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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Reno gets up from off the ground after crying for a few minutes. "You wouldn't understand even if I told you," he growled. "As for you not wanting me to fight them, my affairs are my own business!" He forms a Saber out of ice and gets in his fighting stance. Reno suddenly felt a little sluggish, but he doesn't know why. "Ugh, I'm already losing a bit of energy," he groaned. "But I've fought stronger like this, you're no exception."

@Leo Radomir

Issac smirked his blade and gauntlet ready and says" I'm an alchemist i can mimic the powers of elementals and enough of your pity party people go through all kinds of events and recover more times than not and since you don't listen to reason i won't be holding back this time this will hurt a lot and you will be sore but at least you'll be alive". The runes on isaac's blade and gauntlet pulse violently and the blade takes a medium amount of isaac's blood and says" Special ability type two crippler activate blood offering sufficient for this fight". 

Ruby is transformed and pissed and shouts" Dark homura come out play i got woken from a much needed sleep to come here so now i want to deal with this quickly lets so how long you can last against some body that knows how to fight back unlike so many of the weaklings you've gone up against before". @GreyGremory

Ray watches this as he steps out of the portal waiting for this unfold a clear rage could be felt from him and smiles widely knowing he was going to enjoy this to the fullest, he makes a chair on the wall and sits down and leans back his eyes cold as ice and his energy dark and twisted.
'What the hell, blood offering? Must be his own style of combat, kinda strange in terms of Alchemy though.' "Oh, someone looks eager to fight me," he shouts with a forced smirk on his face. 'Damn, I'm too tired to even smile? What kind of bullshit is this?' "Hold still for a second Isaac." he continued. "I got just the thing to help wipe that smug look off your face." Reno raises his Saber toward the sky and it fires a small lightning shot. After a few seoncds of waiting, it explodes, but it didn't stop there. Miniature versions of the blast came raining down towards Isaac.

@Leo Radomir
"Sunhound Alpha? My daughter? I'd never thought she'd be stronger than I am. A Sunhound has to trust someone a lot before they can become a familiar with them. Malzahn here is an easier type to manage. I'm happy a Sunhound chose my daughter. Didn't one of the daughters of Anubis have a Sunhound?" He reached down to scratch Malzahn behind the ears. Unlike Feiron, Malzahn was stoic and foul tempered, much like his human familiar "Cheralon is having pups, I'm thinking of bonding one to each Elite, for their protection. I have sensed one for my daughter, she's called Raolach. Malzahn mated with her. If anything happens to me that means I die, give Malzahn and Cheralon to Raiven."  He thought for a moment

"I think there's a book in the government archives that can help us"


Raiven whined and pouted "Wanna sleep" she huffed, burying her nose in Arcus's neck as she fell asleep, Feiron almost snickering behind her as he looked at Arcus. The Hellhound walked over to where Mr Fluffles lay asleep, wrapping himself around the actual dog and falling asleep himself 

@Anyone Online

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Arcus just smiled and wrapped his arms around Raiven. Arcus snuggled even closer and started to drift off to sleep when Uranus said to Arcus in his mind, "Hey there big fella looks like your lady friend is tired." Arcus thought shut up. Uranus didn't talk to him anymore.
"Reno has had a few familiar as well," he explained. "One was a dragon by the name of Raziel, who's ice breath can force the world into a new ice age. The second was a bipedal jackle by the name of Eris, and her powers of nature can rebuild forests, and destroy civilizations. Finally, a feral Lion called Spectra, she holds great power within the spirit realm, and can piece the souls of her enemies." Darius cleared his throat after his theatrical explanation. "Thing is though, he barely ever calls for them, so he let them tend to their duties. Don't get me wrong, he's still their master, and they are at his beck and call whenever he needs them, but at times I ask myself why he has them if he's not going to call upon them."

@Eternal Dragonchild
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Myuki watched the boys outside as she smirked with enjoyment "Mhikail, that curse that had been placed on that girl, Raiven I think it was, why is it on that white haired one down there?" She asked with slight curiosity. She already knew the answer but couldn't understand how Reno had figured out how to use it. 'Maybe he has some potential' she said with a big grin on his face. Maybe she could use him maybe not but she was also needed at at the school tomorrow and with that she decided to take her leave "Mhikail I'll leave them to you and I'll be taking this" she said as she plucked the core of the sunhound off the table before bursting into flames and disappearing. When she reappeared she was in what looked to be the girls restroom of the Academy or at least on of them. She walked out and began to wander the halls till she decided to go and check for her dorm room since her apartment plan was a bust.

