid beam of lightning struck Raphael, burning and shocking him as Raiven approached 

"Hey, Osiris," Reno shouted. "How did you end up inside Raiven? Were the hieroglyphics some sort of seal or something?" Reno was a bit curious as to how Osiris i was able to be inside of his friend. Reno noticed the real Raphael walk out and impales him with a rapier he threw at his chest hitting it's mark. The Rapier itself has a mind of it's own and shares the same qualities as the Mind's Eye, meaning it will not stop until it kills the real target in question. "You say you don't cower to any god, and yet you hide behind your clones," he said. "But I guess the saying is true, there IS more honor among thieves than diplomats." The Rapier still glows, ready to hunt down every possible clone until the real Raphael is dead.

Meanwhile, Darius managed to catch up to Ruby and said, "Something tells me you don't like being compared to Raiven," he said with a smirk. "But if you're going to be an Elite, you'll have to learn to work with them and not let your own personal vendetta get the better of you. In fact, you're becoming more of a spoiled brat than anyone here, so tell me again why you deserve the Elite title!?"

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild


ruby grins and whispers" Your right i don't but if you were me would you want your hard work over the years to almost be drawn to nothing and i didn't say i wouldn't try and work with them and even if i'm not that's fine my main interest as long as i can help luna and ray grow i'm ok with that and considering the crap that's been going i think i've been fairly reasonable and i've managed to keep up with the hunters all this time and deal with their punishments so this is just another thing to add to mu bucket list".
Darius was still a bit curious as to why she's that willing to work with them. "I'm getting the feeling you're willing to work with them because some of them are Reno's friends," he stated. "Besides, everyone has their quirks, it's what makes them...as close to human as they possibly can. You can't condemn them for trying to BE human, can you?"

Reno was able to deflect the bean in time before it hit Raphael. "Enough," he shouted. "If we are going to fight him, then we'll fight him on equal grounds." He turns to Raphael, with a serious aura about him and speaks. "We accept the truce until the re=evaluation is done. But your revolution is moot compared to what's really out there. If you're going to declare war on the Elites, then that would mean putting everyone in the world in danger, including France, for there are forces out there that's far stronger than we are."

@Eternal Dragonchild


@Leo Radomir
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Raphael Moreau


I would them pull out the Rapier out of my chest. "...So this thinks that this is the real deal?" I would then look towards Raiven, "Your target is not there I'm afraid. Good luck doing damage." A lot of blood would be dripping, as I would then explain a few things about Shadow Elementals. "I'm afraid that... the clones you have been facing, the 'real' Raphaels who you discuss with, are merely a fraction of who I am as a whole," I'd explain. "...Perhaps I do have to hide behind a few clones, it's not like I have a choice," I would continue to use vague terms to describe my situation. "...Perhaps I should do an expose on myself, eh?"

I would then turn towards Darius, "...You say that as if I do not know the consequences of a war with the Elites. Anyway, let us see the show go on then."
Raiven sighed "I'm off for a while. Going to train with my abilities. I have to hone them after all, as well as my physical fitness. Fitness for the marching anyway, I have to carry the lead drum and march with it" She waved as she walked off towards the gym "You're welcome to attend Raphael, see what Hell is in store should you join our concert section. Every member who is part of the marching band does this programme, whether they play or not". A junior member of the band had brought her gym kit to the hall in preparation for their workouts.

After she was changed Raiven started her warm up with fifty sit-ups, the training programme the band followed was not for the faint of heart or mind, designed by the Drum Major ten years ago it had been a key instrument in Sakura Academy's success. It gave the brass players the abdominal strength to play their instruments with that Sakura flair. She tucked her feet under one of the benches and began, counting silently in her head.


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Darius was still a bit curious as to why she's that willing to work with them. "I'm getting the feeling you're willing to work with them because some of them are Reno's friends," he stated. "Besides, everyone has their quirks, it's what makes them...as close to human as they possibly can. You can;t condemn them for trying to BE human, can you?"

Reno was able to deflect the bean in time before it hit Raphael. "Enough," he shouted. "If we are going to fight him, then we'll fight him on equal grounds." He turns to Raphael, with a serious aura about him and speaks. "We accept the truce until the re=evaluation is done. But your revolution is moot compared to what's really out there. If you're going to declare war on the Elites, then that would mean putting everyone in the world in danger, including France, for there are forces out there that's far stronger than we are."

@Eternal Dragonchild


@Leo Radomir

Ruby grins and says" i'm not saying they shouldn't try you are right about the importance of keeping some human values and having quirks but that does not mean i want to be compared to people that have only recently got their powers and yes i'm very frustrated because i'm trying my best and yet lately i feel like a blue car for seagulls and so on". Ruby paused for a minute or so then says" it's true i'm very fond of reno however it has nothing to do with the fact they're his friends it's the fact i can sense talent in some of them". " your helping me with my dreams and i'm grateful however i've done more than many people would be willing to do so yes when certain things are said i don't take kindly to them". 
Hazel just was just walking around as her head was hurting a bit but ignored it she just was bored she didn't have nothing to do she was nervous about the adutions she was stressing out about it she was just going to play some basketball in the gym she was good at sports kinda she used to play basketball in her old school she just walked in the gym as she just grab a ball dribbig it she haven't noticed raiven yet she just shoot the basketball in the hoops she just sighed picking up the ball which rolled to her every night she felt lonely ruby she didn't know what she do for christmas she probably stay here' alone for christimas great' she thought as she just sat at the bleachers closing her eyes @Eternal Dragonchild 
Raiven smiled when she saw Hazel and decided to sneak up on her. "BOO" she jumped up from the row of bleachers in front of Hazel and stuck her tongue out "Gotcha" She said with a smile as she sat beside Hazel on the bleachers "Whatcha doing here"

