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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

When Raiven laid down next to Arcus again, he started to shake and started sucking in all of the electricity in the area. The lights started flickering, and the electricity in the hospital went out. Arc's eyes had gone completely hold and silver. He leaned up, but this wasn't Arcus. This was the embodiment of electricity Uranus. "Ahh I see I have been, set inside this younglings body." The voice projected out. Arcus was just laying there with his form flickering. The Arcus' body literally started burning itself from the inside out. Arcus let out a scream of pure pain. His body became pure electricity. It started off as a light blue, but ended up becoming pure white. Arc's body began to steam, and blood dripped from Arc's eyes. Though the blood was ready mixed with silver. "Raiven i...it h....hurts s........s......so....m.....much." Arcus stuttered out from the pain.
Raiven did her usual thing and screamed, the scream was loud enough to bring her dad running as she cuddled into Arcus, trying to calm him down "Arcy, Arcy. Shush I'm here. Uranus, SHUT UP AND LEAVE HIM ALONE OR I'LL DRAG YOU OUT MYSELF" She yelled at the lightning god, clearly annoyed at him "I WAS HOPING TO GET LAID SOON SO GO AND TWIST YOURSELF INTO A PRETZEL and SCREW OFF" Raiven's own eyes began to glow as she raged at Uranus. 

@Anyone Online
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He sighed slightly to himself as he entered the doors of the school which stood before him. Looking around a fair amount before starting to walk along the halls in an attempt to find what would be the principles office. As in the note stating the day he was to arrive it had failed to say who he was to room with, along with his classes in a finalized form. Though as he walked he decided to bring a small cat appear on his shoulder. Smiling to himself slightly while doing so.

(( Would you mind if we interact? ))
Homura could feel a massive source of heat coming from in the direction Clair had raised her hand "Clair I know this heat wave, it's a friendly, I can testify" he said pleading his uncles case "I'm sorry for his rudeness, I take complete responsibility if he does anything to jeopardize your position" he said with a sincere tone. He had a flash of memory after he spoke "I take full responsibility for anything my sister may have done to you so please let her go" said a younger version of him as he stood in front of a young girl who looked about the same age. He then flashed back to the present 'What the? Who was that? I don't have a sister!' He thought to himself before looking back to Clair "What ever my uncle is here for I assure you he comes in peace" he said once again to Clair with a friendly tone. 

Magnus continued to speak over the phone to Clair with a slight level of annoyance "Would it be better if I arrived with my things on foot? It make no difference to me really" he said slightly maddened "Boys let me down here I'll grab all of my equipment and be on my way" he said to the pilots while covering his phones microphone. After the helicopter landed he grabbed his two bags of equipment and set off toward Sakura Academy on foot. He slid an Earpiece in with his call still connected "There are we safe to come through now? I'm coming alone with nothing but training equipment and data gathering materials" he said describing all the items he had in his bags.

@Mr Swiftshots

Myuki smirked a little while she hovered in he air not far off from Sakura Academy "Im coming brother, just wait a little longer before I kill you" she started to laugh a little before continuing her flight toward the academy "They put up a little barrier too, how cute" she said sarcastically before blasting off toward the ground. After she landed the blue haired girl did a check list on everything she had packed into her bag "Good I even have all the proper transfer papers up to date" she said with a smile before slinging it over her shoulder and setting what looked to be a small electronic device on fire "Silly uncle, you'll have to do better than that" she giggle as she dropped the ashes and continued to walk toward the school.

Clair continued to build up power in her hand up until the point Homura gave his own testament against attacking. It was very rare for Homura to do so and as a result Clair hesitated briefly and eventually let her attack disperse into nothingness. Upon doing so Magnus offered to approach on foot to which Clair was more obliged to allow and so she answered swiftly "I'll inform the gate keepers , upon arrival you'll need to clear everything with the Principal. I'm sure you have no problem with that , it's only customary with all schools of course. Your bags will also be taken by the gate keepers for scanning , security must be upheld in this establishment. Good day sir and welcome to Sakura Academy."

