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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

"We should go to the academy. I want to show you my new outfits when we get there. My room" With that Raiven hit send before transporting herself to the academy via the storm clouds, her shopping resting neatly at her feet. She arrived in her room and sat on the bed waiting for Arcus to arrive. Mikhail could try his luck, she had a loaded pistol under her pillow, the bullets inside were standard bullets, coated in rock salt for the tricky ghosts.

@Anyone Online
Arcus lightning traveled to Raivens room wearing his new hood, and his necklace. Arcus came in and instantly laid down on Raivens bed as he watched her unpack her new clothes.
Charles Moreau - "Who are you to give me, a Prime Minister, orders?" I'd ask Magnus jokingly. "I'll be leaving on my own terms, but I won't make any promises that I won't be back. Adieu." I would say, as I would head for the helicopter that brought me here. However, I would linger around to see what my son had to say as well.

Raphael Moreau - "How sad that any of our words didn't reach your ears. We never requested to fight, we only took up arms since your party attacked us." I would sigh, as I would then begin walking with my father, "Sadly, we have more things to do. France is a country that needs to be governed, and I agendas to do for myself. Adieu," I would say, as we would head towards the helicopter, and fly off into the distance to Paris.
Arcus lightning traveled to Raivens room wearing his new hood, and his necklace. Arcus came in and instantly laid down on Raivens bed as he watched her unpack her new clothes.



After Raiven was done she cuddled up to Arcus, lying down on his chest. With a sly grin, she leant forwards "You look good .Do you think we could combine our powers again?" she asked with a wink. With that, she kissed him, snuggling close as her body allowed her to. 
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Hazel just looked at them as she just smiled' my head hurt the nurse haven't given me anything for the pain' she signed' i don't want you to go' she signed as she just looked around trying to ignore the pain she blushed a bit when luka kissed her check and called her beatiful' thank you luka why you call him marshmellow' she signed trying to focus she just sat up a bit looking at reno' how long do i have to stay and how long will i be able to hear' she signed to him' how can i pay you back for this giving me the cochlea implant' she signed she just cuddled next to luka smiling glad that she was hear she didn't want her friends to leave she looked at her bad arm it was in a cast @ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild
'You don't have to pay me back for the implant,' he signed. Reno thought about the incident with her hearing aid being pulled out and placed a charm on the implant. 'As an added precaution,' he continued to sign. 'I've placed a simple ward on your implant. It'll be invisible so long as you have it, I also placed a spectral rune onto it so that way you'll still have it, but nobody can make contact with it. Meaning nothing can pull on it.' Reno walked out of the room, but not before turning to both Hazel and Luka. 'I'll be back,' he signed yet again. 'I have to check with Raiven. Arcus is with her, but I may need to keep an eye on those two in case things get...out of hand.' He left the room and walked over to Raiven's, though with a bit of difficulty. Suddenly, he felt a mana surge behind him, wind and fire, combined. 'Mhikail's here? This should be fun.' Reno turns towards the source of the surge and calls out. "I know you're over there," he shouted. "Why don't you show yourself, it wouldn't really matter if I saw what you looked like since you might kill me anyway."


@Eternal Dragonchild
Mikhail stepped into view "Ah a little bodyguard for my cousin, not that it'll stop me taking what I want from her." He circled Reno like a predator "DO you know how soft and delicious she is, let me reach her and I'll share with you. Oppose me and I'll turn you into cinders" The ground where Mikhail stepped caught alight, black flames licking at the skies.

"Such a taste she has, sparky yet sweet, I'm not even going to mention how she feels for fear of you killing me to take her for yourself" He paused to lick his lips. Mikhail, being another wind user like Adrian, was being a manipulative little shit. Deliberately goading Reno into action so he could reach Raiven. "I would love to stay and chat but my princess awaits". With a wave, he stepped past Reno and further along the hall to where Raiven's dorm was.

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Reno creates a wall of ice, with a hidden metal and spiritual core inside it. "Sorry, but you're kinda late," he said. "Arcus kinda get her virginity first, so sad I know, but hey, play nice and apologize for being a selfish, abusive, manipulative asshole, then maybe she'll warm up to the idea." His sclera turned black and he chanted a defensive spell to make his body immune to fire and wind damage. He also whispered under his breath a chant that releases five of his ten barriers. He even put his phone on speed dial to give Arlane a call, keeping it in his pocket in case. "Besides, what is it you're really trying to do to Raiven anyway," he asked. "I'm kinda curious, if you're going to let me have my way with her, you gotta convince me."

