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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Why is that bad though??" Arcus asked as he moaned a little from Raiven being so close and pressing her body to him. "Well I have to P.E. Though I am pretty sure you would want to watch me do that??" Arcus suggested with a wink, and a little moan when Raiven got close to his neck. Arcus tried to be quietm but sparks started to pop off of him every once in a while.
Raiven kisses him quickly "Your shirt is missing again, not that I am complaining at all, She tapped his chest with her pen "Makes me all hot under the collar" She took this oppurtunity to glare at the other girls and bare her teeth in a growl, a small storm gathering over her head "Mine" She said simply, leaning against his side, if he looked he'd get a very very nice view 

@Anyone Online

Ruby watched this it and then laughs at her in a mocking way and says" I don't know about you ralph but if the teacher doesn't come soon i'm going to head to the student council because i'm still waiting for my gym stuff to get here it should be here with a few days what about you"? 
Homura felt his phone buzz ad he responded to Raiven "Why would it matter if the new girls knew about you and Arc? They would realize soon that it's safer away from him then right next to him" he said as he took out his phone to check the message 'Uh oh, looks like you're going to have to talk to him again' said Homuras dark haired double "Well I guess I better see why he needs one" he said to himself. He began to text *Sorry in class. I don't have an extra but I can try and get another in a day or so. If possible can you explain later why you need one* he sent the text and then stuck his phone away. He looked at Raphael as he played the piano "Hey does anyone find it weird that you're all playing instruments in home ec.? Just saying this is a cooking class guys" he said before sliding on an apron and started washing his hands.

@Eternal Dragonchild @Anyone Online

@ShadowSaber331 @XxCharColexX
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'Damn, I have to wait a day!? Ah well, at least he can have it by tomorrow.' Reno paces around, figuring out how he should explain this to both Hazel and Homura. When he gathered his thoughts, he pulls out his phone and texts him. 'I need it because I'll be in my classes while Hazel is in hers, I can't be around all the time whenever more bullies pick on her because of that.' Reno sighs and send the message to Homura, hoping that he'd get it as soon as possible. He turns to face Hazel and answers her question regarding the watch. 'The watch allows the user to have the same abilities as an elemental,' he signed. 'Because I got classes for elementals, I won't be around to protect you, unfortunately. So I have Homura get you that very same watch and I'll train you on how to use it...as well as Homura since he know how the hell that thing even works.'


Homura looked at his phone again with the new text 'Really hating the bullies this year, really persistent' he thought to himself before responding *I can probably get her a watch but if you're planning on trying to teach her how to use it you might need someone else's help* he sent the text out to Reno. He thought about the watch he gave Nathaniel and then he got a grand idea *Hey Nathaniel, could you give me a hand with something? It's urgent! Meet me at lunch after classes and I'll explain* he sent his text to Nathaniel and the put his phone away. He turned to look at Clair "Hey so when are the student matches starting? I am hoping to try out a new set of spells so I was hoping for a strong fight" he said hoping he didn't sound to over confident. 

@ShadowSaber331 @Mr Swiftshots @JayEmperor7
Hazel just looked at him as she looked down' ok big brother thank you' she signed to him as she" I sworry" she said trying to talk without signing she felt bad that he had to protect her' I sworry you have to protect me from scary bullies wait who is homura I'm shy' she signed' he wouldn't understand me though I speak bad' she signed to him @ShadowSaber331
Reno walked over and gave Hazel a hug, then began signing once he let go. 'It's okay Hazel. I'm used to helping out other people, it's kind of my thing.' He saw Hazel sign to her about who Homura was. Since she hasn't met Homura yet, she was a bit shy, he couldn't blame her since she did meet a few students that wasn't friendly during their first meeting. 'Homura's another Elite, and a friend of mine,' he signed again. 'He's also one of the guys that helped me fight of the bullies a few days ago. He's a nice guy so you don't have to worry about him.' When he finished explaining, Reno got a message from Homura, stating that he'll need someone else's help on training her. 'I know, which is why I'm asking you to help me...wait, Nate has some training with it, right? Maybe he could help her if you're busy.'


