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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

"Sir I'll go and stop him. He's my best friend here at the academy and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I couldn't stop another brother from going down the wrong path" he said toward Renos father "I saw a burn mark around his neck that I hadn't seen before and when I tried to get a read on it I only felt dark mana emitting from it" he said remembering the faint ring around Renos neck. "I'm going to stop him from hurting himself because that's all he's going to do is hurt himself if he hurts someone innocent" Homura wasn't sure that everything he was saying was what he was really feeling but he knew he needed his best friend for advice and back up and Reno got that bill better than anyone he knew. He decided to chase after him and flew off in the direction Reno had gone "Ill be back. We'll both be back" he yelled to the two on the ground after taking off "Now to catch up" he said to himself as he flew off in the direction of his friend. After a little bit he started catching up and decided to give one good final burst into Reno 'Smooth one crashing into him. God how can I be so stupid?' He thought to himself not expecting an answer 'I've asked that same question many times' said his inner distorted voice floating beside him. He wasn't fazed by it thankfully for his focus on his friend. After crashing into Reno at full force they crashed down into a small clearing in the forest not far out of town. Homura got up and looked at his now armoured demonic best friend "Reno this isn't you. You aren't this guy" he said remembering the fight he witnessed between Reno and Ruby "Just because you fight like a demon doesn't mean you need to become one" he said as he urged his friend to calm down.

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
Darius looked on as Homura chased after his son. "Ruby, go with him," he shouted. "He'll need some help in order to subdue him." He pulls out his phone and texts Magnus and Arlane. 'Gentlemen, we got a problem. My son has become enraged, releasing all ten of his barriers. If he isn't stopped soon, he'll destory everything in his way, even innocent civilians, AND FOR GOD SAKE, FIND A WAY TO BREAK THE CURSE, IT'S BEEN TRANSFERRED ONTO HIM NOW!!!'  Darius sends the message and makes a new one for Caspian. 'Cas, get every Elite, including Clair, to help subdue my son. He's blinded by rage and he won't be easy to take down. Make sure he's alive.'  Meanwhile, Reno was getting up after something crashed into him. He turned around and made eye contact with Homura. After hearing his statement, he laughed, though not his normal laugh, but the kind that a psycho would have. "You're right, this isn't me," he said. "In fact, I like the new me a lot better. It's thanks to a few people that sometimes...friends and/or family can betray your faith, your trust, and even your hopes." Reno blinked in front of Homura and punched him so hard in the abdomen, he started to cough up blood. thr ground underneath the both of them exploded from the amount of forced used for the attack. He then kicked the same area, lifting him off the ground and onto his foot, after a few seconds, he drops it down with Homura still on it, and flings him a few yards away. "I've gotten sick of being a pillar of support, of being the hero, only to have my efforts be for nothing," Reno shouted. "Of course there were those who tend to say that my way is not the most effective, and sometimes I wondered if they were right. Now I know they're right, so no more mister nice guy!" Reno uses his lightning ability to bind him onto the ground. He then creates four ice spears and impales him in his arms and legs. "I'm gonna enjoy this," he said. Reno walks towards his prone body, a scythe in hand ready to take his soul.

@Eternal Dragonchild


@Leo Radomir


Caspian De Sol

Caspian heard the beeping of her phone before she pulled it out, a large smashing sound comign from the court yard before she quickly read the text, er eyes widened as her face became blank, "Gentleman, i am afraid i have to leave now," She said bowing slightly before she turned and ran down the hallway, dropping her phone before she reached the court yard, seeing Reno with a scythe in hand before she rushed up behind him, a good few feet away as she took in large breathes, "Stop! In the name of every Elite!" She said in a blank tone with a blank expression on her face, sweat dripping off of her brow before she ran here, her hands had already pulled the Katana from her sheathe and was holdign it in her hands, a black smoke rising off of the blade as she looked at Renos back, not moving at all.

