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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

You are such a egotistical dick. You don't know what happened to these girls in there past. Plus anytime you face danger you just run back to France like the scum you are. Frankly I could care little about what you say, because anything you say here around people or not no one cares. You pick on people because you are insecure about yourself, or the fact you don't have powers like others. So on behalf of all the students at Sakura Academy, I can officially say your are a pompous ass, and that no one will care if you left or not." Arcus then started to walk away not really caring about his this student is just like any school bully,

Raphael Moreau


"...So, I see I have your answer," I'd say solemnly as he left. Perhaps those words he says is true. However, he has close to nothing when comes to the knowledge of the horrors I had to suffer through. Perhaps such an ego can be replaced with resentment of an upper class. I had done what I had set out to do. I was baffled at what he was saying towards me. However, the truth is clear. He turned tail and left. Perhaps the monster I am is because I am determined to fight for what I think is right, at the expense of my life. I'd begin to fix up the place, like a decent French man. Afterward, I made a call. It was for Clair. If she would answer, and when she would answer, I would then say, "Hello, I'd like to report an assassination attempt of a foreign minister."

@Mr Swiftshots
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Arcus walked out the door and stood outside in the storm. Arcus then fell to his knees and let the lightning strike him over and over again. Arcus looked up at the rain, and let a glass shattering scream. Arcus body arched back, and wave after wave of pure energy shot from his body. The area around him density increased. A crater formed, and the gravity in the area around him intensified. Arcus then arched forwards letting energy run its course. The armor fell off of Arcus' body, and started to combined with Arcus' body. Arcus just fell over with the words "Crowned king" in ancient Greek across his shoulder blades.
Taking Michiko into her dorm, Raiven grumbled as the storm went on and wandered outside, taking some of it's power as her own. Spotting Arcus, she ran over to her boyfriend and cuddled up to him, tracing the words with a finger. Feroin curled up protectively around the two as they lay there. Raiven still drawing in the power of the storm, storing it deep in her blood "You better not hurt him Uranus, I have a contract with both Osiris and Anubis, he'll drag you out of Arcy and to hell himself" A flash of lightning illuminated her shadow, instead of it being the normal human shadow she was used to, it was the shadow of Osiris himself.

@Anyone Online
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Arcus grumbled, and looked to Raiven, and smiled. "What do you mean I am Uranus, and Arcus." Arcus said as he stood up. Arcue looked ever part of the primordial god Uranus. From the eyes, down to the toned body he had. Arcus snapped his finger, the storm completely vanished, and the sky was crystal clear. Arcus took hold Raiven, and stood her up. A crown of bones, a single star gem containing lightning adorned the crown. 

Raphael Moreau


Naturally, with such a scream, one might be curious about what was going on. I put my phone in my pocket, and if Clair started talking to me, I would just hold it for now. I'd teleport outside to see such a scene. Using the light magic I have, the clouds parted under me, revealing a glowing light. I'd look sympathetically at the two as if I meant it. "Interesting is it? I say only one word. And I am cast as the antagonist." I would then sigh. "I offer reconciliation, peace, and I beg for forgiveness by acting properly and with respect. But how you have turned down my offer, really intrigues me." I would then direct my words towards Raiven, "I could ease his suffering if you would like. Alas, I shall assume this offer will be turned down. Hope he gets better in some regard." I would then walk back into the building, for the sake of finding shelter of course. Sitting there in the lobby.
1 minute ago, XxCharColexX said:

Raphael Moreau


Naturally, with such a scream, one might be curious about what was going on. I put my phone in my pocket, and if Clair started talking to me, I would just hold it for now. I'd teleport outside to see such a scene. Using the light magic I have, the clouds parted under me, revealing a glowing light. I'd look sympathetically at the two as if I meant it. "Interesting is it? I say only one word. And I am cast as the antagonist." I would then sigh. "I offer reconciliation, peace, and I beg for forgiveness by acting properly and with respect. But how you have turned down my offer, really intrigues me." I would then direct my words towards Raiven, "I could ease his suffering if you would like. Alas, I shall assume this offer will be turned down. Hope he gets better in some regard." I would then walk back into the building, for the sake of finding shelter of course. Sitting there in the lobby.


