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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Reno heard the sound of electricity coming from the room Raiven's in. "Looks like Arcus managed to arrive,' he said with a smile. "Good, at least he could comfort her while she's recovering. Oh yeah, Arcus and Raiven are a couple now, and I think some of his electricity merged with hers, don't know how though. Also...poison her against you? You make it sound like she's pitting family against family, besides..." His arm became encased in ice as electricity flowed over it. When he clenched his hand into a fist, it shatters, and a shadowy aura came out of it. "I'm beginning to learn how to master the elements, like one of the old legendary heroes." Reno thought back to Ruby, his childhood friend. 'Damn it, it'll take a bit before she can come back to school. Lucky for her, her classes don't start until later in the month.' "There's a reason why envy is one of the seven deadly sins," he continued. "Eventually, it'll do more harm than good for your wife." Reno pulls out his phone and reads Hazel's text. 'I know, I'll be sure to tell Clair and the other staff what happened...and I've noticed that Arcus arrived, the electricity was surging slightly from where I was. You'll be getting your cochlear implant next, so when you're done recovering, they'll run a few tests to see if it'll function for you. Odds are it will, same for Luka if she was able to get it....speaking of which, she's coming too, right?'


@Eternal Dragonchild
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"Isn't he the one with the crazy coloured hair, tattoos and lip ring. Not exactly what I'd expect Raiven to choose." Arlane smiled "He's a gentleman if I remember from the school concert last year. He was on buffet" Arlane clapped his hands together and stood up, dusting off his jacket. "The bullies won't bother you again. I made sure of that"

He started to walk towards the hospital "Farewell Reno, give your father my well wishes."  Once he arrived at Raiven's room he took a seat in the chair next to her bed. She was curled up on top of her boyfriend. He smirked "Rather you than me Arcus, She won't budge now. In fact, she'll shock you should you try and move her." 

He took one look at the caller ID on her phone and rejected the call "If the swamp hag rings again, give it to me" 


@Anyone Online
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Hazel just looked at his text as she just smiled" of course she's coming" she texted as she just smiled' i want to see luka so bad i don't want to stay in bed why do i have to hear the love birds here oh wait i can't hear =P' she texted as she laughed a little about her own joke she just looked outside she was nervous about getting it she just was breathing in and out' i'm fine i feel better can we do it now' she text him sighig a bit as she was being fidgity she was bitting her nails now @ShadowSaber331
Thank you sir. You wouldn't happen to be Raiven's father would you??" Arcus asked as he shifted, and Raiven started kissing his neck. Arcus tried to resist a moan, but he was doing it well. "Sir I have a very important question. I would like you to train me with my lightning to fight Raiven's cousin." Arcus said with a serious tone.

Raphael Moreau


       Raphael, even though he wasn't mentioned at all for a while, miraculously, was there eavesdropping the events between Reno, Ravien, Arcus, Ravien's Father. By miraculously, I mean in incognito through his illusions. I mean, how convenient for the plot is that eh? I smirked, as I noted down about what happened. I just fiddled my thumbs as the information came to my head. Perhaps I am a bit invasive, no matter, information is information.

@A Lot Of People I Guess
"Her cousin" Arlane's eyes flashed a dangerous colour "I locked him in hell years ago for assaulting my precious daughter in such a way. Yes Arcus, I am Raiven's father." He reached out and clapped the boy on the shoulder "It's good to meet you. I'll say this only once, treat her badly and I'll walk you to Hells gates myself" He fixed Arcus with a look of seriousness as he watched his daughter snuggle and kiss her boyfriend 

"For her, I'd raise Hell itself to prevent her from being harmed. I will train you. On one condition, you obliterate that mangy cur, body and soul, leave no part of him on this earth."

@Anyone Online
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[SIZE= 14px]I would help her." Cereza nods and heads into the deeper shelves, the same place where she found the scroll to find the other one. Meanwhile Karoline bit her lip while looking at the other texts, it seems that she's having abit of trouble solving some words and phrases. Rubbing her forehead, she would tap on the pencil and start spinning it as she thinks deeply until she took out her personal small planner and started scribbling down what she has translated so far along with the drawings. "hmm..."[/SIZE]

Zenith noticed this and says" I respect the fact your bother trying so hard however lets take a small break and have some tea and snacks, after all one's brain can't function on an empty body, also sometimes words are reversed or in a old tongue from one of the old creatures so i can summon one here however i won't do it in this room just incase stuff goes wrong". 