@ShadowSaber331 Jesus christ what did i miss? 
Darius looked on as Homura chased after his son. "Ruby, go with him," he shouted. "He'll need some help in order to subdue him." He pulls out his phone and texts Magnus and Arlane. 'Gentlemen, we got a problem. My son has become enraged, releasing all ten of his barriers. If he isn't stopped soon, he'll destory everything in his way, even innocent civilians, AND FOR GOD SAKE, FIND A WAY TO BREAK THE CURSE, IT'S BEEN TRANSFERRED ONTO HIM NOW!!!'  Darius sends the message and makes a new one for Caspian. 'Cas, get every Elite, including Clair, to help subdue my son. He's blinded by rage and he won't be easy to take down. Make sure he's alive.'  Meanwhile, Reno was getting up after something crashed into him. He turned around and made eye contact with Homura. After hearing his statement, he laughed, though not his normal laugh, but the kind that a psycho would have. "You're right, this isn't me," he said. "In fact, I like the new me a lot better. It's thanks to a few people that sometimes...friends and/or family can betray your faith, your trust, and even your hopes." Reno blinked in front of Homura and punched him so hard in the abdomen, he started to cough up blood. thr ground underneath the both of them exploded from the amount of forced used for the attack. He then kicked the same area, lifting him off the ground and onto his foot, after a few seconds, he drops it down with Homura still on it, and flings him a few yards away. "I've gotten sick of being a pillar of support, of being the hero, only to have my efforts be for nothing," Reno shouted. "Of course there were those who tend to say that my way is not the most effective, and sometimes I wondered if they were right. Now I know they're right, so no more mister nice guy!" Reno uses his lightning ability to bind him onto the ground. He then creates four ice spears and impales him in his arms and legs. "I'm gonna enjoy this," he said. Reno walks towards his prone body, a scythe in hand ready to take his soul.

@Eternal Dragonchild


@Leo Radomir


Ray steps through a portal with ruby and then snaps off his collar by force and his body quickly starts to transform into this odd looking space beast odd runes and thick white skin and other features and then says"  I have to agree with what ruby and homura your not cut out for this main villain char destroying the world and all that jazz but you are cut out to be the annoying but kind hero in training and above all else stop being such a whiny little child people don't get on with everyone people or agree with each other on everything this isn't a yes man world and ruby knows what she is and she knows she not a good person in many ways but she never pretended to be in the first place and tries". "Heck i'm not a good person in many ways but luna accepted me and so i'm not going to let her down even it means being hated by most people". Ray launches several weird looking orbs at him and keeps his eyes focused on him his transformation complete at this stage and ready for a full on fight.

Ruby pulls out the spikes one by one and quickly starts to heal the wounds and says" what's said is true and because of that even i hate my self sometimes and wonder why luna respects me so much but above all you probably know deep down because there's something about you that is the same as me and that's why unlike many i don't hate you and in time could be a true friend so even a cow like me can do good things for time to time".
Homura's hair started turning completely black as Ruby started healing him but when during the colour transition his wounds started bursting with dark flames and began to close. The spikes still left were melted away and the other holes were closed. Homura finally conscious again sits up right away and looks around "Guys get out of my way. You have to let me fly him and I to a mountain or far off secluded place. Quick before it's to late" he said before jumping or jolting straight toward Reno with incredible speed "Let's get you out of here buddy" he said his voice slightly distorted just like the dark version of him in his head. By now his hair and eyes had completely changed from red to black and was having a hard time staying in control. He with what little will left turned to the others while he held Renos arms pinned don't let Clair see me like this. I don't want one more colossal screw up to have to say sorry for..." he said remembering his ruined date earlier before flying off away from the school. After a while of flight he could feel his will slipping and then went unconscious.

Everyhing that happened was almost like a dream which made him realize that it had all happened. He had thrown Reno downward toward a small abandoned village and into one of the houses. The impact caused the ground to crater slightly before Homura sped toward Reno with his black flames and punched him in the gut almost as though for revenge causing the crater to get bigger destroying the house that Reno had been thrown into. "Pathetic. The guy who says he's done being the nice guy is still holding back. You could have killed me before those interruptions showed up but you decided to give me a chance to fight back? You're still soft" said Dark Homura as he walked over to the Reno still on the ground "This is gonna hurt you way more then its going to hurt me. Actually it's only going to hurt you" Dark Homura said before jogging slightly toward Reno before activating a black flame on his foot and shin and kicking him in the side hard enough to send him flying into some of the other buildings in the area, destroying them almost completely 'You have to stop this! Please give me back my body!!!!' Said Homura as he watched his body beat on his best friend "I'm not stopping till you take back control or he stops breathing. I might just keep using our body if he stops breathing though" Said Dark Homura with a big smile across his face. He was savouring every bone breaking hit he landed on Reno and he was hoping Reno could feel every bit of pain. He burst over to Reno and picked him up by the collar of his dark armour and punched him with a black flame covered fist straight to the face, launching him toward more and more buildings and other structures. Before Reno had impacted against another harder object, Dark Homura appeared behind him and kicked him in the shoulder toward more buildings. Renos body crashed into and destroyed many more abandoned buildings before Dark Homura flashed in his flight path and caught him by the chest stop in him completely, cratering the area directly behind himself "Sorry but I'm going to have to kill you to stop you. For your own sake" said Dark Homura before slamming Reno to the ground hard enough to make an imprint of Renos body before picking him up again and tossing him toward the ground at a regular strength "I'm sorry but if you have any last words, you better keep them to yourself because I don't really care" said Dark Homura with a devilish grin on his face and his eyes full of intent to kill.

