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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Hazel just looked at her as she just smiled' yeah raiven likes me she's my friend only the few that accepts me for being deaf she hated me at first but she got to like me somehow maybe cause of the bully attacks' she signed as she just was pouting a little bit' but i don't have money to get a cat tencially i'm a orphan so yeah i don't have money to buy a kitty' she say pouting a bit she just looked at her' wanna come to music room and feel the music i play' she signed as she just looked up at her she didn't know how to survive on her mum birthday it was in two days ' um would you like to visit my mum in two days' she signed tearing up a bit @Eternal Dragonchild
"Dude, you think I'm this strong and this smart by nature? No, I've studied and trained for years to get where I am, same with Ruby and Ray," he explained. "If you're just relying on dumb luck to get through fights, then you obviously don't deserve the Elite rank." Reno walked passed the others and stood still for a moment. 'I can still track him as long as he's within range!.  "Well, I got his mana signature," he said. "So it looks like we'll have to go to him, and if it comes down to it Homura, you're gonna have to fight him...by yourself." He walks over to Homura and gave him the death stare and coldly says. "When we're done here, I'm going to kick your sorry ass for dragging us in this mess." He looks over to Ruby and Ray and says, "You two can join in if you want." Reno turns around and walks away and begins tracking him again. As soon as he reacquired his mana signature, he walks towards the very direction it's coming from.


@Leo Radomir
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"I never asked you to come here. I didn't send up the signal flare saying come help me" he says with a little annoyance "Seriously who the hell jumps into someone's mind on their own and blames the other person. I was going to try and deal with this on my own but no you all just had to get involved" he was pissed and angry and couldn't calm down. His friend just seriously made the dumbest accusation ever even after it was his decision to jump into the fire on his own "And Ruby you can't blame me for anything either. You just came to fight my other half which by some stupid miracle you made it into my mental scale and got trapped. And Ray how dumb was it that you decided to follow Reno in here and get trapped with them. I can understand if you all wanted to help but none of you didn't and I sure as hell didn't ask any of you to show up!" He let out everything that had been boiling since they showed up and started calling the shots in his head. He started breathing and finally calmed down. His hair transformed back into his normal hair and his eyes dimmed back from glowing to not. "Tell me what everyone's brilliant plan is that's supposed to help get me out if I'm not freakin involved?" He asked still slightly annoyed, though less than just a second ago.

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
Reno gave what his friend said some thought and found a few flaws in it "You're so wrong buddy, we didn't come here of our own accord, we came here because Magnus wanted us to," he explained. "He even commented on how stupid your idea was to place yourself in a coma until the mark is gone, and he is SOO right on the money. Anyway, I'm not going to fail Magnus, so shut up and deal with it." He walked ahead of Homura and continued to track down Makoto. "Now that you know, do you still want us to abandon our objective and leave you here?"

Arcus just blushed and started acting so why when Arlane said that. When Raiven kissed his nose he blushed more. Though when Arcus looked towards Arlane his crown and armor summoned to his body. "Sorry these things  have a mind of his own."
4 minutes ago, Anyone Online said:

Arcus just blushed and started acting so why when Arlane said that. When Raiven kissed his nose he blushed more. Though when Arcus looked towards Arlane his crown and armor summoned to his body. "Sorry these things  have a mind of his own."


Raiven pouted when he gained his armour. "Now I can't tear it off" She pouted as she traced his jaw.

Arlane laughed heartily as his daughter whined "Is there anything you two want, other than to tear his armour off?"
I don't know Sir. Your daughter has been wanting to spend a lot of alone time with me. Maybe if we can go somewhere where it was just the two of us." Arcus said as he blushed, and the armor disappeared, but the crown stayed. Arcus just blushed at the predatory look in Raiven's eyes, and what could possible going through her mind.
Homura was wondering how his friends could be so stupid and yet he started to care less and less "What ever do what you want but I'm going to do what I have to do no matter what" he said with conviction "I am glad you guys have my best interests in mind or not but either way this is something I have to do" Homura was actually glad his friends were there but their attitudes toward him could have been better. He went out to the back yard and started training "I have to....keep in as good shape...as possible" he said as he worked out in every way he could. He was wondering what he could do to make the merge go through. After some thinking he realized that even if he won against himself he wouldn't be able to merge. He needed to return the life he stole back to one it originally belonged 'I am so sorry for everything I've done. I've gone and stolen the life you should have had for so long. I return it tonight' he sent his thoughts to Makoto 'Good to hear but I'm not going to kill you. You are me after all. But we have to put on a good show for them. I'm also sorry for being a jerk but trust me I'm not angry anymore. It's all thanks to her. Your very minute moments with the void has given clarity that and I hate being hunted' said True Homura as he responded. Homura was still training. He knew something was wrong with his original and he wanted to correct it.

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
Reno smiles at Homura and pats his shoulder. "I was wondering when you was going to finally accept the real Homura," said Reno. "Well, now that I know what your real plan is, let's get that closure you both deserve." He walks forward with conviction on his face, for the whole time he knew that the real Homura was just trying to find closure for his past. "Oh, and next time," he continued. "Don't run from the past, it does more harm than good, and the REAL Homura's proof of that. In fact that what we've been telling you the entire time, you're just too dense to figure it out."

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1 hour ago, Anyone Online said:

I don't know Sir. Your daughter has been wanting to spend a lot of alone time with me. Maybe if we can go somewhere where it was just the two of us." Arcus said as he blushed, and the armor disappeared, but the crown stayed. Arcus just blushed at the predatory look in Raiven's eyes, and what could possible going through her mind.


