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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Reno watched as Ruby and Ray walked through the portal, thinking of whether or not he should go through it himself. After some thinking he turns around and tells Homura. "You've figured out your answer, but this is something you have to resolve on your own," he stated. "Don't worry, I know you can do it. Hell, if you can stop Clair from destroying the entire school I think you can face your demons by yourself. You're an Elite after all, best not let that title be a total waste." He walks through the portal and wakes up inside his room, where he finds Hanako hugging Homura's comatose body very closely. "Well, this is awkward," he said. "You are so glad it's me here instead of Clair, she will murder you."

Darius, figuring that it was a waste of time, walked back to find Arlane. When he did, he wanted to ask about one thing in particular, "So Arlane, what does the book say about removing the 'Curse of Shared Fates?' " He wanted to get his son out of the situation, but he can't do it through regular means. If this book Arlane mentioned does hold answers as to how he can break the curse so they can plan an assault on Mihkail, then there may be hope for his son. For now, Darius had to wait until it's been confirmed, but who knows how long that will take, considering that it's located in hell.


@Eternal Dragonchild
Reno watched as Ruby and Ray walked through the portal, thinking of whether or not he should go through it himself. After some thinking he turns around and tells Homura. "You've figured out your answer, but this is something you have to resolve on your own," he stated. "Don't worry, I know you can do it. Hell, if you can stop Clair from destroying the entire school I think you can face your demons by yourself. You're an Elite after all, best not let that title be a total waste." He walks through the portal and wakes up inside his room, where he finds Hanako hugging Homura's comatose body very closely. "Well, this is awkward," he said. "You are so glad it's me here instead of Clair, she will murder you."

Darius, figuring that it was a waste of time, walked back to find Arlane. When he did, he wanted to ask about one thing in particular, "So Arlane, what does the book say about removing the 'Curse of Shared Fates?' " He wanted to get his son out of the situation, but he can't do it through regular means. If this book Arlane mentioned does hold answers as to how he can break the curse so they can plan an assault on Mihkail, then there may be hope for his son. For now, Darius had to wait until it's been confirmed, but who knows how long that will take, considering that it's located in hell.


@Eternal Dragonchild

Ray pops in reno's room and says" I've been thinking there's no point in hating a system then not doing anything so i'm going to do my best to join the ranks and because i absolutely hate flippant whiny guys like him and i plan to keep him out forever as i as said before the if things are going to work it needs people that can make it work and before i forget in one year from now ruby will be ranked the youngest senior hunter in the last twenty years so i've got no time to be pissed off at a guy that goes from one extreme to another". "Well with that said i'm off to report to your dad you back and if you are keep a friendship with him ruby will possibly drift from you over time as long as he continues to be like he is just some food for thought senpai". Ray grins evilly then starts to open a portal.

Ruby some how manages to track down durius and says" I'm back sir and so is reno and ray not now of course but i've been thinking about a lot of things and two of the things that bugs me is the way the elite qualifications are set up and people on the board it's self, and some point if the system is heal and people grow closer it needs to have some people that are neutral as well from the other parties" Ruby paused for a minute or so then says" if the blood ray has infused into reno works like it does in his own body then the curse should be gone soon and in the future please don't apologize for me i'm snappy it's one thing to do jobs for you but i will not put up with being treated like a common maid for others, should they wish to hire me for certain tasks then that's a different story". 
Darius considered this for a moment and figured she was right. The Elite program was starting to feel like it's made to do harm than good since there are people that care only about the title and not about the journey they went through to get there. "I suppose you're right," he said. "I think it's time we got the Elites reevaluated, spread the word to the school that there may be some new openings for the title." After thinking it over some more, he figured that it would be fair to give the old Elites some time to prepare for reevaluation. "Also, text the old Elites to meet me in the arena so I can explain to them how the reevaluation works."

Reno was conflicted a bit from what Ray told him. He's been Homura's friend for some time now, and to heard that it may mean losing Ruby could lead to something drastic. Reno leaves his room and walks around the school, until he heard his father's voice along with Ruby's. He was able to hear most of the conversation, and was a bit confused when he mentioned something along the lines of a "Reevaluation." This made him worry a bit, for some of his friends may not take too kindly to the concept. 'Reevaluation? Normally it's been 'pay this amount of money and you get the title' sort of thing. but seeing as though it's going to kill the spirits of the others, i'll have to wait before voicing my opinion on it.'

