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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Arcus pulled her close. He moaned into the kiss, and moaned a little when Raiven put her head in his neck. "Raiven. s....s....stop there are people around." Arcus said with a loss of breath, and stutter. Arcus pushed, and away and put on the shirt making sure to go agonizingly slow. "Now Raiven do you want your breakfast??" Arucs asked with a wink, and turned his finger into pure lightning.
"True" She blushed even more, now taking to hiding her face in his shirt "I had some toast earlier, don't know what else I want" Raiven was often indecisive around food. She smiled slightly 

"What do you guys recommend, nothing too fatty" She asked the others, she did want Arcus to give her breakfast but the others were around


@Anyone Online

Nathaniel was about to say "Good morning" to Homura but he left before he got the chance. He saw Adrian out of the corner of his eye sit down at the table. "Good morning, Adrian," he said. "How are you this morning," he asked as he was putting the last spoonful of cereal into his mouth. "Are you sure that all you want?" he asked but didn't wait for an answer to eat the some of rest of the food. He put some extra waffles in the refrigerator for later. After that, he grabbed a plain red T-shirt, a pair of blue pants and of underwear from is baggage and then two towels and to take a shower and wash his hair. He took a long, relaxing, hot shower and then afterward went out and put on his clothes. He then went to get his school supplies; pen, pencils (mechanical, of course), highlighters, calculator, etc. And also his notebooks and folders neatly arranged in his binder for his classes. Before he headed out, he checked his phone to looked on the school's app to find his school schedule.

He grumbled his morning greeting with a bitter face. He really disliked mornings. "Tired." Yep that could describe how he felt so far today. He took a bite out of his apple now that his pancake was consumed. "Mm.." He nods and swallows his food. "Do you have a problem with how much I eat?" He glares at Nathaniel. Yep. Like most girls, you really shouldn't question how much they eat. This was the same rule with Adrian. That was offensive to him. Like it was to some females.Adrian was rude (more than usual) in the morning before a cold shower. 

Once Nathaniel was done taking his shower Adrian left the table, not even finishing his apple (yes it takes Adrian this long to not even finish his apple) and walked up to his bed to grab himself his own towel and made his way to the bathroom. Struggling a bit of course but soon enough made it and took a good cold shower. After a while, he exited the bathroom half naked with a towel around his bottom half and he had a big smile on his face. 

He took a deep breath and walked up to his bed once more. "Now I feel much better!" He says in relief. Cold showers are miracles are they not? Adrian picked out his clothes and started to change into them. No he was not afraid to be naked with someone in the same room. Adrian was... Well Adrian. He wasn't worried about showing his body whatsoever. Hell, he even changed in front of Raiven and probably Homura before. After changing he slipped on his glasses and picked up the Elite jacket Homura gave him. Adrian even was wearing the ring he made for himself on his left thumb. He then started to prepare his school items. "Have fun at class Nath!" He said with a grin before the human left. After a while, he soon enough left the dorm too. He then looked at his schedule. It was time for his first class.


Raphael Moreau


        After pulling some more stunts and just trying to waste time in general, I then decided to once more get myself ready again. Another shower, another set of clothes pulled out, the works. I took out my books, and then I sauntered off to class.
Raiven we can go have breakfast somewhere else, just name a place." Arcus said as he looked at you with a  certain look in his eyes. "Raiven I need to release come energy too. So if you wanna help with that, that would be very helpful." Arcus said with a wink.
"We could go up to my room" She suggested "I have croissants and butter" Raiven stood up from her seat and jumped onto Arcus's back, getting into a piggyback position "Let's go my noble steed" She giggled and kissed his cheek. Raiven loved piggybacks and Arcus. The two were ideal together.

