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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Reno felt the gravity on him increase bit by bit, feeling as though tons of weight here being pressed onto him. "What the hell," he shouted. He felt his mana decrease slightly with each second passing, he noticed that the chains are constricting his movements. "Damn, can't move, can't use my magic, I'm trapped." Reno sees Ruby going after Raiven with her spirit whip. 'This training exercise...she was planning on hurting Raiven...no, I will not be defeated. I made a promise to protect my friends, and I sure as hell am not breaking that promise.' "Releasing barriers 1-5.!" A sudden surge of power exploded from Reno, shattering both the chains and the seal that holds him. His body turned black, his eyes glowed purple, and black lightning surrounded him. "Now I'm mad!" he said. Reno charged at the Space guardian and before he could strike, he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. He was now inside the Space Guardian's body, which he found odd considering it's made of space magic. Seeing the opportunity, he raised hell in it. destroying any part of the guardian from the inside out. and for the big finale, he channeled electricity through his whole body, and released it in one giant explosive burst, destroythe guardian. Reno creates a whip of his own and catches Ruby in it. "Even if Raiven deserves to suffer for her arrogance," he shouted, his voice demonic. "This was suppose to be a training session...but since you want to fight, let's fight."

@Leo Radomir
Raivens body hums slightly as she stands up, having drained every drop of electricity out of the air. She smirked as she turned to Roy "Shall we play" She asked, her voice taking on a creepy tone . She advanced slowly on him, before stopping just ahead of him "Drop the fancy tricks, one on one now"

@Leo Radomir
Reno felt the gravity on him increase bit by bit, feeling as though tons of weight here being pressed onto him. "What the hell," he shouted. He felt his mana decrease slightly with each second passing, he noticed that the chains are constricting his movements. "Damn, can't move, can't use my magic, I'm trapped." Reno sees Ruby going after Raiven with her spirit whip. 'This training exercise...she was planning on hurting Raiven...no, I will not be defeated. I made a promise to protect my friends, and I sure as hell am not breaking that promise.' "Releasing barriers 1-5.!" A sudden surge of power exploded from Reno, shattering both the chains and the seal that holds him. His body turned black, his eyes glowed purple, and black lightning surrounded him. "Now I'm mad!" he said. Reno charged at the Space guardian and before he could strike, he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. He was now inside the Space Guardian's body, which he found odd considering it's made of space magic. Seeing the opportunity, he raised hell in it. destroying any part of the guardian from the inside out. and for the big finale, he channeled electricity through his whole body, and released it in one giant explosive burst, destroythe guardian. Reno creates a whip of his own and catches Ruby in it. "Even if Raiven deserves to suffer for her arrogance," he shouted, his voice demonic. "This was suppose to be a training session...but since you want to fight, let's fight."

@Leo Radomir

Ruby unfazed and says very coldly" Some of the toughest lessons aren't done nicely some where inside you know this, sooner or later someone's going to come after till she learns not to look down on others so indirectly i'm doing her a favor"!. Ruby whispers her seal break " in the name of the forgotten the forsaken the lost", not long after skin starts to go dark blue and her eyes a nasty muddy silver and a minute later she burns the whip to ciders and smashes reno in the face very hard, She pauses for a minute then says"  I will never be friends with a arrogant ignorant brat that has no clue how much others suffer while she has all the nice things in life and eats like a queen and you know what you may think you know me but in truth you only know a small part of the real me".  

Roy smirks and then flips back a few times and his mood turns wild and says" I can see why she hates you with out your foolish protector your nothing more than a ugly pretentious creature that think's she got it all worked out". Vibrations start to fill the air as space pockets start to open. 

Ruby's mind' i'm done with all this hero crap, being lectured like i'm in the wrong after years of screwing up getting beating from the protector unit at reno's house when i messed up being  treated like a prize to sell off and having my existence denied reno with his own troubles should under that much and that's why i did my best to be there with out being overwhelming i should of known better than to be his friend when he keeps company like that and at this point i don't care if he's angry this time i won't have my existence trampled by pigs and fools'. 

@Eternal Dragonchild
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Homura made his way toward the battle grounds after he had finished his conversation with Luna and Hanako. When he arrived he found Raphael standing and waiting for his fight to begin as well as Arc firing a friend shots and attacks to see how much power he had control of. He continued to scan the rest of the room and noticed Clair opening a large hole in the fabric of space "I wonder" he said to himself before propelling himself out of the stands and landing where the hole opened up "Hey guys what did I miss?" He asked as he stepped beside Clair. He looked to see Reno, Ruby and he hoped Raiven fighting each other "So im gone for maybe 20 minutes and you guys go ahead and try and kill each other" he said jokingly "So Clair about my request to change my fight parter from Adrian to Raphael. Can you please send it through?" He wanted to make Raphael learn that he can't just insult anyone even if he thinks it helps improvement. He hated people who would insult others 'for the greater good'.

