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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Raphael Moreau

          "...Come on in," I said grimly. I didn't have to open the door to tell it was an Elite who wanted to seek my audience. They speak with royal tone, with pompousness, with mien of a lord or lady. With a flick of a wrist, I had changed the room from a dormitory to a meeting room. It wasn't too lavish, but it was good enough. I'd sit on one side, waiting for the visitor to enter. Naturally, with the thoughts of an Elite coming on in, I immediately thought of places of escape, routes of attack, calls for reinforcements. After that, I'd be waiting. After all, sometimes the best choice for one such as I... is to not move at all.


[SIZE= 26px]Caspian De Sol[/SIZE]

(( I woke up literally 2 minutes ago. Perfect timing. ))

Caspian heard his voice, as well as the sense of magic changing the room even before she opened the door. She opened the door normally without hesitation, stepping in and closing the door behind herself. She looked around the room and gave a small sigh, "If you would please change this back to a dormitory room. I personnaly don't like meeting rooms very much..." She said in an annoyed tone as she rested her hands on the hilt of her sword, pulling her black open backed leather gloves further onto her hand. She turned her attention to the person known as "Raphael" looking into his eyes, she saw him already planning his escape and attack routes, "And, if you would be so kind as to not look at me like i have a target painted on my head i would owe you quite a bit." She said in another annoyed tone as she kept contact with his eyes.

Raphael Moreau

          "...Demanding change to be issued because of your own preference... Demanding the execution of your will because of your status... This abuse of power is what I resent," I was appalled by this women's rudeness. "After all, who are you to order me?" I asked. I was disgusted with her immediate demand of change. I also then noticed her resting her hands on her hilt. I took note of that and said, "An assassination attempt? My, my. Not even a minute goes by, and my head is in high demand." I sighed, as I then asked her, "Does the Queen also want her golden crown to rest upon her head?" I continued, "Does her majesty also want her knight and shining armor to protect her?" I said mockingly.  "You sure do abuse your title, putting up so many demands towards an enemy commander. A leader, no less. No wonder I have resented you, your aristocratic buddies, and how this school is run." Naturally, I feigned my ferocity, as normally I am a very laid back, a man with resolve. However, the moment has no need for the taking of time. All I had to do now, is wait. 

Raiven had found Arcus a new hoodie. It was lightning patterned. She'd also bought him a shark tooth necklace and a bracelet. She stopped to look in a toyshop window, only to be approached by the owner. 

Letting out a scared squeak, she looked around for Arcus, only to be presented with a new teddy bear. It was big, fluffy and white. She smiled and gave the shopkeeper a hug. It wasn't every day that she was given a free teddy. She continued on her way, stopping in shops to buy various cute outfits for herself. Her last purchase was several large selection boxes of fudge.

The security guard her father had assigned to her was teetering under the bags and boxes of Raiven's shopping spree while the young girl sucked on a lollipop as she carried her bear around.

Bored, she pulled out her phone to text Arcus. "All done love, I got a new teddy" 

@Anyone Online

Luka smiled as she put the cake in a cake box, the bus would be here soon. Tying it with a ribbon, Luka put her shoes and coat on as the bus pulled up outside the academy. Carefully Luka took her seat near the front. 

She sat, swinging her legs as the bus headed to London, one hand on the box at all times.

Texting Hazel she smiled "Cake delivery has left the academy"


Raphael Moreau

          "...Demanding change to be issued because of your own preference... Demanding the execution of your will because of your status... This abuse of power is what I resent," I was appalled by this women's rudeness. "After all, who are you to order me?" I asked. I was disgusted with her immediate demand of change. I also then noticed her resting her hands on her hilt. I took note of that and said, "An assassination attempt? My, my. Not even a minute goes by, and my head is in high demand." I sighed, as I then asked her, "Does the Queen also want her golden crown to rest upon her head?" I continued, "Does her majesty also want her knight and shining armor to protect her?" I said mockingly.  "You sure do abuse your title, putting up so many demands towards an enemy commander. A leader, no less. No wonder I have resented you, your aristocratic buddies, and how this school is run." Naturally, I feigned my ferocity, as normally I am a very laid back, a man with resolve. However, the moment has no need for the taking of time. All I had to do now, is wait. 


