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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Reno looked at him and smiled. "Well, good news and bad news then," he said. "Good news, Arcus was able to take her virginity. Bad news, her cousin might be pissed about that." Arlane told Reno to move her to safety if her cousin approached her, and knowing that he's able to see spirits, demons, and other being in the spectral plain, it'll make tracking him all the more easier. "She told me a long time ago that she pushed him off a cliff out of revenge. Odds are his body's gonna be too disfigured for him to even make the attempt. Plus I know a few spells to help slow him down."

@Eternal Dragonchild

Darius looked at his phone and reads a text from Magnus. "Hang on Ruby," he said. "I got an important text from Magnus." He looks closer at the text and sees another name. 'Arlane, oh dear, Raiven's in danger already?'  'I'll be there in a bit, I'm currently getting a status update on the CDD. It won't take long, I promise.' He puts his phone away and turns back to Ruby. "Sorry, my colleague Magnus wants me to stop by Sakura Academy to train a few students," he explains. "He also wants Arlane to come by, but from what I've read, his daughter, Raiven,  in grave danger. It's probably her cousin coming back from hell again."

@Leo Radomir


Ruby pushes them all off and says" I know on one hand they need the training but from what i've seen from some of them don't seem ready and are you sure it's ok him coming here i still have younger students to teach and i don't know if he can keep a secret like you can and might say he saw me not thinking much of it". Ruby then felt her phone buzz and took it out of her pocket and it's from roy and it says' I just saw a medium of cdd's moving along the west lay line near the forgotten woods, they seem to be looking for someone or thing how would u like me to proceed after all even as strong as i'm i don't want to let my emotions get the best of me and be stupid like i can be". Ruby grits her teeth for a few moments then texts back' keep an eye out for them if it get hairy retreat i'll tell darius what you found out'

' crap i shouldn't of said that reno special lack of thought at that moment i hope he's not to mad it's my experiences with most of them have been anything but fun and pleasurable'.
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Arlane sighed "She only dreamed that happened, I had to manipulate her dreams to keep her sane, she was a wreck when she told me. In reality, I beat him so bad his liver was destroyed. He never died. Do not tell her this, she believes that she killed him. It's what allows her to sleep at night. I'm glad she's able to trust Arcus at that level. She'll be at her most vulnerable when she's asleep. " He fixed Reno with a stare "I'm entrusting you with this" 

He looked at his phone as it vibrated again "It'll be nice to see you both. She's doing ok, considering he's already tried to grab her. I think she hit him with a newspaper." Hitting send he waited for Reno to answer him

"Fair point," he said. "But why don't you want me to kill him? If anything I could very much be a match for him, and a deadly opponent once I release all ten of my barriers.' In reality, Reno can only open half of those barriers before his body starts to disintegrate. Luckily he doesn't need all ten, for his power at that stage is strong enough to destroy worlds, dimensions if at full power. "But I can see why you wan me to run with Raiven," he continued. "But how exactly are you going to eliminate him?"

@Eternal Dragonchild

Darius started to pace a bit and turned to Ruby. "As for the lady of the household," he began. "She went off to search for a few medicinal herbs. Liliana does this sometimes as a way to honor her old comrade after she passed away." The thought of his wife trying so hard to hold back the tears on that day was one of the most heartbreaking moments he's ever experienced. 'Lily, I know that you never cry in sad moments like these, not even back in 1st grade when your pet fish died. I know you're trying to be strong, but sometimes it's better to let out your emotions than to hold it in.' As if on cue, Liliana arrives and steps behind Darius, a basket of various herbs in her hands. "Hello Darius," she said. She looks over her husband's shoulder and sees Ruby. "Oh, Ruby, I didn't know you was visiting. How's Luna dear?"

@Leo Radomir
"Fair point," he said. "But why don't you want me to kill him? If anything I could very much be a match for him, and a deadly opponent once I release all ten of my barriers.' In reality, Reno can only open half of those barriers before his body starts to disintegrate. Luckily he doesn't need all ten, for his power at that stage is strong enough to destroy worlds, dimensions if at full power. "But I can see why you wan me to run with Raiven," he continued. "But how exactly are you going to eliminate him?"

