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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)


Hazel just couldn't sleep as she got up looked herslef in the mirror as tears was falling down her face she felt peace with her mum's death but something was still bothering her she just sighed she just hug her teddy bear she waas scared her father would come and get her she was tencially a orphan she didn't want the orphanage to take her away she have good friends she just started to hum a song that was stuck in her head she was taught to sing by her mother she just was drumming her fingers on her dresser she just felt lonely when she wasn't with her friends the pain just got to her' i don't want to be lonely forever i want to be happy again' she cried cause she got the cochlea implant her mother fought for her to get when she was little but got denied cause they didn't have the money she started to sing she just wore her favorite scarf 
"Well now that he's been deceived I say we have ourselves some fun huh Homura" said Makoto as he drifted around inside Homura's head. He started to remember everything that had happened in the time he had been slammed back into Homura earlier. He had started making a separate soul form almost like a clone and made it think it had control when Homura went unconscious. Now that Homura pulled the real him down into the depth of his own mind he was given full control over how he could torment Homura before killing him and taking control. Homura still manages to link the mental lock to the curses existence which was lucky for Makoto since he needed he lock in place to torment Homura.

Homura started running down the street and into the closest house. There was no one in there which was lucky because he had to keep dodging black fire balls. He felt one make impact with the house and he bolted out the back door and ran through an alley way to try and escape. As he ran the black fire balls kept coming, bombarding the area with black flame explosions. "Damn it dude those were people's houses!" He yelled behind himself as he ran and jumped into another yard of a house just a little ways down the alleyway. He was getting ready to run when he felt the heat wave chasing him getting farther and farther away "Seriosuly ingetvhe hates me but this couldn't be anymore redundant. Reno you better hurry up and save me and quickly. I'm not sure how long I can hold out here" he said to himself as he took refuge inside the nearest house and went to lay down in one of the beds.

Homuras body on the outside may not have the curse anymore but was still unconscious. His breathing steadied and his heart rate relaxed. Magnus had decided to follow Caspien and instead found himself watching a fight he didn't think would happen so soon. When everything was over he walked over to Homura's body and tried to wake him up. "Come on kid don't play dead......" he stopped himself as he started to notice the spell that Homura had placed "You idiot! Damn it! You had better not die in there!" He yelled to his unconscious nephew before walking over to Reno. He examined Renos neck and saw a circle of magic lettering around it rather than the burn from before "You need to break that curse soon" he said with out much explanation as to why.

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir @Eternal Dragonchild
Raiven was staring into the trees "Guys. I think I saw something through there. I'm going to go check it out. I'll send up sparks if I run into difficulties or anything interesting. Red for danger, purple if I find something." With a wave,  she turned to the woods and started to walk amongst the trees. Crouching down by a log she saw Mikhail himself, he was fighting a creature that looked like it was made out of lava. Frozen in position, Raiven could only watch as her cousin beat the creature senseless before bending over it's broken body to tear something out of it.

What Mikhail took looked like a large orange crystal. Job completed her cousin flew off in a cloud of smoke. When she was sure the coast was clear, Raiven approached the creature carefully. It was bleeding badly. Now she was closer it looked like a dog. 

"You're a Sunhound aren't you?" Raiven asked. She'd heard about Sunhounds in stories told by her father. They were apparently supposed to appear in times of danger. Magnus, Darius and her father needed to see this. High above her purple sparks filled the air as she stroked the beast's head, calming it down.


Mikhail landed inside the apartment and passed the core to Myuki "It was a Sunhound, bastard bit me" He informed her before tearing off his shirt to clean the bite "Needless to say, it won't be around anymore" He offered her a smirk as he ran a flame over his wounds, sealing them closed "Your brother was going crazy, by the way"


Reno opened his eye and transferred the curse mark onto him once again. He then pulled Makoto out of Homura and transferred his dark powers into his friend's body. "Better idea, you tell her that yourself. Though the curse mark stays, fortunately I don't really have any female parts inside so that might be one loophole to look into." Reno turned to Makoto, who had all of his powers siphoned and transferred into Homura. "Oh and Makoto," he said, right before he completely erased him from existence. "You're just a memory that deserves to be forgotten." Reno opens the portal and walks out with Homura. When he looks around he finds everyone is still in one piece, though he does have a lot of explaining to do. "Well, that's finally over," he said with a sigh. "Look, I'm sorry I flipped out like that. Maybe dad was right, I can't change everyone and just accept them for who they are." Darius was glad to see his son back safe and sound and pats him on the back. "It's okay son. You were just upset about the reality of the world. In the mean time, I think you should rest inside your dorm." Reno closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. He picks up Reno and carried him with his arm over his shoulders. He turns over to face Ray and Ruby, who stood in attention. "Mission accomplished you two, and with some added help it seems. Either way, Reno is alive and well, and nobody died. Ray, head back to HQ and train with Luna.  Ruby, you're gonna help me bring my son back into his dorm...and maybe talk to him, help him get his mind off of today's events."


