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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Homura smile when she introduced herself "Well Luna if we're being open and honest, healing was the only thing I could do when I was growing up" he said as he held his green flame over her injured wrist "Fire was the element I gained after I lost my parents in a house fire" he said as his smile dropped a little. After a few seconds the cut on her wrist had completely disappeared as though it never happened "There good as new, and Ruby will never know" he said with his smile growing again "That thing about my parents and my element sound kind of ironic don't you thing" he said as he dryly laughed. He put out his green flame "Anyway my name is Homura Hiyashi, I'm the 4th ranked Elite here at Sakura. It is a pleasure to meet you" he was happy to have gotten to tell someone about what had happened to his family, even if they didn't care to know. He felt like his shoulders were lighter. "Luna I'll see you later. I'll think about the training with you and your sister so just let Ruby know I'll get back to her later" he said before waving to the rest of his friends before walking off in the direction Reno had gone.

Ruby grins slyly and waits for the their conversation to finish and says to her self" Now how to go about this so many options and it about time i started to use them". ' i know i said i'd go out with reno but on the other hand i think i should play the field as the saying goes as see who i'm most compatible with irrnoic when i think about it there was a time where i didn't think i'd be love or love because i was just a prize to give away to keep the family rich speaking of which i think  luna and homura would be a good match but i'm not sure if he has some one in mind'. '  i'm happy to she's having fun but sometimes she tells people far to much and it makes me feel awkward'. 

Zenith comes into the class room and walks next to the teacher and says" it's been a while i'm here to help you with this class i hope i'm not late i had to deal with some bullies along the way that tried to pick a fight with me". He pauses for a minute or so then says" that aside let me know what you need and i'll do my best to support you because i want to help make classes as fun as possible for students". He looks around and sees katrine and then turns his attention back to the teacher mr bell as he calls him for short.  

Raphael Moreau

         Maybe it was by instinct, or maybe it was just natural for me. Even though I want to act as proper as I can, I can't help but smile. Smiling obnoxiously, to smile as if I had won. I knew I played my moves right, I knew I planned every word I had spoken, every gesture that I made. I knew, something was missing, something was wrong. Why did I act in such a manner? No matter, I have faced Reno before, all I did was put on a show, put on a spectacle. Such a strategy shall work against those who want something from me, expect something fantastic. As they say, if the crowd loves it, go on. I begin to struggle with myself morally as if I were starting to be torn apart. No matter, I would just continue to focus on what the teacher was saying, and what we are learning.
The groupchat started to become awfully silent. Hm. 

Then came a vibrate from his phone. Looks like he stood corrected. Kat finally decided to join in, only to tell them to basically shut up. But that was fine Adrian understood since of course, this is his best friend. And he is very loyal to her. But then came a text from her in private. Well then, this actually surprised Adrian. He read it and suddenly had a great big smile on his face. This could possibly mean two things. Either one, she fell for Reno or two, she fell for some other person. Adrian was really hoping on the first option.

'Hey, I think you deserve happiness (and a relationship) everyone deserves it no matter how awful their past was (because it was the past and just fuck the past.) And don't give me this "I'm not suppose to" or "I shouldn't" bull poop because you deserve love more than anyone. The only thing "I shouldn't" should be said in a sentence is "I shouldn't worry about the past because my best friend (Adrian the magnificent) is so gosh darn amazing and will always there for me" Okay? Because seriously, you of all people deserve love.' Yep. Adrian was an amazing friend. 

Should Adrian send the next text? He thought it was fit to send his next text to her, which was:

'oh and btw who r u havin feelings 4??  C: ' 


Raphael Moreau


       Once more my mind was thinking rapidly, my voice all but gone sadly, my hand, rap, tap, tapping, on my desk. Connecting points to others, observing what was next, but then I realized, on the Battle Registry, I had pulled out and saw my fight against Arcus was nigh. I then got up, and I excused myself by blending in with the shadows, slipping away easily, as I then prepared. Prepared to formulate something, to formulate a tactic, a plan, a strategy. I then walked down to the Arena, and I then thought of Homura challenging me, and maybe it would be him I would face. No matter who my opponent may be, I was filled with such delight, such glee, such satisfaction. Whoever faced me was going to see a show, a spectacle, a surprise. All I did then when I reached the arena, was that I waited. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. How boring and how anti-climatic. Uncontrollably I put on a smirk, uncontrollably I prepared to put on a show, I was ready for whoever I had to face, whoever I was to clash with. There I stood, anticipating, for action, anticipating... for something to happen.