Caspian De Sol

Caspian listened to his words with a blank expression, noticing he changed from the video he had sent up. As he mentioned the words "Assassination" she tisked at the words before he finished, "First and foremost, i do plan not to kill you, though i do not know of the others, i could threaten them, tell them that i'll have their elite status reconciled." She said finishing with a sigh before she pulled out a chair and sat down in it, looking back at Raphael, "I am guessing you know who i am? If not, let me introduce myself, Caspian De Sol, the "Leader" of the elites, hater of the job and my nickname is Queen Of Darkness, catchy no?" She said with a small smirk before sghing once more, "I came to discuss terms to this war, simple things honestly, such as not involving the school. Just purely no fighting within it's walls or around it. You may recruit students if and only they come to you. No flyers being hung up or threats to the school itself. I simply want the school to be left out of this, you've already shown the humans we exist. Congratulations on that by the way, the expelling papers are already in my office waiting to be signed. And i must sign them, otherwise you end up being thrown in jail with me as well." She said in a cool tone the entire time before she looked down at her sword, she stood up and un-clipped it from her side, placing it down on the table, "Seeing as this is your dorm i will ask if i can make some tea." She asked in a curtious tone, a blank stare looking directly at Raphael.

Raphael Moreau


         "This is war... And you want to set rules?" I'd question her, acting as if her silly demands are a joke. "And jail? Wavers? Expulsion? Secrecy? No wonder I desire your destruction. You poor sad excuse of a leader, hiding behind your titles, your abilities, and your power to get rid of a threat," I sighed as I then added, "War comes at a cost I'm afraid, and if you cannot accept this fact... You have already lost," I said with a grim expression, dampening the mood. "You must be a fool if you think I declared a revolution, no, a war, without support. Unless you forgot to do your homework, I'm the son of the Prime Minister of France, who has signed a treaty of diplomatic immunity for their official, effective all across Europe. It shall take a lot more than a few cries from a girl and a school to put me behind bars," I noted. "Begone, or perhaps I shall have your head on a silver plate now, rather than later."


Raphael Moreau


         "This is war... And you want to set rules?" I'd question her, acting as if her silly demands are a joke. "And jail? Wavers? Expulsion? Secrecy? No wonder I desire your destruction. You poor sad excuse of a leader, hiding behind your titles, your abilities, and your power to get rid of a threat," I sighed as I then added, "War comes at a cost I'm afraid, and if you cannot accept this fact... You have already lost," I said with a grim expression, dampening the mood. "You must be a fool if you think I declared a revolution, no, a war, without support. Unless you forgot to do your homework, I'm the son of the Prime Minister of France, who has signed a treaty of diplomatic immunity for their official, effective all across Europe. It shall take a lot more than a few cries from a girl and a school to put me behind bars," I noted. "Begone, or perhaps I shall have your head on a silver plate now, rather than later."


[SIZE= 26px]Caspian De Sol[/SIZE]

Caspian sighed before she looked at him again, "Raphael Moreau. I highly doubt you know this, only a few people do. But you do understand i am a human. Correct?" She said with a black expression as she stood up from the chair, "And i must say Raphael, you currently have me torn between which side to chose. I don't know whether to start murdering the Elites or to murder you, a hard decision i assure you." She said once more with a blank expression before she smiled breathing out a laugh, "I honestly did hope we could keep school affairs out of this. But since you don't want to i'll bring in some more help." She said once more in a blank expression as she clipped her sword back onto her side, pulling her gloves back on further, "Tell youre father i said hello. You'll be seeing him shortly." She said with a sly smirk as she opened the door, closing it behind herself. Two people where standing there waiting, "Do we have are aliasses still in Europe?" She asked as both nodded, she merely smirked, "And in the U.S. Government?" She asked once more as they both nodded, "Good. You understand what to do. Get it done." She said with a blank expression as they both nodded, her walking out of the dorms and the two disappearing into dust.
Arcus got Raiven's text, and texted her back, "Okay I'm coming I hope you like my gift." Arcus said as he packed the purple and gold lingerie into the bag, and walked to where Raiven was. "So about my gift don't use till you go to bed tonight." Arcus said as he blushed, and looked down at the ground.
"Ok, here's yours." She handed the bag carrying his hoodie, necklace and bracelet "I also got myself some things" She gestured to the guard assigned to protect her who was almost invisible under the bags "There's a car we can use to get back to my apartment." She took his hand and pulled him close to kiss his neck. "We'll be all alone in the back, I can show you my lollipop licking skills if you're up for it" 

