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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

"Understood," Darius spoke. "It would be wise to ask Raiven for her say into this matter, but we shouldn't mention that Mhikail is still alive. She still thinks that he's dead, if this were to come to light, she'll be distraught." Reno nodded in agreement. "But we'll need to be careful, not a lot of people know that her childhood and innocence was taken from her," Reno stated. "In fact, some, I hear, will try to hurt her as a way to 'teach her a lesson in humility.' I always did hate it when people judge others without getting the full backstory." "Don't worry, I made sure that everyone is up to speed as to what happened with Raiven," said Darius. "Though you may have a point, luckily I know of a few people that could help." Darius pulls out his phone and texts Ruby. 'Ruby, I understand that you're busy, but right now I have an assignment for you. I need you to protect Raiven from her cousin Mhikail before he does anymore harm to her psychologically and physically. Reno will accompany you as well as the other Elites.' Darius sends the text and turns to face Caspian. "Just make sure Raiven's safe until we capture and eliminate him, we'll worry about a war once this job is done."

@Leo Radomir


Caspian De Sol

Caspian nodded before she sighed lightly, "Once you do capture him, i will ask you use an ancient spell i was able to find, it freezes magical elements in a small vicinity, if you are able to chain him down and use it, then i can ask him something he once did. A case that my predecessors had been watching for a while before it faded. Mikhail as far as i know, knows what this spell is." She said in a dark tone as a worried look took over her expressionless face, "The "Elites" where once if my searching is correct, a means to an end to all magic that isn't necromancy. But as you can tell... It's changed... I think..." She said with a sigh before she shook her head, the worried look disappearring with it, "Raiven is an Elite. Which means she is priority for me... Unless the school becomes a war zone that is..." She said once more occampanied with a sighbefore she pulled her gloves on further. A man with a silver plater came and placed down a small coffee in front of her, "Thankyou," She said before he walked off, Caspian taking a sip.
"Understood," Darius spoke. "It would be wise to ask Raiven for her say into this matter, but we shouldn't mention that Mhikail is still alive. She still thinks that he's dead, if this were to come to light, she'll be distraught." Reno nodded in agreement. "But we'll need to be careful, not a lot of people know that her childhood and innocence was taken from her," Reno stated. "In fact, some, I hear, will try to hurt her as a way to 'teach her a lesson in humility.' I always did hate it when people judge others without getting the full backstory." "Don't worry, I made sure that everyone is up to speed as to what happened with Raiven," said Darius. "Though you may have a point, luckily I know of a few people that could help." Darius pulls out his phone and texts Ruby. 'Ruby, I understand that you're busy, but right now I have an assignment for you. I need you to protect Raiven from her cousin Mhikail before he does anymore harm to her psychologically and physically. Reno will accompany you as well as the other Elites.' Darius sends the text and turns to face Caspian. "Just make sure Raiven's safe until we capture and eliminate him, we'll worry about a war once this job is done." 

@Leo Radomir


Ruby texts back and says Ino the text i'm not happy about it because I don't like her at all however since its from you I'll make this a special case should I need to do this in the future I'll need special dispensation after all finding special ingredients and spirit stones is a bore. Ruby then hits send smiles wrely then puts her phone away and says"  alright class while I'm gone I want you to work basic use of sprit stone"
"Mikhail is a fire and wind elemental. This combination naturally makes him dangerous. Especially around Raiven who is a Lightning-elemental although she's starting to show signs of using water too. His main skill is creating fire tornados." Arlane sighed "The guard has the ability to step through time and space to reposition herself. She can only do it in a small vicinity though."

 Leaning back he sighed "I'll talk to Raiven later, once she gets back here from shopping. She's got a guard with her. If I recall he can see slightly into the future. How well does she trust you Reno?"



