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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Raphael Moreau


        I was in shock with such an attack. Well... that really depends on who "I" was. As "I" was begin held by Reno's demonic magic... clapping could be heard across the hall, from me, as it would reveal as the "Raphael" held hostage was merely a clone. I walked over to the scene, leaning against the entryway of the hospital room.  "How... r e c k l e s s..." I stated, shaking my head in disapproval. "Demanding an answer from... 'me,' yet threatening to silence me altogether." I sighed, as I turned my head towards Reno, glaring, as I then said, "Does your status prevent me from... c o m u n i c a t i n g... with others?" Naturally, seeing such a threat, I start to formulate a counterattack, a route of escape, a response, to Reno's actions. I turned my head back towards the hallway, merely feigning some sort of weakness, vulnerability.

"You will answer me." Arlane stepped forwards "Why were you listening to that discussion about my daughter and her cousin" He stopped a few paces away from Raphael "Unless you want to end up in jail, or worse Hell itself. you should start talking" He pinned Raphael to the wall, a demonic fire enclosing his other hand "You had no right to do so. the details discussed relate to a traumatic time for her "


Raphael Moreau


        "...If you demand answers, it is your best choice to keep me alive and free," I said back, still recognizing my free left hand was still free and alive, as with a tiny flick I seemed to disappear, any essence or trace of me happened to be gone. As I then reappeared on the other side, by the doorway, armed with a firearm. I had readied the weapon to be fired, it was real as it could be. "In such a time where I talked and gather information, I could have shared it with my superiors, to then where would it go? Who would know? Who shall learn?" I taunted.  I raised the firearm towards the side of my head, ready to pull the trigger. "Such answers to my presence here may slip away if I pull the trigger, a shame if I would be forced too," I threatened them as I waited for their response.

@Eternal Dragonchild

Hazel just walked out of the bathroom as she was bored' i want to leave the room i'm bored when will luka or karoline visit me' she thought as she was just kickink the war she was really bored she was so nervous about the surgary she was getting soon she just bite her lip' i'm scared what if i die what if something happen' she thought as was messing with her necklace she just open her eyes looking at her friend raiven she just looked around she just sit on the floor as she was really distressed about the sugery' mama i miss you i'm scared please have faith in me please keep me alive' she thought tearing up a bit 
"Go ahead. My daughters past will remain buried." Arlane stood firm, he wanted to protect his daughter "I forbid you under the Act of Secrecy to reveal anything you have learned today" He looked towards Reno for help "Mind giving me a hand, protect Raiven if it goes to hell"   @XxCharColexX @ShadowSaber331 

Raiven briefly woke up and smiled at Hazel "What's on your mind, sweetie?" She asked, sitting up slightly in the bed. Her hair flopped down in her face, covering her eyes. "Where's daddy?" she asked, nervous without him around. @Zeldafangirl
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Hazel just looked up as she just saw raiven up" its nothing don't worry about me" she say a bit grumpy" your dad left he said something coming back with food he say he be back around dinner time" she say as she just sighed she was pouting a bit she just looked around" don't be nervous i'm scared of hostipals too since mum died i been afraid what if i die because i'm getting the cochlea implant i hear some people have die " she say as she was scaratching her arm hard she tend to do it since she was nervous she left a mark on her arm' i'm still in pain' she thought she just looked at her" i'm sorry i worry you i'm just scared is all i want my friends here i want luka here" she wimper a little @Eternal Dragonchild

Raphael Moreau

        "Alright, all is resolved," I smirked, "A bit too late I'm afraid," I sighed as I then turn towards the doorway as if I were to leave. I strolled on out but I then noted, "If you really are worrisome, be happy that the information I have collected has no concern with your family, your privacy, or your being and those related to you whatsoever, and I only used your daughter as an excuse of entry... against my superior's target." As I turned once more to leave, taking note of what she said last, the ominous and vague past her daughter holds. How self-centered, thinking everything is about her and her family, like a saga all about her.