@Mr Swiftshots
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"You may not know this, but Raiven has had some troubles of her own as well." he shouted. "She may be daddy's little girl, but she also has family issues of her own. Do you know what it's like to have a mother and brother despise for not being a certain element?"  Reno rushes in and punches Ruby hard in the abdomen, pushing hard against her diaphragm. "You act like your life is harder, that you've gone through worse, well what about the eople around you, don't you think they wen't through hell themselves?" Over and over, he punched and kicked her in the face and upper body. "I don't be there for people because they need protecting, I'm there for people because I know their struggles...but you know something different between me and them?" His fist charged with almost every known elementpossible and dashes towards her. As soon as he stops in front of her, he whispers softly. "They have a real family." A powerful palm thrust landed right on her chest, pushing her a few yards away from him." He stands up and walks toawrds her fallen body, luckily it wasn't enough to kill her. "Now ask yourself this, who has it worse," he asked. "You, or someone who's constantly put through hell trying to satisfy her own mother?"

@Leo Radomir

Raphael Moreau


       "Ah, hello," I said to Homura, not even turning towards him, I continued, "the Elite who uses his status to change the outcome of things in his favor," I said. I then turned to face him and I said, "You know, it might be a bit shocking to you, but I already have an opponent. So can you stay your fiery temper?" I taunted. I probably did mean the puns that I said there. But, to my regret, I do know how to provoke someone, and I just watch for his reaction.


@Mr Swiftshots
Raiven forms a cage of pure lightning around Roy, it was easy to manipulate her powers when he reminded her so much of that one person. One tendril wrapped it's way around his neck, lifting him clear off the ground "Go to hell" She whispered "You have zero idea what I live with"
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Homura saw as everything began to go very wrong "Guys stop, I was joking about the you all killing each other part. I didn't expect you guys to go for it" he said as he ran toward them "Seriously stop" he said in his darker selfs voice which surprised him 'I've got control? Oh hell yeah I've got control!' He thought to himself before acting on it. He walked over to Reno while also catching his own reflection in some of the ice. He had a streak of black hair running down the front of his bangs. He flared a flame in his hand and found it was the same red on he outside but with the black core like he had earlier. "Reno, stop this! Just because you fight like a demon doesn't mean you have to fight like one" he said as he grabbed his friends shoulder and pulled him away from Ruby "I know you! This isn't you! You are he most caring friend I've ever had and I know that you wouldn't hurt your friends no matter what they did" he said urging his friend to stop his advance.

Homura had noticed Raphael trying to talk to him but he had had other things to worry about. He ignored Raphael's attempt to provoke him and focused on calming down his friends. "Please Reno, I need you to calm down" he hoped he was getting through but he knew that if he didn't he would have one hell of a fight before him.

@Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331

@Mr Swiftshots @XxCharColexX

Raphael Moreau


       I was shocked at the revelations that occurred. However, I rarely was shocked, so I assumed my stoic gesture. I then just stepped down from the arena, made a seat appear and also made a bag of popcorn come to be. I just sat and watch, watching eagerly, anticipating for action, drama, and other stuff.
"Calm down, Calm Down!?" he shouted. "Why should I? All she ever sees in us Elites are nothing but a bunch of Snotty rich kids flashing our money around like we own the world. She doesn't know we've all had our own versions of hell to deal with, not just her." Tears came down in his eyes when he said that. "I hate people judging others based on how they act on the outside, they don't know the scars we got over the years." His voice cracked as he was explaining the situation. He returned to normal almost instantly as his cried. "I had to show that there are people out there who are willing to help. I can understand the struggles of life, I can understand what people went through. Even though we're too proud to admit it, we've all have a dark past, we're no different from everyone else, human or otherwise. Raiven and Luna, both having abusive mothers, though one of them is related by blood. You and your hatred of fire due to an event that happened years ago. Adrian and his family issues." Reno stood up off the ground and focused his attantion toward a seemingly empty spot. "Even Clair has a dark past." He looks over a Ruby, who's still on the ground. "So am I wrong for helping people cope with past, am I the bad guy for helping them get over it, to look into the future and not let it hold them back? Or do you still believe that nobody has it worse than you?"