Magnus was remembering having to stop a lot of Mhikails fire tornados when he fought him "Those are pains in the ass, seriously who mixes magic so recklessly" he said on reflex to Arlanes mention of his nephews power "Honestly you should have just let me incinerate him. We wouldn't be in this mess if I had" he told his friends remembering how they stopped him from doing years before. He didn't like the fact that he had to try and help with that brat again but now he also had someone more deadly to deal with in his own family "Darius, that Ruby girl. I want to know how well trained she is. You might want to get her on the same level as the Elites. Seems that the name we held in such high regard might not last very long" he said after reminding himself of that broadcast he had heard during his walk toward the academy "Moreau's kid seems to be getting ahead of himself" he said with an annoyed voice as he leaned back in his chair. He didn't know anything about necromancy and only knows that it it's a magic myth to be able to bring the dead back to life "I'm not sure what the Elites have to do with necromancy but I highly doubt that a brat who had been in hell for the last 8 years would know anything about a group he hadn't even been apart of" he gave his opinion on the subject before going back to thinking about what to do about his niece Myuki.

@ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild @VenomSlayer

Raphael Moreau

          "A revolution has started, and my plan shall be set in motion," I sighed, as I stood up, looking towards the window. This action is not wrong... is it? I asked myself. I knew that I had to do something, I knew that to express one's ideas, the ideas of another must become obsolete. After a few minutes of thought, I just laughed. Such a peal of laughter was caused by how much I overthink, how much I overestimate. I took a seat once more, and waited, as I have already made all the moves necessary. All I need now to propel myself further, are reactions.



Charles Moreau

         I was in a helicopter, the government-issued one in fact. I was en route to Sakura Academy. I had already seen my son's proclamation. I was amused to hear it, however... I already knew he was going to pull some sort of stunt, after all... I ordered him to. All I was doing now was continuing to set in motion, the connection of the most complicated web, of plot points, with one another. I was drinking a cup of coffee, my favorite, as I looked out of the window, I saw a snow covered academy not long from my point of view. Soon, we were landing on the Helipad, the helicopter propeller would then slow down bit by bit, each time it would go slower by an unnoticeable fraction, but as several seconds go by such unnoticeable fractions would stick out like a sore thumb. I stepped out of the helicopter, and made my way towards the lobby of the Academy.
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Arlane fixed Charles with a steely glare, similar to the one used by his daughter. "Hello, Moreau, your ingrate of a child is nothing more than a snoop. Do you not teach your child any manners. I also hear he is a warmonger. Just like his father. At least my child is kind and sensitive." He gave Charles Moreau a smirk before turning to Darius and Magnus "Look, we were just speaking about the brat and his father turns up" He gestures to Charles with a hand 




Charles Moreau


         "My, my. How cold a greeting. If we must speak about people who do not have manners, we sure have a lot of material to talk about here in front of me," I'd say in response. Offended, I was by his outrageous remarks. However, I merely kept my cool and suave manner, tempering myself by not letting words get under my skin. I'd walk over with every bit of caution, but yet with such a confidence one could not possibly gather against two strong Elementals. "...Here stands in front of me a demonic being, one of the most powerful even, yet a simple, ambitious child sticks around, lingering like the gum that sticks upon a shoe. Yet his head still is connected to his neck," I'd say. I would sigh as I then proposed to him a question, "Such a powerful person as yourself could easily take him out? Is he not worth it to you...? Or perhaps it's not that you don't want too... but maybe it is that you can't...?" I'd smirk, taunting him, trying to get a reaction. Such things run in the family. I would then turn my head towards a wall, a plain and simple wall, with an elegant painting. Although, the painting seemed a bit off... I then said, "How about we hear from my son in person?" I'd ask Arlane. I then gestured towards the painting, "Come on out Raphael, let's hear your motivations and ambitions.


Raphael Moreau


         "...How funny it is, how you have just noticed my presence," I said. One of the figures of the painting seemed to spring to life. That figure was me, jumping out of the painting, removing the disguise I put upon myself. "Raphael Moreau," I'd say taking a bow. As I readjust myself, I then said, "How interesting, I declare one revolution, and my father and I are cast as warmongers, " I'd say in my defense. Taking a sigh, I'd then continue, "Aristocracy and other plutocratic ways are getting old, obsolete, outdated. Today, it is the worth of the individual that define's one power and status. I merely demand the disbandment of an aristocratic regime. Perhaps to be replaced with a more 'democratic' system." I then questioned Arlane with such audacity and motivation, and all I would wait for is a reaction. Waiting for something to happen. As I have already acted, and soon all I have to do now is to react.