@Anyone Online


@Mr Swiftshots
Arcus walked into the Arena, because he wanted to train some more. What he wasn't expecting was another person to be there at this time. Arcus just walked in and jumped into the arena letting the sparks start to fly off of him not caring how much sparks came off. He started to charge up and shoot blasts of electricity, and started to summon the electrons out of the air, just to see how much power he could use.
By this time Raiven had come back inside, mainly because she was cold but also because she was bored. She wandered around pretty aimlessly until she saw Arcus in the Arena. Repressing a little squeal the girl ran over and sat down at the age of the arena. She placed her bag at her feet and cupped her hands to her mouth "Arcuuuus, good luuucku" She cheered him on.

@Anyone Online

Class was now over, and he's learned a lot from watching other lightning and shadow users. He memorized the techniques used in that class and figured the arena was a good place to test them out. When he arrived though, he saw Arcus, Raiven, and Raphael inside. 'Right, Arcus and Raphael have a match to do, something tells me things aren't going to be good for all involved, especially with Arcus being able to turn people to ash from the inside out.' Reno shuddered from the memory of that human being burned alive. He walks over to Arcus and pats him on the shoulder. 'Good luck buddy," he said. "Also, two things: Raphael's the master of psychological warfare, so keep your guard up. Also, since he's using psychological warfare, control your emotions, since your powers happen to be based on them." He walks over and takes a seat near Raiven. 'I don't think this match is going to have a good outcome," he stated. "Raphael is the master when it comes to psychological warfare, so he may gain the upper hand with his illusions. Arcus needs to control his emotions otherwise he could lose the fight, or accidentally kill another student.'/

@Anyone Online

@Eternal Dragonchild
Raiven nodded, her hands clasped together in hope. She wanted Arcus to win "Do you think Arcus will win Reno and doesn't Clair need to start their fight?" She asked "I think I can do it if she can't show up. I'm Band President"

"True, but I don't think that would be necessary," he told her. Reno points at the clock, which shows that the match is not going to start yet. "Besides, " he continued. "We gotta wait for everyone else to show up, including the other Elites."

@Eternal Dragonchild.
"True, but I don't think that would be necessary," he told her. Reno points at the clock, which shows that the match is not going to start yet. "Besides, " he continued. "We gotta wait for everyone else to show up, including the other Elites."

Ruby comes out the shadows and then says" i have have no interest in watching two peacocks strutting how ever i do have some time to do a mini training sestion if your willing". Ruby paused for a minute then says" about the other thing i don't expect homura to come  and i know may seem cold but at the rate he's going he may end up like the blue dancer i've seen many fall so far they cant come back and that would be a shame after i hope to spin a few events"
"I know what you mean  Ruby, and I know that you can be cold at times. But I know you mean well," he replied. " As forHomura, he might still be hanging out with Hanako. Those two have known each other since they were kids as well, though probably in different circumstances than ours." He thought about it for a second, and figured that now may be a good time to start training if his match was going to begin. "If you want, we could train together while we wait for Homura to arrive," he offered. "I need to learn how to use my newfound lightning and shadow abilities anyway. But first..." Reno pulls out his ohone  and inputs a code, when he enters it, the screen reveals the arena. He then switches between the other three to see if they're working before turning his phone off and placing it in his pocket. "Alright, let's go."

@Leo Radomir
Raiven stood up as well "How about we make it three training together?" she asked "I can help with your lightning abilities" The chestnut haired girl folded her jacket up and placed neatly on the bench, a few sparks flying off her form, she enjoyed doing her training. She stepped out into the arena, awaiting the other two. She brushed her hair back, eyes glowing.

@Leo Radomir

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Raiven stood up as well "How about we make it three training together?" she asked "I can help with your lightning abilities" The chestnut haired girl folded her jacket up and placed neatly on the bench, a few sparks flying off her form, she enjoyed doing her training. She stepped out into the arena, awaiting the other two. She brushed her hair back, eyes glowing.