Luckily for her she'd made her bed, hopefully, her roommates had done the same too. If not she'd be eternally annoyed with them

@Anyone Online
Hazel just sighed" its hard you know" she say as she just looked back at raiven but was already gone she had made her bed already the first thing she did when she woke up she just got out her phone' wake wakey Luka' she text her as she just looked at Reno' i will like that raiven will be like a sister to me i guess it just hard to lose someone and my father trying to take me away i hate him he could have stayed but no he left me and mom' she signed a bit angry she just sighed looking around the room' sorry i have dad isues but i'm okay as long i have my friend i be okay' she signed she was looking at her phone as she looked back up' i might have to get my school stuff but i don't wanna buy raiven and her boyfriend' she signed to him @ShadowSaber331& @Eternal Dragonchild
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"You too," Nathaniel said back to Adrian. He put his phone into his pocket and left the dorm room. He look at the time and saw that he had some minutes left before his class started, so he began to make his way to the cafeteria to wait there for a few minutes as the other students ate their breakfast. As Nathaniel was walking, he saw a boy headed to his class with his books. He recognized him as the French student. He decided to greet him to get to know him a better. "Good morning, how are you today," he said to Raphael with a smile, waiting for a response.


Raphael Moreau


        "Bonjour," I replied. As I always did. "My name is Raphael Moreau," I said. "Although, you speak as if you know me already. Albeit, one of the Elites notifying you of me," I noted. As I continue to walk towards class, expecting for him to follow, I don't like deserting people, but punctuality takes over the necessity of communication. I also noted on my way, "Pray tell, do you know whom you are fighting in today's mock fights?" I asked.

Nathaniel walked along with Raphael as he headed to his class. "I have heard you being mentioned before." he said. 'Also, my name is Nathaniel Reed, by the way." he said. He listened to Raphael, and admired his English. He was thinking that his English was more proper than his own. "I'm sorry, I do not know who I would be battling today," he answered.


Raphael Moreau


        "Ah, my English, it is very proper, no?" I asked. As he had reacted as if he was expecting some broken sentences. "I learn quickly, that is all," I had noted. As I walked into class, taking a seat and waiting for class to start.

Homura made his way down his path in the woods toward his old training ground he had always visited while at school "The teachers won't penalize me to badly for training will they?" He asked himself as he walked toward what looked to be a dark cave entrance protruding out of the hill side just along the path "I'm surprised they haven't found you yet" he smirked before walking into the cave and brought out a flame to light he way. He walked by what looked like scorch marks in the cavern walls and floor "I wonder what Kat or Clair would say about this place? They would probably either be angry and upset or jealous that I didn't share it with them" he started thinking about the girls who had recently caught his eye 'Push those thoughts out, he won't appreciate them while training' he thought to himself as he made his way into a naturally lit chamber at the end of the path "So you have arrived, are you sure you're ready for more of my training boy?" said a deep and rough voice from with in the cavern "Yes I am! Please you promised me you would show me how to control my flames completely, I need to know if I'm going to defeat him" Homura began almost pleading with the giant voice "He took everything away from me, I'm not going to let him take from me again" he said while he clenched his fists in slight rage. Homura took a moment to breath and gain composure "Boy, you are not yet ready to learn what I want to teach you. You have to much rage and hatred coming from your inner being that needs to be tamed first before gaining the power I wish to bestow upon you" said the voice again toward Homura "Please please you have to help me or he will take everything away again" he hated remembering the day his parents were killed but he also knew that he had to hold that memory with him if he wanted to beat the killer. The sound of a deep breath filled the chamber "I do not assist in revenge! Leave here and never return boy, I have fought you all that I could with the condition your mind is in. I can teach you no more until you deal with that temper of yours" said the deep voice before going completely silent, leaving Homura by himself in the cave.