"Are you sure you don't want to ask me something before she tears your clothes off" Arlane gave a cheerful laugh and clapped Arcus on the back. Raiven gave a low playful growl and whispered in Arcus's ear "How about we play tag?, each time someone is caught they lose some clothing" She grinned at him before snuggling close, pressing against his body.
Uhhhh" Arcus let out a long moan. "Yes Sir I was wondering if I could make Raiven my wife??" Arcus asked as he turned to Raiven and let out a real predatory growl, and snaked an arm around her waist and squeezed her butt. Arcus then looked to Arlane to see if he saw what he did, and if he would say yes. Arcus then stood behind Raiven, and placed his growing bulged in between her butt.
Raiven blushed slightly, feeling Arcus against her butt. She rested her head against his arm and rocked against him. Arlane smiled "Sure thing. I give you my permission to ask for her hand in marriage." He squeezed his daughter's cheeks "Off you go and play, use protection"

@Anyone Online
Arcus moved forward as Raiven rocked against him. He blushed at Arlane's comment, and started giving Raiven a deep predatory growl, as he nipped at the skin on her pulse. He whispered in her ear, "Tag your it." Arcus then ran jumped over the fountain, and ran towards the woods.
Raiven handed her dad the band jacket and took off running after Arcus. She soon caught up with, out of sight of her dad and knocked him over, sitting on his chest, her legs spread either side of his head "Now you're it" She smiled, her skirt rolling up.

@Anyone Online
Arcus just smiled, and breathed threw his nose. As Arcus ran after Raiven, he took off his crown, and threw it to the sky. Arcus flashed in front of Raiven, and she ran into him. Arcus squeezed her butt, and licked her cheek, and growled, "Tag your it." Arcus then flashed to a tree, and started hopping branches.
5 minutes ago, Anyone Online said:

Arcus just smiled, and breathed threw his nose. As Arcus ran after Raiven, he took off his crown, and threw it to the sky. Arcus flashed in front of Raiven, and she ran into him. Arcus squeezed her butt, and licked her cheek, and growled, "Tag your it." Arcus then flashed to a tree, and started hopping branches.


Raiven removed her shirt, letting Feiron keep it safe as she climbed after Arcus, using the storm clouds to get ahead and tag him while rubbing against him "One to me" She whispered and leant in for a kiss.
Arcus just smirked and started running with lightning after Raiven. He dove from high in the air, without his shirt, and crashed with her into the middle of the forest. Arcus didn't let her go and started kissing her neck, and pinning her against the ground. "I'm tired of tag, and I thought of a new game." Arcus growled in her ear showing the dominate and feral look in his eyes. Arcus started grinding against Raiven as he started kissing her neck.

(Wanna take it to discord??)
1 minute ago, Anyone Online said:

Arcus just smirked and started running with lightning after Raiven. He dove from high in the air, without his shirt, and crashed with her into the middle of the forest. Arcus didn't let her go and started kissing her neck, and pinning her against the ground. "I'm tired of tag, and I thought of a new game." Arcus growled in her ear showing the dominate and feral look in his eyes. Arcus started grinding against Raiven as he started kissing her neck.

(Wanna take it to discord??)


"You win, will I win at the next game?" Raiven asked with a grin and lick of her lips. "Please"
Raiven smiled as Feiron handed her shirt over. She pulled it on and buttoned it up so it covered the bites. She couldn't do anything about her legs just yet so she just let them be "So Arcus, what do you want to do now?" She asked as she stood up and helped him up

@Anyone Online
Well we can go take a nap??" Arcus suggested, and blushed as he kept a shirt off showing all the bites Raiven left on him. "Wellll. Seems like someone is a little territorial today." Arcus said as he started pointing to all of the bites trying to embarrass Raiven.
"Arcy, When we graduate, i want to think about starting a family" she snuggled into his arms  "I have catalogs of clothing" She hinted heavily at what her plans were "We'd have to stop using the current to have a baby" 

She walked back, leaning against him with a satisfied smile on her face.

@Anyone Online
Okay that works for me." Arcus said as he held her close as they walked towards the school. Arcus was hoping she would say that. Arcus knew deep down that he and Raiven had a closer connection then either of them realize at the moment.
Homura felt much more calm when he finished training and he felt more at ease with his friends around. He would have been happy if it was just Reno but he now also had to work with Ruby and Ray. Both of whom hated him at the moment 'Why couldn't they have just stayed out of it?' He thought to himself before thinking about his Elites jacket that he had made like he had one made for everyone else. He decided he wasn't worthy to wear it until he figured out where he fit with the team. He thought really hard about his other red jacket and it appeared on the porch beside him. Everything about the jacket was the same except for the embroidery where it had his families names. Where it had said Makoto it now said Myuki and it made Homura smile a little bit "Well that deals with attire but you still need to tell me exactly what you all plan to do" he said toward Ruby and Ray.

@Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
Homura felt much more calm when he finished training and he felt more at ease with his friends around. He would have been happy if it was just Reno but he now also had to work with Ruby and Ray. Both of whom hated him at the moment 'Why couldn't they have just stayed out of it?' He thought to himself before thinking about his Elites jacket that he had made like he had one made for everyone else. He decided he wasn't worthy to wear it until he figured out where he fit with the team. He thought really hard about his other red jacket and it appeared on the porch beside him. Everything about the jacket was the same except for the embroidery where it had his families names. Where it had said Makoto it now said Myuki and it made Homura smile a little bit "Well that deals with attire but you still need to tell me exactly what you all plan to do" he said toward Ruby and Ray.

@Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331

Ruby and ray just ignored him at first at and then ray opens a portal and walks through the portal fizzies as it quickly starts to close then ruby jokes with ray and says" now he wants to be humble his personality is worst than jackle and hides and i thought they messed up when they made mine and do we really need me him it's like talking to annoying twins if he gets half stuck in the portal that would be amusing let's give him to the count of fifteen because that's when the portal closes".

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