@Leo Radomir


Ruby smirked and says" you annoy me raiven however since he needs to work with his new ability's and i promised i'd help him i'll play some what nice for now", Ruby claps her hands together and then slowly starts to pull them apart and door from space in another realm starts to open and after a couple of minutes is fully open and then walks through and then ends up on the other side then walks in a bit and pauses for a minute then says" I was going to teach you the multi barrier but there's not enough time so instead i'll set up two guardians for you both one is a space based the other my element and i'll play vanguard i want to see if you've grown since that day ren ren and if you should me your strong enough then i'll tell you a little secret that even your mother doesn't know". A devilish grin comes on ruby's face as she says then and summons two guardians to the field just as she said she would and steps back and starts chanting a spirit spell to reduce elemental damage to her body.
"Reno walks in through the door that Ruby made out of thin air, while listening to her deal. He was interested to know her secret that even his own mother, who's known for finding even the darkest of secrets, doesn't know about. "Alright Jewels," he said, a smirk showing on his face. "I accept your challenge. I'll show you how strong I've gotten over the years." He fought against some of the best spiritual users all over the world without breaking a sweat. It was going to be an easy victory for him. Raiven on the other hand will be dealing with Space magic, the memory of his fight with Clair popping up gave him the chills. He reached down toward his left leg, which was crushed because of her, wondering if he could protect the people he loves against a Space Elemental.

@Leo Radomir
Raiven smiled, dark storm clouds gathering around her feet as she stepped through. Her gaze settled on one of the guardians as the clouds whipped around her. "Let's play" she whispered letting the storm clouds wash over her as she disappeared into them, after a few seconds they dispelled, leaving the area where she stood empty. Deep within the storm Raiven smiled to herself.

@Leo Radomir

Raiven smiled, dark storm clouds gathering around her feet as she stepped through. Her gaze settled on one of the guardians as the clouds whipped around her. "Let's play" she whispered letting the storm clouds wash over her as she disappeared into them, after a few seconds they dispelled, leaving the area where she stood empty. Deep within the storm Raiven smiled to herself.

@Leo Radomir


It wasn't long after that ruby finished the barrier song and starts on anti matter spells means while the space guardian targets ren ren with a quick barrage of gravity needles and starts to summon a shield as well, The spirit guardian quickly starts summoning some spirit bombs to use on her or and the tornado and ruby energy starts to flare just a little it had been a long time since she he had cut lose and whispers"  aren't you taking me a little to lightly i'm the spirit princess after all i got to where i'm through rough and long hours of training.  
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"Ph trust me," he whispered back. "I've been doing some training at home as well." He forms a greatsword with his Ice and waits for the spirit guardian to make it's move. "Also Raiven," he shouted. "Arcus is not the only one with a dark side, but you'll see it soon enough." 'Rina's a spiritual elemental, like Ruby, so the spirit guardian is my target. Raiven will be fighting Clair, so she'll target the Space guardian...this should be interesting.'

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Leo Radomir
Raiven, safely hidden in the storm gathering around the area smirked as several death-eater like plumes shot out, wrapping themselves around the Space guardian, hiding it from view as electricity crackled around. Raiven herself formed up a blade of lightning and travelled through the storm, stepping behind the guardian. She brought the blade down hard on its left arm.

@Leo Radomir
Clair finished up with everything in the home ec room before proceeding to the battlefield , today was the first day students would be pitted against each other after the summer. Therefor all the battles that were taking place today would also be the first time students could show off there new skills. Unfortunately showing off new skills didn't always go as planned , especially when elites were involved. In fact just last year one of the fire elementals blew up in a cloud of ash and smoulder just moments after claiming he would defeat Clair and take her spot as Elite.

Clair however had hope for todays matchups , the majority of battles were going to be chuck full of surprises , hopefully good surprises. Not that it needed explaining or anything but Clair was most excited to see Homura fight it out today. According to rumors he had been training with a new master over the summer but Clair couldn't even think of whom it could be. However on the other hand Clair was dreading her own battle the most , according to the video she had received from Reno her powers had gone berserk last time and well Clair obviously didn't want a retake of said incident.

