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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

His phone started to buzz. Took them long enough. He read the recent messages. He was surprised at what he read. Adrian gasped, offended by Reno's texts. 'If I'm a baby you're an old man >:P but seriously, history is boring. And there is literally no one I can tolerate here.' He then looked around then spotted Nathaniel. 'Yknow except Nath. But he doesn't get my humor the way I want him to get it.' Adrian then looked up at the other messages. Seemed like Homura joined in on the chat. Which wasn't a problem. The more the merrier in Adrian's case. It felt like the Elites were somewhat with him in this awful class. 'Well, we can have like a picnic on... somewhere. Idk man.' He raises a brow looking at Reno's text. 'Instrument? What instrument does she plan on playing??' 

@ShadowSaber331 @GreyGremory @Eternal Dragonchild

Raphael Moreau


        I would nod as a response to Ravien. Once I had gotten the music pieces, I had once skimmed through what was written. Then, I merely just laughed, and I handed back the music. I then put my hands to the keys of the piano. As I waited for her to play as well. "...I already know what this song is I'm afraid, I won't be needed music sheets," I said. As I then waited for her response.

@Eternal Dragonchild
Reno felt his phone buzz once again, this time from a message sent by Adrian. 'Seriously, I may be good friends with him, but dear lord, he's about as mature as a presidential candidate, and they're old enough to be playing in Las Vegas.' He later receives another text from him, stating that everyone except for Nate is tolerable, yet he doesn't get his humor. He also read about what instrument Raiven plays, but he prefers to answer them in order 'That's because your humor's as dry as sandpaper. I mean come on man...as for the instrument, she's bringing her Trombone. I really hope she's improving, 'cause I really hate to leave the picnic early because of a few...scratch that, A LOT, of sour notes.'

Raiven scowled at her phone "I have IMPROVED. Unlike you, who can't play an instrument" She scolded Reno, adding an upset emoji "I can play well enough for a major orchestra"

She nodded back to Raphael and picked up her trombone "Hey Homura, mind feeding back to Reno on how I have improved?"  Setting the sheet up on her desk she placed the mouthpiece to her lips, took a breath and began to play, perfectly in tune. 



@Anyone Online


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Raphael Moreau


        As she played her song, I played along with her. I was bored for those three minutes she played. The song was 'bland' to say the least. Once it was over, as a transition, my fingers flew down, pressing each key in a scale until I had gotten to the starting position of the peice I would play next. Once that happend, you can put together what happens next. I 'stole' the show from Raiven as I began playing a beuatiful song.

Moonlight Sonata - 3rd Movement - Ludwig Van Beethoven

@Eternal Dragonchild
Raiven smirked, she wasn't going to be outdone. Her powers could be useful right now. As she lifted her trombone again several flashes of lightning formed into the sheet music for the song, allowing her to effortlessly follow along. Each would bounce and disappear as soon as she played it, the sheet music sliding along in front of her eyes  She'd finally found some proper competition to play alongside. Beethoven was a staple in orchestras, she learned to play it for that very reason.



Raphael Moreau


        I found her accompaniment distasteful. Naturally, she was using her powers to use lightning to help her catch up. I found this amusing, as I could just deafen everyone else from listening to it, making her looking like a fool. It was a really simple concept of altering one's senses. I merely then watch what would happen next. This lightning will have no thunder. I though. Such a thought could almost make me laugh. No matter, I just continued playing when this happened.

@Eternal Dragonchild
More frowns came from Adrian. 'Rude!! I thought you loved me ;P' He seemed a bit relieved when he found out that Raiven chose to only play a trombone. Adrian was just glad no... pianos were going to be involved. Yes, his loathing for pianos were very serious. He was probably the most skilled Elite with such an instrument. But he hated it. Because of personal reasons. But that didn't mean he forgot how to play it. He could never forget, it was very important in his life. 'Ah... I see....' Hm. That sounded more serious than needed too. Adrian automatically panicked a bit. 'I mean, luckily she only chose to play that. Remember when she tried the guitar?? I think my ear is still recovering from the bleeding last year! >v<' Better. Adrian didn't want to be showing his inner self. He was Adrian the funny, young, care free vice captain of the Elites! Not Adrian the sad, depressed, and troubled rich kid with family and past problems. He was here to make people feel happy or even annoyed, not depressed and sorry for him. 'So anyone else wanna do some cool talents at the picnic or just Raiven? Though I wouldn't really call deafening or sending people to the infirmary a talent. -v-'

@ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild @GreyGremory @Anyone Online @demnkiller @TheQueenofHearts
Raiven stowed her trombone safely "Speaking of bleeding, this french monkey is going to make MY ears bleed with his awful musical skills. He can go take a long walk of a short pier" 

She decided to put an end to the torture, she had rights and they did not involve torture" It's the same guy who gave Ren trouble" She picked up her textbook and smacked Raphael hard with it. Once that was done she sat down at her seat again, doodling in her book.