@Eternal Dragonchild


Magnus held his hands behind his head as he rested his head against them like a teenager would when they are acting carefree "Hey Charley, it been like what 6 years? You don't writes you don't call. Honestly I thought you'd forgotten all about us little people" he said with a semi-sarcastic voice as he addressed the man "Seriously though, your son is going to ruin things around here and for the worse of he starts to go to war with my nephew and his friends" he stated as he put his hands down and into his lab jacket pockets. He knew that the only way for Homura to defeat his sister and maybe save her from herself was for him to be an Elite with access to the resources that come with it "If your son takes a step further down this path he with only get himself burned" he couldnt risk telling them everything but he had to say enough to hopefully convince him to stop "There is a much more dangerous force out there that only the Elites working together can beat and it goes far beyond and Mage gangs that are out there" he said as he worked out his next sentence carefully.

"Oh uncle I thought you would be a good man and keep my secret just a little longer" Myuki landed from above the group onto the helipad "Its a pleasure to meet you all. I'm Myuki Hiyashi and the twin sister to one of the Elites that is held with such contempt" she smirked a little at the men "I didn't know the French prime minister was a fire starter. By that I mean you really like to go to war don't you" she started laughing as she walked a little closer to the men. She was starting to feel angry and she wanted to take it out on someone "Mr. Moreau and son, if you get in my way and make my reunion with my brother boring I will end you both while savouring every scream you let out and the smell of burning corpses as you turn to ash" her pupils were no bigger than a small bead when she spoke until she turned to the other men behind her "If you all try to stop me I will do the same not just to you but to your loved ones as well. Oh and Mr. Darktower I would hurry on your search. Mhikail told me what he has planned and I can say it's definitely a gruesome play even for me" she said with a snicker as her hair flared up, glowing with the same blue light as her flames and the violet glow in her eyes as she waited for their reactions.

@XxCharColexX @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331
"Call me a demonic being again and I'll send you to meet some real Demon Moreau" Arlane glared, offended at being called a demonic being. He was a Lord of Hell and this close to taking command of it for himself "I appreciate you recognising my strength, though, you have grown stronger too."

Clicking his tongue Arlane pulled out a piece of butterscotch and began to suck on it. Like father, like daughter I suppose.

He offered the bag to the other men, Raphael and Reno. He wasn't stingy with sweets, unlike his daughter.

@XxCharColexX @ShadowSaber331 @GreyGremory
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"Alright Myuki, talk," shouted Reno. "Why are you hell-bent on going after Homura? What has he done to you to make you want to kill him?" Reno was curious as to why this girl wanted to find her twin brother. He kept his guard up, ready to fight her when all else fails. His ears perked up when she mentioned something about Mhikail. "What is it that Mhikail has planned for Raiven," Reno asked with a small smirk. "I want to know so I can personally beat him to the ground." Darius felt Reno's aura change from his normal blue to a midnight blackish color. 'Dear god, his power's becoming stronger. Could it be that his strength is powered by the negativity his opponents emit? If so, than he may be able to put and end to both Myuki and Mhikail' Darius took out his phone and read Ruby's text before sending his. 'Once you're here, I'll have to tell you the reason why she acts so childish, and trust me, it's not pretty.'

@Leo Radomir

Raphael Moreau - "How interesting," I'd say in response. I would continue, "The Lord of Hell demands that he be treated like a human, while he denounces the very humane action of merely demanding representation," I'd taunt him. 

Charles Moreau - "Now, now, Raphael. He does pose a point. His complete seniority and superiority over us must be recognized. Hail to the Cheif I suppose," I'd say jokingly. I'd turn my head towards the petit girl who dared challenge me. "A fire starter, eh? Perhaps there is some truth to that. After all, my eyes are already burning just by looking at you, I should call my doctor and have you wheeled away back to plastic surgery," I'd taunt towards her. Such insults do run in the family, it seems. No matter, I was just playing along with this game, waiting for reactions.