Roy comes in with a women in a purple robe and sees the weakling and her friends and says" Well it's good to see you lot didn't drop like a rock i guess i should give some credit, in any case though i did't come for a fight i work alongside people like this women from the purple cat group they help in such cases to do with evil mages and such we've started out own investigation into the rise of dark mages and i'd be lying if i said i'm not looking forward to seeeing what's found but for now i'm here to visit an ally to the purple cats".
Hazel just looked at her phone as she texted one of her good friends' can you make me something to eat the hostipal candy is horrible please whenever you come to visit when you have time i'm bored i'm just waiting for luka and clair to come' she text her friend she was pouting a little bit she just looked around she was out of the room she was glad that her friend father hasn't noticed that she was out of the room she just wanted some fresh air she tends to disobey she just hide she didn't want to be found by the doctors in reality she was scared that she had to get a surgery in her ear she noticed her hand was shaking' i'm scared karoline i getting the cochlea implant so i can hear i'm scared for the surgery' she text her tears coming down her face she was just hiding from dorctor hall her friends doctor she was trying to control her breathing' i don't know what to do big brother reno is paying for this surgary but i'm just scared what if i don't make what if it goes wrong' she thought as she heard the nurses was looking for her she was just hiding staying out of sight

she didn't want to be found by reno she was scared she just peaked out of the janitors closet seeing nurses running around looking for she shut the door quitely she just sat there tears came down her face as she just sighted no one would be able to find her she locked the closet as she just looking at her phone wanting to know if her other friends were coming to see her in reality her shoulder was hurting so much tears came down her face she just lay down on the floor as she just yawned' where is she' she thought as she just stretched she glad no one noticed she was gone she snucked out of the room earlier she wasn't even noticed that she was gone except for the nurses she was scared for her next surgery she was trying to stay calm but she couldn't she was freaking out  @ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild @CandidFox
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Zenith noticed this and says" I respect the fact your bother trying so hard however lets take a small break and have some tea and snacks, after all one's brain can't function on an empty body, also sometimes words are reversed or in a old tongue from one of the old creatures so i can summon one here however i won't do it in this room just incase stuff goes wrong". 

Roy comes in with a women in a purple robe and sees the weakling and her friends and says" Well it's good to see you lot didn't drop like a rock i guess i should give some credit, in any case though i did't come for a fight i work alongside people like this women from the purple cat group they help in such cases to do with evil mages and such we've started out own investigation into the rise of dark mages and i'd be lying if i said i'm not looking forward to seeeing what's found but for now i'm here to visit an ally to the purple cats".

". . . ." Karoline pondered if she should take his advice or not. She would be lying if she said she wasn't tired already, so she placed her pencil down and sat on a chair to rest. "Okay. . .I managed to finish half of what's written there. .though I'm not a master of Arcane magic. ." She said, closing her eyes to take a light nap until her phone buzzed. ". .?" She slowly placed her hand on the table to get her phone, opening the screen to see that Hazel texted her. '. . .isn't she supposed to be sleeping? why is she tex- oh. .she's out isn't she?' Her left eye twitched abit, if she was there on the hospital with her she would have kept on putting her back to bed with the IV attached to her arm. "tch, silly girl" Karoline huffed at her friend and texted back.


[SIZE= 14px]'Hey, I'll get you something to eat yea? And let me guess. .you're running around aren't ya? or are you still in your bed like a good girl? ;)) Anyways got things to do with the headmaster's tasks, will visit you soon don't worry. Oh, and don't be so scared about surgeries, they'll give you something that puts you to sleep so think of something happy like a good memory or. . us! XDD Time will pass soon enough, have faith in yourself and the Gods above.' [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]Pressing the send button, she yawned and puts it back on her pocket.[/SIZE]


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Homura looked up to see Clair. He listened to her statement and felt the sincerity in her words "I appreciate the offer, I really do, but this is a personal matter." He paused for a moment debating if he should tell her about what happened to his family. "I never really said why I live with my uncle did I....well the reason behind that is because when I was younger my brother, my twin, used his own fire power to kill our parents and burn down our family home" he said regretting his words as they came out "Now my brother has escaped custody and is most likely on the look out for me" he was worried about everyone of his friends and what would happen if his brother attacked them. He started to breath a little calmer, almost as if he had lessened the weight on his shoulders "This is my fight and when he gets here I'm going to deal with him on my terms. Even though he seems stronger than me I know I can win as long as I have my friends with me" he smiled like he used to when he was younger. He felt like himself again, completely himself, and he was glad he did.

