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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Reno nodded and walked out to the entrance, but not before turning to Raiven and said. "Those bullets are still in there. Taking them out might make matters worse, so don't use electromagnietism to pull them out. Reno turns back to the entrance and stops there. He waited for some time for the ambulance to arrive. 'Dammit, why now? of all the instances, why now?' Reno was on the verge of tears at the sight of Hazel on the floor, fading in and ut of conciousness due to the attack. 'How can I protect people, if I can't even rpotect my friends!?'

@Eternal Dragonchild
Hazel just looked at her" sworry my fault so much pain" she cried she just looked at reno saw him sad she just was hurting she saw raiven dad was there waiting for the ambluance to get here her vision was getting blurry she thought she saw her mother but truth it was just raiven" mom" she say as she just screamed out in pain she couldn't really feel her leg she probolly needed surgery she was scared she just cried' it really hurts i'm trying to stay awake but it hard' she thought after a while she just gave out she passed out bleeding out on her shoulder and her leg the last thing she saw was raiven but she thought it was her mother  @ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild
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(Raiven got shot in the leg) 

Raiven hugged Hazel. She didn't want her friend to pass out and she couldn't exactly shock her awake. She leant Hazel against her as the paramedics came in, armed with first aid kits. Reluctantly she let them take Hazel and get her on a gurney. When one of them tried to lift her up she swore at them and smacked them. It was a well known Darktower family secret that Raiven hated visiting doctors. 

Arlane, sighed and lifted his daughter up, placing her on a gurney with a lollipop in her mouth. He turned to the paramedic who was nearest "If you want to have an easy time, keep that lollipop in her mouth" He ruffled her head, staying behind with his security forces.


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Reno hopped onto the ambulance and pulled out his phone. 'Guys, we got a big problem, Raiven and Hazel's been shot. We're all heading towards the hospital, and don't worry, it's not in any place that's fatal. But I do want you all to head there yourselves. I don't know which yet but 'll text you all the location, just be sure to get there ASAP.'  He turns to Mr Darktower and puts his hand out. "Got any more of those lollipops," he asked. "Odds are they might help keep her stable enough for them to remove the bullet in her leg."

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Mr Swiftshots

@Anyone Online






Hazel just felt someone lifted her up as she was scared when she woke up she saw she was on the bed as she was looking all confused her arm was hurting and her arm tears was coming down her face she hated hostipal she was trembeling in fear' ow ow ow my shoulder' she thought as she was in so much pain' this all my fault' she cried thinking to herslef she" r...r....reno" she say as she was trying to grab his hand with er good hand as she was sheivering a bit" i'm scared" she cried tears dropping down her face @ShadowSaber331
Reno looked to Hazel, tears covering her face. She was scared, the look in her eyes was all he needed to confirm it. "It'll be okay Hazel," he whispered. "They'll help you recover, and I'll be with ou to make sure you're okay." He looked towards Raiven and places a hand on her shoulder. "Thanks for trying to protect her Raiven," he said. "I'm sorry I wasn't around to help, otherwise you two wouldn't be in this situation."

@Eternal Dragonchild

Arlane chuckled "You sure know my daughter" With a clap on the shoulder he handed over a paper bag of lollipops. "I'll be following on shortly, I have to ... administer justice." He turned to the kneeling bullies before pulling a chair across the floor 

"You may know me from the news. but in case you are that stupid, which it looks like you are. I am Arlane Darktower, I'm part of the government, Ministry of Justice but I also work alongside the Ministry of Defence. You should be very concerned for your lives. That chestnut haired girl you shot in the leg was my daughter., that other girl was her friend. Now i have two options. I can either drag you to hell or I could have a demon come up here and tear you apart. Your choice"

He sat forwards, watching their fear. He flicked his finger at one of the bullies. The same red fire reached up from the floor and dragged him through it. He turned to the rest of them and smiled "Now, to hell you go"

Raiven smiled and sucked on her lollipop "It's ok. She's a friend. Daddy will take care of the bullies." She rest her other hand on Hazel's good arm "You'll be ok. The bullies? Not so much"  