@Leo Radomir

Ruby shows a side of her she hasn't in a very long time clams her hand nervously and says in a low regretful voice" are you sure that's a good idea sir i'm partly to blame of how things went wrong and if i'm with you i'll only causes more problems at some point down the line  is it really ok for me to keep relying on your and liliana's kindness and good nature, can a women like me that has next to no good points about her really open up and become friends with others do i have what it takes to be a good big sister and help reno to grow i used to think i did but i can't help but wonder maybe i'm not fit to be any kind of leader". " aren't leaders meant to be able the troops better or i'm the kind that just turns others into bloodthirsty doubters of human kindness". 

Ray nodded even though he isn't happy about how a lot of this went down and still hates reno with a passion but having a proper place instead of a cave type house is something to be happy about and he would get to spend more time with luna while training and wouldn't have to pay rent just work and enjoy the good life. Just as he was about to text luna he saw a weird rune on reno's neck as well and says" that's most odd it looks like some form of curse but an advanced one i don't have the skill set to deal with this since my body can only deal with internal magic damage". 

Zenith comes by hazels door and knocks gently on it and says" Are you ok i here a lot of stuff went down including you having an op for your voice, i've brought some food and drink and stuff that might help you relax".

"He's still trying to cope with being hit by reality," he said. "It's not really his fault, nor is it ours. Of course he'll ask for forgiveness from all of us again once he wakes up." Darius looks are Ray with a look of dread. "Homura tried to get rid of this mark from what I saw," he explained. "I think Reno took it back as a reminder about this day. Though we have to find some way to remove it before we find and eliminate Mihkail, for if he dies, so does my son." He looks outside and sees purple sparks, signifying that someone is in trouble. "Damn it, why now of all things," he shouted. "Ruby, when he wakes up, he'll need some comfort, or he'll be dreading this day for a long time. Ray, I can sense a bit of hostility towards him. Just don't hit him too hard, alright, he can be hard-headed but he's still my son." He walks out the door, but not before turning to face Magnus. "I need you to stay here, if Reno wakes up, you'll have to send him into Homura's subconscious and put an end to Makoto. I'll be back soon." Darius left the dorm and teleported to where he saw the sparks originate from. "Raiven," he shouted. "What happened, why are you he...is that a dying Sunhound?"

@Leo Radomir


@Eternal Dragonchild
Raiven nodded "Mikhail did it" By now she had the Sunhound's head on her lap as she stroked it's head "He took something from it. Sunny here bit him for his troubles though" The hound itself gave a pitiful whine "Why! Sunhounds are sacred. I'll make him pay" She looked over at Darius who was standing further away. The Sunhound seemed to sense Raiven wasn't going to harm it as it relaxed on her lap, Mikhail's wound clearly visible on it.

"Hmm, I've read somewhere that a Sunhound has properties similar to that of a phoenix," he explained. "This one in particular...is an alpha. Which means there must be a pack nearby." Darius notices that the Sunhound has warmed up to her. "This could be useful," he continued. "Sunhounds are a different breed of hellhound, as they're also of demonic origin. Since this alpha has taken a liking to you...I got an idea." Using his powers, Darius was able to recreate the same crystal he researched a long time ago. Using memory of what it's made of and what it looked like, he was successful at recreating the stone. Darius replaces it inside the Sunhound, though it whined due to the pain, and steps back, admiring his work in the process. "Now we just need to place this in sunlight, and he'll be good as new. Since you found it Raiven, I think it's fair that you do it."

Reno started to groan from his long nap. When he got up, he rubbed his head and stretched a bit. "Ugh, why does my head feel like it's been struck by lightning," he asked. Reno looked around and saw Ruby, Ray and Magnus surrounding him. "Hey guys," he said with a tired tone of voice. "What happened?"

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

Raiven helped the Sunhound to it's feet before lifting it up "It's warm, like sunshine. I must ask daddy more about these wonderful creatures." She carried the alpha to a patch of sunlight and set it down, taking a seat by the creature's side. SHe placed a hand in the creature's fur as she leant back against it "It feels nice to help" 

The hound nuzzled her and licked her cheek which caused Raiven to giggle "What does it want Darius?" she asked as the hound settled across her feet with a bark.

Darius pondered this for a moment and then remembered something in the books. "Since you helped it out, he wants to be your familiar. Familiars to elementals are creatures they can summon of their own element, though getting one requires a lot of time and patience, but only a lucky few were able to get one," he explained. "You're lucky to have it become your ally." Darius was happy to see that Raiven's familiar is that of a Sunhound. "Arlane will be happy to hear this," he continued. "He always did want to make a Sunhound to be his familiar, though something tells me he'll be jealous as well...speaking of which, where is he?"

