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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Raiven responded to Luna's text "!1:50 in the music room. I look forward to seeing you." She smiled as remembered Hazel's and decided to text her "Hey Haze, wanna listen to me play for a while. Plus you can hear me speak" 

She hit send and picked up her trombone to play "Uptown Funk" It was going to be part of the first march they were doing. Slowly, behind her the other members of the Brass Quintet filed in, the two trumpet players, the horn player and the tuba. They had to practice the piece together.

Reno started to feel his arm burning up, and knowing how painful it was going to be, he made three spirit shackles that held his arm down. 'Oh boy, this is gonna hurt.'  Reno felt a powerful sting in his arm and bit down hard against the strap. It felt like someone had just took a blade that's burning at two-thousand degrees Fahrenheit and just stabbed him in the arm with it, but he had to endure it untill it was done. 'Oh my god this HURTS!!! I know Ruby warned me about this, but I didn't think it would feel like someone's burning my arm from the inside out!!!' When the pain died down, he started to breathe heavily from enduring the agonizing pain. "Dear lord that was rough," he sighed. "By the way, I'm curious. Who is your boss?"

@Leo Radomir

Ruby grins sly and says" It's a good job it wasn't a long transfusion then as for the other question i think it's more interesting if you work that one out in time now you should go and rest for a little so you can finalize the use of the borrowed power i'll wake you in about an hour and then we start my plan it's clear homura is going to pull something stupid".

Ray went outside and puts up a sound proof barrier and says" If this is about you staying behind then i'll punch you in the face because it's a nonsense and i'm not one to kid about stuff like that so i hope what you've got to say isn't wasting my time".  
Hazel just smiled as she read the text from her friend as she went to find her friend' and you can hear me play the piano too if you want to i just started back i haven't played since my mum's death i'm okay now i glad i have a great friend like you' she text as she went to the music room as she was hearing music going around she was turning her head around' what's that' she thought to herslef as she smiled a bit she just saw raiven she wanted to scare her but she didn't want to get hurt" raiveen" she say as she just was leaning ainst the wall as she put her fingers on the piano she felt like playing but didn't want to distub them from practicing she was here to support her friends @Eternal Dragonchild
"I'm not so much as trying to increase your actual power but I'm actually trying to help you master control over it" he said as he readied a thorough explanation "That collar was one I designed for when you were unable to control the output but I see it's become more of a crutch seeing as how instead of embracing your gifts you are hiding behind a limiter" he said with some disappointment. He had been asked by the general to help limit her power as much as possible until she learned to use them but now he knew he should have declined "Your control over half of your overall power is incredible but your control over your full power is nonexistent thanks to that collar. My goal behind this training is to teach you how to control your abilities at full power so that you can easily discharge your abilities at any power level you choose" he smile wildly as he spoke "If you'll allow me I will teach you to control the powers you are so afraid of. If you don't learn how to control them, the next time you loose control my nephew won't be able to come to the rescue" he knew about Homura kissing her out of her trance when she almost destroyed the school but he knew it was only a shot in the dark when it comes to the possibility of success.

@Mr Swiftshots

Clair folded her hands together and listened to what Magnus had to say before thinking deeply on the subject. The thought of controlling her powers was something that managed to worm its way into her mind quite often , it was a common fantasy she enjoyed indulging in from time to time. The promise Magnus just made was something several experts from around the world made time and time before , needless to say not a single one managed to keep it. Not a single one even came close. Needless to say Clair was a bit sceptical as a result.

Clair moved back in her chair and let out a sigh , having finally come to a conclusion. "I'll try your little experiment this once and if it fails to make any progress , I'm out. I have papers to be read and contracts to be signed. Not to mention missions from HQ to deal with on the side. If anything goes wrong your at fault though , remember that."

"Ray, I need you to make sure everyone gets out of here with out me" he said turning around to face him "The only way I can get out of here is if Renos curse is broken but there is another thing I have to do to make sure this never happens again. I have to merge with Makoto and to do that I need time alone with him" he was sure he could get Ray to help but even if he couldn't he still had to try. He remembered some of the times he and the other Elites had and wanted to continue them but he knew he also had to become one with his original or else nothing would really move forward "I need to put our severed souls back together in order to get over what happened in my past and to do that I need to be able to fight and talk with him with out anyone getting in the way. No matter how you cut it I'm stuck here until that curse is broken so Ruby's perfect record will have to be broken" he said with a smile on his face. His eyes started to glow a bright red and his hair started to turn into fire. "I promise I'll come back but to do this I need you guys to listen to me for once without trying to think of a backup to try and get me out of here at he same time you guys get out" he said with serious determination in his voice.

