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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Hazel just looked at her as she giggled a bit" i okay no worry" she say as she smiled as she found the perfect flowers" found flower" she say as she just looked at it" i want orchid" she say as she smiled as she saw the lady picking the flowers for her she just looked at raiven" you ready" she say as she was trying so hard to get understood she just smiled she glad she had a friend like Raiven her mother loved orchid flowers she knew what exactly what flowers what she wanted she looked around' now for to go see mom' she thought' she in a better place now no more pain she was always in pain since she had cancer' she thought as she was waiting for raiven @Eternal Dragonchild
Raiven entered her card into the reader and entered her pin. The machine bleeped as she paid for the orchids and handed them to her "Here you go, they're beautiful." 

She offered her other hand to Hazel, taking her to the graveyard for her mother. "Take your time here"


Reno was shocked to see Ahunt come out of Ruby, and in pain after she dug her hand into her chest. "Don't know all the details eh?" he said with a smirk. "In that case, why not help me put the pieces together so that I can help you?" Silence, that was all he heard after a while. 'Damn, of course this one a one off. Ah well, I'll figure this whole thing out without her help." He looks down at Ruby, who looks like she was about to puke. Reno walks over to her and pulls her up on her feet. "Come on Ruby," he whispered. "Or Ahunt, whoever, let's get you back to your room."

@Leo Radomir

Ruby recovers just enough then presses a few points on her body and regained her sense and says" i'm fine and don't call me her it's annoying as hell and i'd advise you to be not to be such a wise ass and push to much next time she'll hurt you a lot me than what i did i promise to tell you everything when the time is right but i need time to work out so many things because books aren't always one hundred percent right and even though your blunt and lack tact there are things that i know are painful to remember so i won't push you till you open up to me".
Reno reaches her dorm and opens the door. He was surprised to see Raiven's bed looking like they didn't do it on there in the first place. 'Damn, smells like nothing happened here. I've got to ask her where she got that magic jelly.'  Reno places her on her own bed and sits down on Raivens. He pulls out his phone and texts Raiven back after a while. 'Good to know, just stay with her until she feels better enough to come back.' He puts his phone back into his pocket before looking towards Ruby. "So in other words," he said. "You want me to pour my heart and sul out about my own past?"

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild
Hazel just looked at her as she smiled" no its okay you stay please" she say as she just looked at her" plus i want to say goodbye i need peace with it" she say" i want to move on with her dying i'm ready to move on" she say as she just held her hand as she blushed a ittle bit' no i like luka more plus raiven likes someone else' she thought' i should hang out with luka later on maybe tomorrow' she thought as she just smiled" are we going back to the school later" she asked as she walked with her to the graveyard as she was kinda nervous looking for her mom's name she felt nervous she couldn't really talk to her grave she just was here to say goodbye @Eternal Dragonchild
RAiven quickly texts back "Tell the band to just practice the carols that are in the drawer in the band room" She looked at Hazel "Maybe, it depends what time we finish shopping. I know a few good shops, plus I want to meet my daddy. He has Mr Fluffles" She spotted Hazel's mother, several bunches of flowers nearby. "There we go Hazel" 

She stepped over to the graveside, kneeling down beside it while clearing the old flowers. 


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Hazel just looked at raiven clearing the old flowers as she just smiled as she knelled down as she put the new flowers in as she just smiled she just looked at her mother grave as she sighed" hi mum i here with friend Revin" she say" learning how to talk i wanted to say goodbye i'm okay i happy i made friends too i love you i come here once in while" she say as she felt good tears came down her face as she jusg hugged raiven" wait what your dad but i'm only human" she say as she was getting nervous about meeting her dad" who mr fluffles" she asked tilting her head slightly as she whiped her tears on her shirt as she just sighed" i'm better thak you" she hugged her @Eternal Dragonchild
"My dog. Don't worry Daddy is nice. He is part of the government" She held Hazel as they sat at the graveside "He'll meet us at a restaurant for lunch. We can shop after. I need some more jumpers as it's cold. What do you want?" She asked the girl, her newest friend. "We can visit most the big shops and get the good stuff. We can even get some presents for friends" Raiven loved shopping, especially with friends. 

