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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Homura expected Reno to fight him on his suggestion but he was happy his friend was open to it "I'm going to distract him and get you two out of here. I'll need you two outside keep both Myuki and Mhikail away. Once Mhikail realizes I'm holding back your curse heal want me dead. Anyway once you two are out I need one of you to get Clair over to my body and just grab my hand and nothing else" he said with sudden enthusiasm "I'm only going to be able to survive this if you can do this." He was determined to come out of this alive but he couldn't tell his friends about his other plan when they left. He closed his eyes and concentrated "Alright he knows we are coming but that will leave him open and off his guard" Homura went ahead and alerted his other self to make sure his plane held up "Reno you and Ruby have to get through no matter what. If you guys get out then as far as I'm concerned it will be a success" he reconfirmed his own plan over and over in his head before giving his friend one good determined look.

Ray was able to track them with ease and then makes a gate and teleports into the kitchen then throws up a weird ward making it extremely hard to track them and says" You know ruby i've been thinking as much i'd like to smash them both in the face for being such bores putting reno in my pocket is much more appealing so i've decided to help him at the time i forgot but before my mother died she said were a ancient race called the jinisgas and they have the power to weaken or ignore the effects of magickal weapons depending on the level of damage and from the looks of it reno's running out of mana a lot quicker than he should be but knowing his pride i bet he won't accept and his friend will probably be like don't do it we can do it with out that power". 

Ruby gently laughs and says" i was told i create to much drama while i may create some now i think about they share the award for it and yeah your probably right about how they will go about things and their probably thinking up a plan right now and it wouldn't surprise me if i'm not included we are dealing with two mopy idiot heros in the making i got to admit dealing with killers and bad demons and the like feels a lot easier sometimes". Ruby paused for a minute or so then says" Maybe it's time i called in that favor i'm long over due from that job i did before luna joined the family i know normally that spirit wouldn't listen to any one but given the fact i saved her tribe  i can use that as leverage to help us in the mission i just hope she can hear my call from this weird place".
Reno felt a sudden mana surge downstairs. "Someone's here," he whispered. "Stay here, don't come down until I say it's okay." Reno walked downstairs and peeked around in the entrance of the kitchen. To his surprise he found Ray in front of Ruby. He steps out to confront him, while keeping his guard up in case it's a trick from Makoto. "Ray, what are you doing here," he asked. "Knowing you I thought you'd be more about your own affairs than with mine or Homura's." He looks over at Ruby and gives her a look a look of seriousness. "Anyway, Homura has a plan," he explained. "Ruby, he wants us to leave his subconscious and find Clair while he distracts him." He groans a bit before sitting down on a nearby chair. "I don't know why, but I'm beginning to think it's just another way of saying 'Get out now and don't come back,' but I think it could work. What do you think? Stupid and reckless, or a good one if done properly?


@Leo Radomir
Ruby burst out laughing and after a few minutes returns to normal and says" His plan is rejected i'm not interested in foolish hero nonsense right now he's not in the right place and you should start bloody well thinking as well for change your losing mana faster than you should because of your stupidity of not heeding isaacs warning and warning it's possible you will die even before escape ray is willing to cut you a break for a price of course if you have any sense left i'd advise you to hear him out and i have a plan that is far better and more logical". "I'm owed a favour from a very powerful white spirit called henja while in normal cases he wouldn't come to anyone's side  i did save his tribe before luna joined my family so i'm going to call him and get him to help us" Ruby paused for a minute then says" I don't take kindly to be thrown in the weakling boat and having to depend on clair i didn't get to be where i'm from being weak you would do well to remember that reno".

Ray grins and clicks his knucks and says" Well your father offered to take me back to hq and while getting to go back with luna is great putting you in my pocket is fantastic i have the ability to give you a booster from your weakening state by transferring a small potion of my power but i'm willing to bet your vanity and lack of sense and so on will out rule the brain yet again do you have what it takes to prove me wrong or are you just like so many other idiot heros that die for nothing the time to decide is now". Ray gets some stew and starts to eat standing up and hums as he eats it because it's so good' i don't get what ruby sees in this fool his dad is such a well balanced man how did he end up with such a stupid and vain son'.
"Well, I can say for certain it's a smart idea to get a spirit to help us...yet at the same time I found it oddly convenient." Reno got up and walked around, weighing his options. He didn't want to sit back and let them do all the fighting, it was a tough choice, but after some time, he's made it. "I want to fight Makoto," he said. "But in this state, I can't even hit him. So Ray, tell about this 'booster' that you're planning on giving me. How are you going to administer it?"

