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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Reno blushes from Ruby's comment. He didn't think that she would notice him checking her out in the past, and he didn't expect his mother to notice as well. "What can I say, you got a good figure, and I can be a sucker for pain at times," he stated. "I guess that could explain why mom was more accepting of you...also, if you're going to press your body against me, can we at least do that in your room, I think Raiven will be pretty annoyed to see us together." Reno thought about Raiven and Arcus sleeping together in his room and figured that her debt is past due for payment. "On second thought," he continued. "It'll be payback for not cleaning up after sleeping with Arcus. Good thing the dorms have windows, otherwise I'd be stuck with the smell of their romantic aftermath...you got three guesses for what I mean by that."

@Leo Radomir
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Raiven sat up, having only fainted. She looked around and held her head with a whine. Upon looking at Clair she focused on a spot just behind her shoulder and screamed. he scream that Raiven let out was one of almost primal fear as she attempted to scramble away at great speed from Clair. Raiven's wrist slipped and she landed with a bump on the floor, gibbering with fear. In a panic she looked for Arcus, trying to get his attention by sparking furiously. 



@Mr Swiftshots

@Leo Radomir (Can't remember if Luna or Roy are there)

Raphael Moreau


       Such turn of events had intrigued me. Although I do have a girl back at Paris, such a dramatic display had almost made me tear up a bit. However, the heart-warming came to a close, as I then regained my stoic personality and reasserted myself, "So then, since this is suddenly now resolved, which by the way, good show in all respects," I got up and then with bravado, and a simple wave of a hand, I teleported to my side of the arena. I then said, "How about we start the show, eh?" I asked. 
Homura quickly ran over to Raiven as she crawled away "Damn it I don't understand how or why you go into these fits but seriously stop!" He said before flickering a green flame with the black core still with in "Fine what ever I'll use it" he said holding the flame next to Raiven. As he held he flame close to her he could see her injuries healing but what struck him as odd was the fact her clothes were also mending "I thought I was a healer, but this isn't just nature energy is it" he said to himself as he noticed the black core getting smaller and smaller until he was eventually left with just a green healing flame. He waited a little longer as he held the flame next to her and he saw her panicked state change into one that looked more exhausted rather than completely drained of power "Seriously what is my power" he questioned everything his uncle had been telling him about his past element "It's almost as though she went back in time" he said as he turned off his flame and picked up Raiven. He walked over to Clair "I'm going to bring her to Arc and have him get her to the infirmary. I'll be back" he said before walking out of the spacial rift and heading toward Arcus who looked to still be preparing for his fight "Hey Arc can you give me a hand here? She's your girlfriend after all" he said to his ever reckless friend who didn't seem to notice his own significant others rapid decline in energy.

@Eternal Dragonchild @Anyone Online @Mr Swiftshots
Raiven clung to Homura "Bad cousin" She pointed at the spot near Clair "Go Away" She yelled at the empty air, something troubling her there. Clearly it moved as Raiven screeched and hid as best as she could in Homura. "No no NO" She started to cry like a scared child

Homura quickly ran over to Raiven as she crawled away "Damn it I don't understand how or why you go into these fits but seriously stop!" He said before flickering a green flame with the black core still with in "Fine what ever I'll use it" he said holding the flame next to Raiven. As he held he flame close to her he could see her injuries healing but what struck him as odd was the fact her clothes were also mending "I thought I was a healer, but this isn't just nature energy is it" he said to himself as he noticed the black core getting smaller and smaller until he was eventually left with just a green healing flame. He waited a little longer as he held the flame next to her and he saw her panicked state change into one that looked more exhausted rather than completely drained of power "Seriously what is my power" he questioned everything his uncle had been telling him about his past element "It's almost as though she went back in time" he said as he turned off his flame and picked up Raiven. He walked over to Clair "I'm going to bring her to Arc and have him get her to the infirmary. I'll be back" he said before walking out of the spacial rift and heading toward Arcus who looked to still be preparing for his fight "Hey Arc can you give me a hand here? She's your girlfriend after all" he said to his ever reckless friend who didn't seem to notice his own significant others rapid decline in energy.