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
Raiven found Ruby as she rubbed sleep from her eyes "What happened. The noise woke me up" She brushed her hair back from her face as she looked at the girl. Small sparks flew from her as she stood beside her roommate "Thank you, for agreeing to protect me" 

@Leo Radomir
Raphael Moreau - After all, this time, I have just stayed silent, I had been a bit... spaced out when Reno and Mikhail were fighting. I regained my bearing to see that everyone has left. Naturally, I would teleport back to my room, not knowing of the events that happened prior to my arrival. Beady-eyed, I just sit there, thinking about what to do next. Perhaps this revolution is going downhill, but I am not dead yet, so as long as I live, I must forever write history. 
Reno looked at him with a blank stare before getting back up, feeling as if his onslaught didn't have much effect. "I got one," he said before splitting both Homura and his dark side apart. "Time to die Homura...or should I say, Makoto!" His fists were enveloped in spiritual energy as he dash towards him. He punches him once in the face, then his back, then abdomen, sides, and chest. He kept hitting him in all sides at breakneck speed, each hitting his spiritual points. When he was done, the being he called "Makoto" was down, though still breathing, He picks up the body and throws it at Homura, who was infused with it yet again. "Heh, you still have his power, but he wouldn't be bothering you for a long time," he said with a smile. "Seriously, he may have been your dark side, but he sucks like hell. You're luckily I have the ability to split your soul in half so I can beat his arrogant ass into the ground."

(If there are any Street Fighter fans here, what I just described was something of an interpretation of Akuma's Wrath of the Raging Demon)

Reno felt three others nearby, when he turned around, he noticed Ray, Raiven and Ruby behind him. "Ugh, seriously." he groaned. "Ray, you say I'm not cut out for the villain role, and not for the hero role...well to be honest, I was more like the anti-hero. The only reason why Luna even respects any of you is usually out of sympathy, for who could be friends with someone who's used to being hated by everyone? Pathetic." He focuses his attention towards Ruby this time, his eyes flaring up at the sight. "And Ruby, being nice? Caring? What is this the twilight zone?" he continued. "All I've ever seen her become is malicious, cruel, and impulsive, all because she can't let go of her past and move forward. No wonder she's forced to marry someone, who's even brave enough to tame a beauty that turns into the beast over trivial matters?" Reno focused on Raiven, who looked like she just woke up from a long nap. "Speaking of the past, here we have daddy's little girl. I swear, sometimes I agree with what people say. You can be so childish and arrogant 24/7, just so you could get over your own past. I find it just plan pathetic that you of all people have the Elite title but can't even fend for herself. You're like, what 16? 17? grow the hell up!" Reno focused his attention at both Ray and Ruby again. "Oh don't act like you weren't thinking the same god damn thing, though unlike you, I don't hold back what I say." He started to scream in pain as his mind was trying to regain control. "Guys, help me," he shouted. "I'm sorry for how I acted, I let my...rage get..grrr...out of control. Now it's manifested itself into a dark being...GAAHHH...reseal the barriers...help me...take back...CONTROL!!!"


@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild
Raiven glared at Reno before calling up a storm cloud "I don't want to have to do this to you, Reno, you have left me no choice" She flicked her wrist at him, unleashing all the pain and suffering her cousin caused her in a single lightning bolt. She directed it straight at Reno's head,  letting the smell of electricity fill the air "I may not have barriers like you but I don't want to find out the true extent of my powers, well not until I'm faced with Mikhail" 

The storm clouds intensified as they whipped around her "Ruby can be cruel, yes but she agreed to protect me. I'll do the same for her"