        As I finally made my leave, I headed straight towards the security room. That is where I erased all signs of my being there. As planned, the guard on duty happened to be on break, which I had gathered on my infiltration of this place. I simply erased and replaced the data concerning me and my conversation. As if I wasn't there, a plan that I myself would make. In truth, I was tracking the hospital's director. His information was requested by my father, the Prime Minister. Either way, I had to be loyal to family and country. I never expected such a drama to occur and I would soon then be forced to create a new image, a new person to execute such missions.

         I would then make my leave, fixing the security room back to what it was when I had entered. I then got in my car, and I then joined the commuters. Perhaps such a fast getaway and removal of information was possible of my teleportation prowess I discovered back at the academy. It seemed so normal, yet I then remembered when I used it when I thought about it. Perhaps I did leave a trail, and moreover... someone could even be following me. Or maybe it was my agile nature that got me out of here. No matter, I was trained to be speedy. Who knows? Someone could conveniently be following me.

@Eternal Dragonchild

"What was that about," he asked. "I don't know why, but something tells me he's not interested in Raiven's past." Reno closed his eyes and trackd down raphael using his aura signature. Noticing that he was inside his car, he teleports himself into it. He turns to his side and sees that he didn't notice his presence yet. 'Hmm, I wonder what would happen if I spoke up?' "Nice day for a drive, eh Raphael?" he shouted, hoping to gt his attention.

@Eternal Dragonchild


Raphael Moreau


         I already knew he was there, but I'll play along as if he had the upper hand. "...Heh, so you have tracked me down. Congrats." I said to him. "Expecting me to answer to my activities at the hospital? Sure was fun learning Raiven's past, I mean it was sure coincidental for the reason I was there." I then removed the light-hearted attitude I hold as I told him frankly... "I'd love to tell you about why I was there, but I shouldn't. Not even shouldn't, more like... I can't." I said towards Reno. Taking a sigh as I then refocused back onto the road. "So then, Mr. Reno, what's the detective here to question me about?"

"You're here for a reason," he stated. "You're not really here to make friends or to gauge how our school teaches it's students on how to use their elemental abilities. Knowing the french government, they're usually into more...catastrophic matters, not something completely trivial." Reno knows that any type of government wouldn't be interested in the affairs of the people. It was odd to see that he would be around in various opportune times, so he was curious as to why he was transferred into Sakura Academy. "What I want to know is what you're looking for in all this, and what you're trying to do."

Homura could feel a massive source of heat coming from in the direction Clair had raised her hand "Clair I know this heat wave, it's a friendly, I can testify" he said pleading his uncles case "I'm sorry for his rudeness, I take complete responsibility if he does anything to jeopardize your position" he said with a sincere tone. He had a flash of memory after he spoke "I take full responsibility for anything my sister may have done to you so please let her go" said a younger version of him as he stood in front of a young girl who looked about the same age. He then flashed back to the present 'What the? Who was that? I don't have a sister!' He thought to himself before looking back to Clair "What ever my uncle is here for I assure you he comes in peace" he said once again to Clair with a friendly tone. 

Magnus continued to speak over the phone to Clair with a slight level of annoyance "Would it be better if I arrived with my things on foot? It make no difference to me really" he said slightly maddened "Boys let me down here I'll grab all of my equipment and be on my way" he said to the pilots while covering his phones microphone. After the helicopter landed he grabbed his two bags of equipment and set off toward Sakura Academy on foot. He slid an Earpiece in with his call still connected "There are we safe to come through now? I'm coming alone with nothing but training equipment and data gathering materials" he said describing all the items he had in his bags.