Clair hung up her phone promptly and went about texting the gate keepers almost instantaneously , once fished with that she turned back to Homura and let out a sigh before smiling "Homura , I'm feeling rather famished. Would you mind accompanying me to dinner ?". Now what Clair had said was completely spontaneous and when the sudden silence picked up she came to relies this and blushed brightly.

"Of course you can deny , in fact think nothing of it I shall take leave myself !"

Hazel just giggled a little bit as she just smiled a bit calming down slightly' but she's nice she nice to me she kinda treat me like a little sister it kinda make me happy in some way' i haven't told anyone about this i'm emberssad now my mother is dead i'm afraid my father will take me away from you and this school this is the first school i feel happy about' she signed to her friend' i sometimes feel lonley since my mother died i don't want to be lonely anymore' she signed to her as she wipe her tears from her face as she just sighed looking at her friend she was blushing slightly at the sight of Luka' so what ya doing' she signed as she was yawing a bit she was afraid to go back to sleep @Eternal Dragonchild


"Watching some cake decorating show on TV, I'm going to make one that I'll bring with me tomorrow. I won't let him take you away Hazel berry." Luka signed "Chocolate or strawberry cake" she asked, a little blush on her face.
Homura was taken by surprise at Clairs request. He had seen her around Sakura for the last few years and still hadn't seen her act quite as open with anyone as she was being with him "Clair it's fine, I'd love to join you for dinner" he said with a soft smile on his face before he moved to catch of with her. As he walked next to her he looked at his phone and noticed it was just loaded with urgent messages from their friends "Clair, Raiven and Hazel were injured in a confrontation with more of the bullies" he said summarizing the messages "They are in the hospital but thankfully Reno is with them so we shouldn't have to worry" he said with a sigh of relief. He hoped he didn't ruin the mood and continued to walk with her "So how are your parents?" He asked with a somewhat surprisingly familiar tone "Is that weird that I asked that? I remember meeting your parents by accident helping them try and find you during the parent teacher conferencing. They're really cool by the way" he started to ramble like he had done when he had first met her 'Seriously bringing up her parents!? How weird can I get' he thought to himself before thinking of what to say next. He smiled again "You know, this is the first time we've been alone together since my first year here when you were only the student council treasurer. It's nice to be able to talk we used to" he said gradually feeling lighter and more enthused about having dinner with her.

@Mr Swiftshots
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Hazel just looked at her as she signed' can you make both chocolate and vinalla those are my favorite' she signed as she just yawned' i'm gonna go back to sleep i am sleepy' she signed as she just walk out the bathroom as she saw raiven yelling she didn't know why she just looked around' i don't know whats going on i'm so sleepy but they are yelling i can't go to sleep just yet' she sign she was dozing off a little as she just got on her bed raiven yelling scared her as she kinda heard some of the words she was saying she just wanna hide she just wimper" i don't want daddy here anymore" she say and sign she was trying to learn how to speak' i try to learn to speak for raiven to understand me' she sign as she was tired she was rubbing her eyes' i'm afraid to go back asleep i scared i dream about daddy' she sign @Eternal Dragonchild
Homura was taken by surprise at Clairs request. He had seen her around Sakura for the last few years and still hadn't seen her act quite as open with anyone as she was being with him "Clair it's fine, I'd love to join you for dinner" he said with a soft smile on his face before he moved to catch of with her. As he walked next to her he looked at his phone and noticed it was just loaded with urgent messages from their friends "Clair, Raiven and Hazel were injured in a confrontation with more of the bullies" he said summarizing the messages "They are in the hospital but thankfully Reno is with them so we shouldn't have to worry" he said with a sigh of relief. He hoped he didn't ruin the mood and continued to walk with her "So how are your parents?" He asked with a somewhat surprisingly familiar tone "Is that weird that I asked that? I remember meeting your parents by accident helping them try and find you during the parent teacher conferencing. They're really cool by the way" he started to ramble like he had done when he had first met her 'Seriously bringing up her parents!? How weird can I get' he thought to himself before thinking of what to say next. He smiled again "You know, this is the first time we've been alone together since my first year here when you were only the student council treasurer. It's nice to be able to talk we used to" he said gradually feeling lighter and more enthused about having dinner with her.