Raiven let out an almost inhuman growl "Ease his suffering?" She laughed "How about I take your life force and give it to him" She didn't notice the tattoo snaking it's way around her arm. Egyptian hieroglyphs spun in a band just below her Hellhound mark, if you could read them you'd the name of the Egyptian god of Death, Osiris. She reached out a hand, pale with electricity as she stroked Arcus's chek with a soft smile, her shadow fading to normal

@Anyone Online

Raphael Moreau


Before I went in, I held the door open as I looked back, then I said, "Then do so," I would then stand outside. I would then holster my sword, and throw it at her feet. "Your boyfriend claims I am weak, and here I am. Alone, and in the open," I'd say. "Even then in the cafeteria, he has failed to kill me," I would say. "Go on, kill me," I'd say. I would then ask, "Will you too, fail to draw out my blood?"
An ethereal glow surround Arcus as he smiled. Lightning seemed to dance in his eyes, and leaned down and kissed Raiven. "Well since you are officially a Queen now, o we tell your dad later, or now??" Arcus asked as Royal Greccian/Roman wear adorned his body, and a crown of pure lightning downed his head. Arcus just teleported him and Raiven to the garden on the back of the schools ground

Raphael Moreau


"It seems the problem has solved itself, my presence is needed no more," I'd say. As I would the walk back inside the lobby. Sitting there solemnly, as if something was bothering me. I felt empty, like a shell. Naturally, the sword I threw came back to me by instinct. I was really on my breaking point. I was indeed suffering. Yet no one will be there to console me. I thought. I missed home, I missed my life back at Notre Dame. Perhaps it is what it is. I came here for a country, I must not allow homesickness to hinder my cause.
Myuki decided he should go and check on her room number since she wasn't able to secure an apartment. When she arrived at the student services office she gave the woman her ID card and waited. The woman passed it back to her, literally and then proceeded to check her computer "Your room number is 115 young lady. Have a wonderful day and please think about attending our school bands recital coming up soon" said the woman to Myuki "Thank you very much ma'am I will be sure to see about that" and with that response Myuki set out for her room. When she arrived she decided she would get everything set up "This place will look more me in no time" she smirked and then set to work unpacking.
Darius walked around the school a bit more, taking in it's scenery as well as reminiscing about his time here. 'I do miss the good old days with Arlane and Magnus.'  When he reached the dorms, he noticed Raphael outside, with an aura that's somber, almost depressing. "He, Moreau," he shouted. "Your aura feels depressing, what's ailing you?"

Reno stayed up and left Ruby to sleep, his legs feeling a bit tired from their...romantic moments. 'I wonder if dad will accept me marrying her. Probably, she's been visiting my family along with Luna for some time now.'  He figured that now that he's awake, he should head up towards the attic to keep watch again. Reno gets off the bed and walks over to where Ruby is, and kisses her cheek. "I'm going to keep an eye out for any trouble," he whispered. "Maybe even learn how to summon my armor without emotional stimulation." Reno leaves the room and was about to head upstairs, but stopped when he noticed Homura. "Lemme guess, even though he's still split from you, he's communicating through Telepathy?"

@Leo Radomir


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Darius walked around the school a bit more, taking in it's scenery as well as reminiscing about his time here. 'I do miss the good old days with Arlane and Magnus.'  When he reached the dorms, he noticed Raphael outside, with an aura that's somber, almost depressing. "He, Moreau," he shouted. "Your aura feels depressing, what's ailing you?"

Reno stayed up and left Ruby to sleep, his legs feeling a bit tired from their...romantic moments. 'I wonder if dad will accept me marrying her. Probably, she's been visiting my family along with Luna for some time now.'  He figured that now that he's awake, he should head up towards the attic to keep watch again. Reno gets off the bed and walks over to where Ruby is, and kisses her cheek. "I'm going to keep an eye out for any trouble," he whispered. "Maybe even learn how to summon my armor without emotional stimulation." Reno leaves the room and was about to head upstairs, but stopped when he noticed Homura. "Lemme guess, even though he's still split from you, he's communicating through Telepathy?"