@Leo Radomir
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After watching as Ray and Ruby walked through a portal he rolled his eyes "Really glad you guys actually had a little plan his whole time" he said annoyed and unsurprised. Before his friend could leave completely he left Reno with a message "Tell Clair to come find me. When I awake I have a lot to tell her" he said before the portal closed. He walked outside of the house and shot straight into the sky. His flight was much easier than it had ever been since he arrived in his mental scape. 

His magic felt free like he didn't have to focus and that he could do anything on a whim. As much as he enjoyed his flight he knew he had a job to do "Let's do this. Our final encounter and our true awakening" he said as he landed at the entrance to a park that had been engulfed in black flames "Hey Homura it's time we finished this only now we can just go with it. They left so no show needed" he yelled as far out as he possible could do that True Homura could hear him. He walked through the entrance and felt a grim wave of energy surge forward toward him. Homura's senses went on full alert "Hey Homura it's me Makoto I know you want your life back so why the hostility?" He asked aloud trying to get his other selfs attention. He looked across the scorched land to find a black looking figure standing infront of the portal out.

"So you've arrived have you. It is time you both returned to me where you both belong. Return to me the deity of fire Ifrit!" said the man as he turned around. Ifrit looked at Homura with contempt "To think that my powers successor had conveniently split in two almost as if to prevent my rise. Your powers weren't earned nor are they being used for anything worth while. I shall be taking your body and using it for my own purposes" he said toward Homura with no reason to hide his intent. He had already taken over the true owner of the body but needed the last will standing that had been using it to bend to his will as well. He walked toward the boy standing infront of him with a sword made of fire firm in hand "I shall cleave off your imaginary head and finally have this body for my own" he said before swinging at the boy. 

Homura dodged the swing but still got nicked in the shoulder by the scorching weapon. He had perfect timing but the old god was faster and using the reflexes honed by a perfectly fit young mage "Damn seriously and at a time like this!" He yelled to himself "I've only ever heard of you in Kagutsuchi lore as the progenitor of the clans magic. Your contract should reside with the clan head, my uncle Magnus Kagustuchi" he yelled toward the deity with confusion. 

Reno walked over to the arena to meet with Magnus and Clair. "Clair, when you're done, I need you to find Homura inside my room," he explained. "My guess he's trying to confront the real Homura inside his subconscious." Just then, as if on cue, Darius shows up into the arena. "Reno, glad you're here," he shouted. "Where are the others, didn't they get the text?" "No, I got here with a message to give to Clair. Also, while I was inside his subconscious, I felt three different auras, one was the fake Homura, one was the real Homura, and the other one I've never felt before, it was like it was made of fire." Darius's eyes were wide when he heard that. "Wait, don't tell me. Magnus, tell me Reno's not talking about Ifrit!"

@Mr Swiftshots

Reno walked over to the arena to meet with Magnus and Clair. "Clair, when you're done, I need you to find Homura inside my room," he explained. "My guess he's trying to confront the real Homura inside his subconscious." Just then, as if on cue, Darius shows up into the arena. "Reno, glad you're here," he shouted. "Where are the others, didn't they get the text?" "No, I got here with a message to give to Clair. Also, while I was inside his subconscious, I felt three different auras, one was the fake Homura, one was the real Homura, and the other one I've never felt before, it was like it was made of fire." Darius's eyes were wide when he heard that. "Wait, don't tell me. Magnus, tell me Reno's not talking about Ifrit!"

@Mr Swiftshots


Ruby sighed and says" But from what i know there are rules higher powers aren't meant to break but if it's an evil god then they are bound to of found some loophole, and as much as i hate guys like him if i let him die i'd be no better than other evil beings that doesn't mean i've changed my mind about the system but it will have to wait is there a way to get back in there"?
"Not with Ifrit acting on his own. He would have sealed off any other entry" said Magnus trying to do calculations in his head "I may or may not given Ifrita contract over to Homura while we were experimenting with different ways to expand his magic power" he said hesitantly. Magnus knew how much trouble Ifrit was to control but when he saw his nephews face during training all those years ago he had to do something. "Darius I need you to explain exactly what is happening that is making you rethink my requirement set up for the Elites program?" He asked confused "I rewrote the rules to make it fair for all who wish to try and attain the title" he had rewrote the rule from previous generation with the help of the headmaster in hopes to inspire future generations. "From what I remember all of the current Elites files showed incredible talent and potential. All of them showed great promise" he said remembering reading all of the files sent to him for review. He still had a problem with what Ifrit was doing but he knew that Homura first had to defeat him before he could remove Ifrit from Homura "Clair how do you feel about my nephew. What are your true feelings for Homura?" He asked Clair hoping she could save him this time around.