Reno didn't even flinch from the sudden surge of electricity. "You know, I'm getting kinda bored," he said in a quiet tone. He dashed towards Raiven and grabbed her by the neck. "Yes she agreed to protect you, because she was just following orders," Reno explained. "Did you honestly think she would of her own accord? Hell no!" Reno slams her down hard enough to leave an indent on the ground. "Now stay right there, and sit tight." He focused his attention to his two other opponents now that Homura and Raiven are incapacitated. 'Damn it, so long as my rage has control, I won't be able to protect my friends. I'm sorry everyone, I let my own desires get the best of me.' Outside of Reno's mind, a single tear fell from his eyes. "Huh, a tear drop? What the hell?" That was enough for him to regain control for a short moment. "No way...am I going to lose...to my own rage!" He struggled the best he could to keep his rage from hurting any more of his friends. "Guys...gah...the collar...in my Jacket," he strained. "Put it on me....should control...my rage...GAAHHH!"

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild
"Hey asshat" Raiven pointed her pistol square between his eyes "Unless you want me to splatter your brains sit down and shut the hell up" She cocked the pistol. She didn't like Reno like this and she'd happily shoot him "Y'know you're just like my cousin" With her spare hand, Raiven rubbed her neck. 

"Heheh," he laughed. "The Reno you know is gone, locked away inside my head. I'm am his rage, his hate, that has manifested into what you see now. I control him now, and there's nothing you can do to stop me." Darius arrived in time to find Raiven pointing a gun at his son. "Raiven, don't shoot him," he shouted. "Reno's still inside, he's fighting for control over his own rage." Darius started to read his mind and heard him mention about a collar. He pulls out his and was able to sneak behind him, but was pushed back by Reno before he could put it on him. "Oh come on father," he spoke. "At least let me have fun with Ruby and Ray before you put that on me." Darius was determined to put the collar on him, so he went into his shadow and got behind Raiven. "Listen, I need you to do whatever it takes to subdue him," he explains. "But I want him to be alive for this. As long as his hate has control, Reno will cause more damage to the world."

@Eternal Dragonchild
Homura had gone unconscious after his Dark half had been split from, beaten and then placed back inside of him. On the outside his body collapsed to the floor in the middle of Renos sentence but inside he had remained separate from his body. He could feel life signs thanks to his other self being pushed back in but he version of him everyone knows as Homura was left to wonder outside. Homura was trying desperately to get back into his body but he couldn't take back control since Reno had split his personalities apart 'Damn it why am I so useless now? My friends need me! Please I need to help them!!" He ended up finishing his sentence speaking from his body at just the moment when Reno mentioned the collar in his jacket. "Guys help me distract him and I'll finish this. I promised I would save him and I will right now" he activated his black flames and his hair turned completely black but eyes stayed their usual red. He started rushing Reno and reached for his jacket ripping it off as he flew past. "Just give me an opening!" He yelled to Ruby and Raiven hoping to get hen to help him "Ray can you pin him down for me. I promis I'll owe you huge" he yelled to the boy who seemed to have a hate for the Elites. He was intending to reverse what ever he had reversed on Raiven and take it on instead to make up for not being around when his friends needed him "Reno I'm going to do more than just save you!" He said holding the collar in one hand and a green flame in the other.

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir @Eternal Dragonchild
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Raiven nodded and adjusted her aim. She squeezed the trigger, taking out Reno's left leg. She stood up and used her lightning to dance around Reno, taunting him and distracting him from Homura and Darius.

She popped up behind him "Hey Renny roo, can't touch this" She then blinked to the balcony above him "Still can't. Want me to slow down?"


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Raphael Moreau

Such ruckus had snapped me awake from my plotting of my plans. Naturally, I would investigate, as I would then walk out of my dorm and approach the source of the fight. When I had arrived on the scene, what I had seen was limitless amounts of opportunity. As if it would be my instinct that now guides me, I summon the old favorite, the Rapier, and the Main Gauche combination. I would then pop up in battle, taking my stance in this battle. I would stand between Reno and Raiven, as if I were to stop them. However, since I hold two weapons, I pointed the Rapier at Reno's neck, and the Main Gauche at Reno's opponents. "How fruitful an event, and how the revolution shall prosper," I'd say. Naturally, I had to pull the attention to me, perhaps because it be a distraction for another plan. "Internal conflicts like these will surely debunk the establishment of the Elites, eh?" I'd ask as if it was a redundant question. "So, what will it be? Know that the next move made shall be critical," I'd threaten them. Once more, I would wait for their reaction, wait for what comes next, as I have no more means to act, but instead, to react.