@Eternal Dragonchild
"He had work back in London" The Sunhound settled against Raiven's side as she stood up "Alright, you can come with me, my familiar. Does this mean that, like daddy, I can summon demons too?" She asked as they walked back "I think I'll call him Feiron." She smiled down at her Sunhound. 

"Ouch" Raiven put her hand to her shoulder, there was now a sun tattoo on her shoulder, interspaced with a lightning bolt.Once they reached the dorm room Raiven snuggled up beside Arcus, Feiron lying down on the floor beside her, keenly watching the proceedings across the room. He looked up at Raiven and wagged his tail, the wolflike Hellhound acting like a puppy. 

@Anyone Online

@Leo Radomir 


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Feiron come on boy. Come to bed." Arcus said as he smiled and snuggled closer to Raiven. "So Raiven, I like our new pet. Plus you wanna cuddle??" Arcus asked as he smiled and hugged Raiven.
Feiron was not impressed by Arcus, looking instead to Raiven for instruction as she cuddled up to her boyfriend. She smiled at the hound "Feiron, shut the door. There's a good boy" Nosing the door closed, Feiron sat at the entrance, ready to snarl at anyone who came in.

"Ferion's bonded with me, he only listens to me. As for cuddles, I didn't get them earlier." She gave him a sly wink as she pressed closer to him "Feiron can keep people out. I'm sure we can find a Beta for you."

@Anyone Online
Magnus could feel Reno waking up while he sat with his nephew "Good you're awake. I have something to tell you, a message from Homura. He said and I'm paraphrasing here 'Reno better save my dumb ass from that curse before it kills me or I'll kill him' and afterward he kicked me out of the mental scape he's running from the darker version of himself" Magnus told this information to Reno and waited to see what would happen. After a while he started remembering something his brother in law had told him about Homura and Myuki. 

"Magnus you should come meet your niece and nephew at least once" said Homura's father over the phone "You won't believe it. They might be the kids that the Kagutsuchi family has been prophesized about. That family legend of the child of fire who's hair and eyes glow with the light of their own flames when they use their powers" he told Magnus through the other side of the phone. Magnus waited for a moment before speaking but before he could say anything his brother in law began speaking again "They can also use my powers Magnus. They can manipulate time" the man sounded happy and Magnus wasn't sure how to explain it but he felt a sense of excitement rush into him. "Yea I'll have to come and say hi to the little tikes" Magnus said over the phone before hanging up and packing for the journey to his sisters home.

Magnus flashed back to the present "Reno you have to break that curse not for Raiven, not for your friends, and certainty not for Homura. If you break it it's for you" he said before getting up and turning to the boy "Homura will wake up in a couple of days he should be fine. Just give him time" he said smiling like he used to in school when ever he broke up with the woman who was now his ex wife. He wasn't sure what his nephew was doing running from his darker self but he has to win or else he isn't coming back. "I have something to take care of so if you could take Homura to the infirmary for the time being that would be appreciated" he said before pulling out a pack of cigarettes and lighting one with his thumb before taking a nice long drag. The puff of smoke he let out was massive but he felt much better.

 @ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
Arcus just smiled and held Raiven close by her hips. He leaned up and started kissing before he trailed kisses down her neck. Arcus just held Raiven close as he kissed and sucked on Raivens neck.

Raphael Moreau


            When I had gotten back to my room, I sunk back into the chair of my desk. I had been working feverishly on a document, but I could not have finished it in the time span I have been taking so far. An envelope sits on my desk, sent from me father. I opened it to see a check of a sizeable amount of money given to me in my name, for reasons of "Supporting the Revolution." I was pleased with such a gesture. I once more wrote in solitude, waiting for action. I couldn't make any moves, but only counter-moves.


Charles Moreau


         I had reached the capital building where I was greeted with warm faces. I had reached my office, and coincidentally to Raphael's desk, I had received a letter from my son. It was a document that held all the costs of each separate government and some key point companies. Such files were stolen of course, but I had no care for what the Prime Minister's wasted their government's money on, maintaining the people. However, I cared on how much they were wasting on the Elites, contributing to them, and I would exploit it. I began contacting each of the Prime Ministers of each respective country. I started off with a simple Luxembourg. With such moves, the contribution these foreign countries shall give will be bound to disappear. To entice them further, I even voiced out for Raphael's Revolution, and the perks it will get for its support of men, Elementals, and other supplies. The Revolution shall prevail, and remove a wall that stood in my way for so long, I thought.
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Reno became fully awake and teleported to Raphael's room, where he smirked about something in particular. "Dude, you really need to put spells around here if you don't want people sneaking up on you," he said. "So far I'm starting to piece together what's really going on here, and from the looks of it, it doesn't sound all that good." He smirked a bit at what he found out. "So correct me if I'm wrong Raphael: the whole exchange student excuse was just a cover to spy on our school to learn how we teach their students in terms of combat. You've been spying on us, analyzing every little detail about us and sending it to your father, who suddenly shows up and tries to get reactions that would warrant a possible declaration of war on France. Not only that but you've kept records of government documents so that you could make allies almost every possible country against us. You wanted us to act with aggression, you wanted us to attack you, just so we could play into your hands. Am I wrong?"