@Eternal Dragonchild
Arcus just blushed and nodded. He then kissed Ravien on the lips blushing. Arcus then laid there too see what Raivens would do. "Raiven you okay. Its just you seem more cuddly today." Arcus asked concerned.
"Why would I spoil the surprise that I have planned for my princess, two years has lead to a lot of pent up frustration and she's the cause. Think about it Reno, between me and you, she would never walk properly again. Arcus may have taken her virginity but I now how to make her happy. For 7 years I did so. Until her father beat me up and sent me to Hell. All for making his little girl happy. Where is the justice in that"

He smiled as he reached the door 

"We'll ask her about it, two strong men instead of him, someone who cannot control his own powers and may hurt her" He offered Reno a charming smile as he looked at the black eyes "You look like someone I know from my time in Hell" 

Raiven shrugged. "Something doesn't quite feel normal. Like something's risen from the grave" She nuzzled into Arcus and took hold of her pistol "I don't feel safe Arcus." She started to cry before chambering a round in the gun. Once that was done she tucked the blanket up to her chest, hiding herself in the blanket.


@Anyone Online
Arcus just held Raiven close. He started to gather all of the electrocuting with in a mile radius of the room. The lights started to flicker, and metal objects began to float and turn into metal balls. "Raiven do I have to go beat his ass??" Arcus asked as his form started to flicker.
Reno made a clone of himself far away from the two, the clone then proceeded to enter Raiven's room. "Raiven, I got some bad news for you," he said. "Mhikail's back...and he looks as if he didn't fall off a cliff. What the hell's going on here?" Meanwhile the real Reno was staring down at his opponent. "Like I'm going to buy that bullshit," he said with a smirk. "I've been around wind elementals to know how manipulative they can be, you're no exception to that rule. I've probed inside Raiven's memories a long time ago, and found out what you did to her, and I don't think it's about as 'happy' as you wanted her experience to be." Back in the room, the clone asked something of her. "Odds are he might try to disguise himself as one of your friends, so keep your eyes peeled for anything that seems off. I'll stay here in case the other Reno loses and have to swap bodies. Arcus, find him, he's standing in front of Mhikail right now, look for a wall of ice, it should be easy to find." "Look Mhikail," he told him. "I'm not going to let you touch her, and if you have the sense god gave a slug, I suggest you get out of here before it gets ugly."

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Anyone Online
Arcus's eyes turned fully electric blue, and just teleported to the ice wall. When he saw the two, his form began to flicker faster, with lightning sparking off, and metal in the hallway shaking. "So this is the little bastard that hurt Raiven. I'm gonna enjoy this so much." Arcus said as he cracked his knuckles.
The gun fell from Raiven's gasp as she stared at Reno, rocking back and forth as she held onto Arcus "Y-y-you're lying. You're him." Raiven whispered as she held the blanket tighter. Leaning into Arcus she stared dead ahead, trying to process what she was just told.Once he left, she froze. She knew she needed to reach her gun but if she moved Mikhail would grab her. 

With the speed born of a shit-scared Lightning elemental Raiven scooped up her gun and shot the chambered round at Reno's clone, only seeing Mikhail himself. She smiled as the chambered round dropped the clone like a sack of rocks "Thank you, Auntie Amari. Your birthday present came in useful"

Mikhail shrugged "Slugs have no sense, they will crawl over a line of salt to reach the food.I have more sense. I know Raiven's triggers. What pleasures her. Kill me Arcus and you 'll lose that knowledge, forever." Mikhail stepped backwards with a dramatic sigh. "If it's a fight you want, you'll get one." 

@Anyone Online

Arcus started gathering more electricity. He knew he couldn't attack first, and he knew he couldnt let his emotions get the better of him. Arcus looked towards reno to see what he should do.
"Glad you could make it Arcus," he said. "It's two on one Mihkail, I suggest you give...gah!" Reno felt the pain of his clone, and he was losing consciousness already. "Damn it Raiven," he struggled to say. "Didn't your father teach you not to shoot the messenger?" He fell to the ground, still alive but out cold. Before he was out, he made a mental note not to have a mental connection with his clones in case that happens again.

@Anyone Online

@Eternal Dragonchild
Myuki had quickly escaped from the helipad brawl as soon as her uncle turned his attention away from her. She thought she was supposed to be furious but was instead filled with fear and regret 'What the hell is wrong with me!? I shouldn't be afraid of him but those flames.....I've never seen anything like them' she thought to her self until she decided to check on Mhikail *Mhik I'm just checking to see how your recon is going. You remember you owe me for getting you out of that hell, literally. No contact with them yet. When we are ready to move I will tell you. See you sooooon love you * she sent her text and hen went off to find a place for her to live that wasn't a grungy dorm room. She had been flying to town when she felt a strong flash of heat from within the forest "I wonder what that was" she landed just outside the forest on the edge of the road and peered in. After a little while of nothing she decided she would just continue heading to town to find an apartment rather than waste her time in the forests.