@Eternal Dragonchild

Darius started to pace a bit and turned to Ruby. "As for the lady of the household," he began. "She went off to search for a few medicinal herbs. Liliana does this sometimes as a way to honor her old comrade after she passed away." The thought of his wife trying so hard to hold back the tears on that day was one of the most heartbreaking moments he's ever experienced. 'Lily, I know that you never cry in sad moments like these, not even back in 1st grade when your pet fish died. I know you're trying to be strong, but sometimes it's better to let out your emotions than to hold it in.' As if on cue, Liliana arrives and steps behind Darius, a basket of various herbs in her hands. "Hello Darius," she said. She looks over her husband's shoulder and sees Ruby. "Oh, Ruby, I didn't know you was visiting. How's Luna dear?"

@Leo Radomir

Ruby blinks and then puts her phone away and says" She's a little better since leaving the house i don't want make you even more upset by going into full details but you could say i'm very angry and i next feel powerless when it comes to family matters but enough of that, it's been a while since i ran you a herbal bath lady lily in times like this we could both do with one tomorrow if your feeling better i'll tell you news on other fronts". Ruby pauses for a minute then says" As one of senior members i want to make sure they youngsters get the best training possible so i'm taking a break from school for a few days to help them after all it was you that gave me training back them and i hardly ever go off my rocker these days because of it".
"Arcus has already claimed the honour of beating him into a pulp" Arlane stood, "I'm going to interrogate some lower demons of hell. See how he got out" He waved goodbye, walking off. He passed through an archway, disappearing into Hell as he did so.  Once inside he headed straight for the equivalent of bookings. Dragging the demon over the desk he pinned it to the floor.

It squeaked "High Lord Darktower"  as he knelt on it. He simply pressed his gun to its head "Mikhail Kharlimov, how did the bastard get out. He's supposed to be held in circle nine, maximum security." He glared down as it stuttered out a pathetic answer "Until Mikhail is dead, no one leaves here, Return everyone to their circle" With that he dragged the demon back through the Archway to where Reno was

"This one's from Bookings, he's yours to deal with Reno" He threw the demon bodily at Reno

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Caspian De Sol

Caspian sighed as she arrived at the large building, a few people walking around the school as she extied the vehicle, her sword bumping against the door as she did so, "Where do i go now..." She asked herself in a low tone looking around before the car behind her started driving. Taking a step forward to be safe before it taking off, "Is there a reception...?" She asked herself once more before she started walking towars the big building, entering it the next second.
Hazel just looked at her as she smiled" sure thing i like to know" she say as she just smiled looking at her she was glad she had a friend like raiven" tank yoo i want yoo to be tere when i hear for first time" she say as she looked around" i'm still afraid but i'll be okay when the time comes for the surgary" she say as she just lay down looking at her" yoo want to tell me something with your childhood" she tilted her head not sure what she wanted to tell her @Eternal Dragonchild

Luna was quite bored as she just playing with her powers outside as vines was coming out of her hands she just sighed' why did big sister had to leave me here' she thought as she just looked at her scars as she just sighed' i hate my stepmom she'll pay for what she did to me she'll pay' she thought as she just looked up at the sky she was laying on the grass no one knew her screat or oh she felt about it she wished she was at the hq with her sister but no she had to stay here at the academy which was boring she didn't know was the boy she meet she just sighed looking at the clouds as she smiled a little' the clouds look like a cat' she thought giggling a little bit @Leo Radomir
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Hazel just looked at her as she smiled" sure thing i like to know" she say as she just smiled looking at her she was glad she had a friend like raiven" tank yoo i want yoo to be tere when i hear for first time" she say as she looked around" i'm still afraid but i'll be okay when the time comes for the surgary" she say as she just lay down looking at her" yoo want to tell me something with your childhood" she tilted her head not sure what she wanted to tell her @Eternal Dragonchild