She gave him a smile and a wiggle of the hips as she walked towards the car park. The security guard handed Arcus a handful of bags with a groan "She is incorrigible, she loves shopping"

@Anyone Online
Hazel just looked at her cell phone as she smiled' yay come on i'm hungry and lonely raiven went with her boyfriend somewhere now i'm all alont hurry up' she texted' oh is karoline with you she said she come sometime' she texted her as she just looked at the tv as she just smiled she wasn't as nervous for the surgery was getting the surgery sometime today or tomorrow she didn't know that what the others were saying she was just smiling as her stomach was growling; mmmmm cake for me' she text as she looked around as she just was bored as she was waiting for her friend to get here and for the cake @Eternal Dragonchild
Reno went back into his school and felt a strange aura, one that he recognize a mile away. 'Oh god, don't tell me he's here...along with dad? What the hell's going on here?' "Hey son," shouted Darius. Reno turns around and finds him near his dorm. "Dad, what the hell are you doing here," he asked, his tone sounding like he saw a ghost. "Better question is, why are you here?" Darius walked over and gave his son a pat on his shoulder. "Magnus called me over here," he explained. "He said he wanted me to help him train you guys some more. Also, Ruby kinda mentioned about how you're learning how to use every element, that's a useful trick there." Reno's eyes were wide when he heard that his father was informed of his abilities. "Also," he continued. "We got ourselves a big problem. Take a seat." Reno and Darius both took a seat near one of the windows. It was where he'd usually go whenever he wants to either study or be alone for some time. "I'm sure you've heard of the Crimson Death Dancers, right?" "Of course," Reno replied. "You told me that you eliminated them a long time ago, why, are they back?" Darius nodded. "Unfortunately, though we don't know who's leading the new generation. I've heard of a few other groups as well, but let's focus on the CDD for now."

(I'm back from my trip, and I'm all caught up...unless there's something I've missed.)
Reno went back into his school and felt a strange aura, one that he recognize a mile away. 'Oh god, don't tell me he's here...along with dad? What the hell's going on here?' "Hey son," shouted Darius. Reno turns around and finds him near his dorm. "Dad, what the hell are you doing here," he asked, his tone sounding like he saw a ghost. "Better question is, why are you here?" Darius walked over and gave his son a pat on his shoulder. "Magnus called me over here," he explained. "He said he wanted me to help him train you guys some more. Also, Ruby kinda mentioned about how you're learning how to use every element, that's a useful trick there." Reno's eyes were wide when he heard that his father was informed of his abilities. "Also," he continued. "We got ourselves a big problem. Take a seat." Reno and Darius both took a seat near one of the windows. It was where he'd usually go whenever he wants to either study or be alone for some time. "I'm sure you've heard of the Crimson Death Dancers, right?" "Of course," Reno replied. "You told me that you eliminated them a long time ago, why, are they back?" Darius nodded. "Unfortunately, though we don't know who's leading the new generation. I've heard of a few other groups as well, but let's focus on the CDD for now."

(I'm back from my trip, and I'm all caught up...unless there's something I've missed.)

