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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Reno felt his phone buss and read the message from Arlane, asking if she can sleep in his room. 'Sure, Arcus and I share the same dorm anyway. He'll be able to keep a close eye on her in case things get hairy.' As he continued to contemplate what just happened, he decided to text Ruby. 'Ruby, we got a problem, Mihkail raped Raiven again, left a curse mark on her, which I somehow removed, long story, and cut her open. She's fine now, but I think Mihkail's abuse, both sexual and physical, may be the reason why she's still acting childish. After a traumatic event, people regress into a more childlike state of mind as a way to keep others ignorant of what had happened. Hopefully you understand and not judge a book by it's cover next time. Reno sends the text and walks around the hospital for a while, thinking of a few possibilities of what Mihkail and Miyuki will do next.

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

Ruby took out her phone and saw the text and sighs and then flicks the blood off her face and then whistles and the hounds start to drag the middle men back to her and then she texts back.  Just finished up here they tried to ambush me sorry to hear the news i'll come right now and make up for lost time. ' well that does explain things however i got my ass beat in that dingy cell many a time and you don't see me look down on people the way she does so she's not helping her own karma, i know i'm a bit of a cow and i put up a wall but i don't pretend i'm something i'm not that's what annoys the crap out of me i just hope this time round she learns not to look down on others because if she doesn't karma will keep biting her in the ass'. Ruby then rips open a portal and the hounds chuck the unconscious body's through then she pets them and then jumps through her self then reappears near  Darius and says" Sorry about not being here sooner but i did bring you guys a couple of gifts two middle tried to flee the battle field so i got the hell hounds to knock them out their behind me and under a special binding and drug injected into them making it hard to resist probing and roy will be moving again soon so next time we'll be more prepared also i have a plan in mind to slow down any other foes i'm sure you've heard of the lost art of the time lord its a little tricky but in a few days tops i can learn the ability and put it to full use".

A small area near
Arlane rested a hand on Arcus's shoulder "By stunning his clone in the fight, you drew the real him away from her. That saved her life." He turned to his daughter and squatted down to listen to what she was muttering "I think she wants you near her Arcus" He gave the boy a kind smile before moving away to the bed "Ruby, help me with these sheets" He asked the girl who just appeared. The sheets he pointed to were stained with the evidence of what Mikhail had done to Raiven "Before she wakes up. She's been through enough, as you can tell by the amount of blood. It was worse when we got here"

@Leo Radomir

@Anyone Online
Arcus walked over to Raiven shakily and squatted down next to her. Arcus pout his hand on her shoulder and said, "Hey Raiven I'm here. Just so you know." Arcus said as he shed a few more tears re he wiped them away to look strong for Raiven.
Arcus walked over to Raiven shakily and squatted down next to her. Arcus pout his hand on her shoulder and said, "Hey Raiven I'm here. Just so you know." Arcus said as he shed a few more tears re he wiped them away to look strong for Raiven.


Raiven sort of slithered herself like a snake onto Arcus, cuddling in his chest while purring. She bundled one hand into a fist, grabbing a hold of his hoodie while the other draped over his shoulder. With a final snuffle, Raiven fell peacefully asleep.
Arcus just stood up cradling Raiven to his body. "Hey Raiven do you wanna come take a nap??" Arcus asked as he carried her toitoiwards his room.

Raiven nodded sleepily, she'd woken slightly when Arcus moved. She nosed her way into the crook of his neck, only seeking safety and comfort from his presence. Arlane stopped them before they left the dorm to tuck a teddy bear into Raiven's arms. "It'll help her sleep" he whispered, keeping his voice low as to avoid waking her again "Just let her cling on if she needs to. Keep her calm and quiet, she'll likely wake with a night terror." 