@Eternal Dragonchild @Anyone Online @Mr Swiftshots

Roy watched from the shadows and sighs and says mostly to himself" That women's energy is strong even with the collar on it's going to take me some time to get stronger but i will get there i know i'll ask her for some help when the timing is right". ' I can't stand weaklings like ravine next time i'll beat her hard even if it means clashing with her protector i will not be toyed with and trapped like a rat and tossed around'.  Roy smiles unnaturally calm like a deep evil is lurking under he turns around and quickly starts to head down the hallways and at some point ends up at the dorms and looks around and nods to himself.

@ShadowSaber331 Ruby grins devilishly and says" I do like a man that has a sense of humour and lets do it on her bed i'm going to make your heart face like no other women can and the aftermath will be nothing compared to what i have in mind for you". Ruby leans up and playfully nips and kisses her ear then spins away and starts to head back toward the dorms her hips swaying like a sexy fox. ' this way is far more fun then beating her into submission and i can't wait to see the look on her face as she smells my scent and his revenge really is a dish best served cold'. 
Hazel was bored as she just sighed' i wonder how sister is doing' she thought as she just looked at her cell phone she had no text or whatever she just sighed walking around the campus she wondered how was reno doing and the others she was feeling a bit lonely she just went to her room as she just looked out the window' why am i feeling so lonely i guess i miss my real sister' she thought as she just looked outside the bullies haven't been bothering after the last one she was happyabout that fact she just smiled a little she just just was about to text her friend luka but didn't want her to be botherd by her she just closed the window and sit on the bed she just put her head on her knees as she sighed 

Luna was walking around the hallway as she just smiled her sister was close to ray but she didn't know him she was never around him when she was growing up she just smiled she just bumped into someone" ack" she say as she looked up" um hi sorry i wasn't watching where i was going can ya forgive me" she say picking up her books" oh your ray right my big sister spends time with you my sis is Ruby" she say as she just picked up her books she just stand up looking around the room @Leo Radomir
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Reno follows Ruby while she sways her hips back and forth. "By the way," he said. "Who was that guy fighting Raiven, and why does he have that mana nullifying collar on him?" He didn't know who he was, but somehow he feels like he may need to fight him if he attacks her. 'Whoever he is, he looks like someone who's bound to kill anyone in his way. He even has that collar around him. If that thing comes off, whoever's against him will end up fighting like hell.' 

@Leo Radomir
Hazel was bored as she just sighed' i wonder how sister is doing' she thought as she just looked at her cell phone she had no text or whatever she just sighed walking around the campus she wondered how was reno doing and the others she was feeling a bit lonely she just went to her room as she just looked out the window' why am i feeling so lonely i guess i miss my real sister' she thought as she just looked outside the bullies haven't been bothering after the last one she was happyabout that fact she just smiled a little she just just was about to text her friend luka but didn't want her to be botherd by her she just closed the window and sit on the bed she just put her head on her knees as she sighed 

Luna was walking around the hallway as she just smiled her sister was close to ray but she didn't know him she was never around him when she was growing up she just smiled she just bumped into someone" ack" she say as she looked up" um hi sorry i wasn't watching where i was going can ya forgive me" she say picking up her books" oh your ray right my big sister spends time with you my sis is Ruby" she say as she just picked up her books she just stand up looking around the room @Leo Radomir

 Roy smiles gently and says" I'm surprised she told you about me it's nice to finally meet you and don't worry about it from what i've heard you've always been a bit like this but your a kind soul just careful not to be kind it might come back to bite you one day, that aside though care to grab a bite to eat on the town i'm hungry as heck i haven't been in a match since that time two years until today that is but enough of borish stuff i'll wait for you to put your stuff away then you can decide",.