@Eternal Dragonchild

Homura had fallen asleep but woke up not long after "Reno we have to move. We have to get out of here he's coming and it's not good. Let's go there is another place that we can hide till I can get you out of here" he said as he lead his friends clone out of the building. He wanted to just send his friend away but he couldn't help but like the company "I know this might sound pathetic but I'm going to die in here no matter what and there isn't anything anyone can do about it. But I'm going to get you out no matter what" he said before opening the door of an abandoned house. The house looked clean and well kept but otherwise there were no signs that anyone was there. He expected nothing less since there was no one else in his head "Sit anywhere you like, I don't think the owner will mind" he said half heartedly.

Reno was a bit sore from the fight, but he did hear a faint sound of Ruby's voice inside his head. "Sounds like Ruby came to play," he groaned. "Go help her out, I'll stay here and rest for a bit." Reno started to encase himself in ice, starting from the ground and slowly creeping toward his head. "I'll be encased inside this ice cube, it'll heal my injuries for a while," he explained. "Not too long though, about three minutes will do. Kinda rewrote the spell and it's a lot more effective and way faster than the normal spell." Reno closed his eyes as the final stages of the process was finished. He's fully encased in ice and won't be able to do anything for three whole minutes.

"Girl I don't think you'll want to just what I can do! I haven't suffered behind the mental walls created by that fake you all call friends just to be insulted like this!" Said Dark Homura angrily from the roof of a small house "You are seriously not in your element girl" he charged her and then stopped on the ground a foot away from her and pointed the palms of his hand toward her. After a second a late surge of black fire shot from his hands in a continuous manner "Can't take the heat? Then get out of my head" he said before letting out a bizzare laugh. He noticed the girl wasn't screaming nor was she even in the place she had been standing. He stopped his attack and went to see if he had incinerated the girl. When he examined the spot she was standing he didn't see any ash or any kind of remains "Damn you you fake! Where are you? I will find you and kill you over and over again before I assimilate you!" He screamed to the surrounding areas and then shot straight up into the sky's with his flames.

Homura was hiding just behind one of the walls of a yard holding Ruby close with her mouth shut. When his dark self left he let go of Ruby "So vice prez, didn't expect to see you in here. Come on Renos waiting" Homura spoke quickly before grabbing her hand and leading her to the house he and Reno had made camp in. When he arrived he saw the giant lump of ice Reno was still encased in. It was melting slowly but he was still encased "Well Ruby make yourself at home. There should be something to eat in the kitchen and if you want to rest you can use any of the beds or couches in here" he said smiling as he sat on the couch giving another exhausted hopeless sighs "I'm going to get you two out and even if it kills me" he said blankly with an angry stare aimed toward nothing in particular.

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
"Girl I don't think you'll want to just what I can do! I haven't suffered behind the mental walls created by that fake you all call friends just to be insulted like this!" Said Dark Homura angrily from the roof of a small house "You are seriously not in your element girl" he charged her and then stopped on the ground a foot away from her and pointed the palms of his hand toward her. After a second a late surge of black fire shot from his hands in a continuous manner "Can't take the heat? Then get out of my head" he said before letting out a bizzare laugh. He noticed the girl wasn't screaming nor was she even in the place she had been standing. He stopped his attack and went to see if he had incinerated the girl. When he examined the spot she was standing he didn't see any ash or any kind of remains "Damn you you fake! Where are you? I will find you and kill you over and over again before I assimilate you!" He screamed to the surrounding areas and then shot straight up into the sky's with his flames.

Homura was hiding just behind one of the walls of a yard holding Ruby close with her mouth shut. When his dark self left he let go of Ruby "So vice prez, didn't expect to see you in here. Come on Renos waiting" Homura spoke quickly before grabbing her hand and leading her to the house he and Reno had made camp in. When he arrived he saw the giant lump of ice Reno was still encased in. It was melting slowly but he was still encased "Well Ruby make yourself at home. There should be something to eat in the kitchen and if you want to rest you can use any of the beds or couches in here" he said smiling as he sat on the couch giving another exhausted hopeless sighs "I'm going to get you two out and even if it kills me" he said blankly with an angry stare aimed toward nothing in particular.