(( Unless you count the fact @XxCharColexX declared war against all the elites then no. I don't think you've missed much :DD ))
Reno finished his discussion with his father and bid him farewell, making his way toward his dorm. When he reached his destination, he saw a girl of some sort, with a weapon at the ready. "Hey, you there," he shouted. He noticd that the girl just walked out of Raphael's dorm room, but the sword and her clothes looked clean, meaning she didn't kill him. "You looked like you're ready to kill someone in there," he shouted again. He walked over to her, his powers at the ready in case she attempts to attack him. "Though I kinda wish you did, he can be a smug little brat sometimes. Anyway, I'm Reno Artorias, a fellow student in this school. May I ask for your name miss?" He didn't want to comment on his Elite status, for that title has it's disadvantages as well. Reno kept a close eye on her, primarily her face, hands, and her weapon, all while making sure his guard is up.

Myuki had just walked up to the gate of the Sakura before she had noticed an all to familiar presence, her uncles. She clicked her tongue  against her teeth and the turned to see her uncle standing behind her with an almost surprised look on his face "What uncle, cat got your tongue?" she asked with annoyance "Please tell me you aren't here to try and trap me again, I'm not going to come quietly like last time. I only went with you then so that I could figure out where my brother is" she said showing a little bit of anger. She had been trying to get in contact with Homura since she heard he hadn't killed himself and wanted to finish the job. "My brother needs me, he need to remember me......before I kill him" she changed her tones mid sentence with such smooth transitions "I'm just trying to love my brother and to ruin his life one more time to show him I'm the only one for him......and then I'll burn him to a crisp. One body part at a time!" She almost let out a crazed laugh before regaining her composure and then heading toward the schools main building.

Magnus wasn't sure how to act around his niece but he knew she shouldn't be left alone. 'She will be an issue but for now let's focus on getting Homura prepared' he thought to himself when he continued walking toward the school. After passing through she ability limiting barrier he felt slightly more naked than when he has no clothes on "Always hated that shield" he complained with passionate hate "Now to find my nephew....What is Darius doing here and so soon" he was curious about what his old friend was doing there and decided to walk over and check it out. "Hey Darius, I thought you were still quite a few miles out of did you cheat like you did during school to avoid detention?" He asked with some mock judgement "Ah Reno it's a pleasure to see you again. Thanks in advance for looking out for Homura" he said smiling and then turned toward Darius. He was curious about his Niece but he had other things to prepare "So what's up? I here Mhikail is back from hell" he said irritated by Arlanes news "You know how much of the countryside I destroyed trying to take him down so YOU and Arlane could trap him in hell.....and it was your idea" he explained in front of Reno as though he wasn't there.

Arlane stepped through one of the doorways, he'd used Hell as a sort of express subway to get to the Academy so fast. "I am sorry that I was delayed, the son of the French Priminister decided to be a complete disrespectful toerag. Naturally, Magnus I am thankful for what you did for me so I could seal him in Hell. Unfortunately, somehow he got out. I will personally see to it that he is eradicated from the timelines, I will make it so he was never born."

Arlane's eyes had that glint they always got when he was pumped up, or completely mad. Depends why they were glinting

@ShadowSaber331 @GreyGremory

Luka barreled into her friend's hospital room before jumping on her and giving her a hug. The cake box landed on the side table as Luka squeezed the air out of Hazel's lungs. 

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Reno finished his discussion with his father and bid him farewell, making his way toward his dorm. When he reached his destination, he saw a girl of some sort, with a weapon at the ready. "Hey, you there," he shouted. He noticd that the girl just walked out of Raphael's dorm room, but the sword and her clothes looked clean, meaning she didn't kill him. "You looked like you're ready to kill someone in there," he shouted again. He walked over to her, his powers at the ready in case she attempts to attack him. "Though I kinda wish you did, he can be a smug little brat sometimes. Anyway, I'm Reno Artorias, a fellow student in this school. May I ask for your name miss?" He didn't want to comment on his Elite status, for that title has it's disadvantages as well. Reno kept a close eye on her, primarily her face, hands, and her weapon, all while making sure his guard is up.


