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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Reno's rage suddenly was out of control. "Alright," he said, his tone darker and full of hate. "I think it's time I paid those two a visit. Releasing all ten barriers." A massive surge of mana came out of his and his body was cloaked in shadows. "It's about time I showed him what REAL hell is like." He walks out of the room and follows the black smoke cloud. Reno fired off a spell and managed to hit it's mark, and Mihkail reverted to his normal state, falling onto the ground itself. Reno lands in front of him, ready to show him what happens when you piss him off. "Now then Mihkail," he said, his voice sounding like he was hell incarnated. "Let's make this interesting." With one jab in his chest, he severs the connection between him and a few possible clones he has made. He then casts and incantation that renders him unable to escape until the fight is over. "How about it Mihkail," he spoke again. "One on one, winner take all."

@Eternal Dragonchild
(( I am going to take a small break from the RP, will be back when i get some things sorted out, sorry about the inconvenience ))
Raiven buried her head in Arcus's chest "I wasn't strong enough. he did it again to me. She pressed closer and showed Arcus the sheet underneath her before lifting hr head, revealing a ring of burns around the neck "Cursed fire. Miyuki startled him enough before he burned all the way through. It hurts" Tears ran down her cheeks as she sobbed. She wanted someone to stop her pain right now.

Mikhail smiled "Raiven's going to need your ice healing after what I did to her, especially her neck. A work of art" He spoke in a singsong voice as he skipped around Reno, twirling a knife. "Not to mention what I did to her most intimate parts when I was finished. She'll never carry a child" He turned and walked away "Go on, go save your friend. I'll await you at her childhood home"


@Anyone Online
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Arcus just held her closer. "I'm sorry Raiven I failed you. I'm so sorry." Arcus said as he held Raiven closer and started to cry. "Raiven I am so sorry." Arcus just out his head downcin failure.
"Better idea," he said. Reno dashed towards Mihkail and punched him hard against his skull. It was so powerful the ground itself became a crater where he stood. Seeing Mihkail skip on the ground like a rock flying across a pond was satisfying for him, to add insult to injury, he teleports over him, and slams him onto the ground with his feet. He was moving so fast it's as if Reno was riding him like a skateboard. Reno jumps off and creates a metal wall, which was left of a huge dent after Mihkail hit it...hard. While his opponent was down, Reno pulls out his phone and texts Arlane. 'I found Mihkail and is currently fighting him. Get Raiven out of there and find Homura, his flames have the ability to reverse time, making it so whatever happened to anybody never happened at all.' "So, ready to give up Miki?" asked Reno.

@Eternal Dragonchild
Raphael Moreau - Even though we have shown our exit from the Academy, in reality, the "Raphael" that left with my father, was merely a clone and disappeared after a while. Once more, I was on my own, on my own to execute my revolution, my plans. Since Reno uses his mind's eye to track my aura, it doesn't take a genius to reverse engineer the steps to trace him. On the other hand, perhaps it was my ability that got me this far, after all, I was also on the hunt for Mikhail. Naturally, this was the time to create amends, to show that I am a force to be reckoned with. Where I was, where I am, is not too far from where Reno was battling. "Perhaps you need a hand?" I'd offer Reno, my assistance in battle. If he declined, then, by all means, I would then take this advantage to wipe out my enemy in the aspect of my Revolution.

Charles Moreau - Everything was going according to plan. I was heading back to the capital, while the Raphael clone had disappeared. I had calls to make, moves to advance, and plots to create. This complicated game of chess had already begun, and fortunately for me, I was ahead by a few moves. Naturally, I have exhausted all the moves, all the preparations I have made, all the traps I could have set. All I have to do is bide my time like the hunter, waiting for his prey to fall into his trap.


@Eternal Dragonchild
Reno looked behind him and found Raphael, watching as he always was. "Raphael," he said, he voice demonic due to him releasing all ten of his barriers. "I knew you wouldn't stay with your father, your presence here was crucial to your plan. Anyway, now that you're here, I could use a hand to take out Mihkail, or at least subdue him long enough for Arlane to arrive and erase him from existence." Reno knew that Raphael was planning on doing something, and Reno was determined to get some answers. "Also, I'm still trying to figure out your intentions and motives for wanting to be here in the first place," he continued. "If both England and France are supposed to be allies, why come over here? There's nothing of interest here anyway."