@Leo Radomir
Ray smashes homura in the face very hard and then says" I'm not aiding you in that nonsense ruby and reno working together can break the curse as for mokoto there are other ways around it if life was so simple hardly anything would be worthwhile that's what makes life interesting and you know what you sniveling weakling i will not let you share the same fate i once did of being truly alone in the darkness and since you're so thick i'll tell you one last time the next time you bring up this nonsense i will beat you with in inches of your life and toss you in front of your dad yes i'm cruel and frankly i don't care your title means nothing to me nor are you my friend". Ray's energy had shifted and broken the barrier and he was ready to break him as promised if need be. ' i'm sick of people like him that only think of escaping reality because they are weak this is why the system needs to be rewritten'.
"If I leave him down here alone and while Reno is still cursed I will be going back powerless" he said angrily as he got up from the ground "Is that what you want, me to go back to Sakura with no power, no way of defending myself?" He asked ray as though he needed to get the answer right away. He remembered his father telling telling him about a friend that had lost his powers once and what had happened. Homura later learned that his uncle had been that friend "Fine what ever ill play it your way but if loose everything, that's on you!" He punched Ray in the stomach before walking inside "Hey guys think we could do that transfusion thing for me to. It might return me to half strength seeing as how right now I'm at nearly zero" he said smiling and scratching his head.

@Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331

"Clair I promise nothing but results" he said confidently "Thise other researchers only used partial files that they would deny stealing from me" he told her about his own defence to hackers and protecting his work. He remembered when the general would call him about all those lab researchers and asking if he had assisted them. Magnus always laughed and gave the same answer. No. When he looked at Clair he saw all of her insecurities and every lie she had been told about controlling her powers and it not being possible. It had been the same for his white flame but he has perfect control over that no thanks to anyone else so he was determined to help her achieve what she and the other scientists could not. "When we're done, you'll be even more amazing than you already are" he said with a show mans voice as if trying to state a fact "Please Clair I know you don't want to have to rely on my nephew to snap you back forever. So let's get started shall we" he said before waving toward the door.

@Mr Swiftshots
"If I leave him down here alone and while Reno is still cursed I will be going back powerless" he said angrily as he got up from the ground "Is that what you want, me to go back to Sakura with no power, no way of defending myself?" He asked ray as though he needed to get the answer right away. He remembered his father telling telling him about a friend that had lost his powers once and what had happened. Homura later learned that his uncle had been that friend "Fine what ever ill play it your way but if loose everything, that's on you!" He punched Ray in the stomach before walking inside "Hey guys think we could do that transfusion thing for me to. It might return me to half strength seeing as how right now I'm at nearly zero" he said smiling and scratching his head.

@Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331

"Clair I promise nothing but results" he said confidently "Thise other researchers only used partial files that they would deny stealing from me" he told her about his own defence to hackers and protecting his work. He remembered when the general would call him about all those lab researchers and asking if he had assisted them. Magnus always laughed and gave the same answer. No. When he looked at Clair he saw all of her insecurities and every lie she had been told about controlling her powers and it not being possible. It had been the same for his white flame but he has perfect control over that no thanks to anyone else so he was determined to help her achieve what she and the other scientists could not. "When we're done, you'll be even more amazing than you already are" he said with a show mans voice as if trying to state a fact "Please Clair I know you don't want to have to rely on my nephew to snap you back forever. So let's get started shall we" he said before waving toward the door.

@Mr Swiftshots

Ray slide back then laughed and comes in and says" I refuse to help this selfish prick and if he comes back powerless i'm fine with that the school doesn't need a weakling as a leader and but above all he had no faith in us so that gives me another reason not include him in the upcoming battle and for the record there are people without powers that can fight isaacs a prime example of that, it's a also a know fact there are ways to restore power after the battle i'll give him a tablet just enough to get us all out of here and of course i'll be behind because i don't trust him not to pull any more crap".