Ruby is still angry and frustrated and sad but puts it aside and walks into the student council room and sits at her desk and starts to write down the info based on the recent events and sighs then says" What a crap storm this has turned out to be in many ways and to top it all off ray's not the forgiving kind when it comes to my honor and hates people that spout of nonsense based on biased view points, as for i don't hate him and even though he's having a hard time with reality i can't bring my self to fully forgive him at this point so much for a potential boyfriend at this point". Ruby drags her hand over face and rubs her eyes her head sore as hell from the stress of one event after the other and not being able to get much sleep she files the report then lays on the couch and tries to rest her eyes.

Ray takes his phone out and texts luna saying ' the head of hq has agreed to give you some training and i'm to help you grow during this time as well, as for ruby she look terrible and will need a couple of days to recover lets take it in turns to help her with that. as for reno i can't stomach him but due the fact i'll be moving to his home so speak i'll make some effort i won't tell you not to hang out with him that would be being a really crappy bf everyone needs time with their friends etc but i know i'm not the forgiving kind after the kind of things that were said and there's somethings when the time is right me and ruby need to talk to you about'. ' please meet me in the court yard since that is the place with the most mana and maybe in time with your help i can fully let go of the darkness in my heart'. Ray sends the texts then puts his phone away and then rips open a portal and then walks through and reappears in the court yard and waits for luna on a bunch near by. 
Arcus just smiled and held Raiven close by her hips. He leaned up and started kissing before he trailed kisses down her neck. Arcus just held Raiven close as he kissed and sucked on Raivens neck.


Raiven smiled and snuggled down "Just kisses, though. I still remember vividly what he did to me." Feiron growled softly and paced around the room before settling on the bed, laying across their legs.

Raphael Moreau

         "A bit spotty on the details, but essentially. Sure, you are wrong," I'd say. "...You have yet to learn of my intentions, but I don't plan on revealing them," I would sigh and begin walking out of my room, I would then stop, and turned my head back at Reno. "...Know that it was the British who asked for a deal like this, not me. They had some scientific agenda as they do. We merely took advantage of this offer, and the reason why my father got to write the terms," I'd inform him. After this talk, one might think I would move forward, but there was this one thing I had to address to Reno, "Oh? You thought I didn't put any spells on this room? Well, I really didn't want too..." I would then step out of the room and turn back towards him smirking. I would continue, "This is not my room, merely a fake. Adieu." I would then, with a flick of the wrist make the room disappear. I didn't care if Reno could just fly back into school or something. I just then walked to the cafeteria.

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That's fine with me Raiven." Arcus mumbled out as he continued to kiss Raiven. He then pulled away and just layer on the bed with Raiven. "Raiven I am truly sorry, that I failed to protect you.
Raiven smiled, nosing into his chesr "Reno was mean earlier, he said I couldn't protect myself and I was silly" She found her way inside Arcus's hoodie and snuggled there, purring like a kitten as Feiron snuggled behind her, sandwiching her in protection "He was crazy demon guy. I think I may be like daddy"

@Anyone Online
Arcus let out a little moan as Raiven climbed inside his hoodie with him. "Raiven you can protect yourself, but you are silly, and I love that about you." Arcus said as he kissed the top of her head. "If you are like your dad that will be awesome. That means you are more powerful than me." Arcus said as he wrapped his arms around Raiven in the hoodie.
Arcus let out a little moan as Raiven climbed inside his hoodie with him. "Raiven you can protect yourself, but you are silly, and I love that about you." Arcus said as he kissed the top of her head. "If you are like your dad that will be awesome. That means you are more powerful than me." Arcus said as he wrapped his arms around Raiven in the hoodie.


"He also said that I act arrogantly because of my past. It's my way of keeping it locked away inside. I think I can control demons, Feiron's a hellhound"  She giggled as he moaned "I love you too Arcus. I'm gonna stay away from Reno so I don't fry him, or, set Feiron on him" She yawned and closed her eyes "Apparently I should grow up. My cute childlike qualities are what makes people adore me"
"Don't change just because someone said something. I for one like how you act. It shows the real you. Why change when you are already perfect." Arcus said as nuzzled his face into Raiven's neck. "Plus then I wouldn't get cuddles as much as I do, and that means you don't get piggy back rides if you grow up. That would be the end of the world." Arcus said as he started to tickle Raiven's sides.

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