Class was finally done for Mr. Adrian Vivien. Man that felt like forever, right? It was like he ceased to exist from the eyes of everyone else here at school just because of the many classes he had to attend to. Though that didn't mean he wasn't being unsocial or cut-off from reality or anything. Well.... Maybe. But he was being very active with the messages he got from the group chat. Though, he never really responded because his other teachers besides his History one have hawk eyes and even reading the messages were basically putting Adrian's life on the line. Now that was all done and he was basically safe from hawk eyed teachers he could now go to his friends. Adrian, humming to the tune of Overwatch chose to open his phone and started to text the ever so favorite, groupchat. 'Oi what are you guys doing rn??? I just got out of classes which were teached by hawk eyed teachers and I really want to spend time with my ever so favorite Elites!' Adrian smiled as he sent the message to the group chat. He was now walking the halls actually, more like skipping. He felt great getting out of class, so free. Now he needed to find out how his friends were doing, probably awful knowing them. But that was just Adrian thinking.

@Anyone Online @GreyGremory @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331 @DialgaMatthewa @TheQueenofHearts (And probs @VenomSlayer since someone probs put Caspian in the group chat maybe)
Arlane replied to the text "No, Cursed Fire burns cannot be healed so easily. They require an ancient intensive rite to heal them." He picked up Raiven's phone when it buzzed and handed it to his daughter, giving her a gentle squeeze on the shoulder.

Adrian's fellow elite snuggled closer to Arcus, giving him a kiss on the jaw as she replied "Sore as hell". She winced as she rubbed her stomach, the sheets red now. 

Mikhail swore and turned himself into a fire tornado, spinning towards Raphael and Reno.  He giggled maniacally as the fire tornado touched down, setting the ground alight  


@Anyone Online

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"Oh no, a fire tornado," Reno shouted in a sarcastic tone. "What do we do now? Oh wait." He clapped his hands and the fire tornado disappeared, leaving Mihkail open for another attack. "Oops, looks like that didn't work," he shouted again with a smile. Reno teleported in front of Mihkail and grabbed him by his neck. He gave his opponent an electric shock before slamming him against the ground, creating an indent onto the ground. Reno kneels down, his face close to his, his eyes glowing red while he face showed a very psychotic smile. He turned his head to the side and said with a very cheerful tone, "I'm gonna make you wish you never escaped from hell."

@Eternal Dragonchild
Raphael Moreau - I'd gag at the thought of my nation and England being permanent allies. "Perhaps, I should tell you a lesson about the relations between England and France... But first," I would also raise my hands as if it were a message to the heavens. A stunt pulled by my father, and as the same thing happened, light coming down, some form of weapon had fallen into my hands. A simple double-edged sword and a shield. It may seem I have given up the advantage of my illusions, but the swordsmanship of the French is incomparable. Naturally, I would wait for my next move by saying, "En Garde!"



@Eternal Dragonchild
Mikhail grinned "You can eliminate me. If you want to kill her too. Tick-tock" HE chuckled darkly "I bonded us together. I feel her pain, she feels mine... I think that punch in the stomach did something to her organs." He waved before turning into black smoke, flying at Raphael's mouth with a cackle. "If you do anything to me you'll break her, she's bleeding badly"


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Raphael Moreau - "...Very well," I'd say calmly. So what if Raiven dies as collateral damage, better for me. Naturally, as he was flying towards me, he naturally had to turn back into a more human form, all I did was ready my sword, waiting for him to shift forms. However, I realized what his plan was, "If you're planning to possess me, good luck," I'd say. Of course, I was a bit curious about what the attack was going to do... so I played into his hands.


@Eternal Dragonchild
Reno turned to find Raphael taking the smoke into his mouth, and he noticed from his calm nature that he was planning something. He took out his phone and texted Arlane. 'Arlane, bad news, that cursed fire he used? Yeah, turns out he made a connection to Raiven, meaning if I kill him, she dies too. Is there a way to sever the connection?' He sends the text and then contacts Homura. 'Homura, I need you to meet Raiven at the hospital and use your time flame to reverse the damage Mihkail has done to her, and get Clair to meet me in the field. I'll shoot out a flare so she can find me.' Reno points his index finger towards the sky and fires a small flame. That flame then exploded into a large ball of light, which will last for a few minutes before it'll disappear. 'Mihkail's one tricky bastard. I think it's about time I used his tricks as well.' 