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir @Mr Swiftshots

"The contract was passed on as per my agreement with the clan head but I am thoroughly disappointed in the one who he said would be able to control my power. All I've seen is a child fighting with himself for control over that which I will now claim for myself" said the god in disgust. His patience was growing thin and so Ifrit decided to strike at Homura. Homura dodged again and was once again nicked by an invisible force filled with heat. 

Homura decided to stop running and fight back against the god "You're making it impossible for me to give back the life I took you know that!" He said before letting loose a large stream of fire. The flames didn't seem to connect but instead bounced off the god. Homura hid and tried to watch and see what kind of habits "Ifrit" had so that he could use them to his advantage. While he watched he noticed that a small part of the gods body had been burned by his attack. Homura ducked behind his cover "So he can be hurt. Not to mention Homura seems to be fighting back" he smiled a little bit and continued to watch and see what Ifrit did next.
"I'm not asking you to rethink it Magnus," said Darius. "I just want to see if they're still good enough to maintain their status. Power is good and all, but sometimes you'll need a calm mind and a level head to survive. Plus some of them tend to flaunt that title around like it's a 'get out of jail free" card from what I've seen." He laughed a bit from his joke and retained his serious demeanor once again. "Reno here is calculative, and is able to come up with ideas that he knows will work. Raiven's abilities still need some work, but she does have a compassionate side. Homura's also a friendly personality that a lot of people can enjoy being around. If we have Elites like those three, we may be able to have them around as better role models."

Darius contemplated his thoughts some more before speaking up. "In fact, I was planning on creating a base of operations for them once they graduate. Speaking of which, Reno, are you still looking for more occupants?" Reno thought about it for a second, as he was still trying to get a few replies from a few people himself. "A few, Raiven, Arcus, Homura, and Adrian confirmed that they're joining, as well as Luna, Luka, and Hazel. I'm still waiting on more replies before we can set up the new base."  Darius was beaming with pride over his son taking the initiative. "I knew I could count on you. The base is still in development right now. but it'll have everything, basic household areas like a kitchen, living room, den and all that, but it'll also have a total of either floors too. We just need to know which floor should be for." Darius turns to face Ruby. "What do you thin k Ruby, which floors do you want the base to have?"


@Leo Radomir
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Reno watched as Ruby and Ray walked through the portal, thinking of whether or not he should go through it himself. After some thinking he turns around and tells Homura. "You've figured out your answer, but this is something you have to resolve on your own," he stated. "Don't worry, I know you can do it. Hell, if you can stop Clair from destroying the entire school I think you can face your demons by yourself. You're an Elite after all, best not let that title be a total waste." He walks through the portal and wakes up inside his room, where he finds Hanako hugging Homura's comatose body very closely. "Well, this is awkward," he said. "You are so glad it's me here instead of Clair, she will murder you."

Darius, figuring that it was a waste of time, walked back to find Arlane. When he did, he wanted to ask about one thing in particular, "So Arlane, what does the book say about removing the 'Curse of Shared Fates?' " He wanted to get his son out of the situation, but he can't do it through regular means. If this book Arlane mentioned does hold answers as to how he can break the curse so they can plan an assault on Mihkail, then there may be hope for his son. For now, Darius had to wait until it's been confirmed, but who knows how long that will take, considering that it's located in hell.


@Eternal Dragonchild



It briefly mentions several of the old gods. The likes of Ra, Anubis, Uranus. The ancient gods that have ruled the primordial elements or watched over the people, living or dead. It is said Ra created the curse to kill other gods and that only a god whose powers directly oppose Ra or Ra himself can remove it. Unfortunately, there has been no reincarnation of either god for several hundred years and no one knows where Osiris's tomb within Hell is, apart from Anubis and that Jackal is non-existant anymore" 

Arlane sighed and rested his hands on hips "I noticed something unusual on Raiven's arm, it's worth a try to translate those hieroglyphics. Speaking of Raiven, I've given Arcus permission to marry her but I still don't want to lose my little girl, what to do?"
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"I'm not asking you to rethink it Magnus," said Darius. "I just want to see if they're still good enough to maintain their status. Power is good and all, but sometimes you'll need a calm mind and a level head to survive. Plus some of them tend to flaunt that title around like it's a 'get out of jail free" card from what I've seen." He laughed a bit from his joke and retained his serious demeanor once again. "Reno here is calculative, and is able to come up with ideas that he knows will work. Raiven's abilities still need some work, but she does have a compassionate side. Homura's also a friendly personality that a lot of people can enjoy being around. If we have Elites like those three, we may be able to have them around as better role models."

