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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

'Besides,' Reno signed as well. 'I know you're stronger than that. Pain like this shouldn't be a problem, and fear shouldn't be much of an issue. Be strong, if not for me, then be strong for your mother.' Reno figured this would help Hazel calm down a bit, at last so the doctors could do their jobs. 'They said that they'll need you to stay here a bit longer so they can run a few tests to see if you're compatible enough for a cochlear implant. It'll be the same process as before, Numb the body, perform the surgery, put on bed rest for a few days to monitor your recovery rate, and be out of here.'

Hazel just looked at her as she got on the gurney that raiven was on she just smiled a little when she was joking" i just scared i never broke a bone" she say as she just looked at her" what abou skool" she asked as she was watching her she was calming down a little bit" you haz bad leg" she asked tiliting her head she smiled the way she was treated her is like with her mother" um do yoo think i get Cochlea Implant" she say as she just looked at her waiting for a answer" what if luka get mad becasue i will have one i like her" she say as she just lay on the bed she just looked at reno as she just smiled' big brother reno what about skool i miss my mum but i'm okay i have my friends' she signed to her friends she was trying to be strong @ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild
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"My bad leg simply didn't grow properly when I was a baby" She hugged Hazel gently "You should only get a cochlear implant if you really want one. Luka may not be as compatible as you. If she likes you she will understand" Raiven sounded much like a big sister now, better than her annoying moron of a brother.

She smiled as they were both wheeled away to the X-Ray department. "The academy better understand or my dad will bring Legal Action against them"

Hazel just looked at her" i'm sorry i no know yea i deaf mom say heard of hearing" she say as she just looked at her" i nervous about it" she say as she they got wheeled towards the x-ray as she just calmed down a bit she looked around the room her shoulder really hurts" it really hurts i can't move it or sign" she say as she just sighed she was trying to be strong for her @Eternal Dragonchild
Arlane Darktower approached Reno, clapping a hand on his shoulder "I see you made it all safe. Hazel will be fine now. They will not harm her or Raiven again" He sighed "Knowing my luck, her mother will use this to try and prove that I'm the bad parent. Walk with me for a while"

He started to head towards the hospital's garden "My security detail can keep an eye on them, they shoot first and ask questions after"


Raiven had been given a shot of pain relief and was now giggling like crazy "look Hazel, a fairy" She pointed at a spot in the air, tracing where the supposed fairy was "I'm going to catch it" With that Raiven got up and started to limp after the fairy, clapping her hands as she tried to catch it. "Aww it flew away" She stamped her foot and shuffled moodily back to Hazel where she sat down, fuming that the fairy had escaped.

Reno nodded and walked with Arlane, his security guards all on post near the entrance to their room. "So...um, Arlane, mind if I call you that? Do you ever get the feeling that your wife somehow is trying to take whatever it is she wants from you and Raiven?" Reno was curious as to why his wife was not the nicest parent in the world. From what Raiven has told him she tends to be abusive because she's not of the same element as her, which he found odd since she does possess water abilities herself. Reno figured there may be more to this than just her hate for her own blood daughter of all things, and he intends to get to the bottom of this.

@Eternal Dragonchild
Hazel just looked at her as she laughed" hehe" she say as she fell off the bed as she left the room as they were an alarm as she giggled holding otno raiven she just giggled happily to get away from the doctors she had the shot done she didn't want the surgery at all she just want to get out of the hostipal she was approved to get the Cochlea implant" yay lets escape lets fine ms fairy" she say laughing she was trying to be sneaky since the guards were everywhere she just giggled she was getting sleepy with the shot she just fell over hurting herself' crap ag' she thought falling asleep  @Eternal Dragonchild
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Arlane nodded "Raiven looks nothing like her mother. Raiven's dark haired and has those beautiful blue eyes. Her mother is blonde and has hazel eyes. The fact that Raiven's skills are mainly arcane, like mine makes her jealous. Water, earth, fire and wind are often considered to be base elements. Lightning, spiritual, space and metal are considered more arcane. She uses anything bad against me on Raiven, trying to poison her against me. I don't want to lose my little girl. How did she get those golden streaks in her hair"