Hazel just looked down as she bite on her lip" but... but what if he don't like me cause i deaf" she say pointing to her ear as she just looked at her" i do want to buy something for luka" she say as she just smiled a bit" and new clothes" she told her as she just looked at her as she just smiled she was getting held" i'm okay we can go now i'm okay" she say as she was smiling" i going to learn how to fight so i can protect me from bad bullies" she say as she just looked at her @Eternal Dragonchild
"It's fine, your friends with his princess" She let go of Hazel "To the restaurant" She cheered, calling up the transporting storm clouds again and tugged Hazel through, excited to see her father. When they stepped through they were outside a posh London restaurant "He's inside already" She smiled as she looked through the window "Let's go" When they found him at the table Raiven gave her father a hug, the similarities between them clear. Raiven had his hair colour and thin, warm face. "Hello Daddy, I want you to meet my friend Hazel, she's Deaf but my best friend at school"

Reno felt his phone buzz, knowing that it was a respone from Raiven. He pulls it out and read the text, stating that there was some sheet music inside her draw...wait, drawer? 'Uh, which drawer exactly, and what's the title for it.'' He leaves his phone out right next to him in case Raiven texts back. 'Of all the times she could have asked me, why now...then again it'll give me some time to get my past in oder for when I have to tell Ruby.'

@Eternal Dragonchild
"Top drawer of my desk, black expanding folder. It's labelled 'Christmas Performance', give it to Vice President of the Band. It's Chrissy Tomkins, you may know her as the solo trumpet" She hit send. Hopefully, Reno could find it, the band had to practice their Christmas stuff. She replaced her phone in her bag, waiting for her daddy to reply or Hazel to talk


Hazel just looked at the father of her friend as she was a bit shy" um.... hi.... i ..... hazel valarie" she say as she was being a bit shy she just looked at her friend than to the dad she just was looking around as her stomach start to growl as she felt a bit emberrassed she was a bit shy she just looked at ravin' christmas um i don't know what i do for christmas' she thought as she just looked at raiven" something wrong raiven" she asked as she noticed she was texting a bit @Eternal Dragonchild
Reno's phone buzzed on the bed, with a message about where it is, what it's in, and who to give it to. He gets up and pulls her top drawer and finds the black folder, with a label saying "Christmas Performance." 'Okay, now to phase into the band room and give this to Chrissy Tomkins." He phases out of Ruby's room using his lightning nand enters the band room. He calls out for Chrissy and the solo trumpeter walks over to him. Reno hands her the folder and tells her that Raiven was busy but she wants the band to practice these pieces. With everything said and done, he phases back into Ruby's room. "We'll talk about me opening up later," he said. "For now, rest up, that kinda drained you a bit back there." Reno phases out of Ruby's room and out near some sort of resteraunt. He looks inside and sees both Raiven and Hazel, along with prossibly her father. ' I think I'll wait out here in case things escalate'

@Leo Radomir
Adrian blew some of the attackers away. Hm. Now it seemed like Reno kinda blocked him out with this Ruby lady. Or Ahunt? Adrian wasn't so sure. But he saw it was no problem. He then started to walk  away, where he'll go, nobody knows. Though as he was walking he thought about things like his birthday, which was a least 2 days from now but what was really mind consuming was how his friends were starting to form relationships and such. Hell, Raiven started dating Arcus and Katalina seems to like someone, not to mention Homura kissing Claire that one time. But then there was Adrian, who had little to no success in getting a lover or anyone to court at least. Adrian was young and really shouldn't be thinking about things like this but he couldn't help it, how could he not think about that when dating was happening all around him. He sighed, he needed some soda, off to the cafeteria he went. 
Raiven shook her head "I'm just sorting band practice" SHe smiled at Hazel as the waiters brought their menus. Her father spoke up "You girls can have whatever you want. Nothing here's too costly for my little girl and her dear friend" He gives Hazel a kind smile "Very nice to meet you Hazel, Arlane Darktower Raiven's father, Raiven hasn't stopped talking about you and the Elites." Raiven leant over to give the waiter her order as her father talked to Hazel. She'd chosen a fine salmon steak and vegetables. 

