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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

'Wait, why aren't you sleeping inside your room?' he signed. Oh for christ sake, I completely forgot that Hazel sleeps there. Ugh...okay, okay, calm down, I'll just use a spell to make it back to normal, simple as that.' 'Lemme guess, it smelled like someone just took a random boy and went at it like rabbits, huh?' Reno figured she would know the answer, to that, and he wouldn't mind giving her an explaination as to why, she probably learned about it in her human schools. 'I'm just gonna stop beating around the bush and tell you,' he signed yet again. 'Me and Ruby had sex.'

Hazel just felt the vibration of her phone as she just stood up from the chair as she playfully went behind him since she was already in the library she just hug him from behind as she was trying to scare him' hey reno' she signed as she smiled' i'm not sleeping in my room tonight' she signed she just went to sit in a chair she loved books and the library' big brother reno what you wanna do' she signed as she just smiled' can we go out and eat or something' she signed to him as she just looked around she watched people passing by @ShadowSaber331

Luna just started to blush as she looked away" really now you like books so do i love books i had a hard life so i tend to read books and stay away from my awful stepmother" she say as she smiled" alright lets go eat" she say as she just smiled" i'm hungry" she told him" so what are your powers" she say seeing a plant dying as she go to it" this is mine hey little one don't die on me" she say as she healed the plant from dying as she she can communicate with the plants and anything that can do with plants and the soil she just smiled" i can talk to them" she say @Leo Radomir

Roy gently laughs and says" i'm a space user like claire but nowhere near as strong but that's ok i respect the strong and wise, but that aside it's pretty cool your a plant user they can do things like cure toxins with in body and all sorts along those lines but that aside what would you like to eat i don't want to come some where where you don't like the food". Roy waits for her to answer thinking' family huh it would be a little strange if i was to have ruby as an aunt but then again it may not be the worst thing in the world'. 

Ruby drops out of a portal in the library and a bully rushes her and she smirks and pulls her finger back and flicks him and he freezes for a moment then goes flying through several book cases and she says" Flys so many weak annoying flys but that trip was interesting i wonder what my contractor will come up with next". Some of the builly's blink and say" bloody monster i hope you die a painful death one day". Ruby smirks and then says" That's the beautiful monster to you now should i break a few bones to make this more fun"?
Hazel just looked at him as she was surprised she kept quite as she keep on looking at him she was a bit angry' why would you do that in my dormroom raiven will be angry when she finds out what you did' she signed as she was frustrated with the fact that they had sex in her dormroom' i really looked up to you now i don't know anymore why would you have sex knowing i sleep there now everytime i go to sleep i will have in my mind you and ruby doing it' she signed fast angry she just had her hands in fist squeezing it so hard' i might have to change my dormroom now thanks i really liked raiven as a sister' she signed as her face was getting red from being angry @ShadowSaber331

Luna just looked at him as she just smiled" alright lets go" she say grabbing his hand" i can eat anything really it don't matter to me" she say as she looked at him" i eat about anything" she say as she just smiled as she noticed she was still holding his hand as she let go as her face was pretty red she was embarrssed from holding her hand as she just looked at him" come on lets go eat" she say as she just looked at him cutley 
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"Hey hey hey," he frantically signed. 'It's not like it's a big deal. Besides, Ruby gave me some of that magic jelly, the smell should be gone by now, and it'll look like it has never happened...funny how time magic can work in jelly form.' Reno then heard shouting from the Library, one of which he recognized as Ruby's. 'Hazel, do me a favor and find Clair,' he signed again. 'tell her that bulles are attacking the Vice President and that Reno is helping her fend them off.' Reno rushes towards the Library where the bullies were surrounding her. Before one of them could take a step, he froze the ground under him, causing him to slip and fall on his back. "Realy," he shouted, making the bullies turn towards him. "Attacking a girl of all people? How low can you guys go? Also, I thought your boss was going to show up, I guess he really is all talk and no balls." He looks towards Ruby and smiles at her. "Hey Jewels," he shouts. "If you're going to have a party, at least invite me!"