@Mr Swiftshots

Clair was both surprised and delighted when Homura agreed to join her , her spontaneous outburst may have been the best thing she had ever done ! The news of Raiven and Hazel's injury was dire of course , some serious action would need to be taken. Perhaps a meeting with the principal was in order. However Clair had a diner to enjoy and so the meeting would have to wait until later.

In fact Clair was full heartedly enjoying the walk with Homura alone , it had been quite a while since the two had gotten the chance to be alone together so Clair was rather reminiscent at the moment. And it was for that very reason the next question caught her off guard. The question triggered a series of flashbacks that Clair thought were forgotten a lifetime ago. The flashbacks took Clair back to her infancy back to the time she knew nothing of her powers , a time she was naïve and innocent , a time she actually would have laughed and played like a child was supposed to. A time where her parents were still alive and well.

You see Clair's parents died just before she had reached the age of five and from that point on Clair was under militant control. Adopted by the military , a child of four and some months forced through the rigorous training most cadets faced in there second year. A academic student by day , a militant soldier in training by night. A perceived normal and happy child by day , a perceived weapon by night. It was at this stage Clair lost he ability to laugh and smile sincerely.

Never the less Clair had an appearance to withhold and so parent substitutes were prepared for such circumstances as parent teacher meetings or 'play dates'. So with a forced smile Clair responded with "There doing great. Mother is away on a business trip to Germany and Father is , well he's slaving away at his work like usual."

Clair was relived to find Homura's next topic was in line with her earlier thoughts "Yeh , when I think back to my first year. Well Everything was so new , the student council was nothing like it is nowadays. Nor is the Elite , thankfully I got out while I had the chance...... no offence."

Homura wasn't sure if he actually met her parents but for some reason he felt like he had to say it. He laughed a little when she mentioned the old Elites who had already graduated the year before "They were people to look up to and now it's our turn" he said as he slipped off his jacket "I don't blame you for getting out when you did but I believe we can inspire other students just like the old Elites did" he was just saying what he felt and didn't feel awkward for it. He was glad to be an Elite and he was greatfull to be apart of the same grouping his mother and uncle had been apart of "You know what, I'm glad I came here. When my uncle told me about this place I was hesitant about it. At the time I just wanted to shut away my powers forever and live like a human but hanks to the Elites, then and now and thanks to you I'm able to appreciate what others take for granted. I appreciate the control I have to exert to keep myself in check. Other elementals don't have to try so hard to keep their abilities in check and I'm glad I have to" he smiled but he was sure it was more of a determined and glad smile rather than a genuinely happy smile.

"So miss O'riley, the question I have for you is what would you like for dinner" he asked with a renewed enthusiasm.

@Mr Swiftshots
Clair was intently listening to everything Homura was saying. The Elite's were the academy's heavy hitters , the most powerful elementals on campus save a few. The title carried great weight not only within the compound of the school but also around the world. However there was a certain superiority complex associated with the group and as a result Clair felt it was best for her to leave and take up her current position as student council president. And She was happy that she made said choice all those years ago. However now was not the time for that , now was a time to enjoy herself and Clair planned to do so splendidly.

So when Homura asked her what she'd like to eat , well the two found themselves transported to a neat little café terrace decorated beautifully and cleanly. almost instantaneously a waiter approached the table and began speaking to the two in a splendid French accent to which Clair responded in an almost identical copy of his accent "He wishes to know what you'd like to order Homura , I ordered a Latte and slice of cheese cake. It's a house specialty really."