Raphael Moreau - My father and I make a perfect duo, backing each other up, joking around sometimes, but still keeping our point straight. However, this would be the time where I would be more serious. "Father, you know better to insult such a meek, and an incompetent girl like that," I'd jokingly scold him. We'd both share some laughs as I then continued, "Why not come to a compromise eh? Perhaps make the system a more democratic, less centralized. You know? Or maybe even make room for a 9th Elite? As a voice of the people, of the humans, and those who are less fortunate," I'd offer, acting as the angelic person in front of these demonic beings.

@Eternal Dragonchild


"Funny enough," said Darius. "It was Magnus who came up with the Elite program, and he's human. So in a way, a human already leads the Elites as it is." Darius also smirks at the Moreau's comments. "Also, if you really are someone who speaks for the people, then why instigate a fight? Not really a peaceful way to have democracy, but who am I to judge the actions of the new generation Napoleon Bonaparte?" Reno smirked a bit at his father's joke and chimed in. "Come on Dad," he said. "It's not like those two could take us all on. I bet they couldn't kill off Myuki even if they tried." Darius knew what was going on, he was trying to poke at their pride and have them challenge Myuki. "Of course," he continued. "If you two want to prove how good you really are, you'll have to beat her in a battle to the death, or is the french minister and his son all bark and no bite?"


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Raphael Moreau - "By merely using words just to ask for change is not enough," I'd say. Thinking that their rhetoric and reasoning is completely invalid. "In order to change the ideas and reasoning of the world as it is, sacrifices and proclamations must be made."

Charles Moreau - "Indeed," I'd say, nodding my head in approval. "And if we must talk about those who instigate fights, why, just a few passing moments ago, you just challenged us to fight someone else. Sure, we may seem a bit on the side of cowardice, but we are not ones to contradict ourselves."

Raphael Moreau - "Rightfully so," I'd say. Not taking the bait of them letting our pride getting the better of us. "And how inhumane and unfair it is, for us to challenge someone we claim to be as weak and meek as her as a duo." I'd then take a pause to point out, "Well, the inhumane part might be a bit justified," I'd say, gesturing towards the two, who, with such words, cast them as demonic. 

Charles Moreau - "And, I find it funny that we have been slandering you all this while, we have been a thorn in your side, not just here, but in the past as well, gathering data, piggybacking off your efforts..." I'd start.

Raphael Moreau - I'd continue my father's monolog, seeing where this is going. "Yet our heads stay connected to our bodies, and not a punch thrown. We have given you many chances to strike, many chances to end this dispute, yet you fail to take any route, but merely hide behind your ranks, your titles, your prestige.

Charles Moreau - "And I must note that my son tells me of a past battle. Between him and Reno, Reno had failed to best Raphael. A person who holds the prestige of being 3rd Place in the ranking system of the Elites, cannot perform a coup de grace upon an outsider, a newbie to your school, my son," as I would also catch on my son's intent, gathering up all the times they have yet to beat us, yet to kill us. Yet failed.

Raphael Moreau - "And most importantly, I offer the solution to such an internal strife. To end a foreseeable revolution. I offer peace," I'd then create a clone of Darius, having him restate his words, "Also, if you really are someone who speaks for the people, then why instigate a fight? Not really a peaceful way to have democracy," after that, a grin had appeared on my face. "You've said it yourself, 'Why instigate a fight?', as your solutions to a revolution, to this problem, well... you've said it yourself, 'Not really a peaceful way to have democracy.'" I'd then deliver the final words of this argument, "We may have only a bark, but you, not just you, the Elites, lack a bite that kills."

Charles Moreau - I'd look at my son, I was pleased with the rhetoric of debate he uses. "I agree, we have not only proven to you, as you have demanded, how strong we are against the Elites. We have proven it in the most democratic way possible, merely a debate of words. Now, if you wouldn't mind to adhering to my son's requests?" I'd ask politely.