Akira looked up at him through her bangs, he was staring right at her. He actually wanted to have lunch with someone who could barely talk a work to another person without stuttering who wasn't Jason. "I....I'd like t...t...that." She gave a small smile and nod. Jason then walked over feeling that he had left Akira to fend for herself long enough and smiled. "You did good Aki, much better than I thought you would, to be honest." He then turned to Isaac. "Thanks, I know she really would love to have lunch as well as a normal conversation with someone other than me." He said in a more hushed town as Akira began to turn pink and elbow Jason in the gut. "D...Deserved that." He said with the wind slightly knocked out of him and gave a breathless laugh. "So am I welcome as well or should I let the two of you get to know each other alone, that way I don't keep up my habit of talking and responding for Aki?" He honestly wanted Akira to make her own friends and be able to talk to them without his help, he knew he couldn't always be around and if he didn't help her start now she never would be able to talk to another soul without stuttering and running away. Akira turned back to Isaac and waited for him to answer she didn't want to say no and make it seem like she didn't want to get to know him herself. @Leo Radomir
Akira looked up at him through her bangs, he was staring right at her. He actually wanted to have lunch with someone who could barely talk a work to another person without stuttering who wasn't Jason. "I....I'd like t...t...that." She gave a small smile and nod. Jason then walked over feeling that he had left Akira to fend for herself long enough and smiled. "You did good Aki, much better than I thought you would, to be honest." He then turned to Isaac. "Thanks, I know she really would love to have lunch as well as a normal conversation with someone other than me." He said in a more hushed town as Akira began to turn pink and elbow Jason in the gut. "D...Deserved that." He said with the wind slightly knocked out of him and gave a breathless laugh. "So am I welcome as well or should I let the two of you get to know each other alone, that way I don't keep up my habit of talking and responding for Aki?" He honestly wanted Akira to make her own friends and be able to talk to them without his help, he knew he couldn't always be around and if he didn't help her start now she never would be able to talk to another soul without stuttering and running away. Akira turned back to Isaac and waited for him to answer she didn't want to say no and make it seem like she didn't want to get to know him herself. @Leo Radomir

Isaac gently smiles and says" yes she did well for her first time and how about this as a compromise  i'll try and invite some else new over so we can all talk for the first few times then as she gets more comfortable round me and people we can decide then if she's ready for her first one on one isaac then says to akira" you two get on really well to be honest i don't really remember my early years but some how you two remind me of some one i used to know if only i could remember what they looked like it would help but that's another story for another time". He looks back at them both and then waits for them to talk, ' I wonder why i said that but it's not untrue there was somebody like that in my life but irronicly for the life of me i can't picture them full'

Ruby gets out her phone and texts luna and says" Please for the love of pete hurry and come to home economics if i have to keep hearing any more stupidity i'll rip my hair out, that aside though what kind of cake do you want to make because i can't remember how good you are cooking i know it's pretty naff of me to forget people's hobbies and i'll try harder to remember". @Zeldafangirl
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After communing with Raphael, he headed down to his first hour which was history class. He entered the classroom and took his seat in the middle of the classroom, not to close but not to far back. He looked around and saw Adrian there also. he said his binder and other supplies on his desk and took out a pencil and open to a clean page in notebook. Nathaniel loved pencils and paper and loved the way an unused notebook looked and felt. He looked on the board in the front of the room to see if there was anything that he needed to do when he felt a vibration from his phone. He had received a text message from Homura for something important. He answered the message saying, "Sure thing." He then sent the message and put his phone away. He then awaited for the teacher's instructions.

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Luna saw the the text from her big sister as she sighed' fine fine i'll go to home econics yes i know i suck at cooking' she text back as she was walking to her class she just was smililg she wasn't that excited about taking a cooking class she didn't understand why she was fourced to take a cooking class with her sister she was just grumbeling as she was walking she stood at the door as she was shy she just had her hoodie on she was emberssed by the bruises she has she just walked in the class" heya big sis" she say as she was just looking at her she looked at the other students she haven't made one friend yet since she been her she just hold onto her books she likes to read she was messing with her necklace her real mother gave to her before she died she looked outside as she was making some trees to grow @Leo Radomir

Hazel just looked at him as she nodded' whats going on Reno can you tell me and what if he don't understand me i'm scared wait train me' she signed all confused as she just looked around holding onto her book she just sat on one of the bleachers as she was looking at him' whats going to happen can i tell raiven whats going on i haven't seen her all day' she signed sadly ' i hate bullies will the bullies go away i want them to go away i want to be happy but i'm still suffering after mom died but i trying to be happy for my friends all i want to do is cry no one know how i feel it hurts i don't even sleep anymore i can't sleep' she signed as she was hiccuping a little bit @ShadowSaber331
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How boring. History was obviously not Adrian's favorite class. It was talking bout the past and there was always one thing that really got on his nerves. And that was the past. Adrian's past is very confidential, no one besides at least 1 or none at all know about his background. It was not anything serious but it was something someone like Adrian wouldn't want anyone to know about. But here was one thing, it involved a design of his jacket. 


