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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

"I don't plan on leaving you," he said. "But I don't want you doing something reckless. I know you want to be sure you have your powers back, but there are other ways of doing that without merging with your dark half. Besides, like him, you're not one to accept things so easily." He closed his eyes for a second so he could come up with an idea. when he did, he spoke again. "I'll release you from your shackles, but I want you to stay here until we fully assess the situation at hand." Reno released Homura from his shackles and gave Ruby a tap on the shoulder. "If he tries to escape, subdue him," he whispered. Reno walked into the attic and closed his eyes, hoping that he wouldn't find him anywhere. Being able to sense other's aura or mana was something he found useful since freshman year. With it he was about to find humans through their aura and elementals through their mana, but only within a certain range. After some time however, he was able to scan areas beyond his normal AoE. He stayed near the hole in the wall, hiding among the shadows, waiting to see if the coast was clear.

@Leo Radomir

Homura didn't move from the spot on the floor he was stuck to. Even with the shackles off he continued to think about what he could do with his new babysitters watching and what he could do to still go through with the merge. 'You guys take forever you know that!' Said the true Homura as though he was right next to him but when Homura reacted and jumped up he didn't see anyone 'I'm talking to you in your head just like old times fake. Now I want to talk in private but seeing as how Reno won't let you go anywhere alone I'll come to you butnon the condition that you all don't try to fry me' said his doppleganger before going silent. Homura knew he couldn't trust his creator so easily but he found it odd that he called Reno by his name and not some insult. Homura made his way upstairs where Reno was on watch "Alright so you're never going to believe this but I think he wants to negotiate" he told Reno about his original communicating through his thoughts "Im thinking we try and talk to him and see what he wants. He might let us go" he said hoping he was met with a smile and not a punch in the face. 'I'm fine with meeting but the people here aren't being as open minded as I am' he sent his message through to Dark Homura 'Well make them understand then' snapped his original with a quick response.

"Look, a lot of us are tired already. We'll discuss plans once we all had a good night's rest." Reno walked upstairs, but stopped and said. "Lucky for you, there's one bed open," he said with a smirk. "Unfortunately for you, you're sleeping alone...unless you'd want to crash with Ray or Ruby, who's bound to kick your mopey ass worse than I could." He thought about his situation and figured it would be best to sleep with Ruby. "Now that I think about it, looks like I get to sleep with Ruby," he continued. "Besides, I think either she or Clair might kick my ass for either cheating on them or stealing her man." He started to laugh as he went upstair into one of the bedrooms. Reno looked around and noticed that the wards are still active. 'Have to admit, she really knows how to make some powerful wards...that work in people's subconscious plain as well. Learn something new everyday.'

@Leo Radomir

By now, Hanako had found Homura and was curled up in a chair beside him, waiting for him to wake up. She had one hand on his arm as she waited. Her legs had already fallen asleep but she wasn't fussed. She smiled softly at her friend "Come on Homura-chan" 

A portion of her black hair decided to flop in her face which she brushed back with a hand and a sigh. "You're stronger than this. Plus you're shaming your family honour and you know I won't stand for that" She spoke in quiet Japanese to her friend



@Leo Radomir
Arcus walked to the band room. He has been laying in bed because Uranus has been wanting to talk to him. Arcus had finally arrived at the band room and walked in. He looked around, and no one was here. He then lightning traveled to Raiven's dorm room and knocked on the door. "Hey Raiven are you in here??" Arcus asked as he knocked to more times, and yawned as he loosened his muscles.

@Eternal Dragonchild
"Yeah" Raiven opened the door, wearing her towel, hair wrapped under another "I just finished my shower, want to come in. Kettle's just boiled." She stood aside to let him into the room with a waggle of the hips. Shutting the door after him she cuddled into him, kissing him on the lips.

@Anyone Online
Arcus kissed back with the same passion. "Sorry for missing the Band Thing I had an unwelcome visitor in my body." Arcus said as he pinned Raiven against the wall, and started kissing her lips before he moved to her neck and started kissing and biting the skin. "When Arcus pulled back his eyes shown with longing and apology. Arcus then leaned down and picked Raiven up and held her against the wall as he continued to kiss her.
"It's ok. We're holding the auditions tomorrow. I can't go round with bites on my neck baby. People won't know if I can't walk straight. It's mostly sitting" She gave him a wink as she pressed against him, her towel helpfully slipping down as she kissed him.

"Bed's right there"

@Anyone Online
Arcus just moaned as Raiven pressed against him. "Oh okay." Arcus just bit his lip at seeing Raiven's body, he was holding so much lust back it wasn't even funny. Arcus carried Raiven over to the bed, and let out a dominate sexual growl. "You don't know how long I have waited fro this Raiven." Arcus said as he nuzzled her neck, and took off his shirt showing his tattoo.
"I can guess" She gave a sweet little giggle and pulled him down on top of her, effectively pinning him to her "Now, let's do it baby" She wrapped her arms around him, kissing and licking his neck.

@Anyone Online
Arcus let out a deep long growl as Raiven showed attention to his neck. Arcus started grinding, and massaging Raiven as he did. "Raiven I wanna ask your father about marrying you." Arcus said as he let out a gasp and moan as raiven touch the sensitive part of his neck.
"We'll talk about that when I'm not under you and being driven crazy" Raiven gave the most adorable pout as she gazed at him "Plase make me feel good, reclaim me Arc" 

@Anyone Online
Homura later down for a while to try and cool his head while his original kept pestering him for a meet time 'Seriously wake your lazy ass up and come meet me. I don't care how you do it just do it!' Said Dark Homura through instant thoughts. Homura was getting tired of the voices and the hallucinations and would give anything to have it but decided the merge would be more beneficial to him and his friends. He couldn't shake he feeling he was missing something very important but he wasn't sure.