@ShadowSaber331 @eero-prince  @GreyGremory @Anyone Online @demnkiller @TheQueenofHearts
'Ugh, leave it to Raiven to make our ears bleed with that. She should take some lessons from Raphael. I've heard his music, and he's pretty good. Though I'm sure that by the time she gets this she'll probably let her ego get the better of her and say she's better. I swear, she overestimates herself a lot, no sense of humility. Though I'm not going to play an instrument...well, the only instrument I know how to play is a guitar. My mother taught me when I was young long story short, and it even impressed my music teacher back in freshman year. I'd play on mine but I didn't bring it..' Reno sent the text and placed his phone back in his pocket. Playing the guitar was second nature to him, but because he doesn't have one on hand, he'll have to borrow one from the music hall. He knows how strict the teachers can be when it came to students borrowing instruents, so he put the idea aside, for now.

@Eternal Dragonchild




@Anyone Online


Raphael Moreau


         Once I was done, I then made the piano... 'disappear'. I then retook my position of seeming interested in class. Being interested in taking notes. Naturally, I also began to think of a strategy against my opponent, Arcus. I was a natural-born strategist, I always thought of how to attack a problem, and I was always focused on solving a problem. Perhaps I am the only one who thinks about the term, "The End Justifies the Means", but for now, I just sat there, bored, until class started, or unless someone wanted to interact with me. Of course, when she attempted to smack me with the book, I moved my head to the side.
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'French monkey? How come I'm the only one who hasn't met this guy??? He seems to be causing you all trouble.' And that was Adrian's job. Adrian felt a bit awkward with the mention of 'mother' or just the entire story Reno typed in entirely. Even if it wasn't really a story mainly on family or a story at all. Family was a topic Adrian can't relate to. Ever. 'Well then.. I can always sing.' That was a joke. Adrian didn't like to sing, and he considered himself awful at singing. Music really wasn't a thing for him anymore. And yet it was important to his family. 'Like my amazing talents aren't for entertainment. Or audience entertainment.' Adrian placed a hand on his back, tracing the embroidered piano. 

@Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331 @GreyGremory @demnkiller 
Akira looked at Isaac. "I'mmm good w...with t...that." She managed. "Me too." Smiled Jason. "And that's just cause we've known each other since we were extremely little. She's like my little sister and we just fit naturally." He responded to Isaac's comment about their getting along so well and shouldered Akira playfully and she did so back giggling like a little girl. "We do don't we." She said with ease towards him. "It's what growing up side by side every day all day for years does to people." He replied. "So we have a plan set and in motion and it's a good one at that!" He said with a triumphant nod of his head. "Except we are missing a few details. What are we gonna do, where we gonna go? Akira you wanna pick?" He said looking at her with a gentle smile. She nodded. "What a.....about going t...to the l....lounge and j...j..just talking?" She said turning to Isaac @Leo Radomir

Isaac smiles gently and says" sure i don't mind besides it's not a good place to try and get to know each other i've grown tired of the nonsense going on in the background and don't have the mood to want to cook anyways, there's a japanese women next to the french guy i think he's called ralph, she seems like an ok person and with two females and two males it makes akira feel less awkward, on another note for some reason you mentioning little sister reminds me of the big sisters that were in charge of homeschooling me but that's another story for another time". Issac walks up to the japanese women and says" hi my name is isaac i'm new here and me and jason and akira are going to the lounge it would be great if you could come along since akira is very shy".

Ruby had let it heat for a little bit so she puts her cake base in the oven and sets the timer and then turns around and says to the arrogant girl" You're in a class and all you can do is pull the cutesy crap like it's only half wrong then i dawns on you much later i mean seriously between the two of you it wouldn't kill to use your heads and your not special just because you part of the elites if you pull stupid crap i will treat you just i do all those that annoy me so from now on i hope your ready for a bumping ride if you think my words are hallow". 

@Eternal Dragonchild
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Homura listened to the sudden out burst from Ruby "Hey it's going to be great to go to school with you again this year" he said trying to diffuse the situation "Always so serious Ruby, you really need to cool off" he said ironically since he was the fire elemental and he was telling her to cool off. He laughed inside a bit before tying his hair into a short pony tail to get ready for Home ec "Anyway vice prez what are you so jumpy about right now, we only just started the school year. You can breath for but for now" he said almost as if alluding to future disturbances from the Elite group.

@Leo Radomir
Homura listened to the sudden out burst from Ruby "Hey it's going to be great to go to school with you again this year" he said trying to diffuse the situation "Always so serious Ruby, you really need to cool off" he said ironically since he was the fire elemental and he was telling her to cool off. He laughed inside a bit before tying his hair into a short pony tail to get ready for Home ec "Anyway vice prez what are you so jumpy about right now, we only just started the school year. You can breath for but for now" he said almost as if alluding to future disturbances from the Elite group.