He patted Arcus on the back before planting a kiss on her forehead. With one hand he opened the door before turning back to the room. 
"Darius, could you get me a black bag, we're going to have to throw the sheets away. They're soaked through" The note of anger and sadness in his voice was evident. It was obvious Arlane was trying to keep a lid on his hellishly explosive temper.He looked dead at Ruby "Start taking them off the bed, put them in the bag that Darius fetches. I'm going to go get some cleaning wipes and a mop" 


@Leo Radomir
Raiven nodded sleepily, she'd woken slightly when Arcus moved. She nosed her way into the crook of his neck, only seeking safety and comfort from his presence. Arlane stopped them before they left the dorm to tuck a teddy bear into Raiven's arms. "It'll help her sleep" he whispered, keeping his voice low as to avoid waking her again "Just let her cling on if she needs to. Keep her calm and quiet, she'll likely wake with a night terror." 

He patted Arcus on the back before planting a kiss on her forehead. With one hand he opened the door before turning back to the room. 
"Darius, could you get me a black bag, we're going to have to throw the sheets away. They're soaked through" The note of anger and sadness in his voice was evident. It was obvious Arlane was trying to keep a lid on his hellishly explosive temper.He looked dead at Ruby "Start taking them off the bed, put them in the bag that Darius fetches. I'm going to go get some cleaning wipes and a mop" 


@Leo Radomir

Ruby smirks and says cooly" I have one thing to do with her and that's protect and that's what i'll do i'm not her friend and even though i feel bad for her to a point that does not mean i'll be used for whatever, there's plenty of nurses and others that are her friends so they can help i don't care if you don't like me because frankly most of you elites get on my nerves, i'll be on stand by till the next mission where i'm needed to protect her till then i've got over things i need to take care of so i'll be going now". Ruby isn't interested in his reply and rips open a portal and jumps through and then closes it.  Roy watched this unfold and gently laughs and then says" i've also got duties to attend to but i'll be back and like ruby i honestly don't care about your ranking and so on my interest happen to lie with keeping the school in one piece so i'll put my hatred for you lot aside and let me make one other thing clear with out me and ruby you would be having a lot harder a time gathering information so if you want to keep getting information don't give us reason not to help you".
(Sorry for my inactivity, I had to read 18 pages of posts that I missed today)

During these events, after Nathaniel finished his classes, he went to the library to study and read for fun, with his laptop with him. He has been reading a books on Biology, History, other things for his classes but also a book on Elementals and their powers to understand them better. Later, he started to get a bit tired and decided he should take a break. He packed his laptop and the books he borrowed. He exited the school library and walked down the halls, headed to his dorm room

As was hurrying, he accidentally bumped into a girl with light brown hair and golden eyes. He quickly apologized by saying "Excuse me," as he picked up the pencil he had dropped.

Myuki was getting really annoyed with the people her brother hangs around with. They were all to persistent "Damn it! Mhikail I thought I said to wait till I give the order" she yelled toward her blonde psychopathic subordinate "I swear you can be he most impulsive person I've ever seen. And on top of that you're not even at full power yet" she was angry and annoyed and wanted to burn him back to hell but she needed him to occupy the other Elites. "Mhik I'm going to get you to go on a hunt of sorts. There is a very high amount of primordial mana in the forests around the school but that's not the most interesting part. The mana is a flame type so what ever it is it's not human and could be used to raise our powers" she said remembering the sharp wave of heat she felt from the forest on the way over "Hunt it and take its core. For now that's what I want you to do" she gave her order and then took out her phone and sent a text to  a contact listed as just 'him' and then stuck her phone away. She looked back to Mhikail "This is just getting started" she smirked and began to laugh maniacally.

@Eternal Dragonchild

Magnus had decided to leave everything to the others and began walking around the school to see what kind of students he'd be dealing with "Not much potential in a lot of these kids huh" he sighed in disappointment until he saw that Caspien girl from earlier only this time she was with a human male. He was more interested in the human, not because of the girl infront of him but the watch on his arm "Young man you wouldn't happen to be Homura Hiyashis room mate would you" he asked after walking up to the two. He was curious about how much he knew about the watch "How are you enjoying my invention on your wrist there? Quite the piece of equipment right" he said as though trying to make it sound amazing "My name is Magnus Kagutsuchi and I'm Homura's genius uncle" he said introducing himself. 