Hazel just looked at him as she was trying to move her bad arm she couldn't it hurted like a lit how was she going to sign with it" translate what doctors say please where did bullies shot me" she asked as she was trying to control her breathing' i cant pay for the medical bills i'm a orphan remember i can't pay' she signed as she hiccup everhtime she cry she tends to hiccup she frown' i ruined the day out its all my fault' she cried she looked at reno' don't leave me alone with doctors i'm scared of them' she signed looking at him

she looked at heer friend as she just smiled a little bit" but i wouldn't be able to pay for the medical bills i'm just a orphan its okay i'm happy i can't afford it i'm sorry i ruined our day out" she say as she just wimper a little bit she felt her friend touch her good arm" yay bad bullies bye bye" she say as she jusg looked at her friend" we probaly get surgery i'm scared" she whined a little bit she just watched her friend she made her feel calm" i don't like bullies they hurt me" she say as she felt the truck stop as she saw the hostipal she just hold onto her hand as she was scared she was freaking out a bit @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331
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"I'll pay, I'm on one of the government insurance plans. We should be able to get one for you" Raiven squeezed her friend's hand. "We may need surgery to get the bullets out but it'll be small"  She handed a lollipop to Hazel with a smile. "It'll be ok"  She squeezed her arm gently. "We'll go shopping another day. If we can get a computer we can do an internet shop.

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Hazel just looked at him as she was trying to move her bad arm she couldn't it hurted like a lit how was she going to sign with it" translate what doctors say please where did bullies shot me" she asked as she was trying to control her breathing' i cant pay for the medical bills i'm a orphan remember i can't pay' she signed as she hiccup everhtime she cry she tends to hiccup she frown' i ruined the day out its all my fault' she cried she looked at reno' don't leave me alone with doctors i'm scared of them' she signed looking at him

she looked at heer friend as she just smiled a little bit" but i wouldn't be able to pay for the medical bills i'm just a orphan its okay i'm happy i can't afford it i'm sorry i ruined our day out" she say as she just wimper a little bit she felt her friend touch her good arm" yay bad bullies bye bye" she say as she jusg looked at her friend" we probaly get surgery i'm scared" she whined a little bit she just watched her friend she made her feel calm" i don't like bullies they hurt me" she say as she felt the truck stop as she saw the hostipal she just hold onto her hand as she was scared she was freaking out a bit @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331

Isaac was already there talking to one of his contacts and they reply" We don't know all the details yet but there's a rumour that there's several dark mage groups out here one in particular that's more powerful than many is called the grey serpents it's not normally there style however some of my friends that survived an ambush said things are changing so they may be backing some of the smaller groups in order for much bigger plan". 

Isaac nodded then says" Now you mention it i had a run in with them about six months before i enrolled at sakura's, i'll also have to get a group together so we can assist because i have a feeling this is going to get even more ugly". 
Hazel just looked at her as she smiled" tank yoo" she say as she just looked at the lolipop as she try to open the package as she did' yay' she thought as she stick the lolipop in her mouth" i'm scared of surgery what if we don't make it" she say she felt the squeeze on her arm as she calmed down" sworry" she say as she just looked at her friend" when we better out of bandages and stuff do yoo think yoo can teach me how to fight tired of bullies always bullying me i want to stand up for meeself" she say as she smiled" ookay go shop another day" she got out her phone in her pocket" hey luka yoo busy' she texted @Eternal Dragonchild
"Hey Raiven, you'll need more of these," he said., holding out  a paper bag full of lollipops. "Also, I didn't ask yet, because I wanted Hazel's approval, but since we're heading towards the hospital, you think she'd want a cochlear implant.?" Reno has more than enough money for a cochlear implant, but he didn't want to shove it down Hazel's throat. He'd rather let her choose to accept it or not. "I think I'll ask her," he suggested. "For now, try to get some rest, that fight did a lot to you." He turned to Hazel and tapped her shoulder, the good one, not the one with a bullet wound. 'I was thinking about asking the docs if they could give you a cochlear implant, but I figured that I'd ask you beforehand. Do you want one?'