Arlane stepped through one of the doorways, he'd used Hell as a sort of express subway to get to the Academy so fast. "I am sorry that I was delayed, the son of the French Priminister decided to be a complete disrespectful toerag. Naturally, Magnus I am thankful for what you did for me so I could seal him in Hell. Unfortunately, somehow he got out. I will personally see to it that he is eradicated from the timelines, I will make it so he was never born."

Arlane's eyes had that glint they always got when he was pumped up, or completely mad. Depends why they were glinting

@ShadowSaber331 @GreyGremory

Luka barreled into her friend's hospital room before jumping on her and giving her a hug. The cake box landed on the side table as Luka squeezed the air out of Hazel's lungs. 

Myuki had just walked up to the gate of the Sakura before she had noticed an all to familiar presence, her uncles. She clicked her tongue  against her teeth and the turned to see her uncle standing behind her with an almost surprised look on his face "What uncle, cat got your tongue?" she asked with annoyance "Please tell me you aren't here to try and trap me again, I'm not going to come quietly like last time. I only went with you then so that I could figure out where my brother is" she said showing a little bit of anger. She had been trying to get in contact with Homura since she heard he hadn't killed himself and wanted to finish the job. "My brother needs me, he need to remember me......before I kill him" she changed her tones mid sentence with such smooth transitions "I'm just trying to love my brother and to ruin his life one more time to show him I'm the only one for him......and then I'll burn him to a crisp. One body part at a time!" She almost let out a crazed laugh before regaining her composure and then heading toward the schools main building.

Magnus wasn't sure how to act around his niece but he knew she shouldn't be left alone. 'She will be an issue but for now let's focus on getting Homura prepared' he thought to himself when he continued walking toward the school. After passing through she ability limiting barrier he felt slightly more naked than when he has no clothes on "Always hated that shield" he complained with passionate hate "Now to find my nephew....What is Darius doing here and so soon" he was curious about what his old friend was doing there and decided to walk over and check it out. "Hey Darius, I thought you were still quite a few miles out of did you cheat like you did during school to avoid detention?" He asked with some mock judgement "Ah Reno it's a pleasure to see you again. Thanks in advance for looking out for Homura" he said smiling and then turned toward Darius. He was curious about his Niece but he had other things to prepare "So what's up? I here Mhikail is back from hell" he said irritated by Arlanes news "You know how much of the countryside I destroyed trying to take him down so YOU and Arlane could trap him in hell.....and it was your idea" he explained in front of Reno as though he wasn't there.


Caspian De Sol

(( @ShadowSaber331 Caspian is the head Elite btw... ;-; ))

As Caspian walked down the halls she heard her being called by someone before they came up to her, explaining why she should've killed him, "Mr. Reno, i prefer you speak of such matters in private." She said with a slight sigh at the end before she heard more people coming down the hall, "Aren't I just the popular one today..." She complained in a low tone as she let out an irritated sigh as she pulls her gloves on further looking back at Reno, "And, if i was going to kill him i wouldn't do it myself i assure you." She said once more in a blank expression as she looked over at the new people, "Darius... Magnus and Arlane i presume?" She asked in a normal tone with a blank expression. As the portal opened up behind the guests her face turned into annoyance, "Why..." She said as she lowered her head slightly
"Um...yes, actually," said Darius. "I see you know my son, Reno. Anyway, we're here to update the training program that made you Elites what you are today. Some of them are currently busy, so for now, we'll just have to wait until they arrive." Darius sat down again and made a few more chairs and a table thanks to his shadow magic. "Take a seat," he requested. "We got a lot of things to talk about. Firstly, you mentioned before that your nephew escaped from hell. We need to find him before he makes another attempt at raping your daughter Arlane." "Though he may be a bit pissed about it," Reno interupted. "Arcus already took Raiven's virginity, so odds are he may end up waiting in the shadows for when she's alone to strike her down out of spite. You know, some old 'If I can't have her, nobody will' cliche."