Ruby sighs deeply and says" I got to admit right now i don't have any faith in you after the crap you tried to pull yet again it doesn't hurt me as much because i'm not your best friend like reno is but if you can do that to him then what will the others think of you even if you do get your powers back, maybe it's time you stepped back from being an elite and try to understand the powerless more" " Ray's blood has similar qualities to that of the sacred yew tree in the story of the flame elemental master givga so in theory while the blood is in reno's system he can nullify the curse the blood will only last two days though that is draw back of this ability". Ruby pauses for a minute then says" at this point you're going to have to prove your sincerity to us because we need to sense your not going to do something stupid".
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"Also, for a long time you hated your fire abilities because of what had happened to your parents," Reno added. "So why all of a sudden did you somehow accept your flames? I find it both ironic and poetic at the same time, but those two do have a point." Reno got up off the chair and laid down on the couch. He felt his energy returning to him, but it was going to be a while, like Ruby said, for him to be back at full strength. "Also, trying to fuse back with Makoto is suicide, and considering the fact that he's hell-bent on taking over your life, beyond idiotic," he continued. "Even if you'll be powerless, it'll be a perfect chance to learn how to fight without them. I've fought Isaac, and he beat me, and I'm one of, if not THE, best fighters in the world, if a human can beat me, then what's stopping you from doing so as well? Besides, I've heard of elementals losing their powers only to have them returned, it's not a permanent problem"

The metals placed in his palm began to morph around, switching from shape to shape at a consistent rate. Zack had been testing how long it took to rearrange them, and had gotten it down to either 5 or 6 seconds. The steel began to merge together once more and took the shape of a small deer.  It's eyes slowly opened, and it stood up to look around more. It began to prance around his hand, stretching out its limbs. Hopefully, now it would communicate with him, though Zack highly doubted this. The metal had become silent for some time now, about a month before Zack was to attend Sakura. He hated when it skulked like this. It was hard enough dealing with the prospect of going to some far away school, his best friend pouting really didn't help. He'd tried coaxing it out, begging it to stop being so distant and talk about it's feelings.  "Come on, can't you just say something? It's not nice to leave a friend worrying, you know?" There was no response and the deer had long since stopped to nap. "If you start talking, I'll bring Iron and Bronze out to play. I know you like to conspire with them." The deer perked it's ears up, now obviously interested. It slowly stood up, cautiously looking into Zack's eyes. It was as if what he had said was just some bait, with no real good intentions. "Don't look at me like that, I'm not lying to you. You say something, they come out. Deal?" Steel looked even harder at him, trying to discern whether or not this was all a trap. Finally, it nodded it's head and opened it's mouth. "You've got to be desperate if you are bringing them out. I seriously doubted you would resort to this."

"I hate it when you do this stuff, I always have to bargain for you to do anything."

"Maybe if you weren't such a pushover, I might be a bit less stubborn. Then again, I'm just made this way."

"Metal puns? You must be feeling better if you're making those again." The deer quickly shut its mouth, realizing what it had done. Zack smiled a bit, as he had gotten it to be more talkative. But it had done as he'd asked, so Zack would follow through with his end of the deal. He opened his bag and searched around for his other friends. Knowing Iron, he'd be in one of the many pockets that were in the bottomless backpack. Zack's mother had placed a spell on it that turned the inside into a very large area. A key was hanging off the side of the backpack, which would allow Zack to enter without having to climb inside the bag himself. Steel popped up on his shoulder, pointing at a pocket far to the left. Zack nodded his head in thanks, and reached in the pocket. Grabbing a handful of what ever was in there, he pulled himself out and opened his hand. Iron was snoring very loudly, while Bronze was in the midst of doing...something. "Are you trying to morph again? You know you can't do it without my help." A small tongue stuck out from the smaller metal, before it tried pulling itself together in a misshapen form. "What are you trying to be?"

"It's none of your business, Zack! I don't need you hovering over me like you're my mother. I already have Titanium and Copper doing it, so don't you join in on that!"

"Why are you all so against me going to this school? Maybe this will be good for all of us, you never know what awaits us in unfamiliar places." The car suddenly stopped, almost launching Zack's head into the seat in front of him. "Right kiddo, here's yer stop. Sah-kul-rah Acorn Demy. Enjoy yer time here." The taxi driver was illiterate, but he was kind enough to let him take a ride so far out. Hell, the guy had even once attended the place, and his advice was certainly helpful. "Thanks Mac, I appreciate you doing this for me." Zack stepped out of the car, holding the three metals very close to his chest for fear of dropping them. 

So this is Sakura.
Homura didn't want to feel powerless especially when his sister was out there and also like his original, hell bent on killing him "What ever I don't know Isaac nor do I really care" he said in spite "I'll just have to hope I don't lose my power" he wanted to run off and do what he had intended to do without his friends but they wouldn't let him get very far so he scrapped that idea. "Tell me then where do I fit in in this brilliant plan of yours" he said annoyed at his own weakness "I'm open for anything I guess" he hated not being able to do anything but he hated it more when he couldn't even back up hisnown argument.