@Eternal Dragonchild

Hazel just looked at him as she was shocked what he asked' what should i do i don't know i don't have a family maybe it should be the best thing for me" y..Yeah it be best thing for me so i don't get bullied i still be deaf when i take it off mom tried to give it to me one time but didn't have enough money to pay for it' she signed to him as she looked at him' how can i pay you back' it will take about me a couple monts or so  to hear would you and raiven be here when i finally hear and help me learn how to talk propllay i talk to raiven but not so good yet she still understands me and her father understnads me' she signed to him as she just watch him as she just smiled looking around' are we almost to the hostipal @ShadowSaber331
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'We're almost there Hazel,' he signed. 'And...don't worry about it. Homura said that he'll get you that watch. By now he should have it. Meaning he'll have to teach you how to use it properly. As for learning how to speak...that's why I asked about the cochlear implant, You'll be able to har well and it'll make pronouncing the words easier after hearing it a few times.' Reno wasn't one to expect something in return. He always did it out of charity, a must if he's going to become like his father, an ambassador of human/elemental relations. When he sees the building, he said it loud enough for both of them to hear. "We've arrived. Now let's get you two all patched up."

@Eternal Dragonchild

Hazel just looked at him as she just smiled" yay" she say " tank yoo rino" she say to him as she looked at him as she saw the hostipal as she got scared she just sucked on her lolipop as she was trying to be strong' will the surgery hurt i'm scared' she signed as she just watched her friend  as she just holding his hand as they got the scrather into the emergency room' don't leave me please' she signed scared the doctors was trying to communicate with her but she didn't understand what they were saying to her she just looked at them she just point to her shoulder which she was in pain' gah' she thought hurting tears pouring down her face agan @ShadowSaber331
'I'm not gonna lie, it will be a bit painful,' he signed. 'But it's a lot better than living with a few bullets embedded inside you. Luckily they'll give you some sort of gas that will shut down the nerves in your body. You won't be able to feel a thing, and you'll be asleep for th entire procedure. Same thing when it comes toe cochlear implant.' Reno's been in the hospital a few times to know how it works, having been in a few missions himself. He thinks back to Ruby and her problem with Ahunt, and knowing that she'll take control over her again, he vowed to get strong enough to exorcise her and remove the demon. Reno pushed the thought aside, for now, he has to be there for Hazel. He pulls out his phone, no rsponse yet, not even from Arcus. 'He's probably still fighting Raphael. Ah well, he'll be here instantaneously once he hears of Raiven's condition.'


(aaand another Hooman returns)


[SIZE= 14px]So far she's been isolating herself from everyone, taking her lessons from Ms. Cereza and is no longer hanging out with most of the elites anymore. As for Hazel of course she still talks to her, it seems that she's the only decent human to talk to, same case with Luka. Then during the season, she caught the news of the current situation. Both Raiven and Hazel shot in the process, probably something that has to do with bullies. . .or not. She would be glad to help however she was busy doing something else, looking around her it seems that she was in inside a library of sorts, but not the actual library. Rows of books and papers stuck in shelves, some bulging out as if they could explode any minute now. The scent of wood lingers from the papers within. A chandelier from above swayed slowly as if a ghost plays with it. Karoline looked back down to the table with a huge open scroll laid down, within those writings were symbols and numbers written in an unusual language. "So. . .what am I looking at exactly? Isn't this for spells?" She raised an eyebrow and looked to the teacher.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"A spell, yes. But for a certain cause, we've been given a task from the headmaster my child. You maybe a human but we believe that you can help with that mind of yours." Ms. Cereza explained as she waved her hand to her to come closer. The girl reluctantly came closer and stood in front of the scroll. "This is an ancient scroll, the spell shows to be powerful to rebuild the barrier against dangers outside of this academy. Your job is to decipher the language of this scroll and figure out how it's used." She smiled at her, making Karoline cringe slightly and grumbled. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"You mean this barrier hasn't been repaired already? Geez. ."[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"Don't underestimate the power kid. Even though it needs major repairs it still stands strong. I know you can solve this because I caught you already studying bout the Wizard's language and stole the Philosopher's journal during break times so don't even try to back out from this." Cereza deadpanned, and it was true. For every break that she could get, she has been reading books that elemental use and started reading on a master's degree just this time.[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] A shame she wasn't an elemental as she would have risen up the ranks already but she wouldn't care. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"Hnng. .Fine. Give me time." Karoline sneered and started reading the scroll first. [/SIZE]
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(aaand another Hooman returns)