Therefor she had requested a controller collar from her commanding general late last night and fortunately enough she received it this morning. A high-tech looking collar wrapped around her neck with a faint glow of purple running through it's silver body. This device was used typically on prisoners of war to completely cancel out there magic and render them useless. However when your dealing with a magic on the level of Clair's all the collar tends to do is constantly drain the users magic levels rendering them at a much lower level. This collar would defiantly keep her from releasing her first barrier and the remaining two to boot.

Upon arrival Clair scanned the battlefield and set about making the preparations and once that was done she waited. Waited until she realised there was a faint sign of anomaly in the space around her. Upon realising there was such a thing Clair tore open a pocket in front of her just in time to see Reno form a blade out of Ice. Speechless Clair continued to watch in the far right hand corner of the dimension. 

@Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331@Leo Radomir
Raiven, safely hidden in the storm gathering around the area smirked as several death-eater like plumes shot out, wrapping themselves around the Space guardian, hiding it from view as electricity crackled around. Raiven herself formed up a blade of lightning and travelled through the storm, stepping behind the guardian. She brought the blade down hard on its left arm.

@Leo Radomir

OOC: i'm willing to work with it but in the future please read my post or ask before you post otherwise it looks one sided oh and i have permission to jump in with my new char from mr swiftfoot

Just as the guardian is hit and the girl try's to be clever and step into his blind spot he launches energy spikes from his back and front to impale the death then smirks and takes the little bit of pain then flicks his arm out and orbs start to drop out and turn to space dust making it a lot harder to see, The spirit guardian launches the readied spirit bomb in many direction which looks aimless but there's a method to the madness, ray blinks through a door and appears on the battlefield and whispers" I've found you big sister it's been two long years since the day you gave me a reason to try again and i want to test my new strength". He then starts to summon two battle rings made out of space materials and starts to walk towards reno carefully not sure how he's react. 

Ruby presses her hand into the ground and a multi colored trigram starts to form in the ground of course this would take about ten minutes to fully for but with the guardians it's a reasonable time frame, she notices ray and says to her self" So you've returned my little brother i'm looking forward to see how much you've grown since that day me and my oldest brother found you in the cave".  

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Raphael Moreau


       As everyone else reached the arena for today's fights, I just watch. Although my fight with Arcus is soon, so then I walked over to the arena, waiting. Watching, and waiting. Watching, and waiting. Watching... and... waiting... I didn't feel the need to train before the fight, as I felt confident with my abilities. As they say, "Do not fix what works." Perhaps it may bite me in the back, but no matter, I was ready. I already used the time of waiting to formulate a strategy. Even though thoughts was racing through my head, I just kept a cool head and yawned. "When is this fight going to happen? If anything, I'm ready," I asked Clair.

@Mr Swiftshots

@Anyone Online
Raiven stumbles to the floor,slightly hurt. She feigns being unable to move, hoping to draw the guardian in closer all the while pulling the electricity out of the storm around her, storing it inside much like a battery. When and if the guardian gets close enough she starts crying and holds her arms out for a hug, tears streaming down her face as she stays on the floor. 

(She'll react accordingly, I have two seperate plans for what happens)

@Leo Radomir
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"Well, it's now or never." he shouts as he dashes towards his target, avoiding almost every single bomb the spirit guardian threw at him. He made two clones of himself that ran with him on his sides, each wielding the same greatsword. When he got close to the guardian, he slashed at it with enough speed to cut a bullet into eighths while it's in pointblank range, followed by  hard dragon kick to it's abdomen.. It feel into pieces in an instant. "Hah, piece of cake," he shouted in victorious excitement, which ended when it rebuilt itself. As it did, he noticed that there was some sort of core underneath. 'So, destroy the core, destroy the guardian. That explains the hard exterior.' As he finished his thoughts, a bomb detonated from under him. While in the Air, it fired it's arm, grabbed him from midair, and slam him hard against the ground. Groaning in pain, he struggles to get up, while cursing himself for being reckless. "No...he growled. "I have to know what they were hiding." When he got up, a dark aura was surrounding him. :Time to get serious."