Upon closer inspection Homura would find the café was situated on a famous French street with the Eiffel tower clearly in view behind him. In a matter of seconds he had been transported from the outskirts of London to the inner city of Paris.

"come on Homura , the man has others to attend to" Clair teased.

He didn't know how to react to the sudden change in Clairs personality and in every way imaginable it made him laugh a little. He looked to the waiter in front of him and spoke to the man in practiced French "I'd like a cappuccino please and a maybe a danish as well" after he finished his order he turned to Clair "You know what, your trick with portals still isn't as impressive as my flying. I could take you for a flight some time" he said with a joking tone about her power. "Man I really miss this, I mean us hanging out again. Its nice" he smiled when he took a seat across from Clair "You and I did something similar in our first year although you could only make it as far as the small town not far from Sakura and it wasn't because we were both in the mood to go out but rather you had seen me sulking by myself and decided to cheer me up" he started reminiscing about the first years of him being at Sakura and how he wasn't as confident as he is now "We should go back there sometime and visit the little old lady who had gave us free cake. My treat though" he said with a smirk before taking a sip of the fresh coffee that the waiter had brought over. 

@Mr Swiftshots

Raphael Moreau

          As Reno teleported out of the car, I began to ponder. For every move, I make, for every action I take, for every notion I put forward, I am doomed interfered by the Elites. Such a truth boggled my mind. How was I to perform my duties with them in my way? They hold influence all over the world, I do too. They are very powerful and influential... I am too. They belong to aristocratic or plutocratic families... I am too. However, they hold a title, while I do not. I began to consider a solution, I knew that taking them out would be a deadly task. I also thought of performing some diplomacy, but at this point, that would make me limit myself by people who hide behind their title. Therefore, I came to the last solution... forging a title of my own.  Father never was rewarded his place, he earned it. So then I thought about creating an influential role... and it then struck me. I have built up my name not because of my status, not because of power served to me by even more influential people... but by my ability and will. I shall not create a 9th Elite ... but I shall create a title better than an Elite. The Elites abuse their title to force upon them their will... so I shall then create a league... a coalition... to counter the influence of their aristocratic reign.

          As I finally pulled up of the academy, I immediately rushed to my room. With a wave of a hand, I had conjured up a TV News Room. Camera crews, side reporters, but there I stood in the center with a laptop. Soon, I began to use my intellectual prowess to hack into the television systems of the world. I soon began to prepare what I had to say, words that I had to speak, to announce, to declare. As soon as I gotten center stage, as soon I had all the eyes of the world, more or less on me. "Listen, my fellow citizens of the world! Human or Elemental. And adhere to my proclamation!" I had started to say. I continued my speech by saying, "For far too long, the aristocratic, plutocratic, regime of the Elites holds influence all over the world, enough to force leaders to heed to their words, to force people to bow down to them... To that I say... I will provide protection and be a shield to those affected by their influence. The Elites sit happily on their thrones, showered with gifts and courted by many. However, they stay eternally blind to those who are the expense of their influence. I hereby proclaim the foundation of the Champions of Liberty. A group led by me, and those who are interested to stop the Elites. I am Coalition Leader - Raphael Moreau. I shall interfere with the interactions the Elites make, and forever stop and extinguish their influence."  I said with ferocity, with intimidating demeanor. I then continued my proclamation, "To the Elites, if you wish to stop my ambitions any further, you must come and take my head, if you can. To the rest of the world. I leave off with a famous saying by my forefathers who revolted against a monarchy that abused them in such a way as the Elites treat people to this day, Libertie, Egality, Fratenite! Adieu." I closed off the broadcast, and like a shark waiting for the reaction of his prey, I waited for what came next. After all, the best move to make is not to move at all. 

