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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Reno felt his phone buzz, and as soon as Homura walked to wear he was, he hits him in the back of his head. "Dude, I'm right here. You didn't need to send me a text," he shouted. "Also, I've fought Raph before, he's about my caliber in terms of intelligence. He's really good when it comes to illusion making." Reno then thought of an old proverb that his father told him a long time ago. "A strong attack the never hits, or a weak attack that always finds their mark? Which will win?" he stated. "In this case, his Illusions, or your flame, who will be victorious?" He looks over and sees a new kid next to him. She appears to be of the same nationality as Homura, but he doesn't know if they both knew each other. "So...you two know each other?"


@Eternal Dragonchild
Homura wasn't surprised that Hanako had followed him, in fact it was all she did when they were little "Well I figured since you just transferred you might have wanted to get used to things here first" he said to his childhood friend before taking her snack offering "So how goes your self proclaimed super research?" He asked chuckling a little as he ate. He remembered when he and Hanako would play and she would always cheat while playing tag "Hey so I was wondering if you've talked to my brother lately. After he disappeared I've only heard rumours about him" he said remembering his siblings disappearance after he had murdered his parents "Well what ever, it's not like he ever cared about me enough to watch over me" he said half defeated. "Hanako it's great to see you, I missed you and everyone back home" he said smiling weakly as his body finally started to cool down, lowering the heat around them.

Homura looked over at Reno "Well dude it's not like I haven't beaten you before" he said with a cocky tone "He can't be all that powerful, he's just a shadow type. I've beaten plenty of shadow types before no it'll be no different with him" he said displaying confidence in his words. "Yea we know each other. Reno let me introduce you to Hanako, my childhood friend from back home" he said introducing his friends to each other.

@Eternal Dragonchild@ShadowSaber331

(Yea sure, it would make his uncle have more impact. I have to edit my characters info but I have a work around for his brother)
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"I've used my research to improve my abilities, My attacks, as always, are precisely calculated to hit my target through a series of complex calculations. For example I could hit your friend's eyelash if I wanted, leaving the rest of him unharmed" She did a cute little fist pump "As for your brother I haven't heard of him, everyone back home sends their good wishes" She felt happy around Homura, he was a good friend of hers. "As for do we know each other, we're childhood friends" 

She pulled out a pencil and notebook and began scrawling numbers down, another sum having come to mind.



(I was thinking that Hanako's genius is the result of her encountering Homura's uncle)
'Childhood friends? This should be interesting to see how those two are to each other. My guess it's probably one of those failed "Childhood Romance" trope I've seen in anime shows. Oh well, my guess Hanako might fall for Raphael considering their similar elements.' Reno went back to reality and begun to speak. "Not the first time I've seen two childhood friends," he replied. "I've seen a few in this school so far, some of which have hooked up, god knows why.. Speaking of which, I have one myself that comes to this school, but we never really talked much since he's always busy. He goes by Trinity, if you see him, tell him I said 'Hi'"

@Eternal Dragonchild

'Childhood friends? This should be interesting to see how those two are to each other. My guess it's probably one of those failed "Childhood Romance" trope I've seen in anime shows. Oh well, my guess Hanako might fall for Raphael considering their similar elements.' Reno went back to reality and begun to speak. "Not the first time I've seen two childhood friends," he replied. "I've seen a few in this school so far, some of which have hooked up, god knows why.. Speaking of which, I have one myself that comes to this school, but we never really talked much since he's always busy. He goes by Trinity, if you see him, tell him I said 'Hi'"

@Eternal Dragonchild


OOC:i have permission to follow shadows energy signature 

Ruby smirked and says" luna i'm willing to teach you how to deal with advance field work but if your not up to it that's fine i won't force you because there would be no point if i drag you by force if your interested follow my energy pattern". Ruby didn't wait around for luna to follow she quickly exits the classes and starts to follow the energy signature and after a little while finds reno and decides to sneak up and jump on his back and pressed her again him to mess with him and says"  Homura there you are i was thinking about things and i felt kinda bad about being more of a cow than i needed to be so to make up for it i'm going to give you some lesson on how to deal with them this won't be easy but you will be stronger after a few days of my training that is if you don't pass out", a half playful half devilish grin lights up on ruby's face as she says this she then uses reno like you play frog and lands in front of him him like a cat and now waits for Homura's reply
"Ugh, seriously Ruby," Reno shouted. "I get that you used to do that when we were kids, but come on." Reno hasn't seen that side of her in a long time, she was more serious and uptight, but she does have a caring side that's shown whenever Luna's around. "I suppose I should tell you guys this," he sighed. "Ruby, along with her younger sister, are old childhood friends of mine as well...and I think you all just saw a side of Ruby that I rarely ever see, probably because her VP days haven't officially started yet."