He sat on a bench " The world wasn't like this when I was young, I am scared for her as she can't control the great amount of power she has"


The doctor came back to find Hazel on the floor, fast asleep from the drugs and Raiven hunting for a troll in the room. He picked Hazel up and had a porter take her into the X-Ray while he "helped" Raiven trap the troll under a rubbish bin. In reality, he was waiting for the drugs to take effect on her too. They soon did and Raiven collapsed to the floor in a sleepy bundle. Once Hazel was out of X-Ray and on her way to the theater, Raiven was submitted to the same process, following her friend by a few minutes.

Hazel just was sleeping as she was dreaming as she just got into the surgery it probably will take longer since she getting the coclea implant she didn't know when she will get it she just was sleeping  she was scared she just dreaming' i'm scared raiven' she say in her dream as she just was smiling' what if i die cause i getting the cochlea implant' she thought to her as she was sitting down in the real world the doctors was getting her ready for the surgery she had a mask as she just breath in it' reno' she thought @Eternal Dragonchild
Arcus flashed into the room of Raiven. He didn't know until he got a message. Arcus' silver, and gold eyes, had speckles of blue from Raiven's power. Arcus was worrying so much right know. If he had learned to control his power he would've been able to help Raiven and Hazel. Arcus walked through the door to see Raiven. He wasn't aware that her parents were there.
Raiven swore as she came round from the surgery, her leg bandaged up. She saw Arcus and pouted at him "Missed you." Holding out her arms for a cuddle she sparked gently, needing to reconnect with him "Plug and socket" she asked, a statement full of innuendo.

@Anyone Online
Yeah I know it lightning bug. I am sorry I wasn't there. I feel like I failed you." Arcus said as he sparked of anger, and failure to protect Raiven. The tattoo glowed, and started to become bigger. The fake lighting bolt moved to his hand, and because a bolt of pure lightning. Arcus broke it in half, and offered one part to Raiven. "Do you want some??" Arcus asked ashamed in himself.
Raiven nodded,  now feeling the pain in her leg as she took her half from him "I-i lost the necklace you gave me when they attacked. I'm so sorry Arc" Raiven sniffed as she held the lightning bolt to her chest "You're here now. It's ok that you weren't there, I had my father to save my hide." She started to cry again, in need of a good hug and a kiss to calm her down "I wasn't strong enough to fight them"

@Anyone Online
Hazel just got out of the surgery as she hand bandages on her head and her shouler she just woke up she was in a bit of pain she saw a boy with raiven she just turned away as she felt the fight was her fault she touched the bandage on her head she had the cochlea implant surgery she just looked around' mommy  i be to hear soon don't worry i'm okay' she thought as she try to sit up but it hurted a lot to sit up on her own she felt weak to move a musule' where is reno' she thought looking around trying to get out of the bed 
Arcus leaned in and wiped the tears from Raiven's face. 'It's okay Raiven." Arcus then leaned down, and kissed Raiven's lips, and as he did that he made a two rings out of iron in his pocket, and heated them together. One ring was electric blue, and the other was gold that was threaded through the blue one. Arcus then made a chain go through it and showed it to Raiven. "Hey its okay that necklace was just a necklace. Here." Arcus said as he showed her the new necklace.
Raiven nodded and kept hold of Arcus's hand "There's something else" She gestured him close "Remember I told you about my cousin? Somehow he's back. He's in the academy right now." She tightened her grip on his hand "C-can I stay in your room so he'll leave me alone? I don't want to be alone with him near" She wrapped herself around Arcus's arm, making him hold her tight "I love the necklace, can you p-put it on. I'm only wearing the gown so be gentle" Noticing Hazel was awake she gave the girl a small, scared wave. 

