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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Hazel was still somewhat angry with reno she just sighed as she just was drinking her milkshake as she just smiled she sometimes acted like a kid but she didn't care what others think about her she was just happy to be hanging out with raiven dad and her friend  she just put her phone back in her pocket as she was waiting for her veggie burger' i'm glad i'm learning to speak somewhat' she thought as she just were messing with her milkshake straw she was thinking about her mom' i wonder if mom had a peacful death or painful one' she thought to herself she felt tears coming down her face" sorry excuse me" she say as she went to the bathroom she was still a bit emotional @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331
Reno pulled out his phone and texted Hael again, this time without Raiven added into the group. 'Stilll upset over your mother's death eh? It's not eas dealing with the death of a loved one. Just know that you're among friends that will take good care of you.' After sending the text to Hazel, he sends another one, this time to all of his friends. 'Hey guys, my father found an isolated area to make our base of operations. He needs to know how many people are going to be living in it so he can get the plans finalized. If you're interested, hmu as soon as possible.'


@Anyone Online


@Mr Swiftshots

@Leo Radomir


@Eternal Dragonchild




Reno pulled out his phone and texted Hael again, this time without Raiven added into the group. 'Stilll upset over your mother's death eh? It's not eas dealing with the death of a loved one. Just know that you're among friends that will take good care of you.' After sending the text to Hazel, he sends another one, this time to all of his friends. 'Hey guys, my father found an isolated area to make our base of operations. He needs to know how many people are going to be living in it so he can get the plans finalized. If you're interested, hmu as soon as possible.'


@Anyone Online


@Mr Swiftshots

@Leo Radomir


@Eternal Dragonchild





Ruby had been resting then woke up and then texts luna and says in the text, sorry if i worried you but i'm back in control now, i'll start your advanced training later but for now what will have to wait the spirits are stirring so something bad must be comeing you should enjoy your self while you can, i'll be busy again soon with the demon hunters zinzar and they are stick with who they let in but i will speak to them on your behalf and then you'll have to wait for them to contact you oh and before i forget please don't tell anyone about it especially reno because as much as he means well they won't take kindly to that and it will put me in a difficult place.

Ruby then hits send and then opens another text and smirks and replies' sorry but i can't i have other things to take care of i've rested enough now and i'll take some medicine to make sure i stay that way, also tell weakling to not run and do something stupid i don't like playing hide and seek oh and last of all some of the spirits are stirring so please be careful in mana pockets because some might of grown stronger etc from unfulfilled desires". Ruby then hits send and starts packing her bag for the trip to hq to ask about how to go about this and other matters. 
Luna dragged Ray to her sisters room as she saw her packing" what you doing" she say as she crossed her hands as she looked at her big sister as she had a serious face she just looked at her" if your going somewher i'm going with you and why haven't you told me about him" she say pointing to ray as she just smiled looking around she was really serious about wanting to go with her sister to the headquarters she was still training with her sister @Leo Radomir
Luna dragged Ray to her sisters room as she saw her packing" what you doing" she say as she crossed her hands as she looked at her big sister as she had a serious face she just looked at her" if your going somewher i'm going with you and why haven't you told me about him" she say pointing to ray as she just smiled looking around she was really serious about wanting to go with her sister to the headquarters she was still training with her sister @Leo Radomir