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Reno groaned after being shot on the leg. When he looked up he sees Raphael right in front of him. "Revolution you say," he said. "And who's revolution are you referring to? If anything your timing is far too impeccable...almost as if you knew the exact time to show up. Is there something more to your abilities than what you're showing, or did you have some outside help?" He looked towards Raiven with a smirk. "I swear, this guy is so full of himself," he added. "Though I'll give credit where credit is due, he sucks at psychological warfare."

@Eternal Dragonchild

Raiven twirled the gun around her finger "So true Reno" Just a little more. Raiven's gun went off with a bang, catching Raphael in the shoulder. Immediately the girl covered her mouth in horror "Oh my god Raphael, I thought the safety was on. I'm so sorry. Here have a tissue" She offered the exchange student a tissue before walking over to where only Reno could see. She gave him a thumbs up and a quirky wink before licking her finger and drawing a 1 in the air. 


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Homura noticed Raphael appear in between Reno and Raiven "You French idiot what are you doing?! You should get away now" he yelled toward Raphael as he readied himself to strike at Reno "Raph this isn't the time or place for this right now. This has nothing to do with the Elites. This has to do with someone's own emotions and heritage and my friend being taken over by a split personality" he said just as Raiven pulled he trigger of her loaded gun. He quickly rushed over and grabbed Reno throwing him into the forest  outside of the academy "Raph this is exactly why you need to read the situation before you just jump into things" he said using his green flame to turn back the time on the injury and transfer it to his own body. The injury was still very fresh and thus had opened up on Homura. The pain was unreal but he didn't have time to think about that and burst off toward Reno "Raiven look after him. And get Clair. She'll need to hear about this" he said as he flew into the trees. When he arrived to where he thought he threw Reno he noticed Reno was gone.

@Eternal Dragonchild @XxCharColexX @ShadowSaber331
"You're leaving me to babysit?" Raiven huffed "Babysit someone who hates elites and has a sword pointed at me" She folded her arms, leaning against the wall. Raphael got a hellish glare from her "I am so tempted to shoot you right now." With an audible sigh, Raiven pulled out her phone and dialled Clair, keeping her pistol trained on Raphael.

She wasn't going to let this boy escape her sights. Especially since he declared war on the Elites and he was a major jerk.



@Mr Swiftshots
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Reno appeared right behind Homura as he was frantically searching for him. "Why would you protect someone that's been causing so much trouble since he got here," he asked. "Though I guess I shouldn't be so surprised." His emotions started to soften a bit. He took the collar from Homura and pushed him away. "I know what you're trying to do," he said with a smirk. "You were trying to distract me so that you could put this collar on me, and that green flame was not intended for Raphael, was it?" Reno felt like his emotions were under control, so with the opportunity at hand, he seized it. "Well then, I got one thing to say..." Reno willingly puts on the collar and felt a jolt of pain from it. His barriers were resealed and his form returned to normal. He was back to his old self once again. He rips off the collar and throws it back at Homura. "Do not come after me, and kill Mihkail. I don't care if I die in the process...at least I won't hurt you all again." Reno creates a portal into another dimension, walks through it, and closes it. He stopped for a few seconds before he broke down in tears, regretting his actions while he was under it's influence.