His arms and legs were covered in a thick layer of Ice, as the guardian came at him from the front, he was hit from behind. Reno was able to get himself back up to see that the guardian made a clone of itself. 'Interesting, now which one is the real you?' He activates him Mind's Eye to reveal the core in the one in front of him, but as a precautionary measure, he creates a stalagmite from underneath the clone. "Stay put now," he said. "I'm gonna play with the original."  He dashed towards the original guardian, which fired off a tornado at him. Some of that size could do some serious damage to him if he's not careful. Out of sheer strength, he blasted through the tornado, causing it to dissipate. When Reno reached the guardian, he punched a hole through it and grabbed it's core. "You won't be needing this." he said with a smirk before jumping off it, and crushing it with his hands. The guardian fell to pieces as he looks over to Ruby, smiling victriously. "Brain beats brawn all the time,"  he said. "Of course If I was serious, I could have released a few barriers of my own. Anyway, what's the secret that mom doesn't even know about?" But before he could hear the answer, it rebuilds itself again. "Seriously, You got those things on auto pilot or something!?"

@Leo Radomir
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"Well, it's now or never." he shouts as he dashes towards his target, avoiding almost every single bomb the spirit guardian threw at him. He made two clones of himself that ran with him on his sides, each wielding the same greatsword. When he got close to the guardian, he slashed at it with enough speed to cut a bullet into eighths while it's in point blank range, followed by  hard dragon kick to it's abdomen.. It feel into pieces in an instant. "Hah, piece of cake," he shouted in victorious excitement, which ended when it rebuilt itself. As it did, he noticed that there was some sort of core underneath. 'So, destroy the core, destroy the guardian. That explains the hard exterior.' As he finished his thoughts, a bomb detonated from under him. While in the Air, it fired it's arm, grabbed him from midair, and slam him hard against the ground. Groaning in pain, he struggles to get up, while cursing himself for being reckless. "No...he growled. "I have to know what they were hiding." When he got up, a dark aura was surrounding him. :Time to get serious."

His arms and legs were covered in a thick layer of Ice, as the guardian came at him from the front, he was hit from behind. Reno was able to get himself back up to see that the guardian made a clone of itself. 'Interesting, now which one is the real you?' He activates him Mind's Eye to reveal the core in the one in front of him, but as a precautionary measure, he creates a stalagmite from underneath the clone. "Stay put now," he said. "I'm gonna play with the original."  He dashed towards the original guardian, which fired off a tornado at him. Some of that size could do some serious damage to him if he's not careful. Out of sheer strength, he blasted through the tornado, causing it to dissipate. When Reno reached the guardian, he punched a hole through it and grabbed it's core. "You won't be needing this." he said with a smirk before jumping off it, and crushing it with his hands. The guardian fell to pieces as he looks over to Ruby, smiling victoriously. "Brain beats brawn all the time,"  he said. "Of course If I was serious, I could have released a few barriers of my own. Anyway, what's the secret that mom doesn't even know about?"

@Leo Radomir

Ruby smirks  ignoring the pain from the dead familiar and clicks her fingers and the clone cuts himself and the blood starts to reform the space elementals body as well as some smaller minions and the wound closes after a minute or so and then starts to reform it's on core as well, Ruby lifts her hand from the ground and the ward spreads out and chains launch from several directions aiming to create an even smaller area to move in as well as the primary drain of the spell itself and she says" Not bad but it's way to soon for you to think this is in the bag for you some may call it foolish but it's amusing in it's own right so no point in being angry about it"

Roy throws his rings into the air and not long after the gravity around reno starts to increase and the chains move faster making it hard for the women to predict their movements and he says" yes i couldn't agree more now i get to cut lose after so long after not having anyone to fight so many options i want to try out but with a limited time they will have to wait". He jumps back just out of range of the anti magic field and keeps the his gravity on with his other hand and as he commands the chains.

Ruby summons a spirit whip and starts to make her way to ravein' i'm going to take her out first because she seems to think that i'm an utter fool and she's more experiences than me i'm not going to kill her but i sure as heck i'm going make her suffer maybe after getting a beating her ego will deflat a ton'.

@Eternal Dragonchild

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