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Myuki was getting really annoyed with the people her brother hangs around with. They were all to persistent "Damn it! Mikhail, I thought I said to wait till I give the order" she yelled toward her blonde psychopathic subordinate "I swear you can be the most impulsive person I've ever seen. And on top of that you're not even at full power yet" she was angry and annoyed and wanted to burn him back to hell but she needed him to occupy the other Elites. "Mhik I'm going to get you to go on a hunt of sorts. There is a very high amount of primordial mana in the forests around the school but that's not the most interesting part. The mana is a flame type so whatever it is it's not human and could be used to raise our powers" she said remembering the sharp wave of heat she felt from the forest on the way over "Hunt it and take its core. For now, that's what I want you to do" she gave her order and then took out her phone and sent a text to a contact listed as just 'him' and then stuck her phone away. She looked back to Mikhail "This is just getting started" she smirked and began to laugh maniacally.

@Eternal Dragonchild


"All right, all right. Cool, your jets woman. I was just resting after getting my ass beaten by that white haired kid. Plus I didn't get a proper release from her. I was stopped by those brats. No one stops Mikhail Kharlimov from fulfilling his desires. I'll be picking up a girl on the way back, and some alcohol" 

Mikhail's desire's mostly involved murder, rape, drinking and setting things on fire, sometimes torture if he was in the mood. 

Slinging his jacket over one shoulder Mihail left their apartment with a grin. 
Darius came back with a bag only to find that Ruby disappeared. He groaned out of annoyance and puts the bag down. "Sorry about Ruby," he said. "She can be a bit hard to work with at times. Anyway, she'll be able to protect you until Mihkail's dealt with." He sees Reno come back and gives him the bag full of dirty sheets. "I need you to put that through the laundry chute a couple doors down," he explained. "I'll stay here and keep watch...and tell Ruby and Roy to meet me near the entrance of the hospital. I think I sense Mihkail again." Reno nodded and took the bag. Luckily he knows where the laundry chute was after walking around the building foe a while. When he found it, he opens the hatch and let the bag slide down, then he takes out his phone and texts Ruby. 'Dad sensed Mihkail somewhere. I need you and Roy to meet dad near the entrance of the hospital, and he wants me there as well.' Reno sends the texts and sends another one to his father. 'I passed down the message, I'll meet you there.' Reno walks down a few halls and decends a couple floors until he reaches the entrance of the hospital and walks out the door. He sits down on one of the benches and waits for the others to arrive. Darius got the text and turns to Arcus. "Stay here, I got an assignment to give to my subordinates."

@Anyone Online

@Leo Radomir
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(Sorry for my inactivity, I had to read 18 pages of posts that I missed today)

During these events, after Nathaniel finished his classes, he went to the library to study and read for fun, with his laptop with him. He has been reading a books on Biology, History, other things for his classes but also a book on Elementals and their powers to understand them better. Later, he started to get a bit tired and decided he should take a break. He packed his laptop and the books he borrowed. He exited the school library and walked down the halls, headed to his dorm room

As was hurrying, he accidentally bumped into a girl with light brown hair and golden eyes. He quickly apologized by saying "Excuse me," as he picked up the pencil he had dropped.