Raphael Moreau


         As God-Like as this move seems, since I pulled off some Star Wars Lightsaber stuff when the bullet was fired towards me, you can guess what I do next. (Totally Not Slice it In Half) I sliced it in half. "...How interesting. I make one move, and everyone's eyes come on me, and assumptions a flown. "Must I explain every action I do? For people who think I do not read into situations, you clearly cannot read my actions." I turned towards Ravien. "...How pitiful, using your rank and title to get away with so many things, attempted my assassination, then letting it all slide as if it were nothing. No wonder I hold resent to those who cling to such abilities," I'd say. I would then begin to walk back towards my room, as I turned back towards her saying, "You know you can't kill me, even if you wanted to try. If you want to, be perpared to face the concequences." I would continue walk back, feigning my inability to strike back or notice anything as my head is turned away from her.
(well that shot my post to crumbs i'll just wait for the next plot bit to pass now
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Homura was seconds way from helping his friend when instead of waiting he just walked through a portal "Damn it I'm not letting you go and take his all on yourself!" He said as he sprinted toward the portal barely catching the absolute edges of the openings "Reno I made a promise to everyone and I intend to keep it!" He said aloud as he kept working to pry open the portal with his regular flames ignited in his hands. He could feel the portal wanting to close completely but he was doing everything he could to keep it open "Damn it damn it damn it! Why aren't I strong enough? Wait maybe if I let work with him" he said to himself referring to Dark Homura or who is now also using his brothers name Makoto "Hey Makoto, other me you're still here right? I want to make a deal. You give me some power to open this portal and heal my friend. Since the curse is what let out his other side you'll have free reign with my body until he curse is broken" he said hoping the other him was listening. Almost as if on que his hands ignited again with black flames and prying open the rift between dimensions was getting easier. He continued to pry it open until he had enough of an opening to see and grab Reno enough to pull him through "What did I say about me saving you? I said I'd do it so stop giving up and be the man everyone knows you are! He said trying to perk his friend up "I'm no saint and I know I have the worst timing with everything that happened with Kat and with Clair but trust me man you are the best friend I've ever had here and I'm not going to just let you give up!" He held a green flame and enveloped Reno inside it. After a few moments Homura realized what Reno had healed from Raiven. She would have been cursed and wouldn't have been able to have children and now Reno would have had to deal with that. Homura turned back the time on Renos body and transferred everything to him instead. He could feel the curse wrapping around his neck with every second that passed until he felt Reno completely healed. 

He stepped back back from Reno as the portal behind them closed but then began laughing. Makoto now conscious started laughing maniacally "Hahahahaha now I've won and you're going to die primogenitor" said Makoto as he spoke to Reno. Homura had one last play against himself and began dragging his other personality into the depths of his own mind. He knew that once he entered, Makoto would try and assimilate him completely but that could keep them unconscious long enough for Reno to destroy the curse and save him like always 'You're coming with me!' Homura said as he dragged Makoto deeper and deeper into their mind. Homura used what little time he had to convey to Reno one last message "Hey Reno thanks for always being my friend and I appreciate everything you've done for me and the Elites. Please tell the others and my uncle especially that I'll be fine and tell Clair that I was stupid for not saying this before. Tell Clair that I'm sorry I didn't at least kiss her again after dinner or after we got back to the school. I wanted to but I hesitated. Tell her I'm sorry and that I'll be back soon. Tell the others not to worry. Reno you better promise to save my ass. If I die in here I'll kill you." With all that finally said he went to the deepest parts of his mind and locked himself inside a mental world to trap himself and Makoto for as long as the curse remained.

Hazel went back to the school she was relesed from the hostipal as she had an follow up for 3 weeks she just went inside her dorm as she just looked at her two roommates as she just sat on her bed whe was tired from the trip back to the school she just hugged her teddy bear" mum" she say falling asleep on the bed as she was very tired she was she just had her coclea implant off at the moment she put it in a case as she just yawned sleeping she was scared her dad will come for her she haven't told anyone beside luka her girlfriend about her dad she didn't know how to say it not even her roommates knew about it she just kept it to herself for so many years she started to wimper a bit she didn't like her bad dreams she usually dream about her father taking her away she was shievring she cried a bit while she was asleep @Eternal Dragonchild @Leo Radomir (anyone in the dormroom)
Reno opened his eye and transferred the curse mark onto him once again. He then pulled Makoto out of Homura and transferred his dark powers into his friend's body. "Better idea, you tell her that yourself. Though the curse mark stays, fortunately I don't really have any female parts inside so that might be one loophole to look into." Reno turned to Makoto, who had all of his powers siphoned and transferred into Homura. "Oh and Makoto," he said, right before he completely erased him from existence. "You're just a memory that deserves to be forgotten." Reno opens the portal and walks out with Homura. When he looks around he finds everyone is still in one piece, though he does have a lot of explaining to do. "Well, that's finally over," he said with a sigh. "Look, I'm sorry I flipped out like that. Maybe dad was right, I can't change everyone and just accept them for who they are." Darius was glad to see his son back safe and sound and pats him on the back. "It's okay son. You were just upset about the reality of the world. In the mean time, I think you should rest inside your dorm." Reno closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. He picks up Reno and carried him with his arm over his shoulders. He turns over to face Ray and Ruby, who stood in attention. "Mission accomplished you two, and with some added help it seems. Either way, Reno is alive and well, and nobody died. Ray, head back to HQ and train with Luna.  Ruby, you're gonna help me bring my son back into his dorm...and maybe talk to him, help him get his mind off of today's events."


@Leo Radomir

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