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir

Ruby smirks and says" what the hell do you think your doing and of course i'm here i work for his dad so i had to come and get him and ray's not going to let him just die before socking him good , i'm also the spirit princess and the schools biggest cow do you honestly think i would go down like some sack of potatoes"? "Stay out of my way this time  your just as much a hindrance and reno right now and his dad will never let me her the end of it if don't end it quickly as possible besides ray is here so it's not like i don't have help and from the looks of things reno took isaac too lightly the wound will heal but the energy drain will still in in effect for a couple of day". " If isaac had wanted to reno would dead right now that was just a hard warning not to go diving off the deep end like a fool anymore". Ruby takes a tablet out of her pouch and chucks it in her mouth and downs in one gulp then rips open a portal and steps through and closes it not giving him a chance to talk back to her.
"Ugh, damn it," said Reno. "You just stabbed me, and it hurts like hell." After some time, he finally sees what was going on with him. "You know, maybe they're right," he softly spoke. "I am impusilve and self-centered. I always want to be the hero and I don't think about the consequences." He opens a portal to his dorm, where he sees Homura and...Ruby? "Hey Isaac, stay safe out there," he said as he walks into his room. He closes the portal and chants a spell to transfer his consciousness into his clone. He wakes up inside a building, which was different from the school, and on what appears to be water. 'Did my clone just encased itself in ice? Well, that explains why my wounds are...partially gone. Ugh, I'm gonna be feeling that for a few days.' Reno looks around and sees Ruby near the entrance. "Ruby," he shouted in a hushed tone. "What are you doing here?"

@Leo Radomir
"Ugh, damn it," said Reno. "You just stabbed me, and it hurts like hell." After some time, he finally sees what was going on with him. "You know, maybe they're right," he softly spoke. "I am impusilve and self-centered. I always want to be the hero and I don't think about the consequences." He opens a portal to his dorm, where he sees Homura and...Ruby? "Hey Isaac, stay safe out there," he said as he walks into his room. He closes the portal and chants a spell to transfer his consciousness into his clone. He wakes up inside a building, which was different from the school, and on what appears to be water. 'Did my clone just encased itself in ice? Well, that explains why my wounds are...partially gone. Ugh, I'm gonna be feeling that for a few days.' Reno looks around and sees Ruby near the entrance. "Ruby," he shouted in a hushed tone. "What are you doing here?"

@Leo Radomir

Ruby turns around and her face smiling but her eyes tell a different story when he asks such a stupid question and her body lang says your lucky i work for your dad and we have foes to deal with otherwise i'd beat you silly and then after a minute or so then turning and heads to the kitchen and says to herself" Why are some men so brainless and impulsive well being angry and beats won't change things no i have something far more creative in mind as punishment she laughs fufufu and then starts to make a simple stew. 
Homura sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose "I hope you don't think he's done hunting us" he said trying to calculate the next move. He knew that they didn't have much time but when he saw his friends make stew and chatting, even in his head, it made himself smile "Alright fine but after this I'm getting you guys out of here. This is my problem to deal with and I'll be damned if you guys die in here with me" he said as he walked over to the cupboard and grabbed plates and bowls as well as forks and spoons for dinner "Seriously I know we all missed dinner but you should be all a little more panicked seeing as how the original will hunt us all down and kill you before taking me back into him" he said trying to sound slightly more concerned. He knew he was the fake and that Makoto was the original Homura but if his friends were here he couldn't just give up and let them die "This might be a big shock to you guys but I'm a fake. I'm not really Homura. I'm just another personality made to help him cope with the death of our parents" he had finally remembered who he was and why he had been made to exist and figured he owed it to his original to die and give him his life back. "It's not like I was meant to be alive. No one will miss me even if I cease to be" he said with a sad smile on his face.

@Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
Homura sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose "I hope you don't think he's done hunting us" he said trying to calculate the next move. He knew that they didn't have much time but when he saw his friends make stew and chatting, even in his head, it made himself smile "Alright fine but after this I'm getting you guys out of here. This is my problem to deal with and I'll be damned if you guys die in here with me" he said as he walked over to the cupboard and grabbed plates and bowls as well as forks and spoons for dinner "Seriously I know we all missed dinner but you should be all a little more panicked seeing as how the original will hunt us all down and kill you before taking me back into him" he said trying to sound slightly more concerned. He knew he was the fake and that Makoto was the original Homura but if his friends were here he couldn't just give up and let them die "This might be a big shock to you guys but I'm a fake. I'm not really Homura. I'm just another personality made to help him cope with the death of our parents" he had finally remembered who he was and why he had been made to exist and figured he owed it to his original to die and give him his life back. "It's not like I was meant to be alive. No one will miss me even if I cease to be" he said with a sad smile on his face.

@Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331

Ruby glares coldly and says" Your problem and now you want to play hero as well don't make me laugh i'm in this mess because you two can't keep your crap together and think and act with reason and i'll be dammed if i let you die and have to console clair that accepted me a stone cold cow most times and your girlfriend and yes i've known for a while your like a kid when it comes to that sort of stuff but i suppose that's what she finds so endearing about you". "We all have something that were not proud or unsure of and so on but throwing a pity party isn't going to help matter i had a moment of weakness my self recent but that won't be happening gain anytime soon, so lets eat sleep and get our heads back in the game if you start whining i'll give you something that's not edible to eat do i make my self clear". Ruby goes back cook the stew but her ears open and waiting to see if it sunk in, ' yeah that wasn't nice but if i let him go down that road it decreases our chance of getting out of hear and i have things i want to do make lots more memory's because for the first time i'm free of that god forsaken house with those tyrants in'.
"She's right," Reno said as he got up. "We've all done something we're not proud of, even me. In fact I still blame myself for it, but now's not the time to feel sorry for ourselves, not while Makoto's out there hunting us down." Reno walks over to the entrance of the build and scans the area before coming back in. "He's gone for now, but he'll be back," he said. "If anything, we'll need to make a resting area where we'll be able to sleep without worrying about him finding us. Any ideas on how we can do that?"


@Leo Radomir
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"Reno has had a few familiar as well," he explained. "One was a dragon by the name of Raziel, who's ice breath can force the world into a new ice age. The second was a bipedal jackle by the name of Eris, and her powers of nature can rebuild forests, and destroy civilizations. Finally, a feral Lion called Spectra, she holds great power within the spirit realm, and can piece the souls of her enemies." Darius cleared his throat after his theatrical explanation. "Thing is though, he barely ever calls for them, so he let them tend to their duties. Don't get me wrong, he's still their master, and they are at his beck and call whenever he needs them, but at times I ask myself why he has them if he's not going to call upon them."

@Eternal Dragonchild


"At the moment she only has Feiron" Arlane crossed his fingers on his lap "Although I've assigned Cheralon to watch over her, she may scrap with Feiron though. Has she gained the tattoo of ownership yet?" He asked as Malzahn chased a rabbit around the garden "What do you think of my daughter of Anubis theory?"
Homura was shocked that his friends didn't care that he wasn't the real Homura "Guys don't you get it? I'm not Homura I'm just a version of him that could handle the loss of his parents" he said trying to voice his opinion. He started to wonder if he worried for nothing "Guys please I'm getting you out of here and then that will be the end of it. I can't leave so long as you have that curse but I can slow him down long enough for the both of you to escape. The only problem is we have to go all the way over there" he said pointing half way across the small town to the other side where there looked to be the most black flames "If we can get over there I can stall him long enough for you two to get out" he said with some renewed hope. 'There is nothing more for me to teach you if while you harbour hate for your inner self' he remembered what the old dragon in the cavern had told him and now he understood "Guys we should get going. It's going to be a harsh journey up" he said after finishing he plate of food in front of him.

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
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"Yeah, nice try buddy, but I prefer the laid back Homura than the 'Burn everybody and everything' Homura," he said. Reno walks to the table and sits down, ready to eat whatever Ruby's planning on serving. "So here's the deal: We assess the current situation we're in, hide out in here, and gather our strength for when we face the bastard head on," he explained. "We'll need to find comfortable places to sleep, and we'll have to take turns keeping watch in case he's one of those 'Night Stalker' types. If anyone has a better plan than what I have, feel free to chime in."


@Leo Radomir
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Homura was shocked that his friends didn't care that he wasn't the real Homura "Guys don't you get it? I'm not Homura I'm just a version of him that could handle the loss of his parents" he said trying to voice his opinion. He started to wonder if he worried for nothing "Guys please I'm getting you out of here and then that will be the end of it. I can't leave so long as you have that curse but I can slow him down long enough for the both of you to escape. The only problem is we have to go all the way over there" he said pointing half way across the small town to the other side where there looked to be the most black flames "If we can get over there I can stall him long enough for you two to get out" he said with some renewed hope. 'There is nothing more for me to teach you if while you harbour hate for your inner self' he remembered what the old dragon in the cavern had told him and now he understood "Guys we should get going. It's going to be a harsh journey up" he said after finishing he plate of food in front of him.