Caspian De Sol

Caspian sighed as she walked through the halls, "I hate the french" She said to herself in a low tone as she let her head slump before she bumped into someone, "Oh... No no, sorry, it was my fault, i wasn't looking where i was going..." She said in a worried like tone before she sighed, "My apoligise, Nathaniel right? If you're wondering how i always remember my students names." She said with a smile before she gave another small chuckle.
Hazel just got up from the bed as she smiled seeing luka was still here she just blushed as she sat up from the bed trying not to wake the sleeping luka she just smiled she just looked at her phone as she remembered she had cake she was very hungry she could go back to school she just was humming a bit she was happy to be able to go back as she started to poke luka cheek as she put frosting on her nose as she giggled she couldn't hear just yet since she just had the surgery done she just looked around being a bit playful' i wanna go' she signed and whined a bit she didn't think her roommate would care she was hot in her arm and got surgery she just sighed a bit' now what to do while luka sleeps' she thought @Leo Radomir @Eternal Dragonchild
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Nathaniel looked up at Caspian. "It's fine," he said. "Yes, that is correct, and what might your name be?" he asked, smiling back at her. Then, an adult male approached the two, asking if he was Homura's roommate. "Yes, I am," he answered. Then, the man asked him about his watch that was given to him by Homura. Nathaniel then looked down at it. "Indeed, it is quite amazing, I have been practicing it when I have the chance. In fact, I was supposed to meet with Homura after my class, but I forgot," he said. The man introduced himself as Magnus Kagutsuchi, Homura's uncle. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kagutsuchi; my name is Nathaniel Reed. Homura has told be about you and how you have invented many thing, including this watch." he said, with a slightly goofy smile spread across his face. 



Nathaniel looked up at Caspian. "It's fine," he said. "Yes, that is correct, and what might your name be?" he asked, smiling back at her. Then, an adult male approached the two, asking if he was Homura's roommate. "Yes, I am," he answered. Then, the man asked him about his watch that was given to him by Homura. Nathaniel then looked down at it. "Indeed, it is quite amazing, I have been practicing it when I have the chance. In fact, I was supposed to meet with Homura after my class, but I forgot," he said. The man introduced himself as Magnus Kagutsuchi, Homura's uncle. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kagutsuchi; my name is Nathaniel Reed. Homura has told be about you and how you have invented many thing, including this watch." he said, with a slightly goofy smile spread across his face. 


Nathaniel looked up at Caspian. "It's fine," he said. "Yes, that is correct, and what might your name be?" he asked, smiling back at her. Then, an adult male approached the two, asking if he was Homura's roommate. "Yes, I am," he answered. Then, the man asked him about his watch that was given to him by Homura. Nathaniel then looked down at it. "Indeed, it is quite amazing, I have been practicing it when I have the chance. In fact, I was supposed to meet with Homura after my class, but I forgot," he said. The man introduced himself as Magnus Kagutsuchi, Homura's uncle. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kagutsuchi; my name is Nathaniel Reed. Homura has told be about you and how you have invented many thing, including this watch." he said, with a slightly goofy smile spread across his face. 



Caspian De Sol

Caspian sighed lightly when he asked her name, "Caspian, Caspian De Sol," She said a small smile playing on her lips before another male approached, "Mr. Kagutsuchi, a pleasure to meet your aqquitance once more," She said bowing slightly as her face became stone cold, as she looked at the man.
Homura looked over at the boy while he sat with Clair at the cafe table "Sorry I don't believe we've met, I'm Homura Hiyashi. I'm a friend of Raivens but I don't believe she has mentioned you at all" he said hoping he wasn't being rude "It's a pleasure.....sorry I don't think I caught your name" he wasn't sure who the man was but he didn't like the aura he gave off. He looked to Clair "Have we met this individual before, I think I would remember a face like his especially if he's Raivens cousin" he said laughing a little in embarrassment while he scratched the back of his head. Suddenly he felt a sudden murderous air coming off the man "Sorry I think we have to go. Come on Clair, we don't want to be late for class" he said in a slight rush before grabbing Clairs hand and walking her out to the street. He continued to walk closely with her until he was sure he didn't feel the mans presence behind or around them. He took out his phone and texted Raiven *Hey heads up someone claiming to be your cousin is looking for you but i have a feeling he's not the nice guy he is acting like* he hit send and then looked at Clair "We need to get out of here. That man had an air about him I only feel off of people who have died for maybe a moment. His though felt darker and more attached like he had been dead for a while" he said thinking about the heat that the man put off.