@Anyone Online

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Yes you can, but first I get to beat him to his last breath." Arcus said as he sparked that his eyes became pure lightning, and he body started to flicker. Arcus had to put the necklace down so he didn't melt it. "Where is the little pest." Arcus asked as he tried to control his emotions. Arcus remembered what Raiven told him about her cousin and what he did to her. This coward would not live.
Hazel just looked at raiven as she just smiled she just was looking around she sat up' ow ow ow' sje thought as she was watching her friend' who is he maybe her boyfriend' she just looked away she was looking for her phone she got out of the bed as she saw her bag as she grab her phone' where are you luka i was shot in my shoulder and i dont know if you accepts this but reno gave me a chance for me to hear he got me a cochlea implant i'm still deaf though dont be mad please i like you lik like' she texted luka hoping she understood she was nervous she just looked at her phone waiting for her friend to text back @Eternal Dragonchild
Raiven wrapped the blanket closer "He's in my room. Arcus he is very strong. He managed to escape Hell itself. He's after me and you know what he wants from me. Father condemned Mikhail to an eternity in Hell for that" She shivered, crossing her legs. She felt filthy now she'd mentioned his name. Suddenly Raiven burst into tears, hiding away in the blanket. 

@Anyone Online

Luka looked at the text "Haze, why would I not accept you having a cochlear implant. After all one of us needs to be able to hear if we're gonna, you know,  be together. Better you than me as I was born without a cochlear on one side and I use a hearing aid on the other" She replied to her dearest friend before finishing another bowl of ramen
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Hazel just blushed as she looked at her phone' do you wanna come to see me i'm in the hostipal i'm really bored i have to stay for fews days anyways' she text' thanks your the best i just some how freaked out i'm so hungry i was in surgery for a while' she text her' man she is amazing i glad i have her i want to date her' she thought to herslef as she looked around seeing raiven crying she kinda panicked but it looked like her boyfriend was calming her down @Eternal Dragonchild
Arcus just took off his hoodie, and laid next to Raiven. "Hey its okay I will protect you. I will never leave you." Arcus said as he wrapped Raiven securely in his arms, and whispered to her. He started to send calming pulses of lightning to Raiven to calm her down.
"o-o-okay" She relaxed in the blanket, leaning closer to him for cuddles "I want you to meet my daddy. He can help prepare you to fight him " She snuggled closer, falling asleep in his arms. Luckily for Raiven Arcus seemed to keep away the bad dreams, leaving her with a very very nice dream about them going on a picnic together. She smiled in her sleep, head in its usual position on Arcus's shoulder.

@Anyone Online

Luka text back quickly "Of course I would. B-but I cannot get there myself. I'll ask Clair to bring me" She hit send. After a long search Luka found Clair. Tugging on her sleeve she signed her request to the president "Can you take me to visit Luka in hospital please, she really wants to see me" Luka wanted the answer to be yes. she wanted to see her friend Hazel and maybe confess.

@Mr Swiftshots 

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Arcus just smiled as he Raiven cuddled onto his chest. Somehow Arcus ended up on the bed with Raiven on top of him. She seemed to be comfortable now, but Arcus was scared. He had to meet Raiven's dad now. He hoped her dad would like him.
Raiven purred in her sleep, linking one hand with his. On the bedside table, her phone began to ring with a call from her mother. As Raiven didn't pick it up, it continued to ring. Raiven was cool about letting others field her calls, especially if they were from her mother. In her sleep Raiven butted his neck with her head, settling down on top of him like a blanket. 

@Anyone Online
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Hazel just looked at her phone as she just smiled' yay thank you i really want to see you plus it boring to hear the love birds next to me raiven and arcus i'm so bored i was going to get you something before the attack but the bullies hurt me and raiven' she text her as she looked at raiven as she smiled a little bit she just was looking at her phone as she just play a game she was happy to have her friend she was nervous what clair will say about the attack' thanks for comming though it isn't fun to be stuck here for few days with no skool' she text her spelling wasn't very good she just write what she thinks how it speeled she just sighed as she was bored grabbing a ball boncing it at the door catching it she just sighed' big brooooother reno i'm bored and my arm really hurts i'm awake surgery done raiven boyfriend is here' she text him whinning a bit @ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild
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