Luna was quite bored as she just playing with her powers outside as vines was coming out of her hands she just sighed' why did big sister had to leave me here' she thought as she just looked at her scars as she just sighed' i hate my stepmom she'll pay for what she did to me she'll pay' she thought as she just looked up at the sky she was laying on the grass no one knew her screat or oh she felt about it she wished she was at the hq with her sister but no she had to stay here at the academy which was boring she didn't know was the boy she meet she just sighed looking at the clouds as she smiled a little' the clouds look like a cat' she thought giggling a little bit @Leo Radomir

Roy watched for a few minutes then says" i'm sure ruby will talk to the grand master about you joining but til we get a text from her let me take some pictures of you because your really cute and one day i'm going to help make all of our dreams come true it's the least i can do, I don't care about most people because they are only about themselves but your the one i want to continue to grow with so please keep smiling and hold your head up high". Roy rubs his head and mutters" i sound like some cheesy romance performer i feel kinda naff but as long as it's ruby on luna i don't mind just a little awkwardness". 

Caspian sighed as she arrived at the large building, a few people walking around the school as she exited the vehicle, her sword bumping against the door as she did so, "Where do i go now..." She asked herself in a low tone looking around before the car behind her started driving. Taking a step forward to be safe before it taking off, "Is there a reception...?" She asked herself once more before she started walking towars the big building, entering it the next second.

Zenith and isaac are walking by and see someone new and isaac says" You must be new i'm isaac by the ways i'm fairly new my self just been here a few months tops but you'll get used to this place pretty quickly so don't sweat the small details".

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Raphael Moreau


        "...I cannot answer that question," I said in a monotone voice as I sighed, as I then focused back on the road. "...Perhaps my patriotism shall pave the road for me to hell..." I said as an attempt to have him stop pursuing my intentions. "The information that I am not interested in Ravien's past is good enough for an answer. I hope you don't attempt to pull any stunts unless you wish to have death to knock on your door," I said, as I then attested to the fact that I was driving. Sure, he may knock me out and escape, but who says I don't have a plan of escape? I have scraped past death several times before, I can do it again now.

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Raiven took hold of Hazel's hands "My cousin's used to hurt me badly. He used to violate me. It hurt a lot. I still have the scars from him. You know what I hit with the newspaper, it was him" She squeezed her hands. "I'm gonna go back to sleep for a while." Standing up Raiven crossed to the bed and cuddled up to Arcus, wriggling herself completely against him . she mewled and fell asleep.


Hanako accidentally walked straight into Caspian, she was holding a bag of lavender flavoured sweets in her hands. The sweets scattered over the floor, coating the floor in purple flowers. She stood up and offered a hand to Caspian "I apologise for walking into you" 

Luna was blushing so much as she just smiled as she just looked at roy she just was happy that she was liked she looked at the camara' it nice that i'm like by him' she thought to herself for the first time in a long time she felt loved beside her big sister she felt happy for the first time she loved roy awkardness she just looked at him as she was smiling she was being cute she wonder how her sister was doing being her attention was all on roy she hope that she will date him she did like him like a lot she never felt this way about a boy" yeah i probally get a text later on" she say as she just was looking around  the area @Leo Radomir

Hazel just looked at raiven as she went back to sleep she just understood what she was going through she just went to sleep she was screaming she hated her dreams she just went to the bathroom she hope she didn't wake up raiven she just was scared she was hididnt out in the bathroom she was crying she just text luka' hey luka please i'm scared' she texted' i can't go back to sleep my nighmares sucks i saw in my dream my dad killing people i'm scared' she thought her father done horrible things to her when she was 4 she remembers the detils of it she was having a dream about it she just rock back and forth' where are you reno i need you please  :ClosedEyesCrying: " she text him crying @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331
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Hanako accidentally walked straight into Caspian, she was holding a bag of lavender flavoured sweets in her hands. The sweets scattered over the floor, coating the floor in purple flowers. She stood up and offered a hand to Caspian "I apologise for walking into you" 