Homura made his way back through the cave angrily "What the hell! He said he'd teach me everything I wanted to know but then he tells me to leave and never return" he started to grumble as he walked back to the academy. On his way back he melted a couple rocks and burned a bush to ash. He hated when he destroyed nature with his power but his flames reacted to his emotions more times than not so he decided he'd just let it be. When he finally made it back to the campus perimeter wall he enveloped himself in flames again and hopped the wall, climbing over it again, this time leaving melted hand prints in the places he had grabbed ahold of "Damn I'll have to tell Graham about that later..." he said o himself before taking a breath and calming down. Homura decided he would at least make it for his second class and made his way toward the main building.
Homura made his way down his path in the woods toward his old training ground he had always visited while at school "The teachers won't penalize me to badly for training will they?" He asked himself as he walked toward what looked to be a dark cave entrance protruding out of the hill side just along the path "I'm surprised they haven't found you yet" he smirked before walking into the cave and brought out a flame to light he way. He walked by what looked like scorch marks in the cavern walls and floor "I wonder what Kat or Clair would say about this place? They would probably either be angry and upset or jealous that I didn't share it with them" he started thinking about the girls who had recently caught his eye 'Push those thoughts out, he won't appreciate them while training' he thought to himself as he made his way into a naturally lit chamber at the end of the path "So you have arrived, are you sure you're ready for more of my training boy?" said a deep and rough voice from with in the cavern "Yes I am! Please you promised me you would show me how to control my flames completely, I need to know if I'm going to defeat him" Homura began almost pleading with the giant voice "He took everything away from me, I'm not going to let him take from me again" he said while he clenched his fists in slight rage. Homura took a moment to breath and gain composure "Boy, you are not yet ready to learn what I want to teach you. You have to much rage and hatred coming from your inner being that needs to be tamed first before gaining the power I wish to bestow upon you" said the voice again toward Homura "Please please you have to help me or he will take everything away again" he hated remembering the day his parents were killed but he also knew that he had to hold that memory with him if he wanted to beat the killer. The sound of a deep breath filled the chamber "I do not assist in revenge! Leave here and never return boy, I have fought you all that I could with the condition your mind is in. I can teach you no more until you deal with that temper of yours" said the deep voice before going completely silent, leaving Homura by himself in the cave.

Homura made his way back through the cave angrily "What the hell! He said he'd teach me everything I wanted to know but then he tells me to leave and never return" he started to grumble as he walked back to the academy. On his way back he melted a couple rocks and burned a bush to ash. He hated when he destroyed nature with his power but his flames reacted to his emotions more times than not so he decided he'd just let it be. When he finally made it back to the campus perimeter wall he enveloped himself in flames again and hopped the wall, climbing over it again, this time leaving melted hand prints in the places he had grabbed ahold of "Damn I'll have to tell Graham about that later..." he said o himself before taking a breath and calming down. Homura decided he would at least make it for his second class and made his way toward the main building.

Zenith sees homura out of the corner of his eye and walks close to him and says" i noticed your energy seems different and from what i've heard your personality has changed a lot as well, i'm not going to lecture you about not being in class but i do recommend being more careful from now one because not every one is as understanding as i'm when it comes to students". "  Well young homura i said what i needed to say now i'm heading back and i'll pretend i never saw you after all it's not like i didn't sneak off from time to time at school ".  Zenith eyes calm as a river but deep as an ocean he aura soft to show that he is being sincere and trying to be kind with out being to soft and being taken for a fool like many had in the past and paid the price for it.
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'Oooooh a Phoenix, how about that' said Homura a darks side, standing right beside him "Will you seriously stop, no one else can see you so it's not like.....wait what Phoenix?" He asked himself with curiosity as he watched he white haired teacher walk back toward he building. Homura looked over at his hallucination only to find it had disappeared again "This is seriously getting annoying" he said angrily as he walked back toward the school main building "I'm going to learn what he wanted to teach me, I won't give up till I do" he said to himself before opening the door and walking in. He wandered the hall until he found his second period class in the home economics room "Hey sorry I'm late, I had lost track of time" he said toward his teacher before making his way to the back of the room where an unoccupied oven had sat.
Clair had fallen into a deep sleep after dinner last night and as a result over slept. This resulted in her missing the entire first class , which also resulted in making her quite frustrated with herself. In a rush Clair threw on her clothing and addressed the essentials of hair , makeup and accessories , before quickly grabbing her mail and warping to class. Home Economics

Once seated Clair let out a soft sigh of relief and set about reading her mail as she awaited the class' start. Everything was pretty normal , vouchers , offers , bills , council spending receipts. However one letter managed to catch her eye. Said letter was sealed with an ink stamp and marked the Royal Army's insignia. Pushing the letter quickly into her bag Clair took a stand and made her way over to Homura , her partner in crime for this class.