[SIZE= 14px]So far she's been isolating herself from everyone, taking her lessons from Ms. Cereza and is no longer hanging out with most of the elites anymore. As for Hazel of course she still talks to her, it seems that she's the only decent human to talk to, same case with Luka. Then during the season, she caught the news of the current situation. Both Raiven and Hazel shot in the process, probably something that has to do with bullies. . .or not. She would be glad to help however she was busy doing something else, looking around her it seems that she was in inside a library of sorts, but not the actual library. Rows of books and papers stuck in shelves, some bulging out as if they could explode any minute now. The scent of wood lingers from the papers within. A chandelier from above swayed slowly as if a ghost plays with it. Karoline looked back down to the table with a huge open scroll laid down, within those writings were symbols and numbers written in an unusual language. "So. . .what am I looking at exactly? Isn't this for spells?" She raised an eyebrow and looked to the teacher.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"A spell, yes. But for a certain cause, we've been given a task from the headmaster my child. You maybe a human but we believe that you can help with that mind of yours." Ms. Cereza explained as she waved her hand to her to come closer. The girl reluctantly came closer and stood in front of the scroll. "This is an ancient scroll, the spell shows to be powerful to rebuild the barrier against dangers outside of this academy. Your job is to decipher the language of this scroll and figure out how it's used." She smiled at her, making Karoline cringe slightly and grumbled. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"You mean this barrier hasn't been repaired already? Geez. ."[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"Don't underestimate the power kid. Even though it needs major repairs it still stands strong. I know you can solve this because I caught you already studying bout the Wizard's language and stole the Philosopher's journal during break times so don't even try to back out from this." Cereza deadpanned, and it was true. For every break that she could get, she has been reading books that elemental use and started reading on a master's degree just this time.[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] A shame she wasn't an elemental as she would have risen up the ranks already but she wouldn't care. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"Hnng. .Fine. Give me time." Karoline sneered and started reading the scroll first. [/SIZE]

Zenith came by to see the barrier rebuilding and as he's passing he gently taps karoline and whispers" Time to fly little bird it won't be long now before a small potion of my energy and knowledge is transferred to you and even though it's temporary it's more than enough for this task were working on". He then pulls back and walks over to cereza and says" Studying like this is good in a way but i can't help but hurt one in another aspect well i won't bang on just putting that out there since i've been watching many of the students trying to grow".


Zenith came by to see the barrier rebuilding and as he's passing he gently taps karoline and whispers" Time to fly little bird it won't be long now before a small potion of my energy and knowledge is transferred to you and even though it's temporary it's more than enough for this task were working on". He then pulls back and walks over to cereza and says" Studying like this is good in a way but i can't help but hurt one in another aspect well i won't bang on just putting that out there since i've been watching many of the students trying to grow".


"Oh. .Thank you. . .even though uhm .I don't think the barrier would rebuild if a human was the one chanting it. ." Karoline nodded and sweatdropped a bit, but continues reading the scroll anyways.


[SIZE= 14px]"Dear Karoline is decoding the scroll that we haven't unlocked yet for years even though we tried. This was a task given from the headmaster himself/herself. We believe it is a spell. ." Ms. Cereza replied, looking back at the scroll until the human child found something weird. "uhm. . .I don't think this is a spell. .this is a blueprint to something." Karoline blinked at the scroll, staring at the magic circle that looks the same as the windows of one of the two tallest towers in the academy. "Perhaps if there was another scroll connected as this. ." She said and looked up at them.[/SIZE]



"Oh. .Thank you. . .even though uhm .I don't think the barrier would rebuild if a human was the one chanting it. ." Karoline nodded and sweatdropped a bit, but continues reading the scroll anyways.