@Leo Radomir
"You aren't wrong to want to help people, and you're right to hate people who judge others based on how they look and act on the outside but letting all those feelings bottle up and fuel this rage you seem to have isn't healthy" he said to his friend as his voice gradually changed back to normal "Trust me I get not being completely understood and I understand how it must feel to make it look like none of it gets to you but you have to keep moving forward" he said as he remembered his brother burning down their family home while he killed their parents. "Reno I'm asking you as your friend, do you really want to ruin your relationship with Ruby just to get your point across? She probably understands better than you think but she has to be the way she has been all this time just to keep from letting her own weakness show" he said giving his speculation on his friend who had just been hurt and knocked to the ground. He looked to Ruby and walked toward her "Just because we act like we don't care about rules and will just do as we please, it doesn't mean we haven't been hurt or destroyed in the past" he helped her get back into her feet "I haven't had parents for a long time so I don't really know what it's like to have an abusive parent but if someone is hiding behind a facade to keep themselves sane then you can at least understand why" he had been hiding behind a carefree fake persona for so long he almost forgot what is was like to just be himself. 

Homura looked to Raiven who appeared to be fighting someone else. "Ruby if that thing is yours can you call it off? I think there has been enough fighting among friends for one day" he said as he brought out his green flame and held it close to Ruby "There it's as if the fight never happened" he said having healed his friend up. He walked over to Reno and did the same "There, now please kiss and make up before I make you" he said with a mock stern tone.

@Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
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"Calm down, Calm Down!?" he shouted. "Why should I? All she ever sees in us Elites are nothing but a bunch of Snotty rich kids flashing our money around like we own the world. She doesn't know we've all had our own versions of hell to deal with, not just her." Tears came down in his eyes when he said that. "I hate people judging others based on how they act on the outside, they don't know the scars we got over the years." His voice cracked as he was explaining the situation. He returned to normal almost instantly as his cried. "I had to show that there are people out there who are willing to help. I can understand the struggles of life, I can understand what people went through. Even though we're too proud to admit it, we've all have a dark past, we're no different from everyone else, human or otherwise. Raiven and Luna, both having abusive mothers, though one of them is related by blood. You and your hatred of fire due to an event that happened years ago. Adrian and his family issues." Reno stood up off the ground and focused his attantion toward a seemingly empty spot. "Even Clair has a dark past." He looks over a Ruby, who's still on the ground. "So am I wrong for helping people cope with past, am I the bad guy for helping them get over it, to look into the future and not let it hold them back? Or do you still believe that nobody has it worse than you?"


@Leo Radomir

Ruby had enough of his mouth flapping and pushes past the pain and flips up and rushes past homura and and unleashes a barrage of all kinds of combos and says" luna doesn't look down on people or treat them like crap even though she suffers and unlike ravine i do my best to stick up for luna, even with my own issues so no i sure as hell don't feel sorry for someone that's weak and acts superior yeah i don't know your right about that but that's no excuse for bad behavior if it was everyone would be doing as they pleased". Ruby pauses for a minute or so then says" I'm don't like many things that i've had to sacrifice to be here with luna and yeah i'm a cow at times but i don't pretend not to be and hide it and one day i will probably end up kill my own mother and possibly my father as well but i can say with my own conviction that even if that makes me a demon i'm fine as long as luna doesn't have to keep suffering as she does now". She pauses again and says" helping people is one thing and it's fine to a point if their helping themselves so till the day i see her treat others better i won't forgive her and if that means were not friends so be it i was alone before i meet you and others and i have the strength to still stand alone if need be".' homura is right is her partly right about me i know more than most do about hiding because i used to be weak and hide behind a mask all the time but those days are over and i'll do what ever it takes'. 
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Raiven gently put the boy down, her powers draining. The girl stepped forwards and collapsed forwards, out for the count. She just lay there until someone would pick her up and carry her away to rest. The girl instinctively curled into a ball and started to whimper, in the middle of a bad dream.

@GreyGremory @ShadowSaber331
Homura couldn't stand to watch his friends fight be he knew they didn't need a large scale incident like the one that had happened a couple weeks ago "Well if I can't get through to you Ruby i don't know what to do" he said before walking toward Clair and standing beside them. He continued to watch the fight before noticing Raiven collapsed on the ground almost as though she was completely drained "Hey Arc your girlfriend needs you" he called out to Arcus from the space time field "She might need you to charge her batteries" he said jokingly as he waited for his friend to come to the rescue. He hated when his friends fought but it hadn't been this bad, not since the former Elites left and gave the current ones their positions. 

@Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331 @Anyone Online @Eternal Dragonchild
Several students had approached Clair and the rift in a short amount of time , that combined with the fighting made it extremely hard to concentrate on answering questions of battle swaps ! Just who in there right mind would ask that now of all times ? Never the less Clair quickly responded with "the tables are set in stone , unless you beg to the principal himself there's no changing them..."

Clair then watched the following events unfold in absolute silence , there was nothing she could do other than that. Even with the collar in place Clair couldn't risk involving her powers , not after seeing what had happened last time. This feeling of unrest was only reinforced when both Reno and Homura hinted about her outburst. In honesty the hinting only served to depress her and cut her deeply within.

Therefore it was only natural that she let something slip , a faint whisper when Homura came to a stop beside her "I'm sorry".

Reno gets up for a moment, still beaten badly by Ruby's relentless barrage. "You think I don't know how Raiven acts?" he groaned. "Even I know she can be a brat at times, hell she still is even if I knock some sense into her. Yeah her ego's pretty inflated, but that's why I'm one of the elites, to keep people like her in line." He struggles to stand for the moment before collapsing onto his knees. He coughs a bit, blood coming out of his mouth. "You can't expect people to change when you want them to, it takes time," he continues. "Look Jewels. I know you mean well, and I know I can't change your mind. But tricking someone just to make them suffer...that makes you no beter than the people you hate."

@Leo Radomir
Ruby is pretty sore her self  but not as bad as she could of been thanks to the armour spell to reduce the damage and she don't want his lungs to fill up with blood so she goes over helps up and starts to heal his internal injuries with spirit energy and says" your right on all counts this time but i hope for her sake even i hate her kind she learns that lesson before she leaves he because when your not around you know all to well what could happen, as for the promise we'll i won't tell you that one but i can tell you one but you should ask your dad about the silver book it's called the lost chronicle volume 1 don't eat anything before you read it". " ruby paused for a minute then says" For now i don't know if i can be your friend but when everything has settle down that may be a different story". There was a faint sadness and lots of regret and more could be felt but right distancing her self is the best thing she could do for herself,' in my own way i've just as bad which is probably why i hate her so much and hate my self but for now this is what keeps me going'.
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Reno reaches out to Ruby before she left. "Listen, I don't hate you or anything," he said, though with a bit of pain in his voice. "I know you well enough to keep your anger in check." He looks over and finds Raiven slumped over. "God damn it, not again," he shouts, holding his chest afterwards. "Did Raiven use up all her energy again? We better get Arcus to charge her up before she dies like a battery." Reno creates an Ice close and tranfers his conciousness into it, while the body he was in turns into water. "Ah, much better," he says, feeling like a new man, literally. "You didn't need to heal me, I could just create an ice clone and transfer my conciousness into it, then turn my battered up body into water. Read about it in a book once long story short."

@Leo Radomir


@Eternal Dragonchild

@Mr Swiftshots

Reno reaches out to Ruby before she left. "Listen, I don't hate you or anything," he said, though with a bit of pain in his voice. "I know you well enough to keep your anger in check." He looks over and finds Raiven slumped over. "God damn it, not again," he shouts, holding his chest afterwards. "Did Raiven use up all her energy again? We better get Arcus to charge her up before she dies like a battery." Reno creates an Ice close and tranfers his conciousness into it, while the body he was in turns into water. "Ah, much better," he says, feeling like a new man, literally. "You didn't need to heal me, I could just create an ice clone and transfer my conciousness into it, then turn my battered up body into water. Read about it in a book once long story short."

@Leo Radomir


@Eternal Dragonchild

@Mr Swiftshots

Ruby wanted to punch him but sighed and says" don't say such nice and such duh things the bottom line is i snapped and next time i may accidentally hit your spirit points and then you will need a long heal so don't take it for granted". She paused for a minute then says" Things will be awkward between us for a while but i'll continue to work hard for this school after all it's one of the few redeeming qualities a cow like me has", she smirks wryly as she said it getting a small kick out of taking the mick out of her self. Ruby's skin and eyes had returned to normal and as she even more away she whispers in a low voice" let's see what the ball game has in store for us". 'I feel sorry for clair if i'd snapped even more i would of done what she did before and that's not fitting for me the vp'.
"So far, I think things will go in our favor," he whispered back. "Of course, if you're going to ask me out, then just do it already." Reno did harbor a crush on Ruby for a while. He thought about his reaction to Kat and thought it was a simple crush, but after thinking it over, he felt like Kat wasn't in that much of a dating mood. With Ruby though, it was actually genuine, He grew stronger because of his desire to protect the people he loves from harm, to be a shield in times of need, but when it came to Ruby, he wanted to be strong enough to protect her. Yes she could handle herself well in combat, but Reno has won more matches than her over the years, and he's even been ranked first three times in 9th, 1oth, and 11th grade due to his inhumane desire to train. After a fight against Raphael, having his leg crushed by Clair, and getting a brutal beating from Ruby herself, he figured that he'll need to get stronger still. 'I can't protect everyone if I can't even protect myself, but for now, I'll have to check out this 'Lost Chronical Vol 1.' book Ruby told me about. It may hold some answers as to what her biggest secret is.'