@ShadowSaber331 Oh him all i'm willing to tell you know is he's my ally from sometime ago he mostly listens to me but he can be wild as hell so there's no promises there, he's young but that's fine with my training he will continue to grow even stronger and wiser". Ruby paused for a minute then says" why are you asking about him out of the blue your kinda killing my mood after i'm trying to cut back and enjoy my self before i get buried in work". 

'I don't blame him for wanting to hurt ravine but i would prefer if he held back just enough to get revenge but not go over board after all it would be a bore to break him and reno up giving their different views on life'. 
Luna just looked at him as she just smiled" i'll be back let put it in my room" she say as she went to her room as she just put her books down on her bed as she smiled she just braided her hair as she smiled she put a new set of clothes since she was training earlier she just smiled as she went to find him she just glad she text her big sister' going to twon and eat so see ya later' she text her sister as she put her phone back in her pocket with her money she just found him" heya ray" she say as she just smiled looking at him" lets go and eat something" she say as she was waiting on him


(what she wearing) @Leo Radomir
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"Yeah, I guess you're right," Reno replied. "Besides, I doubt he could do much to Raiven anyway....well, not as much as I did back in the past." Reno hugged her and gave her a short kiss on her lips. "Raiven tried to do her little trick before, you know going in and out of the storm clouds," he started. "Well, I froze the clouds, and while she was still standing, I blocked her mana, temporarily, thanks to some training on pressure points. After that she was at the mercy of my hand-to-hand combat skills. By the time it was over, she stayed in the infirmary for a whole week waiting not only for her injuries to heal, but to use her powers again."

@Leo Radomir
Hazel just got out of phone and text reno' reno where is Raiven i want to talk to her about something and i'm bored can ya please tell me where she is' she text him aas she was thinking' i want to go see my mum's grave it will mean everything to me i want to say goodbye to her please tell me where is raiven is' she text him as she looked outside' its time for me to have some peace with my mums death i need to move on it's time' she thought as she just sighed she wasn't sure if her sister would be coming to the school she was nervous about metting her sister she never met her all she knew was her dad had her and she was older than hazel she didn't know anything she looked at her phone @ShadowSaber331
Reno felt his phone buzz. "One second," he told Ruby. Walking outof her room, he pulls out his phone and sees a text from Hazel. 'Raiven's inside a spacial plain. Ruby brought me and her there to train against the elements our oppnents will be using. She's probebly in the arena getting a recharge from Arcus. Luckily their match doesn't start yet.' Reno sends the text and leans back against the door. "She wants to visit her mother's grave, it's the least Raiven could do for her." He reenters her room and sits on Hazel's bed. "Sorry, Hazel sent a txt to me," he eplained. "Raiven was planning on taking her to see her mother's grave so she can put it behind her...and knowing her, she wouldn't break such a promise."

@Leo Radomir

Hazel just looked at the text as she grabbed her bag from the library wher she was currently at she just grabbed her phone" thank you so much and alo thanks for being such a great friend i'm going to see her fight or something i'm bored well talk to you later' she text back as she put her phone back in her pocket as she smiled as she walked around looking for the arena she just went inside it seeing people training as she just smiled she really wanted to talk to raiven she just looked around for her she made her a promise to go see her mother one last time to put it behind her she was her new sister plus she gave her a home when she was on a vaction out of school @Eternal Dragonchild
Reno felt his phone buzz. "One second," he told Ruby. Walking outof her room, he pulls out his phone and sees a text from Hazel. 'Raiven's inside a spacial plain. Ruby brought me and her there to train against the elements our oppnents will be using. She's probebly in the arena getting a recharge from Arcus. Luckily their match doesn't start yet.' Reno sends the text and leans back against the door. "She wants to visit her mother's grave, it's the least Raiven could do for her." He reenters her room and sits on Hazel's bed. "Sorry, Hazel sent a txt to me," he eplained. "Raiven was planning on taking her to see her mother's grave so she can put it behind her...and knowing her, she wouldn't break such a promise."