@Leo Radomir
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"Well, I can say for certain it's a smart idea to get a spirit to help us...yet at the same time I found it oddly convenient." Reno got us and walked around, weighing his options. He didn't want to sit back and let them do all the fighting, it was a tough choice, but after some time, he's made it. "I want to fight Makoto," he said. "But in this state, I can't even hit him. So Ray, tell about this 'booster' that you're planning on giving me. How are you going to administer it?"

@Leo Radomir

Ray blinked in surprise and then finishes his stew and puts bowl down and then says"  Ruby can help with the transfer of my blood into you through a magic tube it takes about forty minutes complete and we both should bit sitting down for it you more so because till it's done you could hurt your self more". " By the ways well done in using your brain for change it seems there's some hope all", Ray pulls up two chairs and then sits in one of them and waits for ruby.

Ruby puts her hand into the air and pulls out this odd looking tube with a medium length spike on the end and and then gently pulls reno into and then throws up a ward so homura can't interfere and then says" I need you to keep a clear mind and bare the pain because ray's blood is still powerful even though it's not as strong as clairs if you need something to put in your mouth now is the time to speak up2.
Reno looked at Ruby with a smile on his face and said, "Yeah, I'm gonna need something to bite on. Don't want to scream and give away our position." He puts his arm out and gets himself ready for the procedure to begin. "Besides, it's about time I got back to being the tactician I was raised to be," he said with a smirk. 'I've been in a rut after my fight with Raphael, and I've been too focused on being the hero that I nearly got myself killed, and put my friends in harms way. No more, it's time I went back to being the Elite's highly respected tactician.' 

@Leo Radomir
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Homura followed Reno down the stairs to find Ray sitting in a chair not to far from the prior. He was trying to figure out why everyone was coming in and getting deliberately trapped in his mind "Seriously Ray I don't even know what to say to this but I'm assuming that you all heard about my plan" he said as he watched Ruby operate some strange tube "I'm not sure what your opinions on it are but honestly I think my plan has the highest chance of success" he said remembering over hearing the conversation between them all. He scratched his head trying to think of the words to say that might convince them to listen "Guys you're all in my head so I know his will sound really selfish but it's my plan or else we all die in here" he said sternly with some regret in his tone "I'm not saying I don't trust the spirit you're bringing for back up but it won't be able to get us all out" he didn't want to tell them about what he was going to do when they left but he didn't see any other choice. He figured that if they fought him any longer on this he would tell them then. "I'd like to hear your idea first though after phase one of powering up Reno is finished" he said reluctantly.

@Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
Homura followed Reno down the stairs to find Ray sitting in a chair not to far from the prior. He was trying to figure out why everyone was coming in and getting deliberately trapped in his mind "Seriously Ray I don't even know what to say to this but I'm assuming that you all heard about my plan" he said as he watched Ruby operate some strange tube "I'm not sure what your opinions on it are but honestly I think my plan has the highest chance of success" he said remembering over hearing the conversation between them all. He scratched his head trying to think of the words to say that might convince them to listen "Guys you're all in my head so I know his will sound really selfish but it's my plan or else we all die in here" he said sternly with some regret in his tone "I'm not saying I don't trust the spirit you're bringing for back up but it won't be able to get us all out" he didn't want to tell them about what he was going to do when they left but he didn't see any other choice. He figured that if they fought him any longer on this he would tell them then. "I'd like to hear your idea first though after phase one of powering up Reno is finished" he said reluctantly.

@Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331

Ruby summons strap and puts in his mouth and then says" Ok now chew down when ready i'll be putting the needle in soon as your done and homura were not going with your plan as main course of action it's based on emotion and not a sound plan the guardian will enable us to create a back door while he attacks and jars your other half and besides we all one is weaker when spilt in half i've almost been killed many a time in the early days", The guardian will take most of the damage during the fight but it's clear we all also take some being the fact he's very powerful" " Your welcome to hate me if you like but right now me and ray are your best chance of getting out of here when your calmer and less selfish then i will start taking you more siriously".
"Guys I can't leave here while Reno is still cursed" he couldn't keep it hidden from his friends any longer "When Reno took back the curse using an ability only myself and my sister have I tweaked the transfer to make sure he isn't affected like earlier when he went kill crazy" he wanted to curl up and die "Me being in here is holding back everything that Reno was facing when his rage took over" he spoke every truth imaginable before he realized if he spoke any more he would reveal his true intentions of fighting for an even merge with his original. 