@Mr Swiftshots

Myuki smirked a little while she hovered in he air not far off from Sakura Academy "Im coming brother, just wait a little longer before I kill you" she started to laugh a little before continuing her flight toward the academy "They put up a little barrier too, how cute" she said sarcastically before blasting off toward the ground. After she landed the blue haired girl did a check list on everything she had packed into her bag "Good I even have all the proper transfer papers up to date" she said with a smile before slinging it over her shoulder and setting what looked to be a small electronic device on fire "Silly uncle, you'll have to do better than that" she giggle as she dropped the ashes and continued to walk toward the school.
Ruby At hq talking to reno's dad" Hi sir i've returned to give you information about recent events and to let you know reno's doing ok but i do worry that he tries to hard to be a hero and wants answers to quickly i had to tell him to slow down i just hope that he listens to me because as things are with the recent attacks on the school it wouldn't surprise me if one of the main baddies like crimson death dancers are helping from the shadows". Ruby pauses for a minute or so then says" I haven't told him i work for you in secret to carry out jobs which others would find immoral and cruel but it's thanks to you sir that ill be able to make my dreams come true and break luna away from them in a couple of years or so , if possible i'd like you to help break off a forced marriage plan should i not find some one i can fully love". Ruby pauses again for a minute or so then says"  It's strange the old me would of never spoken about wanting true love after all i'm a human weapon but i think being around reno has made me remain that there's more to life and i'm a fond of him in my own way should that turn out to be love who knows, but as long as i can break these chains i'm ok with being the demon many hate please continue to be kind and help this young demon grow". 

Arlane took his phone out, he had Reno's number from a party years ago. "Reno, I think it is important you know why I didn't want Raiven's past getting out. Meet me at the hospital garden so we can talk. I'll be waiting" He hit send as he walked down the pathway. He took a seat at the bench he'd visited earlier when talking to Reno. 

Hazel just looked around" i'm bored there nothing to do here i kinda want to walk around my arm still hurts but i'm okay" she say as she looked at her something been bothering her" um Raiven why yoo friends with me i mean yoo were sorta mean to me when we first meet what changed i like being with yoo i like being fiends what changed how can you unstand mi my speech no good" she say as she just looked at her as she just smiled looking around sometimes she wonder what sound sounded like she did want the cochlea implant" um when i first here can yoo be tere with me please" she say as she lay on her bed looking at her as she smiled at her" why call me sweetie cause i'm younger than yoo" she asked @Eternal Dragonchild
Reno's father, Darius, hears Ruby's report of his son. "I see," he replied. "Reno has always wanted to be the hero to humans and other elementals. But you're right, if he keeps playing the hero, he'll get himself into situations that may cost him his life." Darius hears more of Ruby's testimony and thought up of a few ways to help and his son. "One day he'll know that you're working with me, and I'm glad that you're fond of him. I'll see if I can do something about your situation in terms of being forced to marry someone as well as the growing threat of the Crimson Death Dancers. In the mean time..." He turns around and puts his hand on his shoulder. "Do try to take care of my son...and don't tell him about you working for me, not until he's ready."

@Leo Radomir

Reno felt his phone buzz and pulled it out. It was a text from Arlane telling him to meet him inside the hospital garden. 'Alright, I'll meet you there. Luckily I know where it is considering that I tend to take a walk to have some alone time. Reno sends the text and puts it in his pocket, then turns to face Raphael. "We'll talk later," he said in a serious tone. "I got somewhere to be, do take care now." Reno blinks out of Raphael's car and into the aforementioned garden. 'Wow, I think I could get used to having lightning abilities. Sparkport may be my favorite for how quickly I can go in and out of places.' He looks around to see Arlane seated on a bench and walks over towards him. "Hi there," he shouted, taking a seat afterwards next to him. "So, what is it you want to talk to me about?"

@Eternal Dragonchild
Reno's father, Darius, hears Ruby's report of his son. "I see," he replied. "Reno has always wanted to be the hero to humans and other elementals. But you're right, if he keeps playing the hero, he'll get himself into situations that may cost him his life." Darius hears more of Ruby's testimony and thought up of a few ways to help and his son. "One day he'll know that you're working with me, and I'm glad that you're fond of him. I'll see if I can do something about your situation in terms of being forced to marry someone as well as the growing threat of the Crimson Death Dancers. In the mean time..." He turns around and puts his hand on his shoulder. "Do try to take care of my son...and don't tell him about you working for me, not until he's ready."