While he slept he ignored his darker self and dreamt again of a life with Clair but his hair still remained with the black streak among his fire red hair. He awoke again only to find the situation hadn't changed. He was somehow supposed to become one with his original once again but goin about it was going to be difficult "What am I gonna do?" He asked himself trying to find hope in his hopeless situation. He decided he would go and see how things were in the attic and to see if his friends were still awake. 

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
Arcsu just cuddled Raiven as he snuggled closer under the blanket. Arcus let put a yawn, but told Raiven he loved her. "Hey Raiven we have to get up I'm hungry." Arcus said as he started to lightly kiss Raiven's lips.

Michiko's light steps traced up to the gate of the facility, the wind swept by, ruffling her hair and dress.
She smelled lightly of rosewater and sweet lavender, 
and it was carried away on the wind. 
She pushed the heavy gate open with a grunt to step into a small courtyard. she marveled at the place's beauty, stunned at how amazing the building'sarchitecture was and how it was so sturdily built.


(Anyone here that can show me around? ;^;')


(@Eternal Dragonchild That would be wonderful)
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"Let's go then. Hand me something to wear. Can we get some instant noodles?" She gave him a kiss and snuggled into his chest "We can talk about asking my father over the food" She gave him a smile and traced his tattoo with a finger. "It's beautiful. I love it, what does it mean?"

She flicked her hair out of her face, her hellhound tattoo visible.

@Anyone Online

@TokumeiNoJorogumo (Arcus and my character should be around soon, they can meet up if you like)
It means the lightning king has risen." Arcus' eyes turned to pure electricity, and his body glowed. Arcus lifted out of the bed and hovered over the floor. His appearance began to change. His silver and gold hair became the purest of black. His eyes became a pure electric blue, with gold speckles in them, and his body adorned a beautiful ancient armor. Arcus' tan also became deeper. Arcus then snapped back to Reality, and asked Raiven, what happened. 
"You pulled some weird shapeshifter stuff. You gained this armour and you lost your stripes" Raiven sat up, her own little tattoo flashing. She pulled on her band outfit, tying the tie she was required to wear alongside it "I'll bring my trombone. Do you want to have a go?" She asked Arcus as she fixed her hair back with a hairgrip. It was shaped like a treble clef .

Opening the door she stepped outside, trombone case in her hands "Come on Arcy, we'll be late!"

As she charged off she spotted a young girl in the hallways and waved to her "Are you ok, you're looking lost!" 

@Anyone Online


Michiko cringed, startled at the person and the loud voice that called to her from down the hallway.

She turned her body towards the voice, startled.  Her bright green eyes showcased fear and nervousness and she trembled slightly. She quickly covered her neck with her hair inconspicuously so as to hide the bruises that were her home parting gift.
"Yes! Well.. No. I mean. Kinda. Heh. it depends..."
She cast her gaze downwards as if studying the floor for the answers to the universe, her corset cinched so tight she looked like she would be struggling to breathe.


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Raphael Moreau


I keep on losing consciousness, perhaps a consequence of inactivity. Even throughout all this acting, time alone is not what I get a lot of back in France. Being hounded by teachers and homework, along with people around me who want to strike a chat, I find it best when I am alone. I merely sit in my room, solitary. I keep on thinking on what to do next, for the revolution. Even though I can be bailed out by my father, I am not in a position to perform any antics. What to do, I know naught. Perhaps I should have dinner. I am a bit hungry, albeit, I did not like the food here. Perhaps it is time for the wonders of France to reach the taste-buds of these English snobs.
"I can show you where the canteen is, if you like. I'm heading down there now" She gave the girl a kind smile "You don't need to be scared of me, you'll get used to life here eventually." She offered the hand that wasn't holding her trombone out. "I'm Raiven Darktower, President of the Orchestra and Marching band here. That's why I'm all dressed up right now. I'd much rather be wearing a big chunky sweater and jeans"


The band uniform
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Michiko waited a moment before she took her hand shyly, her eyes glistened both with confusion and excitement, the green of her eyes almost seeming brighter.
"O-Oh okay. Thank you that's.. very kind of you ma'am." She said and began to follow her. 
Her thoughts were racing.  This new setting was definitely scary but at least the people were nice! Right?
"Is something bothering you, you seem scared, nervous of me almost. What's your name?" She gave the girl a kind smile "What do you like to eat? I may be a musician but I eat like a little kid" She started to lead the girl to the canteen "You know, I like you already. Even though we only just met" Raiven swung her trombone over her shoulder, sliding her arm into the shoulder strap.


"Ahah....  I'm just...  cautious is all..." She trailed off at the end, allowing some time for thought about how she would reply. "My name is michiko... Michiko izumi. and my favorite food is roasted seaweed snacks. The sesame oil kind...but their kinda expensive. heh.." Sje followed the girl and whilst doing so she heard something she'd never really heard given to her before. A compliment. She blushed, throwing her head down so as not to be obvious.

"Th- Thanks..."

Raphael Moreau


Pompously, and with the manner like that of a lord, I graciously waltzed toward the canteen. Once I reached there, I sank in a seat, where then I redecorated a bit with my illusions. I added a French touch to it. Such a sight reminded me of home, and that was then I sunk in my chair, in despair. As my eyes grow tired, it would have seemed I dozed off into a nap.

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