Caspian De Sol

Caspian was looking around before she felt someone slam into her body, landing straight back onto the groan with an "oomph". She hissed in pain before a hand reacher out towards herself, "Uh... Yeah," She said before talking the persons hand being pulled up the next second by the person, "Um, do you know where the reception is?" She asked before hissing in pain once more.
With the person standing, Hanko bowed deeply "Forgive me, I was elsewhere" She held out the bag, it still contained a handful of lavender candies "Would you like one, by way of apology. They're my own invention. They're lavender flavoured Konpeito, a type of sugar candy. I added a flavouring to the usually plain candy." Hanako rambled on, holding out the bag of candy, social situations were not her skill. Solving complex questions and inventing were. 

@VenomSlayer @Leo Radomir

Luka picked up her phone when it flashed "Hazel, calm down right NOW. You are fine.Video call my phone now. We need to talk, we can sign to each other." She hit Send, drumming her fingers as she waited for her friend to call her. She was worried for Hazel.

Hazel just picked up her cell phone as she just video call luka as she just sighed as she was trying to calm down as she just waited for to pick up her phone tears were coming down her face her hands were shaking she was trying to calm down @Eternal Dragonchild
With the person standing, Hanko bowed deeply "Forgive me, I was elsewhere" She held out the bag, it still contained a handful of lavender candies "Would you like one, by way of apology. They're my own invention. They're lavender flavoured Konpeito, a type of sugar candy. I added a flavouring to the usually plain candy." Hanako rambled on, holding out the bag of candy, social situations were not her skill. Solving complex questions and inventing were. 

@VenomSlayer @Leo Radomir

Caspian De Sol

Caspian shook her head lightly, "No thankyou, i need to find the reception please..." She said trailing off at the end before sighing, "Uhm, Caspian, Caspian De Sol." She said with a normal face on as she reached out her hand. Looking around once more in the halls as a few more people passed by.
Luka answered immediately, she took in Hazel's face "Hazel I'm here. Calm down and tell me why you cry. I don't like seeing you cry" She signed to Hazel " I am getting the coach to the hospital tomorrow. It's the first available one" She smiled with happiness.


"Miakori Hanako. Japanese transfer student. I'm a genius so being around people isn't my natural state" She smiled at them. Hopefully they wouldn't find her too strange

@VenomSlayer @Leo Radomir
Hazel just looked at her as she bite her lip as she wasn't sure how to sign it she just sighed she smiled that she was coming tomorrow to see her" can you bring karoline too' she signed' my dad well before he left me and my mom he did something awful to me he raped me in fron't of my mom i had a bad dream about it' she signed as luka was the first person she told  about what happend to her when she was little she just looked at her' i'm scared to go back to sleep' she sign her badages was showing a bit' do u still hate raiven she's being nicer to me she took me out to eat and go shopping but we didn't shop since i got shot and raiven got shot in the leg' she signed trying to change the subject @Eternal Dragonchild
Luka unleashed a barrage of rude signs depicting what she wanted to do to Hazel's father and her opinion of him. Her tirade was brought to an end when she bashed herself on the nose "OWW" she signed "My nose" Hopefully it would get a laugh out of Hazel, though. "Raiven's a bit odd, Lightning elementals usually are, though. Wonder if she'll still take you"  She waited for Hazel's answer.