@Eternal Dragonchild


Arlane stepped forwards. "I really hate the French" He kneels, touching his palms to the floor before raising them up as he stands. Shortly after two massive demons rise either side of him, horns brushing the ceiling "These are Sizach and Cliaroch. Once well-known mass murderers. Caspian, do not worry yourself. They are completely under my command". Arlane's eyes have changed as well, burning with the pure fires of Hell "As for diplomacy? Hell has no diplomacy, only hunger for fresh blood and it's lunchtime down there" He looks to each of the demons before speaking in their language. The one referred to as Sizach starts to prowl around the room, shifting into a massive hellhound that stood at the same height as it's master. Cliaroch, on the other hand, moved backwards to shield the others.




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Caspian De Sol

Caspian coughed lightly as she walked into the lobby room, seeing the group of people and two demons, "Mr. Arlane, I understand you are a demon lord, but i requested you keep all demonic magic off of the property." She said as she walked towards the Moreaus, bringing out a scroll and handing it to Raphael, "You are hereby expelled for disruption of the school regime, and for starting a war within the walls of the school. I simply asked that you would agree to remove the school from the war. But it seems i have to resort to further methods." She said as she let go of the scroll. She looked at the two demons then back at Arlane, "My deepest apologies sir. But i can simply not have "Mass Murderers" roaming my halls even if they are under your control." She said as she pulled her gloves one further. The next second the click of her sword before she swung it upwards. cutting one of the heads of the hounds before she placed it back into her sheathe, "Again, my apologies." She said with a blank expression as she held a hand over her heart, bowing slightly before raising her head.

(( @Eternal Dragonchild @XxCharColexX ))
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Hazel just woke up as she just got out of surgary all she knew was her head really hurt really bad she was confused what was going on" luka where are yoo" she asked herslef as she was laying in the bed as she was looking around she was all confused she had bandages on her head as she touched them' where is everyone' she thought as she was looking for her phone she couldn't tell where it was" revin reno where are yoo" she say as she just was in so much pain as she was crying the last thing she remembered was being with luka she don't remeber the doctors taken her in for the surgery' where is everyone' she thought looking around the place she tried to sit up but she was too weak' i must find friends but i can't i feel too weak' she thought as she looked at the window as she got out as the nurses was calling for her she didn't hear anything the nurses used a cellphone to call her friends  @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331
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Charles Moreau - "No wonder the French are the most devout Catholics, save for the Spanish, of course." Naturally, with such a challenge of might, I would then tell Raphael to stand back. As I would then note towards Arlane, "How courageous, the Lord of Hell himself, hiding behind his own minions. How sad, I guess he can't man up and face a mortal 1v1. No wonder he's inhuman." As I then raise a hand up, as if a signal to the heavens. Amongst the darkness that shrouded over us by the summoning of two beasts, a light shined down upon me. 2 Weapons came down from the sky, a Rapier, and a Main Gauche, 2 sword fighting weapons. Naturally, since they were a light weapon, it can be assumed that they were Holy creations. I would then challenge the creature by saying the famous French words,  "En Garde!"

Raphael Moreau - Naturally, I would leave my father to fight his challenger, as I would then ask, "How sad, diplomacy hath failed amongst the inhuman." I would then turned towards Caspian. "Sadly, you hold no power to do so. I was sent here by the agreement between the governments of England and France as a mediator of how the English tutor their Elementals, and how they could improve on it. Simultaneously, there are English representatives in our country as well to do the same thing. As such, I was given diplomatic immunity, and you know what's funny? There's this one clause that I forgot to mention. I mean, I already revealed I had it to most of the Elites, but here's the 'most interesting' of the clauses." I would then summon a copy of the diplomatic immunity paper, and I would read aloud, "Section IX - In the circumstance any person connected to foreign governments, either by directly holding an office, or is a relative of such a person, cannot be expulsed from basic civil and human needs, such as but not limited to education. Section IXa - If this section is violated, the expulsion papers are automatically annulled. Section IXb - If this section is violated with the intent to further the gains of a foreign government, a regime, a political entity, or a company, there shall be a severe punishment which shall be decided by the European Court." I would then take a breather, as not even I can say that many sentences in a row. "So basically, this is what it means," I would say as I would then take the scroll given to me and rip it into shreds. "And I must say, I have to give credit to the Prime Minister who offered such terms for diplomatic immunity. I even heard it was updated recently to decide the protection given to those observing the curriculum around England and France, on November 17th of this year even." I would the laugh, as I would then gesture towards my father, "I even heard that the one who proposed such a deal to England and got it approved, was the French Prime Minister himself. What a good guy he is. Looking out for his citizens. Sure going to win that 2nd term." I would say, as I would let these words sink in.