Ruby sighs and then stops and says" Even if i wanted to take you i can't they have their own laws, you've grown stronger i'll give you that but going to hq and being accepted to the inner circle takes a minimal of two years as a rule not to mention your much more impulsive then me that could put you in a lot of danger and most won't help you on missions and it looks bad if i do bring you and fall behind because the group can be very fast". 
Hazel just looked at her phone as she sighed' give me time okay i'm trying to be strong' she text him back as she just whipe her tears from her face' its hard cause she was the only one i had left now i'm all alone execpt my friends' she text she just stood up as she was ready to face her friend again as she went back to the table" sorry bout tat" she say to her friends father as she just smiled as she poked raiven as she just giggled a little bit hoping that they haven't notice she been crying she missed her mother a lot she still trying to figure out what to get her friend for christmas she didn't have enough money to buy stuff she was pratically broke she just sighed @ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild
Raiven picked up Mr. Fluffles and gave him to Hazel so her friend could have a turn with the puppy. She responded to Reno's text "And just after I got my own place *grumpy face* Sounds cool though. I'm in if Arc is in" Hitting send Raiven took a sip of her cola while her dad talked about the current happenings in the family. Her mother was annoyed that she hadn't called, her brother was still an idiot. "You know I do not like talking to my mother" she said to her dad, who offered a sympathetic smile and a reply of "I don't either, She is a bit of a viper"

Reno read the text and put his phone back in his pocket. When the waitress came buy to ask for his order, he asked for a 12oz sirloin, medium-well, with a side of loaded mashed potatoes and broccoli, as for what to drink, he picked a rasberry iced-tea. The waitress left with his order while he relaxed in his booth. He walked over to Raiven and Hazel and overheard the conversation. "She really is a viper isn't she," he replied. "Of course I can always put her in her place....again." Reno gave out a slight chuckle, remembering how angry and humiliated her mother was when he defeated her without breaking a sweat. "Anyway, how are you Mr. Darktower," he asked. "My father told me a lot about you, and I'll have to admit, it's nice that you found the time to relax given your busy work schedule."

@Eternal Dragonchild
Hazel just looked between them as she was confused what was going she didn't understand what they were saying  she just scratched her head she just looked at the puppy she just hugged the puppy as she smiled somehow the puppy bite her finger as she fell out of her chair" oww" she say rubbing her finger as she gave the puppy back to her friend as she was pouting a bit' why did the dog bit me' she thought as she just looked away from the others as she saw reno she just stick her tounge out at him she was still mad at him she wasn't really talking to him she just drink her milkshake when she got back on her chair she just was watching the others talk all she heard was silence she felt her finger was bleeding a bit she just looked around she just looked in her bag as she saw a bandaid she just put it on @ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild
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Reno still felt a bit guilty, but he shrugged it off and went back to his booth. 'Well, at least I know who can hold a grudge. So I did it with Ruby, so what? It's not like I stole her girlfriend...well, if she roled that way I mean. Ugh, women can be so damn complicated.' He pulls out his phone and sees a text from Ruby, declining his offer. He sends her a text outside of the group text, in case things get awkward. 'At least think it over, I know you're busy and all, but sometimes you gotta kick back and relax.' Reno thought about what she might be doing and sends another text on top of it. 'Be careful out there Jewels. you and Luna are like family to me. I love you.' 

@Leo Radomir
Luna just looked at her sister" oh okay" she say as she just was messing with her necklace she just bite her lip" i'm sorry i disturbed" she say as she sighed" i'll stay here than" she told her she just looked at her sister packing" what should i say to miss clair that your going  away" she " do i need to take over for you while you are away at HQ" she say as she looked at her sister with a serious face" i will keep training to become stronger i'm trying my best to become stronger" she say as she had a serious face @Leo Radomir

Ruby twitched a little then says" no i'll contact her later and sorry i really am but ray's a good guy even he can be wild i would ask if you keep him and revien or what ever her name is away from each other he hates her kind even more than me, but that aside i'll try and rush it along so i can reduce it to a couple of days if possible". Ruby finishes back then gently cups lunas face and kisses her forehead before pulling back and feel her phone beep and takes a look and sees a message and smirks and texts back the loveable bitch will try her best to get it wrapped upped in two days ps if we do date your only allowed one other and i have to like other wise i'll turn her into spirit dog food, oh before i forget tell hazel she could being moody doesn't suit her and she'll grow old faster' 
Reno felt his phone buzz and pulls it out. He smiles slightly at the thought of having...wait, one other? 'Um, what did you mean by 'one other?' If you're referring to another girlfriend, I'd say I'm kinda torn between Katalina and Luna. If you're talking about a plus one, I could talk to him a bit. Right now I'm keeping an eye on Raiven and Hazel, and they did visit the grave site. I'm glad that she's learning how to care for others instead of being a selfish, arrogant, asshat that's I'd have to fight with Clair's permission. I swear, I'm beginning to think she enjoys getting the daylights beaten out of her.' Reno sends the text, almost at the same time his food arrives. He starts to eat, though with more mannerism since he's in the presence of Mr. Darktower.