@Eternal Dragonchild @Mr Swiftshots

Clair was rather thrown off by the sudden intrusion and even more so by the sudden escape Homura pulled. Really it made no sense to her at all , she had asked Homura out for dinner and even took the liberty of transporting the two he and herself to Paris so that they wouldn't be interrupted. Well that and she always fantasied about having the whole 'lady and the tramp' esc dinner. It was really mind boggling to fid that despite her efforts someone had managed to interrupt and not only interrupt but also completely destroy her dinner date. It wasn't easy building up the confidence to ask Homura , It really wasn't !

Anyway what had been done , was done. There was no changing that , Clair would just have to put up with the fact she was now going to die alone. Not a child or spouse to her name , a tragedy in its own right really. Turning to face Homura ,with a hit of sadness in her smile , Clair responded " Yeh , back to the school. I got it".

With that said the two were almost instantly transported to Clair's office.

Upon arrival one would initially notice the pain Clair had been exposed to during the leap as a result of the collar. However quickly after that the massive pile of paperwork on her desk would frighten anyone. Yet Clair , oblivious to her surrounding due to familiarisation , responde quickly with the same saddened smile "Your uncle is probably waiting for you huh..... well I hope your training goes well Homura..... and uh I'm sorry about diner it was a stupid Idea anyway. You know what you can forget it ever happened ok !"

With that Clair moved to take her seat behind her mahogany desk and set about working , working like she always did. A smile fixed upon her face and a deceiving body language that made all those around her think everything was just amazing.

Homura was saddened by his dinner not at all going the way he had hoped but he also knew that if his friends were in trouble they would need him "Clair in sorry..." he was left alone by the time he had finished speaking and he felt really really stupid. He a fan walking back toward his dorm when he took out his phone and saw a lot of messages from various people. He decided he would respond to Adrian since he seemed he most apathetic *Just got back from the worst date ever but if you're looking to take something seriously, Raiven, Reno and a human girl were injured in an attack from some thugs* he hit send and put his phone away. He decided he would go and check on Reno himself before heading to grab some food from the cafeteria. He took a shortened trip to the hospital thanks to his flying. When he arrived at the hospital he decided he would check on his friends so he went and got their room numbers and decided to go and check on them "Hey Reno what did I miss.....Reno what happened? What the hell happened here?" He asked his friend who had been standing with an older gentleman who looked slightly like Reno or rather the other way around. He was remembering his lesson on aura and how the lingering pieces could almost leave a summarization of what had happened. He was getting angrier and could feel his flames activating on their own 'Probably never thought you'd see me today huh?' Said his distorted voice with a great big smile across his face. Homura knew they couldn't see it but he hoped they would notice "Reno Raiven is hurt isn't she. She was hurt but you replicated my time ability" he said with some surprise "I didn't expect anyone would be to handle the consequences so well" he said with some relief in his voice "The scars get easier to live with trust me. Healing others is tough but worth it" he said calming down from his rage.


@Mr Swiftshots @ShadowSaber331
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"I was amazed as well Homura," said Darius. "Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Darius, I'm Reno's father and a colleague of Magnus and Arlane. We used to be a part of the Elites back when we were younger, but those days have passed." His smile turned into a grim frown, like he just got news of something dire. "I'm afraid we got some bad news," he started to explain. "Mihkail has escaped from hell, and Reno told us how he did it. He had some help from your twin sister Myuki." "We figured that those two are working together," Reno added. "If we're lucky, we may be able to have those two erased from existence with the help of Arlane. In the mean time though, we're currently waiting for Ruby and her associate Ray to come back and meet use at the entrance." Reno felt his aura shift into something of a heart broken kid. "But seeing as though it's gonna be a while, considering her disgust towards almost every Elite," he continued. "You and I are going back to Sakura Academy and I want you to tell Clair that everything will be alright."

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"I don't have a sister" Homura said with confusion "I have a twin brother Makoto. If he's involved though we have more to worry about than a hell escapee" he said with a grim face. He remembers everything about his brother but the sudden mention of a sister started to give him a headache. He thought he had told everyone about his family but it must have slipped his mind "Well hopefully Reno you didn't heal any long term or permanent damage because it will affect you. Turning back the time on another forces you to take on all that damage as though it happened to you instead. Luckily inanimate abject aren't affected in he same way but I only figured out it was a time element ability because of clothing" he said explaining his green flame. "Anyway who's the loser I have to scorch. He hurt my friends and now he better prepare to burn!" He said with a determined look on his face.