@Leo Radomir

Ruby smirks and says" I don't have a lot of free time like many of you and if you think this is getting heated and jumpy you really don't know the other me and if i don't show i mean business then what's stopping people from taking the utter mick and doing and saying as they please when ever it doesn't suit them and i can't stand people that carry on like people are below them so yeah i'm annoyed if you want to help me keep unneeded paper work down i would to try and free some time for my self".

Ruby paused for a minute or so then says" anyways i've said what i had to say about that and if i have to fight to prove my point then i don't have a problem with that i'm not some prissy weakling that needs others to fight their battles or use them as a crutch". Ruby then starts to turn around to get her cake not caring what the stupid girl thought or if he replied. ' i know that was really cold and blunt but i'm not cut out for all that nicey nice stuff or be a people person all i have is luna and big brother and right now i don't know how to change to a more easy going person but i already sort of made a fool of my self and don't want it to happen any time soon he seems like a nice enough guy though i do feel a little bit bad about being so cold to him'.
Reno figured that he should take a walk around the school until his Elemental Training class began, fortunately it was right near the Home Economics class room. 'Maybe Ruby's right, maybe i can't be the big hero and protect everyone. Even so, I have to be their pillar of support for when shit hits the fan.' He was broken out of his thoughts by the sound of someone screaming at the top of their lungs, which from the sounds of it, is directed to the Elites in that class. Reno walks over and opens the door, revealing a semi-surprised group of students. "Jesus Christ," he said. "I could here yelling through here, what happened?"

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

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Raphael Moreau


        "Une performance, par moi," I said smugly in my native French tongue. "A performance, be me." I translated to Reno. "A shame you missed it, but perhaps that is not a bad thing, as Raiven was performing... as well," I told him.  "In other words, not much I'm afraid," I added. As I then continue to mind my business, as I would then be expecting some antics from Raiven, in response to my "polite mannerisms". 

@Eternal Dragonchild

Homura looked first as Reno and then got a quick skip to the French exchange students comment "Hey just because she sucks at music doesn't mean you have the right to say anything about it, no offence Raiven" he said holding back a laugh at his own comment "If you really want to start fights I think you've got one, and now it's going to be with me" he said with a mix between his intense serious voice and his fired up and excited voice. He started feeling a fire roar in his soul 'I ain't helping this one, you're on your own' said his darker voice from within his mind "So what do you say frenchy, you and me today during practical defence and tactics?" He asked, issuing the challenge to the student he wasn't sure why he hated. Homura very rarely hates anyone but when it came to Raphael the comments were just to much. He turned to Clair "Hey Clair please may I have permission to change my initial opponents from who ever I would have had to face to this guy instead" he said, confident in his abilities and control over his element.

@Eternal Dragonchild @Mr Swiftshots @ShadowSaber331 @XxCharColexX

Raphael Moreau


         I watched and stared in amazement towards Homura. Interesting, it seems no one can handle the truth here I guess. "How interesting," I said cooly. Making sure my temperament is in check. "How strange, how some people are oblivious, contradictory, and in denial," I stated towards Homura. "If people cannot handle the truth, then must I lie?" I pondered out loud as if it were rhetorical. "How pathetic, relying on your status to grow your ego," I said. I then sighed and continued my remarks against the establishment in this academy known as the Elites. "Hiding behind a rank and abusing your power to turn the outcome in your favor," I remarked. As I then stood up and then said,  "Why need a piece of paper to be changed in order to fight me?" I said. "Or are you merely just all bark and no bite?" I questioned Homura.  "Just note that feigning away from a challenge because it 'wastes your time' or 'isn't permitted', is surely an act of cowardice," I taunted. In the back of my mind, I already began to formulate strategies, tactics, plans. I waited for what came next, I waited for a response, I waited... for action.


@Eternal Dragonchild


@Mr Swiftshots
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Raphael Moreau


         I watched and stared in amazement towards Homura. Interesting, it seems no one can handle the truth here I guess. "How interesting," I said cooly. Making sure my temperament is in check. "How strange, how some people are oblivious, contradictory, and in denial," I stated towards Homura. "If people cannot handle the truth, then must I lie?" I pondered out loud as if it were rhetorical. "How pathetic, relying on your status to grow your ego," I said. I then sighed and continued my remarks against the establishment in this academy known as the Elites. "Hiding behind a rank and abusing your power to turn the outcome in your favor," I remarked. As I then stood up and then said,  "Why need a piece of paper to be changed in order to fight me?" I said. "Or are you merely just all bark and no bite?" I questioned Homura.  "Just note that feigning away from a challenge because it 'wastes your time' or 'isn't permitted', is surely an act of cowardice," I taunted. In the back of my mind, I already began to formulate strategies, tactics, plans. I waited for what came next, I waited for a response, I waited... for action.