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir

Ruby snapped at the pity party and then says much more coldly than normal" I've met some whiny people but dang you get the award, and you know luna's weaker than you magic and physically but one thing she out ranks you in with out a doubt is will to carry on and try and make things work that is why is my i love her so much and in turn people love you can't you see it you have friends your not a killer like me people will miss you when your gone more than your care to realize and that is why if you whine like that one more time i really will slam you through some walls got it homura" Her eyes narrowed down on him like she was going to devour him. Ruby adds sticks her hand in the dimension pocket and takes out some seasons and adds them and mixes them in and after ten minutes it's down and serves reno.
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Reno laughed a bit at the joke and decided to chime in. "Seriously, if I wanted award winning drama, I can always go to you two for that." He took a bite of his stew and was...oddly amazed by how it tasted. "Wow, this is pretty good," he commented. He got up and took his stew with him out the room. "I'm gonna take first watch, whoever wants to take second watch can find me in the attic." Reno went upstairs and stared out at the large enough hole that peeks towards the exit Homura talked about. He places his bowl down in a dark area and sat down next to it, he also made invisible sight wards to scan the rest of the area. 'Don't worry, all three of us will get out together.'

@Leo Radomir

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Raiven woke up as her phone buzzed, reminding her that she needed to organise the band auditions soon. She decided that a mass text would be appropriate. "Hey guys, Band President Darktower here. Just to let you know that the Academy's concert band has received a grant meaning that we can expand to include some of the Orchestra instruments. This means auditions for positions are happening tomorrow.

Brass section 9:00 -10:00,

Woodwinds section 10:00 - 11:00,

Strings 11:00- 12:00. 

Lunch 12:00 - 13:00

Percussion 13:00 - 14:00

Bass 14:00-1500

(Piano and Harp will audition alongside percussion)

Successful auditionees will receive a text from me by 5pm so they can attend evening practice.

We still will have our famous marching band. If you don't have your own instrument, you can use one of the Academy's

Send a reply with which section you're coming for. You can also enjoy the music of the band!!"

She sent a second text to current members, informing them that they needed to wear their band outfits and bring their stand covers before falling back asleep.



@Anyone Online

@Mr Swiftshots





@Leo Radomir








@ Anyone I missed

(@ZappiestAbyss Here's the RP I mentioned)
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Homura had walked into he next room and payed down on one of the couches and tried to get some sleep. When he closed his eyes he dreamed. He didn't expect to with everything that had been going on but he saw himself and Clair and his friends all tegether and laughing. He was happy and so were his friends. Homura started tearing up at this sight and knew he didn't want it to end. As the vision continued he noticed something odd about himself. His hair was its usual red but there was a black set of streaks all along the front of his bangs. 

Homura awoke and knew knew he wasn't the only one who had seen that image "So you feel the same way huh?" He had a sad smile on his face when he spoke. He made his way up to the attic where Reno had decided to keep watch "Hey man how's it going, need company?" He asked calmly as he decided he wouldn't want to freak out his friend "So you don't care that I was the fake huh? Weird thing dreams" he said not making much sense.

"I have a plan but I don't think you'll like it" he said toward Reno with a stern tone and a glint of hope in his eyes.

"Of course I don't," he answered. "I've seen who you are. You're kind, you're caring, and you don't burn everything in sight." Reno laughed at his comment, though it does hold a lot of truth. Even though the real Homura is out there trying to find and kill them, he knows that he and the fake Homura are both sides of the same coin. "Don't worry about him," he said. "I'm sure he feels the same way as you, he's just too proud and stubborn to admit it." He heard the fake mention something about an idea and was open to one. "So, what's the idea you have in mind?"

Hazel just looked at her phone as she just smiled as she text raiven' can i join band i play the piano i know i'm deaf and has the cochlea but i'll hear soon enough can i' she text nervous if she wasn't allowed she just yawned as she just woke up from her nap she haven't been sleeping well enough she just went to the music room as she was playing the piano she could feel the vibration of the song as she just smiled she haven't played the piano since her mom died she just looked up trying not to cry she just was feeling the vibrations of the music' i like music too bad i can't hear it though' she thought as she was pretty good she started playing the piano when she was 4  she just felt happy playing the piano she wanted to join the band

(the song she's playing) 

@Eternal Dragonchild
Raiven smiled as she replied to Hazel's text "See you at 1:00. We have plenty of music sheets you can use. We could even test if your cochlear implant works then"

She hit send and nuzzled Arcus, digging her nose right into his most sensitive spot


@Anyone Online
Hazel just stoped playing the music as she looked at the text' no i have one in mind' she textd as she was getting excited about the auditions she really hoped she will get it she hope she can hear right now she have it off she didn't feel like turning it on she just was humming as she continue her song ' i hope the others don't jusdg for my deafness' she thought as she just text again' i can't wait to hear your voice for the first time and hear music' she text as she put her phone in her pocket she was very excited as she just stood up she wanderid where was reno and the others she just picked up her music notes' hey luka wanna hang' she text' i'm out of the hostipal i'm at the music room' she texted @Eternal Dragonchild

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