Darius contemplated his thoughts some more before speaking up. "In fact, I was planning on creating a base of operations for them once they graduate. Speaking of which, Reno, are you still looking for more occupants?" Reno thought about it for a second, as he was still trying to get a few replies from a few people himself. "A few, Raiven, Arcus, Homura, and Adrian confirmed that they're joining, as well as Luna, Luka, and Hazel. I'm still waiting on more replies before we can set up the new base."  Darius was beaming with pride over his son taking the initiative. "I knew I could count on you. The base is still in development right now. but it'll have everything, basic household areas like a kitchen, living room, den and all that, but it'll also have a total of either floors too. We just need to know which floor should be for." Darius turns to face Ruby. "What do you thin k Ruby, which floors do you want the base to have?"


@Leo Radomir

"I have my group on the fourth floor and i'll it at that but the list is flawed, i don't think homura or is fit he's reckless selfish and hot headed and to proud that could endanger a lot of people and the list goes on, luka possibility i don't know much about how hazzel she needs to grow and depend less on others but a possible if she works very hard, as for ravien your right in saying she has a compassionate side and some skills but lots of people do, as for arcus he does have potential but does he have the discipline and understanding to lead others and so on when needed". " Adrian is a nice and friendly and is often helping and that's great but i also feel he may let that kindness get in the way and joke or fool around to much could be a serious issue". " Luna as long as she can keep her impulses down and her emotions in check then she definitely has the potential to even be the next and i don't need to say more than that about her" " Even though ray hates shadow types as a rule haniko and could work because they have the ability to think outside the box and even though she's awkward she's a stable person". " We can adjust the list as people as people come and prepared a trail period and different tasks to see how they do overall i don't expected to be liked for this but this way people have the potential to see they can mold into a different world and like i said before i think it's a good way to start healing a broken system". 
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"Well, then I guess we're in an agreement," said Darius. "I'll keep that in mind Ruby, now to figure out what to do for the other floors."  Just then, Arlane came by and told him about the hieroglyphics on his daughter's arm...and about Arcus marrying her. "Hmm, I think I see what's going on Arlane, but just in case I may be wrong, find her and ask her about the hieroglyphics. Also, tell her and Arcus that I'll be reevaluating them. If possible we may end up having to replace a few Elites." Darius took a seat on one the bleachers, waiting for the other Elites to arrive so he can get the reevaluation started.

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild
6 minutes ago, ShadowSaber331 said:

"Well, then I guess we're in an agreement," said Darius. "I'll keep that in mind Ruby, now to figure out what to do for the other floors."  Just then, Arlane came by and told him about the hieroglyphics on his daughter's arm...and about Arcus marrying her. "Hmm, I think I see what's going on Arlane, but just in case I may be wrong, find her and ask her about the hieroglyphics. Also, tell her and Arcus that I'll be reevaluating them. If possible we may end up having to replace a few Elites." Darius took a seat on one the bleachers, waiting for the other Elites to arrive so he can get the reevaluation started.

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild


"She can't read hieroglyphics. I have some knowledge" Just then Raiven bounded in and gave her dad a hug. SHe still had twigs stuck in her hair from her forest escapades with Arcus. Arlane wrapped his arm around her before showing Magnus and Darius the tattoo he was talking about "Can either of you read this, it mentions a god" Raiven gave a little giggle as she tidied her appearance up

@Leo Radomir

"She can't read hieroglyphics. I have some knowledge" Just then Raiven bounded in and gave her dad a hug. SHe still had twigs stuck in her hair from her forest escapades with Arcus. Arlane wrapped his arm around her before showing Magnus and Darius the tattoo he was talking about "Can either of you read this, it mentions a god" Raiven gave a little giggle as she tidied her appearance up