Reno thought about what Homura had told him about his time manipulation. 'He said that long term or permanent damage might will affect me, does that mean I'd end up feeling like someone carved me open? Or have that curse mark on me? Wait a minute, if that's the case then...'  "Hold on a moment Homura," he said. "First off, we're still trying to figure out where he is since he's off the grid now. He even suppressed his mana signature, making it difficult for me to track him. Second, if healing permanent damage makes it as if the same thing happened to the user, why didn't you feel like your leg was crushed, that your body turned to ash, or that someone ripped your hearing aid out a long time ago?"

Ruby and ray at the entrance setting up the last of the traps to target any hostiles and ruby says" He's probably a little annoyed but what i said is true and it's not like the others are helping me so it's stupid they expect me to bend over for a girl that's not my friend or ally for that matter she's just a job as for your reasons for hating them i can understand since like me you've had to work hard and do all kinds of bad things to get even the slightest respect but now we have said what we have to say we'll have to be extra vigilant". Ray grins and then says" I get you and darus doesn't seem so bad so as long as it's not much of a pain in the ass i'll play along for little after all i end up with a crap load of paper work if to many get killed and the school gets damaged, but that aside when do you think more foes or the same ones will show up again, i want to use my powers wisely now i've calmed down after all i don't want to make a black hole by accident". 
"Hmmm I've never really thought about it" he said thinking about all the times he had used his powers on himself and his brother "I guess I just didn't notice" he said affirmingly. He wasn't sure he should tell them about his fathers powers but if it would make Reno feel better it was worth it. "My father was special. He was able to control time perfectly and it was all thanks to his families blood. He was the only survivor in an attack against his clan or at least that what I've been told. His blood or his DNA allows him to basically discard most of the damage completely but permanent damage like a crushed kidney or lung or a curse even will stay forever unless you find a way to fix it" he said relaying everything his father had said to him when he was learning how to use it.

"I see," he said, interested that Homura was open about his family. "Stay here and keep watch, I gotta meet up with some people." Reno went outside to find Ruby and Ray near the entrance. "Heh, I was betting that you wouldn't come around, considering your hatred towards anyone with the Elite title," Reno said in a mocking tone. "That's enough Reno," shouted his father. "I swear, you two are like a bunch of squabbling kids. When are you two ever going to grow the hell up?" "Hey, it's not my fault she constantly berets people 24/7. I was hoping that she might at least warm up to Raiven for christ sake, but she still acts self-righteous even after I told her what had happened, saying that 'she deserved it.' " Darius was about to release he anger toward his son but was able to keep calm. "Look, what she says or thinks is her own business. You can't force everyone to change, hell, even I can't force Liliana to change, yet I'm still married to her." Reno was close to getting upset that his father would take Ruby's side in this matter. He walked over to his father and punched him hard in his face. "So that's it huh," he growled. "So because of how they behave, they deserved to be raped, carved open, and tortured, for something so trivial?" Reno was far more angrier than ever, it became uncontrollable when he released all ten of his barriers again. "I'm sick and tired of people acting like every horrible thing that happened to them was justified." When Darius got up from that attack he was shocked to see his own son covered in hellish armor. "Reno, what the hell have you done to yourself!?" "Simple father," Reno answered. "Thanks to you, I've realized that being the nice guy never helped much. They say destruction breeds creation, so I'm gonna destroy to create a more peaceful world!" Reno Shot out from the ground and left the area, leaving behind a crater where he once stood. Darius gets up from off the ground and walks over to Ruby. "Damn it, he released all ten of his barriers and is too enraged to stop him," he stated before he broke down in tears. "He's upset, he's angry, I pushed him too far into the brink of madness. I've doomed us all."