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Homura took out his phone while he waited for Clair to answer "*Hey Reno we are on our way! Be there soon!* he sent his text and then slid it back into his pocket. He looked to Clair "Clair I may have told you this before but I care about you and when you look as depressed as you are it makes it hard for others to believe in you like I do. Do you remember when I transferred here in the first year? I was being bullied because I couldn't control my magic but you came to the rescue. I never stopped believing in that girl who saved me then and I'm not going to believe that she's given up now" he said with belief in his voice. He figured he'd said enough and decided he would make his way to the fight "I'll be waiting for you to save me again, so hurry so that it doesn't ever have to come to that" he said smiling before running to aid his friends. 

As as he arrived at the location only to find the after math of what looked like a large scale battle. "Seriously what the hell..." he said to himself as he scratched the back of his head in confusion. He began to walk back when he received a text from his uncle. He took out his phone to read it *Sorry to bother you like this but it seems like he has escaped. The authorities have been alerted but I think I'm going to be visiting your school just to be safe. I'll be there in a day or so be safe till then* Homura couldn't help but start to panic. His uncle who had been trying to find a way to remove his brothers powers had escaped. Homura knew of only one place he would want to go and the whole of Sakura Academy was in danger if he did. 'You're in big shit if he gets here. It's not my problem ofcoarse but I can't ignore the opportunity to see who's flames are stronger' said Homura's dark side with a grim laugh to go with it. He didn't want to face his brother at he school but he wasn't ready to face him at all right now either "Damn! I need the power he said he would give me but he won't teach me with you in my head" he said to himself as he began to walk back to his dorm.

@Mr Swiftshots @ShadowSaber331

Raphael Moreau


       I then grew bored of what is going on. I just then returned to the arena. Waiting. A fight was supposed to happen, but yet a punch has yet to be thrown. I was ready, I was prepared, but there was nothing for me to do. So all I did was stand there, but I also noticed my opponent was still there at the arena. All I said was, "Ahem," towards Arcus. Waiting. Just waiting. As I waved a hand towards his side of the arena.

@Anyone Online
Hazel just looked at her friend father as she just giggled" she talks about me" she say as she just smiled" thanks" she say as she just order some food put she pointed out the food she wanted veggie burger and some fries as she just smiled she was a vegetiarren she only eat healty stuff she was raised by not eating meat that much she just looked at her friend" i no eat meat i eat veggie burgers stuff like that" she say as she just looked at her friend she was excited about going shopping later on in the day" mister darktower what yoo do" she say as she was mesing up with some words she didn't let it bother her she was happy about being deaf @Eternal Dragonchild
Reno patiently waits outside in case uninvited guests come around and ruin a good time. 'Luckily I still remember Raiven's mother and older brother. Those two suck as water elementals compared to me. If they even see me, they'll know to run with their tail between their legs.' The last time Reno visited Raiven was back in sophomore year, where her mother was still treating her as if she's the real life Cinderella. As soon as he walked in, he threatened to fight them if they kept abusing her, they both laughed and claimed to be the best water elementals in the world, only to be publicly humiliated by him. He and Raiven became friends, though he does find it enjoyable to get a few jabs at her from time to time. Now the very sight of him sends chills down their spine, and to this day they never forgot how embarrassing it was to lose to him. Reno smirked at that memory. 'Raiven, get ready for some intensive training. I'm gonna show you how to win every battle as a water elemental.' Remembering her request, he sends a group text to Raiven and Hazel. 'I handed Chrissy the music sheets. Also, I'm right in front of the restaurant you two are in...long story short, I was looking for Hazel and this area popped up, also I notice your father's in there. Tell him I said 'Hi' and that my father sends his regards.'