Adrian was at the moment in history class, with a pencil balancing inbetween his nose and upper lip. He was crossing his eyes as he just stared at the pencil. He soon noticed Nathaniel. Hm. He didn't know history was also his class. Adrian didn't know what to think about Nathaniel, he was nice. But he didn't seem to notice it when Adrian was trying to mess with him. But that was okay at the moment. Adrian will successfully mess with him eventually. Anywho.  Ah, he just loved classes like this, he could smell the scent of new school supplies and the craving to finally use them. Oh how Adrian loved that. N o t. He was wishing for something exciting to at least happen today. Maybe he could use his abilities, he has been practicing in combat more than tricks during the break. 

The blue haired boy eventually used his abilities to get pull his phone into his hand. He then pushed the power button and went on the Elite chat which was made.. Well, God knows when and started typing away. He was aware History was going to be a long one so he might as well pass the time with a few friends. Who have different classes with the poor Vice Captain. It kinda sucked being the youngest. But it had benefits too. Like being the cutest. And the girls (and certain guys) want him like kids wanting the last cone of ice cream on a hot summer day. He was irresistible and Adrian knew it. He liked to use that blessing to get what he wanted. Huh. Now that you think of it, maybe this is why Adrian doesn't have a lover yet. He was too prideful and cocky for probably everyone. Adrian just needed someone who can withstand that. Anyway, Adrian clicked the send button with a smile on his face. 

good morning!! \[-v•]/ how are my favorite people doing??

With the use of super kawaii  silly emoticons it showed how bored this guy was. If they knew Adrian they would know this. Besides, he doesn't always use the group chat. Unless it was for spamming nudes (which were only bowls of noodles), spamming McDonalds specials, or just making side comments. (Yes, he likes spamming) It was not like him to actually start a conversation or even a greeting on the chat. Today was really going to be a unique day if this was happening. A unique day indeed.

@ShadowSaber331 @GreyGremory @Eternal Dragonchild @Anyone Online @demnkiller 

@TheQueenofHearts (Probs her I guess like they might have added her (Victoria) in the group during those weeks,,)
Raiven took her phone out, hiding it in the fold of her dress. She looked at the message from Adrien "Deciding what to cook in Home Economics, much rather be playing the trombone"

She added a grumpy face to express her annoyance. With regards to the what they were going to cook Raiven had a brain wave "We could decorate the cake like a music sheet and add candy inside" Raiven giggled with happiness, she loved doing cookery, when she didn't set stuff on fire. She decided to add to the chat "We should all eat lunch together, picnic anyone?"

@ShadowSaber331 @Anyone Online @GreyGremory @demnkiller @Mr Swiftshots @eero-prince
'The watch Homura gave to Nate allows him to do all sorts of this,' he signed. "Even use abilities only an elemental can do.' Reno creates a dagger made of Ice. It happened so fast that you'd have to have it in bullet time to see it form. He twirls it around like it's a baton before making it disappear. 'Homura and Nate will help train you on how to use it so you can defend yourself from those bullies,' he signed again. 'But it'll take time before you can master it, when you get the watch, don't use it until you're able to control it, we don't want you accidentally killing someone.' His phone started to buzz, signifying that he received a message. When he took it out, it was Adrian, asking everyon how they're doing. 'So far so good, I'm currently talking to a friend right now, since my class doesn't start until later in the day.' After sending the text, he received another one, this time from Raiven stating that they should eat lunch together. 'A picnic for Elites, okay, I'm in.'



@Eternal Dragonchild
Neptune got the text, and gave a fake glare to Raiven. "Hey Raiv, you know i am next to you right??" Arcus asked as he looked at Raiven, and started to draw electric shapes, and animals in the air. Arcus then started to sing This is Gospel because he was bored, and his adhd was starting to get fidgety. "Hey Raiven, do you mind do push ups or something I can't sit still for longer.
"Sure. I might as well go and get my trombone for next lesson. Could you use your powers to get me to the dorm room. It's an awful long way" She gave Arcus puppy dog eyes "Or you could go and get it for me, burn off some energy. It's on the top shelf of my cupboard in a purple case" Raiven tapped her bookbag "I have my sheet music with me"

Her phone buzzed, Reno had replied. She tapped out a response "Perfect, you guys can see how I've improved at trombone"