@Leo Radomir
"Hey hey hey," he frantically signed. 'It's not like it's a big deal. Besides, Ruby gave me some of that magic jelly, the smell should be gone by now, and it'll look like it has never happened...funny how time magic can work in jelly form.' Reno then heard shouting from the Library, one of which he recognized as Ruby's. 'Hazel, do me a favor and find Clair,' he signed again. 'tell her that bulles are attacking the Vice President and that Reno is helping her fend them off.' Reno rushes towards the Library where the bullies were surrounding her. Before one of them could take a step, he froze the ground under him, causing him to slip and fall on his back. "Realy," he shouted, making the bullies turn towards him. "Attacking a girl of all people? How low can you guys go? Also, I thought your boss was going to show up, I guess he really is all talk and no balls." He looks towards Ruby and smiles at her. "Hey Jewels," he shouts. "If you're going to have a party, at least invite me!"


@Leo Radomir

Ruby smirks and says" why would i ask for your help, well you're here now and it seems they have a titan coming what a bore cleaning up the libary is going to take forever", Ruby then saw a guy of reno's size behind him and says" You spoke to soon i know this is going to be a pain in the ass he's a ninja and nature master". The leader smirks and says" I see so you know about me ice vs plant this should be a lot of fun it's been a while since i got to beat the crap out of a hero wanna be". The bullies then around and charge Ruby again when in range hit her several times she takes the hits and then smirks and says" Luna hits hard than you candy asses now it's my turn to fight back again", She swiftly ducks down and smashes one in the balls then upper cuts one planting him in the celling and then round house kick the other, he puts his arm up to block but you can hear a sound that's not meant to heard.

Roy playfully drags luna to a seafood restaurant and says" I'm happy your so flexible i've never done this sort of thing before so i'm learning as well i hope to make lots more fun memory's here because i have missed out on so much but enough of that lets look at the menu and see what they have".
Hazel just looked at the fight as she just listen to waht reno said as she ran out of the library as she was looking for clair the last time she saw her was at the areana she just ran there as she panted she just looked around the areana seeing her friends she just sighed trying to get clair attention' excuse me clair um there a fight in the library reno said to get the vice president is getting bullied i'm just doing what i was told sorry if i'm bugging you i didn't know who to go' she signed as she just looked at her she just sat on the bleachers as she was nervous about what she was going to say @Mr Swiftshots
Homura looked around after leaving Raiven with one of the other elemental teachers with the same element as hers and saw one of he girls who had been bullied during the break "Hey human you look like you need some help, what can I do?" He asked after walking over to Clair and the girl who looked to be trying to get Clair's attention. He patted her on tre shoulder "Just relax. Breath and start from the beginning" he said to the out of breath looking human student "Wait your using sign language.....ooops" he said as he realized she probably couldn't hear him at all. He tried to see if he could remember some sign language that he had learned from a deaf researcher who worked for his uncle. 'Hey sorry I didn't realize you couldn't hear me, my name is Homura. What can we do to help?' He signed roughly, wondering what has the girl so panicked.

@Mr Swiftshots @Zeldafangirl
Hazel just looked at as she saw his lips moving she freaked out a bit but calmed down when he signed to her' its okay my name is hazel my friend reno and the vice president is getting bullied reno told me to come here and get clair to help i don't know what to do' she signed slowly so he could understand her' i just wanted to find some help i can't do anything bullies hurt me since i'm deaf' she signed to him she just was watching the boy" nece met yuu" she say try to say as she just signed it she sighed as she couldn't talk that well she just looked around she was scared that her friends was in danger' please help my friends please' she sign freaking out a bit @GreyGremory
'Don't worry, we'll be there to help them' he signed to Hazel with a little difficulty 'Reno and Ruby are strong, they will be safe until.....we get there. Sorry still trying to get used to signing' he signed as he put in an embarrassed face. He recognized the girl for sure but he also figure that his was the girl Reno was talking about in his texts earlier. 'I'll have to get her one of those watches soon or else his bullying situation will just get out of hand' he thought to himself as he got mentally prepared to go and help. He looked to Clair "So what should we do Prez? I'm game to help if you are" he said smiling toward his friend "No one would be better assistance than you Clair. I believe in you, not your power, you. You might say your power is a curse but I say it's a mighty blessing. My power is a curse or maybe my punishment for not being able to save my family from that fire but your magic can protect and even save lives. If you can't believe in yourself believe in me. I'll always believe in your abilities and in the kind girl who controls them" he said sincerely as he put his hand gently on her shoulder. Homura took out his phone *Adrian get outside now and find Reno! He's in trouble. More bullies again like during the break! Hurry!* he sent his text to Adrian hoping he was sending reinforcements. He decided to send one more message but he was taking a shot in the dark with this one *Kat, you probably don't care what I have to say but Reno is outside somewhere and he and Ruby are surrounded by those same bullies from during the break. He needs help so please hurry!* he finished sending his message and then looked to Clair "I'm going and I want you to come with me" he said with a determined voice toward the student council president.