@Leo Radomir


Ray stuck his hand up and says" I can but it would be much faster if i transferred my knowledge to her after i'm not completely cold hearted are you ready raiven this will hurt a fair bit" A few voices pops into reno's head they say, so the ice prince is born again but that aside we sense a great darkness do you have what it takes to control the blood we have at it's strongest and do u have what it takes to be the purple gate keepers friend if so we shall lend you our power for now'.
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5 minutes ago, Leo Radomir said:

Ray stuck his hand up and says" I can but it would be much faster if i transferred my knowledge to her after i'm not completely cold hearted are you ready raiven this will hurt a fair bit"


Raiven nodded "Thank you for offering. I know you don't really like us Elites. I'm ready for it" Raiven stepped towards Ray and stood there quite unsure of what to do next. She held out her hand, curious to what he would need.
Raiven nodded "Thank you for offering. I know you don't really like us Elites. I'm ready for it" Raiven stepped towards Ray and stood there quite unsure of what to do next. She held out her hand, curious to what he would need.

Ray sticks his hand out and purple ward in his hand starts to glow and his whisperer" as the gate keeper i grant tye the token of knowledge from the times of old may it grant you answers to your long road ahead". Not long after that another purple ward appears on her head and the mana starts to go into her.
16 minutes ago, Leo Radomir said:

Ray sticks his hand out and purple ward in his hand starts to glow and his whisperer" as the gate keeper i grant tye the token of knowledge from the times of old may it grant you answers to your long road ahead". Not long after that another purple ward appears on her head and the mana starts to go into her.



Raiven smiled and gave Ray a hug after it was finished, wincing slightly from the pain "Now let's see about this tattoo" She observed it for a moment "It mentions the underworld, reincarnation and a god" Tucking her sleeve back she smiled "If i remember history class correctly then the Egyptian god of the underworld and reincarnation is Osiris. Does that ring a bell to you, Ray?"

She took a breath "Osiris was said to take the souls that Anubis judged worthy. The ones that when their heart was weighed against a feather were lighter than the feather. He was once a king, murdered by his brother so he could take the throne. His wife reincarnated him so he could have a sun, Horus. 
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Reno was in shock when he heard a voice in his head. It mentioned something about "Sensing great darkness," and "Being the gatekeeper's friend." He put two and two together and mentally communicated with it. 'I am ready to accept your power, whoever you are.' When Raiven mentioned something about Osiris, his eyes perked up. "Wait, Osiris, as in the Egyptian God Osiris," he asked. "Hang on, incarnation...I've been thinking, considering that you and your father have abilities based on the spiritual element, the Egyptian tattoo on your arm that mentions Osiris., I have one theory...You're either his descendant, or his reincarnation." He looked over at Ray, with a worried look on his face. "Ray, I just heard something in my head," he explains. "Something about 'Great Darkness,' and 'Gate Keeper's friend.' Are you by any chance a gate keeper yourself?"

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild
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20 minutes ago, ShadowSaber331 said:

Reno was in shock when he heard a voice in his head. It mentioned something about "Sensing great darkness," and "Being the gatekeeper's friend." He put two and two together and mentionally communicated with it. 'I am ready to accept your power, whoever you are.' When Raiven mentioned something about Osiris, his eyes perked up. "Wait, Osiris, as in the Egyptian God Osiris," he asked. "Hang on, incarnation...I've been thinking, considering that you and your father have abilities based on the spiritual element, the egyptian tatto on your arm that mentions Osiris., I have one theory...You're either his descendant, or his reincarnation."

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild


"A very interesting theory, especially considering Osiris was the one to break the mark originally. Only time will tell if she's his descendant or reincarnation" Arlane clamped his hand onto his daughter's shoulders giving them a squeeze "Now that she's here, why don't we reevaluate her and see if we can't coax him out"

@Leo Radomir

Arcus at that point decided to teleport into the room. As he did his crown and armor appeared on his body His tattoo showed on his back. "Crowned King" showed in black lettering as he turned towards Arlane and the group. Arcus finally felt at piece of being Uranus and Arcus. "So what does any of this have to do with Uranus??" Arcus asked as he went over to Raiven kissed her forehead, and nodded towards Arlane.
Raiven gave a playful pout before kissing him on the nose "You forgot to clean up" she breathed in his ear gently as she held onto him "They are saying I might be Osiris reincarnated, kind of explains the hieroglyphs" She rested against him, tracing his armour with a finger. She breathed in his scent, waiting for her re-evaluation.