@Eternal Dragonchild

'Don't worry, we'll be there to help them' he signed to Hazel with a little difficulty 'Reno and Ruby are strong, they will be safe until.....we get there. Sorry still trying to get used to signing' he signed as he put in an embarrassed face. He recognized the girl for sure but he also figure that his was the girl Reno was talking about in his texts earlier. 'I'll have to get her one of those watches soon or else his bullying situation will just get out of hand' he thought to himself as he got mentally prepared to go and help. He looked to Clair "So what should we do Prez? I'm game to help if you are" he said smiling toward his friend "No one would be better assistance than you Clair. I believe in you, not your power, you. You might say your power is a curse but I say it's a mighty blessing. My power is a curse or maybe my punishment for not being able to save my family from that fire but your magic can protect and even save lives. If you can't believe in yourself believe in me. I'll always believe in your abilities and in the kind girl who controls them" he said sincerely as he put his hand gently on her shoulder. Homura took out his phone *Adrian get outside now and find Reno! He's in trouble. More bullies again like during the break! Hurry!* he sent his text to Adrian hoping he was sending reinforcements. He decided to send one more message but he was taking a shot in the dark with this one *Kat, you probably don't care what I have to say but Reno is outside somewhere and he and Ruby are surrounded by those same bullies from during the break. He needs help so please hurry!* he finished sending his message and then looked to Clair "I'm going and I want you to come with me" he said with a determined voice toward the student council president.

@Mr Swiftshots @Zeldafangirl @eero-prince @demnkiller

Homura took out his phone while he waited for Clair to answer "*Hey Reno we are on our way! Be there soon!* he sent his text and then slid it back into his pocket. He looked to Clair "Clair I may have told you this before but I care about you and when you look as depressed as you are it makes it hard for others to believe in you like I do. Do you remember when I transferred here in the first year? I was being bullied because I couldn't control my magic but you came to the rescue. I never stopped believing in that girl who saved me then and I'm not going to believe that she's given up now" he said with belief in his voice. He figured he'd said enough and decided he would make his way to the fight "I'll be waiting for you to save me again, so hurry so that it doesn't ever have to come to that" he said smiling before running to aid his friends. 

As as he arrived at the location only to find the after math of what looked like a large scale battle. "Seriously what the hell..." he said to himself as he scratched the back of his head in confusion. He began to walk back when he received a text from his uncle. He took out his phone to read it *Sorry to bother you like this but it seems like he has escaped. The authorities have been alerted but I think I'm going to be visiting your school just to be safe. I'll be there in a day or so be safe till then* Homura couldn't help but start to panic. His uncle who had been trying to find a way to remove his brothers powers had escaped. Homura knew of only one place he would want to go and the whole of Sakura Academy was in danger if he did. 'You're in big shit if he gets here. It's not my problem ofcoarse but I can't ignore the opportunity to see who's flames are stronger' said Homura's dark side with a grim laugh to go with it. He didn't want to face his brother at he school but he wasn't ready to face him at all right now either "Damn! I need the power he said he would give me but he won't teach me with you in my head" he said to himself as he began to walk back to his dorm.

@Mr Swiftshots @ShadowSaber331

Clair read the hand gestures with ease despite the rapid movements of the panicked girl , it was rather impressive really. However being able to read the hand signs and being able to react to the perceived information are two different things. Clair was once again at a loss of action and words , for someone whom once was the most decisive within the school... well Clair was evidently losing her touch.

Lucky enough Homura acted more than fast enough to mask this indecisiveness. However when he later spoke about his trust in Clair and how he felt , well Clair yet again became a blushing , indecisive mess. It must have been five minutes after his departure that Clair final took to following on behind him. However she was now more determined to do her job and even by the way she was carrying herself , everyone knew she was back to her former self. At least for now anyway.

Upon arrival Clair overheard Homura shouting and immediately took it upon herself to help as he had done so for her "Homura , If you need power you can rely on me. I might not be at my full potential due to this collar but trust me if it's raw power you need I've still got plenty in reserves."