He remembered the day he had come into existence when he was at his parents funeral and he had started crying.

"Please everyone I know you all have the intention of helping me out of here but if you do that we will only get a repeat of destroyer mode Reno and Killer Flame Homura. I don't want that to happen" he said desperately "Guys I'm not saying i don't appreciate your help but I can only guarantee a way out for you not a way to get me out" he said honestly. He didn't know how much help a spirit would be but he knew one thing and that was that he needed to convince his other side that they needed to be complete again "Please guys I want to think that you don't see me as an Elite right now but as just Homura Hiyashi, the guy who just wants to save his friends" he said smiling with some certainty.

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir 
Reno shook his head at the fact that Homura doesn't know what the mark actually does. "Dude, three things I got to tell you," he said. "A. That was a stupid idea making it so you'll stay in a comatose state until the mark is removed, B. This mark doesn't turn me into 'Destroyer mode Reno,' it was my emotions combined with the all ten barriers being released that did that. The mark was something Mihkail gave to Raiven making it so I can't kill him without killing her, the 'Curse of shared fates' as some call it. C. Even if you don't see yourself like that, you're still an Elite regardless of what you say. So stop being a selfish, reckless prick and accept Ruby's plan." He was about to bite down on the strap but adds one more thing. "Oh, and I managed to fiddle around with it a bit. Once you're out, you're back to your happy-go-lucky self." Reno bites down on the strap and prepares himself for the procedure to being.

@Leo Radomir


Raphael Moreau

I was interested in auditioning for a spot in Sakura Academy's Concert Band. Naturally, I am a piano player myself. However, about the woman running the band... it left me wondering if she would even allow me in. After all, I have done some bad things to them. No matter, I shall try anyway. I responded to the text, "Greetings, as the bar on top of the text box can tell, I am Raphael Moreau. I would like to try out for a percussion spot in the band. Intuition can tell you that I will be playing the piano, and no, I will not be needing any sheet music." There, that is how formal as such a message can get. I pressed the submit button, and waited for a response.

@Eternal Dragonchild
Reno shook his head at the fact that Homura doesn't know what the mark actually does. "Dude, three things I got to tell you," he said. "A. That was a stupid idea making it so you'll stay in a comatose state until the mark is removed, B. This mark doesn't turn me into 'Destroyer mode Reno,' it was my emotions combined with the all ten barriers being released that did that. The mark was something Mihkail gave to Raiven making it so I can't kill him without killing her, the 'Curse of shared fates' as some call it. C. Even if you don't see yourself like that, you're still an Elite regardless of what you say. So stop being a selfish, reckless prick and accept Ruby's plan." He was about to bite down on the strap but adds one more thing. "Oh, and I managed to fiddle around with it a bit. Once you're out, you're back to your happy-go-lucky self." Reno bites down on the strap and prepares himself for the procedure to being.

@Leo Radomir


Ruby laughs and then puts the spike in and the tube starts to glow as the blood is transferring and says" Well said i was trying to be empathic but his heads so far up his ass it seems i wasted my time if it doesn't sink in this time i really will backhand you like pimps does and now i got out the system i need to tell you one last thing from time to time before can borrow two to three powerful ability's so it's possible theoretically that with rays blood you will be able to shattered the curse giving enough time". Ray doesn't even blink and he sits back like nothing out of the normal for him and says" I got to admit now you've snapped out your stupidity mode i've got a little more respect for you i hope you can keep giving me reasons to trust and maybe in half a year or so we can talk about being friends".  
"Very well. I may dislike you but I will give you an equal chance in our band. I'll see you at ten past one tomorrow for your audition. We have two Piano spots open, one orchestra and one concert band. Concert requires the ability to take part in a march as the concert team also double as our marching band" Raiven grimaced as she hit send, both Raphael and Hazel wanted to do Piano but there was only one spot for the main group that would go to shows. There was a space in the other group for more formal performances that she could give to the other.

Reno spat out the strap now that the tube was in place and waited for the procedure to be done. After hearing both Ruby and Ray's comments, he spoke up, starting with Ruby. "I know you was trying to soften the blow, but even I found that odd coming from you. You're usually the kind of girl that tells it like it is, so I'm wondering why you didn't just chew him out?" Reno focuses his attention towards Ray, who looks like this was just another average day at the office. "It's gonna take a bit for me to accept the reality of me being unable to be the hero in some fairy tale. I guess I wanted to be there for everyone, the guy who gives advice and to give a helping hand when people needed it." He sighed at the memory of him being popular because of his friendly nature, and not because of his status as an Elite. "Now that I'm one of the Elites, and given it's reputation in the past, I wanted to show the school that not all Elites are bratty, snot-nosed, self-righteous, 'Always get what they want on a silver platter' assholes, I wanted to stand out from them. If only the others could lead through my example, maybe then they would actually BE mature adults once graduation hits."