@Leo Radomir



Ruby woke up shortly after and clicks her bones and then says" I don't know what but i sensed something unpleasant and letting him go is one thing but i still can't bring myself to trust him, when people from go from asres to kind and caring it often makes me wonder what they want but i guess it can't hurt to see what he has to say ray's more than happy to rip his army off and beat him with them if it's what i think it is".
Homura looked over slightly surprised since he had though Reno was asleep or at least doing the deed with Ruby "Hey man I have to go...." he said not really answering Renos question. He hated keeping things from his friends but he wished they could trust him for once and let him do what he needs to do "I have to go but I won't" he said regretfully. He didn't want to lose his abilities but he didn't want to lose his friends more. "If I lose my magic though I'm hitting you in the face. Really hard. Be prepared" he said with a testy smile "When you said it was ironic or poetic that I liked my powers even after what happened to my parents I wasn't sure what to say back. After thinking about it I just know that I wouldn't be the guy I am now without it" he said with a said smile on his face. "I may as well make he most of the time I have left with my magic while I still have it" he didn't want to lose his last connection to his dad but he knew his friends were more important than a power that only caused others trouble.

@Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
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Homura looked over slightly surprised since he had though Reno was asleep or at least doing the deed with Ruby "Hey man I have to go...." he said not really answering Renos question. He hated keeping things from his friends but he wished they could trust him for once and let him do what he needs to do "I have to go but I won't" he said regretfully. He didn't want to lose his abilities but he didn't want to lose his friends more. "If I lose my magic though I'm hitting you in the face. Really hard. Be prepared" he said with a testy smile "When you said it was ironic or poetic that I liked my powers even after what happened to my parents I wasn't sure what to say back. After thinking about it I just know that I wouldn't be the guy I am now without it" he said with a said smile on his face. "I may as well make he most of the time I have left with my magic while I still have it" he didn't want to lose his last connection to his dad but he knew his friends were more important than a power that only caused others trouble.

@Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331

Ruby sits up and smiles very coldly and says" yep you're definitely a lot dumber than reno surely you didn't think i wouldn't take measures for this kind of nonsense i've set up multi layered wards in the place and seriously such a premadona i had to had my magic restricted for at least two years and the pain was insane so compared to that your getting off lightly and i'll say it again and again till it gets through your not part of this mission your a liability".

" So sit back and accept it princess we can deal with your powers at a later stage as has been said before, And who you are right now give me a break no story is going to get me to trust you as my friendship i'm going make you work like a dog and let me be clear reno belongs to me so if you get any stupid ideas i might be inclined to shove you into the land known as jimraja not a nice place you won't die there of course but it's you won't be able to use your powers and only those with contracts to spirit gods so unless your dad knows and has a contract with one of them like me then your time will move much slower there, so are you still going to test me flesh sack because i can open the plain right now if i wished to".
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"Actually Ruby, Magnus is his uncle, his father, along with his mother, were killed in a fire," Reno explained. He looked over to Homura and says with a cold tone of voice. "But she does have a point. You've proven to be more susceptible to your own emotions, which clouds your judgement. Besides, there's something I've been meaning to tell you.." Reno took a deep breath and collected his thoughts. He was about to explain what else had happened between him splitting his soul and putting it back into him. "When I split your soul to fight off your dark half, I also made it so he has his own powers, and you have yours," he explained. "So if we leave now, he'll still be trapped inside your subconscious, or killed, and you'll still keep your powers, though it's not gonna be as potent. It was a fail safe my dad taught me when it came to soul separation." He looked over at Ruby with a sly look on his face. "Also, I'm into girls anyway, and Homura's already dating Clair. Besides, if I was bi, and I stole Homura, both you and CLAIR will take turns KILLING US!!!"

@Leo Radomir

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Homura looked offended by his friends comment about his power "That's not it! What I'm worried about isn't about actually losing my powers but waking up and being powerless to protect anyone. How am I supposed to be able to protect anything when I'm only half of who I was" he said almost by accident referring to his magic and his personalities "The only way to become whole is by being able to accept all parts of yourself. How am I supposed to do that when I've got everyone here making my decisions for me" he was getting worked up and tried breathing to calm himself but he could still feel his eyes starting to brighten with a dim glow. His hair felt different than usual when he started thinking about it. Homura didn't realize his hair had made the complete transition into real flames. "I always thought it was my emotions and my drive to do what I have to that got me into the Elites. If it wasn't that and it was just my raw power than what am I when I wake up? I'll be just another bystander who can't fight anymore because he lost who he was" he couldn't hold it in anymore with Ruby and Reno deciding his life for him like he didn't have the right anymore "I'm not like you guys with any super skills or tactical sense. I'm just a passionate fighter that does reckless things and hopes they work out. So is Makoto because he is ,like you said, just like me and feels the exact same way" he pleaded his point hoping to get it across to them. He figured that Ray was going to come up next and beat him half to death or that Ruby and Reno would trap him in another plane of existence seperate from his body. He didn't care. He knew what he had to do and he would be damned if he didn't do it.