@Leo Radomir


Ruby sighed loudly and says" i see well it can't be helped even i'm not much of a cow to do it on someone's bed after hearing that, i hope this helps her change for the better because as i said before time is limited, you said i shouldn't be cynical and what not but i wonder if that's possible for some one like me who comes in and out her humanity some say i'm broken maybe they're right it's been forever since i completely whole and sane in the longest time but with what's at steak till i can change that some one needs to be the bad girl we can't all be good people that's not how the world works".

Ruby smiles softly to shake off the pain and hugs reno then pulls back and then clicks her fingers and a portal opens and as she's stepping in says" I need to go back somewhere to try and remember what happened to me back then maybe when i start to remember why i did what i did that day i can fully start time for my self". 

Luna just looked at him as she just smiled" i'll be back let put it in my room" she say as she went to her room as she just put her books down on her bed as she smiled she just braided her hair as she smiled she put a new set of clothes since she was training earlier she just smiled as she went to find him she just glad she text her big sister' going to town and eat so see ya later' she text her sister as she put her phone back in her pocket with her money she just found him" heya ray" she say as she just smiled looking at him" lets go and eat something" she say as she was waiting on him

Roy nods then smiles and blushes a little before starting to walk and then says" that look suits you and thanks for coming out with me i read a lot of books and what not on friendship and romance and willing to try new things but to be honest i don't have any real experience except in a few hobby's and fighting you probably think i'm a bit of an odd ball not that i blame you it but you know it's nice to hang out with some one my own age of the opposite sex ruby and your and her brother used to visit me in secret from the family and helped me in many ways". 

' Luna seems really kind and friendly and willing maybe to much for a monster like me but maybe hanging around her will help me to change from seeing things as the strong control the weak and have no mercy in a fight because that's what my mentality has become to live in that world and suddenly coming into this one feels very strange'.

:"Yeah..no, I'm coming with you," he said. "You may need a shoulder to cry on when things get dicey. Besides, we're technically a couple now after you playfully nipped at my ear." Reno thought it means they're an official couple after some of the stunts Ruby pulled on him. Though they both have differing point-of-views, they can safely say that they're now working to nip the problem in the bud. "Anyway, where exactly are we going," he asked.

@Leo Radomir
:"Yeah..no, I'm coming with you," he said. "You may need a shoulder to cry on when things get dicey. Besides, we're technically a couple now after you playfully nipped at my ear." Reno thought it means they're an official couple after some of the stunts Ruby pulled on him. Though they both have differing point-of-views, they can safely say that they're now working to nip the problem in the bud. "Anyway, where exactly are we going," he asked.

@Leo Radomir

Ruby smirks wryly and says" I like playing with guys from time to time but i would be lying if i said i was fond of you in my own way, could it be case of no girlfriend syndrome so want to be with your hot childhood friend not that i blame you after all humans are evolved from animals after all as for where i'm going it's the spirit temple where a god a made a contract with is and sorry they don't allow outsiders his rules not mine but i promise at some point i'll tell you the full story if you haven't worked it out from the info i give you little by little". "In the mean time try not to use to much magic jelly thinking all kinds of thoughts about me that stuff is hard to get out of the sheets". Ruby fully moves through and force closes the portal and smiles gently as she's reappears in the temple grounds and starts looking for clues about her past many spirits dancing around her.
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Reno watches as she leaves for this spirit temple she told him about. He puts on his clothes, smears some of that magic jelly all over Raiven's bed, and walks out of the room. 'I think Raiven's gonna be upset about Ruby and I screwing in her bed...ah well, it's a win-win for me. I hooked up with my childhood friend, and Raiven's gonna enjoy the smell of the gym's locker room. Though I do wonder how she's still able to walk right.' Reo heads toward his dorm and pulls out the book Ruby mentioned, hoping to find some answers. 'Now then...wait a minute, I didn't ask her about where in the book I should look. UGH, damn it to hell!!!'
"There is nothing for you to be sorry for" he said in response to Clair "We caused that incident during the break, not you. All you did was what you had to do to try and prevent anything else from happening" he said remembering all the damage she had done when she had lost control. Homura hated that day but he also realized his own feelings on various things "At least your damage was temporary, there is still a hole in the wall where I melted it" he said half laughing "The power I showed that night eats at my soul and destroys rather than protects" he said with a serious tone. He looked over at Clair "I envy you, you are amazing and have more control over your powers than anyone I know" he said honestly as he made a flame and had it dance across his palms "I wish I was as strong as you" he said smiling as he looked back at her.