@Leo Radomir

Reno felt his phone buzz and pulled it out. It was a text from Arlane telling him to meet him inside the hospital garden. 'Alright, I'll meet you there. Luckily I know where it is considering that I tend to take a walk to have some alone time. Reno sends the text and puts it in his pocket, then turns to face Raphael. "We'll talk later," he said in a serious tone. "I got somewhere to be, do take care now." Reno blinks out of Raphael's car and into the aforementioned garden. 'Wow, I think I could get used to having lightning abilities. Sparkport may be my favorite for how quickly I can go in and out of places.' He looks around to see Arlane seated on a bench and walks over towards him. "Hi there," he shouted, taking a seat afterwards next to him. "So, what is it you want to talk to me about?"

@Eternal Dragonchild

Ruby playful giggles and says" thanks in advanced because from here on out you've got your work cut out for you when it comes to them and yeah i know but for now i want him to keep seeing the me that is stern beauty after all who wants to be with a women covered in other people's blood, Ruby pauses for a minute then says" I almost forgot he's learning how to use other elements as well but i do worry that he's taking it for granted and the back lash could come at any time like it has so many users, also luna wants to start training at hq but i worry because she's sometimes impulsive and to loud that she not ready for the hard training and to work with others that have gone through it not to mention she's never killed any one i haven't told her about that part of the job but i know i can't protect her forever so what do you think should be done"? 
Darius was shocked to hear that Reno's learning how to use other elements. "Hmm, if he doesn't go overboard with the thought of controlling every element, he may prove to be a valuable asset," he stated. "As for your sister...I'll start her off with the basics, have her get used to how the training's going to be." He listened to her statement on how impulsive her sister is at times, and that she's never experienced taking someone else's life. "It'll prove to be a problem if she acts out of impulse, and you're right, she still hasn't thought about the possible bloodshed this line of work causes. I'll tell her about that when the time comes, we don't want her having second thoughts without her being properly trained to survive first."

@Leo Radomir
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"Of course I'll be there. I'll be the first one you hear" She smiled at Hazel "You're like I was when I was younger, troubled by something" Raiven sat up properly, leaving Arcus asleep in the bed as she sat down next to Hazel. She cursed as she sat down, her leg still hurting "I'll tell you if you like"


Arlane smiled "Remember how I kept on insisting that Raphael doesn't mention what happened to Raiven. You're a close friend of hers so I think you should know, considering the news that has recently come to attention. I also have a request to make of you. Normally I'd entrust this to her tutor but he won't be much help" Arlane leant back, linking his arms behind his head "She can control her powers, our family are late bloomers, so to speak"

"So I've noticed, it's thanks to her training sessions with Arcus," he explained. "Normally she would overdo it with her powers, only to end up out like a light. As if she's a battery that's drained of all her power." Reno was a bit skeptical as to what Arlane could be entrusting him with, until it hit him. 'It must be about Raiven's past. She told me a long time ago about her cousin, so what could be the problem now.' "Raiven has told me some stories about her cousin," he spoke in a serious tone. "But from what I've heard, he's dead. Serves the bastard right for doing all that to her."

@Eternal Dragonchild
Arlane nodded "I thought he was dead, the bastard crawled out of hell itself. He's somewhere, searching for her. I'm scared what he'll do to her should he find her.He'll most likely r**e her again." Arlane was shaking with anger "Arcus is going to be spending time with me training, I need you to protect her from him until Arcus is ready." He leant forwards slightly. his eyes heavy with concern "If he does approach her, you are not cleared to attack him, only to move her to safety" 
Darius was shocked to hear that Reno's learning how to use other elements. "Hmm, if he doesn't go overboard with the thought of controlling every element, he may prove to be a valuable asset," he stated. "As for your sister...I'll start her off with the basics, have her get used to how the training's going to be." He listened to her statement on how impulsive her sister is at times, and that she's never experienced taking someone else's life. "It'll prove to be a problem if she acts out of impulse, and you're right, she still hasn't thought about the possible bloodshed this line of work causes. I'll tell her about that when the time comes, we don't want her having second thoughts without her being properly trained to survive first."