Raiven tapped out a reply as she gave the waiter Hazel's order "I will tell him, stalker. The bullies wouldn't stand a chance and you know this, My father is a Spiritual elemental who specialises in sending people to hell" She hit send as her father gave her a dog carrier. The brunette squealed with pure joy as she took Mr Fluffles out and hugged him close, baby talking to her fluffy puppy. 

As his daughter was now occupied Arlane Darktower turned to Hazel "Please, young lady, call me Arlane. It is very nice to meet one of my daughter's friends"

Meanwhile Raiven placed Mr Fluffles back in his carrier and set it on the chair next to her, clearly planning to feed him some of her food

@Zeldafangirl @ShadowSaber331

(Mr Fluffles)


Mr Fluffles looks like this but black and white 
Hazel jusg giggled a little bit as she just smiled" tank you sorry i still learning to speak" she say as she rubbed her head" i learn for Revin so i can cummincate" she say as she just looked at him" it nice to meey yoo" she say as she just looked at raiven playing with the puppy she just smiled she glad raiven gave her a home and everything" hehe thanks we didn't get on the right foot but evventualy we became fiends" she say as she looked at the father she glad she was liked it meant a lot to her hazel just looked at her cell phone as she felt buzzing' why where you looking for me' she text reno in the group chat as she just smiled @ShadowSaber331@Eternal Dragonchild
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Homura looked up to see Clair. He listened to her statement and felt the sincerity in her words "I appreciate the offer, I really do, but this is a personal matter." He paused for a moment debating if he should tell her about what happened to his family. "I never really said why I live with my uncle did I....well the reason behind that is because when I was younger my brother, my twin, used his own fire power to kill our parents and burn down our family home" he said regretting his words as they came out "Now my brother has escaped custody and is most likely on the look out for me" he was worried about everyone of his friends and what would happen if his brother attacked them. He started to breath a little calmer, almost as if he had lessened the weight on his shoulders "This is my fight and when he gets here I'm going to deal with him on my terms. Even though he seems stronger than me I know I can win as long as I have my friends with me" he smiled like he used to when he was younger. He felt like himself again, completely himself, and he was glad he did.

After he took a few breaths he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket "Wonder who that is" he said as he took it out. He was expecting a text or an email but not a full blown phone call, and from his uncle no less. He took a second to answer it "Hey uncle what do you need now?" He asked slightly irritated with the man "Im on my way to the academy to see if I can't help you with your little problem but first put your girlfriend on the phone" said his uncle with no restraint in his words. 'Wait how does he know who I'm with' he thought to himself before remembering his uncles bad habit to hack cellular devices "Clair my uncle wants to talk to you. I'm guessing it's important" he said before handing the phone to Clair. 

"Why hello miss O'riley, it is a pleasure to finally speak to you. I hope the general is doing fine. Anyway down to business I'm on my way there to help my nephew with my other nephew. I've come up with a new training regimen that can increase his power ten- maybe even one hundred-fold. This training is designed for the Elites as well but I'm going to have my Nephew standing there with you test it out. I'm just calling to let you know before I arrive so that you can have an area prepared for us" Magnus said his bit and waited for her reply while he looked outside the window of a helicopter with a view of Sakura Academy in the far distance.
Reno felt his phone buzz and took it out, a message from Hazel appearing on the screen. 'I wanted to see how things are going with you and Raiven. But it looks like you two got everything sorted out...I think I'll eat here as welll, at least to both fill my belly and keep watch for uninvited guests, I think you know who I'm talking about Raiven.' He sends the text and enters the restaurant, where a waitress came forward, asking him if he's alone or not. Reno answered that he was alone and was seated two tables across from the trio, in a booth. Luckily they have headoards tall enough to hide in so that he could keep an eye on the trio without causing any unneeded commotion. ''This will be a nice spot to watch those three and make sure it goes smoothly.'

@Eternal Dragonchild


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