@A Ton Of People

Raphael Moreau

          As Reno teleported out of the car, I began to ponder. For every move, I make, for every action I take, for every notion I put forward, I am doomed interfered by the Elites. Such a truth boggled my mind. How was I to perform my duties with them in my way? They hold influence all over the world, I do too. They are very powerful and influential... I am too. They belong to aristocratic or plutocratic families... I am too. However, they hold a title, while I do not. I began to consider a solution, I knew that taking them out would be a deadly task. I also thought of performing some diplomacy, but at this point, that would make me limit myself by people who hide behind their title. Therefore, I came to the last solution... forging a title of my own.  Father never was rewarded his place, he earned it. So then I thought about creating an influential role... and it then struck me. I have built up my name not because of my status, not because of power served to me by even more influential people... but by my ability and will. I shall not create a 9th Elite ... but I shall create a title better than an Elite. The Elites abuse their title to force upon them their will... so I shall then create a league... a coalition... to counter the influence of their aristocratic reign.

          As I finally pulled up of the academy, I immediately rushed to my room. With a wave of a hand, I had conjured up a TV News Room. Camera crews, side reporters, but there I stood in the center with a laptop. Soon, I began to use my intellectual prowess to hack into the television systems of the world. I soon began to prepare what I had to say, words that I had to speak, to announce, to declare. As soon as I gotten center stage, as soon I had all the eyes of the world, more or less on me. "Listen, my fellow citizens of the world! Human or Elemental. And adhere to my proclamation!" I had started to say. I continued my speech by saying, "For far too long, the aristocratic, plutocratic, regime of the Elites holds influence all over the world, enough to force leaders to heed to their words, to force people to bow down to them... To that I say... I will provide protection and be a shield to those affected by their influence. The Elites sit happily on their thrones, showered with gifts and courted by many. However, they stay eternally blind to those who are the expense of their influence. I hereby proclaim the foundation of the Champions of Liberty. A group led by me, and those who are interested to stop the Elites. I am Coalition Leader - Raphael Moreau. I shall interfere with the interactions the Elites make, and forever stop and extinguish their influence."  I said with ferocity, with intimidating demeanor. I then continued my proclamation, "To the Elites, if you wish to stop my ambitions any further, you must come and take my head, if you can. To the rest of the world. I leave off with a famous saying by my forefathers who revolted against a monarchy that abused them in such a way as the Elites treat people to this day, Libertie, Egality, Fratenite! Adieu." I closed off the broadcast, and like a shark waiting for the reaction of his prey, I waited for what came next. After all, the best move to make is not to move at all. 

@A Ton Of People

(( Would you like to start an interaction? ))
The lightning god just laughed, and released the body of his former Champion. Arcus turned back to normal, and looked at the clinging figure of Raiven. "Hey lets go get some lunch, and maybe get you some suckers??" Arcus suggested, as he bones, cracked back into place, and he groaned from laying around so much. Arcus sat up, and looked at Raiven, and flashed them to her room to get clothes. "Okay you can wear whatever you want."
"Who was that guy anyway?" Raiven asked as she pulled on a new dress, a light lilac one that came down to her knees. She didn't mind that Arcus was in the room with her. She rather liked it. Once she was dressed she slipped her hand into Arcus's "I got a couple of lollipops, do you want one?" She asked him, as she blushed slightly. 

@Anyone Online
I have no idea." Arcus said as he blushed. He didn't look away as Ravien changed, but he didn't mean too. "Yeah I would like one. What flavors do you have??" Arcus asked as he winked at Raiven. Arcus then intertwined her fingers with Raiven's. Arcus then pulled her close, and kissed her lips, before he kissed down her cheek, and to her neck. He then kissed to her pulse, and started to suck and bite it until she let out a moan. "Wanna go get lunch??" Arcus asked very sexily.
Raiven bopped him with a lollipop before shoving it in his mouth "That one's strawberry" she unwrapped another one before starting to suck on it softly "This one's grape" she kissed her lollipop before flicking her tongue over it, teasing Arcus with an innocent grin as she slowly licked it. "Can we go to a nice restaurant together please" She batted her eyelashes at him. 

@Anyone Online

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