@Eternal Dragonchild


@Mr Swiftshots

Ruby is finishing off her jam for the inside of the cake and says" I don't see the point in helping her people sometimes have to learn the hard way to keep their ego in check and lets be honest maybe after the beat the stuffing out of each other their brains we'll reconnect to where should and the paper is how things have been done here otherwise people would be starting lots more random and stupid fights i hope that answers your question". Ruby doesn't bother to look at raphael he is just as annoying in a different way and can do with a personality tuning. 
"Provocation toward causing an international incident must be a pass time for you. Remember you can't mess with me and risk the Japanese government ms involvement as Hanako knows full well and I can't do anything to you or risk your countries wrath" he said gesturing to the other Japanese person in the room "Its good to see you again Hanako, although maybe your choice of friends is still a little spotty" he said toward the girl before turning his full attention back to the exchange student. Homura sized up his opponent "You seriously think shallow illusions are going to help you against hells fires?" He asked with a level of insult added to his words "Please by all means you may use your illusions but I will definitely not lose to you, I've made a promise not to lose to anyone and I keep my promises" he said before taking off his apron and grabbing his leather jacket from its hanger. He looked toward Ruby "Ruby, you know me, you know I'll always do things by the book when I can. I'm going to leave everything in your hands now and Clair's of coarse. Im just going to cool off for a bit" he said before slipping his jacket on "Baguette boy, if you ever want to have an off he record sparring match just let me know. Clair I'll see you later" he said quickly before exiting the room, heading directly for the our door atrium.

@XxCharColexX @Mr Swiftshots @Leo Radomir @Eternal Dragonchild
Reno sighed from what has been going on so far. True he did become an Elite for the status, but even he knows that status doesn't mean anything when it comes to hard work. "Ugh," he groaned. "Am I really the only Elite the doesn't view my status as a 'get out of jail free' card? Even I know that status doesn't mean jack when it comes to hard work, all it is is just a status, nothing more." Reno thought about what Homura would do to Raphael in a match, and thought about his experience with him before. "Anyway, I'm gonna catch up to Homura, see ya later." He closes the door and rushes over to catch up to Homura. "Hey, Homura," he shouts. "Are you crazy? I've fought Raphael before, he's a lot smarter than you think. Hell, our match ended in a stalemate, so he's basically my...equal so to speak."


@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Mr Swiftshots


Raphael Moreau


         "Interesting, as he still proclaims I provoked him, yet it was him who admitted blatantly that Raiven's music sucked, yet it was him who wanted a fight, it was him who strangled me, and it was him who ran away," I said. I then turned towards Clair, "...I pray you were witnessing what had happened," I questioned, "Did you see the attempted assault that I had to be the victim of? Pity if it must be overlooked," I then sat back down, dusting off my clothing, and then continued to take notes, or what can I take note of in here. Although I wanted to make note of the last remark he said towards me, "Huh, perhaps a saying from his home will help," as I then stated a proverb, "The strongest attack that never hits, or the weakest attack that shall meet its mark every time, which shall win?"

@Mr Swiftshots

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild
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Homura had to take many deep breaths as he walked around the outside of the academy. While he walked, everywhere his feet hit the ground the snow melted revealing green grass. He had only ever been that fired up fighting anyone of the graduated former Elites and a person he swore one day he would destroy for taking away everything. *Hey Reno meet me outside near the atrium* he sent his text to his friend and then went to lean against the wall of the school 'Hahahaha so you tried to take the civil path and you ended up being the bad guy in the end' said his inner darkness said while appearing to be laughing just beside Homura. Homura hated that he was the only one who could see him but he also knew that to get rid of him he had to get rid of the man who stole his life away "Seriously what is wrong with him? He was trying to get me to attack him on purpose" he said to himself as if ignoring his own mental health issue. He finished catching his breath and waited for his friend to arrive.

Raiven stood up, picked up her trombone case and music sheets and left the room leaving the rest of her stuff on her table. She walked up to one of the rooftop balconies where she sat down, resting her head on her knees "I'm not that bad" She whispered to herself, one hand tracing the case of her trombone "I wasn't leader of the trombone section here last year for nothing" She sat watching the trees blow in the wind for a rival before taking her trombone out to play. Her chosen piece came from the Film Music concert they held here last year, each note perfect.

Her song

Hanako stood up and took her things to follow after Homura. she eventually caught up to him and spoke softly "He's a jerk but at least he actually said hello, unlike you" She poked his cheek and smiled before offering him a mochi ball with a cute panda face "So how have you been"


@Leo Radomir @Anyone Online @XxCharColexX
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