@Leo Radomir
"Alright fine but if we do this you have to make sure that no matter what, if I get trapped or it's impossible to get out of here with me you all leave is that understood" he said as though he wouldn't budge on this. He knew what he had to do and he was hoping that if his friends went with his plan he could make it happen with out a hitch but now he needed to figure out someway to do it using Ruby's plan. He couldn't think of another alternative until he remembered that someone who likes bein owed favours got stuck in here to "Hey Ray there is something i need to talk with you about in private when you're done with this part of he plan" he said his piece to Ray and went outside to the front porch of the house to keep watch.

@Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331 

Magnus was starting to wonder if his nephew would be okay so he decided he would see first how Clair had been progressing "Now where could she be" he wondered before deciding to heck the student council room. On his way there he saw a sign for the music auditions "They are still doing this huh? I'll bet it's Darktowers daughter hosting it to" he said remembering when Arlane made him join it with the excuse of 'You work to much'. He quickly walked toward the student council office to see her working at her desk diligently "So miss O'reilly we meet in person at last" he said walking over to her desk "I was hoping you could accompany me to the arena. I am here with the intentions on raising your power a bit in addition to my nephews but since he's busy I figured I'd start with you" he said with a hopefully inviting tone.

@Mr Swiftshots
Reno spat out the strap now that the tube was in place and waited for the procedure to be done. After hearing both Ruby and Ray's comments, he spoke up, starting with Ruby. "I know you was trying to soften the blow, but even I found that odd coming from you. You're usually the kind of girl that tells it like it is, so I'm wondering why you didn't just chew him out?" Reno focuses his attention towards Ray, who looks like this was just another average day at the office. "It's gonna take a bit for me to accept the reality of me being unable to be the hero in some fairy tale. I guess I wanted to be there for everyone, the guy who gives advice and to give a helping hand when people needed it." He sighed at the memory of him being popular because of his friendly nature, and not because of his status as an Elite. "Now that I'm one of the Elites, and given it's reputation in the past, I wanted to show the school that not all Elites are bratty, snot-nosed, self-righteous, 'Always get what they want on a silver platter' assholes, I wanted to stand out from them. If only the others could lead through my example, maybe then they would actually BE mature adults once graduation hits."

@Leo Radomir

Ruby grins slyly and says" Every so often mixing tactics works wonders and let's be honest he's even thicker and more stubborn than you and i thought that was impossible and i'd advise you to put the strap back in the transfusion has only been about ten minutes from here on out it gets really bumpy for you that is as for the rest i understand where your coming from but sometimes it's clear some sheep can't be returned to the heard or a safe path i want you to keep that in mind when it comes to who you give advise to and that way you won't waste your time". "Well as annoying as hell as you can be every so often when used correctly those annoying traits can be useful so i'll forgive you for what you said back then and one day i'll tell you how things really are behind closed doors".

Ray heard them all and smirked and then feels his body twitch a male voice in his head starts' son i'm sorry we couldn't be there for you when it really mattered and we should of raised you better before that fateful day. but were glad you've grown so strong as the last member of the clan, i know your not one to forgive easy but i wanted to start making things right with the last of my power so i'll be sending over the familiar xiaila she's a hybrid flying lizard kin with some interesting powers. My time is almost up so i'll do it now i still can and i love and your'll hear from your mother soon'. A sky blue and soft green cryistal starts to form in rays's chest as the contract is being moved over to him and then his lip twitches for a few moments a rare sight and then he looks at homura and then nods, not long after the voice fades and way says" After all this time i'm starting to get clues on who i'm it's almost like i've been half awake this whole time well after this long it's time i forgave them after all i have got to see many interesting things and few people". 
"Alright fine but if we do this you have to make sure that no matter what, if I get trapped or it's impossible to get out of here with me you all leave is that understood" he said as though he wouldn't budge on this. He knew what he had to do and he was hoping that if his friends went with his plan he could make it happen with out a hitch but now he needed to figure out someway to do it using Ruby's plan. He couldn't think of another alternative until he remembered that someone who likes bein owed favours got stuck in here to "Hey Ray there is something i need to talk with you about in private when you're done with this part of he plan" he said his piece to Ray and went outside to the front porch of the house to keep watch.

@Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331 

Magnus was starting to wonder if his nephew would be okay so he decided he would see first how Clair had been progressing "Now where could she be" he wondered before deciding to heck the student council room. On his way there he saw a sign for the music auditions "They are still doing this huh? I'll bet it's Darktowers daughter hosting it to" he said remembering when Arlane made him join it with the excuse of 'You work to much'. He quickly walked toward the student council office to see her working at her desk diligently "So miss O'reilly we meet in person at last" he said walking over to her desk "I was hoping you could accompany me to the arena. I am here with the intentions on raising your power a bit in addition to my nephews but since he's busy I figured I'd start with you" he said with a hopefully inviting tone.

@Mr Swiftshots

Clair was deep into the pile of work left for her when she heard footsteps approaching , thinking nothing much of the footsteps she continued to work. That is until she heard Magnus address her. Clair immediately lay down her pen and sat upright when this happened , the principal seemed to know the man personally and had previously informed Clair to be as polite as possible. There was only one problem with that , Magnus had requested something she was not only incapable of doing but also forbidden from doing. With a polite gesture of the left hand Clair invited Magnus to take the seat opposite her desk , once he was seated she began addressing his invitation with a gentle tone. "Dr. Magnus. You are somewhat of a VIP here at the moment , you have literally been placed above all rule bar the principals and mine. That is not a luxury most are given and quite frankly I don't understand why this is so."

Clair moved to pull a sheet out from a sliding draw located in her desk , forwarding it then to Magnus "You'll find that all your equipment has been passed and moved to training area three. However in regards to your current request. Well with regret I must say I cannot accompany you. You see firstly this collar is in place to limit my powers for the current period of time. And secondly the general must confirm all my training regimes are 'safe' , not only that but a high standing military officer must accompany me while training to ensure nothing goes 'wrong'."

Clair resealed the draw and lightened up her posture and smile before talking again. "Listen Magnus , I have nothing against you. I've read your file and to be quite honest it's more than impressive. The General also faxed me some under the table files and well..... those are best left where they are , impressively hidden. I'm sure you've read mine , in fact I've been told you have on more than one occasion. No can you tell me why exactly you think increasing the power I posses is a good Idea when I can already wipe a continent off the map with just half my power ? I mean I'd ask if your crazy but I know you are. Your trying to mess with powers that go beyond normal calculations.... It's not safe. I want to help Homura just as much as you do but destroying the world isn't going to help me do that !

Raiven had a few more task to finalise as she checked the performance room, finding it all set up for the auditions tomorrow. She had her trombone in hand as she passed Hazel, stopping the girl and giving her a hug "Good luck for tomorrow, I'm just checking everything's ready seeing as I'm starting at nine"

She sat down in a chair before pulling out her phone to text Clair

"Hi Clair,

I need the following students excused from their lessons at the following times for the Orchestra auditions.I'd carry it out in the evening but we've had such a high amount of interest that a day is appropriate. It'll only take them 10 minutes. I'll also be working on Band matters all day (9:00 -5:00)

Hazel Valerie, 13:00 

Raphael Moreau 13:10

.....(The list continues)"

Pressing send she tucked the list back into her bag and pulled out the sheet music for the Jurassic Park opening. Deep breath. Raiven focused her mind as she played the piece set out in front of her. Over 60 applicants to join Sakura Academy's Orchestra and Marching Band, she better get ready

@Mr Swiftshots

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"I'm not so much as trying to increase your actual power but I'm actually trying to help you master control over it" he said as he readied a thorough explanation "That collar was one I designed for when you were unable to control the output but I see it's become more of a crutch seeing as how instead of embracing your gifts you are hiding behind a limiter" he said with some disappointment. He had been asked by the general to help limit her power as much as possible until she learned to use them but now he knew he should have declined "Your control over half of your overall power is incredible but your control over your full power is nonexistent thanks to that collar. My goal behind this training is to teach you how to control your abilities at full power so that you can easily discharge your abilities at any power level you choose" he smile wildly as he spoke "If you'll allow me I will teach you to control the powers you are so afraid of. If you don't learn how to control them, the next time you loose control my nephew won't be able to come to the rescue" he knew about Homura kissing her out of her trance when she almost destroyed the school but he knew it was only a shot in the dark when it comes to the possibility of success.