After he took a few breaths he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket "Wonder who that is" he said as he took it out. He was expecting a text or an email but not a full blown phone call, and from his uncle no less. He took a second to answer it "Hey uncle what do you need now?" He asked slightly irritated with the man "Im on my way to the academy to see if I can't help you with your little problem but first put your girlfriend on the phone" said his uncle with no restraint in his words. 'Wait how does he know who I'm with' he thought to himself before remembering his uncles bad habit to hack cellular devices "Clair my uncle wants to talk to you. I'm guessing it's important" he said before handing the phone to Clair. 

"Why hello miss O'riley, it is a pleasure to finally speak to you. I hope the general is doing fine. Anyway down to business I'm on my way there to help my nephew with my other nephew. I've come up with a new training regimen that can increase his power ten- maybe even one hundred-fold. This training is designed for the Elites as well but I'm going to have my Nephew standing there with you test it out. I'm just calling to let you know before I arrive so that you can have an area prepared for us" Magnus said his bit and waited for her reply while he looked outside the window of a helicopter with a view of Sakura Academy in the far distance.

"o-o-okay" She relaxed in the blanket, leaning closer to him for cuddles "I want you to meet my daddy. He can help prepare you to fight him " She snuggled closer, falling asleep in his arms. Luckily for Raiven Arcus seemed to keep away the bad dreams, leaving her with a very very nice dream about them going on a picnic together. She smiled in her sleep, head in its usual position on Arcus's shoulder.

@Anyone Online

Luka text back quickly "Of course I would. B-but I cannot get there myself. I'll ask Clair to bring me" She hit send. After a long search Luka found Clair. Tugging on her sleeve she signed her request to the president "Can you take me to visit Luka in hospital please, she really wants to see me" Luka wanted the answer to be yes. she wanted to see her friend Hazel and maybe confess.

@Mr Swiftshots 


Clair stood upright with her arms held politely behind her back in a mannerly way as she listened to Homura's story. This was the first time he had ever opened up this much to her and presumably anyone. It was actually quite shocking yet bitterly sweet. You see on one hand Homura must trust her a lot more than she had previously thought which also meant her odds of a relationship with him had also risen. Yet on the other hand his story was dark and painful, almost hard to believe. And then the fact that the very person whom had caused this pain and sorrow was now on a global which hunt to find Homura made Clair's body shiver with a feeling she was unaware she even had. 

To add insult to injury Homura even insisted on dealing with this alone , something he knew himself would only end badly. No matter if he won or lost.

Just as Clair was about to start a response , truly a heart felt response , Homura received a phone call. Now normally anybody would answer their phone without a hint hesitation however Homura showed more than just a hint of it which was quite unnerving. At first Clair assumed it was his brother , calling to announce himself and his plans just like the classical evil villain in all those human spy movies. However Clair was quite wrong as Homura made it quite clear that the person at the other end of the phone was none other than the uncle she had heard so much about.

And he wanted to speak with her ! But why !

Upon taking the phone and simply uttering the words hello the man spoke quickly , sternly and to the point without delay. However something irked her quite a bit and forced her to speak in a tone she normally withheld unless training or on a mission. A stern tone that demanded respect and obedience. A tone that showed just how much military training she had gone through.

"Who are you ? How do you know about the general and I. My mere association with said general is information held at the upmost levels of secrecy on international grounds. No more than five people know of said information ! Your location is forty clicks north west of the academy traveling in a helicopter at quite a casual rate of speed , unless I receive the answers I need and or want said helicopter and all within will be wiped from existence under the 'preservation of secrecy act'"

Moving to look out the window next to her Clair raised her hand slightly and a small orb began to form , at the same time her collar began to zap her with powerful volts of purple energy. Which evidently looked quite painful.

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Reno pulled out his phone and answered her text. 'Right, well I wouldn't worry too much about the..,' He was interupted by the sound of nurses calling out for someone. The name, Hazel, and with that he erases his message and texts a new one. 'Hazel, did you leave the hospital bed?' Reno figured she still must be scared of hospitals even though he just told her that everything will be alright. He thought about why she was still scared after all of that and he came up with one possible question to add. 'You're still afraid of hospitals because your mother passed away in one, huh?'