@Eternal Dragonchild



(God, I finally have an excuse to use a plot device that I introduced at the near beginning of the roleplay back at page 4 or something. How convenient am I right?)
"Alright Myuki, talk," shouted Reno. "Why are you hell-bent on going after Homura? What has he done to you to make you want to kill him?" Reno was curious as to why this girl wanted to find her twin brother. He kept his guard up, ready to fight her when all else fails. His ears perked up when she mentioned something about Mhikail. "What is it that Mhikail has planned for Raiven," Reno asked with a small smirk. "I want to know so I can personally beat him to the ground." Darius felt Reno's aura change from his normal blue to a midnight blackish color. 'Dear god, his power's becoming stronger. Could it be that his strength is powered by the negativity his opponents emit? If so, than he may be able to put and end to both Myuki and Mhikail' Darius took out his phone and read Ruby's text before sending his. 'Once you're here, I'll have to tell you the reason why she acts so childish, and trust me, it's not pretty.'

@Leo Radomir


Ruby feels her phone vibrate then pulls it out and see the text and is about to reply when she is attacked by 2 grey skull members on her way back and drops the phone to dodge the attack.  As they go start to class with magic and wespons some more showork up and pull a sneak attack grazing Ruby all over but just when they thought they had her she starts the regeneration and says" your far to low for a kill by my hands become dog food" she rips open the ground and he'll dogs start to swiftly form and she pinks up her phone and texts will be a little late have to take out the trash called grey skulls.
Charles Moreau - "No wonder the French are the most devout Catholics, save for the Spanish, of course." Naturally, with such a challenge of might, I would then tell Raphael to stand back. As I would then note towards Arlane, "How courageous, the Lord of Hell himself, hiding behind his own minions. How sad, I guess he can't man up and face a mortal 1v1. No wonder he's inhuman." As I then raise a hand up, as if a signal to the heavens. Amongst the darkness that shrouded over us by the summoning of two beasts, a light shined down upon me. 2 Weapons came down from the sky, a Rapier, and a Main Gauche, 2 sword fighting weapons. Naturally, since they were a light weapon, it can be assumed that they were Holy creations. I would then challenge the creature by saying the famous French words,  "En Garde!"

Raphael Moreau - Naturally, I would leave my father to fight his challenger, as I would then ask, "How sad, diplomacy hath failed amongst the inhuman." I would then turned towards Caspian. "Sadly, you hold no power to do so. I was sent here by the agreement between the governments of England and France as a mediator of how the English tutor their Elementals, and how they could improve on it. Simultaneously, there are English representatives in our country as well to do the same thing. As such, I was given diplomatic immunity, and you know what's funny? There's this one clause that I forgot to mention. I mean, I already revealed I had it to most of the Elites, but here's the 'most interesting' of the clauses." I would then summon a copy of the diplomatic immunity paper, and I would read aloud, "Section IX - In the circumstance any person connected to foreign governments, either by directly holding an office, or is a relative of such a person, cannot be expulsed from basic civil and human needs, such as but not limited to education. Section IXa - If this section is violated, the expulsion papers are automatically annulled. Section IXb - If this section is violated with the intent to further the gains of a foreign government, a regime, a political entity, or a company, there shall be a severe punishment which shall be decided by the European Court." I would then take a breather, as not even I can say that many sentences in a row. "So basically, this is what it means," I would say as I would then take the scroll given to me and rip it into shreds. "And I must say, I have to give credit to the Prime Minister who offered such terms for diplomatic immunity. I even heard it was updated recently to decide the protection given to those observing the curriculum around England and France, on November 17th of this year even." I would the laugh, as I would then gesture towards my father, "I even heard that the one who proposed such a deal to England and got it approved, was the French Prime Minister himself. What a good guy he is. Looking out for his citizens. Sure going to win that 2nd term." I would say, as I would let these words sink in.