@Leo Radomir

Ruby smiles softly and then says" that's true and thanks i wasn't sure if you would accept luna so i was expecting you to say she needs more training and stuff along those lines given the nature of this work but i'll text her now and let her know she can come speaking of assets i know a boy called roy having him would be good for luna and the others because he's a special case being a space user just remind him not to go too wild if others get on his nerves i don't want to have to do a huge revive spell they suck a lot of juice out of one", ruby paused for a minute or so then says" I know this is way off topic but i could eat a horse is the lady of the house in right now you know i'm not as good at teaching others i don't have enough energy". 

Just then some younger girls and boys burst through the door and dog pill ruby and shout" Ruby nee sama please allow us to join you for dinner we haven't eaten her food in ages and we've been training like mad and food rations just yuck to be honest". 
Magnus figured he was finished speaking and decided to leave everything else to his nephew and hung up. He took out his phone again and sent a text to two people he had been keeping in contact with just in case of emergencies. *Arlane, Darius, I hope you are both well. I'm heading to the academy to help out considering the amount of undesirables showing up lately. I'll be training Homura so I expect that your trainees will be up to shape by the time my nephew completes the regimen. I'll be dropping by the new HQ Darius to see how things have progressed* after sending his message to the both of them he continued his walk toward Sakura while watching his tracker. He stopped for a moment with a slight bit of panick "Did she seriously find it? I mean I figured she would but not this quickly" he sighed before putting the device away and then proceeded to walk toward the school.

@ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild

Myuki started to get annoyed and irritated "Why does this walk have to be so damn long!?!" She said before puffing up her face with an attempt at being cute mad. After a while she could see the academies gate in the distance "Finally, I thought I was lost!" She said as she started to jog toward the front gates "Now how should I enter.....maybe I'll just climb through the barrier" she thought out loud. She hated walkin but knew it would make a bad impression on the Academy director and decided to keep up the charade and act like a normal student "I wonder how he will react after seeing me after so many years" she fantasized about seeing him again and then killing him over and over, every death more painful than the last as she smiled almost as if she were in ecstasy.
Arlane tapped out a reply. "My training will have to wait. Something relating to the safety of my daughter has come up and that threat requires neutralisation" He hit send, patiently waiting for Reno's reply. Why now, of all times was Magnus messaging him. As an afterthought, he added to his message, "Do you still have that demon tracker we worked on? I have need of it. How is Darius theses days. I'm doing well, as well as the Lord of Hell can be." @GreyGremory @ShadowSaber331
Reno looked at him and smiled. "Well, good news and bad news then," he said. "Good news, Arcus was able to take her virginity. Bad news, her cousin might be pissed about that." Arlane told Reno to move her to safety if her cousin approached her, and knowing that he's able to see spirits, demons, and other being in the spectral plain, it'll make tracking him all the more easier. "She told me a long time ago that she pushed him off a cliff out of revenge. Odds are his body's gonna be too disfigured for him to even make the attempt. Plus I know a few spells to help slow him down."

@Eternal Dragonchild

Darius looked at his phone and reads a text from Magnus. "Hang on Ruby," he said. "I got an important text from Magnus." He looks closer at the text and sees another name. 'Arlane, oh dear, Raiven's in danger already?'  'I'll be there in a bit, I'm currently getting a status update on the CDD. It won't take long, I promise.' He puts his phone away and turns back to Ruby. "Sorry, my colleague Magnus wants me to stop by Sakura Academy to train a few students," he explains. "He also wants Arlane to come by, but from what I've read, his daughter, Raiven,  in grave danger. It's probably her cousin coming back from hell again."

@Leo Radomir

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(( Hi? I Know i shouldn't be posting here; but i need to ask what time is the Rp set in currently? I.E. Holidays, In school and stuff... Tanks? ;-; ))

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