@Mr Swiftshots

Homura quickly ran over to Raiven as she crawled away "Damn it I don't understand how or why you go into these fits but seriously stop!" He said before flickering a green flame with the black core still with in "Fine what ever I'll use it" he said holding the flame next to Raiven. As he held he flame close to her he could see her injuries healing but what struck him as odd was the fact her clothes were also mending "I thought I was a healer, but this isn't just nature energy is it" he said to himself as he noticed the black core getting smaller and smaller until he was eventually left with just a green healing flame. He waited a little longer as he held the flame next to her and he saw her panicked state change into one that looked more exhausted rather than completely drained of power "Seriously what is my power" he questioned everything his uncle had been telling him about his past element "It's almost as though she went back in time" he said as he turned off his flame and picked up Raiven. He walked over to Clair "I'm going to bring her to Arc and have him get her to the infirmary. I'll be back" he said before walking out of the spacial rift and heading toward Arcus who looked to still be preparing for his fight "Hey Arc can you give me a hand here? She's your girlfriend after all" he said to his ever reckless friend who didn't seem to notice his own significant others rapid decline in energy.

@Eternal Dragonchild @Anyone Online @Mr Swiftshots

Clair listned carefully to Homura as he spoke on the topic of her powers , his forgiveness and flattery served to relive her more than she had expected but she still had her doubts none the less. That and well a few of his points were wrong "My powers , there nothing more than a curse..... protection through destruction , control through fear. How can you honestly compliment such a broken system ?" Clair spoke in a whisper while slowly moving her left hand to inspect her collar "And as far as control goes , well.... It's become quite evident I don't or rather I can't"

Soon after Clair had spoken her mind , Homura made a move to ensure no further harm came to Raiven. Once again leaving Clair with several questions she needed answered , perhaps a break was overdue.
As Reno looked through the pages, he saw something that looked like an indentation. It was a chapter of a being called the "Master of the Elements." 'Master of the Elements, is this what Ruby was talking about? and why is this part conveniently indented? Reno began to read the whole chapter on it, how the master knew how to use every known and unknown element, how he won a fateful battle, one that could mean the survival or destruction of the earth, and how he turned himself into a baby, and froze himself in time. 'Wow, this is heavy, but what does this have to do with me? Ah, I think I'll ask Ruby about it when she comes back from her trip. Don't want to jump the gun without confirming it to be true.'
Meanwhile ruby has walked deep in the temple of her contractor and says" Kio sama i'm here because i want to understand my past more even though it will be painful so i can move forward". Kio sama comes out of the shadows as he's called and smiles just a little and says" So my beloved contractor ruby you wish to know of that day of why you snapped and almost killed those people back then, this is complex when it comes to talking about Ahuni the legendary space and time and spirit/nature user she was a very old demon as well, you see so it goes without saying she loved darkness and destruction/death and creating life and curing the sick over then many centuries yes contradictory but being asleep for so long after being trapped by that nasty spell/draining spell called the ageless curse her demon side took over and possessed you blinded by rage she mistaken the people of this shrine as her captors and tormentors that's why she drained the life and energy of many of them around her". Kio sama pauses for a minute or so then says" It was meant to be a one off and she would be gone however she found you to be the perfect host so she fused with you and now you have become her body for this time, whenever you become the yin  or the yang is yet to tell but you must keep training so you keep the current you ruby the spirit princess that is the balancer of the spirit world".

" The spirit princess has the power to bring back the dead gods and such creatures however unless given no choice you must most because it might the death of your body it will  and she will come back and with her nature there's no telling what will happen will she fight with or against the new master element that comes every ten thousand years or so". Kio sama pauses again for a minute or so then says" I'm sorry i can't tell you more but that is all i remember at this current time if i find out more then i'll contact you but i hope that helps you to understanding your self a little better". 