@Mr Swiftshots @Zeldafangirl @eero-prince @demnkiller

Raphael Moreau


       While such a turn of events... one could easily ask, "Where was Raphael?" during this whole entire dramatic sequence. Well, I got a shocker for you, since I maintain a teleportation prowess, I just happen to overhear these dramatic talks... Well, not really. All I heard was the fighting. How? I just do. I sighed, I then just decided to scout the area for where this fight could be taking place. So then I began teleporting around, checking hallway to hallway... I will find them soon, but not now, it seems.
Adrian has successfully survived History class! And was right now walking around, playing probably some overrated video game on his phone. But before he could have faced the final boss he received a text from his always favorite, Homura. He whined before reading the text. "Those thunder- heads again? Some guys never learn." He grumbled, like he was any better and started to type away on his phone. 'Lol didn't like one of them die or something? Nvm I'm on my way, tell those guys to prepare for a tornado!!' And with that Adrian began to run to the nearest door and started to look around for Reno and this Ruby girl. He might have known her but knowing how Adrian is, he would only know her by face. He wasn't the type to remember people he didn't nickname. Once Adrian found the swarm of bullies, he came running, they were quite far from Adrian but he still tried to be fast. He hated exercise and yet this was for Reno so this was an exception in his case. "Reno better be thankful I'm doing all of this for him..." He muttered as he manipulated the wind to push him a bit more for him to go faster.

@GreyGremory @ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
He was almost blindsided by one of them, but he was able to dodge the attack. The attacker's arm was still extended, so he grabs it and slams his knee into abdomen, pushing the air out of his lungs. Reno then proceeds to punch him in the face once to stand the bully back up before landing a powerful one-inch punch. It was powerful enough to push his attacker a few yards away. He notices Adrian right in front of his unconscious attacker and shouts for him.."Adrian, boy am I glad to see you," he shouted. "These guys are back, and this time, they brought their ring leader."

Raiven pulled out her mobile to text Hazel "Where are you? I'm lonely" She sighed to herself "We can go and visit your mother if you want. Maybe go shopping too?" She hit send, the thing that scared her was under the table opposite her. She scowled at it "You'll stay under there if you know what's good for you." It didn't listen and scurried out, snarling and growling. Raiven squeaked and stood up on the chair out of its way. Thinking quickly she sent another text to Hazel "And bring a newspaper. Spider on the loose" It wasn't really a spider.

Hazel felt her phone buzz as she read the textes that was sent to her she just smiled' see ya i'm going to hang out with raiven' she signed to the boy as she went to get a newspaper and went to find her friend as she saw her standing on a chair' what you doing' she signed as she just' its just a spider right' she signed she wasn't really scared of spiders she was happy that she was going shopping and going to visit her mother she needed to put it behind her she didn't want to cry over her forever she just smiled" reven" she say wrong as she was trying to talk for her but it was coming out wrong she saw something growling' what is that' she signed as she hold onto the newspaper she was a bit scared she just hide behind the chair @Eternal Dragonchild

Luba just blushed as she just smiled" yeah i haven't gone out like this in a while i uslually train with my big sister" she told him as she smiled he was" my life been hard but i try to be strong for my big sister she's the one that took me in after my real mother died i didn't even know i had a big sister after mother died but i'm happy" she say as she just looked at him she was blushing a bit she just was watching him' um i wonder what to say now' she thought she just looked at the menu as she knew exactly what to get  @Leo Radomir
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He was almost blindsided by one of them, but he was able to dodge the attack. The attacker's arm was still extended, so he grabs it and slams his knee into abdomen, pushing the air out of his lungs. Reno then proceeds to punch him in the face once to stand the bully back up before landing a powerful one-inch punch. It was powerful enough to push his attacker a few yards away. He notices Adrian right in front of his unconscious attacker and shouts for him.."Adrian, boy am I glad to see you," he shouted. "These guys are back, and this time, they brought their ring leader."