@Eternal Dragonchild
Mikhail smiled as Reno dropped "One on one now." He flicked his wrist at Reno, black smoke entering his mouth. "Shall we fight then Arcus?" He swung the first punch at the boy, fist blazing with black flames. A snarl left his throat as he lunged forwards at Arcus. 

Arlane picked up his ringing phone, upon hearing the conversation he gestured to Magnus and Darius "Looks like the little bastard found her already. Reno and Arcus are fighting him. I say we go and back them up, show them what these old lions can do to someone like him. Raiven should be safe, she has a gun " He started off down the corridor at a brisk pace.



(Mikhail will reply after the fight)
"Damn it," Darius cursed. "Reno's fighting him? We better go and fast." Darius phased through the ground and his shadow moved across it. As he was moving through the streets, he was tracking the location of his son, but only for a few moments before his mana signature faded. 'No, I lost him. Don't tell me he died!' Darius moved faster than ever, hoping to find his son safe and sound.

Reno was still out cold, but he could feel the smoke enter into his mouth. 'No, I know this spell. He's trying to take over my body. Only one thing left to do.' Reno unconsciously makes a new clone outside the hospital and transfers his consciousness into it. Unfortunately by the time the transfer was complete, he couldn't release his other body...it was been taken. "Damn it to hell," he cursed under his breath. "I'll have to hide out and learn all I can about him." Reno uses his magic to transfer his belongings into his new body, and heads out the yard to find help. When he was out of the area, he felt another surge of mana inside the forest. He walks closer to it, tripping over rocks, roots, and getting a few cuts and bruises from fending off the wild life in the process, until he arrives at the destination, where he finds Myuki just standing there. "Hey, Myuki," he shouted. "I want to know why you broke him out of hell in the first place. What's your scheme?"

@Eternal Dragonchild

Arcus flickered out if the way if the punch. Arcus then jabbed Mikhail in the stomach with a lightning covered punch. Arcus then followed up with a right hook. Arcus then backed up too calm his emotions.
Myuki only smiled to the boy before disappearing in a brisk flame. After a moment she appeared in the room Mhikail was in and she saw him with a gun about to fire "Grrrrr I thought I told you to fall back" she walked right up to him, scolding him with a playful tone before grabbing his arm and making the two disappear in a flash of flames and smoke. "Damn it Mhik I thought I told you not to confront them till I give you the signal. You just can't hold back huh?" She said annoyed at the man I front of her "Seriously I understand that you want to bend the girl to your will. You and I have very similar goals but I can't have you risking my plans to get both just because you're getting a bit impatient" she scolded as she paced back and forth.

@Eternal Dragonchild
Reno cursed his luck when Myuki disappeared. Feeling like he should head back to the hospital, he teleports there, with Arcus, Arlane, and Darius at the same spot Mihkail was. "Damn it to hell," he shouted. "You're not gonna believe this, but Myuki was the little blighter that broke Mihkail out of hell." He turns to his clone and uses a spell to erase it from existence. "That smoke he used was probably a way to use my clone as a proxy," he explained. "Let's head to Raiven's room and see if she's okay." Reno went in first and found a scared Raiven inside her bed. He looks down and finds his other clone, which suddenly turned into water. "God damn it Raiven," he shouted. "Didn't Arlane teach you not to shoot the messenger?" "Calm down Reno, if anything I might be a good thing," he stated. Darius looks over at Raiven, who's still shocked. "Mihkail's with Myuki now, and if my hunch is correct, they've teamed up."

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Anyone Online
The Mikhail in the hall chuckled darkly before disappearing. Raiven's bedroom door opened and the real Mikhail walked out, casually sorting out his belt. "I've learned, Arlane. not to direct my resources in one place, it was fun but I must go."  He turned into a cloud of black smoke and fled through the window.

Raiven had tucked herself up in the blanket after Mikhail had left. Shortly after Reno and his father entered. She gave him an apologetic smile "Sorry about your clone. I thought he was Mikhail, turns out the real Mikhail was actually hiding out in Hazel's room. Bastard caught me unawares. Next time I'll kill him" 

With that she breaks down crying, legs tucked up to her chest.


@Anyone Online
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Arcus ran back to Raiven's room. He ran straight to Raiven. He held her against his chest. "Hey I'm here. Its okay Im here Raiven." Arcus said as he held Raiven close, and rubbed her back.

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