@Leo Radomir
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"I see," he said, interested that Homura was open about his family. "Stay here and keep watch, I gotta meet up with some people." Reno went outside to find Ruby and Ray near the entrance. "Heh, I was betting that you wouldn't come around, considering your hatred towards anyone with the Elite title," Reno said in a mocking tone. "That's enough Reno," shouted his father. "I swear, you two are like a bunch of squabbling kids. When are you two ever going to grow the hell up?" "Hey, it's not my fault she constantly berets people 24/7. I was hoping that she might at least warm up to Raiven for christ sake, but she still acts self-righteous even after I told her what had happened, saying that 'she deserved it.' " Darius was about to release he anger toward his son but was able to keep calm. "Look, what she says or thinks is her own business. You can't force everyone to change, hell, even I can't force Liliana to change, yet I'm still married to her." Reno was close to getting upset that his father would take Ruby's side in this matter. He walked over to his father and punched him hard in his face. "So that's it huh," he growled. "So because of how they behave, they deserved to be raped, carved open, and tortured, for something so trivial?" Reno was far more angrier than ever, it became uncontrollable when he released all ten of his barriers again. "I'm sick and tired of people acting like every horrible thing that happened to them was justified." When Darius got up from that attack he was shocked to see his own son covered in hellish armor. "Reno, what the hell have you done to yourself!?" "Simple father," Reno answered. "Thanks to you, I've realized that being the nice guy never helped much. They say destruction breeds creation, so I'm gonna destroy to create a more peaceful world!" Reno Shot out from the ground and left the area, leaving behind a crater where he once stood. Darius gets up from off the ground and walks over to Ruby. "Damn it, he released all ten of his barriers and is too enraged to stop him," he stated before he broke down in tears. "He's upset, he's angry, I pushed him too far into the brink of madness. I've doomed us all."


@Leo Radomir

Ruby gently pats darus on the back and says" No you said the right thing it's as you said people will change on their on and more so for me considering what's happened, heck i'm probably going to hell when i kick the bucket i know i'm a cow for the most part and piss people off, this might sound strange coming from me but even though i don't like her doesn't mean i'm not concerned in my own way no one deserves to be raped i never said that but she doesn't help her situation even after the damage when she angers people through her nonsense".Ruby paused for a minute or so then says" Reno's not cut out to play the baddie as angry and frustrated as he is now as ironic as it is a small part of me prefers him as the pillar for the people heck i don't know why luna looks up to me sometimes and she's one of the few i hold dear and even with her i'm not completely honest but one day i hope i can be". Ruby pauses for a minute or so then says" I'm sorry for causing you trouble i don't help things when i'm agitated like i'm right now and after this is all over i won't hold it against you if you want me to go after all your the kind of man i wish my dad is and liliana is the ideal  mother maybe if some like her had raised me i wouldn't be such a cow". Ruby pulls out a hanky so darus can take it and sighs deeply at the change of events. 

Ray with fuming underneath though that childish outburst made him want to beat the crap out of reno and says" I need to go and cool off i can feel my rage getting the better of me and right now i don't want to screw things up for the mission, i'll be back in a few hours and with the traps set she has more protection i'm sorry i can't do more but i'm still learning how to use my ability's and for what it's worth i hope you two make up before it's to late". Ray opens a portal and starts to step into it not expecting and answer. hang in there ruby i know right now your having a tough time but your strength to stand tall even if your hated is what gave me reason to become stronger so i won't let you down now or ever if can be help and i want to see luna grow as well'.
Darius gets up after some time and rets his back agains a wall. "We'll have to put Mihkail aside for now since he's still in hiding," he said after calming himself down. "Ruby, I'm giving you the task of subduing my son before it's too late. I don't care how, just make sure you bring him back alive." Darius left to meet up with the others, but not before turning around and giving her one more statement. "A closed heart can reveal what they want people to see, an open heart can reveal a world of possibility. In short, be honest with yourself more and have an open mind, a little tip from a former Elite...oh, and tell Ray to do the same thing."

@Leo Radomir
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