@Eternal Dragonchild



(God, I finally have an excuse to use a plot device that I introduced at the near beginning of the roleplay back at page 4 or something. How convenient am I right?)

Caspian De Sol

Caspian sighed lightly before she smirked, "Oh, what shall i do? The schools system has been foiled, oh heavens above help me... Oh wait, i forgot... If the country was currently at war then actions such as what you are saying hold no power..." She said with a sly smirk once more before a ringing could be heard form Charles's pocket, "You may want to pick that up," She said once more with a sly smirk, "It seems you ordered France to attack us, so you are now a criminal. But i don't see any criminals here now do i?" She said with the smirk before she finished her sentence, "Your helicopter is ready, leave before the person i work for changes their mind about whether or not to keep you alive." She said with a poison seemingly on her tongue as she said "You". She turned to look at Arlane and sighed lightly, "Sir, would you be so kind as to help these fine gentleman to their ride? It seems they can't walk porperly anymore..." She said before she turned around, "You are hereby expelled from the school grounds. Enjoy France." She said the word "France" like a poison on her tongue before she turned and walked down the hall towards the large outside area, where the Helicopter was spininning up. Smirking before two smoke human like creatures appeared behind her, "The deed is done my lady, France is now a war zone..." She sighed lightly once she heard this, "Sometimes it's so nice to be an Elite. So nice..." She said with a smile once more.

(( Did i do the fucks up? @Eternal Dragonchild @GreyGremory @ShadowSaber331
Raphael Moreau - "Oh no! I am vanquished, I am only merely hiding behind a nation I hold so dearly in my palm. What am I to do? I can't even walk anymore, and you know why?" I'd ask. "Because I realized," I'd start to say, "realized how daft you really are." I'd say. "France is far from war. This movement I proclaimed is a revolution, not recognized as a country or official entity in the grand scale. Nations cannot declare war in favor of a rebellion, however, they may send soldiers in support of a rebellion." Such a complex statement needed to be explained further, "This means that France is not at war, but is merely sending its contribution to help fight for a rebellion which it seems to align with its just causes. It's only coincidental that the soldier sent to fight for me is the Prime Minister, who is a veteran of the Army, due to the clothes he wears." I would then also point out, "You also just declared war upon a nation without a Casus Beli, or a reason. Congratulations, you've just broke international law. Have fun seeing you in UN court." I'd say, as I would then attend to the phone call, or what would be the notification of what happened at home. But, for now, I could legally stay here still, since we are not at war.
Myuki laughed as she watched the white haired boy get angrier while his power rose "I know what you're thinking. 'His power increases based on the hateful emotions put out by enemies' right? Sorry to say but I don't hate my brother. I love him so much it hurts and I only want to kill him to keep all the other potential women away from him. It's been so over used but this phrase works so well. If I can't have him, no one can!" She said with a sadistic smile.

After watching the events unfold she looks to the snobby looking girl with the sword at her side "Please please, you should let him stay. He will make my Homura's life a little more interesting before I make him remember me and then kill him" she said toward her as though she mattered "And before our start coming at me with expulsion papers you should know that I am protected by the fact that I haven't done anything.....yet" Myuki was having a grand old time watching demons and the French go at it but she needed their attention once more. "Will you all STOOOOOOP!" She said as loud as she could while blazing her unnatural blue flame at an almost untouchable intensity "For now how about we all agree that you both hate each other and that this was probably a horrible idea. But since he's here you might as well let him stay since his message said that he is recruiting and doesn't actually have an attack coming" she said pointing to a fact that was clearly mentioned over the radio. 