@Anyone Online
Arcus didn't even spark when he left. He was in Raiven's dorm grabbed the instrument, and ported back. Arcus just sat there and his leg bounced. "Sorry it took so long I didn't know how much power to use. Arcus then started sparking because of all the energy built up inside him. Since Arcus is now pure lightning his body is pure energy, and he needed to burn a lot.
Raiven hugged the case happily "Does anyone here have any objections if I play one piece right now?" She took out a lavender folder from in her bag and started to flick through the sheets "Here Raphael, I have most of the bands sheets here, I might have some piano"

She took one out and laid it on her desk as she replaced the file in her bag. Being polite she waited for some answers.

@Anyone Online


@Mr Swiftshots

Luna saw the the text from her big sister as she sighed' fine fine i'll go to home econics yes i know i suck at cooking' she text back as she was walking to her class she just was smililg she wasn't that excited about taking a cooking class she didn't understand why she was fourced to take a cooking class with her sister she was just grumbeling as she was walking she stood at the door as she was shy she just had her hoodie on she was emberssed by the bruises she has she just walked in the class" heya big sis" she say as she was just looking at her she looked at the other students she haven't made one friend yet since she been her she just hold onto her books she likes to read she was messing with her necklace her real mother gave to her before she died she looked outside as she was making some trees to grow @Leo Radomir

Hazel just looked at him as she nodded' whats going on Reno can you tell me and what if he don't understand me i'm scared wait train me' she signed all confused as she just looked around holding onto her book she just sat on one of the bleachers as she was looking at him' whats going to happen can i tell raiven whats going on i haven't seen her all day' she signed sadly ' i hate bullies will the bullies go away i want them to go away i want to be happy but i'm still suffering after mom died but i trying to be happy for my friends all i want to do is cry no one know how i feel it hurts i don't even sleep anymore i can't sleep' she signed as she was hiccuping a little bit @ShadowSaber331

Ruby playfully nuggies luna and then leans in and says in a low voice you energy is all over the place even though you've got a little better at hiding it did you hurt your self or something"? Ruby looks around for a few moments then sighs thinking' i can't stand a good chuck of the elites and can't wait till i've given a reason to stick my foot up their asses'. 
Hazel just looked at the signing of reno as she smiled' coooooool yay so i will have powers like you do' she signed ' i don't really want to go to class bullies are hurtful' she signed as she looked at reno texting as she sighed' what is that about reno you can hang out with your friends if you like don't worry about me you guys are making me happy' she signed as she just looked around the audiotrium she just felt bored she was probaly going to skip class and just to read books' big brother reno can you help me learn how to speak to raiven i want them to understand me without using my hands my other roommate ruby says i speak horrible so can you teach me please' she signed as she hanged her head down' please i do anything to speak to people i wish they stop making fun of me because i'm deaf' she signed @ShadowSaber331

Luna just looked at her sister" stop it don't nuggie me" she say as she looked outside" i'm fine okay" she say to her big sister" nothing happen to me so just bug off" she say as she sounded a bit annoyed she was trying to hide it she cut herself with a knife she hated when her stepmother hit her she still get flashes off her she was afraid of her stepmother her sisters or brothers don't know about her cutting herself she deal with a lot of stuff' they don't know me they don't understand what i went through' she thought as she just looked outside as she saw the trees was growing as she was kinda mad she just sighed she stopped using her powers @Leo Radomir
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Hazel just looked at the signing of reno as she smiled' coooooool yay so i will have powers like you do' she signed ' i don't really want to go to class bullies are hurtful' she signed as she looked at reno texting as she sighed' what is that about reno you can hang out with your friends if you like don't worry about me you guys are making me happy' she signed as she just looked around the audiotrium she just felt bored she was probaly going to skip class and just to read books' big brother reno can you help me learn how to speak to raiven i want them to understand me without using my hands my other roommate ruby says i speak horrible so can you teach me please' she signed as she hanged her head down' please i do anything to speak to people i wish they stop making fun of me because i'm deaf' she signed @ShadowSaber331