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
Raiven approached Hazel, trombone and a sheet of music in hand.  "Do you want to try my trombone?" she asked "First you gotta make an 'o' with your mouth, like this" Raiven demonstrated as she positioned Hazel's hands on the trombone "Now you breathe out from your diaphragm, don't puff out your cheeks as you do so. Give it a try. Then try blowing  into the mouthpiece. I'll guide your hands"

Hazel just looked at her talking as smiled" i can hear you" she smiled as she did what she was instructed to do as she blowed into the trombone as she was playing it for the first time as she was playing uptown funk hear sound all around her she was amazed what she was hearing she just placed her hands on the placement for her hands she was looking at the sheet music she just glad she can hear she can play any instrument she learn fast how to play it she looked at raiven she was somewhat nervous about tomorrow she just wanted to play the piano again to practice' i glad i can hear thank you reno' she thought to herself @Eternal Dragonchild
Ruby smirks and burst out laughing then says colder than ever" Now you want to be part of the group my answer to that is hell no it's clear your only doing this because right now you're backed into a corner, and yes the chances are in your current state you will lose your powers and to be blunt being as unstable as you are right now you'll only be in the way". "You know you're also making reno's job to give you guys a better rep a hundred times harder or does that not matter to you as well" ?

" This is one of the reasons i became such a cow because like my parents they only ever back down when they're in a corner that is another reason i hate people like you and frankly i'm in two minds about telling the others about your nonsense so buck up buttercup and do not test my tolerance any more".

Ray shivered in a mix of fear and respect and says" wow you really pissed her off and as much as i hate you even i feel a tad sorry right now because i've seen what she can do those she hates it ain't pretty as the saying goes and right now the only the that might save you is reno so you best start praying he can change her mind, i got to laugh as well because i've done some stupid things but senpai you beat me hands down in picking fights with the wrong people and so much more well i'll be outside keeping watch and it's probably best you let them talk alone for a little". 

Several veins are popping out ruby's body a site which is very rare because she does her best to stay calm and think things through clearly given her work and her eyes have the bloodlust of a very old demon.

Isaac had just come back from a ship load of paperwork and sighs glad it was all over and hoped that reno snapped back to reality and then says to himself" I could use an assistant in the lab the work load lately has been insane a cute or sexy smart girl would make lab work a lot more fun". He hums gently and pushes the school gates open and starts to walk through and after he gets through gently shuts them with his foot and then looks up at the academy. 

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Luna was just outside as she was tending to some of the plants outside she just smiled she loved being around plants it made her happy she felt a bit lonely her sister was on a mission she had no clue where was ray' you be okay flowers' she she thought as she saw some guy just walked in' hm who is he' she thought as she went back to her flowers as she was putting water on them" wait what flowers you want me to work him why" she say looking back at the guy she just looked up as she stand up she picked up her books" excuse me do you need any help" she say as she was looking away she was a bit nervous about meeting new people @Leo Radomir
Luna was just outside as she was tending to some of the plants outside she just smiled she loved being around plants it made her happy she felt a bit lonely her sister was on a mission she had no clue where was ray' you be okay flowers' she she thought as she saw some guy just walked in' hm who is he' she thought as she went back to her flowers as she was putting water on them" wait what flowers you want me to work him why" she say looking back at the guy she just looked up as she stand up she picked up her books" excuse me do you need any help" she say as she was looking away she was a bit nervous about meeting new people @Leo Radomir

Isaac turned to the girl and says" Sure but i must warn you alchemy can be dangerous so i need you to follow my lead carefully, oh before i forget i need some herbs and flowers for healing potions and such but i don't want the plants to feel i'm picking on them so how should this be done"? He starts tapping his chin while waiting for the response from the girl and in his mind' she's pretty cute it wouldn't surprise me if she has a bf speaking of cute i haven't seen the other two in a long time i wonder where they went'.
Reno just looks at Homura, Ruby, and Ray and tried to keep himself from laughing. "Wow, I've seen Ruby pissed off like that on a few occasions, but dude, I think you just broke MY record," he said as he laughed. He gets up from off the couch and walks in between Ruby and Homura. "She does have a point though, you've been trying to get us to accept your suicidal plan only to just throw in the towel and accept our? Sorry, but until you get your thoughts together, and your emotions in check, you're not coming with us." Reno grabs him by the neck and slams him hard against the ground, the sound barrier prevent them from being heard. While Homura was on his back, Reno steps on his chest, hard. "Also, to make sure you don't do anything stupid," he said with a coldness that similar to Ruby's. Reno snaps his fingers made four electric shackles on both his arms and legs. He then creates a dome of ice over him, which, from experience, was sound proof, meaning that try as he might, Homura's screams can't be heard. "Now that one headache's out of the way," he continued, turning to face Ruby and Ray. "Let's wait until that spirit of yours arrives. The dome's made of ice, but it's not going to freeze him, and it'll keep him stocked with oxygen in there. If he is to be fed, you'll have to tell me and I'll leave an opening for you to enter. Now, while I was upstairs, I found a few rooms with some beds, unfortunately, there's only two, which means one of us gets the couch, since I doubt you two would want to share a bed."