[SIZE= 14px]"Dear Karoline is decoding the scroll that we haven't unlocked yet for years even though we tried. This was a task given from the headmaster himself/herself. We believe it is a spell. ." Ms. Cereza replied, looking back at the scroll until the human child found something weird. "uhm. . .I don't think this is a spell. .this is a blueprint to something." Karoline blinked at the scroll, staring at the magic circle that looks the same as the windows of one of the two tallest towers in the academy. "Perhaps if there was another scroll connected as this. ." She said and looked up at them.[/SIZE]

Zenith taps his hand and says" Very possible back in the old days they would split magic items and such so the wrong people couldn't get their hands and she's right on her own it's not going to cut it, lets take a check this possibility out i'll call some of my old friends here to rebuild the barrier best they can while we look and cereza i hope you don't plan to dump to much work on her even with a brain like her's to much and she's burn out".  Zenith leans over and looks at the scroll and starts thinking' i'm sure i've seen something like this before i wonder if it's a hidden part of the library or deep with in the school and so on'.
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Zenith taps his hand and says" Very possible back in the old days they would split magic items and such so the wrong people couldn't get their hands and she's right on her own it's not going to cut it, lets take a check this possibility out i'll call some of my old friends here to rebuild the barrier best they can while we look and cereza i hope you don't plan to dump to much work on her even with a brain like her's it takes years to learn some of the far more complex spells and abilities".  Zenith leans over and looks at the scroll and starts thinking' i'm sure i've seen something like this before i wonder if it's a hidden part of the library or deep with in the school and so on'.



[SIZE= 14px]"Oh I won't Mr. Zenith, I am her guardian after all. This is the only task she has for now unless more is added, then I would help her." Cereza nods and heads into the deeper shelves, the same place where she found the scroll to find the other one. Meanwhile Karoline bit her lip while looking at the other texts, it seems that she's having abit of trouble solving some words and phrases. Rubbing her forehead, she would tap on the pencil and start spinning it as she thinks deeply until she took out her personal small planner and started scribbling down what she has translated so far along with the drawings. "hmm..."[/SIZE]
Raiven snapped at one of the junior doctors who poked at her leg. She just hoped Hazel would have a more competent doctor examining her. Soon enough the doctor was pushed away by a more senior one. He took one look at Raiven and sighed "Let me guess, you got into a scrap at school Miss Darktower".

Raiven grinned at the doctor "Not today Doctor Hall, I was out with a friend and my father when some mad gunman tried to shoot us" The doctor nodded at the grumpy elemental "We'll take you and the other girl up to X-ray. Any idea why she is freaking out so much?"

Raiven nodded "She's deaf"


"Meaning she can't hear anything," he added. :"Though I was wondering if, in addition tohelping her recover, that you'll give Hazel a cochlear implant?" Reno was a bit concerned with Hazel as she was still scare of being inside the hospital. He walks over to her and puts his hand on her good shoulder. 'Don't worry, this is Dr. Hall,' he signed. 'He's been Raiven's doctor for a long time now, long story. He's gonna do an X-ray on both of you to see where the bullets are located before he can remove them.'

@Eternal Dragonchild

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Hazel just looked at him as she used her good arm to sign she couldn't really use her other arm since it hurts a ton' okay reno' she signed as she just looked at him she looked over at raiven she just signed' what about the CI' she signed as she just closed her eyes the wound was hurting so much' it hurts so much i can't take the pain' she signed to him she was freaking out she just cried as she put a hand on her forehead since she was really streesed about getting the surgary but first she had to get a x-ray' i'm really scared' she signed as she was trying to control herslef but the tears kept coming down her face @ShadowSaber331
Raiven leant over to Hazel "Doctor Hall specialises in dealing with bones. He's probably down here because it's my bad leg in question. Come on, come here with me, I'll hold you" She gestured next to her on the gurney "X-rays are OK. I'm more than used to having them by now, I should get a frequent flyer style card for this place" She joked, hoping to make Hazel smile.

She decided to explain what the surgery would mean to Hazel "They'll numb the area and take the bullet out. Depending where it is, you may be kept on bed rest for a while. They'll probably have to pack the gap with something for a while. I've had a few operations before" 


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