Luna just looked at her sister" stop it don't nuggie me" she say as she looked outside" i'm fine okay" she say to her big sister" nothing happen to me so just bug off" she say as she sounded a bit annoyed she was trying to hide it she cut herself with a knife she hated when her stepmother hit her she still get flashes off her she was afraid of her stepmother her sisters or brothers don't know about her cutting herself she deal with a lot of stuff' they don't know me they don't understand what i went through' she thought as she just looked outside as she saw the trees was growing as she was kinda mad she just sighed she stopped using her powers @Leo Radomir

ruby sighed and then says in a low voice" wow you didn't have to get so mad about it and you're a bad liar but ok i won't push you in telling me what really happened because we're in the middle of class, i still have many things to learn as well but i can tell you a few things and that's if anyone might be able to understand your it's me because i've been watching over you in secret, i don't know what you were told but our family only has money because of the skills young women like us have and doing deadly work for other kingdoms and families but enough of the long details". Ruby paused for a minute or so then says" it may seem like i'm a cold vindictive cow sometimes but out of all the people you and brother are the only people i hold dear so every so often you can come and talk to me".  Ruby then heads over to the kitchen area and starts to gather the ingredients for a cake not really paying any attention to others and hopes that luna would understand what was just said to her. ' i've only got two years to find some one otherwise i'll have to marry one of the shiity princes but hell it's not i can openly say that and as much as luna means well she won't be able to help me in such a case'.
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Akira looked at Isaac. "I'mmm good w...with t...that." She managed. "Me too." Smiled Jason. "And that's just cause we've known each other since we were extremely little. She's like my little sister and we just fit naturally." He responded to Isaac's comment about their getting along so well and shouldered Akira playfully and she did so back giggling like a little girl. "We do don't we." She said with ease towards him. "It's what growing up side by side every day all day for years does to people." He replied. "So we have a plan set and in motion and it's a good one at that!" He said with a triumphant nod of his head. "Except we are missing a few details. What are we gonna do, where we gonna go? Akira you wanna pick?" He said looking at her with a gentle smile. She nodded. "What a.....about going t...to the l....lounge and j...j..just talking?" She said turning to Isaac @Leo Radomir
Adrian was now visibly texting in class but the teacher seemed not to notice at the moment. 'Aw lucky!! Renny can we like switch positions here rn?? History is suuupppeerrr boring! >^<'  Cue more emoticons. 'Also yeah, a picnic sounds good. Can use a good old lunch with nature after class. Y'know, if you guys are providing the food.' The blue haired boy hasn't had a picnic in well... such a long time! The last one was when he was like 8 years old and when his parents would actually give time to visit. Though that stopped a year after. But let's not get deep into that. The past was the past and you shouldn't look back at it. Or that's what Adrian thought. He was bored waiting for a reply for any of the Elites. This kid was impatient. But you couldn't blame him, if you were in a subject you didn't really like you would be impatient with text messages.

@ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild
Homura looked at his phone again and found a flood of messages with emoticons and he knew immediately that Adrian was bored and very irritated by what ever class he was in. He read all the other messages after those *Yea guys I'm in just tell me when and where and I'll get everything made and ready* he sent his message to all the Elites in the message board. He began looking at all his threads and started reading his unread messages he had sent Kat *Hey Kat just wondering if youre okay? We are all going for a picnic later if you want to join* he sent his message and then stuck his phone away for tre final time. He would feel bad if Clair wasn't invited "Hey Clair the rest of us are getting together for a picnic later if you'd like to join, I make killer sandwiches" he said confidently "If there is anything that you do or don't like or can't eat just let me know and I'll make them according to that" he said trying to be considerate of her possible allergies or food dislikes. 

@demnkiller @ShadowSaber331 @TheQueenofHearts @eero-prince @Mr Swiftshots @Eternal Dragonchild @Anyone Online
Reno felt his phone buzz again, and he already knows who sent it without even checking. 'Must be Raiven responding to my text.' He takes it out and reads Raiven's message before replying. 'Hopefully it's not bad enough to make my ears bleed.' As soon as he finished his text, Adrian's pop up asking if he could trade places with him, since he's in class and Reno's not. 'Dude, I think you can survive a few minutes of class, don't be such a baby.' When he was finished sending the texts, he turned to Hazel, who signed about her not being able to speak perfectly. 'I can try,' he signed. 'But it'd gonna be difficult if you can't hear how the words are pronounced, so until you can get something to help you hear...that can't be yanked out, we'll have to put that on hold. Sorry.' Reno felt his phone buzz yet again, this time it's from Homura, asking when and where he picnic will take place. 'Sometimes having the Elites in one whole chat can be annoying.'  'That's a good question Homura. When and where is this going to take place? I'd like to know so that I can get s few things ready. Food, drinks, earplugs for when Raiven starts playing that god awful instument.'




@Eternal Dragonchild

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