@Leo Radomir
Reno felt his phone buzz and pulls it out. He smiles slightly at the thought of having...wait, one other? 'Um, what did you mean by 'one other?' If you're referring to another girlfriend, I'd say I'm kinda torn between Katalina and Luna. If you're talking about a plus one, I could talk to him a bit. Right now I'm keeping an eye on Raiven and Hazel, and they did visit the grave site. I'm glad that she's learning how to care for others instead of being a selfish, arrogant, asshat that's I'd have to fight with Clair's permission. I swear, I'm beginning to think she enjoys getting the daylights beaten out of her.' Reno sends the text, almost at the same time his food arrives. He starts to eat, though with more mannerism since he's in the presence of Mr. Darktower.

@Leo Radomir

ruby jumps through the portal and then lands at the outskirts of hq and texts back' i can't see luna doing that and besides she's my allys type and i'm sure you sensed what kind of character he can be, as for kat she's a mix between me and something else and i normally don't do the bi thing but one doesn't learn but not exploring so that could be interesting. Btw are you sure you can handle two women with strong wills and if i was to have a plus one who would they be? Of course if this is to go down i need all of you to keep it dl because i don't need weaklings up my bum and you know who i mean so i'll leave it at that'.
Arlane Darktower acknowledged Reno with a nod "I always make time for my little girl.I would appreciate you not listening in to our conversations"

Raiven clapped her hands, much like a child would when her food arrived. She placed her puppy into the carrier to keep him safe. She noticed Hazel ignoring Reno and asked her "What's up between you and Reno. I swear you two are usually inseparable." Raiven carefully cut up her food as she waited for Hazel's response, sampling the salmon gently. A waiter gave Hazel her vegetarian burger and her father his soup. 

Raiven was happy to be out with her friend and her dad. 


Reno pulled out his phone and texted Raiven. 'Okay, if there's one thing I can see is that Hazel's still probably upset about what I did, and I'm sure by now you've noticed that too, I mean her expression was as clear as day. Long story short, Ruby and I kinda did it in your's, Hazel,s and Ruby's room. I told her that I cleaned up the mess, guess I forgot to open the windows a bit.' He sent the text and created an invisible bubble around her, figuring that she might go berserk and accidentally destroy the restaurant.

@Eternal Dragonchild
"Really. looks like you have hormonal urges too. Next time don't complain that I have urges too. What do you have? a cocktail sausage? Ruby was walking totally normally" She hit send and fixed Reno with a stare. Raiven took the opportunity to finish her salmon and flick through the desert menu. She smiled when she saw they had a massive ice cream sundae that was coated with candy. She waited patiently for the others to finish it. 

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Hazel just looked at her friend" uh.... reno... did... it.... our...dorm.... i.... guess.... i.... jealous" she say as she looked down at her food as she eat her veggie burger as she looked at the others she looked at her phone as she text reno' i'm sorry i was mad at you i was just feeling a bit jealous no one will love me i like luka but i don't know how she feels about me i want to date her but i'm scared how to ask her out' she text as she put her phone down" can you be a big sister raiven i treat me like a sister can you i don't want to be lonely anymore" she say and she signed" you help with learning to talk to so tank yoo" she say as she just smiled hugging her @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331
Reno read the text from Hazel and was...shocked, yet a bit understanding. 'You're jealous that I found love? Pfft, come on, Raiven has a boyfriend as well...and she did go at it in my room. Anyway, just tell her how you feel. It may seem difficult at first, uncertainty can be scary at times, but at least you got that feeling out of your chest, regardless of whether or not they'll feel the same way.' He sent the text and felt like desert was in order so he picked up the desert menu and found an old favorite of his. It was a sundae, but it has chocolate fudge, with a brownie underneath it, and covered with what looks like oreo cookies.. When the waitress arrived, he placed his order for it. When the waitress walked away, he started to relax while his food digests.