Joseph woke up to light from his blinds and groaned. His head was pounding and all he wanted to do was lay in some damp dark corner somewhere. "Uggh..." He groaned as he rolled out of bed and let himself hit the ground, the jolt causing a stab of pain in his temples. He slowly got up, with one arm shielding his eyes, walked into the closet to pick out a black track jacket, black jeans, and some grey/white gloves. He put it all on and sat down on his bed, shutting the blinds and creating a dark tangle of shadow around him. He set his phone brightness as low as possible and waited for anyone to text him.
Hazel just yawned as she just sighed' yeah i'm afraid i know she suffered i know i wasn't there but it still pains me that she died alone and i was not there for her she wanted me in skool' she wrote in her text' yeah i left my bed but the nurses found me so i'm back in the room now i'm just laying down waiting luka should be coming soon i'm so afraid' she wrote as she stand up in the closet as she just left the nurses found her as she sighed' can you stay with me please' she wrote' i'm scared please stay with me until the next surgary' she text him as she was brought back to the room she just looked at the floor the nurses was trying to say something to her she just looked confused she didn't know what they were saying to her she just sat on the bed' i need you i don't understand what the nurses are saying they have a needle i don't understand' she text him she blamed herself for her mom death as she start to tear up' i don't want to be alone anymore i just want someone to adopt me screw my father he abadoned me i'm alone here i scared that the orphanage people will find out i'm really a orphan' she texted him lying in the bed crying covering her face 

she looked over at raiven dad ariana" um... arana what are they saying i don't understand what the nurses are trying to say to me can you look at me and explain it to me" she asked as she was sitting on her bed now as she looked down" i'm sworry that i deaf i trying my best to talk like hearing people do i trying to talk normally like reven do" she say as she just looked down playing with her fingers she just looked around" thats one of the reason i getting the cochlea implant so i can hear and prictice my speach" she say as she looked at him tears in her eyes she really missed her mother she was afraid that she will die with the surgary she just looked at the nurses trying to explain the surgary to her @Eternal Dragonchild  @ShadowSaber331
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Arlane stood up, resting a hand on Hazel's shoulder as he wrote down what the nurse was saying. He passed her the pad of paper when he was finished. Giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead he turned to leave "I'll be back later in the evening, I'll bring something for you three to eat. Arcus, we'll talk training then."  He waved goodbye to the three, pausing to kiss Raiven and tuck her blanket around her, he doubted it would stay tucked.

As he passed by Raphael, he grabbed the boy by the collar and forced him against the wall of the corridor, hell's fire in his eyes "And what were you doing, listening into a private conversation regarding my daughters past between me, her and her boyfriend?" He shook Raphael "She doesn't need anyone learning her cousin did that to her. Shadow freaks like you creep me out" 

@Anyone Online @XxCharColexX

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Thank you sir." Arcus said as he nodded understanding about thr whole Raiven thing. When Arcus saw Raphael he instantly burst. His whole body turned to pure lightning. 
Arlane stood up, resting a hand on Hazel's shoulder as he wrote down what the nurse was saying. He passed her the pad of paper when he was finished. Giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead he turned to leave "I'll be back later in the evening, I'll bring something for you three to eat. Arcus, we'll talk training then."  He waved goodbye to the three, pausing to kiss Raiven and tuck her blanket around her, he doubted it would stay tucked.

As he passed by Raphael, he grabbed the boy by the collar and forced him against the wall of the corridor, hell's fire in his eyes "And what were you doing, listening into a private conversation regarding my daughters past between me, her and her boyfriend?" He shook Raphael "She doesn't need anyone learning her cousin did that to her. Shadow freaks like you creep me out" 

@Anyone Online @XxCharColexX


Roy had finished his conversation and with his acquaintance and then saw this and says"  You're right it's wrong and creepy however she's also at fault for not being more aware and sensing him i remember what she said to me during our match and thinking back on it the fact she doesn't have the strength she claims she does your welcome to hate me if you i like i honestly don't care i've never liked either of your kind i find lightning types to full of themselves even when their weak and shadow types to think they've got it all worked out in physiological warfare". I do my bit to protect the school after all it's my new home i just hope when the time comes she's ready because if she's not it's only going to get rougher for her", The women in the purple robe". That was over the top even though what you say is truth you must try and be more kind to people because otherwise you won't have any friends and will make more foes".