Hazel just got scared as she giggled a little" oh nothing besketball" she say showing her the basketball at her" and i guess i'm feeling a bit lonely i don't know what i do for christmas" she say as she hold the basketball" i'm nervous for auditions what if people judge me cause of my cochlea implant i'm a bit scared" she say as she just looked around" i just don't want to be diffrent anymore i get treated bullied and everything i'm sick and tired of it" she say getting a bit mad she just hugged raiven as she just looked up" do you want to know something i never told anyone beside my girlfriend" she say as she looked up" i get bad dreams about it i'm scared all the time i don't sleep cause of it" she say" i.... uh.... dad..... raped..... me.... when i was 4" she say scared still hugging raiven @Eternal Dragonchild
Just now, Zeldafangirl said:

Hazel just got scared as she giggled a little" oh nothing besketball" she say showing her the basketball at her" and i guess i'm feeling a bit lonely i don't know what i do for christmas" she say as she hold the basketball" i'm nervous for auditions what if people judge me cause of my cochlea implant i'm a bit scared" she say as she just looked around" i just don't want to be diffrent anymore i get treated bullied and everything i'm sick and tired of it" she say getting a bit mad she just hugged raiven as she just looked up" do you want to know something i never told anyone beside my girlfriend" she say as she looked up" i get bad dreams about it i'm scared all the time i don't sleep cause of it" she say" i.... uh.... dad..... raped..... me.... when i was 4" she say scared still hugging raiven @Eternal Dragonchild


"Different makes you good Hazel. If everyone was the same, especially like Reno, the world would be so very boring. We had a blind girl in our clarinet section during my first year here. She's graduated since then, much like me this year." Raiven wrapped an arm gently around Hazel " Hazel. I appreciate you telling me that, he'll find a court martial up his ass before he can say firecracker"

Pressing a kiss to Hazel's head she smiled softly "Little sister, curl up beside me if you cannot sleep. Plus there's someone else I'd like you to meet. Let's go find her" Raiven stood up, still delicately holding Hazel, much like she did with Michiko. 

When they reached Michiko's dorm Raiven gently knocked on the door with one hand "Chiko, it's Raiven. I brought a really good friend, the three of us have a common past"

Hazel just looked at raiven as she smiled a little as they reach the dorm room she just hid behind raiven as she just looked at the girl" who she is" she asked as she tilted her head a little as she just looked at raiven a bit coming out of hiding" thank you big sister" she say stiking her tongue out as she giggled a bit" does this mean i don't have to be lonely anymore if your calling me sister" she say as she was confused as she just looked around waiting for the person to come out of the dorm room she was scared of meeting new people she just wimper a bit" is she nice like you are" she asked as she looked up at her trying to smile she just held on onto raiven @Eternal Dragonchild
Just now, Zeldafangirl said:

Hazel just looked at raiven as she smiled a little as they reach the dorm room she just hid behind raiven as she just looked at the girl" who she is" she asked as she tilted her head a little as she just looked at raiven a bit coming out of hiding" thank you big sister" she say stiking her tongue out as she giggled a bit" does this mean i don't have to be lonely anymore if your calling me sister" she say as she was confused as she just looked around waiting for the person to come out of the dorm room she was scared of meeting new people she just wimper a bit" is she nice like you are" she asked as she looked up at her trying to smile she just held on onto raiven @Eternal Dragonchild


"Her name's Michiko, I haven't sensed any elemental powers yet. and of course, you don't have to be lonely." Raiven hugged her sister. Hazel was a sister to her in everything but blood "Your dad will no longer bother you, he'll be too busy rotting in jail"
Darius figured something was up with Ruby, and now it was time to get some answers. "I've been told by Arlane and Magnus that Raiven and Homura have been helping out humans for some time," he explains. "Which was why I used them as an example. Those two, including my son, are what the Elites stand for, being there for both elementals and humans...plus I've seen them take out armies. They have what it takes to change the world for the better, I just want to know if they can still do it." Just then, Reno comes out from out of nowhere and chimes in. "He's right Jewels," he said. "Raiven and Homura can be childish at times, but they do mean well. Why do you think I hang out with them sometimes, I focus more on what's on the inside, not the surface." Reno walks forward with his hands behind his back.  "You could be my best friend or the biggest asshole around, but if you can show me that you can watch my back and be a caring soul, then you've earned my respect. That's why I became an Elite." Darius realized now what Reno meant by him wanting to be a positive role model for the Elites. "Sometimes, you gotta look past the surface to find something more inside someone," Reno continues. "Like Luna looked past your rough exterior and found someone she can count on."

@Leo Radomir
(Just a little segment here everytime I made a post it has more or less be ignored. I don't feel welcome at all so someone start interacting with me, alright? I'm tired of trying to start stuff to no avail.)

Joseph sat in his dorm, listening to music and waiting for something to happen.
Just now, LoneSniper87 said:

(Just a little segment here everytime I made a post it has more or less be ignored. I don't feel welcome at all so someone start interacting with me, alright? I'm tired of trying to start stuff to no avail.)

Joseph sat in his dorm, listening to music and waiting for something to happen.


(You could reply to Raiven's txt about the band auditions. Thatway she can interact with you

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