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

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Hanako rolled the name of Reno's friend about in her head for a while, in the spaces that wasn't occupied by extremely complex thoughts. "Trinity is my roommate I have not seen much of them although from what I have seen of them they are not very personable" Contractions often annoyed Hanako, she preferred to speak without them. She reached into her bag and retrived three more mochi balls, a tiger, puppy and chick. She held them all out to Reno and Ruby "Please enjoy a mochi ball" She loved to share treats with people she liked. Raphael had gone down in her opinion after seeing how he treated the trombone playing girl.


@Leo Radomir

Reno took the tiger mochi ball and ate it. The taste of it was good enough to make him smile...a bit, he wasn't a smiler as for a lot of people, but when he does, you know it's good. "Wow, these are amazing," he exclaimed. "Did you make these yourself?" He looks over at Ruby and nudges her a bit. "Come on Jewels," he said. "Try one, I'm sure you'll love it...by the way, how's Luna doing? I haven't seen her in a while."

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Leo Radomir
'Childhood friends? This should be interesting to see how those two are to each other. My guess it's probably one of those failed "Childhood Romance" trope I've seen in anime shows. Oh well, my guess Hanako might fall for Raphael considering their similar elements.' Reno went back to reality and begun to speak. "Not the first time I've seen two childhood friends," he replied. "I've seen a few in this school so far, some of which have hooked up, god knows why.. Speaking of which, I have one myself that comes to this school, but we never really talked much since he's always busy. He goes by Trinity, if you see him, tell him I said 'Hi'"

@Eternal Dragonchild


Ruby grins as she's nudged then took the snack and nods to say thanks and says" Gezz you sound like a uptight virgin when you say stuff like that no wonder why you can't talk to girls you like properly but that aside your roommate is trinity normally that's a woman's name but in rare cases it's a guys as well ruby went silent for a minute then says" she's kinda moody so i don't know if she'll come but i would be great if she does".  Ruby then leans in and grabs his arm and presses herself in a little whispers in his ear if you can't hook up with your love interest i'll go on a date with you after all there are worst guys i could be seen with". A slight devilish grin mixed in with what could be the truth came on her face as she said this and pulls away and puts the sweet in her mouth and starts to eat it, hmm she bites into it and smiles as the flavour passes through her mouth and then picks up the cake in the box and opens it to share with others.
"Oh don't worry, I'll find someone," he whispered back. "Of course if you're offering to go out with me, then I'll happily accept." Reno was joking around with her on that one, but at the same time there was a hint of truth in there as well. He sees her bring out a box, which when she opens it, reveals a cake that she made, or at least, had some help making. "So, did you make that," he asked. "Or did you have some help with a certain flower girl?"

@Leo Radomir
(okay i'm back this is a random pop ut) 

Luna just looked at sister before she left the room as she followed her sister as she smiled she just looked around" um big sis i'm here" she say as she just was watching she just looked away' i guess she busy with her boyfriend' she thought' wait boyfriend' she thought she just giggled a bit as she was looking around she haven't really met anyone all she knows is her big sister she just wanted to train with her sister she hope her power will grow stronger she saw some plants as she touch feeling the power feeling what the plants is feeling" you need water" she say to the plants as she smiled @Leo Radomir
Clair had been pretty out of it this morning , her mind was at a stage of constant roaming. Everything that had happened in the recent time period had just up and gone over her head. It was a weird experience for Clair as normally this kind of thing would never happen , her special perception was leagues above even trained experts.

Anyway with time Clair began to come back to her senses , taking in small fragments of conversations as she did. She knew that at some point a picnic was mentioned and at another the battles but she honestly couldn't recall whom had said what. And so she simply sat looking around the classroom as though she was a lost child looking for her parental figure. It was embarrassing for her , yet it was the only thing she could do in this circumstance. Eventually after some panicking and slight blushing her gaze came to rest upon Homura just a few seconds before he left the room, unfortunately it seemed more than clear that he was preoccupied at the moment and so Clair did what she did best. She focused on her work....

@GreyGremory @anyone
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Homura was slightly disheartened by Hanako's mention if not know about his brother "I guess he wiped yours to..." he said sadly before perking up again to join his friends. He looked over to Ruby again "Hey so just curious but didn't Clair seem a little out of it today? She seemed like she spaced out, and I don't mean in her literal spacing out term" he said toward the Vice President "Anyway Reno I've beaten you plenty of times. Raph will be easy enough to fight against" he said toward his Elite friend standing next to Ruby. Homura felt a new heat source coming from behind him 'You've got a straggler' said Homura a darker voice in his head. He looked behind him and found a girl tending to some of the plants that had the snow melted off by Homura "Hey does anyone know who that is?" He said toward his friends as he pointed at the girl hunched over the plants.