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
"Two things," Reno started to comment. "1. I just saw your hair suddenly turn into fire, how the hell did you do that? 2. You're just now figuring that out? I was wondering when you was going to actually accept your powers as your own and actually do something about it." He walked over and patted him on the shoulder. "You're standing up for your beliefs, you didn't need your other half to do that, which proves your not as powerless as you claim to be." He walks over to the entrance of the house and puts his jacket on. He turns around and faces Homura, with a smile that says 'Everything will be okay.' "Let's find Makoto and see what his deal is," he said. His expression turns cold as he thought about the end result. "But if this backfires," he continues. "I'll show no mercy to neither you or Makoto. Do you understand?"

Ruby smirk and then say"yes we would but right now i cant bring my self to trust him if i acted like he did the hunters would throw me in a cell" "just goingin to talk then act isn't ideal and mistakes aside award to make it hard to takeas much damage as for being eiete that will have to be disscussed later"

Ray was at the door and says" This time i'm not saying it toe dick but how am i meant to put my faith in someone till just now is meant to be considered part of the team, that's why hunters and so on have such strict rules about who they take on what missions and from what i've seen apart from your dad reno the other heads don't give people much respect and until that happens even after this things won't change under the surface".
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Arlane walked through the gardens until he came upon his daughter sharing an embrace with Arcus. He smiled and put his arms around the two of them "So how's my little Zapball and her future husband doing today. Wheres the Sunhound, I want to meet my daughter's protector." He rested his head on Raiven's as Feiron bounded round the corner to settle at her feet.

Raiven giggled softly as she kissed Arcus on the nose.

@Anyone Online

Michiko woke up alone, it seemed raiven had things to do. She began to cook some french toast for herself, and when she was ready to eat she went and stood by the window. Glancing outside she saw a forest... So vast and green. Unlike anything she had ever really seen. It was magnificent.
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@Eternal Dragonchild where do i jump in um i been gone for a day at lot of posts to read 

You can go find Luka if you like. The auditions haven't happened yet.

Luka was sitting in the hall, reading a book about cats as she wanted to get a pet cat. She was already bored so she texted Hazel "I'm boooored, save me from reading about kitties"

she sent to her friend as she flopped onto the book. Her notebook lay by her side, filled with information about cats

Hazel just read her text as she smiled as she got up from playing the piano she should take a brake from it she just walked to the library she tried to scare her" booo" she giggled coming from behind her hugging her she sat next to her on the couch' why you reading about kitties' she signed to her as she smiled looking around' is bullies bugging you today' she asked as she just lay on her lap as she just smiled looking at her she felt comfortable she had her sheet music with her she put it in her binder but it was showing a little bit' so uh i doing adutions tomorrow for the band i'm super nervous about it what if i mess up i know i'm good with the piano since mom taught me but still i'm nervous' she signed @Eternal Dragonchild
9 minutes ago, Zeldafangirl said:


Hazel just read her text as she smiled as she got up from playing the piano she should take a brake from it she just walked to the library she tried to scare her" booo" she giggled coming from behind her hugging her she sat next to her on the couch' why you reading about kitties' she signed to her as she smiled looking around' is bullies bugging you today' she asked as she just lay on her lap as she just smiled looking at her she felt comfortable she had her sheet music with her she put it in her binder but it was showing a little bit' so uh i doing adutions tomorrow for the band i'm super nervous about it what if i mess up i know i'm good with the piano since mom taught me but still i'm nervous' she signed @Eternal Dragonchild


"You'll be fine, Raiven likes you, unlike the french kid who's the other piano audition. I'm not surprised if she chooses you over him it was two spots, she may just make him the substitute for you" Luka smiled and played with Hazel's hair "I want a pet kitty" Luka signed as she smiled softly. 

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