Moving to pre heat the oven Clair began to make light conversation "Dinner sure was nice last night , I had of course given the go ahead on the menu but even I was surprised by the taste"

Clair had fallen into a deep sleep after dinner last night and as a result over slept. This resulted in her missing the entire first class , which also resulted in making her quite frustrated with herself. In a rush Clair threw on her clothing and addressed the essentials of hair , makeup and accessories , before quickly grabbing her mail and warping to class. Home Economics

Once seated Clair let out a soft sigh of relief and set about reading her mail as she awaited the class' start. Everything was pretty normal , vouchers , offers , bills , council spending receipts. However one letter managed to catch her eye. Said letter was sealed with an ink stamp and marked the Royal Army's insignia. Pushing the letter quickly into her bag Clair took a stand and made her way over to Homura , her partner in crime for this class.

Moving to pre heat the oven Clair began to make light conversation "Dinner sure was nice last night , I had of course given the go ahead on the menu but even I was surprised by the taste"


Ruby was moments behind clair and says" good afternoon clair and when your free there's some things i would like to discuss with you since we'll be working together", Ruby sits behind them and then goes silent and starts taking her things out and neatly organizing them. ' where is my loud mouth little sister it's second class and she's not here i hope she didn't get lost of forget the time i swear she's so hopeless sometimes well i can't hold her hand so hopefully she'll be here soon it would be a bore to have to watch her get told off on the first day', Ruby continues to watch people not really caring what they think of her and smiles wryly as if she sees something they don't. Some whisper" what a freak her eyes are like ice and she looks like a doll i bet she's a real cow". 

Issac hears them whispering and says" seriously how lame you judge a person before getting to know them not that i expect much for people with no sense and such i'm going to laugh if she turns on you and turns you to dust", He then gets out his bag and starts to neatly organize his stuff and says to himself" I wonder when they will arrive out of all the people they seem to be the least weird and such so that puts me at ease".  
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Akira walked behind Jason as he entered the class room. "Come on Aki you can't keep being so shy, what if I'm not around, you'll have to find someone else to hide behind and to do that you actually need to start talking to people you don't know." He sighed and sat at an empty spot that had another beside it so that they could stick together. "I know, but you are here and until that day comes, I sorry but I am going to continue hiding behind you. And since when have you ever cared that I do that!" She said accusingly in a hushed voice. "You've never had a problem with it before!" Jason gave another large sigh. "Since we came to a school where I might not be in your class and we might be separated. It's not like I'll be in any of your classes that might involve magic. Am I wrong?" He looked at her with the same type of accusation she had used in her tone. "Things were different back home. You were the only one other than your parents that could use magic and so there wasn't anything that could separate us, but now there is and you're gonna have to get used to it. It's not like I actually want to get separated it just that this is the reality of it now. I like having you by my side all the time, it's become natural but that's not the case anymore." He began preparing some ingredients seeing as how others had done so while Akira pre heated the oven. "I know. I know." She said defeated. "I'll get better with talking to strangers one day." "Why don’t you start now? Talk to that boy who's alone." He nodded his head towards a boy who sat alone. Akira looked at Jason with wide eyes that resembled those of a small terrified creature. “Go on.” He said with a smile and a small nudge. “You can do it, you did it with me all those years ago didn’t you?” She gave a small nod and walked over to the boy. “H…hello….my n…names Akir…a….whatsss yours?” She asked him shuffling her feet and hands as she avoided eye contact with him. She was profusely uncomfortable and felt a mass surge of anxiety simply trying to get the words out; not only did the look she gave Jason resemble a small terrified animal but now her whole body language and mannerism did as well. @Leo Radomir