@Anyone Online


@Leo Radomir

Arcus blushed, and looked at the group. "So does that mean I am the reincarnation of Uranus??" Arcus asked as he showed the armor, and crown. He then showed the tattoo that appeared on his back when he accepted the power from Uranus. He looked and was still blushing at the fact he saw the mess he left on Raiven.
"Anyway, since almost every Elite is here, I'm planning on having you all reevaluated," Darius said. "We're going to see if you're worthy or not to stay as Elites. You will have a couple of weeks to train and prepare your abilities. I'll be creating illusions of various scenarios, and it will be your job to show us everything: Mastery of your abilities, your tactical know how, and how you approach each situation. If you fail to meet the requirements, you're off the Elites, no ifs, ands, or buts, and yes Reno, that includes you." "I understand, I'll take the reevaluation test as well." Darius smiled at how Reno was quick to accept it. "Very well, Arlane, Magnus, are you two in agreement as well?"

@Anyone Online

@Eternal Dragonchild

Reno was in shock when he heard a voice in his head. It mentioned something about "Sensing great darkness," and "Being the gatekeeper's friend." He put two and two together and mentally communicated with it. 'I am ready to accept your power, whoever you are.' When Raiven mentioned something about Osiris, his eyes perked up. "Wait, Osiris, as in the Egyptian God Osiris," he asked. "Hang on, incarnation...I've been thinking, considering that you and your father have abilities based on the spiritual element, the Egyptian tattoo on your arm that mentions Osiris., I have one theory...You're either his descendant, or his reincarnation." He looked over at Ray, with a worried look on his face. "Ray, I just heard something in my head," he explains. "Something about 'Great Darkness,' and 'Gate Keeper's friend.' Are you by any chance a gate keeper yourself?"

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

Ray taps his chin and says" If i was to tell you i was and i only look 15 in this form what would you say, many aren't willing to accept a living higher power living among them, as for the great darkness one could say they are demons that fight other evils as per the contract of the ageless kings so you said you accepted so that means you will try and understand me so i'll start by giving you my full power just this once use it wisely or you too could be devoured by the gates". rose gold and white and purple ruins start to form all over reno's body and the magic quickly starts to pour in.
5 minutes ago, ShadowSaber331 said:

"Anyway, since almost every Elite is here, I'm planning on having you all reevaluated," Darius said. "We're going to see if you're worthy or not to stay as Elites. You will have a couple of weeks to train and prepare your abilities. I'll be creating illusions of various scenarios, and it will be your job to show us everything: Mastery of your abilities, your tactical know how, and how you approach each situation. If you fail to meet the requirements, you're off the Elites, no ifs, ands, or buts, and yes Reno, that includes you." "I understand, I'll take the reevaluation test as well." Darius smiled at how Reno was quick to accept it. "Very well, Arlane, Magnus, are you two in agreement as well?"

@Anyone Online

@Eternal Dragonchild





"A couple of weeks? Our first marching band display is a fortnight away. Heathfield will never let us live it down if we don't show up" Raiven clenched her fist, music was one of her dearest passions " Sakura Academy has held the title in this county against them for the last ten years solid. It's my final year here, I'm not about to let Heathfield win" Several sparks of lightning flew off of her as she levelled her gaze at Magnus "Currently, the members of Sakura's band are my priority. The second priority is finding out more about my family past and whether I am Osiris."

Raphael Moreau


Even though I am one man, I still have eyes and ears everywhere. Perhaps this may be by coincidence or maybe by some guiding influential force from outside... (totally not me) I perhaps knew about the Elite Reevaluation Assessment. Naturally, as the villainous role, I have chosen to don on myself, I would teleport to wherever they are as I would hate to miss a party. Naturally, as the mask I hold forces me to act arrogant, I greet them with a bit of arrogance, "Salutations my... I can't exactly call you friends can I?" With of a wave of a hand, a mysterious list of mysteriousness pops up. For my eyes only of course. "...Rumor has it there is an Elite Reevaluation Assessment of sorts, I assume?" I'd ask. "Even if I act like an antagonist, I would really like to see this assessment play out. I won't intervene, but I shall make no promises if I will not have a need to come out and bear arms." With a wave of a hand, I would make it seem as if I had a popcorn bowl in my hands, and moreover, as I leaned back as if I were sitting, a chair would appear, so it seems now that I would be sitting, reading the list as if it held some importance.

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