Ruby nods and then says" It almost seems surreal but i sort of understand why personality changed so much after that time so i'm grateful because now i can slowly start understanding my past and my current standing as the new balancer, i'm happy and feel a little less broken". Kio sama gently and says"  I see my beloved contractor things have a chance to go differently this time round and i hope the spirits will follow of their own will when that day comes to past". He then vanishes back into thin air and leaves ruby/ 
Reno looks further into the chapter, this time it tells of another legendary elemental master named Ahunt. Everything was almost on part with Ruby's personality, but one thing peaked his interest. 'Ahunt mistook her friends as their captors and killed them all out of rage. What in god's green earth?' It even told of how Ahunt left the realm and was never seen again, but is currently waiting for the Master of the Elements, or at least his incarnations, for he was her former lover, and was the one who treated her with kindness even after her rampage. "He forgave her, even after she mortally wounded him...wait, why does that wound look familiar.?' He sees that the wound was on his right side on his chest. He takes his shirt off and sees that the same mark was on his chest as well. Reno put two and two together and came to a realization: he's the incarnation of the Master of the Elements. "Well, that explains why I forgave Ruby after she beat the ever living shit out of me, must have been in my nature. I'll have to ask her about Ahunt later.' He puts the Lost Chronicles Vol 1 book away in his bookshelf and went back towards Ruby's room. 'Hopefully that magic jelly works. I don't think Raiven's gonna be happy with the sight of mine and Ruby's romantic intimacy, though I do get the feeling Ruby's not gonna be my girlfriend that easily...ugh, women can be so hard to figure out sometimes.'
Hazel just didn't see raiven as she just frowned as she just looked down leaving the areana she just was walking around as she went to her room as she smelled something terrible she looked over at raiven bed' ah no i'm going to the libary' she thought as she got her bag as she sat there as she smiled picking up a book she was bored' wait did they did it' she thought' ruby and reno no he wouldn't' she thought as she just wanted to punch something she just sit in a chair in the library as she was reading a book she just sighed she wanted to go see her mother grave but raiven was busy she just started to pout' i want to be happy all over again' she thought she got out her phone' reeeeeeeno i'm booooooored' she texted @ShadowSaber331
Reno pulls out his phone and reads a text from Hazel, stating that she was bored. He walks over to the library, but not before meeting the same bullies as before. After a bit of fighting, he easily takes them all out, without using his abilities. "I swear, you all are pathetic," he says. "I know you human and elementals are working under someone, tell your boss that if he's as tough as he says he is, he'll fight me, one on one, in the arena." Reno watches as the bullies scramble in fear. "I swear, they must have some balls of titanium to take me on. Now, where's the library?' He turns around as sees the Library right behind him. Shrugging it off, he walks inside to find Hazel. He pulls out his phone and texts her. 'Hey, I'm at the Library's entrance, meet me there.' Reno sends the text and waits patiently for Hazel to arrive.

Hazel just felt the vibration of her phone as she just stood up from the chair as she playfully went behind him since she was already in the library she just hug him from behind as she was trying to scare him' hey reno' she signed as she smiled' i'm not sleeping in my room tonight' she signed she just went to sit in a chair she loved books and the library' big brother reno what you wanna do' she signed as she just smiled' can we go out and eat or something' she signed to him as she just looked around she watched people passing by @ShadowSaber331

Luna just started to blush as she looked away" really now you like books so do i love books i had a hard life so i tend to read books and stay away from my awful stepmother" she say as she smiled" alright lets go eat" she say as she just smiled" i'm hungry" she told him" so what are your powers" she say seeing a plant dying as she go to it" this is mine hey little one don't die on me" she say as she healed the plant from dying as she she can coomunicate with the plants and anything that can do with plants and the soil she just smiled" i can talk to them" she say @Leo Radomir
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