@Leo Radomir

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Luna just looked at him as she just smiled" sure what type of flowers do you need i'm the one who take care of flowers and any type of plants my powers are plants so yeah one of the reasons i like plants and nature" she say as she just smiled looking around the room she just walked with him to the flowers he needed" whats your name mister i'm Luna my sis is ruby she's the vice president here so i try to be strong i guess i kinda like a princess i guess i don't know" she say as she sighed' i wish i see my sister more but her missions this school supposed to do good for me' she thout as she looked away" anyways what do you do for your job i mean" she say @Leo Radomir
"Reno what the hell?! What are you doing how is this going to help me get it with you. Leaving this mental scape is only possible if you walk through the portal on the other side of he town!" He yelled and squirmed in the shackles but he knew his friend couldn't hear him "Damn it Reno when I get out of here I'm going to beat the living hell out of you!" He said pointlessly trying to get his friends attention. Homura once thought of Reno as his best friend and even though this might ruin their verbal relationship Homura knew that they could still trust each other in a fight "This is all your fault Myuki! And yours Mhikail! You had to curse my friends and you had to ruin my life!" He was starting to get enraged but even though his flames went at full power he wasn't making any progress with he ice or the shackles. He decided he'd breathe for a moment and think but he couldn't find a way around his situation which started to infuriate him again. He started to think about how much his friends really trusted him. He started getting angrier with these thoughts and couldn't stand it. He waited till he knew Reno could see him 'I hate you!' Were the words he mouthed for his friend before giving up and just staring at the top of the ice dome.

"Reno what the hell?! What are you doing how is this going to help me get it with you. Leaving this mental scape is only possible if you walk through the portal on the other side of he town!" He yelled and squirmed in the shackles but he knew his friend couldn't hear him "Damn it Reno when I get out of here I'm going to beat the living hell out of you!" He said pointlessly trying to get his friends attention. Homura once thought of Reno as his best friend and even though this might ruin their verbal relationship Homura knew that they could still trust each other in a fight "This is all your fault Myuki! And yours Mhikail! You had to curse my friends and you had to ruin my life!" He was starting to get enraged but even though his flames went at full power he wasn't making any progress with he ice or the shackles. He decided he'd breathe for a moment and think but he couldn't find a way around his situation which started to infuriate him again. He started to think about how much his friends really trusted him. He started getting angrier with these thoughts and couldn't stand it. He waited till he knew Reno could see him 'I hate you!' Were the words he mouthed for his friend before giving up and just staring at the top of the ice dome.


Ruby watched and can't help but snap out of her anger and fall on the floor and laugh her ass off then after about six minutes she gets up and says" I should of that myself but thanks hopefully he'll pass out but that aside after all that nonsense i need a reliever so you're coming with me". Ruby sways her hips as she walks towards the stairs and presses her fingers against her lips and smiles slyly.

Rays grins and then says" have fun and it's about time for my nap all that drama can be a sore head, i wish luna was here she's make a much better pillow but we can't always have what we want". Ray starts to walk over to the couch and yawns loudly and waves and then when he gets there lays on his front and starts to shut off all bad thoughts.