@Eternal Dragonchild @Zeldafangirl

@Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
"Oh don't worry, I'll find someone," he whispered back. "Of course if you're offering to go out with me, then I'll happily accept." Reno was joking around with her on that one, but at the same time there was a hint of truth in there as well. He sees her bring out a box, which when she opens it, reveals a cake that she made, or at least, had some help making. "So, did you make that," he asked. "Or did you have some help with a certain flower girl?"

@Leo Radomir

Ruby smirks at the over all situation then stands up her eyes cold again and says" Ok back to serious  mode i don't mean to come over as a bitch but your not thinking straight tactician and shadows and light users like him always have a few nasty tricks up their sleeve and you may have some experience but even vets can be caught off gaurd from time to time i used to be overly cocky and think i was unbeatable but i soon learned through a brutal ass beating that i still need to grow". Ruby paused for a minute or so then says" so here's what i'm willing to do and teach you i can seal away a spirit if need be i'm also going to teach you to do an advance flame spirit ability which i taught to some else a long time ago which drains the mana of a foe but in order to learn this you must focus your ki energyies because this move is rougher on the body and mind with out the training, or you could not you can not accept and get your ass beat from being to cocky the choice is yours homura".

Ruby paused for another minute or so then says" as for clair i'll go and check on her later on the way back to the dorms if she needs my help i'll help but i don't wish to make her feel even more akward".

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Luka wandered over to Clair and cuddled up to her arm "Nice person" she signed as she smiled. She liked being around Clair. Luka was sweet and friendly, she wanted to get to know Clair better. "What are we learning" She signed to Clair, her hearing aid having run out of batteries for now.

@Mr Swiftshots
Reno looks over to see someone tending to the plants. "Oh, that's probably Luna, Ruby's younger sister," he said. He knew Luna just as well as Ruby a long time ago, she's had some serious problems with her stepmother for whatever reason, his guess was because of who she is. 'One day Luna, you will stand up to your stepmother, but for now, learn all you can here.' Reno faces Homura again, this time his demeanor turned from friendly to serious. "Ruby has a point Homura," he stated. "Our fights are usually about physical combat, shadow and light users are known for psychological warfare. They can make illusions feel like the real thing, even though they're non-lethal. Plus, like I said, I've fought Raphael before, and we only ended in a stalemate, so who knows how this will go for you." He thought back to his next match, this time it was an official one, and it's with Rina, a Spiritual user. "Anyway," he continued. "Ruby, I may want some training as well, I'll be up against Rina, who uses the same element as you do. Though I'm not sure of his skills persay."


@Leo Radomir



The teacher had been talking about the elementals to the humans. Something that was mentioned at the beginning of class due to the fact that since this was the first time humans and elementals were in the same school, it was required to have a briefing. Yay fun. Not. As Kat had her mechanical pencil in one hand and her other resting on her binder, she was getting dangerously bored. So, she picked up her phone and read the group chat. The amount of messages made her sigh, glad at the fact her phone was on silent. Typing, Kat glared at her phone:

Guys. Seriously. I'm in class. Will talk later though. ;)

She sent and pulled up the thread of just her and Homura. He was letting her know about the picnic. Shaking her head slightly, she deleted it and pulled up Adrian's number while texting him.

Is it bad that I have feelings for someone, but given my past I don't think I can do this? I shouldn't. I'm not supposed to.

After sending the text, she put it away and began to reminiscent of her past. The way she grew up feeling unneeded, unwanted, and unsupported. Having to grow up early and not being able to focus on what should've been was something she used to. Her duty as the leader meant that her fun wasn't a picnic. It was to be better. 

As she was thinking about what was going to happen, Kat had been staring at her blank paper and began to write. However, instead of graphite trailing after the pencil it was ice. Small tiny shards replaced the lines making an elegant picture of a couple holding hands while each held an umbrella due to it raining; both looking happy. Once she was done, she gasped slightly at the artwork unaware at what she had done until after. 