@Mr Swiftshots
"Two things to say about that," said Reno. "1. Thanks for those kind words. I'll be sure to keep that in mind the next time I offer advice, 2. I'm surprised you actually said all that without throwing up. Seriously, who the hell are you and what the hell did you do to Ruby?" He laughed at his comment before taking the strap in his mouth again, preparing himself for the worst.

Darius was astonished at what he just heard. Arlane knows of a book that could possibly help remove the curse mark of his son? It was wonderful news. He regained his composure and cleared his throat. "Anything beats nothing at all Arlane," he stated. He took out his phone and saw a text from Raiven about auditions for the school band. "Huh, they still do band tryouts here," he asked. "I remember when I was in your band. I was pretty amazing with the guitar, in fact, Reno is almost at MY level of mastery when it comes to that instrument."

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Leo Radomir
"We still do! In fact, we now have the capacity for a full Orchestra. I'm up in the music room if you want to come and have a listen. I don't play the double bass like my father did. I do the Trombone instead." Raiven hit send as she shuffled through the music she had with her. She was feeling festive so she pulled out a Christmas piece. Hopefully, Arlane and Darius would come and listen. 

Arlane clapped his hands together, Malzahn returning to his side. "We must go listen, I have not heard her for a while" He gave Darius a hopeful smile. "I've sent a text to the keeper of the Archives, she needs to find the book so we can pass the time in the band room with her"

Her chosen song that she'll be playing when they enter.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuzE1IBDvKs

"Two things to say about that," said Reno. "1. Thanks for those kind words. I'll be sure to keep that in mind the next time I offer advice, 2. I'm surprised you actually said all that without throwing up. Seriously, who the hell are you and what the hell did you do to Ruby?" He laughed at his comment before taking the strap in his mouth again, preparing himself for the worst.

Darius was astonished at what he just heard. Arlane knows of a book that could possibly help remove the curse mark of his son? It was wonderful news. He regained his composure and cleared his throat. "Anything beats nothing at all Arlane," he stated. He took out his phone and saw a text from Raiven about auditions for the school band. "Huh, they still do band tryouts here," he asked. "I remember when I was in your band. I was pretty amazing with the guitar, in fact, Reno is almost at MY level of mastery when it comes to that instrument."

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Leo Radomir

Ruby bust out laughing and said" I didn't become the leader of the jr hunters for nothing you know and i'm far more complex than many know and even though i don't directly know what's going on my instinct and thinking through what has happened so far means things are only just getting started the question is when, The other thing is the ranks need to be reformed to a group is balanced that way there will be far less animosity and maybe in time proper friendship between the two worlds".

The sudden big increase of energy and blood starts to flow into reno and ray twitches a little more then shakes it off and smirks and says" I got to admit i don't fully understand ruby but i do know this much she can say things like that because she has plenty of life experience for some one her age and even the senior hunters have acknowledged her knowledge and that says a lot, luna will begin basic training soon and as i said before i'm really looking forward to helping her grow". "  
Hazel was surprised by the hug she was excited about the adutions she had to practice she turned on her implant as she smiled she really looked up at raiven she just looked around she didn't know where she went' where did you go raiven i wanted to talk to you' she text her as she was nervous she just picked up her sheet music notes as she just smiled she just was walking around trying to find her friend she was bored she was also looking for reno as she just looked around ' RENOOOOOOO where are you i'm bored big brother' she text him as she giggled' i want to show you something too' he text him

Luna was in her room bed as she was really bored she didn't know what to do her sister was still gone she was playing with her powers she just smiled a little as she saw the text' i might join maybe i will see i used to play the violen' she texted as she stood up from her bed and just walked out of her she didn't know who she was somehow she got her number she didn't know why though she just shrugged' man i miss my sister i feel lonely she just kicked the wall when her sister was on her trips she felt lonlness she didn't really have many friends that understood her pain she go through with her stepmother she just looked at her scars as she sighed  @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331
Reno started to feel his arm burning up, and knowing how painful it was going to be, he made three spirit shackles that held his arm down. 'Oh boy, this is gonna hurt.'  Reno felt a powerful sting in his arm and bit down hard against the strap. It felt like someone had just took a blade that's burning at two-thousand degrees Fahrenheit and just stabbed him in the arm with it, but he had to endure it untill it was done. 'Oh my god this HURTS!!! I know Ruby warned me about this, but I didn't think it would feel like someone's burning my arm from the inside out!!!' When the pain died down, he started to breathe heavily from enduring the agonizing pain. "Dear lord that was rough," he sighed. "By the way, I'm curious. Who is your boss?"

@Leo Radomir

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