Luna just looked at him as she just smiled" sure what type of flowers do you need i'm the one who take care of flowers and any type of plants my powers are plants so yeah one of the reasons i like plants and nature" she say as she just smiled looking around the room she just walked with him to the flowers he needed" whats your name mister i'm Luna my sis is ruby she's the vice president here so i try to be strong i guess i kinda like a princess i guess i don't know" she say as she sighed' i wish i see my sister more but her missions this school supposed to do good for me' she thout as she looked away" anyways what do you do for your job i mean" she say

Isaac took out a book and shows luna a picture of the flowers he needs and says" Oh her and princess ay i'm not sure about that but miss greenfingers seems more accurate and my name is isaac nice to meet you luna". " and don't worry to much in time you'll get stronger and i'm sure she's be back soon women like her have a way of surprising one but that aside my lab is about is at the back of the school so it's a small walk from here".
When Reno saw Homura silently say 'I hate you,' he made the dome disappear and knelt down beside him. He faced his friend, who has rage burning in his eyes. "Bro, I'm gonna be real with you," he said. "I know you're trying to help us, but there are some things you can't handle by yourself. Being the hero is not going to make matters any better, in fact it puts you in more danger than you expect." Reno sighed and got up, as he was collecting his thoughts, he paces around until he got his next statement together. "I know the portal is the only way to escape this place, but I'm not going back to tell everyone that you're stuck in a coma because of a curse mark that will probably never be lifted," he shouted. "Did you even think of that when you screwed around with this mark? Did you even care about how Clair, Magnus, or all of your friends, human and elemental, will feel if you couldn't wake up or if you failed to subdue your dark half!?" Reno started becoming angrier and angrier as he explained the current situation to him. The demonic armor suddenly forming on his arms and legs. "I'm not going to let you do something so completely idiotic that you will end up stuck in a coma forever," he growled, his armor slowly forming. "That's just selfish, so if I were you, I'd shut the hell up and start thinking about the consequences, or so help me god, I will destroy you and your dark half and leave you for dead in your own subconscious. Do you understand!?" Reno started to breath deeply, making the armor disappear with ease. He got up from the spot and walked upstairs. "I'm going back up to scout the area. keep and eye on him, and make sure he doesn't get himself killed."

@Leo Radomir

When Reno saw Homura silently say 'I hate you,' he made the dome disappear and knelt down beside him. He faced his friend, who has rage burning in his eyes. "Bro, I'm gonna be real with you," he said. "I know you're trying to help us, but there are some things you can't handle by yourself. Being the hero is not going to make matters any better, in fact it puts you in more danger than you expect." Reno sighed and got up, as he was collecting his thoughts, he paces around until he got his next statement together. "I know the portal is the only way to escape this place, but I'm not going back to tell everyone that you're stuck in a coma because of a curse mark that will probably never be lifted," he shouted. "Did you even think of that when you screwed around with this mark? Did you even care about how Clair, Magnus, or all of your friends, human and elemental, will feel if you couldn't wake up or if you failed to subdue your dark half!?" Reno started becoming angrier and angrier as he explained the current situation to him. The demonic armor suddenly forming on his arms and legs. "I'm not going to let you do something so completely idiotic that you will end up stuck in a coma forever," he growled, his armor slowly forming. "That's just selfish, so if I were you, I'd shut the hell up and start thinking about the consequences, or so help me god, I will destroy you and your dark half and leave you for dead in your own subconscious. Do you understand!?" Reno started to breath deeply, making the armor disappear with ease. He got up from the spot and walked upstairs. "I'm going back up to scout the area. keep and eye on him, and make sure he doesn't get himself killed."

@Leo Radomir


Ruby sighed and says" well so much for fun time before life and death thanks a lot you whiny sack of flesh and for the record there are other ways out of a person's mind seriously and reno's right people that have little to no experiences with such high level black magic shouldn't be messing around it's asking for trouble as for the other thing as tempting as it is that would cause trouble with his dad and his so i don't recommend it" " Sealing off ones powers is far more effective in making them humble in my experience". " I got to admit even ravein is annoying as heck among other things but frankly you piss me off far more homura, i'm happy i don't have to deal with a lose cannon like you when working as a hunter and protector because it would be such a bore having to clean up after you". " As for having to watch him don't worry about that i'm going to put up another ward now so after you scout you can get some rest and i know it's hard being the fact he's your friend but i'm happy your using your head and thinking of our situation". Ruby quickly starts writing multi layer wards and after a few minutes or so says" this ward allows people that are rational and friendly in and i'm sure i don't need to tell you what it does to those that aren't"
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"Maybe you should just leave me then" was all Homura said in repsonse to Reno before the latter walked away. Homura couldn't stand being benched especially in his own head. It didn't make any sense to him why they would shackle him up and go to escape with out him saying they were going to get him out. "So what if I screwed with the mark. I did it because I believed you could break it" he said aloud to himself "I know how they would feel but I also knew that no matter wht you would have come through in the end" he wished his friend could hear him but he gave up and started thinking of how to still accomplish his original plan.

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir

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