Raphael Moreau


        I was there, in Home Economics. My first class. Calm down Raphael, it is merely the 1st class since the break. You've had plenty of those in your life. I'd settle down in a seat and put away the books I don't need, as I got out a pencil and waiting for instruction.
Akira walked behind Jason as he entered the class room. "Come on Aki you can't keep being so shy, what if I'm not around, you'll have to find someone else to hide behind and to do that you actually need to start talking to people you don't know." He sighed and sat at an empty spot that had another beside it so that they could stick together. "I know, but you are here and until that day comes, I sorry but I am going to continue hiding behind you. And since when have you ever cared that I do that!" She said accusingly in a hushed voice. "You've never had a problem with it before!" Jason gave another large sigh. "Since we came to a school where I might not be in your class and we might be separated. It's not like I'll be in any of your classes that might involve magic. Am I wrong?" He looked at her with the same type of accusation she had used in her tone. "Things were different back home. You were the only one other than your parents that could use magic and so there wasn't anything that could separate us, but now there is and you're gonna have to get used to it. It's not like I actually want to get separated it just that this is the reality of it now. I like having you by my side all the time, it's become natural but that's not the case anymore." He began preparing some ingredients seeing as how others had done so while Akira pre heated the oven. "I know. I know." She said defeated. "I'll get better with talking to strangers one day." "Why don’t you start now? Talk to that boy who's alone." He nodded his head towards a boy who sat alone. Akira looked at Jason with wide eyes that resembled those of a small terrified creature. “Go on.” He said with a smile and a small nudge. “You can do it, you did it with me all those years ago didn’t you?” She gave a small nod and walked over to the boy. “H…hello….my n…names Akir…a….whatsss yours?” She asked him shuffling her feet and hands as she avoided eye contact with him. She was profusely uncomfortable and felt a mass surge of anxiety simply trying to get the words out; not only did the look she gave Jason resemble a small terrified animal but now her whole body language and mannerism did as well. @Leo Radomir

Issac gently smiles and says" oh it's fruit girl just joking i remember you akira we spoke briefly during supper my name begins with a i that's your clue before we rush into anything else", He goes silent and leans back so he doesn't scare her any more than she already is. 
Akira looked up and immediately remembered sitting with him at the cafeteria. "Oh..r...right...Isaac i...isn't it?" She asked. Jason smiled she was doing good considering, he had done it on purpose to send her to Isaac, the male they had met at the cafeteria so that she would be able to gain some courage in talking to him. "How. a..are you?" She asked, not entirely sure how to spark up a conversation with someone, Jason was usually the one to take care of the talking. "J...Jay says...hi by the w...way." Know damned well that Jason had sent her to Isaac on purpose, she knew him to well to think otherwise. She would get him back later for having sent her to someone she already knew while making her think she didn't know him at all, it had made her look like a complete idiot by making her ask what his bloody name was when she already knew it! @Leo Radomir
'Don't worry,' Reno signed to Hazel. 'Raiven will be sure to take care of you, as long as you make sure she doesn't suffer another sugar crash.' Reno thought about how hilarious Raiven was when she's not hopped up on sugar. Just seeing her looking like she was hung over after a new years party made him giggle slightly. 'On second thought,' he signed again. 'She's funny as hell when she's not running on sugar, so let her ride out the sugar crash for a few minutes.' Since school was about to officially start in a few minutes, he figured he should get some stuff ready himself. 'I wouldn't worry about it yet,' he signed yet again. 'For now, head to your dorm, read over your schedule, and get the items you need based on that.'

Homura looked over at Clair with a sleeping stare "Oh...uh hey what's up? Yea dinner was pretty good huh?" He said as his face heated up, turning a pale red "Do you excited to be back for our final year here? I'm still not sure what I'll do once I graduate" he started rambling on about school and jobs and other things. Homura remembered his night with Clair but all it did was make him feel even more shy around her "So.....Clair...what do you think we're making today? Hopefully something bakeable and sweet" he said as a suggestion hoping that they were making a pastry of some kind, at least then he could finally get her to try some of his baking master pieces. He had been unsuccessful over the last couple years but he felt confident now.

(Sorry I was busy traveling over the last few days I'm back now if this one is still alive)

@Mr Swiftshots

Luka sleepily wandered into Home Economics, her hair a fluff ball and sleep in her eyes. She took a seat next to Leo and rested her head on the desk with a huff.

"Monung" she burbled from beneath the hair curtain.


Hanako stepped into the classroom and tapped Raphael on his shoulder with her pencil "Ohaiyo Raphael-Chan" She greeted her fellow transfer student cheerfully, after all it helped her to have a friend who was in a similar position to her. 

"How are you today?" She enquired, simply making conversation to pass the time. 


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