@Eternal Dragonchild

Homura looked over at the boy while he sat with Clair at the cafe table "Sorry I don't believe we've met, I'm Homura Hiyashi. I'm a friend of Raivens but I don't believe she has mentioned you at all" he said hoping he wasn't being rude "It's a pleasure.....sorry I don't think I caught your name" he wasn't sure who the man was but he didn't like the aura he gave off. He looked to Clair "Have we met this individual before, I think I would remember a face like his especially if he's Raivens cousin" he said laughing a little in embarrassment while he scratched the back of his head. Suddenly he felt a sudden murderous air coming off the man "Sorry I think we have to go. Come on Clair, we don't want to be late for class" he said in a slight rush before grabbing Clairs hand and walking her out to the street. He continued to walk closely with her until he was sure he didn't feel the mans presence behind or around them. He took out his phone and texted Raiven *Hey heads up someone claiming to be your cousin is looking for you but i have a feeling he's not the nice guy he is acting like* he hit send and then looked at Clair "We need to get out of here. That man had an air about him I only feel off of people who have died for maybe a moment. His though felt darker and more attached like he had been dead for a while" he said thinking about the heat that the man put off.

@Eternal Dragonchild @Mr Swiftshots
"I have thought of him waiting her out. I've assigned several of my best security team to protect her while in public. Unfortunately, due to Health and Safety bollocks they cannot guard her during Academy time, something to do with them being extremely trigger happy to protect her" Arlane sat down on the chair "That is why I must ask you and the other Elites to make sure she is never alone.Until he is caught she must be in someone's line of sight at all times. Preferably male. He seems to shy away from stronger men. That includes when she's sleeping or changing for sports Reno, she'll be most vulnerable then" 

Running his fingers through his hair he sighed "She acts so childish as she's trying to regain what he took from her. I don't want her to lose this year as well" He groaned "I think he had some inside help to get out of the hole I personally put him in, or Lucifer took a dump. One of the two" He smiled at his own wisecrack.


Mikhail put on a falsely pleasant smile "Andrew Barnes, I'm a childhood schoolmate. Moved to Mexico because of my father's work" He gave off a warm and open air "She may have forgotten my name, you know how the little ditzy one is" He brushed his hair back "She used to love surprises"

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"Okay, I got two questions," he said. "Question 1: Why don't you ask Arcus? He's her girlfriend, and he'll do whatever it takes to protect her...even if it means frying him from the inside out, long story." Reno thought long and hard about what he meant by "regain what he took from her," and as curious as he was, he was bound to get the answer. "Question 2: you said something of 'regaining what he took from her,' " he continued. "What did he take from her that she's trying to regain?"

@Eternal Dragonchild
"He took her childhood and innocence from her" He pondered the other question "I would ask Arcus but his powers are unstable at the moment. He could accidentally hurt someone else or become Mikhail's victim" Clicking a pen Arlane thought hard "Plus he's way too uncontrolled in his urges, a distraction like that could harm them both" 

Hazel just saw her friend as she laughed getting hugged' ah careful with my arm it still hurts you know' she signed' oh cake yay me' she signed as she got out her phone as she texted reno and raiven' too bad you left me here all alone in the hostipal getting my surgery later today luka is here with me there's cake and i got candy too' she texted them as she took out a picture sticking out her tonge as she just giggled as she sat up on the bed' wanna watch tv or go to the garden i'm kinda scared for the surgery' she signed' thanks for cake' she signed as she looked at her friend she just glad she came by to see her she just looked around she felt a bit lonely beside luka she didn't understand why she had to stay for a week and raiven left she just pout a bit @Eternal Dragonchild

Caspian De Sol

(( @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331 We are located in ze restaurant yes? Just telll me if i shouldn't join in or something... ;-; ))

Caspian sighed lightly as he heard the mans complaints, "Protection for your daughter is carried out very well in the school... But i may be able to allow A guard to protect her within the school time," She said with a light sigh at the end as she looked around the cafe, some people noticing who she was. She made a "tsk' noise as she went back to the conversation, "And i will have to see who you want. Preferably female if she has physical education on the day." She said with a small smile before giving a small laugh before returning to her cold demeaner, "As for Arcus... If he threatens to make the school dangerous a paper will be sent to me to sign... I won't have any say in the manner..." She said in a sad tone before she crossed her arms as she sat in the chair, "Reno, if you wouldn't mind, looking out for Arcus... My hands are already full with the fact someone declared war against us... while in the school..." She said the last park in a dark tone before she she looked back at Arlane.