Reno uses his mana to track down Myuki again, this time teleporting towards her location. When he spotted her, he froze time and used the same cursed flame Mihkail used to mark her, though the mark he made was that of a pentagram. When he was finished, the mark became visible on her left shoulder blade. 'That should help even the odds, now to create a new body and transfer my consciousness into it.' Reno did as such and gathered his belongings, his old body teleports back to the battlefield and the current Reno stands in the sidelines to watch. As an added precaution, he blocks his mana signature so that nobody can track him, a technique he learned during one of Magnus's stealth simulators, and severed his connection with his old body. 'Luckily I read that there was a loophole in the spell, that if the user creates a new body and severs the connection, that user will still be alive while the other two die. Unfortunately for Mihkail though, I nullified his cloning spell after hitting him in the chest, which means all of his possible vessels are destroyed. Now all my old body has to do is let him kill it, and Myuki goes bye-bye.'

@Eternal Dragonchild

With Reno gone, Mikhail turned aside at the last second, leaving the academy grounds and smoking off into the distance. He needed to patch himself up after his run in with that brute. Hopefully, Miyuki would follow soon. They needed to plan a new strategy. He laid back on the bed of their apartment and made little animals out of fire to play, I mean torture, with. 

Raiven looked at Darius "Do you think you could get me a towel, and run a bath too. I need a cleanup. I'll handle the laundry after. It's not right of me to ask you to clean that up." Raiven groaned as she shuffled herself to the edge of the bed, her stomach now on fire and her head ringing. She sat there for a moment, trying to regain her focus, and control of her stomach. It didn't work and she threw up onto her legs and the floor with a pitiful whine.

@ShadowSaber331 (Darius)


@Anyone Online
Darius nodded and left the room. He found one of the nurses and asked her to get him a towel and some water to clean up the mess. When she got him want he asked for, he returned to see a puddle of blood on the floor. "God damn it," he shouted. He used his X-Ray vision to find any signs of Mihkail's unsettling advances. "Hmm, I don't see any signs of semen inside you Raiven, well, semen that belongs to your cousin." he stated. "Though it looks like you won't be able to bare any children...luckily from what my son told me, Homura was able to bring back someone after being turned to ash. With his help you'll be able to give birth to a healthy child in the near future." He paced around for a bit and looks out the window, a grim look of dread plastered on his face. "Though with that curse mark on you, Mihkail has to remain alive until it's lifted," he continued. "Otherwise, if we erase him from existence, you will cease to exist as well. As long as you two are bound by that mark, you will suffer the same fate as Mihkail." Darius turns to both Arcus and Arlane with a very serious look in his eyes. "Arcus, I'm gonna be gone for a little while, so I'll need you to take care of Raiven," he ordered. "Arlane, you're coming with me to find out how to lift this curse. We can't kill Mihkail without killing Raiven as well so long as that mark's still there."

Reno felt Mihkail's aura disappear and went back to the battlefield, where he found that the bastard has escaped. "Damn it," he shouted. 'He's gone, but he's probably in hiding after what I did to him.' He resealed all ten barriers and returned to his normal self. "Raphael, Mihkail's gone into hiding," he stated. "I need you to find some way to lift the curse mark off of Raiven before we fight him again. I want to kill that slimy son of a bitch, but not without killing Raiven in the process."