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Hazel just giggled a little bit as she just smiled a bit calming down slightly' but she's nice she nice to me she kinda treat me like a little sister it kinda make me happy in some way' i haven't told anyone about this i'm emberssad now my mother is dead i'm afraid my father will take me away from you and this school this is the first school i feel happy about' she signed to her friend' i sometimes feel lonley since my mother died i don't want to be lonely anymore' she signed to her as she wipe her tears from her face as she just sighed looking at her friend she was blushing slightly at the sight of Luka' so what ya doing' she signed as she was yawing a bit she was afraid to go back to sleep @Eternal Dragonchild
With the person standing, Hanko bowed deeply "Forgive me, I was elsewhere" She held out the bag, it still contained a handful of lavender candies "Would you like one, by way of apology. They're my own invention. They're lavender flavoured Konpeito, a type of sugar candy. I added a flavouring to the usually plain candy." Hanako rambled on, holding out the bag of candy, social situations were not her skill. Solving complex questions and inventing were. 

@VenomSlayer @Leo Radomir

Caspian De Sol

Caspian shook her head lightly, "No thankyou, i need to find the reception please..." She said trailing off at the end before sighing, "Uhm, Caspian, Caspian De Sol." She said with a normal face on as she reached out her hand. Looking around once more in the halls as a few more people passed by.

Caspian De Sol

Caspian shook her head lightly, "No thankyou, i need to find the reception please..." She said trailing off at the end before sighing, "Uhm, Caspian, Caspian De Sol." She said with a normal face on as she reached out her hand. Looking around once more in the halls as a few more people passed by.

Isaac sighed and the mood then gently shakes her hand and says" I don't remember there being a reception desk but there is the head master room and the student council i'm not sure if vp or prez are in their busy lady's you might find the treasure in the garden since he likes to take pictures i'm sorry if that doesn't help as you would hope it to also haniko not trying to be mean you saying your a genius might rub people the wrong way but i do understand everyone has their strengths and weaknesses".  

Meanwhile roy is moving around taking many portrait and back ground shots and says"  I'm glad your into it i get peeded off when people mock my hobbies because unlike some i'm good at what i do and don't need to put on airs to prove it, after all anyone can be fake but it takes a heck of a lot of work to see something through and earn the reward at the end anyways i don't want to bang on after all that can bore a women to death".

Isaac sighed and the mood then gently shakes her hand and says" I don't remember there being a reception desk but there is the head master room and the student council i'm not sure if vp or prez are in their busy lady's you might find the treasure in the garden since he likes to take pictures i'm sorry if that doesn't help as you would hope it to also haniko not trying to be mean you saying your a genius might rub people the wrong way but i do understand everyone has their strengths and weaknesses".  

Meanwhile roy is moving around taking many portrait and back ground shots and says"  I'm glad your into it i get peeded off when people mock my hobbies because unlike some i'm good at what i do and don't need to put on airs to prove it, after all anyone can be fake but it takes a heck of a lot of work to see something through and earn the reward at the end anyways i don't want to bang on after all that can bore a women to death".


Caspian De Sol

(( I am very confused how you guys start ineractions... .-. ))

Caspian cocked her head slightly before nodding, "Oh... Well, could you please show me?" She asked her head still cocked, retracting her hand from the shake before placing it back onto her sword hilt. A small group of students walked by, one of them bumping into the back of the sword, hissing slightly before looking at the both of them, "Hey! What's the big deal?" he said in an annoying tone.
He sighed slightly to himself as he entered the doors of the school which stood before him. Looking around a fair amount before starting to walk along the halls in an attempt to find what would be the principles office. As in the note stating the day he was to arrive it had failed to say who he was to room with, along with his classes in a finalized form. Though as he walked he decided to bring a small cat appear on his shoulder. Smiling to himself slightly while doing so.

Luna was just looking at him as she was blushing as she just looked at her phone as she took a picture of both of them as she send it to her sister' i'm having so much fun with me and roy as she looked at the picture she was sending to her big sister as she was glad she found someone she loved but she didn't know how he really felt about her all she wanted was someone to love beside her family she was just blushing she just sit up from the grass she hit send to her sister she seemed really happy when she was around roy she was actually laughing her first laugh since she moved away from her stepmother she just started twirling her hair with her finger " it's a nice day don't you think" she asked roy" i like when you take pictures i like your hobbies i don't mind" she say as she smiled at him she liked when he smiled @Leo Radomir

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