@Leo Radomir
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"There is nothing for you to be sorry for" he said in response to Clair "We caused that incident during the break, not you. All you did was what you had to do to try and prevent anything else from happening" he said remembering all the damage she had done when she had lost control. Homura hated that day but he also realized his own feelings on various things "At least your damage was temporary, there is still a hole in the wall where I melted it" he said half laughing "The power I showed that night eats at my soul and destroys rather than protects" he said with a serious tone. He looked over at Clair "I envy you, you are amazing and have more control over your powers than anyone I know" he said honestly as he made a flame and had it dance across his palms "I wish I was as strong as you" he said smiling as he looked back at her.

@Mr Swiftshots
Reno looks over at Homura and Clair and makes himself invisible with his shadow magic. When he reached them, he heard Homura pour his heart out to her, before reappearing right beside them. "Ugh, get a room you two," he shouted. Reno laughed maniacally and teleports in front of Ruby before he could light him on fire. He then teleports both him and Ruby to one of a few balconies in the school. "I think we're safe here for now," he said, still holding back his laughter. "Or at least, I'm safe, you're here because I needed the company."


@Leo Radomir

@Mr Swiftshots
Reno looks over at Homura and Clair and makes himself invisible with his shadow magic. When he reached them, he heard Homura pour his heart out to her, before reappearing right beside them. "Ugh, get a room you two," he shouted. Reno laughed maniacally and teleports in front of Ruby before he could light him on fire. He then teleports both him and Ruby to one of a few balconies in the school. "I think we're safe here for now," he said, still holding back his laughter. "Or at least, I'm safe, you're here because I needed the company."


@Leo Radomir

@Mr Swiftshots

Ruby laughs and says" not off to a great school year are you and i've been meaning to tell you this for a while but wasn't sure when the best timing was but may as well now,during many of the world rankers i had to drop out due to family issues and other things i can't go in great deal about i probably would of won a lot more fights but that's life isn't". Ruby looks over the balcony and leans forward a little her hair lightly blowing in the wind and says" i have a faint memory of when i went in what the spirit users call stage two spirit overdrive and i injured many and almost killed some as well also trashed a massive area at the time the most annoying thing for me is i don't even remember the cause of it ironic considering my role and i had to have a collar on for two years after that till i learned to control my temper and powers".

Ruby couldn't help but be irritated as she partly remembered that day and with out meaning to crushed some of the balcony and then moves her hands back and sighs and doesn't say anything just looks into the distance.After a few more minutes ruby that aside though there's something else i've been wondering" I've never really understood why your mum accepted me after how rude and badly behaved most would of told me to take a hike but she was different didn't say that didn't back hand me like my dad used to and don't get why she would want me around it was clear that most of her friends and family hated my guts not that i don't have it coming in so many cases". 
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Reno thought about why she was accepted by his mom, she was a bit tempermental...and yet his own mother accepted her. "I don't know, I guess she sees the good in things where most people wouldn't expect." he stated. "I mean, yes you can be rude, impulsive, short tempered..in short a total bitch, but you're also caring, strong, and after some time for you to open up, goofy. You really should open up more instead of being so reserved."

@Leo Radomir
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Reno thought about why she was accepted by his mom, she was a bit tempermental...and yet his own mother accepted her. "I don't know, I guess she sees the good in things where most people wouldn't expect." he stated. "I mean, yes you can be rude, impulsive, short tempered..in short a total bitch, but you're also caring, strong, and after some time for you to open up, goofy. You really should open up more instead of being so reserved."

@Leo Radomir

Ruby burst out laughing and after a few minutes" Says not sure about total bitch your mums sister takes that roll and impulsive that's luna short tempered yeah that's true i can be short tempered as for the rest well we already have enough clowns so i don't need to join the ranks, but your a bitch lover i've seen you looking at my body from time to time even your mum caught you which gave me a bit of a kick". Ruby presses him gently against the wall and leans in and presses against him just a little to mess with him some more.

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