@Anyone Online


@Eternal Dragonchild
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Raiven looked up at Darius "HE cleaned up this time, used a knife to make sure" She started to cry "It hurts really badly" Raiven just wanted to curl into a ball and cry but her stomach hurt too much, she wanted to throw up again but not in front of Darius. She whined as her stomach did another somersault before retching 


@Anyone Online
Reno pulled out his phone and texted his father. 'We got a problem, Mihkail escaped, but he's too badly damaged. I wanted to kill him, but not without hurting Raiven as well. Find a way to lift the curse.' Reno sent the text and closed his eyes, hoping to find where Mihkail is before it's too late. When he did manage to find him, he didn't teleport to him, but inside Raiven's room. He looked around to find his friend doubled-over in pain, with blood all over the room. "Wow, this is way beyond what a period can do." Darius heard that and slapped his son hard on the back of his head. "Not the best time Reno," he growled. "We need you to stay here and protect Raiven. I'm going with Arlane to figure out a way to lift this curse before we can confront him again. We need Homura to use his flames to reverse the damage." Darius then remembered that Reno can use all of the elements thanks to his heritage. "Wait a minute, maybe we don't need Homura," he said in a gleeful tone. "Reno, can you try to heal Raiven?" "I don't know dad," said Reno, unsure of the end result of he tried to replicate Homura's green flame. "But I'll try, if it can make it so their death didn't happen, then maybe it'll work on destroyed organs." Reno created the green flame and covers Raiven with it. "It will only take a few minutes," he explained. "Your body should be back to full health by then, like the entire ordeal never even happened." When the process was finished, he stood back to give his friend some breathing room. "Well, how do you feel?"

@Eternal Dragonchild
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"Truthfully or what my dad will want to hear? Truthfully, like shit, I feel like I'm gonna throw up or pass out. What dad would want to hear, i feel like a ray of sunshine" She stood up and shuffled towards the bathroom, midway there she grabbed hold of the trash can to throw up in. She wiped her mouth and shut the bathroom door to give herself some privacy during her bath. After her bath, she poked her head round the door "Could you pass me something comfortable to wear Reno? I forgot to pick it up" 

Reno nodded and handed her a robe. Darius used his X-ray vision again and saw that everything is in order. "Well, everything in your body is back to the way it was before Mihkail showed up," he commented. He took a closer look and noticed that the mark was gone. "WHAT!? How was that even possible? I thought the curse mark can't be removed by regular means." Reno was just as surprised that it worked, but chose to shrug it off and not look a gift horse in the mouth. "Now I'm really curious as to how that happened, but I'm glad that you severed the connection." Darius patted his son on the back. "I'm gonna take a walk," said Reno. "I'll be back soon."

Reno left the room and thought about what had happened. He did research a long time ago that a mark made by cursed flames cannot be removed by conventional means. A lot of questions burned through his mind as to how he was able to remove it so easily. 'I'm getting the feeling there's more to my heritage than what the books tell me. I need some help from my ancestor Eldorius. But nobody has found his grave in over 458 years, and I highly doubt his spirit would just show out at a convenient time to give me an explaination.'

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Anyone Online
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Raiven donned her robe and wrapped it around her. One she was ready to face the others she sat down on the armchair, tucked her legs up beside her and fell asleep, curled up in the armchair as her bed was still an uninhabitable mess. With a purring yawn, she chewed on thin air and wrapped the gown closer to herself as she slept. Arlane watched from the doorway before texting Reno "Is it possible for her to sleep in your room until her bed is cleaned, she's currently asleep on an armchair, curled up like a kitten" He snapped a picture to show Reno. In her sleep, Raiven began to mutter and whine for Arcus.


@Anyone Online
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Reno felt his phone buss and read the message from Arlane, asking if she can sleep in his room. 'Sure, Arcus and I share the same dorm anyway. He'll be able to keep a close eye on her in case things get hairy.' As he continued to contemplate what just happened, he decided to text Ruby. 'Ruby, we got a problem, Mihkail raped Raiven again, left a curse mark on her, which I somehow removed, long story, and cut her open. She's fine now, but I think Mihkail's abuse, both sexual and physical, may be the reason why she's still acting childish. After a traumatic event, people regress into a more childlike state of mind as a way to keep others ignorant of what had happened. Hopefully you understand and not judge a book by it's cover next time. Reno sends the text and walks around the hospital for a while, thinking of a few possibilities of what Mihkail and Miyuki will do next.

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild
Arcus just walked into the room and looked at Arlane. "I'm sorry sir, but I have failed in protecting your daughter." Arcus said as a few tears started too fall from his eyes. He look at Raiven and clenched his fist. "I understand sir if I need to be punished." Arcus said as he looked at Raiven and knew that he failed to protect the girl he loved.

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