The ring leader sees this and presses his hands into the ground and weird black and red vines burst from the ground aiming to cut help off and injure people at the same time then swiftly moves to the side of reno then unleashes a barrage of kicks and punches then says"  Your good i'll give you but don't compare me to them i hope you have the stamina to keep up mr hero"  The others began to attack ruby and others through the vines with evil glee in their eyes, ruby continues to take the hits and when some of them get tired she starts fighting back again grabbed one of them arm and dislocating it and says" Your really annoying i'm going to do more than just break some bones now your going to be peeing out of a hospital bed for the next year at least". She channels some energy into her hands and slams it into them they scream loudly as the energy rips through them hitting their spirit points and roll around on the floor manically and they cry" Boss we should back off i remember what happened to my brother and sister when they picked a fight with her".
Reno sees the ring leader turning towards Ruby out of anger, but before he could attack her, Reno channels his ice aura onto his chest. "Sorry buddy," he said, before punching his chest so hard, a gaping hole was made where it once was. "Ruby and I are known to break people's hearts." He looks are his face and sees a few age lines on him. "What the hell," he said. "This guy's like thirty-six years old. How is he still in....wait, he was one of the escaped convicts I read about in the newpapaer artical during break." Reno looked around and noticed that those other bullies are not around anymore, probably retreating after remembering how dangerous Ruby can be. "I'm beginning to wonder why someone like him came to this school, and why he's rounding up humans and elementals to do his bidding."

@Leo Radomir
Hazel felt her phone buzz as she read the textes that was sent to her she just smiled' see ya i'm going to hang out with raiven' she signed to the boy as she went to get a newspaper and went to find her friend as she saw her standing on a chair' what you doing' she signed as she just' its just a spider right' she signed she wasn't really scared of spiders she was happy that she was going shopping and going to visit her mother she needed to put it behind her she didn't want to cry over her forever she just smiled" reven" she say wrong as she was trying to talk for her but it was coming out wrong she saw something growling' what is that' she signed as she hold onto the newspaper she was a bit scared she just hide behind the chair @Eternal Dragonchild

Luna just blushed as she just smiled" yeah i haven't gone out like this in a while i uslually train with my big sister" she told him as she smiled he was" my life been hard but i try to be strong for my big sister she's the one that took me in after my real mother died i didn't even know i had a big sister after mother died but i'm happy" she say as she just looked at him she was blushing a bit she just was watching him' um i wonder what to say now' she thought she just looked at the menu as she knew exactly what to get  @Leo Radomir

Roy smiles gently and then knows what he wants and waves a waiter over and says" Were ready to order please take her first", ' she's a a bit of a nervous one that it matters much i'll just go with the flow after all i'm a far cry from perfect my self'.  

The corpse starts to talk as the barrier starts to break down" The days of the goodie two shoes will becoming to an end soon enough shame we lost a pawn though we wanted to use him more well hard to get good help these days, so enjoy your life in the goldfish bowl while you can". The corpse suddenly stops talking and bursts into flames so no one could get any information out of him through talk to the dead. Ruby sighed and says" They won't be of any use any time soon the damage will soon take it's full and intended effect on them and it serves them right for picking a fight with me". a smile much colder and darker than her normal one lites up on her and she clicks her shoulders back into place like nothing happened then her face goes back to normal.
Reno looks back ar Ruby, who, for the moment, her smile looked colder, more sinister. "Well, might as well chalk that one us as a victory," he said. With a snap of his fingers, he brought the ring leader back from the dead. "I read that I was the master of the elements," he explained. "So I used some sort of memory spell to help me learn all the spells possible, including ones for time manipulation." He turns around and faces Ruby. growing more concerned about her being the incarnation of Ahunt. "I've also read that Ahunt and said Master, who's name is Eldorius, were once lovers. so something tells me I need to stay with you so that she doesn't become a being of destruction.." Reno pulls out his phone and shows her the video of the corpse relaying a message towards the both of them. "I managed to record what happened in case they missed the show," he continued. "Clair's in for one hell of a surprise, in the mean time, might as well bind him so he doesn't escape." Reno dashes towards the boss and hits his pressure points, rendering him unable to use his fire or plant magic. when he's finally subdued, he encases him in ice, save for his head. "Now we wait for the others to arrive so we can have a little Q&A will this convict."

@Leo Radomir
Raiven took the newspaper from Hazel and brought it down on the creature, fortunately for her case there was a spider there. She took her phone out and texted Reno to let him know what was happening "I'm taking Hazel to visit her mother's grave. We'll stay overnight in my apartment." She hit send and took Hazel's hand as some small storm clouds gathered around her feet "No need for a car, Storm Rail is here" She joked. 