Magnus was getting antsy and didn't want to risk killing someone else with his white flames so instead he activated his normal fire and his hair transformed into flames of the same blue green colour "Everyone how about we all go our separate ways. The young Moreau boy stays at the school since the war he speaks of is between his group and the Elites. Seeing as how it could be seen as a sports team of sorts there shouldn't be any reason to expell him for making his own" he said pointing out some fair points for both sides to listen to "Myuki stays as well since she is right about her situation but she will be watched" he said regarding his niece. He turned to see Charles and a demon fighting and he decided to walk over to the two. After getting close enough his flaming hair turned from its blue green colour to a pure white and he then touched he demon, completely vaporizing it "You Charles will go back to France and only return when requested by the academies headmaster or what happened to the demon will happen again" he said with deadly seriousness in his tone. "Arlane, Darius, we have our job now to train the Elites for the coming trials they will face. Arlane, I want you to train Arcus to control Uranus' power. Darius I need you to train your son to control his heritage as well as train some of the others using the programs I specifically designed for them. I'm going to train my nephew and pet project Clair and see how far they've progressed" he said before looking to Myuki who seemed to be surprised by his white flames "You will do nothing to bother Homura or so help me god I will do to you what I did to the demon. By the way, sorry Arlane, didn't mean to go that far" his hair had gone back to normal and even transformed back into hair rather than going out like a fire.

@XxCharColexX @VenomSlayer

@ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild
Darius took out his phone and read the text while silently cursing his luck. "Damn it," he shouted. He turns his attention to the Moreaus. "Look, we can argue about this all we want, but right now we got bigger problems here. I'm sure you've heard by now Raphael that there have been terrorist groups that's trying to disturb the peace between humans and elementals. One group is known as the Crimson Death Dancers, the other, that I now just found out about, are called Grey Skulls." "And we also have family trying to do further harm towards their family members for...odd reasons," Reno added. "So here's what I propose: As head of intelligence for the Elites, I would like you, Raphael, to make this a joint operation to find and eliminate all terrorist groups intent on disturbing the peace between humans and elementals. I'll let you think it over, for now I have to check back with a human friend of mine."

Reno uses his lightning abilities to teleport himself inside the same room as Hazel. He turned to one of the nurses who had a cellphone with her, which he recognized was Hazels. After explaining to the nurse that he's a friend of hers, she gives him the cellphone and walks out of the room. Reno places the phone onto the nightstand next to her and sits down with her. 'Hey Hazel,' he signed. 'How was the surgery? Are you feeling okay?'

Meanwhile, Darius was shocked to hear that his son wanted Raphael to join him in investigating the terrorist organizations. "Reno's right Charles," he stated. "Fighting each other is going to make matters worse for each other. We'll have to work together if you want to keep the peace, especially since these terrorist organizations are recruiting both humans and elementals to act as foot soldiers." He turns to Magnus, who told him to train his son about how to use all the elements, since it was part of his heritage. "I know, Reno already knows who his ancestor is, it'll take some time, but I know he can do it. He's very dedicated to his training." He pulls out his phone again and replies to Ruby's text. 'Just get here ASAP, Mhikail's not gonna give up until he finds Raiven and does something worse than what he did to her as a child.'

@Leo Radomir



Arlane growled as both his demons fell "Magnus, you know that they will both be reincarnated. Might teach the pair some humility"  He stuck his hands in his pockets as he listened to Magnus request that he train Arcus "Already on the books. I shall also be teaching Raiven to manage her storm summoning abilities. Last thing we need is a rogue supercell storm. Wasn't there once a hero or something that used to manage the weather, fried opponents on the battlefield?" 

Raiven replied to Homura's text with her usual wit. "Mikhail? Now I know you're batty. Did you bake your brain thinking about Clair? He's dead Homura, you can't have been asked by him" 

Turning to Arcus she sent the message "Apparently my cousin spoke to Homura. The guy's nuts. My cousin is well and truly dead" 

She thought carefully "I'll ask daddy about this and about him using his powers"

Luka entered the room after Reno and instantly cuddled up to Hazel, snuggling into the gap in her arms "Marshmallow, Hazel awake" she signed to Reno happily "I happy now, she my crush" With that she brushed some of Hazel's hair away from her face and pressed a kiss to her cheek "You look beautiful" she signed to the girl.




@Anyone Online
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Arcus responded to the text saying, "Yeah that's true. So where do you want me to meet you??" Arcus texted back as he wore the new hoodie and necklace he got from Raiven.

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