Roy grins and says" what you say is true i'm cruel to greater extent however i don't see the point mollycoddling a person because that's even worst in the long run and above all else i hate elite's and have no problem telling them where to shove it if they get on my nerves, well i'm off seeing the two types the anger me the most carry on like this makes my blood boil and i don't want to get into a full blown fight". Roy rips open a door and starts to walk through it then sees another clown burst into lighting and smirks and then jumps through not giving them a chance to talk back to him. The woman sighs deeply and then says" I'm really sorry about him being like that he's only ever been close and kind to a few people and he only just started to open up to me with in the last year i hope everyone is ok after all this is sorted and i must be off dang it that child is a handful and half sometimes". Not long after she jumps in and the portal closes and she quickly catches up with him and says" I thought you weren't here to pick a fight yet you pick one with some one that could badly hurt you what is wrong with you". Roy calms down after a few minutes and then says" I'm sorry miya but it's been bugging me and it's possible were about to go to war and many of use may not come back me included so i wanted my headed to be clear before that day happen".
Reno walks back to the hospital and notices Arlane with Arcus...and Raphael. 'What the hell is he doing here?' He sclera turned black and he made an ice clone. The clone pulled Arlane away from Raphael, who was forcefully pushed by an ice pillar. As he was airborne, four portals opened, with four demons coming out of them. They managed to catch him and hold him but his arms and legs. Reno walks right in front of his, and creates and ice spear that floats above his hand. "Now then Raphael, I want you to tell me why the hell you are here," he said. "Otherwise, you'll be my next victim to experience MY frozen hell!"

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Anyone Online

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Magnus couldn't help but burst into laughter at the young girls outburst over the phone "Young lady, the general and I go way back plus I'm also a very well kept secret. I was also the one who engineered your training program that had made you into the weapon you are today" he said with delight as he watched the school get closer and closer into view "Do not worry I am not there for any nefarious reason. I'm simply heading there to help my family" he said with a fairly serious tone. He took out a strange device that looked almost like a tracker. He noticed the dot he was watching move closer to the schools position "Please Clair O'riley I come in peace. I am an alumni from Sakura so visiting my old place of learning isn't exactly a crime is it?" He asked with mock innocence "Please allow me passage onto the school grounds, I wish to see how Sakura has changed over the years as well as the woman my nephew seems to have taken an interest in" he said insinuating Homura has a crush on Clair. 

Homura was confused the entire time Clair was speaking to his uncle over the phone 'I wonder what they're talking about...' he thought to himself as he looked at the battle ground where the bullies had made their next move 'I know what you're thinking. These bullies are way to organized to just be an ordinary group of thugs, right? Hahaha I know you to well' said his dark voice in his head as Homura turned back to Clair.

@Mr Swiftshots
Raiven grumbled as Arcus turned into pure lightning, unhappy with the change in her sleeping arrangement. She wriggled about as she tried to get comfortable again. It failed and she gave Arcus a mock-angry glare "Arcy. I was cuddly" she complained. She just wanted to sleep. 

@Anyone Online
Arcus just looked at Raiven, and sighed. His body turned back to normal, and Arcus just let Raiven get comfortable again. "Im sorry Raiven, you can go back to cuddling now."  Arcus said as he relaxed against Raiven, and wrapped his arms around her waist.
Raiven smiled as she cuddled back down "It's best to let daddy handle it. You gotta remain in one piece for your training. Plus you're soft" She blushed as he wrapped his arms around her waist "Arcy. not right now. Hazel is still here and daddy is right outside, maybe when they're gone" She hinted heavily at her secret plan 
@Anyone Online
I'm not doing anything." Arcus said as he blushed at the thought of what Raiven said. Arcus just held Raiven close, and kissed her forehead. "Hey why don't you try to get some sleep. Enjoy the time you have here with me, because soon I will have to leave for training with your dad." Arcus said as he kissed Raiven's neck before he laid down.
"You were. you pressed my waist against you. I felt it pressing against me" She snuggled into him "Make sure to call often when you do go for training. I'll miss you" She rested her head on his shoulder "I love you Arcus." Raiven fell deeply asleep, resting in Arcus's arms. Little clouds floated around her as she slept. She wanted to train with Arcus, she'd have to ask her dad though. He'd probably say yes.

@Anyone Online
Hazel just went to the bathroom as she was scared she just hold her legs' my mum died here what if i die because of the surgery she just sighed as she was still afraid" mommy i afraid" she talked as she was messing with her braclet that her mother gave to her she just sighed' i have to be strong but i'm afraid i don't know what to do now i can't tell anyone how i feel not even raiven the only person who knows is reno' she thought as she just hold her teddy bear that was bought for her from the doctors she just start to tear up' why did this had to happen to me i just want to be happy again i want my other friends to come to see me' she thought looking around the others 
No I wasn't. Plus I love you too." Arcus said as he he started to sing the lullaby he had sung for Raiven the night she got scared. Arcus was still blushing because, Raiven had told him she felt his ****r. Arcus still couldn't believe he got like this just by being close to Raiven. "You have no idea what you do to me." Arcus whispered as he started to fall asleep himself.

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