Caspian De Sol

(( @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331 We are located in ze restaurant yes? Just telll me if i shouldn't join in or something... ;-; ))

Caspian sighed lightly as he heard the mans complaints, "Protection for your daughter is carried out very well in the school... But i may be able to allow A guard to protect her within the school time," She said with a light sigh at the end as she looked around the cafe, some people noticing who she was. She made a "tsk' noise as she went back to the conversation, "And i will have to see who you want. Preferably female if she has physical education on the day." She said with a small smile before giving a small laugh before returning to her cold demeaner, "As for Arcus... If he threatens to make the school dangerous a paper will be sent to me to sign... I won't have any say in the manner..." She said in a sad tone before she crossed her arms as she sat in the chair, "Reno, if you wouldn't mind, looking out for Arcus... My hands are already full with the fact someone declared war against us... while in the school..." She said the last park in a dark tone before she she looked back at Arlane.


"Many thanks, it would reassure me if she has someone trained with her. They will, of course, be armed with standard Guardian class weaponry from the Ministry of Defense as a method of stopping Mikhail. I know who she gets on well with and will listen to. I take it a veteran is preferable. If so I have just the woman. She was almost a nanny to Raiven for many years. The woman taught her all the hand to hand combat she knows as well as how to shoot someone." He offered a hand to Caspian 

"Let's shake on this and make it official"
"Many thanks, it would reassure me if she has someone trained with her. They will, of course, be armed with standard Guardian class weaponry from the Ministry of Defense as a method of stopping Mikhail. I know who she gets on well with and will listen to. I take it a veteran is preferable. If so I have just the woman. She was almost a nanny to Raiven for many years. The woman taught her all the hand to hand combat she knows as well as how to shoot someone." He offered a hand to Caspian 

"Let's shake on this and make it official"

Caspian De Sol

Caspian sighed lightly when he heard his opinion, "I can accept the person you have chosen... But i have only 2 things. Firstly, i would like to know if she is fine with it, your daughter that is. And secondly, the training will be carried out by one of the Elites, her chose as well." She said with another sigh before she looked at him, "Other than that. I think we are fine." She said as she reached out her hand, before retracting it, "I'd rather wait for Raiven to hear this before we make an option. Until then i will allow one of your men to accompany her on the school grounds. But; if there is trouble. they will only attack if our students are kept out of it, i don't want murder cases on the school because of a stray bullet." She said with a blank expression as she rested her hands on her sword.
"Understood," Darius spoke. "It would be wise to ask Raiven for her say into this matter, but we shouldn't mention that Mhikail is still alive. She still thinks that he's dead, if this were to come to light, she'll be distraught." Reno nodded in agreement. "But we'll need to be careful, not a lot of people know that her childhood and innocence was taken from her," Reno stated. "In fact, some, I hear, will try to hurt her as a way to 'teach her a lesson in humility.' I always did hate it when people judge others without getting the full backstory." "Don't worry, I made sure that everyone is up to speed as to what happened with Raiven," said Darius. "Though you may have a point, luckily I know of a few people that could help." Darius pulls out his phone and texts Ruby. 'Ruby, I understand that you're busy, but right now I have an assignment for you. I need you to protect Raiven from her cousin Mhikail before he does anymore harm to her psychologically and physically. Reno will accompany you as well as the other Elites.' Darius sends the text and turns to face Caspian. "Just make sure Raiven's safe until we capture and eliminate him, we'll worry about a war once this job is done."

@Leo Radomir


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