Hazel just looked at her as she just smiled she just looked at her moving her lips she was good at it now she just smiled' okay thank you for taking me to see mom its my goodbye i know she happy now no more pain' she signed slowly she just looked at ravien as she smiled a bit" what waz that thig" she asked as she just looked up at her as she felt raiven took her hand she glad she had her since she could stay somewhere she haven't told her about reno yet she just was humming as she was in a good mood @Eternal Dragonchild
"Bloody huge spider" She smiled and stepped forwards into the clouds leading Hazel with them. When they stepped out they were in a park "See Storm Rail" She stepped forwards taking a deep breath "So, we're closer to the graveyard, there's a florist along the way" She pointed to the exit to the park "My apartment is further downtown, near one of the best shopping districts around". 

The creature growled and snapped, Raiven simply shut the portal in it's face "Bloody pain in the neck" she whispered.

Reno looks back ar Ruby, who, for the moment, her smile looked colder, more sinister. "Well, might as well chalk that one us as a victory," he said. With a snap of his fingers, he brought the ring leader back from the dead. "I read that I was the master of the elements," he explained. "So I used some sort of memory spell to help me learn all the spells possible, including ones for time manipulation." He turns around and faces Ruby. growing more concerned about her being the incarnation of Ahunt. "I've also read that Ahunt and said Master, who's name is Eldorius, were once lovers. so something tells me I need to stay with you so that she doesn't become a being of destruction.." Reno pulls out his phone and shows her the video of the corpse relaying a message towards the both of them. "I managed to record what happened in case they missed the show," he continued. "Clair's in for one hell of a surprise, in the mean time, might as well bind him so he doesn't escape." Reno dashes towards the boss and hits his pressure points, rendering him unable to use his fire or plant magic. when he's finally subdued, he encases him in ice, save for his head. "Now we wait for the others to arrive so we can have a little Q&A will this convict."

@Leo Radomir

Ahunt  took over when reno started talking walks over and leans in and whispers" You're more annoying than him acting like you worked everything out maybe i should start by hurting a few of your friends to teach you not to run your mouth so openly with out knowing all the details". Ahunt dug her hand a little into his chest to inflict just a little pain and smirks and then says" From here i could do a lot of damage to you as well just like ruby did to those boys but the way i can do things means you won't be recovering in a hurry so for your sake i'd learn to use a little more tact when talking to me". She pulls her hand out and then returns ruby body and ruby feels kinda drowsy and sluggish and stumbles backwards and falls on her bum and then starts to feel kinda sick as the room starts to spin on her.
Hazel just looked at her as she just smiled" whooow yuu cool" she say as she just smiled as she just followed her roommate" tank you" she say as she just smiled looking around as she was ready to go shopping' er but i have no money to pay her back i can't get a job' she thought as she looked down" i no meny" she say trying to say money as she looked around she thought as raiven as a older sister she was understanding her more she was getting better at reading lips she just ready to move on with her mother death she was tired of being sad about it" florst pleaze" she say as she looked at Raiven @Eternal Dragonchild

Luna felt something strange she had a connection with her sister as she looked around" ruby sorry about this but i have to go i think ruby is in danger i need to get to her" she say as she looked at him" i'm so sorry" she say as she just stood up from the table she had her hands on to a fist as she just had to get to her sister she do anything to save her sister she was really pissed who ever hurt her big sister would pay for what they done to her she just walked out of the resturant as she walked outside trying to get back to the school @Leo Radomir
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"Don't worry, you're shopping with Daddy's little princess. Today, the shopping is my treat"  She smiled and lead Hazel to the florist "What ones do you want?"  Raiven retrieved her card from her purse and twirled it in her fingers, glad she could make her friend happy.  She gave Hazel's hand a reassuring squeeze "Take your time"

Reno was shocked to see Ahunt come out of Ruby, and in pain after she dug her hand into her chest. "Don't know all the details eh?" he said with a smirk. "In that case, why not help me put the pieces together so that I can help you?" Silence, that was all he heard after a while. 'Damn, of course this one a one off. Ah well, I'll figure this whole thing out without her help." He looks down at Ruby, who looks like she was about to puke. Reno walks over to her and pulls her up on her feet. "Come on Ruby," he whispered. "Or Ahunt, whoever, let's get you back to your room."

@Leo Radomir

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