@anyone else
Luna just listen as she saw reno she just had tears in her eyes she saw a bit blood dripping down her wrist she just sighed trying to hide it she just stood up as she just close her eyes she didn't like when her stepmother was brought back' i miss my real mom' she thought as she was messing with her necklace she just looked around' no one know how i feel what i grow through with all the abuse i been through everyday i feel alone no one knows me the only thing i have is my sisters and brothers that help me with my pain' she thought to herself she hated seeing plants that were dying she liked to help them she could talk to the plants' maybe i don't belong here i'm a burden to my sister' she thought @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
Reno walked over to where Luna was and knelt down beside her. "Hey Luna," he softly spoke. "How are the plants? Are they gonna be okay?" He didn't want to ask a touchy question, knowing full well what the answers are. As he looked into her eyes, he saw that they were glassy, as if she was crying. Reno noticed her fiddling around with her necklace, which was a memento from her mother. "I miss her too, she always came by with a new plant for my mother," he softly spoke again. After some time he sighed and said, "I can't say that I understand how you feel...because I really don't, but Ruby and I are here for you if you need us." 'I love those two, they're like sisters to me...besides, Kat may have a slight crush on me, only one way to find out is to ask her. I'll keep the thought of Ruby wanting to be my girlfriend as possibility for when Kat rejects me, or when we break up, which ever comes first.'

Luna just looked at Reno as she smiled" its okay i'm okay i'm tougher than i look mom taught me to be tough yeah mom was an amazing person this necklace is the only thing i have from her yeah my stepsister ruby is amazing she trains withs me would you like to train with me big brother" she say as she just smiled poking him a bit she just giggled" don't worry about me i'm okay at least i'm here i don't have to be with stepmother" she say as she just smiled she just was humming a bit" my plants are good they just need water" she say as she just looked at him" how your mom big brother reno" she say as she just looked at him as she was still fidling with her necklace @ShadowSaber331
"My mom's okay," he answered. "She's helping dad out with a few things back home, I swear there's not a day when those two are not working. But I can't complain, it helps pay the bills." He laughed at that last comment, as those bills he's mentioned are usually the normal utility and the frequent reconstruction of the house from his training sessions. 'I swear, those Time wizards know what the hell they're doing. Of course their services can be costly considering that it takes a lot of time, heh, and energy, literally, to rebuild something that's been destroyed over and over again.' Reno noticed a bit of blood and found the cause, which was a cut on her wrist that she tried to cover up. He creates a water bracelet over the cut so it can heal properly. "Luna, death is not a good way to escape the pain," he softly spoke yet again. "Besides, I do hve some good news. My father is looking for an isolated area here in the UK where he can create a home for me and a few others using his shadow magic, he said it'll take about half of the current semester for him to find it and a quarter of the second half to build it. But once it's done, We can use that as our base of operations. What do you think, wanna be a part of our team?"

Luna just looked down as she just sighed" i know i'm sorry it was stupid of me" she just looked at him as she hug him" i'm sorry i want to be part of your team i don't wanna go back there" she say as she just looked at him" don't tell my sis about this she be mad" she say softly as she looked at the other people around' i missed you though' she signed' i glad i have you as a friend thank you for being here for me and my big sis' she signed as she just looked around she learned sign language few years ago she loved reading books she was learning how to bake she wasn't very good at cooking but she was trying to learn in the cookbooks" i'm trying to learn how to cook" she told him @ShadowSaber331
'Don't worry, I won't tell Ruby,' he signed. 'Though eventually she'll figure it out anyway.' Reno gets up and walks away. "See ya later Luna," he shouts. He later pulls out his phone and texts Kat, wondering whether or not if she actually likes him as more than a friend. ;Katalina, I've been meaning to ask this, but do you like me as just a friend, or more than a friend? I just thought I'd know so that I won't make a mistake later in the future.' He sends the message and walks around the school a bit before heading to his Elementl Training class. Reno took his seat, pulled out his pencil and paper, and prepared to take some notes.


Homura jogged slowly toward Reno and Luna "Hey guys you are taking quite a while to get back" he said jokingly as he stopped and noticed Reno wrapping Luna's wrist with water "Is everything okay over here? I can help if you'll let me" he said trying to be sincere. Homura focused and brought out a green flame "This should work faster than Renos water healing" he said with green tinted red eyes and hair glowing as he held he flame "I've been getting better with it since the atom explosion incident" he said confidently as he remembered bringing the human student back from the brink of death after Arc turned him to dust. 

@Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331
Luna looked at the boy who was helping out" see you big brother" she say as she turned her attention to homura" thank you um..... whats your name i'm Luna i'm Ruby's little sister" she say as she just smiled" thanks for helping me i been trying to figure some stuff out thanks for helping i really aperiate it" she say as she just smiled" are you a elemnetal or elite i can feel plants feelings and communicate with them and grow plants stuff like that what can you do beside healing my cut" she asked as she just smiled looking at him as she just was watching the others hoping her sister didn't know she cut herself @GreyGremory

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