Hazel just looked at her phone as she was grinning her teeth together she just got up' i can't do this anymore why do i have to like him why' she thought as she just went outside she just needed a minute' i just want someone to love me not because my disbility i just want someone to see me for me' she thought she just watch people passing buy she just looked away' i won't find anyone who love i get bullied a lot i'm so tired of being bullied texted' she text as she just looked around seeing the bullies that usually bully her she just looked around she just ran for it as she saw a gun as she screamed as some buly shot her shoulder and her leg she just screamed loudly @ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild
Raiven's eyes flashed. A cage of lightning forming around Hazel to protect her as Arlane stood up. He looked at one of the bullies and shoved a fist towards him. The bully in question was consummed by red fire and dragged through the floor. The rest of the bullies looked unsure as Arlane and Raiven approached them, one surrounded by ghostly flames and the other by a crackling storm of electricity. 

Sparks danced off the metal near the bullies as Raiven advanced "Big mistake" She spoke.


Hazel just looked at them as she groaned as she sit up as she just was in pain she just looked' i'm okay' she just hold onto her shoulder hazel just looked around as she saw she was in a cage of lighting' i'm sorry' she thought as she just looked at them hurting the bullies she just hurting she just lay on the ground watching them fight the bullies trying to run away" stop" she say as she looked as she was clossing her eyes she was getting a bit weak @Eternal Dragonchild
Raiven peeled off towards Hazel, taking her friend in her arms. She pressed a wad of tissues to Hazel's arm to slow the bleeding. Unfortunately, for her Raiven failed to see the still armed bully who managed to put a shot in her leg. She responded in kind by zapping the gun until it was unusable, the pure heat of the lightning melting the gun. 

She cursed, one arm holding the bandage against Hazel's arm, the other covering her leg.

"Stay awake Hazel"

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Reno just got finished with his desert when he heard a gun shot. He gets up and sees that Hazel, Raiven and her father are gone. 'Oh hell, don't tell me someone got shot!' Reno went to the scene and found Raiven and her father with a few bodied of some thugs. Damn, I missed the party, next time I go...oh no, don't tell me'. He then focused his attention towards Hazel, who was lying on the ground with gunshot wounds on her shoulder and leg. "SHIT, HAZEL," he shouted. He ran towards her, shooting an ice shard at the thug's head, killing him. When he arrived, he knelt down next to her. 'Stay with me Hazel," he whispered, a slight hint of sadness in his voice. A few tears dropped from his eyes as he held her close. "You're gonna be okay,, it din't hit your vital areas," he continued. "Just stay with me."

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Hazel just looked at her friends as she was held by raiven as she  just screamed once the water hit her wounds" it hurts please it hurts" tears start to form her eyes as she just looked around" i'm scared" she say  as she just hold them as she just hold onto raiven shirt" please it hurts" she say as she start to cry' i'm trying to not fall asleep' she signed as she just was dozzing off a little but was trying to stay strong she screamed again" i sworry raiven, Reno" she say feeling like she was gonna pass out @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331
Raiven sighed in relief as her father's security detail flooded into the restaurant. They quickly subdued the remaining bullies. She looked at her leg, it was now red with her blood. Guns were such trouble. Her dad knelt down beside her "My brave little girl" He kissed the top of her head and ruffled it "I'll buy you a big bag of lollipops when we get you and Hazel sorted" 

Raiven sniffed and held her dad's hand "Hazel needs a doctor" She looked at her father who was already on his phone, calling an ambulance for the two girls. 

He tapped Reno on the shoulder "Go and wait outside for the ambulance, show them inside"



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